Winter 2015 - North Kansas City School District

Professional &
Community Education
2 0 1 5
W i n t e r
C l a s s
Sc h e d u l e
Erin Pearce
10 years
Classes to Enhance Your Life and Career
Inspire Your Inner Artist
Mary Wilcutt
Mural Artist
40 years
Intermediate Drawing
PREREQUISITE: Beginning Drawing
Arts & Crafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
We will study the features and proportions of the
face from pictures and life to complete a finished
pencil portrait. Colored pencils may be used.
Business. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Children & Youth. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Education & Training. . . . . . . . 12
Foods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Health & Wellness. . . . . . . . . . . 12
Language. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Medical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Music & Dance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Suzie Smith
Watercolor Artist
18 years
Beginning Watercolor
Watercolor students will learn this media
through basic techniques, tools and composition.
Class concludes with production of a finished
work of art. Individual attention and ample
studio time is emphasized in this class.
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Sports & Fitness. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Web & Computer
Programming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Pat Kirk
Writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Stained-glass Artist
27 years
Adventure Club. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
AEL/ELL for Adults . . . . . . . . . . 19
Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Senior Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . 17
YouthFriends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Classes are for adults
18 years and older
unless otherwise specified.
North Kansas City Schools
Mosaic Gazing Ball
Learn a fun way to use an old bowling ball. Cover
it with bits of stained glass, nuggets, and grout in
an intriguing design to make a fun “gazing” ball.
Mosaic Butterfly
Have fun creating your own beautiful design on
a large MDF cut-out butterfly.
Fused-glass Pendants
You will make a unique and lovely fused-glass
pendant by choosing a base shape and
decorative accents with dicroic glass.
Residents and non-residents can enroll.
Register early. Classes fill quickly!
Arts & Crafts
Dare to Dabble
K ansas City ’s Teaching Ar t Studio
Instructor Erin Pearce is co-owner of Dare to Dabble LLC. She holds a
BA degree in Art Education from the UMKC and BA degree in Studio Art.
Family Painting, I Can Do That!
Make memories and a family keepsake
in this fun class. Bring the whole crew to
create your very own family painting on a
16 X 20 canvas. All the supplies are provided
including aprons.
1 PM-2: 30 PM
Dare to Dabble Art Studio
Days: Su
Sessions: 1
Hoop Art (Age 12 & Up)
Designed for beginners, although open to
anyone who wants to pick up a needle again,
you will learn basic embroidery stitches and
techniques. All the supplies you need to create
a fun design are provided. Children under 18
must be accompanied by a parent.
7 PM-9 PM
Dare to Dabble Art Studio
Days: T
Sessions: 1
Basic DSLR
This course is designed to acquaint the amateur
photographer with the majority of the functions
on their camera. You will learn what it takes to
make a good exposure in most lighting situations,
how to compose your images, and how and
where to properly focus on your main subject.
We will take one or two field trips which may
include, but are not limited to, the City Market,
Liberty Memorial (at night), Union Station or any
other fun location. You are required to have a
DSLR (interchangeable lens camera) and a tripod.
Duct Tape Journals
and Glitter Pens (Grade 1 & Up)
Be creative! Make a unique duct tape journal
to store your creative thoughts. You will learn
several techniques and ways to work with
duct tape. You can personalize your design to
fit your style. Inspire your writing further with
a homemade glitter pen to take home. Make
and take any time between 10 AM and 4 PM.
10 AM-4 PM
Dare to Dabble Art Studio
Days: T
Sessions: 1
Alcohol Ink Jewelry, I Can Do That!
These little bottles of ink are really fun and
have loads of amazing applications. In this
“I can do that” class you will explore alcohol
ink on two different surfaces. You will learn how
to add texture with stamps and embellish
your work to create a stunning pendant.
All supplies included.
7 PM-9 PM
Dare to Dabble Art Studio
Days: T
Sessions: 1
Beginning Drawing
Drawing fundamentals are essential for good
skills in the drawing process. The lessons in
beginning drawing help students to understand
how these fundamentals will help process and
execute the skills to give realism to a drawing.
Classes are taught in a progression to achieve an
understanding of how to construct a drawing
with confidence. Each class is important and
builds on the preceding one. The medium for
this class is graphite. No color is introduced in
beginning drawing.
Days: T
6 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 8
Antioch Middle School, Room 120
Instructor Bonnie Shelton is an award-winning
artist who has been teaching drawing and
painting since 1978.
“Bonnie is an excellent instructor,
very patient and thorough. I highly
recommend her class.”
— R. George
Beginning Drawing II
This class is designed for students to continue in
the basics of beginning drawing. The instructor
will provide advanced training in value studies
and introduction to concepts of composition.
Days: T
Sessions: 2
6 PM-8: 30 PM
Antioch Middle School, Room 120
Days: Th
7 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 6
Antioch Middle School, Room 133
Instructor Bonnie Shelton
Days: Th
7 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 6
Antioch Middle School, Room 133
We will study the features and proportions of the
face from pictures and life to complete a finished
pencil portrait. Colored pencils may be used.
A supply list will be provided.
Instructor Angie Jennings has more than 20 years
photographic experience with a passion to teach
others about photography.
Days: T
6: 30 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 8
Antioch Middle School, Room 121
“Fantastic class! Angie helped me pull together all the bits
and pieces I have learned elsewhere and made it useful.”
— R. Behrens
Intermediate Drawing
PREREQUISITE: Beginning Drawing
Instructor Mary Wilcutt has painted various
murals, backdrops and paintings in Northland
businesses and private homes.
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
Beginning Watercolor
Watercolor students will learn this media
through basic techniques, tools and composition.
Class concludes with production of a finished
work of art. Individual attention and ample
studio time is emphasized in this class.
Mosaic Butterfly
Have fun creating your own beautiful design on
a large MDF cut-out butterfly. Approximate size
is 18” x 16”. Please bring safety glasses, and vinyl
gloves. Other tools will be furnished. Supply fee
is $35 (payable to the instructor)
Days: F
1: 30 PM-4 PM
Sessions: 6
Northland Human Services Center,
Suite 2400
Days: Th
6 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 2
Antioch Middle School, Room 120
Days: Th
6: 30 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 6
Antioch Middle School, Room 121
Instructor Suzie Smith has taught adults on the
local, state and national levels. She has artwork
hanging in various galleries and in the homes
of collectors.
Survival Sewing
Why take things to a tailor when you can do it
yourself? Learn basic and essential hand sewing
skills to save you time and money. We will learn
how to sew on and replace buttons, hem pants
or skirts, mend small rips and tears, fix snags,
and other basic wardrobe maintenance skills.
No sewing experience or fancy gadgets are
necessary. Bring a $15 supply fee and go home
with a sewing kit equipped to handle survival
sewing needs.
Days: T
6: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School, Media Center
Instructor Sharon Euler is a skilled designer,
dressmaker and tailor. Her hobbies include
sewing, knitting and crocheting
Knitting for the Beginner
Learn how easy it is to create beautiful handmade
knitted items. You will learn how to knit and
purl, read patterns, and to fix mistakes. Your first
project will be a “designer” scarf or a dishcloth.
Supply list will be provided or you may purchase
a supply kit from the instructor for $30.
Days: Sa
9: 30 AM-11: 30 AM
Sessions: 4
Northland Human Services Center,
Suite 2400 Room C
Instructor Sharon Euler
Instructor Pat Kirk
Learn to Crochet (Age 12 & Up)
Learn to crochet with yarn to make fun clothing
and accessories for you or your home. You will
learn the basic crochet stitches, how to follow
patterns, and will make your choice of a scarf
or dishcloth. Please bring a size G crochet hook
and worsted weight yarn in a light color. Or you
may buy supplies from the instructor for $15
including an instruction book, a crochet hook,
practice yarn and project yarn.
Days: Sa
9: 30 AM-11: 30 AM
Sessions: 4
Northland Human Services Center,
Suite 2400 Room C
Instructor Sharon Euler
Knitting & Crochet for the Season
PREREQUISITE: Basic knitting or crochet skills
— K. Hartman
Fused-glass Pendants
You will make a unique and lovely fused-glass
pendant by choosing a base shape and
decorative accents with dicroic glass. Tools
and materials will be furnished. The piece will
be fired and ready for pick-up the following
week. Supply fee of $25 per pendant payable
to the instructor.
Days: Th
Sessions: 1
6 PM-9 PM
Antioch Middle School, Room 120
Come with projects to make for the season or
get ideas from the instructor to knit or crochet.
Instructor Pat Kirk
Days: Sa
9: 30 AM-11: 30 AM
Sessions: 2
Northland Human Services Center,
Suite 2400 Room C
T-shirt Quilt
Take 10-20 T-shirts and turn them into a
keepsake quilt, which makes a great gift or
graduation present. Students need basic sewing
skills. A supply list will be provided.
