February 2015 CRESCENT VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL • PUBLISHED BY CVPO From the Principal, Cherie Stroud Welcome to 2015! By the time you read this article, Crescent Valley will already be in the second semester of the school year! As usual, life at CV abounds with the energy and enthusiasm of student activity—from the classroom to the court and concert stage! In December, we said goodbye to Assistant Principal Mchael Beck, as he accepted a new position as the HR Director for the Willamette ESD. In January, we welcomed Trinity Welch-Radabaugh as new assistant principal! Trinity has been an exceptional math teacher at Crescent Valley High School for the past nine years. She brings knowledge of our school, relevant teaching experience with all levels of learners, and an abundance of energy and wisdom to the administrative team. Taking her place in the classroom, we welcome Karen Huhn, a veteran teacher who’s just moved to Oregon. Karen has hit the ground running in inheriting classes mid-year, doing so with optimism and diligence. Please welcome Karen to our Raider family. As we head into the spring, staff and students will be busy planning for next year. Our current student enrollment is approximately 1,010 students, and we are projected to have a slightly lower enrollment next year—987 students. For the last several years, we’ve exceeded these projections by the time school begins in September. If history repeats itself, next school year will be no different! In March, students will complete spring forecasting for next year’s classes. Budget decisions will be made based on these choices, so it is very important that students choose wisely. Speaking of the budget, district conversations have already begun. In December, the Corvallis School Board adopted 2015-16 Budget Assumptions based on an equity focus in allocating resources district-wide. Those assumptions are: ● Full school year ● Stable enrollment ● Stable to modestly rising State School Fund ● Continued slow recovery of local option levy revenue from tax compression ● Continued state economic recovery, but no significant changes concerning state taxation and retirement system, or Corvallis housing and taxation policies ● Continued significant number of low and very low income students with resulting requirements for resources Our superintendent, Erin Prince, has identified three district goals: Every Student a Graduate, Every Student Shows Growth, and Closing the Achievement Gap. To support these goals, district administrators are engaged in Leading for Equity work through the Pacific Education Group, which challenges us to become more aware in providing equitable resources based on individual student need and ability. The Youth Mental Health Coalition was established to unite community partners in creating awareness and providing education and resources to families in Benton County. I’m proud to say that I am a member of this interagency group, along with CV counselor Annika Bay. Committee members are planning a variety of messages to school communities, making conversations about mental/emotional health a normal part of our conversations about wellness, both in schools and the broader community. Look for this information in the newsletter later this spring. Great Schools is a valuable online resource for parents. Their vision is to assist all families in finding great schools, support for learning, and guidance on a variety of parental dilemmas. The website provides a variety of information from homework help, including activities and worksheets for specific courses, to educational articles and information on learning. In addition to these resources, the organization rates high schools across the United States on a rating scale of 1-10. I’m happy to announce that Crescent Valley High School’s current rating is 10! This rating is based on test scores, student academic growth, and college readiness. If you’d like more information, check out the website at www.greatschools.org/high-school. I hope your family enjoyed a restful and joyous winter break. As we gear up for a very busy time of year, I hope to see you at one of our many extra-curricular events. If we haven’t met, please introduce yourself. Thank you for all you do to support our school community; we have so much to be thankful for and appreciate! Go Raiders! Cherie Cherie Stroud, Principal Attendance Line: 541-757-5806 4444 NW Highland Drive CVHS Raider 97330 News Corvallis, Oregon Main Office: 541-757-5801 • High School code: 380211 Page Web: http://cvhs.csd509j.net Administrative News Attendance Policy Oregon law requires students to attend school until they are 18 years old, have graduated from high school, or until they complete an approved alternative education program. Students are responsible for maintaining regular attendance in all of their assigned classes. Attendance Line—(541) 757-5806 Attendance on Pinnacle Parents are encouraged to check their student’s attendance on Pinnacle, which may be accessed on the CV homepage: http://cvhs.csd509j.net. The password is available at 541-757-5804. EMERGENCY Communications Part of every emergency response plan is a solid communication plan. The Corvallis School District uses a variety of methods to keep staff and families informed of inclement weather leading to school delays or closures. Several of these methods require families to sign up to receive messages. Now is the time to make sure your information is up to date and current! Emergency information is distributed by the district and other community agencies via the following methodologies: Excusing an Absence Parents are responsible for notifying the Attendance Office when their son/daughter is