The West Side Irish-American Club The McNeely Library Foundation, Inc. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Founded 1931 FEBRUARY 2015 Visit Our WEB SITE at Check the inside of this month’s bulletin for all of the information about our upcoming Junior Marching Units Exhibition Dance on Saturday, February 28th, and the Pre-St. Patrick’s Day Dance on Saturday, March 7th. Both events will be held at our beautiful Club again this year. The West Side Irish-American Cub proudly presents and cordially invites you to join us at The 11th Annual Claddagh Ball Saturday, March 14, 2015 Cocktails and hors d'oeuvres 6 - 7 p.m. Followed by a delicious sit down dinner and desert by O'Malley Catering Guest speaker after dinner TBA Open bar all evening Dancing 8:30 p.m. - Midnight in the Main Hall to The Sean Fleming Band from New York Rock & Roll music in the Pub Please call Kathleen Chambers for reservations, 440-427-0858. $75.00 per person Tables of 8 available No Steak Shoot in February Because of the other events we will NOT have a Steak Shoot in February. Next Steak Shoot will be Saturday, March 28, 2015. Hope to see you there. Monday, March 16, 2015 Boxty and Irish Sausage Night Serving from 6 - 8 p.m. More info next month. GENERAL MEETING Thursday, February 19th 8:00 PM OUR ADVERTISERS help with the cost of printing & mailing our Bulletin. Please patronize them and let them know you appreciate their support of the Club bulletin. That’s the best way to thank them for YOUR bulletin. A NIGHT AT THE RACES Saturday, February 21, 2015 6pm – 10pm Presently Jointly by Cleveland St Pat’s Gaelic Football Club & The Marching Units of the WSIA (Proceeds to directly benefit each organizations annual expenses including the St Patrick’s Day Parade) Admission tickets: $20 (includes draft beer, wine & cold buffet) Race Sponsors available @ $100 Horses available @ $15 Program ad space available starting @ $25 Chinese Auctions ** 50/50 Raffles ** Sideboards ** Much, much more … Kids Activity room with FULL SUPERVISION will be provided free of charge during the event Will include crafts, pizza and a movie For tickets, volunteer opportunities or more info contact *** Mark Owens 440-331-3539 *** Heather Barry 216-440-0801 *** Or email The West Side Irish-American Club While St. Patrick’s Day may be a few months away it’s not too soon for us to prepare for this special day. We look forward to the culmination of this day which of course is the grand parade. The WSIA is proud to be a participant with its imposing drill teams and marching units, the largest unit in the parade, but the costs are substantial. To defray these costs, we publish an annual souvenir program booklet showcasing our sponsors and supporters. Our request is that you would be generous to support our cause with your ad in our booklet. The booklet will be distributed at major club functions and will be viewed by hundreds of club members and other supporters. Featured are the 2015 honorees: Woman of the Year Kathleen Mangan Man of the Year Tim Campbell Queen Mary Therese Lavelle The West Side Irish-American Club congratulates the 2015 honorees of the United Irish Societies: Dan Corcoran – Grand Marshll; Pat Hollywood – Mother of the Year and Co-Chairs – Maire Mannning and Father Bob Begin Please review the attached ad submittal form for ad selections and pricing information. We thank you in advance for your generous support for our vibrant organization and in helping to maintain the traditions and spirit of St. Patrick’s Day. Cordially yours, The Board of Trustees 8559 Jennings Road Olmsted Township, Ohio 44138 440-235-5868 The West Side Irish-American Club 8559 Jennings Road · Olmsted Township, OH 44138 440-235-5868 · NAME _________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________________ CITY _______________________________ STATE ____________________________ ZIP _____________________ CONTACT PERSON _______________________________________ PHONE # _______________________________ AD SIZE DESIRED _________________________________________ AMOUNT PAID __________________________ Exact Repeat Please Check Correct Box Repeat w/Change New Ad/New Layout Word or PDF files are required. If files are e-mailed, please state the name of the buyer within your correspondence and if possible include the submission form along with your ad – thank you E-MAIL ALL FILES TO: DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION FEBRUARY 10, 2015 1/4 