Instructor Sharon Euler
Days: Th
Sessions: 6
6: 45 PM-9 PM
Antioch Middle School, Room Cafeteria I
Mosaic Gazing Ball
Learn a fun way to use that old bowling ball
taking up space in your closet! We will cover it
with bits of stained glass, nuggets, and grout
in an intriguing design to make a fun “gazing”
ball. If you furnish your own bowling ball, the
supply fee is $20. If you need a bowling ball,
an additional $5 supply fee is payable to the
instructor. Please bring safety glasses and vinyl
gloves. Tools will be provided for use during class.
Days: Th
6 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 2
Antioch Middle School, Room 120
Instructor Pat Kirk has been working with stained
glass for more than 30 years and mosaic art for
more than eight years.
“Pat was wonderful to work with. I really
enjoyed her expertise and willingness to
let us be creative.”
North Kansas City Schools •
Instructor Lisa Miller is an award-winning quilter.
She has been making quilts since 1983.
See page 20 for
location of buildings.
Navigating the iPad
Do you want to learn more about the capabilities
of your iPad? Beginning or novice users should
attend these engaging and informative sessions
to learn how to navigate through the confusion.
Topics include basic navigation, apps, social
media, Internet/email and much more. Please
bring your iPad.
Days: W
6: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 2
Northland Human Services Center,
Conference Room
Days: W
6: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 2
Northland Human Services Center,
Conference Room
Instructor Mike Ramirez taught high school
German for 30 years and is assistant professor
of technology education at MidAmerica
Nazarene University.
Introduction to Android Tablets
Do you have an Android tablet? Do you want to
know more about its capabilities? Beginner or
novice users should attend these engaging and
informative sessions to learn how to navigate
through the confusion! Topics include basic
navigation, apps, social media, internet/email,
and much more. Please bring your Android
tablet to class.
Days: W
6: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 2
Antioch Middle School, Room 114
Instructor Mike Ramirez
Couponing Bootcamp
Be organized. Save money. Mother of three will
teach you how to find coupons and organize
them. Learn the tips and tricks to big savings.
Bring your own scissors and coupons. Supply fee
$9 payable to the instructor.
Days: Th
6 PM-8 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School, Room 136A
Instructor Heather Brassfield is a super-organized
mother of three who has been clipping coupons
and price matching for more than three years.
Death & Taxes
Probate, Wills, Power of Attorney, Trusts, Health
Care Decisions, and Estate Taxes! We will help you
understand the basics of estate planning. Senior
discount applies.
Days: T
7 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 2
Antioch Middle School, Room 136A
Instructor John Sanderford is a Northland
attorney who has worked primarily in the field
of estate planning for more than 15 years. He is
a member of the National Academy of Elder
Law Attorneys, a member of the Missouri Bar
Association Probate and Trust Committee, and
Subcommittee for Trust Revision.
Alphabet Soup of Medicare Insurance
What is Medicare Part A and B? How do Medicare
Supplement plans fill coverage gaps? What
is Plan C, Plan F, and let’s not forget the new
prescription drug Plan D? Learn more about new
updates for Medicare PPOs and HMOs. Spouses
are welcome. Senior discount applies.
Days: Th
6: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School Media Center
Instructor Jeff David has been an insurance
professional since 1987. He has owned his own
insurance agency for more than 10 years.
College: Getting There from Here
Whether your children or grandchildren are
learning to crawl or learning to drive, you can help
make a college education a reality. We’ll discuss
establishing a college savings goal, strategies to
help you reach your goal, and the features and
benefits of 529 college savings plans.
Days: T
6 PM-7: 30 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School, Room 136
Instructor Jeff King is a financial advisor with
Edward Jones as well as an Adjunct Professor
at Park University School of Business.
Rules of the Road
This seminar explores how you can move toward
your financial goals with Edward Jones’ 10 Rules
of the Road to investing. These rules will help you
learn the fundamental concepts of investing and
potential strategies to help you build wealth.
Days: T
7 PM-8 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School, Room 133
Instructor Jeff King
Getting the Most from Social Security
Are you aware that a few key decisions can make
a big difference in the amount of your Social
Security benefit? Learn strategies to maximize
your benefit by joining Warren for a brief and
informative seminar. The session will cover key
Social Security benefit decisions, simple steps
that can help maximize your benefit, and how to
get started. Senior discount applies.
Days: Th
6: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School, Room Media Center
Instructor Warren Varney (MoneySmart Living)
has 30 years of experience helping people
manage money, debt, and investments. Securities
offered through Peak Brokerage Services, LLC;
Member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services offered
through Peak Wealth Group, LLC.
Home Selling 101
You will learn everything from pricing to closing,
including who is going to help you with the
paperwork. We will discuss marketing, title work,
disclosures, contracts, contingencies, inspections,
appraisals and warranties. We’ll evaluate who is
likely to buy your home, and how to deal with
buyers and/or agents.
Days: T
6 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School, Room 134
Instructor John Anderson is a real estate agent
for Woodward Real Estate with more than 10
years experience as a realtor.
Start Your Own Small Business
Learn how to take your dream of starting a
business and put it into action. In this class,
you’ll learn everything you need to know about
starting a business. You’ll begin by discovering
the tricks to picking the right opportunity for
you. Next, you’ll learn how to develop proven
marketing techniques to easily build sales.
Since every business needs money, we’ll
discuss traditional and nontraditional financing
options. Finally, you’ll learn easy-to-implement
employee-management procedures and how
to write business policies that help you build
your business.
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
A to Z Grant Writing
A to Z Grant Writing is an invigorating and
informative course that will equip you with the
skills and tools you need to enter the exciting
field of grant writing! You’ll learn how to raise
needed funds by discovering how and where to
look for potential funders who are a good match
for your organization. You’ll also learn how to
network and develop true partnerships with a
variety of funders, how to organize a successful
grant-writing campaign, and how to put
together a complete proposal package.
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2010
Do you work with numbers? Then you need to
master Microsoft Excel 2010 – and this is the
place to do it. Even “non-techie” beginners will
find it easy to learn Excel in this fun, step-by-step
online course. You’ll learn the secrets behind
writing powerful mathematical formulas and
discover how to use the function wizard to
quickly and automatically calculate statistics,
loan payments, future value, and more.
Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2013
You will learn dozens of shortcuts and tricks for
setting up fully formatted worksheets quickly and
efficiently. You’ll learn the secrets behind writing
powerful mathematical formulas and discover
how to use the function wizard to quickly and
automatically calculate statistics, loan payments,
future value, and more. This informative course
covers the new Quick Analysis, Flash Fill, and
charting capabilities available in Excel 2013.
Introduction to QuickBooks 2014
Learn to manage the financial aspects of your
small business quickly and efficiently with
this powerful accounting software program.
QuickBooks is designed especially for the small to
midsized business owner who enjoys Quicken’s
ease of use but prefers a more traditional
approach to accounting. You’ll gain hands-on
experience as you learn how this well-designed
accounting program can make it a snap to set up
a chart of accounts; reconcile your checking
account; create and print invoices, receipts, and
statements; track your payables, inventory, and
receivables; create estimates; and generate reports.
Accounting Fundamentals
Whether you’re a sole proprietor looking to
manage your business finances or you simply
want to gain an understanding of accounting
basics for career advancement, this course will give
you a solid foundation in financial matters. You’ll
learn the basics of double-entry bookkeeping,
as well as how to analyze and record financial
transactions. You’ll get hands-on experience with
handling accounts receivable, accounts payable,
payroll procedures, sales taxes, and various
common banking activities. We’ll cover all the
bases, from writing checks to preparing an
income statement and closing out accounts
at the end of each fiscal period.
Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2010
Take your Excel skills to the next level! Master
charting, PivotTables, Slicers, Sparklines, and
other advanced features of Microsoft Excel
2010, and discover how this powerful MS Office
program can boost your productivity. You’ll also
discover how to use Goal Seek and Solver and
apply them to real-world problems. And you’ll
set yourself apart from the casual Excel user by
adding VLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH, and Excel’s
other time-saving functions to your repertoire.
Advanced Microsoft Excel 2013
In this practical and information-packed course,
you’ll see how to maximize advanced Excel
functions and capabilities.
Growing Plants for Fun and Profit
Grow and market plants on a small scale without
major capital investment. In an area as small
as 1000 sq. ft., you can generate thousands of
dollars worth of plant material in a single growing
season. This course is your practical guide to
licensing, site preparation, equipment, how
and where to find supplies, how to select and
produce plants appropriate to your climate
zone, how to produce quality material and, most
importantly, how to market your product.
