Mauldin Middle School PTA Newsletter The Stampede February 2015 Volume 16 Issue 3 FROM THE PRINCIPAL The first semester at Mauldin Middle School was quite successful. Let each of us continue to strive to achieve our school goals of (1) having each student to meet or exceed current score on the standardized tests; (2) having 97% student attendance; and (3) having 98% staff attendance. Mauldin Middle School 1190 Holland Road Simpsonville, SC 29681 (864) 355-6770 (864) 355-6988 (fax) us/mauldinm Second semester will be filled with many activities in addition to our regular academic schedule. These activities include our Invention Convention, book fairs, spring pictures, field trips, basketball games, soccer, softball and baseball games, registration for the 2015-2016 school year, standardized testing, and various other activities and programs. A schedule of these events has been provided in this newsletter for you. We hope that you will continue to encourage your children to do their very best in their studies and in all of the activities and programs that have been planned for them this semester. Registration for the 2015-2016 school year will be held in February and March of 2015. Please look for important information regarding this registration process. Co-Presidents: Damaris Collier Janet Webber Newsletter Editor: Rebecca Willson Email: SE Council, District 1 South Carolina PTA 1826 Henderson Street Columbia, SC 29201 800-743-3782 A new ACT Aspire Tests (for writing, reading, and math) will be given to all students (6th, 7th, and 8th graders) April 28, 29 and 30. These are timed tests. The PASS Tests (for social studies and science) will be given to all students May 7 and 8. The PASS tests are not timed tests. It is very important that students be present for all testing sessions. Let us continue to work together to achieve our school goals and to make sure that Mauldin Middle School is the best institution it can possibly be! As always, I thank you very much for all of your support and cooperation. You are certainly appreciated! Rosia D. Gardner Principal “EXPECT THE BEST!” FACEBOOK US!! We’re on Facebook! Make sure to LIKE us for updates about what’s happening at MMS. Just search for Mauldin Middle School PTA or find us at DATES TO REMEMBER SPECIAL NOTE: Registration for courses for the 2015-2016 school year will occur in February and March. February 1 2 2 5 5 9 10 11 12 16 17 17 18 19 20, 21 23 23 26, 27 Black History Month Begins Second Quarter Awards Assembly Spring Sports Tryouts Begin Rising Sixth Grade Orientation for Students – 9:30 a.m. Rising Sixth Grade Orientation and Curriculum Night for All Parents – 6:00 p.m. Sixth & Seventh Grade Teachers Begin Making Recommendations for 2015-2016 Core Courses Related Arts Selection Forms Sent to Parents (6th and 7th) Signed Related Arts Selection Forms Returned to School PTA Executive Board Meeting – 12:00 noon Presidents’ Day – Holiday PTA Meeting/Invention Convention – 6:45 p.m. Mauldin High Curriculum (Rising 9th) – 7:00 p.m. School Improvement Council (SIC) Meeting – 11:30 a.m. Progress Reports Issued Regional Band Clinic and Concert Sixth/Seventh Graders in Computer Lab for Registration Eighth Grade Teachers Begin Making Recommendations for 2015-1016 Core Courses All-County Band March 2 2 6, 7 9 10 12 13-14 18 24 25-29 27 30 MAP Testing Window Opens Fifth (Rising Sixth) Grade Registration Window Opens Chorus Performs at Arts America Festival Snow Make-up Day #1 Eighth Grade Student Registration in Labs PTA Executive Board Meeting – 12:00 noon All-State Band Clinic at Furman University School Improvement Council Meeting - 11:30 a.m. End of Third Quarter Sandlapper and Drama Trip to New York MAP Testing Window Closes Spring Break Begins April 3 6 8 8 8-14 9 14 14 15 15-19 16 21 23 23, 24 25 28, 29, 30 28 Spring Break Ends Make-up Day #3 Report Cards Issued 2015-2016 Student Registration Forms Sent to Parents Spring Book Fair Parent “Override” Day – 3:45 – 5:00 p.m. Parents Return Signed 2015-2016 Registration Forms Spring Sing – 7:30 p.m. – Peace Center School Improvement Council (SIC) Meeting – 11:30 a.m. Band Wind Ensemble Competition in Florida PTA Executive Board Meeting – 12:00 noon PTA Volunteer Luncheon – 11:15-1:00 p.m. Spring School Picture Day Drama Performance – Mauldin Middle School – 7:00 p.m. Drama Performance – Mauldin Middle School – 2:00 p.m. ACT Aspire Tests Strings Concert – Mauldin High School – 6:45 p.m. FROM YOUR PTA PRESIDENTS Happy New Year 2015 to all of our MMS Families!! We hope that you enjoyed a wonderful Holiday season with your loved ones and that the new year is off to an amazing start! It's hard to believe that we are already starting to talk about the 2015-2016 school year. We would like to encourage you to start thinking about your role in the Mauldin Middle School PTA for the 2015-2016 school year! Help is needed in all areas. Please consider donating your time to assist the PTA and MMS. The MMS PTA Executive