Updates - Yarra Drug and Health Forum

A community based response to alcohol and other drug issues
4 Johnston Street Collingwood 3066
Phone: 9468 2819 Mobile: 0419 521 075
W/E February 20th 2015
Dear Members,
The Guest Speaker at the next meeting of the YDHF on Monday 2 March will be Will Wood, Clinical Nurse
Consultant and Referral Coordinator at the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre. He will show a
short film about the centre and talk about its work. In the Agency Profile section of the meeting Gabrielle
Bennett who is the Victorian Viral Hepatitis Educator at Saint Vincent’s Hospital will speak about her role
and how she can assist agency workers.
If you are going to the VAADA Conference come and have a look at the Mobile SIF model that we will there.
It was made by Hugh Crothers as his Final Year project in Architecture at RMIT and he won the Bates Smart
Award for the design which is based on a VicPol ‘Booze Bus’
Joe Morris
9 - 10
10 - 11
11 - 12
12 - 13
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
The Age: Money makes all the difference when it comes to tackling ice addiction in Victoria
The Age, 14 February 2015, journalist Chloe Booker
James Gianchino, a recovered ice addict, says he was initially turned away from a state-funded drug withdrawal unit
because "his problem was not yet bad enough."
James Gianchino, a recovered ice addict, says he was initially turned away from a state-funded drug withdrawal unit
because "his problem was not yet bad enough." Photo: Simon O'Dwyer
Long wait forces Victoria's addicts into NSW rehab.
Read Article at -: http://www.theage.com.au/national/money-makes-all-the-difference-when-it-comes-to-tackling-iceaddiction-in-victoria-20150213-13b2ic.html
Doctors, Nurses, Dentists With History of Drug Use to Undergo Hair Testing
Doctors, nurses, dentists with history of drug use to undergo hair testing
Kids in State Care Turning to Alcohol, Painkillers and Caffeine Pills
Kids in state care turning to alcohol, painkillers and caffeine pills
Prisoner and ex prisoner health - discussion on Radio 774 ABC Melbourne - 10 Feb 15
Drugs: Inside the Drug Court - Episode 1 - The Last Chance
Gold Coast police special unit visits parolees at home as drug testing powers expand
Home delivery for drug testing
Dr Michael Keane Tells Tom Elliot on 3AW That Australia Has the Wrong Attitude to Drug
Dr Michael Keane tells Tom Elliott that Australia has wrong approach to drug addiction
Peter Gotzsche, Founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, Visits Australia to talk About Dangers of
Prescription Drugs
Peter Gotzsche, founder of the Cochrane Collaboration, visits Australia to talk about dangers of prescription drugs
The Beginnings of the War on Drugs
The beginnings of the war on drugs
Washington's Residential Drug Offender Sentencing Alternative: Recidivism and Cost Analysis
Philippines, Indonesia Sign Anti-Drug Trafficking Accord
Philippines, Indonesia sign anti-drug trafficking accord
US Drivers under the Influence of Drugs Now Outnumber Those Who are Drunk
Drivers under the influence of drugs now outnumber those who are drunk
Ohio working on drug prison as a way to help sentenced addicts
Dance Festival Overdose Death Prompts Drug Policy Debate
Dance festival overdose death prompts drug policy debate
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
Long wait forces Victoria's ice addicts into NSW rehab beds
The Age, 13 February, journalist Chloe Booker
Victorian ice addicts undergoing rehabilitation are being forced to travel to NSW, where there is almost four times
the number of public beds available.
Others are paying thousands of dollars a week to stay in private rehab centres to avoid months-long waiting lists for
public treatment.
There are more than 800 publicly-funded drug rehab beds in NSW, but only 208 in Victoria, according to each
state's health departments.
Read More - http://www.theage.com.au/national/long-wait-forcesvictorias-ice-addicts-into-nsw-rehab-beds20150213-13duve.html
Breaking the Ice: Using evidence to gain perspective on the ice epidemic and what it means for
The population rate of methamphetamine use has remained relatively static over the last 10 years. Associate
Professor Nicole Lee reflects upon what may be driving recent media headlines that Australia is awash with
methamphetamine read more
Magistrate Calls for Better Drug Education to Combat Ice Epidemic
Magistrate calls for better drug education to combat ice epidemic
Kids Target of Meth campaign
Kids target of meth campaign
Deaths Highlight Ecstasy dangers But Does Zero-tolerance Put Lives at Risk?