Advanced Microsoft Excel 2010
Learn how Excel 2010 table tools take
the complexity out of table creation and
management. As you become proficient at
nesting functions within other functions, you’ll
be able to accomplish just about anything
Microsoft Excel has to offer! Impress your
coworkers by learning how to add functional
and eye-catching custom controls to any
worksheet and how to use scenarios and data
tables to quickly perform what-if data analyses.
You’ll discover advanced techniques for
PivotTables, such as creating calculated
fields and calculated items. Become adept at
consolidating and importing external data,
and master the art of conditional formatting to
highlight duplicate entries and other common
worksheet problems.
North Kansas City Schools •
Supervisory & Leadership Certificate
Your employees are your most valuable resources.
Ensuring the efficiency of your team is the key
to your success and is your most important
responsibility. Get practical, easy to understand,
and insightful methods for new and even
experienced supervisors and managers. Learn
about effective delegation, performance
management, and writing performance reviews.
Discuss the specifics of the supervisor’s role
and responsibilities, and learn strategies for
improving your overall effectiveness as a leader.
Instructor Sally Klauss, MBA, CPCC, has an
extensive background in management,
employee training and development, total quality
management and business management.
Take a journey into the world of creative
presentations. Bring your vision to life with
Prezi and leave PowerPoint behind. Learn
how to use and engage your creative side for
amazing presentations. Your audience will be
stimulated with what you are presenting, as
well as, how you are presenting.
Instructor Kimba Green, PMP, CEH, CMP, CMB, ZK,
is founder of White Lion Social, a social media
training, management and training company,
where she works with commercial, government,
small business and corporate clients.
Photoshop for Presentations
Acquire the skills to navigate an extensive
list of photoshop features. You will gain
both a foundational and advanced
understanding of the popular software, and
practice the most commonly used methods,
such as managing text, working with layers,
and image file properties. You will find out
the purpose of each photo-editing tool and
walk away with the skills to use them. You will
even learn what the pros know.
Instructor Daniel Hood has more than 14 years
of experience in the graphic arts. He has worked
as a production artist, pre-press technician for a
professional printer and creative designer at an
advertising agency.
Enroll in all three courses and earn a Certificate in Presentation Media
Revenue Generation
for Nonprofits
Build revenue streams for your
nonprofit organization. Discover
how to increase revenue from
your current activities. Develop
strategies for building new ones.
Know how to effectively set
prices or fees. Understand the
20% that generates 80% of your
revenue. After taking this course,
you will have the knowledge
to improve your revenue
generation and generate a
better surplus.
Instructor Fred Bayley has
extensive service working on
non-profit boards from creation
to re-organization. He has
helped rejuvenate a number
of non-profits to become more
self-sustaining and to fulfill
their mission and complete
their vision.
Program Evaluation for
Nonprofit Professionals
Enhance your understanding
of program evaluation within
the nonprofit context. Find out
how to improve your evaluation
planning, data collection, data
analysis and data use. Special
attention will be paid to the
real-world challenges that
organizations may face when
conducting evaluations, including
staff time, costs and reporting
evaluation results to funders. By
the close of the course, you will
have a complete program logic
and model and evaluation plan
ready for implementation.
Enroll in both courses and earn
a Certificate in Nonprofit
North Kansas City Schools Community Education Services offers classes to the public
for purposes of information, instruction, enlightenment, and example only.
Such classes are not to be construed as endorsement or investment recommendations
from the individual instructor, his or her company, or Community Education.
Graphic Design for Visual Presentations
Make your visual presentations look
professional and communicate effectively.
Get the latest most advanced techniques
on graphic design principles, including
page layout, typography and basic design
considerations. Take away more skills to create
an effective and beautiful visual presentation
on any presentation software program that
you choose.
Career Center
Adult and Community Education
Welding – Open Entry – Starts January 26
EMT – Starts February 2015
Practical Nursing Program
Entrance Exam testing resumes January 7
Class begins August 2015
C.N.A. Challenge – Call for dates
Now enrolling online.
Northland Career Center
1801 Branch St.
Platte City, MO 64079
Phone: 816-858-5505
See website for further details
Our mission: To prepare students for a continually
changing world by providing relevant experiences.
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
Children & Youth
Community Education
Preschool Program
B orn to L earn
Shelli Wilson, Teacher • Becky LaNoue, Instructional Assistant
Registration for Fall 2015 Begins March 2, 2015.
Early Childhood Certified Teacher
Positive approach to kindergarten readiness
Developmentally appropriate practices
Stimulating and attractive environment
Nurturing learning experience
Rich opportunities for discovery, creativity and problem solving
Age-appropriate playground
North Kansas City Schools
As Teachers
Days: Monday through Friday
OR Monday, Wednesday and Friday
OR Tuesday and Thursday
An early learning program
for parents of children ages birth
through 5 years. Give your baby
the best possible start in life.
Times: AM session 9:30 AM to Noon
PM session 12:45 PM to 3:15 PM
Fees: A $45 nonrefundable registration fee
is payable at the time of enrollment.
Tuition: $220 per month (Mon through Fri)
$135 per month (Mon, Wed, and Fri)
$89 per month (Tues and Thurs)
Location:Staley High School Child Development Wing
Each child must be potty-trained and
4 years old by July 31, 2015.
The enrollment form and immunization
record must be on file in the school office
before school begins. Parents are
responsible for transportation.
ACT Preparation Course
The ACT is the most widely used test for college
entrance and scholastic scholarships in the
Midwest. This course will refresh your math and
English skills, and give you the test-taking tips
you need to be more prepared and potentially
improve your scores. Test preparation has been
shown to improve scores up to three points.
A practice test will be given. Registering for this
class DOES NOT register your student for the
ACT test. Students register for the ACT test at
http: //
Services include:
• Personal home visits
• Parent-child activity events
• Developmental screening
• Hearing and vision screenings
To enroll in this
free program,
call 816-413-5226.
Days: T Th
6 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 6
Antioch Middle School, Room 134
Instructor Graceann Milano has been teaching
English and Broadcasting for more than 13 years.
She is a trained ACT Prep instructional coach.
Days: T Th
6 PM-8 PM
Sessions: 6
Antioch Middle School, Room 134
“Both teachers were great. Never thought
I would have learned THIS much in only
six total classes.”
Instructor Denise Drecktrah has been teaching
high school math for more than 14 years. She is
a trained ACT Prep instructional coach.
North Kansas City Schools •
— D. Edwards
Become a Love and Logic Parent
Families will discover new positive guidance
techniques following Love and Logic principles.
Techniques are designed to reduce adult stress
while building responsibility and accountability
in children. Avoid power struggles and build
character, teach children problem-solving skills,
and help them resist dangerous behavior.
Days: Th
6 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 2
Antioch Middle School, Room 136A
Instructor Christi Smith has a bachelor’s in
psychology, and child and family development
with more than 20 years experience in the child
care industry including birth to teens.
Please keep a copy of your
class dates and times
as a reminder.
Baby Sitter Training (Age 11-15)
Baby-sitting is fun, but must be taken seriously
and responsibly. Youth will learn the knowledge
and skills necessary to safely and responsibly
give care for children and infants. This training
will help participants develop leadership skills,
learn how to develop a baby-sitting business,
keep themselves and others safe, help children
behave, and learn about basic child care and
basic first aid. The recommended age for this
course is 11-15 years old. Please bring bottled
water, snacks and a sack lunch.
Days: Sa
9 AM-4 PM
Sessions: 1
Northland Human Services Center,
Room 2400 Main Room
Days: Sa
Sessions: 1
9 AM-4 PM
Northland Human Services Center,
Room 2400 Main Room
Instructor Jennifer Johnson has worked in the
NKC Schools School Age Child Care Program for
more than 16 years and has been a Red Cross
certified instructor for 10 years.
Northland Knights
Chess Club
Nationally certified
chess coach, Ken Fee,
and his staff of certified
chess instructors
from The Kansas City
Chess Club will be
teaching players
about important
rules, chess
etiquette, strategy,
openings, end games and tactics. Research
says chess improves test scores on Math
and Reading. The Kansas City Chess Club
curriculum will guide students from Pawnto-King level advancement. Progress will be
measured by a chess skills test taken at the
end of each level. Students may participate
as a team against other schools at local
chess tournaments.