absent from school. Please call the school (541-757-5806) on the day of the student’s absence. Absences not verified by the parent within 48 hours of the student’s return to school will be recorded as “unexplained.” Pre-Arranged Excused Absences Students who will be absent from school more than 2 consecutive days must complete a Pre-Arranged Absence Form (available from the main office, the attendance office or online at the CV website: http://cvhs.csd509j.net/ attendance). Return it to the attendance office PRIOR to the absences. The form must be filled out and signed by all teachers and a parent. Without a completed form, the absences will be unexcused, which could lead to academic consequences. For absences less than 3 days, please notify the attendance office by phone at 541-757-5806 or 541-7575801. When students are absent from school, the attendance office secretary and/or school administrator will determine (according to state guidelines) if the absence is excused, unexcused, or unexplained. Excused absence: an absence for personal or family illness; family emergency; school activity; religious holiday; medical, dental, or court appointments; college visitation; or prearranged family commitments. Pre-arranged absences require completion of the Pre-Arranged Absence Form (available online or in the attendance office). Unexcused absence: an absence for reasons other than those listed above. Unexplained absence: an absence not cleared by the parent within 48 hours of the student’s return to school. CVHS Raider News 1. FlashAlert Newswire: www.flashalert.net. Individuals must sign up to use FlashAlert and can choose the communities/agencies they’re interested in, as well as the ways in which they’d like to be contacted. Visit the Corvallis School District website at www.csd509j.net for more information. 2. Linn-Benton Alert: www.co.benton.or.us/sheriff/ems 3. District Facebook page at www.facebook.com/csd509j 4. Twitter: @SuptPrince 5. Local radio and television stations Listserv Another e-mail feature for each of our schools is the Listserv. One of the ways the school Listservs will be used to is to distribute individual school emergency information. For inclusion on this list, please follow the directions below. To subscribe — go to the district webpage (www.csd509j.net), click on the “Parents” tab, and then “Listserv” on the dropdown menu or: https://dnn.csd509j.net/ en-us/districtinformation/departmentsservices/technology/ listserv.aspx Click on “Show Available Lists”—click on the list you want to join You may need to create a login to join some of the lists ● Some lists may require a moderator to accept your request to join You may also subscribe and unsubscribe by: ● Subscribe—send an email to this address: (name of list) +subscribe@listserv.csd509J.net. ● Unsubscribe—send an email to this address: (name of list)+unsubscribe@listserv.csd509J.net. (Continued on the next page) Page 2 Administrative News (Continued from the previous page) Admission to Athletic Events Ticket prices this year for all contests, which includes football, volleyball, basketball, and wrestling, remain the same as last year. Adults will cost $6.00 and students (K-8) will be $4.00. Also, any visiting high school students or home students without an ASB sticker will be charged $4.00. Crescent Valley High School students with an ASB sticker are admitted free. Any questions, please call Michelle Butler in the athletic office at 541-757-5809. Getting Messages to Students Please make arrangements with your student prior to school hours regarding medical appointments, after school transportation, lunches, etc. It is very disruptive to the learning environment to enter the classroom once class has begun. Therefore we will not interrupt class unless there is an emergency. Students can check for messages posted on their lockers. Customer service is important to us and we try to accommodate family needs the best way possible. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. DMV Proof of Enrollment The DMV requires proof that applicants for a driver permit or license who are under the age of 18 are making satisfactory progress towards a high school diploma or GED. A DMV Proof of Enrollment form can be obtained from the CV main office or counseling center. Student Visitor Guidelines ● Visitation is not allowed if the guest lives within 60 miles of Corvallis. (Valley League Principal’s agreement) ● The guest must be of high school age and a “student in good standing” at their school. ● Students must get approval from their teachers and administration. ● A Visitor’s Request form must be completed by the host student at least 24 hours prior to the visit. (forms available in the main office). ● All visitors must sign in at the main office before entering a classroom. Any violation of school guidelines during the visit may result in both students being sent home. Fragrances Please be aware that too much perfume, body spray, lotion, etc. impacts everyone. We have students and staff who are sensitive to fragrances; it can cause allergic reactions and physical illnesses. If you feel you need to wear something fragrant, please be respectful and considerate of others when applying. Remember, a little goes a long way! Thank you for your help and understanding. CVHS Raider News Yearbook Update The regular price for the 2014-15 yearbook is $70. If purchased at registration, it will cost only $55. After registration it can be purchased at a discount using the yellow $15 coupon until December 19, 2014. Thereafter, you may purchase a yearbook for $65 using the $5 coupon through March 20, 2015. After this time, books will be the regular $70 cost. Families who qualify for free or reduced lunches will not be able to purchase a book until the district list of qualified families is released, on or about October 6. We will verify the student is on the list, and with a coupon, they will then be able to purchase a discounted book for only $35. FNR Seniors need to contact their counselor prior to spring break to get a scholarship. Online Meal Account Information Parents can now check their child’s meal account balance and 30-day transaction history online. This allows parents to see when their child is eating (or not) and monitor their balance. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to maintain sufficient funds in their child’s meal account. Charging is discouraged and should only be used in emergencies. The approved district policy for allowing charges are: Elementary School - 3 charges Middle School - 1 charge High School - no charges High School Any student failing to keep his/her account current, as required by the district, shall not be allowed to charge the price of any additional meals until the account has been paid in full. To access your student’s online meal account balance go to www.csd509j.net. • From the Parents heading, select Food Services. • Select the Meal Account Balance Inquiry link from the Menu on the right. • Choose the Corvallis School District access link. • Select the school your student attends from the drop-down list provided. • Enter your student’s District ID number and then click “Submit.” If you have students in middle or high school, they will know their student ID # (it’s also on their student body card). Note: Online deposits are not available at this time. If you have questions, or are having trouble viewing the inquiry, please call Food Service at 541-757-5903. The school cafeteria and snack bar are open before school, during the morning break, and during lunch. The standard breakfast costs $1.75 and the standard lunch costs $3.00. (Continued on the next page) Page 3 Administrative News (Continued from the previous page) Facebook and Twitter Social media has made its way to Corvallis School District. The district is live on Facebook (Corvallis School District) and Superintendent Erin Prince can be followed on Twitter@SuptPrince. The district is thrilled to use these tools to connect more with students, parents, and community members. Become a “fan” of our Facebook page and follow Superintendent Prince on Twitter for quick updates, school spotlights, and more. Corvallis School District 509J Student Transfer Process for the 2015-2016 school year: ● ● ● ● ● ● 2015-2016 Corvallis School District student transfers may be requested through our online process. A link for the 2015-16 school year will be provided on the CSD homepage www.csd509j.net beginning March 1, 2015. March 1 – 31, 2015 – Open window when parents may request in-district and inter-district transfers into Corvallis 509j schools for the 2015-16 school year. April 2015 – Offers of enrollment and school waiting lists will be created from the online requests received from the March 1-31, 2015, transfer open window. (Positions on the wait lists are randomly assigned by lottery.) April and May 2015 – Parents will be notified regarding offers of enrollment or placement on wait lists from the open window online requests received in March 2015. April – September 2015 – CSD will continue to accept additional online requests for student transfers and offer enrollment as space is available according to student wait list placement. Parents are expected to enroll students into their neighborhood boundary schools until enrollment is offered at a preferred (transfer requested) school. Proceso de Transferencia Estudiantil del Distrito Escolar de Corvallis 509J para el año escolar 2015-2016: ● 2015-2016 – Las transferencias de estudiantes en el Distrito Escolar de Corvallis se pueden solicitar a través de nuestro proceso en línea. A partir del 1 de marzo, 2015, un enlace para el año escolar del 2015-16 será facilitado en la página CSD www.csd509j.net. 1 al 31 de Marzo, 2015 – Está abierto para que los padres puedan solicitar las transferencias dentro del distrito en las escuelas 509J Corvallis y entre distritos para el año escolar 2015-16. Abril 2015 – Las ofertas de inscripción y las listas de espera de la escuela serán creadas a partir de las solicitudes recibidas en línea, en el periodo de solicitud de la transferencia de 1 al 31de marzo del 2015. (Las posiciones en las listas de espera son asignadas al azar por sorteo.) Abril y Mayo 2015 – Se notificará a los padres con respecto a las ofertas de la matrícula o la colocación en las lisas de espera de las solicitudes recibidas en línea del periodo de marzo 2015. Abril – Septiembre 2015 – CSD continuará aceptando solicitudes en línea adicionales para las transferencias de los estudiantes y ofrecer la inscripción a medida de que haya espacio disponible de acuerdo con la colocación de estudiantes en lista de espera. Se espera que los padres inscriban a los estudiantes en sus escuelas del área de su barrio hasta que la inscripción sea ofrecida a una escuela preferida (de la solicitud de transferencia). ro ● ● ro ro ● ● ● CVHS Raider News Page 4 Hello Raiders! I have been so fortunate to call Crescent Valley High School my “home away from home” for the past eightand-a-half years. As I begin my transition from math teacher to Assistant Principal, I wanted to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for all of the support and encouragement I have received thus far. This is a tremendous community to work in and I look forward to a great year with the students, staff, families, and supporters of this school. For those who do not know me (and even those who do!), here are a few tidbits: Hometown: Prineville, Oregon College: University of Oregon Favorite color: Green Recently read books: “Breaking Night“ by Liz Murray, “Proust and the Squid“ by Maryanne Wolf, and “Tuesdays with Morrie“ by Mitch Albom (I read it at least once every two years!) Favorite Quote: “If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.