Board opportunities consist of: President (or Co-Presidents), Treasurer, Secretary, Membership, Legislative, Reflections, Volunteers, Red Ribbon, Newsletter, Spirit Wear, Spirit Events Coordinator, Corporate Sponsors, Box Tops, Campbell Soup Labels, Hospitality, School Store, and Beautification. Volunteer opportunities for MMS consist of: Office Help, 1st Day Packet Help (prep and processing), Spirit Wear, School Store (AM help), Cafeteria – Tea Sales, Hospitality, Grounds Beautification, SC Fence Garden, Spirit Week, Fundraiser Help, Fundraiser Fundraiser Limo Ride Help, Fundraiser Fun Day Help, Reflections Art Contest, Box Tops, Campbell Soup Labels, Red Ribbon Week, Music & Drama, Strings, Band, BETA Club, Lost & Found, Technology Assistance, Book Fair Volunteers, Monitors for Testing, 6thGrade Field Day, 6th Grade Invention Convention, Career Week Speakers, 8th Grade End of Year Dance, Paper Donations, and Business Partners. If you have a little bit of time and would like to be involved in your child's school or would be willing to volunteer for our school involving ANY of these areas, please contact the school or any of the MMS PTA Executive Board members. In order for the PTA to function properly and be successful, WE NEED YOU!! There is a broad spectrum of opportunities and we would appreciate ANY time that you are willing to give. Thank you for being the best families to the best kids at the best middle school in Greenville County. After all, Mauldin Middle School is where we “Expect The Best!” Damaris Collier MMS PTA Co-President Janet Webber MMS PTA Co-President ACT ASPIRE TESTING (NEW STANDARDIZED TEST) This year, students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades in South Carolina will take the ACT Aspire. Students will take ELA (English, reading, and writing) and mathematics tests. Additionally, all students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades will take the SCPASS science and social studies tests. ACT Aspire, which is a timed test, will require students to answer multiple choice questions and to write their answers. SCPASS, which is an untimed test, will require students to answer multiple choice questions. The ACT Aspire and SCPASS tests are aligned to state standards and what is taught in your child’s classroom. Please refer to the table below for testing dates. If you have questions, please call 355-6770. Test Time Date ACT Aspire Writing 30 minutes Tuesday, April 28 ACT Aspire English 35 minutes Tuesday, April 28 ACT Aspire Reading 60 minutes Wednesday, April 29 ACT Aspire Mathematics Grades 6 & 7: 55 minutes Grade 8: 65 minutes Thursday, April 30 SCPASS Science Untimed Thursday, May 7 SCPASS Social Studies Untimed Friday, May 8 YOU’RE INVITED PTA MEETING and ANN TWITCHELL INVENTION CONVENTION TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2015 6:45 P.M. MAULDIN MIDDLE SCHOOL CAFETERIA PTA VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 2015 11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. MAULDIN MIDDLE SCHOOL MEDIA CENTER All persons who have volunteered at Mauldin Middle School in any capacity (chaperoning dances and field trips, working in the office or library, working in the school store, serving as tutors, selling tea, sending supplies and other goodies, making financial and other donations, etc.) are invited to attend our PTA Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon. You are invited to come any time between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. The volunteer appreciation program will begin at 11:30 a.m. Thank you again for all of your support and assistance. We look forward to seeing you at the luncheon in April! STUDENT AFTERNOON SAFETY—YOUR HELP IS NEEDED REMINDER: All car riders are asked to wait in the waiting area for their cars in the afternoons. Students have been told not to gather and wait near the tennis courts, not to walk in the driveway to get to a car and not to cross Holland Road to get in a car. All parents are asked to stay in line and drive to the designated waiting areas before loading their children. Loading in any other area is not supervised and could be very dangerous for our students! Please be aware that our driveways and parking lot areas are under police jurisdiction. Please follow all posted signs when on campus. Thank you very much for your support and cooperation in providing the safest conditions for our students! SPECIAL NOTE: PLEASE BE REMINDED THAT NO STUDENT SUPERVISION IS PROVIDED BY STAFF MEMBERS IN THE TEACHERS’ PARKING LOT!!!! WE REQUEST THAT ALL STUDENTS WAIT IN THE WAITING AREA FOR THEIR RIDES. PLEASE DO NOT DOUBLE PARK OR PARK BEHIND A PARKED CAR WHILE IN THE TEACHERS’ PARKING LOT!!!! EARLY DISMISSALS VISITORS Early dismissals for students are approved until 2:45 p.m. each day. No class will be interrupted between 2:45 and 3:15 p.m. for early dismissals. Please send a note for early dismissals, stating the time, so that your child can be