8: 15 AM-9 AM
Bell Prairie Elementary
Media Center
Days: Th
Sessions: 15
8: 15 AM-9 AM
Briarcliff Elementary
Media Center
Days: M
Sessions: 15
8: 15 AM-9 AM
Chapel Hill Elementary
Media Center
Days: M
Sessions: 5
Days: T
Sessions: 15
8: 15 AM-9 AM
Fox Hill Elementary, Room 73
Making a Difference Everyday
Quality Before- and After-School Care for Grades K-5
Vanessa New, Coordinator
Kelly Estes, Training Specialist
Lorie Stockton, Tracy Fenster, Becky Hogge,
Administrative Assistants
8: 15 AM-9 AM
Linden West Elementary
Media Center
Days: F
Sessions: 5
7: 45 AM-8: 30 AM
Nashua Elementary
Media Center
Days: W
Sessions: 15
7: 45 AM-8: 30 AM
Northview Elementary
Media Center
Days: F
Sessions: 15
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
Baton Twirling (Age 4 & Up)
Whether you are a beginner or advanced
twirler, we invite you to come learn the
art of baton twirls and foot work. Build a routine
that can be used for talent shows, competition or
just for fun. Beginner and professional batons are
available from the instructor.
6: 30 PM-7: 30 PM
Gashland Elementary Gym
Days: Th
Sessions: 8
Instructor Tammy Debrick is an award winning
baton twirler. She has held many local, state, and
national titles while competing.
Mommy & Me (Age 1-3)
This is a great way to bond with your child while
you both learn balance, coordination and
flexibility. The first 15 minutes are a “follow the
teacher” exercise in dance including a slow
stretch, shakers and lots of fun movement. The
second half of class is in the acrobat room where
your dancer will get to jump on the trampoline,
walk on a low balance beam and begin to learn
tumbling basics. Come dressed comfortably
(no denim please) with a clean pair of tennis
shoes for the child and socks for mom or dad.
10: 30 AM-11 AM
Miss Dianna’s School of Dance
Days: Sa
Sessions: 6
Instructor Dianna Pfaff has been teaching dance
since 1975. She judges dance competitions and
also choreographs area high school events.
Combination Dance and Acrobatics
(Age 3-5)
Your child will be introduced to tap, ballet and
tumbling by trained staff with a love for teaching
children. Our studio is a fun and positive
atmosphere for your child’s first experience in
the exciting world of dance! Boys and girls will
enjoy the high energy class which will help them
gain balance and agility. They will focus on all the
keys to becoming a top athlete. Come dressed
comfortably (no denim please) with a clean pair
of tennis shoes. Dance clothes and shoes are not
required but are welcome.
9: 30 AM-10: 30 AM
Miss Dianna’s School of Dance
Days: Sa
Sessions: 6
10 AM-11 AM
Miss Dianna’s School of Dance
Days: Th
Sessions: 6
Instructor Dianna Pfaff
Combination Dance and Acrobatics
(Age 4-11)
Your child will be introduced to tap, ballet and
tumbling by trained staff with a love for teaching
children. Our studio is a fun and positive
atmosphere for your child’s first experience in
the exciting world of dance! Boys and girls will
enjoy the high energy class which will help them
gain balance and agility. They will focus on all the
keys to becoming a top athlete. Come dressed
comfortably (no denim please) with a clean pair
of tennis shoes. Dance clothes and shoes are not
required but are welcome.
Heartland Singers
5: 30 PM-6: 30 PM
Miss Dianna’s School of Dance
Heartland Singers provides a fun
singing opportunity to learn and
perform quality music literature.
Participants will focus on good choral
singing including the elements of
diction, harmony singing, tone
quality, and musicianship.
Days: T
Sessions: 6
Instructor Dianna Pfaff
Duct Tape Journals and Glitter Pens
NEW (Grade 1 & Up)
Be creative! Make a unique duct tape
journal to store your creative thoughts. You will
learn several techniques and ways to work with
duct tape. You can personalize your design to fit
your style. Inspire your writing further with a
homemade glitter pen to take home. Make and
take any time between 10 AM and 4 PM.
10 AM-4 PM
Dare to Dabble Art Studio
Days: T
Sessions: 1
Instructor Erin Pearce is co-owner of Dare to
Dabble LLC. She holds a BA degree in Art
Education from the UMKC and BA degree in
Studio Art.
(Gr 4-6)
Cost includes enrollment fee, music
and T-shirt.
Directed by experienced music
specialists, the Heartland Singers will
have a great time preparing concerts
and other performance opportunities.
Come to our first rehearsal on
January 5 and check it out.
You can audition for the director
after rehearsal and sign up then.
If selected, please call
816-413-5460 to enroll.
Concert date is April 27, 2015.
Instructor Sheree Yoder is a professional
pianist and violinist with more than
30 years experience as a music teacher.
Give the Gift of Education
North Kansas City Schools
Community Education classes make
the perfect gift for any occasion.
Call 816-413-5460 today
to order your gift.
North Kansas City Schools •
Days: M
6: 30 PM-7: 30 PM
Sessions: 14
No class 1/19, 2/16, 3/16
Antioch Middle School, Room 137
Children are encouraged
to bring a water bottle to class.
Cycle of Seasons: Sun Catchers
(Age 3 1/2-5 years)
Celebrate your preschooler’s growing
independence and love of the outdoors
with activities involving the four seasons.
Developed to build attention and selfexpression, activities include singing, chanting,
moving, focused listening, musical games,
exploring musical instruments, creative
movement and storytelling. The Cycle of
Seasons nurtures your growing child’s ability
to use language and participate in dramatic
play within a musical context. Fun family
packets, including wonderful CDs, are
included for use at home to increase family
involvement in the learning process.
Family Music for Babies:
Wiggles, Giggles, and Tickles
(4-15 months)
Learn how to play musically with your baby!
This class is designed for parents and their
babies to take together. Each class features
bouncing and rocking songs, wiggle and
peek-a-boo games, and other fun activities
for the two of you. Musikgarten musical play
will increase your baby’s curiosity about
music and help to develop listening skills and
a sense of beat. It also helps to establish a
foundation for singing and musical thought.
Continue the fun at home with a superb CD
recorded by outstanding instrumentalists
and a children’s choir. Using your parent
guidebook and baby instrument kit (which
includes rhythm sticks, a shaker and a colorful
scarf ) will give you both hours of enjoyment!
5: 15 PM-5: 45 PM
Gladstone Community Center
Days: M
Sessions: 2
9: 15 AM-9: 45 AM
Gladstone Community Center,
Linden Room
Days: T
Sessions: 2
Instructor Janice Hale is a licensed
Musikgarten teacher with a degree in
music education.
Family Music for Toddlers:
Clap with Me (15 months-3 1/2 years)
These weekly classes are action-filled for toddlers
full of energy, often on the move and always
exploring and learning. Parent and child together
will sing, chant, dance, listen and play simple
instruments, which are activities that bridge a
natural connector between music and movement.
Each lesson focuses on coordination, body
awareness and control, and exploration of space
with instruments such as rhythm sticks, jingles,
rattles, drums and resonator bars. Parents take
home a CD, parent activity book, and a pair of
finger cymbals to create more fun time together.
6 PM-6: 45 PM
Gladstone Community Center
Days: M
Sessions: 12
10 AM-10: 45 AM
Gladstone Community Center
Days: T
Sessions: 12
Instructor Janice Hale
7 PM-7: 45 PM
Gladstone Community Center
Days: M
Sessions: 12
11 AM-11: 45 AM
Gladstone Community Center
Days: T
Sessions: 12
Instructor Janice Hale
Music Makers at Home in the World
(Ages 4 1/2-6 years)
Your child will be attending part two of a
sequential two-year program that includes
singing, creative and structured movement,
playing instruments and ensemble work,
and ear-training and guided listening, as well
as a developmentally sound approach to
music literacy that builds symbolic thinking,
concentration, memory, and self-expression.
You can expect your child to be involved in
many opportunities for active music making.
A family packet is included in each 6 week
session and contains a folder, poster, CD,
parent guide, and game pieces.
“Cattail Marsh”
Days: Th
6 PM-7 PM
Sessions: 6
Antioch Middle School Cafeteria
Days: Th
6 PM-7 PM
Sessions: 6
No class 3/19
Antioch Middle School Cafeteria
Instructor Janice Hale
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
Co-sponsored by
Gladstone Parks & Recreation
and North Kansas City Schools
Youth Volleyball
Young Champions
Youth Programs
Open to Boys and Girls Age 4-16
Sp rin g 20 1 5
For boys and girls in Grades 4-8.
The divisions are Grade 4, Grades 5/6, and Grades 7/8. All divisions are coed.
As part of the North Kansas City Schools Community Education Services
and the City of Gladstone Recreation Divisions, the developmental youth
sports programs have been designed with the best interests of children in
mind. The purpose of these programs is to provide an enjoyable learning
experience for each child and to enhance their emotional, physical, social
and educational well-being. Good sportsmanship, equal play opportunities,
learning and fun are the fundamentals of these programs.
• Download and complete registration form at
• Return form along with payment to: Gladstone Parks &
Recreation Department Attn: Volleyball, 7010 N. Holmes,
Gladstone, MO 64118.
