Our Newslettersee what`s happening this week

Sunday Worship: 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00am
Saturday Worship: 5:30pm
Peace Signs
5475 Brand Road, Dublin, Ohio 43017
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
New This Week
All Sints Sunday
Thursday, February 19
11:00am Bible Study
4:30pm First English Dinner
Wednesdays in Lent
February 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25
Saturday, February 21
5:30pm Worship Service
6:30 - 7:00pm
7:00 - 7:45pm
7:00 - 7:45pm
Children’s Activities
7:45 - 8:00pm
Prayer around the Cross
Class led by Pastor John Morris
for Confirmation Students,
High School Students & Adults
The Five Chief Parts of the Catechism
February 25
March 4
March 11
March 18
March 25
Lord’s Prayer
Apostles‘ Creed
Ten Commandments
Holy Communion
Please sign up to help with Dinner at the
display by the Welcome Center.
First English
Lutheran Church
Thursday Night Dinner
Thursday, February 19
Sunday, February 22
8:15am Worship Service
9:30am Worship Service & Sunday School
11:00am Worship Service
Items may be dropped off at Prince of Peace
before 2:30pm on February 19.
Tuesday, February 24
9:30am Morning Prayer
7:00pm Evening Prayer
Clothing donations may also be dropped off
at the display table in the Fellowship Hallthere is urgent need for men’s coats.
Wednesday, February 25
9:15am Women’s Bible Study
6:30pm Women’s Bible Study
6:30pm Lenten Dinner
7:00pm Class
7:45pm Prayer Around the Cross
8:15pm Bell Choir
Thursday, February 26
11:00am Bible Study
7:15pm Adult Choir
Readings for this weekend:
Genesis 9:8–17; 1 Peter 3:18–22;
Mark 1:9-15; Psalm 25:1–10
Cash donations for food and supplies
are also greatly appreciated!
Thank you
Please join us for
Godspeed & Good Wishes to
Pastor Craig & Pastor Gail
Following all services ~
February 21 & 22
in the Fellowship Hall
Youth Groups
HIGH SCHOOL (Grades 9-12)
MIDDLE SCHOOL (Grades 6-8)
Upcoming Events:
Friday, March 6 – 7:00-8:30pm
“Indoor Winter Olympic Night”
Saturday, April 18 – 10:00-12:00pm
“Service Day at church
(This is National Volunteer Week)
Children’s Ministry
– Sunday School News –
Sunday School is offered Sundays at 9:30am
from September 7 through May 17
During this church season the classrooms teach
exciting stories and children learn many good lessons
about trusting God, and that God loves us and protects
us. Do you remember the story of the Four Friends,
Ten Men Healed, the Good Samaritan, the Lost Sheep
and Lost Coins, Jesus healing Blind Men and the story
of the Sower?
The upcoming season of Lent helps children learn
about what happened to Jesus before Easter.
Don’t miss it!
We look forward to your child attending each week,
getting to know their church friends and families.
Spring Service Project
March & April
We are collecting children’s diapers & wipes
for Choices Shelter.
CHOICES for victims of domestic violence
All sizes are needed.
Please put in the bins in the preschool hallway.
We are pleased to announce that CHOICES has
merges with Lutheran Social Services
of Central Ohio
Thank you for caring & sharing!
The Sunday School teachers are thankful for your
time and extra help in the classrooms; preschool,
kindergarten and 1st grade needs parent helpers each
Sunday so that we can offer a safe child adult ratio in
these young classrooms. Teachers in 2nd through 5th
are thankful to parents who are able to take a few
Sundays this year to prepare and teach the lesson. If
you are able to help with the program, please let your
child’s teacher know or speak with Sue Miller, Sunday
School Director.
Each week in Sunday School the children are invited
to bring an offering, a great opportunity for children
to learn about giving and serving others.
The Sunday School offering is collected for the Haiti
Nursing Program. Last year we collected over $900
toward this program.
Thank God It Is Good Friday – T.G.I.G.F.
