CJHS Indian Letter - Channahon School District 17

CJHS Indian Letter
24917 W. Sioux Drive, Channahon, IL 60410
Absence hotline: 815/521-3031
Fax: 815/467-2188
February 19, 2015
Important Dates
Mon., 2/23
Fri., 2/27
School Board
7PM @
Pioneer Path
Mon. 3/9—Fri. 3/27
Week of February 23rd
Theme: Friendship
Friendship is a relationship between two or more
people who enjoy being together.
PARCC Testing—see letter p.2
Wed., 3/18
Music Booster
Pasta Night
Fri., 3/27
Early Dismissal
Mon. 3/30—Mon 4/6
Spring Break
Tues., 4/7
School Resumes
Fri., 4/17
School Imp. Day
Early Dismissal
“Wherever we are it is our friends that make our world.”
--Henry Drummond
Dear Parents of 7th & 8th Graders,
It is always helpful, for your child and the school, to avoid absences on state testing days. For absences you
have control over (appointments), I would respectfully ask that you do your best to avoid the
PARCC testing dates. The PARCC testing window will be 24 days this spring, March 9 th – 27th and May 8th –
21st. Your child will not be testing every day, but rather nine times for an average length of 75 minutes each
session. If you can keep things simple and just avoid appointments over this entire window, then terrific. If
not, and you need to have a better idea when exactly your child will test, then please don’t hesitate to email or
contact me directly and I would be happy to get that information for you. I can be reached at
cuphoff@csd17.org or (815) 521-3074.
Chad Uphoff
Questions you might have about PARCC:
How much PARCC testing does my child do compared to the old ISAT testing?
Students used to do up to eight hours of ISAT testing. They now do up to ten hours of PARCC.
What is the #1 change for students?
This is simple to answer. It is administered via computer rather than paper and pencil. For example, to
work their way through a test they may be exposed to high-tech graphics or enhanced ways to present
information for them to process, but they will also have to deal with the challenges of taking a test on
computer (keyboarding, scroll, drag and drop, putting data into fields, etc…). Will “maneuvering the
technology” hurt their score on “how well they know math or ELA” is a question to start answering after
testing is complete for State leaders. The good news for us is CJHS is pretty advanced in terms of
technology exposure throughout the school year, including taking a few PARCC practices in preparation
in order to limit, or eliminate altogether, any technology confusion or difficulties.
What is the #2 change for students?
We will switch to an A & B day BLOCK schedule during these 24 PARCC days, which will allow students
to take a 60-90 minute PARCC test during their BLOCKED LA or MATH class when it is their turn. For
those not familiar with the term block scheduling, it basically means students will have half of their class
periods, but longer periods, every other day. I view this as good “practice” for students who are exposed to BLOCK schedules in HS.
Why is there a 24-day testing period this year, instead of the 4-day testing window in past years?
Again, the students do about the same amount of individual testing (10 hours during 9 sessions averaging 75 minutes each) but it is drawn out over more days in order to work 320 students through our
state-of-the-art computer labs, while still having regular classes during the same day.
Results & Information
Upcoming Events
Saturday, 2/21
8th VB @ Homer Volleyball Invitational—First game is at 9am.
Monday, 2/23
Math team @ Minooka—3pm;
Scholastic Bowl v Elwood—4pm
Tuesday, 2/24
Volleyball @ Brooks Middle
School—4:15pm; Wrestle @
Troy 4:15pm
Thursday, 2/26
Volleyball v Mokena—4:30pm
Volleyball will be finishing up regular season
play and heading into
IESA regional play next
regional tournament will
take place at Sandwich
High School on Saturday,
3/3. Wrestling begins at
Stay up to date on the
latest Channahon Athletic
Boosters news and events
via our Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram pages.