• Payment must accompany form.
• No telephone registrations will be accepted.
• Registration forms may be faxed to 816-436-2228.
• Online registration at
Youth Developmental Volleyball
This program offers instruction in the fundamentals of volleyball for
boys and girls in grades 4-8. This program will provide an enjoyable
learning experience for children and will enhance their emotional,
physical, social and educational well-being. Good sportsmanship,
equal play opportunities, learning and fun are the philosophies of
this 10-week program. Volunteer coaches are needed.
Registration: Mon 12/22 to Fri 2/13 (or until leagues are full)
First Practice: Week of 3/2
First Game: Sat 3/28
Location: Area North Kansas City Schools Middle Schools
Fee: $65 includes a uniform T-shirt. Buddy system applies.
Competitive Youth Volleyball
This program offers a competitive atmosphere while continuing
to teach good sportsmanship skills. This coed league is for grades
5-8. Teams and players may register in a higher grade division, but
no one will be allowed to play in a lower division. Skill level for
this league should be above average. All players should be able to
serve the ball over the net and return a serve. 10-week program.
Equal participation is not mandated as in developmental leagues.
Registration: Mon 12/22 to Fri 2/13 (or until leagues are full)
First Practice: Week of 3/2
First Game: Sat 3/28
Location: Area North Kansas City Schools Middle Schools
Fee: $79 per individual upon availability,
includes a uniform T-shirt.
The Buddy System: Children may register “with a buddy”
for youth team programs. To guarantee same team placement,
both registration forms must be received at the same time.
For more information, call 816-423-4091
North Kansas City Schools •
Call 816-994-2644 for more information.
(Call between 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.)
• Enroll at school site.
• $10 registration fee, $7 per week, payable at site.
• Each session is 40 minutes – three sessions per night.
• Parents and friends are welcome to watch the first lesson.
• New students will be accepted up to the third week.
• Trophies, medals and ribbons are presented for performances
and perfect attendance.
• Everyone is invited to perform in competitions.
• This is a continuing program each semester. Students may
advance to all levels.
This is an exciting cheerleading program. Students will learn pom-pom
dance routines designed to improve coordination, physical fitness
and flexibility. Also taught are the most popular cheers, jumps, dance,
stunts, and many other skills required for tryouts.
Students should wear shorts and a T-shirt. Pom-poms will be available
at the first few lessons for $20 per set, or you may bring your own.
Maplewood Elem Gym
Tue 1/27 to 5/12
No class 3/17
Crestview Elem Gym
Wed 1/28 to 5/13
No class 3/18
This course is designed for self-defense and safety awareness.
Self-discipline, rather than aggressiveness, is promoted. A certified
black belt instructor will teach basic karate/
self-defense techniques. NO physical contact
is allowed in beginner classes.
We highly recommend a quality karate
uniform (not required) available at your
first few lessons for $33.
Northview Elem Gym
Mon 1/26 to 5/11
No class 2/16, 3/16
Crestview Elem Gym
Tue 1/27 to 5/12
No class 3/17
Maplewood Elem Gym
Wed 1/28 to 5/13
No class 3/18
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
Education & Training
Singapore Math: Number Sense and
Computational Strategies
In this teacher training course, you’ll learn over
two dozen strategies to make math click for
your students. We’ll begin by exploring what
Singapore Math is and how it has become such
a powerful and highly regarded math curriculum.
Then we’ll talk about how number sense and
place value instruction are the basis for all
Singapore Math. From there, we’ll learn a variety
of computational strategies to make addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division a cinch.
Health & Wellness
Teaching Students With Learning Disabilities
In this course, you’ll discover easy, practical, and
creative strategies that will help your struggling
students find their light bulb moments! Learn
how to successfully meet the diverse needs of
students with disabilities in your classroom from
an experienced special educator. We’ll talk about
fun games you can incorporate, tips for modifying
your classroom, and lots of tested methods for
bringing out the best behavior in your students.
Whether you’re already in the classroom, studying
for the Praxis Special Education exam, or getting
ready to work with students in a variety of
settings, this course will prepare you to
understand and empower your kids who
have learning disabilities.
Share the Fun with Hot Pepper Jelly
NEW Join us in making an easy hot pepper
jelly, while learning the use of hot water
bath preservation. Taste some winter appetizers
you can make using this yummy pepper jelly.
Everyone takes home a jar.
Days: T
6: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School, Room 122
Instructor Karen Elliott is a nutrition and health
education specialist. She is the co-author of
a curriculum, “Quality for Keeps: Home Food
Bring on the Soup!
February is soup time. You are invited
to experience some new great ideas for
winter soups as we make and taste them in class.
Bring a spoon!
Days: T
6: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School, Room 122
Cook with Less Salt
NEW Do you need to reduce your salt intake
or want to learn ways to flavor your
foods with garlic and herbs? There are exciting
ways to prepare food with less salt and still have
the flavor. Everyone will take home some herb
blends to use.
Days: T
6: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School, Room 122
Instructor Karen Elliott
Cooking with Greens
NEW What about those Phytonutrients? Learn
how to put more in your diet by eating
more greens. We will prepare some different
greens such as kale, collards, and spinach.
Days: T
6: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 1
Antioch Middle School, Room 122
Instructor Karen Elliott
Instructor Karen Elliott
North Kansas City Schools •
Mood Management with Essential Oils
Take control of your mood and life with the
use of essential oils. Learn multiple ways to
incorporate “Mood Management” into your life
with these natural oils.
Days: Sa
10 AM-11: 30 AM
Sessions: 1
Northland Human Services Center,
Conference Room
Instructor Karen Carmack, LMT, is a certified
level II Kundalini yoga instructor.
Quieting the Mind Through Meditation –
Level I
Learn basic principles of beginning meditation
through the power of your breath. You will learn
and discover multiple breathing exercises that
can be applied everyday to help rid the stresses
of life and bring a sense of calmness to improve
sleep. An instructional pamphlet will be provided.
Please bring a yoga mat or large towel.
Days: Sa
10 AM-11: 30 AM
Sessions: 1
Northland Human Services Center,
Suite 2400 Room C
Instructor Karen Carmack
Quieting the Mind Through Meditation –
Level II
PREREQUISITE: Quieting the Mind Through
Meditation – Level I
Continue to focus on mindful meditations
on the next level. Quieting the mind through
breath, Mantra and Mudras. We will reinforce the
importance of using our breath and experience
Mudras positions of the body that focus on body
energy. Mantra is an instrument of the mind, a
powerful sound or vibration that you can use to
enter a deeper state of meditation.
Days: Sa
10 AM-11: 30 AM
Sessions: 1
Northland Human Services Center,
Suite 2400 Main
Instructor Karen Carmack
Residents and
non-residents can enroll.
Register early.
Classes fill quickly!
Introductory American
Sign Language
In this beginning sign language class,
you will learn the beautiful visual language of
the deaf. You will gain an understanding of deaf
culture and what makes it so unlike our everyday
experiences in the hearing world. You will be
introduced to the basic structure, vocabulary and
grammar (facial expressions and body language)
of American Sign Language (ASL). Please bring
a notebook/paper and pen to class. A total
immersion teaching philosophy is used in
this class.
Days: T
6 PM-8: 30 PM
Sessions: 8
Antioch Middle School Media Center
Instructor Joseph Kaplan, born deaf and a native
signer, has more than 15 years experience
teaching non-native signers learning American
Sign Language.
German I
This course is designed for the beginner who
wishes to learn basic vocabulary and conversational skills. An emphasis will be placed on
vocabulary used in everyday situations and travel
scenarios. Cultural units and travel information
will also be explored. Online resources for further
study will be available. Course fee includes book.
Days: Th
7 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 5
Antioch Middle School, Room 136
Instructor Mike Ramirez taught high school German
for 30 years and is assistant professor of technology
education at MidAmerica Nazarene University.
German II
This course is designed for those who have
had some formal experience in a German
language course. Emphasis will be on refining
basic conversational skills. Cultural and travel
information will be offered. Online resources for
further study will be available.
Days: Th
7 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 5
Antioch Middle School, Room 136
Instructor Mike Ramirez
Spanish II
For the student who has had some formal
Spanish, and understands the basics – alfabeto,
sonidos, articulos, “ser” y “estar”, y conjugacion
de verbos en el presente, preterito indefinido,
preterito imperfecto y futuro. After a brief review,
we will continue through the tenses using a
variety of learning techniques. Please bring a
Spanish/English dictionary and three-ring binder.
Course fee includes book.
Days: Th
6: 30 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 4
Antioch Middle School, Room 134
Instructor Al Moore holds an International
Diploma in Spanish from Universidad Pontificia
de Salamanca, and has traveled extensively in
Mexico for business and study.