Friday, April 3, from 9:30 to 11:30am
First Communion Workshop
Saturday March 7, from 10:00am to 2:00pm
with Pastor John Morris
Sunday, February 1
Sunday School Teacher Appreciation
Little Shepherds Learning Center:
Prince of Peace owns and operates a Christian based
part time preschool and full day kindergarten each
school year since 2001. The program operates
September to May each year, is licensed by the State
of Ohio Child Care licensing, is a Star Four Step Up to
Quality Center and is nationally accredited by the
National Association of the Education of Young
We offer a play based experience for toddlers 2.5
years through Prek. Kindergarten operates Monday
through Thursday 9:30am to 3:00pm.
Share the Good News!
This year we still have a few openings in the
Kindergarten program, full day and half day.
Registration 2015-2016 information is available on
the website. Classroom availability is listed on the
website. If you would like to tour the program and
observe a class, please contact director, Sue Miller,
To learn more about Little Shepherds
please visit the church website.
Worship and Music
Join us to Sing or Ring!
Where Do You Fit?
Using your gifts for ministry
Children’s Choir Sunday School Class
Grades 2-5
Rehearsals: Sunday mornings
9:30-10:30am in the Music Room
Adult Choir
High School Youth & Adults
Rehearsals: Thursday nights
7:15-8:45pm in the Music Room
Handbell Choir
High School Youth & Adults
Rehearsal: Wednesday nights
7:15- 8:30pm in the sanctuary
April 4
The POP’s Café offers our congregation an
Choirand fellowship. If your
for breakfast
family has enjoyed this Sunday morning event,
would you consider helping – just four times a year?
Christian Education
Adult Sunday School
The Gospel of Mark
Adult class meets in the chapel at 9:30am.
February 22
Led by Pastor John
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
“Give Up Something Bad for Lent”
Youth & breakfast
Adult 7:30pm
We can assign
to an existing
team, in the Sanctuary
February 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25
or why not ask
join yours and
Class meets in the chapel 9:15-10:30am
create your own team?
Cost of the book, “Give up Something Bad for Lent”
by James Moore, is $8.
The menu planning, grocery shopping, and table
Questions or to sign up contact Janice Joos.
set-up are done by the staff/helpers during the
week. All you have to do on Sunday morning is cook,
serve, clean-up – and enjoy the thanks of a grateful
congregation! Serving times are approximately
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
8:15am until 11:30am.
“Give Up Something Bad for Lent”
February 25, March 4, 11, 18 & 25
Currently we have a need for 2-3 people to serve on
Class meets in the chapel 6:30-7:30pm
a Pancake Team – just two Sundays a year!
Cost of the book, “Give up Something Bad for Lent”
by James Moore, is $8.
POP’s Café is in its tenth year of service to us. Please
Questions or to sign up please contact Pam Mayer.
help us keep this breakfast ministry alive and
Thursday Morning Bible Study
If you have questions, talk to one of the POP’s Café
Book of Revelation
helpers this weekend or contact Barb Hoyt in the
office, [barbhoyt@sbcglobal.net].
Led by Pastor John.
Join any time!
Thank you!
Children’s Ministry
First Communion Workshop
Saturday, March 7
10:00am to 2:00pm
Children’s Ministry
Thank God It’s
Good Friday
with Pastor John Morris
Students attend at 10:00am
lunch served at noon
parents join us at 1:30pm in the Sanctuary.
Sign up your child in their 1st or 2nd grade
Sunday School classroom
or Music classroom or contact the church office
to RSVP; 766-6377.
We traditionally offer this workshop
to our 1st & 2nd graders, but this workshop
is for all students, all ages,
who have not begun receiving communion or who
want to learn more about it.
If you have any questions about attending
contact Pastor John;
If you are able to help with lunch time
contact Sue Miller;
– T.G.I.G.F –
Friday, April 3
9:30am to 11:30am
A Good Friday program for children
ages 4 through 4th grade.
We need volunteer helpers to sign up to help
present this program.
We schedule classroom, craft, games, and snack.
Pastor John will meet with the students to tell
the story of Holy Week and Easter.
Please register by
Sunday, March 29
Look for sign-ups in the Fellowship Hall
and in your child’s Sunday School rooms.
