EASTON ELKS NEWS CELEBRATING OUR 75TH YEAR OF SERVICE TO THE EASTON COMMUNITY A FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION CHARTERED 1939 JAN vol 10115 Clean-Up A Great Stop For Visiting Members! Day LODGE LOCATION Lodge February 21st See Back Page for details VALENTINE’S DAY CELEBRATION Special Friday Night Dinner February 13th LOVE ME TENDER SURF AND TURF TWO LOVELY LUSCIOUS TAILS MUCH MUCH MORE See page 5 502 DUCTCHMAN’S LN. EASTON, MD 2 BLOCKS WEST OF OCEAN GATEWAY (ROUTE 50) TURN WEST AT ROYAL FARMS. PH: 410.822.3344 LODGE HOURS 11AM - CLOSING MON - FRI LUNCH SERVED DAILY 11 AM - 2 PM FRI. NIGHT DINNER 6-9 PM SATURDAY 3 PM - CLOSING SUNDAYS OPEN FOOTBALL Inside This Issue: EXALTED RULER MSG. BREAKFAST DATE SUPER BOWL PARTY Patriots @ Seahawks Sunday FEBRUARY 1st Kickoff at 6:30 pm 2 OFFICERS 3 SECRETARY’S CORNER DONATION INFO 4 VALENTINES DAY 5 VETERANS COMMITTEE 6 MESSAGES ANGEL TREE PHOTOS 7 DINNER MENU 8 9 Join us at the Elks for our annual SUPER BOWL PARTY Bring a covered dish Bar closes 1/2 hour after the game ends. SCOUTS BIRTHDAYS CALENDARS 10 11 MESSAGE FROM OUR EXALTED RULER Members; EASTON ELKS LODGE 2014-2015 Officers K. Joseph Landgraf Jr., PER Exalted Ruler Joyce Kent Leading Knight Frank Tatman Loyal Knight Lisa Whiting Lecturing Knight David Wolcott, PER Secretary Bob Coleman, PER Treasurer Lee Patrick Tiler Heidi Garlick Chaplain Dan Mautz Inner Guard TBD –Esquire Trustees Al Gipe, 2015 I’m sure you are all anticipating Mr. Phil seeing or not his shadow, what will the next six weeks bring. I’m hoping it brings some New Leadership to your Elks Lodge. As stated last month, I WILL NOT BE EXALTED RULER NEXT YEAR. The current group of Officers have been serving your Lodge for from 8-15 years, they are tired. They have given selflessly of their time to keep the Lodge running on the Elks side. The House Committee with Members with equally long Service have made Great strides in turning the Lodge Financial picture around. They too are tired. The bottom line is it’s time for some Fresh Ideas and Leadership. There are many, many Members out there who are more than capable of Leading Our Lodge. Let me give you a scenario. If we don’t come up with an Exalted Ruler and a slate of Officers by April 1st, the Grand Lodge puts us on Probation. After a period of time 30 to 90 days, if we haven’t got Officers to run our Lodge, WE LOOSE OUR CHARTER. A Charter we’ve had since 1939. 75 Years serving Talbot and Caroline Counties. Scholarships, Little League Sponsorships, the D.A.R.E Program, Hospice, Humane Society, Talbot Special Riders, Partners in Care, and the List goes on and on. $20,000 to $30,000 and more in Charity Funds gone from Our Community. Gone It will ALL be gone. And the kicker is ALL the Property, ALL 12+ acres will revert to the Grand Lodge. ALL will be gone and Easton Elks Lodge #1622 will be just a memory. This is not just a story it could be a Reality. If anyone has an interest please, please give me a call at 410-218-6583 or email to er2013.1622@yahoo.com. Let’s talk. You are not going to be thrown to the Wolves. I and many other People with experience will be by your side to guide you through this Journey. George Shoener, 2016 Connie Wolcott Chairperson, 2017 Andrea Shoener, 2018 Bob Burris, 2019 Please, Please think about it. Fraternally, K. Joseph Landgraf, Jr. Exalted Ruler Page Two BREAKFAST AT THE ELKS Sunday, FEBRUARY 22nd 8:00 am till 11:30 am Scrambled Eggs—Omelets to Order Sausage, Scrapple, Bacon Corned Beef Hash Pancakes and all the fixins’ Juice & Coffee Committee Chairs David Tyler House Committee Darwin Kleckner & John Glancey Membership & Indoctrination Ellis Parks, PER Gaming Joe Landgraf, PER Community Activities TBD Public Relations Debi / Bob Coleman Newsletter All you can eat Adults $8.00 Children under 10 $5.00 David Tyler Pool Come on out and meet old friends and make new ones David Wolcott, PER ENF, Lapsation Coordinator