Explore a Career as an Administrative
Medical Assistant
In this course, you’ll master the basics of
scheduling patients’ appointments, surgeries,
and hospital admissions. You’ll discover how to
create, maintain, and file medical charts. Learn how
to verify patients’ insurance, create encounter
forms (charge tickets), post charges, obtain
pre-authorizations from insurers, and schedule
return visits. We’ll delve into the basics of keeping
a medical office running smoothly – from ordering
supplies to scheduling staff meetings and
making travel arrangements. This course will
set you on the path to that career and help you
determine which aspect of medical information
management – from patient contact to billing
and coding – suits you best.
Explore a Career in Medical Coding
Take your first step toward a lucrative career
as a medical coder! In this course, you’ll learn
how to use the CPT manual and the ICD-9-CM
to find medical codes for any disease, condition,
treatment, or surgical procedure. This knowledge
will help prepare you to work almost anywhere
in the medical field – doctors’ offices, clinics,
public health facilities, hospitals, labs, nursing
homes, insurance agencies, or even the comfort
of your own home. By the end of this course,
you’ll know how to find your way through both
the CPT manual and the ICD-9-CM manual, and
you’ll be well on your way to a career as a
medical coder!
Medical Terminology:
A Word Association Approach
This course teaches medical terminology from an
anatomical approach. Root terms are divided by
each body system. The origin, a combined form,
and an example of non-medical everyday usage
is provided for each root term. Word Associations
are provided as a learning tool. Unusual and
interesting information is provided in regards
to each term. Root terms are combined with
prefixes and suffixes as your learning will
culminate in the interpretation of several
paragraphs of medical notes.
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
Music & Dance
Beginner Ukulele (Age 10 & Up)
Come out and learn to play your favorite hokey
songs with Danny Fowler on the ukulele. This
beginning class will focus on basic chords and
strum patterns to use in playing the ukulele. We
will learn to tune and maintain our ukes, learn
a small handful of songs, learn good beginning
technique, and learn how to find more music
to play! The only requirement is a ukulele (you
can contact the instructor if you need help
acquiring one).
Days: Th
Sessions: 8
6: 30 PM-7: 30 PM
Antioch Middle School, Room 138
Instructor Danny Fowler is a local musician.
For more than six years he has been playing in
musicals, swing bands, and pickup blue grass
groups around the metro.
Adult Tap Dance
This is a wonderful opportunity for the novice
tapper, advanced performer, and everyone
in-between. We will start working through
the basics to help you gain confidence and
musicality. You will be amazed at how fun and
athletic tap exercises can be!
6: 45 PM-7: 30 PM
Miss Dianna’s School of Dance
Days: Th
Sessions: 6
Irish Dance for the Family
Learn the basics of Irish dancing! Join us as an
individual or as a family. The main focus of the
course will be the social form of Irish dance,
called ceili dancing, which is Irish party dancing.
This type of dancing is not like the energetic and
intricate dancing seen in Riverdance, but you will
learn the same steps, which include reels, jigs
and slip jigs. Throughout the course, you will also
learn bits and pieces of Irish dance and music
history, from traditional to modern. All levels of
experience are welcome. Minimum age is seven,
with parental attendance. Class will be joint
family time for the first half and then be divided
into children and adult classes. Class is priced
per person.
7 PM-8: 30 PM
Chapel Hill Elementary Gym
Days: T
Sessions: 8
7 PM-9 PM
Chapel Hill Elementary Gym
7 PM-8: 30 PM
Chapel Hill Elementary Gym
Days: T
Sessions: 8
Instructor Will Adams has been teaching ballroom
dance since 1974. He holds bronze and silver
medals in American Style ballroom dance from
Brigham Young University.
Instructor Nikki Wilson has 12 years of teaching
and performing experience around the
Kansas City area for the Clanna Eirann Celtic
Dancers Troupe.
Instructor Dianna Pfaff has been teaching dance
since 1975. She judges dance competitions and
also choreographs area high school events.
North Star
Community Band
The North Star Community Band is open to adults with concert band experience.
No audition is required. This is a year-round band, and members are required to
participate in scheduled performances. The band meets each Tuesday
from 7:30-10 p.m. at Oak Park High School.
Concerts: February 20 • May 1
Oak Park High School • 7:30 p.m.
Director, Faye Rader
$5 fee • Pre-registration required.
To register call 816-674-5120
Ballroom Dance to Contemporary
Pop & Rock
Learn how to ballroom dance to the pop music
most often played by DJs at night clubs, wedding
receptions and social dances. This entry-level
course includes basic steps to both East Coast
and West Coast Swing, Night Club Two-Step, as
well as Latin Dances that work well with pop
music, including Merengue, Cha Cha, Rumba
and Salsa. Couples only. NEW! Students in these
dance classes receive an electronic syllabus,
which has links to videos of most of the steps
that are taught. Students can review and refresh
what they have learned in class, and perhaps
even learn some new steps.
North Kansas City Schools •
Days: W
Sessions: 8
Instructor Paula Marie has been a dance
professional for more than 30 years. Visit her
website at
Country Dance for Beginners
Learn basic Country Two-Step, Waltz and Swing
in this entry-level course to get you around the
dance floor in style! You will learn a few steps
appropriate for slower music as well as the
famous Saturday Night Fever Line Dance. This
class requires a partner and class is priced
per person.
7 PM-9 PM
Chapel Hill Elementary Gym
Days: Th
Sessions: 4
Instructor Paula Marie
Intermediate Ballroom Dance
Review and continue with the dances learned
in the beginning class. Students may vote and
focus on dances of their choice. Instruction will
be offered to suit the skill level of participants.
Couples only. NEW! Students in these dance
classes receive an electronic syllabus, which
has links to videos of most of the steps that are
taught. Students can review and refresh what
they have learned in class and perhaps even
learn some new steps!
7 PM-9 PM
Chapel Hill Elementary Gym
Days: W
Sessions: 5
Instructor Will Adams and Paula Marie
Driver Education
Designed to instruct students in proper
techniques of driver education, this class will
cover knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary
for driving. Permits are not required for course
participation. Students with permits or licenses
will have the optional opportunity for behindthe-wheel instruction for an additional cost
arranged through the instructor.
Days: Sa
9 AM-12 PM
Sessions: 1
Northland Human Services Center,
Room 2400
Days: Sa
9 AM-12 PM
Sessions: 1
Northland Human Services Center,
Room 2400
Instructor Tom Stout is a certified driver
education instructor.
Sports & Fitness
Self-Defense for Women
Take control and be your own bodyguard. Many
of us feel safe and that nothing would ever happen
to us. However, in the greater metropolitan area
we continue to have numerous sexual and
physical crimes against citizens. This class will
give you a plan with a winning goal that will
reduce the risk of being a victim. You will learn
preventive steps and information that should
be part of your everyday routine. A voluntary
hands-on demonstration will give you the
techniques to defend yourself. Self-defense
DVDs will be available for $15 (checks will
be accepted).
Days: T
Sessions: 1
7 PM-9 PM
Staley High School, Flex Auditorium
Instructor Rick Cartwright is a police officer with
the Kansas City Missouri Police Department.
“Very informative! Gave me new ideas to
protect myself. Would recommend this
class to family and friends.”
— B. Smith
CPR/AED/First Aid
The American Red Cross guidelines will be
followed in this course designed for use on
victims one year of age and older. Participants
will learn to recognize and respond appropriately
to cardiac and breathing emergencies. You will
learn skills to give immediate care to a suddenly
injured or ill person until medical personnel
arrive. A certificate, which is valid for two years,
will be awarded to those who successfully
complete the course. Please wear loose,
comfortable clothing. Skill practice will require
working on your hands and knees, bending
and standing.
Days: Sa
8: 30 AM-1: 30 PM
Sessions: 1
Northland Human Services Center,
Suite 2400
Instructor Kelly Estes is a certified Red Cross
instructor with more than 14 years experience
as a parent educator and childcare trainer.
AARP Smart Driver Course
The AARP Driver Safety Program has helped
millions of drivers stay safe on the roads since
its inception in 1979. Learn current rules of the
road, defensive driving techniques and how to
operate your vehicle more safely. You’ll learn
adjustments to accommodate common agerelated changes in vision, hearing and reaction
time. You may be eligible to receive an insurance
discount upon completing the course. Consult
your agent for details. AARP membership is not
required to take the course.
Days: Sa
9 AM-1 PM
Sessions: 1
Northland Human Services Center,
Conference Room
Instructor Carolyn Reeds is a certified
AARP instructor.
See our brochure online at
Coed Recreational Volleyball
(Age 18-Adult)
Dig, Set, Spike! The emphasis is on fun, teamwork,
and improving basic volleyball skills. Players will
be divided into teams each night for two hours
of team play following USVBA rules.