Parish News
Do you enjoy cooking or baking?
Nancy Shuman and Janice Joos are coordinatoring
the new Funeral Meal Committee. This committee is
an "on call" ministry at POP. If a family is planning a
funeral service at POP, they are offered an option of a
meal/reception after the service. We offer four
different menu choices; from cookies and punch to a
hot buffet. However, these meals cannot happen
without the support of a large group of cooks and
bakers willing to help with only a few days’ notice.
When a meal is planned, volunteers are emailed a
link to a website called www.perfectpotluck.com.
The link is a web based signup sheet for needed
items such as; dessert, side dish, salad, and/or help
serving at the event. All due dates and pertinent
information is listed. Just review the information and
if you could help -wonderful! But if you cannot fit it
into your schedule, no problem.
We already have 21 people on the list, but would like
to have a large number of volunteers to cover all the
needs of a meal. Each year POP hosts about 3-4 of
these types of meals.
Contact Janice Joos at janicejoos@sbcglobal.net or
Nancy Shuman at dshuman456@att.net, if you would
like to add your name to the volunteer list.
Church Council
President Bible Trivia
Adam Biehl
?Financial Secretary
Sue Umland
Jim Hoyt
Kay Crosby
Last week’s trivia question:Chris Joos
is the earliest date Ash Wednesday can occur?
February 4 is the earliest possible date for Ash
Wednesday to occur.
Parish News
Annual Meeting Summary
The Prince of Peace annual meeting was held, Sunday,
February 8 and attended by approximately 80 members.
The information discussed is in the Annual Report
and available in the church office.
The church council is composed of 12 members who
each serve 3 year terms. The terms are staggered so four
new council members are elected each year. This year
the congregation
elected MaryDinner
Rose Bolwerk, Bob
Brueggemeier, Janice Joos and Brent McCoy to new
three year terms.
first 2015
council meeting will
be held Saturday, February 28 to elect church officers.
7:00pm- 7:45pm Children’s
The 2014 church officer and staff reports were
presented. Chris
Joos discussed 2014 financial
highlights, including wonderful progress in reducing our
mortgage, the7:45ability8:00pm
to complete
the around
pipe organ project
and successfully
Cross all areas of the 2014 budget.
Pastor John spoke of a time of transition with the new
calls for Pastor Gail and Pastor Craig and explained new
pastoral calls take time. There will be definite priorities
in terms of new staffing and this information will be
shared with the congregation as decisions are made.
The 2015 budget was presented. To note; it is less than
1% higher than 2014. An additional $60,000 has been
budgeted to deal with property and parking lot
maintenance items. The 2015 budget was unanimously
approved by the congregation.
Discussion was entertained concerning possible
revisions to the 2015 budget due to staffing changes.
Pastor John explained the budget was prepared prior to
Pastor Gail and Pastor Craig’s announcement. As new
staff is hired, the congregation will be informed. The
budget is a plan and actual expenditures compared to
the plan will be somewhat different in 2015 than in
previous years.
Jim Hoyt, Secretary
Springfield, Illinois. Matt is the General Manager
and COO at Brookside Golf and Country Club.
He enjoys golf and other sports. Susan is in
Meet Our Newest Members
Our newest members joined Prince of Peace on Sunday, February 15.
Please take some time to introduce yourselves to them!
Jim and Patti Balogh live in Dublin with their daughter, Jodie who is a sophomore at Dublin Scioto.
They are transferring their membership from Lord of Life Lutheran in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. Jim is a
Senior Operations Manager for OnX Enterprise Solutions. He enjoys sports, music and cooking. Patti is
a sales account specialist with Arrow Electronics/ReSolve. Her interests include music and cooking.
Bridget Brothag lives in Dublin with her daughter, Selah (6). She is a nurse anesthetist with
Ophthalmic Anesthesia Associates. Bridget’s interests include gardening, exercising, reading and
John and Angela Davoll are renewing their membership at Prince of Peace. They live in Hilliard with
their 12 year old twins, Abigail and Jonathan who are already enrolled in our confirmation program.
Angela is a band director at Hilliard City Schools. Both John and Angela enjoy reading and music.