Page AD RATES: 3-3/4 x 2-1/4 (Please specify Vertical or Horizontal) 7-1/2 PREMIUM AD SPACE BACK COVER INSIDE FRONT COVER INSIDE BACK COVER FULL PAGE GREEN PAPER $250.00 $200.00 $200.00 $150.00 FULL PAGE 1/2 PAGE 1/4 PAGE $100.00 $ 55.00 $ 30.00 ONE-LINE PATRON AD ONLY $10.00 FULL PAGE Memorial Ad Ad 1/2 Page 3-3/4 x 4-1/2 Regular Ad Special ALL ADS TO BE PREPAID Please make checks payable to: The West Side Irish-American Club We also accept: CC # __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Expiration Date ___ MM 4-1/2 ___ ________________________ YY Signature Required MAIL AD REQUEST TO: The West Side Irish-American Club 8559 Jennings Road Olmsted Twp., OH 44138 Attn: Ad Book For Information call: 440-331-4233 2015 Junior Marching Units Exhibition Dance Saturday February 28, 2015 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm Doors open at 6:15 pm The event will be held at the West Side Irish-American Club With entertainment by both Blue Print Entertainment and Mary’s Lane Tickets will be presold beginning on January 25th during marching practice Ticket Prices: $10 for adults $5 for non-marching children over 13 Free all children under 13 Additional information: Tickets should be purchased prior to the event Table numbers will be assigned at the time of ticket purchase No outside alcohol is permitted Any questions or tickets please contact Heather Harvey at 216-440-0801 (text friendly) The West Side Irish-American Club YEAR 2015 PRE-ST. PATRICK’S DAY DANCE Exhibitions by the Ladies’ Drill Team and Senior Fife & Drum Corps Presentations of the Year 2015 Honorees I-A QUEEN Mary Therese Lavelle WOMAN OF THE YEAR Kathleen Mangan MAN OF THE YEAR Tim Campbell Saturday, March 7, 2015 7:00 p.m. to Midnight – Music at 8:00 p.m. At the West Side I-A Club 8559 Jennings Rd., Olmsted Twp. OH 440-235-5868 Music by the Deirdre Reilly Showband and Marys Lane Donation $20.00 Each Cash Bar For Tickets call John Lally 440-808-1729 ST. PATRICK’S DAY MASS On Tuesday, March 17th, mass will begin promptly at 10:00 AM at St. Colman Church, 2027 West 65th Street, Cleveland, OH 44102. The main celebrant will be Fr. Patrick Spicer. WORD HAS IT…From Your Library February is a cold, desolate month in the Midwest. Most folks are tired of the cold and snow, of being penned in the house, and of the drab look of the landscape after the pretty snow melts. That makes for the perfect time to visit the McNeeley Library for some snuggle down reading material. We have received new, interesting items for your pleasure. There is The Encyclopaedia of Music in Ireland by Harry White, which this column reviewed last month. This is reference material only, cannot be checked out. The Testament of Mary by Colm Toibin: This novella touched me as a mother. It is a look at the Virgin Mary with new, different eyes. In Toibin’s story, she is very human, she is elderly, she is plain spoken, a rather bitter woman. She mourns the loss of her son, as any mother would. You will either love it, or hate it. The author lives in Dublin and New York. Spellbound: Tales of Enchantment from Ancient Ireland by Siobhan Parkinson; illustrations by Olwyn Whelan: This book is for 6 to 9 year olds. It includes eight of the ancient legends of Ireland for parents and grandparents to enjoy with the children. We look forward to visiting with you in the library. Stop in, say hello, chat a bit. And by chance, if you are cleaning out some shelves, drawers, the kid’s room, the car; maybe you’ll find some stray book or other material that belongs back in McNeeley Library. Please return it, no fine – I said so, just a pleasant thank you. FOREVER YOUNG Brrrr, it was very cold for the January meeting; only 12 brave souls showed up. Our February meeting will be on the 12th and Foster Brown, from the Cleveland Metroparks, will be here to sing us through Ohio. St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner, and tickets will be on sale at the February meeting. The cost is $12.00 and Mary Ellen Grealis (440-235-6528) will take reservations for tables of eight. Lolly the Trolley will also be available for St. Patrick's Day; details will be forthcoming. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY Mary Ellen Grealis, Chairperson 440-235-6528 Janet Saringer, Vice-Chairperson; Mary Ellen McFarland, Secretary/Treasurer; Sam Tacchite, Sergeant-at-Arms Please contact Rosemarie Houlehan, Health and Welfare Chairperson, at 440-353-0925, to send a card to Forever Young Members who are sick or have lost an immediate family member. Welcome to our New Members! Jerrod Blake, Lynne, Burke, Mary Catherine Campbell-Fisher, Joseph Conway, Bridget Deleon, Lawrence Deleon, Maureen Dix, Bonita Dugan, Theresa Evans, Edward Fisher, Trisha Fox, Gary Franklin, Nancy Franklin, Karen Frischauf, Robert Frischauf, Charles Gove, Karen Harubin, Lawrence Harubin Jr., Edward Hasssing, Brenda Jordan, Kim Kelly, Patrick Kelly, Charlotte Kiley, John Kiley Jr., Lorraine Klaus, Patrick McLaughlin, Phil Navratil, Clare Navratil, Molly Neider, Michael Neider, William Nolan, Kathryn O’Callaghan-Hiendlmayr, Philip Papajcik, Mark Papajcik, John Patton, Mary Kate Patton Campbell, John Quien, Luke Ruyf, Sue Singleton, John Singleton, Katrina Szente, and Betty Washington. Lest We Forget As we being a new year, we pause to remember those members of the West Side Irish-American Club who passed away in 2014: Gloria Adams, Kay Bitterman, Rosemarie Byrne, Thomas Casey, Thomas Coulter, Sarah Coyne, Eamon D’Arcy, Patrick Davern, Hugh Gallagher, Mary Kay Hagan, Neal Hartnett, William Huff, James Jeffers, Geri Kenny, Steven Kovach, Lynn Leary, Patricia Lee, Miriam Lyons, John Mackin, Jack McFarland, Elizabeth McGowan, Marie McManamon, Rolland Miller, Cliff Murphy, George Parfitt, Ronald Wike, and Anna May Wilson. Congratulations to OUR ROSE OF TRALEE FINALIST Raised and currently residing in Bay Village, Ohio, 20 year old Katrina Szente is honored to have been selected to represent the WSIA at the 2015 Northern Ohio Rose of Tralee Pageant. In addition to studying paralegal studies at LCC Katrina holds a strong passion for writing, traveling and fitness. Three previous trips to Ireland and 15 years as an Irish dancer have allowed Katrina to explore and embrace her Irish roots of Achill Island. With her great grandfather, Anthony McGinty, as one of the founding fathers of the WSIA, Katrina is blessed and excited to represent an establishment that he held very dear to his heart. Katrina’s parents are Mark and Cathy Szente and she is the granddaughter of Al and Maureen Cseh. Katrina hopes to see her fellow members of the Club at the Ohio Rose of Tralee selection night to be held at the West Side Irish American Club on Saturday, February 14, 2015. Please support our Rose by attending the reception and dinner. Ticket forms are included in this month’s bulletin. Learn the Social Dances of Ireland CEILI DANCING 7:00 to 9:00 PM FEBRUARY 5, 12, 26 Quiz Night with Quiz Master Mark Owens Friday, February 20, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. Cost for Quiz entry is $5 per person, Teams of up to 6 people Prize: 50% of entry fees collected MARCH 5, 12, 26 APRIL 9, 23, 30 MAY 7, 14 JUNE 4, 11 No classes on I-A Meeting Nights MAIRE O’LEARY MANNING TCRG An Coimisiun le rinci gaelacha For more information: 216-456-5395 Cost is $10.00 per month Ceili Mor Friday, February 13, 2015 St Clarence Church 30106 Lorain Rd., North Olmsted 8:00 PM to 11:30 PM Admission $10 Music by Fior Gael For more information: O’Malley Catering Presents Lenten Fish Fries At the West Side Irish-American Club 8559 Jennings Road Olmsted Township, OH 44138 Starting February 20, 2015 Every Friday Ending Good Friday, April 3, 2015 5:00-7:30 PM Come join us for the best fish fry on the west side! 2015 OHIO ROSE SELECTION TICKET REQUEST Selection Celebration – February 14, 2015 West Side Irish American Club 8559 Jennings Road, Olmsted Township, Ohio, 44138 VIP Reception begins at 5:45 p.m. General Reception 6:30 p.m. Dinner and Program 7:15 p.m. Dressy attire Event tickets may be purchases as follows: VIP Reception: $125 Qty _______ x $125/each = $ _________ General Reception: $65 Qty _______ x $65/each = $ _________ Friend of Tralee: $500 The Friend of Tralee Sponsorship includes two (2) tickets to the 6 p.m. VIP reception priority seating at the event, recognition in the printed event program and web site recognition. Rose Bouquet: $100 and up A Rose Bouquet Sponsorship is tailored for those who are unable to attend this year’s Ohio Rose Selection Celebration, but who wish to support our programming. Rose Bouquet sponsors will receive event program and web site recognition. Please indicate your contribution below: $____________ So we may fulfill your request, once you indicate the ticket type, quantity and dollar amount (or donation) shown above, please complete the remainder of this form, enclose with a check payable to Westlake World Partners, then mail to: Westlake World Partners PO Box 45512 Westlake, OH 44145 Tickets: Name tags will be held at the door. No tickets will be mailed. For tax purposes, the fair value of VIP and General Reception tickets are $60 and $45 respectively. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE: Purchaser’s Name: _________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ City: __________________________ State: _____________ Zip:_____________ Phone: ________________________ Email: __________________________ According to the number of tickets purchased, list your party’s names as they should appear on the name tags that will be held at the door (in place of tickets.) Please print (or type) clearly. 1. ________________________ 2. ________________________ 3. ________________________ 4. ________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. ________________________ 7. _________________________ 8. _______________________ 9. _________________________10. ________________________ We suggest retaining a copy of this request for your records. The IRS has determined that Westlake World Partners is a 501(c)3 Our Tax Identification Number is 32-0329973 For further information or assistance contact Denise at (216) 534-3852 PUB HOURS: 23 16 9 Monday 2 Friday 6:00 PM-Midnight Junior Marching Units Exhibition Dance 28 Night at the Races 21 14 7 Saturday E-mail: 6 Canyon Wind 7:30 p.m. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Library open 6:30-8:30 p.m. FISH FRY served 5:00-7:30 p.m. 27 Pub Quiz 8:00 p.m. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Library open 6:30-8:30 p.m. FISH FRY served 5:00-7:30 p.m. 20 Love Country 7:30 p.m. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Library open 6:30-8:30 p.m. PUB GRUB served 5:30-8:00 p.m. 13 No Strangers Here 7:30 p.m. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Library open 6:30-8:30 p.m. PUB GRUB served 5:30-8:00 p.m. Friday Sunday 1:00 PM-9:00 PM Thursday 12 BULLETIN DEADLINE Before & After General Meeting Ceili Dancing 7 p.m. 26 I-A Store Open 7-9 p.m ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Library Open ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Meeting 8 p.m. 19 Forever Young 1 p.m. Ceili Dancing 7 p.m. Ceili Dancing 7 p.m. 5 Tel: 440-235-5868 Saturday 1:00 PM-Midnight Wednesday 25 18 11 4 FEBRUARY 2015 Tuesday 10 24 17 St. Patrick’s Day Ad Book Deadline 3 West Side Irish-American Club, 8559 Jennings Road, Olmsted Twp, 44138 Sunday 1 No Marching Practice 8 Marching Units Practice Noon-7pm 15 Marching Units Practice Noon-7pm 22 Marching Units Practice Noon-7pm Saturday, March 7 ~ Pre St. Patrick’s Day Dance Saturday, March 14 ~ Claddagh Ball Monday, March 16 ~ Boxty and Irish Sausage Night Tuesday, March 17 ~ 10 a.m. Mass at St. Colman Church Saturday, March 28 ~ Steak Shoot Sunday, March 29 ~ Easter Bunny Breakfast EASTER BUNNY BREAKFAST Sunday, March 29, 2015 from 10:00am—Noon Don’t miss this visit from the EASTER BUNNY! We will have a Basket Raffle, Guessing Games, an Easter Egg Hunt, and a delicious Don’t forget to bring your camera to take pictures. The breakfast is always a SELL OUT, so make your reservations today! *All adults must be members.* breakfast too! Children under 12: $3.00 each Children 12 & over & Adults: $6.00 each RESERVATIONS ONLY!! Deadline: March 20, 2015 NO CONFIRMATIONS WILL BE MAILED. You will only be notified if there are no reservations available. Cut Here & Mail Easter Bunny Breakfast Reservation Form Name of Family: ________________________ I can help with: Set-up [ ] Serving [ ] Phone Number: _______________ Clean-up [ ] Donating Pastry [ ] Name & Age of Child: _____________________ ____/ ______________________ ____ Name & Age of Child: _____________________ ____/ ______________________ ____ Name & Age of Child: _____________________ ____/ ______________________ ____ *Name & Membership Number of adult attending: ________________________ No. ____ *Name & Membership Number of adult attending: ________________________ No. ____ No. Adults: ___ x $6.00 = $_______ No. Children: ___ x $3.00 = $_______ Total: $_______ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: W.S.I.A. Club MAIL CHECK & FORM TO: Maureen Carr, 4355 Georgette Ave., North Olmsted, OH 44070 5 8pm, March 17th, 2015 Ahern’s Banquet Center, Avon Lake Contact Jack Kilroy at 440-759-1253 or Happy Valentine’s Day from all of us at Casey’s Stop in at Casey’s in