7 PM-9 PM
Maple Park Middle School Gym
Days: M
Sessions: 12
Instructor Keely Norris has played volleyball
for more than 20 years and has coached for
seven years.
Coed Intermediate Volleyball
(Age 18-Adult)
Take your game to the next level! Coed
intermediate volleyball is for the skilled player
who has performed at the high school level.
Previous experience is a must to join other players
for this class. Teams play up to 9 games, with
3 matches against 3 different teams each night.
Emphasis is on teamwork while using bump, set
and hit. Our goal is to have good team volleyball
each session, as everyone will play the game.
Days: T
7 PM-9 PM
Sessions: 12
Northgate Middle School Large Gym
Instructor Tammy Eickhoff has enjoyed playing
and coaching volleyball for more than 25 years.
7 PM-9 PM
Maple Park Middle School Gym
Days: Th
Sessions: 12
Instructor Christie Brown enjoys playing
competitive volleyball and has been instructing
since 1998.
Recreational Men’s Basketball
Hoops anyone? Eleven evenings devoted entirely
to basketball for exercise and fun. Come sweat,
meet new people and play some ball.
7 PM-9 PM
New Mark Middle School Gym
Days: M
Sessions: 12
Instructor Rich Brill is a retired physical education
teacher and high school coach
Follow the links
for online registration
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
Zumba is a “feel-happy”
workout that is great
for both the body and
the mind. Zumba uses
Latin and international
music for a dance that
creates a dynamic,
exciting and effective
fitness system! Zumba
utilizes the principles
of fitness interval training and resistance training
to maximize caloric output, fat burning and total
body toning. It is a mixture of body-sculpting
movements with easy to follow dance steps.
No experience is necessary to enjoy Zumba!
6: 15 PM-7: 15 PM
Northview Elementary Gym
Days: T
Sessions: 7
6: 15 PM-7: 15 PM
No class 3/10, 4/21
Northview Elementary Gym
Days: T
Sessions: 7
6: 15 PM-7: 15 PM
Ravenwood Elementary Gym
Days: Th
Sessions: 7
6: 15 PM-7: 15 PM
Ravenwood Elementary Gym
Days: Th
Sessions: 7
Instructor Patti Leddy is Zumba, Zumba Gold,
and Zumba Toning certified. She is also a
certified Yogafit instructor, PiYo instructor and
Pilates instructor.
Zumba Gold
Salsa, Cha Cha, Merengue, Flamenco, Calypso,
and a little Rock and Roll. A low-impact workout
that is fun, different, easy and effective! Zumba
Gold is a better option for those who need
adaptations to accommodate their physical and
physiological changes. It’s great for the mind,
body and soul! Zumba Gold can make you feel
stronger, younger, happier and healthier.
Days: Th
3: 30 PM-4: 30 PM
Sessions: 7
Golden Oaks Education Center Gym
Days: Th
3: 30 PM-4: 30 PM
Sessions: 7
Golden Oaks Education Center Gym
Instructor Patti Leddy
Gentle Yoga
Reduce stress! Gain endurance! This class is for
everyone from beginners to long-time yoga
participants. Exercise modifications will be given
to accommodate a variety of fitness levels in
a friendly, relaxed and safe environment. Class
content includes work with balance, flexibility,
endurance, muscle strengthening and toning,
and relaxation and stress reduction. Please bring
a mat
3: 30 PM-4: 30 PM
Golden Oaks Education Center,
Large Conference Room
Days: M
Sessions: 7
3: 30 PM-4: 30 PM
Golden Oaks Education Center,
Large Conference Room
Days: M
Sessions: 7
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini yoga is a form of physical and
meditative yoga comprising various techniques
using the mind, body and our senses. It goes
beyond the physical performance of Asanas
with its emphasis on breathing, meditation,
mudras and chanting. It can be very intense and
appeals to those who are up for both mental and
physical challenges. Kundalini yoga helps in the
better functioning of the digestive, glandular,
cardiovascular, lymphatic and nervous systems.
7: 30 PM-8: 30 PM
Hillside Christian Church,
Walnut Room
Days: W
Sessions: 6
7 PM-9 PM
Instructor Karen Carmack
Days: W
Sessions: 6
Instructor Patti Leddy
How to Find Your Balance
Together we will connect the dots throughout
our bodies by using our breath, muscles, bones
and mind to find our inner balance. Reduce your
risk of falling while improving your balance,
flexibility, strength and confidence through this
balance and movement class. Applied techniques
can be modified to all ages.
Hatha Yoga
A class for everyone no matter your age, body
type or your understanding of yoga. All you
need is a great attitude, alignment and action.
Attitude is the power of the heart as the force
behind every action or expression. Alignment
being mindful of how various parts of ourselves
are integrated. Action is the natural flow of
energy in the body, which provides both stability
and joyful freedom. Please bring a yoga mat or
large towel.
Days: W
6 PM-7 PM
Sessions: 6
Hillside Christian Church, Walnut Room
Days: W
6 PM-7 PM
Sessions: 6
Hillside Christian Church, Walnut Room
Instructor Karen Carmack, LMT, is a certified
level II Kundalini yoga instructor.
Days: Sa
10 AM-12 PM
Sessions: 1
Northland Human Services Center,
Suite 2400
Instructor Karen Carmack
Pacesetters Walking Program
Did you know walking is the simplest positive
change you can make to improve your heart
health? By walking 30 minutes a day you can
reduce your risk of heart disease. Let us help
you keep your walking program going through
the winter months. All you need is a good pair
of shoes, comfortable clothing and the desire
to live a healthier life. A walking map and
guidelines will be provided at the time
of enrollment.
5: 30 PM-8 PM
Antioch Middle School,
Teachers Lounge
Days: T Th
Sessions: 0
Children are not permitted to attend adult classes.
North Kansas City Schools •
Web & Computer Programming
Basic CompTIA A+ Certification Prep
Time to roll up those sleeves and dive inside
the personal computer! The Basic CompTIA
A+ Certification Prep course teaches you
about the hardware common to virtually every
personal computer, including microprocessors,
RAM, power supplies, motherboards, BIOS,
CMOS, the expansion bus, and input/output
devices. You’ll learn how things work, how to
configure everything, and how to troubleshoot
in real world environments. This course gives you
the knowledge upon which you’ll base the rest
of your CompTIA A+ certification studies for the
220-801 and 220-802 exams. Plus it helps you
take that first step to becoming an excellent
PC technician. So what are you waiting for?
Course Revised January 2014
Advanced CompTIA A+ Certification Prep
The Advanced CompTIA A+ Certification Prep
course focuses on fun technology. You’ll learn
everything you need to know to select, install,
and service video, sound, and portable computers.
The course teaches networking, both wired and
wireless, because every well-rounded tech needs
to know it. You’ll learn about security, security,
security. Plus you’ll get excellent insight into
adding mobile devices such as tablets and
smartphones to your computing environment.
The Advanced course completes the three-course
CompTIA A+ Certification Exam Prep cycle and
prepares you for both the 801/802 exams and
for real life as a PC tech. Let’s get to it! Course
Revised October 2014
Grammar Refresher
Whatever your goals, a grasp of English grammar
is important if you want to improve your speaking
and writing skills. You’ll explore the basics of
English grammar – like sentence structure and
punctuation – as well as more sophisticated
concepts – like logic and clarity. A patient
instructor, memorable lessons, vivid examples,
and interactive exercises will give you ample
opportunity to put what you learn into practice.
Reacquaint yourself with old, forgotten rules,
meet some new ones, and discover your own
grammatical strengths.
Publish and Sell Your E-Books
E-books regularly out sell traditionally
published books in online bookstores. This is
great news for authors, who no longer need a
large budget to self-publish and promote their
books. You’ll learn how to use free tools to turn
your manuscript into a professionally published
e-book ready for distribution. Or, if you don’t
consider yourself a “techie,” this course will give
you the information you need to select the right
publishing services to help you convert your
manuscript so you’re ready to sell it as an e-book.
Make a difference in the life of a young
person with just a few hours each month.
Free volunteer training classes are held every other week.
Contact us now for more information
and to reserve your seat.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
9:30 a.m. – 11:30 p.m.
Friday, January 23, 2015
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
North Kansas City Schools
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
20th Annual Tea Dance
Students and senior citizens from the community enjoyed last year’s event in April.
Don’t miss the next one!
Mark your calendar for the
2015 Tea Dance
Do you need a ride to the Tea Dance?
Clay County Senior Services has limited
transportation available.
Sunday, April 12, 2015 • 2-4 p.m.
Call 455-4800
by April 8.
North Kansas City High School
No RSVP is necessary.
For more information, call (816) 413-5003.