Deborah McDonough lives in Dublin with her children: Sean is a ninth grader at Jerome High School
and Matthew is a sixth grader at Karrer. They are coming to us from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Des
Peres, Missouri. Deborah is a manager at Abbott.
Matt and Susan Ruehling live in Dublin with their son, Adam who is a first grader at
Deer Run Elementary. They are transferring their membership from Our Savior Lutheran in
Springfield, Illinois. Matt is the General Manager and COO at Brookside Golf and Country Club. He
enjoys golf and other sports. Susan is in marketing at Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. Her interests
include sports, reading, and family.
Jacqueline Smith lives in Powell with her son, Preston who is a fourth grader at Eli Pinney.
Jacqueline is an accountant with the Ohio State Medical Center. She enjoys running and reading.
Upcoming Events
Congregational Care
Please remember in your prayers…
God’s promises.
Wednesdays April 2, 9
deserved break from our kitchen. In
order to continue providing breakfast
for the congregation, we will need
some new helpers – just for the summer.
Palm Sunday
If your family
has 29
enjoyed breakfast in
the Café,
6:30 pm
Holy Monday
consider serving
during the summer?
Holy Tuesday
The above Adult
Class31will explore
We will pairMarch
you with
a “pro” – so no
is needed.
five different
personalities that were
Holy Wednesday
April 1
will be
continental (hard
boiled eggs, pastries, fruit).
No cooking
April 3
Serving hours will be 9:00 am until
Easter Vigil
11:00 am with a half hour of prep before
April 4
and a half hour of cleanup after.
Easter Sunday
April 5
This is a great activity for families with
children over the age of 12 years.
If you are willing to serve, please
contact Barb Hoyt at church.
[(614) 766-6377 or
the following members:
Gary & Karen Mittendorf, Riley Steiner & family,
Oliver Moghissi, Patrick Ziegler, Betty Richardson,
Jan Rickenberg, Curt Lindberg and John
Neugebauer and Debra Saunders upon the death of
Debra's father.
the following family members and friends:
Taylor Coalter, Carole Lineberger, Donald Klinger,
Sandra Daly, John Gatsch, Fred Siegenthaler,
Sandy Babione, Nancy Keller, Judy Schiewer, Rose
Sliemers, Erin Shafer, Ken Berhenke, Chris Short,
Dean Miller, Sharon Whaley, Paul Bean, Dan
Sagstetter, Glenn Mark, Alex Haubert, Harper
Cunningham, Steve Stanton, John Getsner, Jerry
Cunningham, Ellen Tyson, Linda Rhodebeck, Jayne
Fentem and Grier Schaffer’s son, Alex .
the following Prince of Peace families:
Howard & Doris Cameron Family
Joe & Karen Carter Family
Patricia Celli Family
Joshua & Caitlin Cepluch Family
Can We Pray for Your Loved One?
If you have a prayer request you are welcome to
either email or call the church office (614-7666377; or office@princeofpeacedublin.org) to
submit your prayer concern. We keep the person’s
name on the prayer list until the end of the month.
You are welcome to resubmit the name on a
monthly basis for as long as is necessary.
Pastor and Dir of Music
Pastor and Dir of Youth
Dir of Congregational Min
Dir of Sunday School
Dir of Preschool
Saturday Night Organist
Adult Choir Director
Children’s Choir Director
Composer in Residence
Nursery Attendants
Rev. John Morris
Rev. Gail Swanson
Rev. Craig Swanson
Lori Sprockett
Sherry Jablonski
Barb Hoyt
Sue Miller
Sue Miller
Lucille Gill
Jim Hoyt
John McClain
Alexa Tomey
Beth Kenreich
Cindy Pearson
Mark Kinney
Council Members
Financial Secretary
Adam Biehl
Janice Joos
Keith Overly
Matt Ludwig
Matt Baker
Brent McCoy
Adam Biehl
Sue Umland
Jim Hoyt
Kay Crosby
Chris Joos
Jim Hoyt
Bob Brueggemeir
George Leshy
Karen Lintala
Sue Umland
Mary Rose Bolwerk