SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES United States Fistball Association, a 501 c (3) tax exempt organization Contact: Kathy Schweda, (262) 573-1136, kaschweda@gmail.com Exclusive Sponsorship Please contact USFA direct. President’s Partner ($10,000 or more) Listing as “Major” event sponsor at all USFA events including tournaments, media campaigns, club functions, and international competitions Endorsement of your product by players as desired through negotiation Company logo prominent placed on USFA jerseys, warm-ups, bags and USFA banners for the next four years USFA Corporate Sponsor Display including autographed jersey, autographed photo and corporation recognition Company logo featured on the USFA website with link to your website Sponsored presence on USFA’s Facebook group Sponsor plaque with a photo of the team to proudly display USFA Fan-wear of choice Platinum Sponsorship ($5,500-$9,999) Company logo on USFA warm-ups and player bags USFA Corporate Sponsor Display including autographed jersey and autographed photo Company logo featured on the USFA website with link to your website Sponsored presence on USFA’s Facebook group Sponsor plaque with a photo of the team to proudly display USFA Fan-wear of choice Gold Sponsorship ($1,000-$4,499) Company logo on USFA player bags Company logo featured on the USFA website with link to your website Sponsored presence on USFA’s Facebook group Sponsor plaque with a photo of the team to proudly display USFA T-shirt Silver Sponsorship ($500-$999) Company logo on the USFA website with link to your website Sponsor plaque with a photo of the team to proudly display USFA T-shirt Bronze Sponsorship ($250-$499) Company logo on the USFA website with link to your website USFA appreciation plaque USFA T-shirt Monetary Donations (100 to $249) Listing on the USFA website as team supporter United States Fistball Association • Jackson, WI • usafistball.com • 973-632-2980 (Bob Feid-President) • bobf2@optonline.net
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