After a couple of games
next week (and the
Homer Invite for our 8th
grade girls over the
weekend) the 7th grade
team will be heading to
Coal City on Monday,
3/3, to begin their regional play. More information
as to time and opponent
will be in next week’s
Looking out the window it
is hard to believe that
track and field season is
quickly sneaking up on
us. Sign-ups are located
on the bulletin boards by
the trophy cases. All
students wishing to
participate must have a
current sports physical
on filed. The nurse will
be notifying you and your
student if your physical is
not up-to-date. Practices
will begin in early
March—more information
will follow.
Facebook Page: Channahon Athletic Boosters
Twitter: @Red_Riot_Indian
Channahon will host the
8th grade girls regionals.
Their regional will begin
on Saturday, 3/7. More
information will follow as
to times.
Wrestling is also heading
into the state tournament
next weekend. Their
The Scholastic Bowl
team is of to a fantastic
start. The knowledge
that these students have
is absolutely amazing!!!
Saturday, 2/28
Wrestling Regionals—TBA
Student Council presents . . .
The Cupid Shuffle
Date: February 20, 2015
Admission: $1
Time: After school until 4:30pm
Students – YOU pick the playlist!
Concessions available for purchase.
Music Boosters News!
Code Word: Future
Mark your calendars for Wednesday, March
18th! Plans for our 6th annual Italian Pasta
Night are well underway. Please check to
make sure you have received a packet from
your child for this year’s Italian Pasta
Night. We need your help to make this
year’s fundraiser a success. If you have any
questions regarding the Italian Pasta Night
or are in need of a packet or more tickets,
please contact Sherri Gierman at slgierman@comast.net.
Students across the district have been receiving lessons on coding. Coding is similar to the computer programming classes that used to be offered in schools.
Coding has seen a resurgence in popularity with the
explosion of technology and devices and apps – there
simply is a high demand for ever-updated technology
and better, more engaging apps but not enough people to do the coding to meet that demand. So schools
have been tapped to foster an interest in coding. Coding lessons are also great for promoting innovation,
problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration –
all wrapped up in what looks like a fun computer
game or app! Check out these sources that our students in Channahon School District 17 are using to
develop their coding skills:
The website that started it all: code.org
Please note that our February meeting has
changed. We will meet on Tuesday,
February 17th. Our meetings take place in
the Art room at Three Rivers School and
begin at 7:00pm. If you have any questions
about the meeting, please contact Kellie
Mason at jkmason94@Reagan.com.
The following apps are free to download from iTunes:
Daisy the Dinosaur: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/
Kodable: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/kodable/
Coddy Free: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/coddyfree-innovative-educational/id698176009?mt=8
Cargo-Bot: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cargobot/id519690804?mt=8
Renée Bogacz
Instructional Technology Resource Teacher
The Washington, D.C. trip information was
handed out on Feb. 13. Each student that
would like to travel to D.C. will need to
register online before
May 31, 2015!
The faculty and staff at CJHS are committed to promoting the safety and well-being of our students
through our ongoing anti-drug efforts. We believe that
we are blessed with some great students and an outstanding community, however, the impact of drug
abuse can be felt in all areas. Students are aware that
the possession, distribution, or use of drugs at school
or any school related function is absolutely prohibited.
The school reserves the right to search school property and equipment owned or controlled by the school
(such as lockers, desks and parking lots). Although
we believe that our students make good choices in
regards to drug usage, we also believe in being diligent in the deterrence of any and all drug abuse. We
also intend to allow local law enforcement to conduct
drug-dog searches to help ensure a safe and drug-free
environment at least once every school year.
**Do you have some barely used soccer cleats from that one season you wanted to try out the sport?
**Maybe you outgrew a great pair of track shoes before the next season and they are just taking up closet space!
Bring in any of your used, but still good, athletic shoes and drop them off in the "Soles for Sports" box by the office. The Beta Club will be collecting used athletic shoes this week and next.
Beta Club is also asking you to "Share the Love"
We, along with the Minooka Junior High, are collecting NEW teddy bears sized 12-14 inches that will donated through
TeddyBearCare to Lurie Children's hospital where Megan Bugg is receiving her treatments. Bring in any NEW teddy
bear this month to the collection box out front!!!