“ – Mary Engelbreit Current Pandora station: 2Cellos Looking forward to working with everyone! Go Raiders! Trinity Welch-Radabaugh Youth Volunteer Opportunities Calling All Students Interested in Volunteering! The Youth Volunteer Corps of Corvallis is always looking for volunteers ages 11-18! We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities each month with organizations including Safe Haven Humane Society, the Linn Benton Food Share, and more! If you are interested in being added to our email list or want to find out more information about YVC and our projects, contact Keeley Naughton by phone 541-766-6467 or email keeley.naughton@corvallisoregon.gov. Thank You! Thank you to Ted and Marion Beers for the very generous donation of the 32” TV for the staff lounge! Also, thank you to Laurie Moore for offering to hem a long curtain to separate the eating space and workout space in the lounge! The staff will enjoy the new additions to their lounge area! Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) Enforceable Statements (Feb 2015) Enforceable statements describe the consequences that will follow specific behavior that you control. This concept can be applied to many situations. You could say: You’re welcome to “play your video game,” “play with your friend,” “watch TV,” or “use the computer” after you “complete your homework,” “do your chores,” or “help me out.” In response to your child raising his/her voice to you, you could say, “I’ll listen to you as soon as your voice volume matches mine.” Pay attention to how you say it—better to mention the fun activity (the incentive or preferred activity) before the work (nonpreferred activity) AND be sure to say it in a cheery rather than stern voice tone. Intervenciones y apoyo de comportamiento positivo (PBIS) Declaraciones obligatorias (Feb.2015) Las declaraciones exigibles describen las consecuencias que seguirán a la conducta específica que usted controla. Este concepto se puede aplicar a muchas situaciones. Se podría decir: Le invitamos a "jugar tu juego de video", "jugar con tu amigo", "ver televisión" o "usar la computadora" después de "completar tu tarea", "hacer tus tareas" o "ayúdame." En respuesta a su niño que le levante su / su voz, usted podría decir: "Voy a escucharte tan pronto como tu volumen de voz sea como el mío. Preste atención a cómo lo dice—es mejor hablar de la actividad de la diversión (el incentivo o actividad preferida) antes de que el trabajo (actividad no preferido) Y asegúrese de decirlo en un alegre tono de voz en lugar de ser severo. CVHS Raider News Page 5 Opening Windows to the World: The Crescent Valley Library Media Center Library Staff: Melissa Carr, melissa.carr@corvallis.k12.or.us Scott Davis, scott.davis@corvallis.k12.or.us Cary Doyle 541-757-5822 For updated library hours and information, please visit our website: http://cvhs.csd509j.net/library A New Semester! Please remind students to renew or return their first semester books. Although many courses have switched to year-long, there are still a number of singleterm courses. First semester books for semester-long classes must be returned so they can be checked out to other students during second semester. Please also help students look for and return overdue library books and books that may have made it to your home without being checked out. Help Care for Our Books We are still seeing many uncovered textbooks! Please remind your student to take care of CVHS Library books and textbooks. Students should remember to: ● Write their name in their textbooks immediately. ● Cover textbooks with paper covers that tape only to other parts of the paper cover, not to the book. ● Avoid tearing, staining, or writing in CVHS books (except for names on the inside cover). We do charge for damage. If students see damage in books when they first check them out, they should bring the damage to the attention of library staff. 2014 Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) Award Winners & Lists Every year at the American Library Association (ALA) Midwinter Meeting, YALSA announces the winners of its six awards for the best in teen literature. This year, winners will be announced Monday, February 2. Alex Awards—honor 10 adult books from the previous year with special appeal to teens Edwards Award—honors an author and specific works by that author for lifetime contribution for writing for teens Morris Award—honors the best book of the previous year by a first-time author writing for teens CVHS Raider News Excellence in Nonfiction Award—recognizes the best nonfiction written for teens from the previous year Odyssey Award—honors the producer of the best audiobook for children and/or young adults from the previous year Printz Award—honors the best book for teens from the previous year For information about the winners, visit www.ala.org/ yalsa/booklistsawards/bookawards. YALSA also announces the best books and media for teens that have been selected for its annual lists. YALSA lists include: Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults Best Fiction for Young Adults Fabulous Films for Young Adults Great Graphic Novels for Teens Outstanding Books for the College Bound Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers Readers' Choice To view the new 2014 lists, as well as lists from previous years, visit www.ala.org/yalsa/booklistsawards/booklists. (Continued on the