February and receive 14% off any one item. (Excludes food, gift cards, previous purchases and lucky finds) St. Patrick’s Day will be here before you know it! CLADDAGH AND CELTIC JEWELRY TARA’S DIARY BEADS INIS COLOGNE IRISH CHOCOLATES TRADITIONAL IRISH SWEATERS PARADE APPAREL Casey’s Irish Imports, Inc. 19626 Center Ridge Road Rocky River, OH 44116 440-333-8383 Like us on Facebook Cead Mile Failte “A Hundred Thousand Welcomes” To An All Irish Boutique At Rocky River Memorial Hall 21016 Hilliard Blvd. (corner of Hilliard and Wager) Friday, March 6th 10 AM- 7 PM Saturday, March 7th 10 AM- 5 PM Sunday, March 8th 11 AM- 4 PM Join us for unique Irish gifts, clothing, and jewelry, Irish entertainment, food, and fun! Admission is Free! For more information, including links to our vendors and entertainment schedule, go to Join us For An Unforgettable Adventure… West Side Irish American Club Presents: Taste of Scotland & Ireland Tour August 13, 2015 – August 24, 2015 Land Price: $2675 per person (double occupancy room) Single Room Supplement: $728 TOUR INCLUDES: Sightseeing by luxury coach Professional tour director 10 nights in hotels listed Full breakfast daily (B) except on day 1 6 dinners (D) including - Scottish Evening in Edinburgh - Canal Cruise dinner and live music - Bunratty Castle Medieval Banquet - 3 table d'hote dinners 1 lunch (L) Welcome get-together drink Sightseeing tours of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dublin Loch Ness scenic cruise Blair Athol Distillery whisky tasting and tour Reserved seats for Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo Ferries from Scotland to Ireland and across the River Shannon Farmhouse tea and scones with sheepdog display Horse-drawn jaunting car ride in Killarney Headsets for walking tours Deluxe carry-on backpack, ticket wallet, luggage tags & strap All local taxes, hotel service charges & porterage for one suitcase per person Visits and admissions to: Provand’s Lordship, Spean Bridge Woollen Mill, St Andrews, Edinburgh Castle, Titanic Belfast, Book of Kells in Trinity College, Blarney Castle, Blarney Woollen Mills, Skellig Experience, Cliffs of Moher and Clonmacnoise Monastic Site Hotels: Glasgow Thistle Hotel Glasgow (1 night) Newton Hotel Nairn(1 night) Marriott Dalmahoy Hotel Edinburgh (2 nights) Royal Marine Hotel Dun Laoghaire (2 nights) Killarney Avenue Hotel Killarney (2 nights) Bunratty Castle Hotel Bunratty (1 night) Maldron Hotel– Cardiff Lane Dublin (1 night) For more information Contact: Marge Flynn The Travel Connection 199 South Chillocothe Road Aurora, OH 44202 Tel: (330) 273-4325 or (800) 969-6559 Email: This tour is subject to CIE Tours’ booking guidelines and cancellation penalties. Refer to General Conditions on website ( or back cover of current brochure CST# 2021285-20. Itinerary and dates subject to change until printing of our 2015 brochure. TASTE OF SCOTLAND & IRELAND - OUTLINE ITINERARY Day 1: Glasgow Highlights Your Scottish trip starts at 2:30 pm when you meet your tour director at your Glasgow hotel and set out on an introductory tour of central Glasgow. This is a city that flourished in Victorian times due to the shipbuilding industry and international trade. Drive around George Square with its ornate City Chambers and visit Provand’s Lordship, Glasgow’s oldest house built in 1471. The house was originally part of a hospital and has been extensively restored and furnished. Join your tour director and travel companions for a welcome drink before dinner. (D) Day 2: Loch Lomond & Loch Ness Cruise Travel alongside the famous Loch Lomond, renowned for its unsurpassed beauty. Travel through the deep valley of Glen Coe, notorious for the Campbell massacre of the Clan Macdonald in 1692. Continue through Fort William and stop at the Spean Bridge Woollen Mill, which offers a good selection of quality Scottish goods. At Fort Augustus embark on a short cruise on Loch Ness to keep an eye out for “Nessie.” Continue your journey north to Nairn for your next overnight stay. (B,D) Day 3: Whisky Tasting & St Andrews Drive to Blair Athol Distillery in Pitlochry to see how whisky is distilled and sample some. Continue south to St Andrews, renowned as the “Home of Golf” and for its university, Scotland’s oldest. Spend some time to explore on your own. Drive south to Edinburgh and to your gracious manor house hotel, set on 1,000 acres with two golf courses and spa facilities a few miles from the city. Dine at a Scottish