Easton ELKS Drug Awareness Committee Working with Sheriffs in Caroline and Talbot Counties Over the last few months, our Drug Awareness Committee has been working closely with the Caroline County Office of the Sheriff. On September 25, Officers Henning and Crouch and Criminal Analyst Katie Davis made a presentation at our lodge about illegal drug use. Members of the Drug Awareness Committee as well as officers of the lodge found the power point presentation and related discussion on area drug trends most informative and useful. H.D. Slaughter III Auditing/Accounting, Frank Tatman Accident Prevention Harvey Smith, PER Investigating Glen Plutschak Drug Awareness Newton Williams As our members know, Elks are committed to eliminating the use and abuse of illegal drugs by all members of society and believe that in order to ensure a bright future for our country, it is essential that our children be raised in a drugfree environment. Our committee advised the Caroline Sheriff’s staff regarding some of the activities our lodge uses to further this goal including our drug awareness trailer, drug awareness pamphlets and materials, support of the DARE program in Talbot County, drug poster and essay contests, prescription drop off lock boxes and more. Government Relations As a result of that meeting, the Caroline Sheriff’s Office asked us to consider purchasing mood cups as gifts to youth when they make presentations in our community. The mood cups change color with the temperature of the liquid contents and are very popular with youth. The committee decided to purchase the requested cups from our Oktoberfest fundraisers. These cups will feature the Sheriff’s Office patch, their contact information and our Lodge information. Mr. Plutschak recently delivered a check to Captain James Hennings for the purchase of the cups which will soon be received and put to good use. Scholarship The Drug Awareness Committee has also reached out to the new Sheriff of Talbot County, Joe Gamble. Sheriff Gamble has agreed to meet with our Committee at the Lodge on February 24 at 5:00 PM. Together we will discuss drug trends in Talbot County and explore ways we can continue to work together. Please join us at this important meeting! Page Three Grounds-TBA Dick Palazzolo Veterans Affairs TBD Hoop Shoot Harold Schriver Joe Landgraf, PER Charity, Visitation, Relief Youth Activities—TBA Joe Landgraf, PER Lodge Activities Connie Wolcott, PER Americanism, Flag Day Around The Lodge FAMILY BINGO SATURDAY FEBRUARY 28TH Come out early enjoy Burger, Fries, and all your other favorites. Games start @ 7pm FOOD COLLECTION BOX Hunger is present all year long but as the days get colder it seems to be a more urgent issue. In the social quarters by the coat racks is a food collection box and we ask your help in filling it up with non-perishable food items. Please keep the less fortunate in mind when you visit the store and perhaps pick up an extra item, take advantage of a sale and purchase a little extra or maybe you have a few extra items in your pantry. A little bit goes a long way for someone who does not have much, so let's keep in mind our cardinal principle - Charity. All donations will be turned over to the St. Vincent de Paul Society for distribution through their food bank. “DINNER ON THE LODGE” EACH MONTH A MEMBER’S NAME WILL BE DRAWN AND THAT PERSON WILL BE THE RECIPIENT OF A $15.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE GOOD TOWARDS FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER This month’s winner Michael D Weise $15.