next page) Page 6 Opening Windows to the World: The Crescent Valley Library Media Center (Continued from the previous page) Online Resources Opposing Viewpoints in Context is a research portal that offers a wide range of contextual information and opinions on hundreds of social issues. It is a wonderful place to look for information for “pro/con” assignments and debate topics, as it provides access to continuously updated viewpoint articles, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, statistics, images, videos, audio files, and links to trusted websites. Issues covered in the database are divided into the following categories: Business and Economics; Energy and Environmentalism; Health and Medicine; Law and Politics; National Debate Topic; Science, Technology and Ethics; Society and Culture; and War and Diplomacy. Browse the list of issues or key in a specific search term at the top of the page to access available resources on topics of interest. A link to the Opposing Viewpoints in Context database is available in the Online Resources section of the CV Library webpage, under the subheading Databases: http://cvhs.csd509j.net/library. Follow the instructions on the library webpage for home access to online resources. Opposing Viewpoints in Context is provided by the Oregon School Library Information System (OSLIS), a project of the Oregon Association of School Libraries in partnership with the Oregon State Library. OSLIS is funded by a Library Services and Technology Act grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Please continue to donate books and supplies to the CVHS Library or Bookroom. Since our budget is small, students and staff depend on your donations. Our priority supply needs include glue sticks; large, heavyweight paper for covering textbooks and making posters; Kleenex; mini sticky notes; and hand sanitizer. Friends of the Library BIG Book Sale February 20-22 Looking for some great books at affordable prices? Check out the annual Friends of the Library book sale at the Benton County Fairgrounds, Auditorium Hall, 110 SW 53rd Street. There will be thousands of used books and other items for sale, with all proceeds benefitting the CorvallisBenton County Public Library. Doors will open early at 4 PM on Friday, Feb. 20 for Friends of the Library members only. This is not a school sponsored event. Book Drive February 9-20 CV Leadership is holding a book drive February 9 – February 20. Please donate new and used books from preschool through high school levels; the books will be sorted and given to The Jackson Street Youth Shelter and The Old Mill Center. Any books that do not fit their requirements will be sold and the money will be donated. Collection boxes will be placed in advisor classrooms, the senior hall, and the office. The advisor group with the most books will get a prize. Thank You, Volunteers! Once again, a big kudos to our regular library volunteers, Jo Anne Altimus, Glen Canning, Brandy Hemsley, Deb McCarty, Lia Omoto, and Pamela Richardson. They perform a wide range of activities in the CV Library, helping to ensure that students and staff receive the materials and services they need. Donations Thank you to Aline Bergemann for the generous gift subscription to Model Railroader for the CVHS Library for 2015! CVHS Raider News Page 7 Career Center News CV Career Center: Open during school hours to parents and students Location: Across hall from library Coordinator: Carol Beamer available: Mon.—Fri., 8:30 AM-3 PM Contact Info: carol.beamer@corvallis.k12.or.us or 541-757-5916 Website: https://sites.google.com/site/cvhscounseling STUDENT STAND-OUTS Congratulations to: Kate Bird, Allen Huang, and Joshua Larson, who were selected as CV’s nominees for the NHS scholarship. TEST INFORMATION March SAT Registration: Students register for the SAT at www.collegeboard.org. Allow at least 20 minutes for the online registration process. The SAT will be administered at CVHS on Saturday, March 14. The regular deadline to register for the March test date is February 13. Testing spots are limited at CV so students should register as soon as possible. The SAT is offered at a variety of schools on every testing date, but CV only administers the SAT in October and March. Juniors & Seniors: SAT Dates for 2014-2015: Mar 14, May 2, and Jun 6. Sign up at www.collegeboard.com. ACT Dates for 2014-2015: Feb 7, Apr 18, and Jun 13. Sign up at www.actstudent.org/start. ASVAB: Sign up now for this free, career-exploration assessment (ASVAB) that will be administered at CV on Thursday, February 19, 11:00 AM – end of school. Testing will be in D-41. Students can sign up in the CC to take this exam. The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) includes tests and activities that help students identify interests, plus it provides information about verbal, math, and science/technical skills. The exam results are not released to the military unless the student authorizes the release on the answer sheet on test day. Advanced Placement (AP) Exam Information: The Advanced Placement (AP) Program is administered by The College Board to provide high school students an opportunity to take college-level coursework and earn college credit or advanced placement in college classes. AP exams are optional, fee-based, and are given over a two-week period every May. This year AP exams will be administered at CV during the weeks of May 4 and May 11. The College Board sets the exam schedule, establishes fees, and scores exams. CVHS Raider News Students who take an AP exam usually have taken the AP class, but this is not a requirement. Students who register to take an AP exam will receive a copy of the AP Bulletin for Students and Parents, which