Deaths highlight ecstasy dangers but does zero-tolerance put lives at risk?
Top QC to Head Up Medical Cannabis Review in Victoria
Marijuana is Effective in Treating Depression – Latest Study
Marijuana Is Effective In Treating Depression -- Latest Study
Medicinal Cannabis Trial Too Slow, Rebel Sydney Doctor Tells Crowd
Medicinal cannabis trial too slow, rebel doctor tells crowd
Is The Medical Marijuana Debate Even Worth Having?
Is the medical marijuana debate even worth having?
Experts Discuss Therapeutic Potential of Medical Cannabis in a Symposium Organized by MUHC
Experts discuss therapeutic potential of medical cannabis in a symposium organized by MUHC
Alcohol Benefits Might be too Good to be True
Alcohol benefits might be too good to be true
NT Police Query Legality of Grog Patrols
NT police query legality of grog patrols
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
No Alcohol, Mums –to-be Told
No alcohol, mums-to-be told
State Wants More Houses Alcohol- Free in WA following its Legislation to have your House
Declared Alcohol Free and an Offense to Drink in it.
State wants more houses alcohol-free
‘Drinkorexics’ Losing Weight by Replacing Food With Glass of Wine
'Drinkorexics' losing weight by replacing food with glass of wine
Even Moderate Consumption of Alcohol is No Good for Health, Study Finds
Even moderate consumption of alcohol is not good for health, study finds
Cannabis Users Call on Police Union for Support
Cannabis users call on police union for support
Ultra Marathoners Sprouting the Pre-and Post-Race Benefits of Smoking Marijuana
Ultra marathoners sprouting the pre- and post-race benefits of smoking marijuana
Review Finds ‘Significant Link’ Between Cannabis Use and Onset of mania Symptons
Review finds 'significant link' between cannabis use and onset of mania symptoms
There’s a New App Called ‘High There’ that’s Basically Tinder for Weed Smokers
There's a new app called High There that's basically Tinder for weed smokers
Jamaica Passes Landmark Marijuana Law on the 70th Birthday of Bob Marley
Jamaica passes landmark marijuana law on the 70th birthday of Bob Marley
Psychosis Five Times More Likely for Cannabis Users: UK Study
Psychosis five times more likely for cannabis users: UK study
Increasing Opioid Doses to Manage Chronic Pain May Intensify Depression
Increasing opioid doses to manage chronic pain may intensify depression
Gl Society Releases Video to Spread Awareness About Hepatitis C
GI Society releases video to spread awareness about hepatitis C
Diabetes Warning for Hep C Treatment
Diabetes warning for hep C treatment
HCV More Common in West Africa Yet Lacks Equal Attention as HIV/AIDS or Ebola
HCV more common in West Africa yet lacks equal attention as HIV/AIDS or Ebola
Discover Global Hepatitis C Treatment Market Share, Size Analysis and Forecast to 2020
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
Discover Global Hepatitis C treatment market share, size analysis and forecast to 2020
Five Researchers Selected to Receive 2015 Avant-Garde Award for HIV/Aids Research
Five researchers selected to receive 2015 Avant-Garde Award for HIV/Aids research
New Book – Through Our Eyes – to Explore Stories of People Living With HIV
New book – Through our Eyes – to explore stories of people living with HIV
Researchers Identify Immune Biomarkers that Could Help Predict Complications in HIV/TB
Researchers identify immune biomarkers that could help predict complications in HIV/TB patients
New, More Virulent HIV Strain Detected in Cuba
New, more virulent HIV strain detected in Cuba
More Health Groups Call for E-Cigarettes Ban Despite Objections from Retailers
More health groups call for e-cigarettes ban despite objections from retailers
Baird Government to Ban E-cigarette Sales to Children – 70% Found to Contain Nicotine
Baird Government to ban e-cigarette sales to children - 70 percent found to contain nicotine
The Cigarette Pack that Talks Back
The cigarette pack that talks back
Diabetes in the Womb: Tobacco Smoke Can Significantly Escalate Risk of Developing Diabetes in
Diabetes in the womb: Tobacco smoke can significantly escalate risk of developing diabetes in adulthood
All Universities, Colleges in Punjab to be Tobacco Free
All universities, colleges in Punjab to be tobacco free
Older Wiser Lifestyle: Older Adults and AOD Problems – Friday 27th February
There are still a few places available for the Turning Point Older Wiser Lifestyle: older adults and AOD problems on
Friday 27 February 2015
Details can be found on the Turning Point website including the expression of interest form.