Minooka HS Band and Guard
24th Annual Craft Fair
When: Sat. February 21, 2015
Where: MCHS Central Campus
Parents—please remember to check
your child’s lunch balance.
Payments for lunch can be
dropped off in the school
T ime: 9am-3pm
Order forms for the Yearbook were handed out in study hall
on Friday, February 13th. The cost of the Yearbooks this
year will be $20.00. Please return the money and order
form into your homeroom/study hall teacher before
Monday, March 2nd .
Yearbooks are sold on a pre-sale basis only.
Please make checks payable to Lifetouch or you may now use a Credit Card
Order Online at YBPay.lifetouch.com with Yearbook ID Code: 1400515
10 Ways to get your Kids to Eat Their Vegetables!
If your kids are veggie haters, you might find yourself playing hide-and-seek come mealtime. Peas hidden in pancakes?
Check. Squash added to pasta sauce? Yep. Pureed spinach in fruit smoothies? Of course.
But as your kids grow older (and wiser), it might be time to stop hiding the vegetables and start teaching your kids to enjoy healthful, nutritious foods as they are. Read on for painless ways to up your family’s vegetable consumption.
1. Don’t treat veggies as the enemy. Kids hear a lot of negative messages about healthy eating. Let your kids know that all food
groups serve as fuel for the body and that nutrition plays a big role in growing up healthy and strong, she adds.
2. Stop hiding vegetables. A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior found that kids will happily
eat baked goods that contain vegetables — even when they know there are veggies in the dough. In the study, researchers
served zucchini chocolate-chip bread, broccoli gingerbread spice cake, and chickpea chocolate-chip cookies to groups of schoolchildren. Kids liked the zucchini and broccoli treats, and only vetoed the chickpea cookies because they were unfamiliar with
3. Put the power of nutrition in kids’ hands. Researchers in the Netherlands studied 259 children between the ages of 4 and 12
and found that when kids got to choose which fruits and vegetables to eat, they were more likely to consume a healthy amount
of vegetables without complaint.
4. Grow your own. “Kids love this, if you can, start a small garden and let the kids become farmers. They will have a ball watching
their veggies grow and then eating them.”
5. Stick to vegetables with crunch. Researchers in the Netherlands gave children carrots and French beans prepared six different ways, and found that the kids overwhelming preferred “crispy, crunchy, and juicy” veggies over “mushy, squishy, and slimy.”
Sorry, okra.
6. Do as you say. “The best way for adults to encourage vegetable consumption among their children is to be good role models,"
Blake says. "If you eat them and enjoy them, the kids will follow your lead.”
7. Consider nonfood rewards. Stickers might be the ticket to a happier dinner table. In a study, 173 families with 3- and 4-yearold children were divided into three groups. One group of kids got a sticker after trying a bit of a disliked vegetable, the second
group got verbal praise, and the third group was not rewarded. After 12 days, the children who received the stickers were eating
more vegetables (and liking them better) than the other two groups. After one and three months, the kids were still eating their
veggies. .
8. Make food fun. Researchers wanted to see if offering a salad dressing “dip” along with broccoli could make a group of 152
preschoolers tolerate the much-reviled vegetable. After giving kids the healthful green twice a week for seven weeks, they found
the youngsters were more likely to eat the vegetable when it was paired with dip, even when the dip was low-fat. Use salsa instead of high-calorie dressings and to try the technique with more than just broccoli.
9. Ask other caregivers to help. Discuss your preferences and expectations for vegetable consumption with caregivers at your
child’s daycare or school. If you pack lunch for your children, encourage them to eat well when you’re not there to supervise.
10. Don’t give up. As with so many aspects of parenting, persistence and consistency are critical to the success of your veggie
game plan. It can take 10 or more exposures to a single vegetable before a kid becomes accustomed to a particular taste.
Exerted from: http://www.everydayhealth.com/health-report/summer-produce/ways-to-get-kids-to-eat-their-veggies.aspx?