describes the AP program in more detail. AP Exam Registration Instructions: To register for one or more AP exams, students must bring a nonrefundable deposit of $15 per exam to the CC between February 9 and March 20. Payment can be in cash or check payable to “CVHS.” At that time, students can sign up for their particular exams in the CC. The CC WILL NOT accept payment in full at registration, because if a student decides to cancel after the exam has been ordered, issuing a refund check incurs extra costs for the school. The total cost of each AP exam is $66. The balance due of $51 per exam will be accepted in the CC ONLY between April 21 and April 30. Students who register after the March deadline will incur a late fee. Students who qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch only pay the initial $15 deposit per exam, and the deposit will be refunded after AP exams are completed. STUDENTS: PLEASE CHECK CALENDARS CAREFULLY AND ONLY REGISTER FOR AP EXAMS YOU PLAN TO TAKE. If there is a conflict with the testing date/time of an exam, there are alternate test date options. See Carol Beamer or Janice Lorenzen in the CC. SCHOLARSHIPS Out-of-State Colleges Without Out-of-State Costs: WUE is the Western Undergraduate Exchange program through which students may apply to be considered for enrollment at many two-year and four-year public college programs at a reduced tuition level. Many of the participating institutions require strong academic performance as evidenced by SAT/ACT scores and GPA. These scholarships are limited so interested seniors should apply as early as possible to be considered. For more information visit www.wiche.edu/wue. Kiwanis Senior of the Quarter Award: Each quarter during the school year, the Kiwanis Club of Corvallis honors an outstanding high school senior from CVHS. Any senior may apply. To be selected, the student must demonstrate well-rounded achievement in school and outside activities, with an emphasis on community service. The selected senior of each quarter and parents (guardians) are invited to a Kiwanis luncheon meeting for the presentation of the award. In May, one senior from each high school will be selected from the four Students of the Quarter as the Student of the Year. Applications are available in the CC. Application deadlines: March 4 and April 17. (Continued on the next page) Page 8 Career Center News (Continued from the previous page) Scholarship Opportunities: Don’t wait! Every week the CC receives information about scholarship opportunities. Due to space limitations in the Raider News, it is not possible to list each specific scholarship as information is received. However, the information will be listed on the Scholarship Board in the CC and updated on a weekly basis at https://sites.google.com/site/ cvhscounseling/scholarships. Some of the Scholarships with Due Dates in February and March: Oregon Wheat Foundation - 2/1/2015 Portland State Univ. GANAS Program - 2/1/2015 Forthan Memorial Recovery, Al - 2/2/2015 Oregon Music Hall of Fame - 2/14/2015 Association of Computer Professionals in Education 2/15/2015 Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) Foundation Youth Dev. Program 2/20/2015 Buick Achievers - 2/28/2015 Mosley, Kevin Kyle, Private Pilot - 2/28/2015 Pitzer, Thomas E. "Tom" Aviation Maintenance 2/27/2015 Zonta International - Young Women in Public Affairs Award - 2/27/2015 Davis, Guy - Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA) - 3/1/2015 Ford Scholars Program - 3/1/2015 Fraternal Order of Eagles-Eagle Scholarship Foundation - 3/1/2015 Oregon Blueberry Commission Scholarship 3/1/2015 Oregon Collectors Association - Hasson/Newman Memorial Scholarship - 3/1/2015 Oregon Community Foundation - Verl and Dorothy Miller Native American - 3/1/2015 Oregon Seed Council - 3/1/2015 Oregon Student Assistance Commission (OSAC) 3/1/2015 Oregon Community Quarterback Scholarship 3/2/2015 Oregon PSR Greenfield Peace Writing Contest 3/16/2015 Benton County Scholarships - 3/26/2015 Another way to find scholarships is by doing online scholarship searches. There are many scholarship websites available including www.fastweb.com, www.getcollegefunds.org, www.collegeboard.org, and individual college/university/department websites. FAFSA: Seniors and parents should be in the process of completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Federal Student Aid has launched some tools to help students through the financial aid process: www.StudentAid.ed.gov is a website fully accessible on tablets and smartphones; videos can be found at www.YouTube.com/FederalStudentAid; full collection of infographics at www.visual.ly/users/FederalStudentAid; and a Facebook page at www.Facebook.com/ FederalStudentAid. There is also a monthly interactive session called #AskFAFSA Office Hours, which takes place via the @FAFSA Twitter account. Scholarships at Oregon Student Access Commission: The OSAC scholarship eApp Workbook with 400+ scholarship listings and the worksheet is available online at www.GetCollegeFunds.org. Deadline for the Early Bird Review and chance to win $500 is February 15, 2015. Final deadline to submit the application and all required materials is March 1, 2015 (5 PM). This is a great gateway for many scholarship opportunities. COLLEGES LBCC Sessions: Students can sign up in the CC for individual sessions with an Admissions Representative from LBCC. These meetings can help students answer questions about community college programs and navigate the admissions process. The next session is scheduled for February 19. LBCC College Night 2015 is on Monday, Feb 9 on the Albany Campus. Go to www.linnbenton.edu/college -night for more details and to pre-register. This is a great