For further information contact T: 03 8413 8700 or training@turningpoint.org.au
Encountering alcohol and other drugs - Abstracts Closing Date 16th March
16 – 18 September, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal
SUBMIT YOUR ABSTRACT by email to: cdp@curtin.edu.au
Closing date for abstracts is Monday 16 March, 2015
More Information - http://ndri.curtin.edu.au/local/docs/pdf/cdp_lisbon_2015.pdf
‘Leadership in Times of Change’. An AOD Change Agent Network (CAN) Inaugral Forum with
Christine Nixon
March 23rd; 9.00am - 1pm @ The Bouverie Centre. 8 Gardiner Street, Brunswick. FREE
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
The AOD sector has experienced its greatest period of change since the early 1990’s. Navigating through this
process requires leadership and resilience.
This is a special invitation by CAN to participate in a free workshop with Christine Nixon, an intelligent and witty
presenter, well-known for her experience as the Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police. The workshop will focus on
leadership and resilience during periods of system change.
This is a unique opportunity for current and aspiring leaders within the AOD sector.
Secure your spot in this forum today as space is limited:
To register follow link: http://bouverie.ievents.info/link/id/zzzz54d999c681de9369/regform?evuid=zzzz54d997225be6e873
More Info follow link: www.changeagentnetwork.net.
NOTE: This event may be videoed & released for public viewing, all efforts will be made to ensure no individual,
beyond the presenter is recognisable
Identifying family Violence: How to Work With Clients Safely – Friday 20th March
The Turning Point March one day workshop Identifying Family Violence: how to work with clients safely which will
take place in Fitzroy on Friday 20 March 2015. The facilitator is Denise Roberts, training coordinator of No To
Violence and the Men’s Referral Service. She has been a family violence worker for over 20 years. This seminar
has a very practical focus, and will: explore family violence in depth; review ongoing assessment, monitoring and
risk management; address safe practices in engagement and review barriers to leaving.
Details can be found on the Turning Point website including the expression of interest form.
For further information contact T: 03 8413 8700 or training@turningpoint.org.au
ARCSHS Workshop – Using a Systems Approach? 12th March
The What Works and Why (W3) project at ARCSHS and the Centre of Excellence in Implementation and Prevention
Science (CEIPS) are holding an interactive workshop on Thursday 12 March 2015. The workshop makes a case
study of the W3 project, which seeks to help researchers and policy-makers understand the ‘system logic’ of peer
and community-based approaches to HIV and hepatitis C. In particular, we are interested in the way flows of
knowledge within health promotion programs enable them to adapt to the diversity and dynamism of their target
communities, understood as complex adaptive systems. We facilitated workshops with program staff and
managers using systems thinking tools and concepts, and through an iterative process, developed program theories
for peer based approaches working at different levels – from direct service provision up to policy advocacy. At this
workshop, W3 and CEIPS will share and invite discussion of the insights, challenges and lessons learned along the
way – both about implementing the systems approach and engaging with communities as systems in health
WHEN: 12 March 2015, 9.30am – 12pm
WHERE: VicHealth Seminar Room (Ground Floor, 15-31 Pelham St, Carlton).
RSVP: Please email Courtney Yam & courtneyyam@ceips.org.au by Tues 10th March COB.
FADNET Seminar Advanced Notice – 24th March
Date: Tuesday March 24
Time: 9.00am to 12.30pm (followed by lunch)
Venue: Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre
The Family Alcohol and Drug Network (FADNET) are excited to announce a Seminar with Dr. Jeffrey M Schwartz.
Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz is a research psychiatrist at the School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles
and one of the world’s leading experts in neuroplasticity. His area of research includes the philosophy of conscious
awareness, the idea that the actions of the mind have an effect on the workings of the brain. His research has been
widely published and he has written two books, including best seller ‘You are not your brain’. Dr. Schwartz will be
sharing how his strategies translate to practice.
More information to be distributed shortly.