Nearly 40 new books, spanning several genres, are waiting to be checked out
from the CJH library. Students are able to come to the library before school,
during study hall, LA library time, and up to 3:00 pm after school.
• Seventh grade students received the
information for the 2015 Washington, D.C.
trip on Feb. 13!
• This packet contains all the information
needed to register for this trip.
• The registration deadline is May 31, 2015, so
register your child now to secure a spot!
• If you have any questions or concerns, please
contact Mrs. Michalak (jmichalak@csd.17) or
Mrs. Bettenhausen
October 9 - 11, 2015
(please provide complete legal name)
Participant is a:
Participant is a:
(if applicable)
(if different than above)
Brightspark strongly advises you to avoid cancellation penalties by
adding RGP - Refund Guarantee Protection to your account for:
Please make checks payable to Brightspark Travel, Inc.
Return completed form and check to:
From the minute you sign up for RGP you can cancel at any time, for
any reason and you will receive a full refund of all tour payments
(not including the cost of RGP).
Brightspark Travel, Inc.
P.O. Box 828
Northbrook, IL 60065
YES, I would like to sign up for RGP
NO, I decline purchasing RGP
If you have opted to include RGP the cost of this with your registration
fee is due at this time.
By signing below, I hereby agree to all attached terms and conditions.
Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian
All registrants under 21 years of age must have their parent/legal guardian sign
Quote: QUO-20755-V3QGF9.
Print Date: 02/05/2015
Tour Consultant: Nicole Summerhill
Tour Id: 63747
Brightspark Terms & Conditions – Domestic Travel
What is included in my tour package?
Refund Guarantee Protection (RGP)
Ɣ Round trip air transportation to and from your
destination (unless otherwise noted)
Refund Guarantee Protection (RGP) is available
upon registration, and payment is due with your
deposit payment. RGP allows for you to cancel
at any time prior to the departure of your tour,
and receive a full refund, minus the cost of RGP.
We highly recommend opting for Refund
Guarantee Protection. With RGP in place, there
is no nonrefundable registration fee. Some
schools elect to add RGP to the tour for all
participants. Please check with your school to
see if RGP is included in the cost of your tour.
Ɣ Accommodations that sleep four per room for
students, and two per room for adults, unless
otherwise noted. Each room has two beds.
Participants may be roomed with other samegender participants from the entire school
group (unless otherwise noted)
Ɣ All admissions to attractions, activities, and
sites unless otherwise noted in your itinerary
Ɣ Meals as specified on your itinerary
Ɣ Tips to Tour Director, bus drivers, and local
guides (unless otherwise noted)
Ɣ Overnight security in select destinations
Brightspark offers three easy ways that you can
pay for your upcoming tour:
AutoPay Payment Plan
What is not included in my tour package?
Ɣ Changes in taxes and fuel surcharges
Ɣ Airline baggage fees
Ɣ Brightspark Refund Guarantee Protection
Ɣ Any optional, extended, or additional
activities not included in your itinerary
Ɣ Name Change Fees of $150.00 will be
assessed for any changes requested within 21
days of departure
Ɣ Cancellation Fees can be avoided by
purchasing Brightspark Refund Guarantee
Protection (RGP). Without it, the following
fees will be assessed:
What are my payment options for my tour?
Ɣ 24 hour emergency services
Ɣ Accident and Illness Coverage provided by
Travel Guard, Inc. A Description of Coverage
will be furnished to each tour participant.
This coverage is provided at no cost to tour
Ɣ Re-Instatement Fees of $50, plus any
additional airfare costs, will be assessed if
you cancel your reservation and choose to reinstate at a later date
Enroll in our easy and convenient AutoPay
Payment Plan. This can be elected upon your
initial registration.
Payment in Full
If I cancel my
reservation and do not
elect RGP
My Cancellation fee will
Within 30 days of
deposit date noted on
payment schedule
Registration fee only
31 days from initial
payment due date to 81
days prior to departure
15% of your total tour
package price plus
your registration fee
80-61 days prior to
25% of your total tour
package price plus
your registration fee
60-46 days prior to
50% of your total tour
package price plus
your registration fee
Provide payment for the entire tour cost upon
Manual Payment Plan
Utilize a manual installment process to pay for
your tour. Installment payments must be made
by the dates noted on your Registration
Information. There is a $5.00 fee for each
installment. Late payments are subject to a
$15.00 fee for each late installment, and a
$60.00 fee for a late final payment.