waiting for you in the office when you arrive. All parents and other persons visiting Mauldin Middle School are reminded to come to the main office to sign in and to receive a Visitor's Pass. Please wear the Visitor's Pass whenever visiting our school. This request is made for safety and security reasons. SCHOOL HOURS DRESS CODE REMINDER Our official school time for students is from 8:30 a.m. until 3:15 p.m. Supervision is provided for students from 7:45 a.m. until 3:45 p.m. Please do not bring your children to school before 7:45 a.m. and please pick them up from school no later than 3:45 p.m. if your child rides in a car. For the safety of your child, your cooperation is greatly appreciated!!!! Parents and students are asked to review the dress code to be sure that students are following the dress code. Students who are inappropriately dressed may be required to call their parents for a change of clothes! The Administration reserves the right to judge the appropriateness of any clothes worn to school. 2014/2015 PTA EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Co-President Co-President Secretary Treasurer Ways & Means Membership Volunteers Reflections Hospitality Newsletter Damaris Collier Janet Webber Susan Walker Sandy Brown Vonie Leahy Melissa Hudson Rebecca Willson Beautification School Store Box Tops Red Ribbon Spirit Wear Spirit Events Corporate Sponsors Campbell’s Soup Kristen Ambrose Kim Putnam Angie Schemm Alecia Brewster Peyton McNair April Day Amy Barras Victoria Modestti Janet Webber FROM THE ENGLISH & LITERATURE DEPARMENT Miss Hervey’s sixth grade classes are reading an in-depth novel entitled “Double Dutch” by Sharon Draper. Students are learning about characterization, author’s style, similes and metaphors, and some bullying issues that take place in the novel. In order to make this book “come alive” in the classroom, the students are learning to experience the jumping rope activity of double dutch. Ms. Deas’ classes are reading “A Wrinkle in Time" and they will be creating their own Utopia. The students will create their own world on poster board, or other medium. The world can be a planet, island, or country that is meant to be perfect. The students will "invent" a story behind their world and include a name of their country, a currency, education system, government, a motto, a map, language, and general living conditions. Students will then present their "Utopia" to the class. MATH DEPARTMENT UPDATES Is it third quarter already? You bet! By now, most parents have been exposed to the phrase “Common Core” or maybe “ACT ASPIRE” (the name of the test to replace ELA and MATH PASS Testing in late April 2015). The purpose of adopting the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is to raise the bar in all math classrooms to ensure that our students are receiving a relevant and rigorous education. Your child will be better prepared to meet the demands of college and/or the work place in the 21st century. As we approach the season of registration for the 2015-2016 school year, please respect your child’s math placement for next year. If you do have a need for placement information, do not hesitate to email or call your current math teacher for specifics. Keep in mind that each math course has detailed enrollment requirements including minimum MAP and prior PASS scores that must be met. Continue to encourage your child to go above and beyond the classroom assignments and to search further, dig deeper, and take personal work to the next level of success from the content being taught each and every day. Make connections between yesterday’s lesson and what’s coming ahead tomorrow. The Common Core curriculum EXPECTS every student to be inquisitive and challenge themselves harder than ever before! This rigorous adventure is what keeps Mauldin Middle soaring high in the academic rankings and it takes you (their parents) to help our staff elevate your child’s academic successes to the highest possible level with each unit of study. The new math course in 6th grade this year – Math 6/7/8 – seems to be preparing those high-ability students for 7th grade Algebra I as planned. The “Math 6 – Math 7 – Math 8” path of study seems to be the place for most of our students and the flow of content allows a deeper investigation within each grade level to help our students build the strongest math foundation possible for high school success. The two year Math 6/7 and Math 7/8 continues to provide the most challenging curricula to insure those students are ready to meet the rigor of a high school course while in middle school. Also, our school has participated in an inclusion model this year for those students who have needed extra help in math topics from prior years in all three grades. Mr. Harris would like to welcome his Spring 2015 student teacher – Mr. Kenny Morgan – as he will be working with Team 7-2 through mid-May 2015. SPECIAL EDUCATION NEWS Ms. Perry's and Mr. McLeer's classes