Evening on some excellent Scottish cuisine followed by a lively show with songs, stories and traditional dancing. (B,D) Day 4: Edinburgh Castle & City Tour This morning tour the principal sights of Edinburgh with a local guide. Drive along the bustling Princes Street and through the gracious, wide streets of the 200-year-old Georgian New Town. Walk along part of the Royal Mile where compact medieval houses reach 11 floors tall. Visit Edinburgh Castle, which dominates the city and contains the Scottish Crown Jewels and the Stone of Scone. The balance of the day is free. On August 4 to 25 departures, seats are reserved for the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. (B) Day 5: Ferry to Ireland & Titanic Belfast Depart Edinburgh early this morning and drive south through Ayrshire and along the coast. At Cairnryan take a ferry ride to Belfast for a visit to Titanic Belfast. Learn about this famous liner which was built in the adjacent docks. State-of-the-art displays describe Belfast, working conditions and many other aspects of the ship. Drive south to Dublin and check in to your hotel. The evening is at leisure for independent dining. (B) Day 6: Dublin Sightseeing & Canal Dinner Cruise Tour central Dublin today to see fashionable shopping areas around Grafton and Nassau Streets, view elegant Georgian squares and pause at the evocative figures of the Famine Memorial. Walk through the campus of Trinity College with a student guide to view the illuminated manuscript of the 8th century Book of Kells and learn how monks created this and other masterpieces. In the evening enjoy a canal dinner cruise with traditional Irish music aboard a former Guinness barge through central Dublin. (B,D) Day 7: Farmhouse Tea & Blarney Castle Travel through the midlands of Ireland, stopping for photos at the stately Rock of Cashel. Visit a farmhouse for tea with scones and watch skilled sheep dogs herd sheep. Continue south to visit Blarney Castle and kiss the famous “Stone of Eloquence.” Also visit the Blarney Woollen Mills where you can find quality Irish-made goods. Drive to Killarney, picturesquely set beside lakes and mountains. Check in to your hotel and relax before dinner. Afterwards you may like to explore some of Killarney’s famous "singing pubs." (B,D) Day 8: Ring of Kerry & Skellig Experience Take a jaunting car ride to view Ross Castle set on Lough Leane. Then embark on the Ring of Kerry drive – a winding route with breathtaking sights of mountains and coastal views. Cross to Valentia Island by bridge to visit the Skellig Experience which describes the austere lives of early Christian monks on the nearby islands. Enjoy a casual lunch and stop in Sneem to admire brightly painted houses. Pause at Moll’s Gap for stunning views before returning to Killarney where you have an evening free for independent dining and activities. (B,L) Day 9: Cliffs of Moher & Bunratty Castle Banquet Take a ferry ride across the River Shannon to reach the Cliffs of Moher, a spectacular wall of sandstone that reaches 700 feet above the Atlantic Ocean. Check in to Bunratty Castle Hotel, close to Bunratty Castle and Folk Park. If you wish, you may visit the Folk Park, have a drink in the 200-year-old Durty Nelly’s Pub or shop at the Bunratty Mills. In the evening head to Bunratty Castle for a memorable medieval-style feast where the lords and ladies will serenade you with song and harp music, evocative of the Middle Ages. (B,D) Day 10: Dublin Extension via Galway Drive to Galway for a panoramic tour around the central part of the city. Visit Clonmacnoise Monastic Site, founded in 546 AD by Saint Ciaran. View elaborate Celtic crosses, round towers and ruins of medieval churches. Drive to Dublin and check into a different hotel and you are free for independent activities and dining. (B) Day 11: Depart Dublin for Home Your tour ends after breakfast. (B) B: Breakfast; L: Lunch; D: Dinner The Travel Connection requires the coupon below, with a deposit of $300 per person, due at booking Insurance Available….Highly Recommended Make Checks Payable to: The Travel Connection Send to: 199 South Chillocothe Road, Aurora, OH 44202 Full Name of passenger Must Match Passport: Nationality: Passport Number: Passport Issue Date: Passport Issuing Authority: Inbound Flight Arrival Details: Type of Room: □ Twin □ Single If TWIN room, provide name of roommate: Date of Birth: / / Gender M F / / Passport Expiration Date: Outbound Departure Details: / / □ I am enclosing a deposit check for $ Street Address: City/State/Zip: Daytime Phone: Evening Phone: Email: Emergency Contact : Group #: 343607 BULLETIN DEADLINE The West Side Irish-American Club The deadline for the MARCH bulletin is THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12th. Phone # (440) 235-5868 ~ Fax # (440) 235-3169 To ensure that the bulletin is mailed on-time, there are no exceptions to the deadline. Please EMAIL copy ready information by the deadline (Word or Publisher file) to If you do not have email, please CALL Siobhan Linville at 216-469-2459 at least 48 hours prior to the deadline. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. ~ ~ ADVERTISE ~ ~ If you would like to advertise your services or products on the back pages of the WSIA bulletin, call Dianne Luther at (440) 779-8821 for Prices and Sizes Available. To Advertise using a Flyer you supply to us, the charge is: Full Page-$150.00 ~ 1/2 Page$100.00. We Do Not Print Political Flyers. GOOD & WELFARE When a member is sick or there is a death in the family, Mary Flannery, Good & Welfare Chairperson, tries to send a card from the Club. If you know of a member who should be receiving a card, please call her at (216) 4033637 or send an e-mail to GET INVOLVED! SUPPORT YOUR CLUB! VOLUNTEERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED! Entertainment Committee—Helen Malloy, 216-251-4075 Tuesday Maintenance—John O’Brien, 440-331-4233 McDonough’s Brigade—Kevin McDonough, 216-226-8994 Bartending—Mary Cunningham, 440-725-0461 Cleaning Teams—Kathleen Egan, 440-327-8196 Library—Midge Gannon, 440-686-0690 I.A Store—Linda Clark, 440-236-3165 TUNE IN TO IRISH RADIO WKTL FM 90.7 - Johnson Bros. Irish Hour, Saturday 10 - 11 AM WCBS FM 89.3 - Sweeney Astray with Bill Kennedy, Sunday 7 - 9 AM WHK AM 1420 - Jerry Quinn’s Irish Hours, Sunday 10 AM - Noon WCWA AM 1230 - Echoes of Ireland with John Connolly, Sunday 1 - 3 PM WCPN FM 90.3 - Songs of Britain & Ireland, Joe Nichols & Kevin McGinty, Sunday, 4 - 5 PM WRUW FM 91.1 - Beyond the Pale with Roger Weist, Sunday 4 - 6 PM 8559 Jennings Road, Olmsted Township, Ohio 44138 E-mail Address: INFO@WSIA-CLUB.ORG WEB SITE: WWW.WSIA-Club.Org Find us on Facebook: West Side Irish American Club To be added to our e-mail list and receive updates on Club events, please email your name and membership number to INFO@WSIA-CLUB.ORG. Club Officers and Trustees JOHN O’BRIEN, President…………………..440-331-4233 KEVIN McDONOUGH, Vice President …….216-226-8994 MARY ELLEN GREALIS, Treasurer ……….440-235-6528 ANN MURPHY, Financial Secretary ………..440-238-4295 DAN CHAMBERS, Sergeant-at-Arms ……...440-427-0858 ROSS BASSETT, Trustee ……………...……440-238-5416 MARY CUNNINGHAM, Trustee …………..440-725-0461 KEVIN HAYES, Trustee ………………….…440-552-0472 MAUREEN LAVELLE, Trustee ……….…...216-941-3438 MICHAEL LAVELLE, Trustee……………...440-716-9191 PAT LENEGHAN, Trustee ………………….440-835-3742 TOM LUCAS, Trustee..……………………...216-401-8223 BILL LUTHER, Trustee …………………….440-779-8821 HELEN MALLOY, Trustee ………………...216-251-4075 MIKE McGUIRE, Trustee …….…………….440-777-1168 FRED MERTES, Trustee……………………440-235-4933 MARK OWENS, Trustee……………………440-331-3539 BILL RICE, Trustee …………………………440-366-5748 The Board of Trustees would like remind members and guests that the selling of raffle tickets, event tickets, fundraising items, and any other items not related to a Club sponsored event or raffle is strictly prohibited. We have had a long-standing policy against this. Thank you for your cooperation. GERRY LAVELLE 300 CLUB There was no drawing in January because all the checks haven’t cleared. There will be 2 drawings at the February Meeting. 50/50 DRAWING The winner of the January drawing was Mary Hubert who took home $233.00. MEMBERSHIP DRAWING The member’s name drawn from the Membership Roster at the January 15th meeting who would have won $467.00 was Patrick McLaughlin of Strongsville, Ohio. The February drawing will be worth $700.00. Remember you must register & be present to win. Let us all be mindful that the richness of our Irish heritage can only be preserved by fostering a family friendly environment in the club and pub. If our (or our guest's) actions, language, and apparel are not appropriate for our own families, then they are also not appropriate in the presence of our extended family of members and guests at the club. Carry your 2015 Membership Card with You!! You must be a current member to attend the General Meeting; please have your membership card with you. HANKS & COLETTA INSURANCE JULY 24, 25 AND 26, 2015 HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR END OF LIFE PLANING? WILL YOU HAVE ENOUGH INCOME IF YOU Capts. Tim, NEEDTyler CARE?