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE Certificates are non-transferable and have an expiration period of one month Page Four VALENTINES DINNER MENU BEING SERVED ON FRIDAY FEBRUARY 13TH APPETIZER CUPIDS CUP OF CREAM OF CRAB CHOICE OF MAIN COURSE LOVE ME TENDER SURF AND TURF 60Z FILET PAIRED WITH A SUCCULENT LOBSTER TAIL TWO LOVELY LUSCIOUS TAILS TWIN LOBSTER TAILS WITH DRAWN BUTTER DESSERT SWEET AND SEXY CHOCOLATE FRENCH SILK PIE $ 28.95 A PERSON ALL ENTREES ARE SERVED WITH SALAD BAR AND TWO SIDES RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE BY NOON WEDNESDAY FEB. 11TH Page Five MORE ELKS NEWS ... Veterans Services Committee Report for January 2015 Why be a member of the Benevolent and Protective order of the Elks? BECAUSE… Through our local Lodge, district, state and national programs, we provide healthful activities, guidance and assistance to over eight million boys and girls every year. We fund scholarships, athletic teams, summer camps, scouting and drug education programs. We encourage civic, environmental and patriotic involvement through essay contests, seminars and distribution of materials; as well as family-oriented activities in our Lodge. Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love, And Fidelity BE AN ACTIVE ELK IN SERVICE TO YOUR LODGE YOUR COMMUNITY YOUR NATION The Veterans Services Committee met for lunch at the Lodge on Thursday, January 15, 2015, to discuss planned activities scheduled for hospitalized veterans currently receiving care at the Veterans Hospital at Perry Point. Committee members at this meeting included Jim Mason, Richard Van Slambrook & Dick Palazzolo. Exalted Ruler Joe Landgraf also joined the meeting; and, offered several good suggestions for future veterans activities being considered by the Lodge in the next few months. The Committee selected the "theme" for the month of February to be 'Word or Number Puzzle Books'. Members are encouraged to bring such donated items to the Lodge, during the month of February, to be deposited into the large box just outside of the lounge area labeled "Vets". Those items are scheduled to be personally delivered to the Hospital by members of the Veterans Committee some time close to or shortly after Valentine's Day, in mid February. The next Veterans Services Committee monthly meeting is tentatively scheduled for noon Thursday, February 19, 2015. Committee Members: Dick Palazzolo - Dpalaz@gmail.com- Tel # 410-822-7129 Jim Mason - jlmason95@verizon.net- Tel# 410-763-7639 Frank Tatman - Franktatman@goeaston.net -410-822-7802 Page Six EVERY WEDNESD@Y NIGHT DOORS OPEN @T 6:00PM G@MES ST@RT @T 7:00PM FOOD @ND BEVER@GES @V@IL@BLE C@$H PRIZES $1000 DOLL@R PROGRESSIVE J@CKPOT COME OUT E@RLY @ND ENJOY OUR WEDNESD@Y NIGHT DINNER SPECI@L !! Our Lodge has initiated the development of a new website as a compliment to the National website. The new website is www.elks1622.org and it has been designed and developed by one of our members (free of charge). The site is considered to be a “work in progress” and its content is to be kept up to date based upon inputs provided by lodge officers, committee chairpersons, and other lodge members having an interest in publicizing events (both recent and up-coming). If you wish to share your comments regarding the site design, content, or provide inputs, please send an e-mail to calvinyowell@goeaston.net . Page Seven Friday Night Dinners BAR SPECIALS MONDAY NIGHT…. Feb 6th Steamed Shrimp SPECIAL FROM 6-8pm Grilled Pork Chops w/ apple bourbon glaze $13.95 Flounder Florentine $18.95 1/2 lb for $6.00 & 1lb for $12.00 Chef’s Choice Rosemary chicken $15.95 TUESDAY NIGHT ...DISCOUNT WINE Feb 13th WEDNESDAY NIGHT … Valentines Dinner special see page 5 FAMILY DINNERS Feb 20th THURSDAY NIGHT… FRIED OYSTER SPECIAL Linguini w/ white clam sauce $15.95 Grilled New York Strip $19.95 Chef’s Choice Coconut Shrimp $16.95 Feb 27th Buffet $19.95 Prime Rib Shrimp Scampi Page Eight OYSTER SHOOTERS $2.00 ORDER EARLY ON MEETING NIGHT BAR CLOSES AT 6:45PM The Dollar Book OUR SATURDAY WEEKLY DOLLAR BOOK IS CURRENTLY WORTH $925.00 DRAWING IS 7PM ON SATURDAYS Easton Elks Troop 532 Boy Scout News KLEISSAS RECEIVES TOP HONOR Easton Elks Boy Scout Troop 532 advancement group member Constantine Kleissas received the highest honor that the council can give an