along with Be a Fan and Mauldin Middle School's Basketball team members will participate in a 3 on 3 unified basketball tournament on February 13, 2015, at the YMCA on Cleveland Park. The Be a Fan Cross Country "5K" will be on March 21, 2015. Interested participants may go to Mauldin's website to sign-up. Pre-registration price is $20 for elementary students and $25 for everyone else. Spring Games for Special Olympics in track sports will be held April 8, 2015, at Furman University. Contact Ms. Perry for further details at 864-355-6686. Unified Bowling will take place at Fort Jackson in Columbia on May 8-10, 2015. Special Olympian athletes and Be a Fan Club members will compete together in this event. SANDLAPPER NEWS AND UPDATES The Sandlapper Club has been busy this past month! We sponsored two families for a holiday Angel Tree gift drive; worked at Harvest Hope Food Bank sorting and packing food boxes for the elderly; and sponsored a blood drive. Attention Parents of Sandlappers attending the NYC/DC Trip: There will be a mandatory parent meeting on March 16th, 2015, at 7p.m. in the cafeteria. At this meeting, trip details, required paperwork and room particulars will be discussed. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Sign up at We will be collecting box tops as announced. LABELS FOR EDUCATION Visit and sign up! Quarterly, the student who brings the most box tops will also receive a gift card. Campbell Soup labels can be turned in anytime. Quarterly, the student who brings the most labels will receive a gift card. Please put your box tops in a sealed bag or envelope with your name and grade level. You may bring them in on a collection day or drop them in the labeled box in the front office any time. Please put your labels in a sealed bag or envelope with your name and grade level. You may drop them in the labeled box in the front office at any time. These labels will be used to help support all programs at the school. THANKS FOR HELPING TO SUPPORT MAULDIN MIDDLE!! RELATED ARTS EIGHTH GRADE DANCE The MMS Related Arts Department would like to welcome four new student interns as we begin the second semester. They are all college seniors from area universities. Mr. Jordan Best, from Rock Hill, SC, attends Furman, and is a percussion specialist and is interested in becoming a band director. He is happy to be working with Mr. Kilgus this semester. Mr. Kris Briggs is from Presbyterian College and has an emphasis in violin. He is a resident of Greenville and plans on becoming a middle or high school music director. He is interning this semester with Mr. Gencarelli. Mr. Graham McBride also attends Furman. From Spartanburg, he is a brass specialist including the trombone and the euphonium. He also plans to be a middle or high school band director. He will be working with Ms. Poston. Mr. Josh Sparkman attends Bob Jones University and is a piano and vocal education major. From New Hampshire, he will be traveling for the WILDS camp for a year following graduation before pursuing further education in composition. He will be working with Mrs. Rhodes. The eighth grade dance will be held Friday, May 29, 2015, from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. for Mauldin Middle School students only. Students do not have to have a date and do not have to wear formal attire to attend. However, dressy outfits are required; no jeans, t-shirts, or sneakers will be allowed. WORLD LANGUAGUES How do historical influences affect the food that people eat? That is the question that 8th grade Spanish I students are exploring along with the Puerto Rican Culture. People normally enjoy a variety of foods without hesitation or thought of how that food came about. When the Europeans came to the Americas, they introduced beef, poultry, pork, dairy, and wheat among many other foods. On the other hand, Europeans took with them many vegetables and corn. The combination of both worlds is what allows us to enjoy the wonderful foods we have today. For the third nine weeks, Spanish I students will also be learning to talk about their family. At the end of the month of February, Spanish I students will put into practice what they have learned thus far. Students will be able to talk about each member of their family, their age, birthday, personality, physical appearance, likes and dislikes, and of course, their favorite food. This dance is a great way to end the school year and to end your child's experience at Mauldin Middle School! SCHOOL STORE Did you know MMS has its own school store? We have many last minute needs for our students, including notecards, notebook paper, pens, pencils, and erasers. We also sell MMS Spirit Wear and snacks! Help support the MMS PTA and let your students know about us! THE MANE EVENTS The Mane Events Morning Show is up and running. The Broadcast Journalism class creates and airs a live morning news show each day for the students and faculty. Their broadcasts are uploaded to where they