Within 45 days prior to 100% of your total tour
package price
How can I register?
Online Registration:
Visit us online at brightsparktravel.com and
follow the simple steps to register.
Registration by Mail
Return signed and completed registration form
provided to you by your tour sponsor. Please
ensure to include the deposit amount required
for registration. Registration forms can be
mailed to:
Brightspark Travel
P.O. Box 828
Northbrook, IL 60065
How can I process or submit my payments?
We accept ACH checking account payments,
Visa, MasterCard, Discover, money order and
personal check.
Brightspark reserves the right to cancel a
reservation due to non-payment.
Are there any additional fees?
Ɣ Late Fees will be assessed for each late
installment and/or final payment. The fee for
a late installment payment is $15.00, and the
fee for a late final payment is $60.00
Registration Deadlines:
Ɣ NSF Fees of $35.00 will be assessed for each
returned check due to insufficient funds
Unless otherwise stated by Brightspark, your
registration and deposit, along with your RGP
payment if elected, is due by the initial payment
due date as noted on your Registration
Information. Registration date is considered date
of receipt. An additional fee may apply for late
Ɣ Late Registration Fees will be assessed for
any registrations received within 60 days of
departure. The fee is 10% of the total tour
package price, plus any additional airfare fees
if applicable
How and when will I receive my refund if I
choose to cancel?
Refunds are issued for cancellations in the same
manner as payment was received. All payment
fees are non-refundable. All cancellations must
be in writing. Refunds will be received within
six weeks.
Please note that for your reservation to be
complete and in order to participate on your
trip, you must acknowledge and affirm that
you have read and accepted the complete set
of terms and conditions.
For a complete copy of our terms and
conditions, please visit us online at
Registration Information
Channahon Junior High School 8th
Washington, DC
October 9 - 11, 2015
February 13, 2015
Exciting news for Channahon Junior High School 8th Grade.
We're planning a fantastic tour to Washington, DC on October 9 - 11, 2015. This
unforgettable learning experience of a lifetime is being coordinated by Brightspark Travel.
All you need to know about Brightspark:
 An accredited and insured operator who ensures safety and security above all
 Trusted and valued expertise, with over 45 years of experience
 This custom-made tour fits our unique group, interests, budget and more
 They’ll handle every detail so you don’t have to worry
What will it cost?
We've discussed our group's needs and secured these guaranteed rates:*
+ $109 RGP
Enter this code and register no later than:
April 10, 2015
A registration fee of $200 + payment for RGP is
Quad Occupancy
*RGP is a highly recommended elective protection plan.
*Rates are for rooms with 2 beds.
*Our goal is to have 40 paying participants. Brightspark Travel has provided these alternate prices
if we do not reach our goal:
What's Included?
Round-Trip Air Transportation with Airport Transfers
All Admission Fees to Scheduled Activities
2 Nights at Hotel & Overnight Hotel Security
2 Breakfasts, 3 Lunches, 3 Dinners
Guided Sightseeing
Brightspark Staff including 24-Hour Emergency Hotline
All Taxes and Gratuities
"Help Me Travel" Online Fundraising Tool
Lanyards and Emergency Cards for Each Passenger
Drawstring Backpacks
A one-of-a-kind, fun-filled educational experience
How do I sign up?
Go online to mytour.brightsparktravel.com for the fastest and easiest way to register. Of
course, if you prefer the old fashioned way, just request paper forms from your group leader.
Any Questions?
Contact your customer service representative at (877)545-0070 or email us at
customersupport@brightsparktravel.com. Please mention your Tour Web Code, 6374772,
when you call.
Looking forward to a great trip!