opportunity to get to know LBCC and gather information to prepare for college, not to mention a chance to win some free tuition! The “Look Beyond the Books" showcase will show students what LBCC offers beyond the books and how they can get involved. SAVE the DATE – OPU Spring Tour (formerly OUS Visit) to CVHS on March 12, 2015: Each of the Oregon public universities will be visiting CVHS on March 12 from 1-2:25 PM. This program will be focused on Juniors but will be open to all students who are interested. For a list of each university and its upcoming Preview opportunities, visit www.OUS.edu. (Continued on the next page) CVHS Raider News Page 9 Career Center News (Continued from the previous page) ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES 9th Annual African American Youth Leadership Conference: High school students with African American heritage are encouraged to attend this annual one-day conference on Thursday, April 2 at Western Oregon University. This is a no-cost, chaperoned field trip by bus from CV. There will be a keynote speaker, workshop sessions, snack and lunch provided, plus an official campus tour. Applications are available in the CC. Students must sign up and return the signed parent permission forms no later than Thursday, March 12 to the Career Center. Counter-Military Visitations: Representatives from the Corvallis Counter-Recruitment Committee are available to meet with students and provide information on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month. Military Visitations: Recruiters from the various military branches visit the CC during the lunch hour according to this schedule: US Marine Corps – By appointment US Army – 2nd & 4th Wednesdays per month US Navy – 1st & 3rd Tuesdays per month National Guard – 1st Wednesday each month US Air Force – By appointment CC Crate of Summer Activities: Stop by the CC and browse through the crate of summer opportunities for high school students. Most college campuses offer summer enrichment programs for youth. Study abroad programs offer summer stays in many countries around the world. Community service opportunities abound, locally as well as throughout the U.S. and abroad. Another resource of summer opportunities is www.petersons.com. Many summer programs have early winter application deadlines, so this IS the time to be applying. Support the Mr. and Ms. Crescent Valley Garage Sale When: Between January and March 6th. Our Garage Sale is March 7th at Shepard of the Valley Lutheran Church. Where the money goes: Profits from the sale go to three local charities; The Old Mill Center, Children’s Miracle Network, and Jackson Street Youth Shelter. How: Email Mr.Ms.CVGarageSale@gmail.com and a Mr. and Ms. CV contestant will pick up your donations. Feel free to contact us with any questions! Mr./Ms. CV Woodstock’s Pizza Day On Tuesday, February 3, dine at Woodstock’s Pizza all day and 30% of your purchase will be donated. All you have to do is mention Mr./Ms. CV for your donation to be credited. Eat pizza and support three local charities! CVHS Raider News Page 10 509J TAG INFORMATION NIGHT Talented and Gifted in Corvallis School District: A Primer on TAG Services and Resources in 509J Come to the TAG Information Night! TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015 7:00 pm—8:00 pm Linus Pauling Middle School NW Highland Drive and NW Cleveland Avenue (Enter by Main Office; doors open at 6:40pm) *6:40 Resource Fair/Meet Parent Advisory Committee Members PRESENTED BY TEACHER LIAISONS FROM CSD SCHOOLS Presentation will include: TAG identification process Differentiation practices Resources Q&A EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!! Child activity and supervision are available for students K through 5. Sponsored by the 509J TAG Teacher Liaison Committee For more information, visit our website and sign up on our TAG listserv. For more information call 541-757-5811 http://www.csd509j.net/en-us/districtinformation/departmentsservices/talentedgifted.aspx CVHS Raider News Page 11 NOCHE DE INFORMACIÓN DE TAG de 509J Talentosos y Dotados en el Distrito Escolar de Corvallis: Una introducción sobre Servicios TAG y Recursos de 509J Venga a la noche de información de TAG MARTES 17 DE FEBRERO, 2015 7:00 pm—8:15 pm Linus Pauling Middle School NW Highland Drive y NW Cleveland Avenue (entrada por la oficina principal, abierto a las 6:40pm) *6:40 Feria de Recursos / Conozca a los miembros del Comité Asesor de Padres PRESENTADO POR MAESTROS COORDINADORES DE LAS ESCUELAS DE CSD La presentación incluirá: Proceso de identificación de TAG Las prácticas de diferenciación Recursos Preguntas y respuestas ¡¡¡TODOS SON BIENVENIDOS!!! Se proveerán actividades y supervisión de estudiantes del Kinder al grado 5 Patrocinado por el Comité de los Maestros TAG del distrito 509J Para mayor información, visite nuestro sitio de la Web e inscríbase en TAG listserv http://www.csd509j.net/en-us/districtinformation/departmentsservices/talentedgifted.aspx CVHS Raider News Page 12 Running Start is an exciting opportunity for students to step into their future. The purpose of the Running Start program is to partner with students and Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC) to provide a supported bridge between high school and the student’s early college experience. The program is designed to smooth the transition between the two settings and increase the success of our students as they transition to college. Advanced Diploma Program Students who have completed all of the requirements for their diploma and wish to attend LBCC full time for one year and pursue their advanced diploma may apply to participate in the Running Start Advanced Diploma program. The advanced diploma is