can be viewed by searching for “The Mane Events + the date of the show.” It includes the weather, student interest stories, student news, photographs, announcements, and, of course, the corny joke of the day! Be sure to visit School Tube and tune in to see what’s in the news! NEWS FROM THE SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT All of our students are fully engaged in learning the history of the world, here are some of the highlights: In 6th grade, Mrs. Brown’s classes have been studying the Ancient Roman Empire. To help them study the content and review for their test, students made board games. They then had the chance to play each other in the games which was not only fun for them but helped them review the material they had been taught. In 7th grade, students are studying World War I. Students always look forward to the study of the World Wars. In Mrs. Beck’s class, to show what they have learned about the war, students will make a digital journal as if they are a World War I soldier. The journal will include all types of elements from the war such as the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, living in the trenches, uniforms, weapons, etc. This will all be done through a Google app so we are incorporating 21st century skills which will make it fun for the students as well as educational. In 8th grade, Mrs. Barefoot’s classes have enjoyed having Ms. Catie Norman from Clemson University who is in the student-teaching phase of getting her Masters in Education. She has done an excellent job in the classroom and even outside the classroom as well. Ms. Norman has been an intricate addition to the MMS’ Youth in Government Program. She has been a part of Youth in Government since she was in high school and her wealth of knowledge is one of the reasons we were so successful at the conference this year. Mrs. Rigoli's classes have just passed through the Antebellum Period where students protested the Denmark Vessey Trial, The Trail of Tears, The Creation of the Cotton Gin, and several other "offensive issues" of the time. On the other hand, we had many supporters of the abolitionist movement, the freeing of Fredrick Douglas, Manifest Destiny, and other Antebellum high points. Currently, the students are facing down the staggering facts and statistics of the Civil War. Weekly quizzes on vocabulary and essential questions, coupled with the use of a modified Cornell Note strategy is showcasing each student's ability to dig in to material and pull from it a greater knowledge. Lastly, all classes participated in the National Geographic Society Geography Bee upon returning from their holiday break. Students went through seven rounds of questions to test their knowledge of geography from around the world. Congratulations to our classroom winners! 6th Grade Mrs. Peterson Addison Selig Max Tingom Immanuel Frist Josh Kulp Morgan Dailey Mr. Eddie Jackie Sanchez Daniel Brunken Mason Varnadore Annie Arritt Kelsey Parson Mrs. Parris Maddie Reed Kayla Khath Devin Gwinn Cody Vogel Brian Bogdanski 7th Grade Mrs. Sanders Anthony Milani Braiden Weldon Nicholas Smith Megan Doherty Ryleigh Blume Mrs. Beck Lindsay Taylor Ethan Brown Aaron Kulp D’Auviyon Johnson Nate Natale Mrs. Shuler Wesley Molizon Connor Stevens Sasha Santos Miranda Austin Jada Heyward Each classroom winner competed against each other in their grade level. 6th Grade Winners 8th Grade Mrs. Barefoot Alberto Osuna Connor Westmoreland Alex Piggford Josh Guy Emily Sippel Mrs. Rigoli Cameron Wilk Genna Cunningham Alex Imm Griffin Krieg Tariq Singleton Jackie Sanchez Maddie Reed Devin Gwinn The grade-level winners then competed in the school wide geography bee which resulted in three top students. In first place was seventh grader, Aaron Kulp; in second place was eighth grader, Griffin Krieg; and in third place was sixth grader, Devin Gwinn. 7th Grade Winners Aaron Kulp only missed one question throughout the entire Geography Bee to become the MMS Geography Bee winner. He has taken a test from National Geographic Society to see if he qualifies for the state geography bee. The results will not be known until mid-to late February. Aaron Kulp Nicholas Smith Anthony Milani 8th Grade Winners Connor Westmoreland Alex Piggford Griffin Krieg Congratulations to all of these students and a special good luck to Aaron Kulp as he represents Mauldin Middle School. LET’S GET PHSYICAL! We just started the 2nd semester of our Health and Physical Education classes. The students have all received class procedures, locker assignments and course information. We require that each student dress out everyday they have physical education class. "A" day is Mon, Wed, Friday (every other). "B" Day is Tues, Thurs, Friday (every other). We have posted all information related to our classes on our websites. If anyone needs a P.E. uniform, we have some left for sale. T-shirts are $10 and shorts are $10. Please bring cash or check (payable to MMS). We are