Contact: Anne Parkes, 0416 146085, aparkes@odyssey.org.au
The Grey Matters National Conference: Preventing and Responding to Alcohol and Other Drug
Problems among Older Australians
NCETA is hosting the Grey Matters conference on Wednesday 1 April 2015 9am – 5pm at the Education
Development Centre, 4 Milner St, Hindmarsh SA. The conference will bring together key representatives of the
aged care, alcohol and other drug and primary health sectors to discuss alcohol and other drug use among older
Australians read more
Lesbian, Bisexual and Queer Women’s Health Conference Friday 27th March, 2015
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
VAC, in partnership with the Rainbow Network, beyondblue and the Commonwealth Department of Health a proud
to host a FREE one day conference looking at the health and wellbeing of lesbian, bisexual and queer women.
This conference aims to build the capacity of those working to improve the health and well being of lesbian, bisexual
and queer women. In doing so, you’ll hear from a range of speakers who will share research and practice wisdom
regarding service considerations when supporting lesbian and other queer women.
Dr Ruth McNair will provide a keynote address on her work with the beyondblue funded ALICE study, a research
project exploring alcohol and other drug use by lesbian, bisexual and same-sex attracted women.
Special guest MC Kelly Parry (comedian, writer, performer and creative strategist).
Other speakers include:
Georgie Harman CEO, beyondblue
Simon Ruth CEO, Victorian AIDS Council (VAC)
Liam Leonard Director, Gay & Lesbian Health Victoria (GLHV)
A conference panel will feature a range of experts in the field.
Abstract submissions are now open for the afternoon session streams:
Affirming the lived experience of lesbian, bisexual and other queer women who use.
Inclusive practice and service provision
Consumer led action and change
Abstract submission
Individuals, groups and organisations are invited to submit an abstract for the afternoon workshop and presentation
streams. Workshop sessions will be allocated in 30 minute blocks.
Topic Streams
Conference abstracts are invited to be submitted on a variety of streams:
Stream 1: Affirming the lived experience of lesbian & queer women who use
Stream 2: Inclusive practice and service provision
Stream 3: Consumer led action and change
For more information email zoe.birkinshaw@vac.org.au or visit http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/lesbian-bisexualand-queer-womens-health-conference-tickets-15595277896?aff=es2&rank=1 to RSVP by March 5th
Department of Health funded Aboriginal cultural safety training for Victorian AOD staf
Accredited Course in Family Inclusive Practice for Alcohol and Other Drugs Health Professionals
- Highly Relevant and Aligned with AOD Sector Reforms
Odyssey House Victoria is pleased to announce a new nationally recognised and accredited course in familyinclusive practice for alcohol and other drugs (AOD) workers.
Families are often impacted by a loved one’s AOD use – the impacts of which include grief, loss, family violence,
parenting and financial issues. Participants are those wishing to improve or obtain skills to help meet expectations
and requirements during service reforms for the inclusion of family members in treatment and support.
This course is delivered online and was developed in collaboration with The Bouverie Centre, the Victorian
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
Department of Health, Melbourne University, UnitingCare ReGen, Youth Support Advocacy and Service, Eastern
Drug and Alcohol Service and Psychiatric Disability Services of Victoria with funding from the Victorian Government.
This nationally recognised and accredited course equips participants with the skills and knowledge required to work
with multiple members of a family where substance use and other complex issues may be present.
More Information and Registration Details
Beyond Cultural Competency, a free two-day cross-cultural workshop for workers in the AOD
Beyond Cultural Competency – a cross cultural workshop for AOD workers Turning Point, in collaboration with the
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) are pleased to offer Beyond Cultural Competency, a free two-day
cross-cultural workshop for workers in the AOD sector. It is a challenging new course that has been specifically
developed for AOD workers. The workshop explores linkages between individual and broader structural issues,
between theory, policy and practice and the complexities that are embedded in every day work with immigrant and
refugee communities in the area of alcohol and drugs.
Current funding to support the provision these free workshops ceases in June 2015 so this may be your last
opportunity to access it at no cost.
Tuesday 17 March & Wednesday 18 March 2015
9:30am - 4pm
Turning Point Training Room
142 Gertrude St FITZROY
Registration Information - Further information and an online application process is available here
Do you need more confidence and skills when supervising staff? Professional Supervision –
Wednesday 25 March 2015
Whether you already have experience with supervision or are newer to it, you will gain essential information, with
opportunities to develop and enhance your ability to provide quality supervision.