& Jason WE HAVEFisherman EXCITING NEW SOLUTIONS. - Pat PLEASE CONTACT ME TO DISCUSS WSIA Member THESE IMPORTANT ISSUES. 440-269-8002 World Class Advice. Local Advisors. Insurance Surety Employee Benefits Contact: Gregory C. Donnelly Vice President, Employee Benefits Division Member WSIA Pipe Band Direct: 440-895-6360 • MEDICAL, DENTAL, DISABILITY, LIFE, LONG-TERM CARE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT CONSULTING 1340 Depot Street, Suite 300 O’BRIEN PAINTING & DECORATING Commercial and Residential Interior/Exterior Painting Drywall Installation Capts. Tim, Tyler &and JasonRepair • An AssuredPartners Company Cleveland, OH 44116 • 440-333-9000 • 800-860-0090 “Where Ireland Meets Peru” Alpaca Sales & Farm Store • 419-368-6050 Kathy Murphy Turk, Member W.S.I.A. An Hour South of Cleveland off I-71 in Ashland County Fisherman - Pat WSIA Member INSURED For a quote call: Timothy O’Brien (216) 233-4036 Newgrange Asset Management Capts. Tim, Tyler CFA, & Jason Paul J. Lehman, CFP FishermanInvestment - Pat Fee ONLY Registered Advisor WSIA Member 440-238-2991 Owners Capts. Tim, Tyler & Jason McCann Capt. & Fisherman - Pat Campbell WSIA Member McAvinue-Hertvik All avenues of insurance with you in mind since 1954 Office Cell Phone Ask for Pat or Mike Pat (440) 243-2229 (216) 789-0843 Island Pk. Two 7530 Lucerne Dr.. Suite 210 Middleburg Hts., Ohio 44130 Unique. Personal.IRISH! Irish. Unique. Personal. Plant a Tree in Ireland Plant Ireland or or Buy a Piece of Ireland. Buy a Piece of Ireland. AA memorable memorableway way to celebrate celebrate a a birth, to birth, birthday, wedding, wedding, oror anniversary, birthday, anniversary, to honor honor aalost one. ororto lostloved loved one. FREE SHIPPING. FREE SHIPPING Compliments of Judge Shannon M. Gallagher Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas The West Side Irish-American Club The McNeely Library Foundation Inc. 8559 Jennings Road, Olmsted Township, Ohio 44138 Address Service Requested FACILITIES RENTAL Are you looking to de-stress your life while hosting a party, or tired of cleaning before or after a party? Why not consider having it catered at The West Side Irish-American Club? DATED MATERIAL MAILED January 23rd O’Malley Catering offers their services for all occasions. We can seat up to 300 in the Main Hall, 100 in the Abbey Hall and 60 in the Madison Hall. The Abbey and Madison can be combined to seat 160. Our outdoor pavilion will seat 400+. The beautiful gazebo could be a site for a picturesque exchange of vows. Whether you are celebrating a wedding, anniversary, birthday or graduation, we give your affair the attention and individuality you are looking for. A business meeting in a relaxed setting or company picnic inviting camaraderie, we can accommodate. Our updated website will give you many ideas however each event is unique and our team will work with you to create a day that is unforgettable. For all catered events, please visit our website at or call us at 440-734-6559. For all other rentals, call Ann Murphy at 440-238-4295. On Friday nights, the music will be playing, the pints will be flowing, and the food will be plenty. Come join in the fun and bring your friends, all are welcome! PUB GRUB served from 5:30-8:00 PM on Fridays through Friday, February 13th Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers, Hot Dogs, Corned Beef Sandwiches, Reubens, Wings, Lake Perch Dinners Come join us for the best fish fry on the west side! LENTEN FISH FRY served from 5:00-7:30 p.m. every Friday from March 20th - Good Friday, April 3rd MENU: Baked Fish Dinner, Beer Battered Fish Dinner, Breaded Shrimp Platter, Baked Seafood Stuffed Flounder, Fish Sandwich, Fresh Mussels, and Clam Chowder February 6 February 13 February 20 February 27 March 6 Weekly Dinner Special Entertainment 7:30-10:30 PM unless otherwise noted Chicken Cordon Bleu Roast Pork Dinner Crab Cake Dinner Tilapia Milanese Dinner TBA No Strangers Here Love Country Pub Quiz at 8pm Canyon Wind Kevin McCarthy O’MALLEY CATERING West Side Irish-American Club $1.00 off on Friday Night Dinner Special 5:30 – 8:00 PM Good for up to 4 people Valid through February 13, 2015
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