currently finishing up our fitnessgram testing. The tests include: height/weight measurements, push-ups/curl-ups, sit and reach and pacer testing (for aerobic capacity). Each student will complete a semester pre-test and then in May complete the post test. We are looking forward to a great spring semester in Physical Education Department! HELP US CONGRATULATE OUR REFLECTIONS WINNERS! PHOTOGRAPHY 1st Place: Kavya Patchipulusu 2nd Place: Chloe Webber FILM PRODUCTION 1st Place: Dylan Tate LITERATURE 1st Place: Shu Takamori 2nd Place: Zora Brewster 3rd Place: Abigail Parsons LIBRARY NEWS The media center is excited to announce over 80 students attended the All-You-Can-Eat Pizza December Mustang Book Award Reading celebration! A special thanks to the amazing language arts teachers who support the program by encouraging their students to read. The final Mustang Book Award celebration will be on May 14, 2015. Students who attended the December party can still come to the May party as long as they have read a total of 10 books and passed the Accelerated Reader quiz on each. Students who were not eligible in December should keep reading to complete the 5 books and AR quizzes so that they can enjoy the fun! Remember the library will be giving away TONS of GREAT prizes at the May party to recognize all of these students’ hard work! If you have any questions, please contact a member of the library staff. The media center has been filled with colorful renditions of famous paintings since the 8th grade language arts students’ finished researching well-known artist. Mrs. Trimble’s classes have been studying social issues. We look forward to 7th grade social studies classes researching WWI soon. Also, a big welcome to our library intern, Becca Johnson, who will be with us through April 10. Ms. Johnson is earning her MLIS from USC. Overdue notices were sent home in the last report cards. Please remind students to turn in any overdue books. FROM THE PTA COMMITTEES LET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!! We’re proud to be participating in FundingFactory’s 2015 Recycling Rumble. Mauldin Middle is facing off against another school and we need your help! Now thru April 17th, drop off empty laser and inkjet printer cartridges and used cell phones. With each item you contribute, we’ll be one step closer to knocking out our competitor! The winning organization between the two will earn a 10% fundraising bonus, and the top recycler among all nationwide match-ups will also win $5,000, all compliments of the national fundraising through recycling program FundingFactory. Don’t forget to ask your workplace for their cartridges to support Mauldin Middle School instead of sending them back to the manufacturer. For more information about supporting Mauldin Middle School as an individual or Business Supporter, contact Alecia Brewster at BILO HOMETOWN EDUCATIONAL REWARDS PROGRAM Mauldin Middle has officially teamed up with BILO for the Hometown Educational Rewards Program. Parents are encouraged to link their BILO BONUSCARD to local schools and help earn points which can be redeemed for free equipment and supplies! Log-in through BILO’s website today and add MMS to your BONUSCARD profile. Our school code is 55422. WAIT! DO YOU SHOP AT PUBLIX INSTEAD OF BILO? That’s not a problem! Just pick up a Publix card from the front office and have them scan it every time you shop. It’s already linked to Mauldin Middle and you’ll be helping the school with each grocery store trip! SO, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF OUR BEAUTIFUL NEW SIGN? Our new marquee sign at the front entrance has been in use throughout this school year and has been a great way to communicate with the community! We’re so happy that through the support of parents and the school we were able to provide Mauldin Middle with such a fantastic communication tool. As the weather warms up, we’ll be focusing on landscaping the area around the sign, including some new shrubbery. We would like to take the opportunity to thank S.H. Carter Development, Inc. for their generous mulch donation. The area looks better and better every day! BUSINESS PARTNERS Mauldin Middle School would like to thank our Business Partners for their 2014-2015 sponsorship: Providence Dental Group, MRK, Van West Realty, Expert Air, Edible Arrangements, Bankline Mortgage Corporation, Harrison Orthodontics, Summers Orthodontics, Ashby Park Dentistry, Glass Doctor, and Carolina Family Orthodontics. Please notice their banners on the tennis courts. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! For more information on how to become a Corporate Sponsor, please contact Victoria Modestti or Amy Barras at (864) 355-6770. CORPORATE SPONSORS THANK YOU TO OUR CORPORATE SPONSORS FOR THE 2014-2105 SCHOOL YEAR! If you’re interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor, please contact Amy Barras or Victoria Modestti.
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