The workshop covers:
 Professional Supervision - What is it and why do it?
 Alfred Kadushin’s model explained - Administration, Education and Support.
 Clarifying the focus of each of these aspects and how to put them into practice.
 Six essential supervisory skills – when and how to use them.
 Preparing yourself and the person you are supervising – what to take into account to get the best from
 Establishing a supervision agreement – key elements to cover and agree.
 Giving feedback constructively.
 Supervision case-studies – analysis and problem solving.
 Video demonstration and discussion of an administrative performance issues.
 Video demonstration and discussion of a support/reflective practice supervision session.
 ‘Maps’ and sample templates to guide support supervision sessions.
During the session we combine theory with discussion, video demonstration and opportunities for practice.
Cost: $275.00 (Includes GST).Hawthorn Campus of Melbourne University
Lunches, morning & afternoon teas, and manual included
Your facilitator:
Lee Nabben holds a Bachelor of Sciences (Social Work), Grad Dip Movement & Dance, Dip Facilitatory
Management, Dip Front Line Management and Cert IV Workplace Training & Assessment and has has been a
sessional lecturer at Victoria University in the Masters of Aged Care Management
Further information: http://www.teamtraining.com.au
Enrolment form- http://www.teamtraining.com.au/enrolment
OR call Lee Nabben on 0425 62 60 44 OR info@teamtraining.com.au
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
We want your feedback on a new national AOD peak body
Since the withdrawal of funding from the Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia (ADCA) in late 2013, the
alcohol and other drug (AOD) sector in Australia has been without a national peak body.
An Independent Committee of key stakeholders, including State and Territory peak bodies and national research
centres, is conducting a consultation on the establishment of a new national body to provide a report to the ADCA
board on options.
The first step in this process is to survey as many AOD stakeholders as possible. The Committee wants your views
on a new national peak body, and the structure, roles and focus it should take.
Please submit your responses before Friday 27 February 2015 and invite AOD colleagues in your networks to do
the same.
Start the survey now
ASHM - Blood-Borne Viruses: A Resource for Professional Interpreters and Translators:
This resource was developed for Professional Interpreters and Translators who work in a range of health care
settings. The aim of the booklet is to give Professional Interpreters and Translators a general understanding of
hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. The first part of the booklet gives basic information common to all three viruses, the
risks of infection and how to prevent the spread of the viruses. The second part of the booklet gives more detailed
information about each virus.
To download a free copy click here
VAADA CALD AOD Consultation Report
CALD Consultation
report (November 2014).pdf
Penington Institute 2014 Annual Review
On behalf of the Board and staff of Penington institute, John Ryan CEO is pleased to share with you our first annual
review as Penington Institute, highlighting the expansion of our recent work and 2014 achievements. You can view
the report by visiting our website: 2014 Annual Review
Conversations in Cultural Responsiveness – A New Resource
This resource: “Conversations in Cultural Responsiveness” can be accessed via the Victorian Transcultural Mental
Health (VTMH) website at www.vtmh.org.au under the Orientation Resource tab on the homepage.
New Research on ‘Study Drugs’ Planned
University student guilds and health services are receiving anecdotal reports of increased use of so-called 'study
drugs' by students. This article explores the effectiveness of study drugs and the adverse side effects associated
with them read more
Homelessness and housing stress among police detainees - new AIC study released
DrugInfo Alert Centre Latest
Below is one of the latest reports & articles that have been added to the Australian Drug Foundation Library since
their last DrugInfo Alert. You can sign up to join the library at http://www.druginfo.adf.org.au/what-we-do/librarymembership or over the phone: 1300 85 85 84.