Senior Citizen
Fall 2015
Seminars are held the first
Wednesday of the month
at Antioch Community Church,
4805 N.E. Antioch Road, KCMO, 64119.
9:30 AM – Refreshments
10 AM – Program in the Fellowship Hall
Presentations last about an hour.
Reservations are not necessary.
When schools are closed due to inclement weather, Senior Seminars
will be cancelled. Please check for the most
up-to-date information about school closings.
January 7 – University of Missouri Extension
Learn new recipes and new exercises to kick off the new year and
improve your health and wellness in 2015.
February 4 – Staley Bands
Enjoy a morning of musical performances, including jazz standards
and classics, by our high school musicians.
March 4 – Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City
Thinking about growing a garden this summer? Now is the time to start
planning! Learn some new tips and tricks to help your garden grow.
April 1 – Adams Dance Lessons
Join Will and Paula Marie for a dance lesson to help you prepare for
the district’s Tea Dance on March 30. A partner is optional, but not
necessary, as our high school students will be there learning the
steps with you.
May 6 – Northland Shepherd’s Center
Could you use help paying for prescriptions, energy bill, or property
taxes? Learn how the Senior Link-AGE program can help link you to
benefits you may be missing.
For more information call Community & Volunteer Programs at 816-413-5470.
North Kansas City Schools •
CCSS offers you
the chance to
enrich your life and
have fun on us!
You must be 60 years of age or
older AND live IN CLAY COUNTY. All
you have to do is let Community
Education (816-413-5460) know
that you’d like to take advantage of
the scholarship provided by Clay
County Senior Services, give them
your address and age, and CCSS will
pay up to $30 of your class fees per
semester! Register early because
the funding is limited by semester.
If you would like
more information on
Clay County Senior Services
call 816-455-4800.
High School
Preparation Classes
Information for
Online Preparation
Basic Skills Review
Classes are FREE.
Schedules are
available for
morning or
evening classes.
This program is funded through the
Clay County Senior Services’ tax fund.
Golden Pass members are offered free
or discounted admission to many district
events. Athletic tournaments or play-offs
are not included. Contact the school for
specific event information:
North Kansas City High School . . . 413-5900
Oak Park High School . . . . . . . . . . . . 413-5300
Staley High School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413-4100
Winnetonka High School . . . . . . . . . 413-5500
Golden Passes are available to any individual
who is 62 years of age or older and resides
within the boundaries of North Kansas City
Schools. This is a lifetime pass and need not
be renewed.
To receive your
Golden Pass,
call 816-413-5470.
Expand your opportunities
in the workforce, open doors
to higher education, and increase
your own happiness and self-esteem.
High School Equivalency Preparation
for more information
or to volunteer.
9 AM - 4 PM
Monday - Thursday
Bonnie Endicott
Classes to prepare students to take the High School
Equivalency exam, certified by the Missouri
Department of Education.
Online Preparation for the High School
Equivalency Exam
Designed for those who can’t make it to classes.
Must have Internet access.
Basic Skills Review
For high school graduates needing to review
reading, math and English skills.
Adult English Language Learners
English classes for adult speakers of other languages.
V o l u n t ee r s Nee d e d
Would you like to help someone get their High School Equivalency diploma, teach
an adult to read or assist a foreign student with English skills? Time commitment is only
two hours a week. Teaching experience is not necessary, only a willingness to help others.
Call Bonnie at 816-413-5480.
It’s never too late to learn. Expand your horizons with Adult Education.
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
Loc at i o n of C LASS E S
Oak Park High School
825 NE 79th Terr
Staley High School
2800 NE Shoal Creek Pkwy
Antioch Middle School
2100 NE 65th St
Maple Park Middle School
5300 N Bennington Ave
New Mark Middle School
515 NE 106th St
Northgate Middle School
2117 NE 48th St
Northview Elementary
9201 N Indiana Ave
Ravenwood Elementary
5020 NE 58th St
West Englewood Elementary
1506 NW Englewood Rd
Adult Education and Literacy
Northland Human Services Center
3100 NE 83rd St, Suite 2450
Community Education Services
Northland Human Services Center
3100 NE 83rd St, Suite 2400
Who can enroll?
Courses are for anyone 18 years or older
unless otherwise specified.
When can I sign up?
We take enrollments on a first come, first
served basis. Enroll early by one of the five
methods listed.
How do I know if I’m registered?
You are enrolled as soon as we receive your
enrollment form and fee. We will only contact
you if a class is canceled or if a class schedule
is changed.
Golden Oaks Education Center
3100 NE 46th St
Bell Prairie Elementary
3000 NE 108th St
Northland Human Services Center
3100 NE 83rd St
Briarcliff Elementary
4100 N Briarcliff Rd
Parents As Teachers
2117 NE 48th St
• a class is filled before we receive your
Chapel Hill Elementary
3220 NE 67th Terr
• a class is canceled due to lack of enrollment
Crestview Elementary
4327 N Holmes
Dare to Dabble Art Studio
1329 Swift
North Kansas City, MO 64116
Fox Hill Elementary
545 NE 106th St
Linden West Elementary
7333 N Wyandotte St
Maplewood Elementary
6400 NE 52nd St
Nashua Elementary
221 NE 114th St
Gladstone Community Center
7010 N Holmes
Hillside Christian Church
900 NE Vivion Rd
Miss Dianna’s School of Dance
8641 N Oak Trfwy
North Kansas City Schools Mission
The mission of North Kansas City Schools is to ensure every student achieves
his or her unique potential and thrives in an environment of rapid change.
We will accomplish this through:
• extraordinary educational experiences
• exceptional educators
• partnerships with an engaged, diverse community
Do you have a desire to share
your skills and talents with the community?
If so, please log on to
and complete the instructor proposal form.
North Kansas City Schools •
Can I get a refund?
A $10 non-refundable fee is included with
the tuition.
Refunds are made if:
• a refund is requested 24 hours before the first
class is held
What about books and supplies?
Texts will be distributed the first night of class.
If supplies are required, a supply list will be
mailed several days before the class begins.
Senior and Employee Discounts
• Employees of NKC Schools receive $5 off.
• Seniors, age 60+, that are Clay County
residents receive $30 off one class per term.
• Must enroll by phone or in person to
receive the discount.
Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to make
this publication accurate as of the publication date.
However, all policies, procedures, tuition fees
and curricula are subject to change anytime by
appropriate action of the administration or the
North Kansas City Schools Board of Education.
This publication is not intended to be a contract,
explicit or implied, and the district reserves the
right to make changes regarding the information
contained herein.
There will be no classes on:
January 19 . . . . . . . . . . Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presidents Day
March 16-29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring Break
May 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Memorial Day
Follow the links.
24 hours a day
North Kansas City Schools
Community Education Services 7 days a week
Name (last)
MasterCard, Visa
or Discover
Mon-Fri, 8 AM-5 PM
MasterCard, Visa
or Discover
816-413-5460 (Enrollment)
816-413-5465 (Fax)
Day Phone
Evening Phone
Birth Date (for future planning/demographics)
Parent’s Name (if enrolling child)
Child’s Birth Date
Community Education
Northland Human Services Center
3100 NE 83rd St, Suite 2400
Kansas City, MO 64119
24 hours a day
7 days a week
MasterCard, Visa
or Discover
Community Education
Northland Human Services Center
3100 NE 83rd St, Suite 2400
Kansas City, MO
Class Number
Class Title
Beginning Date
Class Fee
Class Number
Class Title
Beginning Date
Class Fee
Class Number
Class Title
Beginning Date
Class Fee
Mon-Fri, 8 AM-5 PM
Co n ta c t U s
Payment Method
Card Number
Expiration Date
Extraordinary Educational
CSV Code (3 digit number on back of card)
Make checks payable to: North Kansas City Schools
Mail enrollment form and fees to:
Use as
mailing label
Mission Statement
Proving programs and services
that connect schools
and communities.
Community Education Services
Northland Human Services Center
3100 NE 83rd St, Suite 2400
Kansas City, MO 64119
Community Education Services • 816-413-5460
Non-Profit Org.
Kansas City, MO
Permit No. 6258
2000 NE 46th St
Kansas City, MO 64116-2042
Unleash Your
Family Painting, I Can Do That! . . . . . . . . . . 1
Hoop Art (Age 12 & Up) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Duct Tape Journals and
Glitter Pens (Grade 1 & Up) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Alcohol Ink Jewelry, I Can Do That! . . . . . . 1
Basic DSLR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Bonnie Shelton
Drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
36 years
Beginning Watercolor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Survival Sewing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Knitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Learn to Crochet (Age 12 & Up) . . . . . . . . . 2
Mosaics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Fused-glass Pendants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
T-shirt Quilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Be Extraordinary