adult leader, the District Award of Merit, on January 10 at Chesapeake College's Higher Education Center. Mr. Kleissas has been the Dean of the Mid-Shore Merit Badge College since it's inception four years ago, starting with 65 scouts representing three troops to this year's college with over 150 scouts representing 12 troops in the Choptank District. Congrats to Justin Le, our newest Troop 532 Eagle Scout !! Page Nine FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 1-Feb 3-Feb 5-Feb 6-Feb 7-Feb 8-Feb 9-Feb 10-Feb 11-Feb 14-Feb 15-Feb 16-Feb 18-Feb Terry Foote Paul Blumberh J Lynch James L. Mason William Torbert David Wolcott William Dempsey Carl Fink Tina Krahn Michael Feehley John Cappa Jr Matthew George Martin Decere Harry Fox Frank J Tatman Charles Livingston Gary Royer Raymond Buckley H Knussman Peggy Wittman William Hunt 19-Feb 20-Feb 21-Feb 22-Feb 23-Feb 24-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 28-Feb Richard Smith Kevin Broll Charles Lovell, Jr G Newell, Jr John Sciantarelli Maurice Wallace Sandra Dulin Norm Fegel Kenneth Kirby George Shoener William Ditman Jerry Foreman Kenneth Morgan Jr Ernest Heinmuller Bradford Watts Leroy Hicks Jr John Ripple Kevin Kiley Samuel Townsend TIPS Training Maybe you were thinking you would like to help behind the bar on occasion. We are ways in need of volunteer bartenders. But, before we can let you step behind the bar you need to get your TIPS Certification. al- The next TIPS training will be February 21st, 9am at the Talbot Center, 605 Port St in Easton. Anyone interested can contact Dave Tyler at 410-463-3944. There is a $30 fee for the class and must be paid in advance. Page Ten FEBRUARY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Super Bowl Party 2 Steamed Shrimp 6-8 3 4 Wednesday Dinner Bingo 7PM 5 6 7 8 9 Steamed Shrimp 6-8 10 11 Wednesday Dinner Bingo 7PM 12 Lodge Mtg 7PM 13 Special Valentines Dinner at the Lodge 14 Valentines Day 17 MARDI GRAS 18 Wednesday Dinner Bingo 7PM 19 20 21 Lodge Clean Up Day 9am BOD Mtg 6:30 House Com Mtg 6:30 15 16 Steamed Shrimp 6-8 TIPS Training 22 Breakfast at the Lodge 23 Steamed Shrimp 6-8 House Com Mtg 6:30 24 Sheriff Gam- 25 ble Presentation Wednesday Dinner 5PM Bingo 7PM 26 Lodge Mtg 7PM 28 Family Bingo 27 BOD Mtg 6:30 MARCH 2015 SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 SUPER BOWL SUNDAY 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Valentines Day 19 20 Grand Exalter Rulers Visit 21 Grand Exalter Rulers Visit 26 27 28 BOD Mtg 6:30 15 16 17 Lodge Mtg 7PM 18 ASH WEDNESDAY 22 Grand Exalter Rulers Visit 23 29 30 Page Eleven 24 BOD Mtg 6:30 31 25 Lodge Mtg 7PM LODGE CLEAN UP DAY FEBRUARY 21, 2015 9AM - till Coffee & Donuts on the Lodge The Grand Exalter Ruler of the B.P.O. Elks will be visiting our Lodge on the weekend of March 20, 21, 22, 2015. Lodges all across the state of Maryland and some Delaware lodges will be sending representatives. We expect around 150 fellow Elks will be visiting our Lodge. We need your help getting our Lodge in shape for this special event. • We need team leaders and volunteers to get these jobs done • Rehang the ER portraits in the Member Lounge • Remove the Temporary Sign Poles from the grounds • Clean up the Non- Smoking Room, the LOE Room and the Members Lounge • Rehang the Memorial Plaques Contact Bob Coleman 410-310-9144 or robertdcolemansr@gmail.com We will also have a sign up sheet in the Rathskeller The ELKS NEWS is the official publication of BPOE Lodge #1622 and published monthly. Deadline for all submissions is the 15th of each month. Articles, opinions, and advertisements go to Bob Coleman and/or Debi Kendall. Please contact Lodge if you have questions . bpoe1622news@gmail.com RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Easton, Maryland 21601-0313 502 Dutchman's Lane B.P.O. Elks Lodge No. 1622 PERMIT NO. 201 EASTON, MD US POSTAGE PAID NON-PROFIT ORG
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