The ‘ice’ epidemic, ‘study drugs’, prescription opioids and older people’s AOD use
A new issue of the highly respected Drug and Alcohol Research Connections has gone live. This issue
provides some perspective on the 'ice epidemic', outlines new research on 'study drugs', examines how
prescription opioid use impacts on injured workers' wellbeing, and details a new research program on
Australia's ageing populations' AOD use. Read Drug and Alcohol Research Connections
Angry Richmond traders and residents say heroin-shooting gallery is not the answer
Herald Sun, February 15, 2015 by: ANDREW JEFFERSON, MATTHEW JOHNSTON
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
Experts in Ireland call for opening of injection centres to cut number of overdose deaths
One person a day in Ireland dies from an overdose
Herald Sun: Sydney has shown us the way on drugs with safe injecting facility
Herald Sun, 18 February 2015, comment Jeff Kennett
Link to story: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/opinion/sydney-has-shown-us-the-way-on-drugs-with-safeinjecting-facility/story-fni0ffsx-1227223196005
Participants Needed - ARCSHS – Trajectories of Care Study:
La Trobe University is conducting research into people's experiences with being tested and diagnosed with hepatitis
B. Short phone interviews (lasting roughly 20 minutes) will ask: How they came to be tested; What information or
advice they received about their test; and, How they told family members, partners and friends about having
hepatitis B, and if anyone helped them to do this. Translators are available and
Participants will receive a $20 reimbursement for their time and costs.
For more information, or to line up an interview, contact Lizzie Smith at e.smith3@latrobe.edu.au or phone 03 9479
SHARC is facilitating a six week educational program, Action for Recovery Course (ARC)
SHARC is facilitating a six week educational program, Action for Recovery Course (ARC), for family members (aged
18yrs+) of a person with problematic alcohol /drug use.
Family members may include parents, brothers, sisters, partners, children, aunties, uncles, grandparents and
ARC provides families with knowledge and skills to better understand the complexities of addiction. It explores ways
of improving family member’s relationships and offers simple strategies to cope with anxiety and stress. ARC covers
topics such as boundaries, guilt, worry, acceptance and also includes a comprehensive workbook of strategies
along with other tools to support change for families.
Past ARC participants have stated that the course helped to reduce feelings of isolation, fear, anxiety, depression,
helplessness and shame by gaining support, information and education.
Dates: Thursday 19th Feb – 26th March 2015
Time: 6pm – 7:45pm
Location: Cranbourne
Cost: $60 (or $100 for couples)
Bookings are essential. Phone the ARC Facilitator on 9573 1706 or email arc@sharc.org.au to book a place or to
enquire further about the program.
New Treatments for Hepatitis C Type 1 Seminar
Some new treatments for hepatitis C type 1 became available in Australia in 2013. More treatment advances are
expected over the next few years. In this session leading hepatitis experts will provide an overview of hepatitis C,
the implications for those living with the virus and treatments now available. New emerging treatment options and
the limitations of these treatments, as well as some of the possible side effects will be outlined. The lived
experience of undertaking a new hepatitis treatment will be represented by a speaker from Hepatitis Victoria's
Public Speakers Bureau.
Tuesday 17th March 9.30am to 11.30am - Free Registration: erced@alfred.org.au
Education and Resource Centre, Alfred Hospital / Fairfield House Moubray Street, Prahran
HepC take Control – A Self-management Program
In April 2015 Hepatitis Victoria is running the popular chronic disease self-management program ‘Hep C: Take
Control’ for people with (or who have had) hepatitis C.
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
You will learn new strategies to set your own health goals and better manage and improve your health and
More: http://www.hepvic.org.au/sites/default/files/HCTC%20flyer%20April%202015.pdf
Ready Set Work Barista
This is a 3 day interactive and engaging program in Dawson St Brunswick, designed for people looking for
employment or further training in the Hospitality Industry
The first course commences on the 16 of March 2015 and is a fully funded for eligible participants. This is a preaccredited course and does not affect VTG funding. Please find attached the flyers for more details.
This is very popular program and funded places fill quickly. Please let me know as soon as you have any interested
participants as there are a limited number of places per course. We also offer this program as a Fee For Service
(FFS) for interested parties beyond funded places. The FFS can also be tailored to meet the specific needs for your
client group.
If you have any interested participants please contact Voula Zacharias on 9415 8700 VET Administrator Jesuit
Community College E voula.zacharias@jss.org.au | W www.jss.org.au
Ready Set Work
JCC College Courses
Barista Course v2 2015.docx
2015 Overview v4 PDF.docx
Alcohol & Other Drug Counsellor - Outreach - 2 Part time positions available (0.6 and O.8 EFT)
45.6 - 60.8 Hrs Per fortnight. Job Reference No: VAC0098 – Closes 3rd March
Qualifications Sought: Counselling, Social Work, Psychology
* Salary Packaging * Great Location near Acland Street: *Work/Life Balance
We are seeking an enthusiastic and experienced worker to join our AOD Outreach Counselling team (Federally
funded) to provide services in the inner south area of Melbourne.