awarded when students complete their standard diploma requirements and 36 LBCC credits. Students must enroll in at least 12 credits each term including Destination Graduation in the first term. Students are also required to enroll in math and writing courses each term until they complete Math 111 and Writing 121. Four and seven week progress reports will be required as are any interventions deemed necessary by the advisors. Expanded Options Program Current Corvallis School District students who have a desire to take coursework available at Linn Benton Community College that is not available at their home high school may inquire about the Expanded Options Program with their school counselor. Alternative Learning Option Current homeschool students who are interested in enrolling in the Corvallis School District and completing classes at Linn Benton Community College in order to earn a high school diploma should contact Eric Wright at 541-766-4717 or eric.wright@corvallis.k12.or.us. Placement Criteria and Application Process ● High School Cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. ● Students will need to take the LBCC Accuplacer placement tests and score at the levels listed below (testing is done at any of the LBCC campuses): Reading 90 Writing 95 Math 65 Students will complete an application packet in order to be considered for the program. Applications will be available beginning January 5 at either the high school counseling office or at the Harding Center at 510 NW 31st St., Corvallis. Completed applications must be turned in to either the student’s high school counseling office or to Cindy Preece at the Harding Center by April 1, 2015, and must include a copy of Accuplacer test scores and a copy of the student’s transcript. Applicants will be notified of their participation status by May 1, 2015. CVHS Raider News Page 13 CVHS Raider News Page 14 22 16 Presidents' 15 IMPACT DAY 23 odd (weather make-up if needed) NO SCHOOL Day 9 odd SEMESTER 2 BEGINS 2 odd Mon 8 Choir Returns 1 Sun even even even even 9am-2:30p Career Conv for Juniors 5:30 pm – fr BBX @ S.Albany (Calapooia) 5:30/7:00 – jv,v BBX @ South Albany 24 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v BBX @ Woodburn 17 7:00pm - Link Crew Awards - Cafeteria A/O- Spring Sports Meeting 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v BBX – Silverton 10 4:00 pm – SW @ CHS 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v GBX – Lebanon 3 Tue odd odd odd odd 5:30/7:00 - fr,jv,v GBX – South Albany 7:00 pm – ORCHESTRA CONCERT - aud 25 3:15-4:30p- Site Council D42 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v GBX – Woodburn 18 7:15 am – DEPT LIA – library 12:15 pm – COFFEE w/ PRIN sdr 1:00 pm – CVPO – sdr 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v GBX Silverton 6:00/7:00 – WR @ Lebanon 11 7:15 am – STAFF MTG - library 4:00 pm - WR – Central @ CV 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v BBX@Lebanon 4 Wed even even even 26 even 7:00 pm – COLLEGE PLANNING NIGHT Frosh/parents – CC/lib 11:00 am – ASVAB D41 19 ALL NW BAND, CHOIR ORCHESTRA SW – Districts @ Osborn 12 5 Thu Fri all all odd all WR – State @ Mem Col 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v BBX – Lebanon 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v GBX @ Lebanon 27 SW – State @ Mt.Hood CC WR – Districts @ Silverton 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v BBX – Dallas 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v GBX @ Dallas 20 ALL NW BAND, CHOIR ORCHESTRA 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v BBX – Central 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v GBX @ Central 13 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v BBX @ CHS 5:30/7:00 – fr,jv,v GBX – CHS 6 ...nurturing students to grow as responsible citizens and engaged learners who are prepared for life beyond high school CVHS ACTIVITIES~ February 2015 WR – State @ Mem Col SOLO ENSEMBLE @ South Albany 28 SW – State @ Mt.Hood CC WR – Districts @ Silverton 21 ALL NW BAND, CHOIR ORCHESTRA WR- Districts @ Silverton SW – Districts @ Osborn 14 ACT WR @ Cottage Grove 7 Sat Corvallis School District 509J Crescent Valley High School 4444 NW Highland Drive Corvallis, Oregon 97330 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Salem, OR Permit No. 344 Find out more about CVHS online! http://cvhs.csd509j.net Dates to Remember Feb. 2 Feb. 10 Feb. 11 Semester 2 Begins Link Crew Awards; 7 PM Cafe 12:15 PM Coffee with Principal 1 PM CVPO; staff dining room Feb. 12-14 All NW Band, Choir, Orchestra Feb. 16 NO School Feb. 18 Site Council; 3:15 PM Feb. 19 College Planning Night for Freshmen; 7 PM; CC/Library Feb. 24 Career Convention for Jrs. Feb. 25 Orchestra Concert; 7 PM 2014-15 School Calendar The year’s school calendar is posted on our school website at http://cvhs.csd509j.net. ***See CVHS activities calendar for additional info*** Raider News is produced to inform Crescent Valley High School students and their families about activities and issues of interest. The publication is a team effort of parents, staff and students. It is produced in Microsoft Publisher and submitted in PDF format to the print shop. Comments, suggestions and news for future issues may be emailed to raidernewsinbox@gmail.com or sent to Raider News, CVHS, 4444 NW Highland Drive, Corvallis, OR 97330 or faxed to 541-752-4522. Raider News Staff Lisa Freeman Melissa Carr Linda Alderman Michelle Butler (calendar) CVPO 2014-2015 OFFICERS: President: Mike Unsworth Vice Pres.: Tracy McAlister Secretary: Michael Kim Treasurer: Kristan Krivoshein Vol. Coord.: Kim O’Bryan-Heede The next issue will be March 2015 CVHS Raider News Page 15
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