Janine Michalak
Erin Bettenhausen
We want you to be excited for your trip, but
also prepared for unexpected events. With
Brightspark's Refund Guarantee Protection
(RGP), you can cancel for any reason, up to
the minute of departure and get a full refund,
less the cost of RGP coverage for only:
$200 registration fee*
+ $109 RGP
Due Date
Total Student Price
$1009 + RGP (optional)
*Please note that $100 of the registration fee is nonrefundable (unless RGP is purchased). For complete
details, please read the General and Payment Terms
& Conditions upon registration.
Registration Information
Channahon Junior High School 8th
Washington, DC
October 9 - 11, 2015
Here's what you can look forward to:
 Alexandria's "Footsteps To The Past" Ghost Tour
 Arlington Cemetery Shuttle
 Arlington National Cemetery
 Group Photo
 Illuminated driving tour of monuments and memorials
 Iwo Jima Memorial
 Library of Congress - Picture Stop
 Battlefield Tour in Gettysburg
 Harper’s Ferry
 Newseum
 Group Travel Video
 Smithsonian Institutions
 Supreme Court - Picture Stop
 U.S. Capitol Tour (pending confirmation)
 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Permanent Exhibit (pending confirmation)
 Washington Monument Tour
 Washington National Cathedral
 White House - Picture Stop
 Wreath Laying Ceremony - Pending confirmation
Each group that works with Brightspark
Travel will have their own personalized,
secure page in the MyTour Portal.
Available 24/7 on MyTour, registered
passengers can:
 Manage their account profile
 Make secure payments
 Access account balances
 View tour details
 Check out the Bulletin Board
where the Tour Sponsor can
post important tour planning
 Fundraise for the tour with
Brightspark's exclusive "Help Me
Travel" tools
Check it out at :
Giving Parents Peace of Mind with RGP
What is Refund Guarantee Protection (RGP)?
Think of RGP as a safety net that protects your investment in any case, up to the moment of your departure. By
opting into it, you are able to cancel your trip at any time—for any reason at all—and all trip payments made by
you over and above the cost of the protection are 100% refunded - including the nonrefundable deposit!
Why should you purchase it?
Compared to cancellation policy:
Time Frame
31 days from initial payment due
date to 81 days prior to departure
Cancellation Policy
With RGP
85% of the Tour cost returned
100% Coverage!
80-61 days prior to departure
75% of the Tour cost returned
100% Coverage!
60-46 days prior to departure
50% of Tour cost returned
100% Coverage!
45-0 Days Prior to departure
0% of Tour cost returned
100% Coverage!
100% Coverage means EVERYTHING except the cost of the RGP – even the nonrefundable deposit are covered
and will be refunded, but ONLY if they purchased RGP.
When would RGP come in handy?
Though we hope nothing comes between your student and the trip, life is unpredictable. Whether it’s a sudden
illness, a surprise session of summer school, an unexpected shift in income or an impromptu family reunion,
RGP is there to make a cancellation as painless as possible.
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Minooka Community High School
301 S. Wabena Avenue
Central Campus Cafetorium
Arlington Park “Day at the Races” Clubhouse Box Seat Package for 4
Auto Care Package Including $250 in Exxon Mobil Gas Cards
Passes for Vertical Endeavors, CPX Sports, Heritage Bluffs Golf Course
**Ticket Required for Entry**
For Additional Information:
Contact : Kathi Spindler
Phone: (815) 260-2869
Email: kathispindler@yahoo.com
Advance Tickets $7.00
$8.00 at the Door
Ages 3 & Under Free
1.) K-2nd Boys and Girls
2.) 3rd – 8th Grade Boys and Girls
Deadline: February 25, 2015
When: February 28, 2015
Cost: $10 per camper
Times: 1:00 – 2:30 pm (3rd-5th Boys and Girls)
Where: Seneca High School
2:30 – 4:00 pm (3rd-8th Boys and Girls)
If interested in joining the camp please sign up online at www.illinoisambush.com and go to camps!
Any questions please email illinoisambush@live.com