The focus of the role is therapeutic counselling. Applicants with previous experience and training in the delivery of
therapeutic approaches to trauma will be highly regarded.
The primary target group include people with illicit drug use experiencing barriers to accessing mainstream drug
treatment or other health services. They are likely to experience a number of the following issues: homelessness or
high levels of transience; mental health; intellectual; physical disabilities/health issues; chronic illness; financial
difficulties; family and/or domestic violence; social issues; street based sexworking, and few family or community
linkages. This role will also be working closely with local indigenous communities.
To be suitable for the role you will ideally possess the following:
Relevant tertiary qualifications in counselling or a health related area (e.g. Social Work,
Psychology). Applications from peer workers with equivalent qualifications will be highly regarded.
Demonstrated experience and skill in the provision of AOD assessment, risk management, casework,
counselling, therapeutic approaches and treatment planning
Understanding of harm minimisation including harm reduction
AOD core competencies
Who We Are
Inner South Community Health (ISCH) is a values driven organisation at the forefront of multi-disciplinary team
based community care. If you are looking for an opportunity to work closely with the local community and are
committed to providing support and assistance to those who have poor access to services – then this is the place
for you!
Interested applicants must address the key selection criteria and quote Job Ref No: VAC0098 and should obtain a
Position Description from recruit@ischs.org.au or visit our website: www.ischs.org.au. For further information
please contact Olivia Nichols 0427 512 081.
Closing Date: Tuesday 3rd March, 2015 @ 5pm
VAADA Jobs Board
“Job seekers” who wish to search for vacancies according to their own criteria can do so by visiting
http://vaada.bigredsky.com/ .
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
ProBono Jobs for the Not For Profit Sector
McArthur Community Job Seeker
Community Service Appointments
Of Substance Jobs Board
The Do's and Don'ts of Not for Profit Crowdfunding - WEBINAR
In this webinar Co-Founder and CEO of StartSomeGood.com Tom Dawkins will share his perspective on the
mistakes to avoid and what you need to do to give yourself the best chance of succeeding with crowdfunding.
In this presentation he will cover:
 What’s actually new about crowdfunding, and what core principles remain the same.
 Why Not for Profits can be the best crowdfunders, provided they know how to approach it.
 How to identify your most likely supporters.
Thursday, February 26th, 2pm (AESDT)
Time: 60 minutes
Cost: $55
Raise huge money from corporates and bequests
What does 'Fundraising' represent to you...a world of exciting possibilities or a necessary evil?
This intensive, one day program has been designed to provide clear, practical advice about how you can confidently
and significantly boost the income of your organisation, no matter what your size or cause.
During the day we will focus on four major themes
 Convincing donors and funders...how to build your case for support
 How to win support from corporate Australia
 How to get your share of bequest income
 Breathing new life into your fundraising program
See our brochure for comprehensive program details.
Book today Save $100 (Promo code D100)
Melbourne: 5 March Angliss Conference Centre.
Level 5, 555 La Trobe Street, Melbourne. 3000
Booking http://pathwaysaustralia.com.au/our-services/professional-development/scheduled-seminars/
Lord Mayor’s Charitable Fund – Closes 1st May
Got a great idea for a Community-School Initiative?
Collingwood Estate Gym Consultation
Below is a feedback form regarding the Collingwood Estate Gym. Any questions regarding the consultation and
completed forms should be forwarded to
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained
Colin Sneesby, Community Development Worker, City of Yarra Leisure Tel: 03 9205 5032
Mob: 0403 889542 Email: colin.sneesby@yarracity.vic.gov.au
External consultation
- CEG.docx
YMCA Activities on the Collingwood Estate
The YMCA would particularly like to promote the Swimming Program to the community. If anyone knows of a
person aged between 12 – 25 who would benefit from swimming lessons and water education to please contact
Chauntelle Westley at M 0459 980 123 Email chauntelle.westley@ymca.org.au .
YMCA Term 1 Youth program flyer below.
This weekend the 253 Hoddle St community garden will be open to the public as part of Open
Garden Victoria,
OG 2015 Flyer
Remember if you do not wish to receive the Update each fortnight, please contact me so that you can
be removed from the mailing list: info@ydhf.org.au or reply to this email
The Yarra Drug & Health Forum would like to thank all the sources from which the information for the Updates is obtained