Te Whare O Tuhono House of Connections/Links (This is the name of our new building) A space where our students make responsive relationships with people, places and knowledge. Empowering our students to be competent and confident in today’s world. He wahi hei whakawhanaunga, hei wānanga hei whakahikohiko te mana mauri o a tatou tamariki I te ao hurihuri nei. Acceptance, Achievement, A Change of Attitude Te Tautoko, Te Panekire, me te wairua 48-52 Rosehill Drive, Papakura, PH/Fax 298 4569 Email: office@rosehill.school.nz website: www.rosehill.school.co.nz ROSEHILL SCHOOL Kia Ora NEWS SPACE Term 1—Issue One 5th February 2015 Principal: Glenn Nicholson News from around our school We Welcome To Our School FROM THE PRINCIPALS DESK ART WEEK February 2015 16th to 20th SEPTEMBER 2013 Welcome to all students, families and whanau to another school year.BALL—FRIDAY We were pleased see our students SCHOOL 13thtoSEPTEMBER 2013 back after the break, along with our new families. We also welcome new staff members Amanda Morris, Cherie Norman and Mary Bowers to the teaching staff and Jenny Redmond to the Administration team. It looks to be an exciting year with lots of learning, buildings to open and family events. Our students are using the new block Te Whare O Tuhono and we will have an official opening shortly. The photos on the front cover are of our new tactile path. In term three we will be having our art exhibition and in 2015 our focus is sculpture. Please remember my door is open if you would like to talk with me. Trust Life's Journey - new book The struggles and triumphs of living with a boy with disabilities Nicola Clark has written an honest and at times raw and emotional account of her journey with her son Thomas. Nicola shares the highs and lows of living with a boy with disabilities. This inspiring book will invoke many different emotions. The book has been written to assist others facing similar situations or those who often ask, why me? when things don’t go to plan. This book will at times make you laugh, cry, empathise, be astounded and humbled as you share the experience of a mother’s inner strength, knowing and love for her inspiring and courageous son, Thomas. Contact Nicola for a $25.00 copy + postage nicola@trustlifesjourney.com or visit www.trustlifesjourney.com New Students: Luca Ashman, Ryyan Khalid, Tegveer Khosa, Bailey Vaasili, Paige Collins, Levi Sweeney Roberts, Charlie Pine and Amy Skelton TERM DATES FOR ROSEHILL SCHOOL Term 1 ends on Thursday 2nd April at 2.30pm Term 2 begins on Monday 20th April The Manukau Live Steamers Club are holding their annual Free Train Rides for Special Needs Children and their families on Friday 6th February 2015 between 10am and 3.30 pm at The Railway Track at Centre Park, 141 Roberson Road, Mangere. Free Mad Butcher Sausage Sizzle for Lunch. Free Drink. Free Fruit Free Train Rides. Please wear shoes with fully enclosed toes and bring sunhats and sunscreen. Wheelchair access toilets are available. Bring your picnic blanket and hats and enjoy the day. Waitangi Day—Friday 6th February 2015 Celebrate our National Day and take the day off but back to school on Monday 9th February. Disability Equipment Expo 2015 24 Feb - Auckland - 9:00 ~ 3:00pm – Trusts Stadium 25 Feb - Hamilton - 9:00 ~ 3:00pm – Claudelands Wheelchairs - Shower stools - Stairlifts - Powered wheelchairs - Portable ramps - Paediatric seating systems - Walking frames - Mobility Scooters- Daily living equipment - Pressure mattresses - Specialised seating SUPPORT AN ATHLETE Be a part of history Sponsor Joseph Davis from Rosehill School who is competing in Basketball 1. Visit www.specialolympics.org.nz 2. Click on the 2015 World Summer Games button 3. Click on Joseph Davis 4. Make a tax-deductible donation
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