Dr Chrissy Gray Sessional GP, GP Support Unit and Ambulatory Care Wednesday 12th March 2014 Learning Objectives To know when to consider primary care management of acute medical problems that previously required admission and/or referral including: Chest pain PE Cellulitis, Acute diabetic problems GI bleeds To be able to manage these acute medical problems safely in primary care Case 1 64yr M 2/52 post achilles tendon decompression 3/7 R pleuritic CP and SOBOE Slight dry cough, feeling bit hot, not unwell No PMH of note. O/E – T38.4, p96, BP 137/80, SaO2 95%, RR 20 Chest clear Calves SNT, L=37cm, R=38.5cm ECG – SR, nil acute Clinical Scoring Tools TIMI ABCD2 Wells PERC Rockall CURB-65 Blatchford Level 2 Wells Geneva Clinical Scoring Tools TIMI ABCD2 Wells PERC Rockall CURB-65 Blatchford Level 2 Wells Geneva Level 2 Wells / PERC Assessment for ?PE (excludes pregnancy) Score (if 'yes') Level 2 Wells Score Clinical Criteria Clinical signs of deep vein thrombosis (minimum leg swelling or pain on palpation)? 3 An alternative diagnosis is less likely than pulmonary embolus? 3 Heart rate >100 beats per minute? 1.5 Immobilisation for more than 3 days or surgery in the previous 30 days? 1.5 Previous deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism? 1.5 Haemoptysis ? 1 Malignancy (on treatment, treated within the last 6 months or palliative)? 1 TOTAL SCORE Additional PERC Criteria ...if score = 0 then use following criteria Age <50 O2 sats >94% No exogenous oestrogen If all answers NO then no d-dimer required as ultra low risk PE Y/N Geneva score: same clinical features, different scoring system Case 1 64yr M 2/52 post R achilles tendon decompression 3/7 R pleuritic CP and SOBOE Slight dry cough, feeling bit hot, not unwell No PMH of note O/E – T38.4, p96, BP 137/80, SaO2 95%, RR 20 Chest clear Calves SNT, L=37cm, R=38.5cm ECG – SR, nil acute Case 1 Bloods WCC 17, Nt 12.5, CRP 126, D-dimer 2976, trop <14 CXR Patchy basal consolidation R>>L CTPA Bilateral PEs and likely middle lobe infarct Outpatient management Rivaroxaban 6/12, no further Ix Pulmonary Embolus • Diagnostic dilemmas – Radiation exposure, VOMIT syndrome, overdiagnosis • Inpatient V outpatient management • Treatment options & duration • Warfarin, Rivaroxaban, Heparin. 3-6/12 + • Investigation • Unprovoked – cancer screen, ?thrombophilia screen Chest pain ?cardiac NICE Risk stratification rather than scoring tool Low or High (DM, smoking & TC >6.4) Typical, Atypical or Non-anginal chest pain Typical Constricting discomfort -chest/neck/shoulder/arm Exertional Relieved by rest/GTN Atypical = 2 of above Non-anginal = 0-1 of above Unlikely stable angina if: continuous/very prolonged, nonexertional, pleuritic, assoc with palpitations, dizziness, tingling or difficulty swallowing Chest pain ?cardiac If not able to confirm stable angina clinically: Estimated CAD 10-29% CT calcium scoring Estimated CAD 30-60% functional imaging Estimated CAD 61-90% angiography Estimated CAD >90% & typical angina treat angina, no Ix!? Treadmill exercise testing for known CAD only NO investigation for shaded area! NICE applied – RACPC summary High risk & typical/atypical symptoms or low risk & typical/?atypical symptoms RACPC Identify and modify RF – meds, lifestyle +++ Start primary prevention – aspirin, bisoprolol 2.5mg (if p>60 bpm), GTN Refer RACPC to access investigations Non-anginal pain or low risk & ?atypical symptoms consider alternative diagnoses Further cardiac investigations rarely needed Case 2 52M T2DM, Smoker, HT 3/12 L sided sharp chest pain, some tingling L chest when severe Initially only with climbing stairs and hills, now occuring walking 400m on flat at a pace Relieved by rest Case 3 64F Smoker 1/52 central chest ache/pressure Occuring at rest, several hours a day No change with exertion Case 2 52M T2DM, Smoker, HT 3/12 L sided sharp chest pain, some tingling L chest when severe Initially only with climbing stairs and hills, now occuring walking 400m on flat at a pace Relieved by rest = High risk, atypical Start aspirin, GTN, ?bisoprolol RACPC Case 3 64F Smoker 1/52 central chest ache/pressure Occuring at rest, several hours a day No change with exertion = Low risk, non-anginal chest pain Consider alternative causes Lifestyle advice and review of modifiable RF Acute Chest Pain Unstable angina/ACS Aspirin 300mg GTN ?Oxygen - ONLY if SaO2 <94% (caution in COPD) ECG Don’t delay admission/999 for this Can alter where patient taken – eliminate delays Normal ECG doesn’t exclude ACS Late presentation ?Troponin - >6hrs, doesn’t exclude UA, grey area?! ECG changes, no IHD?! Abnormal ECG suggestive of ischaemia eg LBBB No hx suggestive of cardiac event Do echo – often due to HT, LVH etc Don’t send to RACPC! Case 4 32yr M F&W 3/7 hx R thigh pain, 2/7 rigors, 1/7 erythema spreading down to calf Intermittent headache, no vomiting, E&D ok O/E – T38.1, p96, BP 95/62, SaO2 98%, RR 16 R leg – hot, red area R shin, tracking up medial aspect of leg to thigh WCC 19.7, neut 17.7, CRP 274, eGFR 81 Cellulitis Seen by Dr Richard Brindle, Micro Consultant Home on PO flucloxacillin 500mg qds 1/52 NO marking of erythema margin Strep A, toxins released with cell lysis local inflammation worsening oedema/erythema and ?blistering (like sunburn), tracking - lymphatic drainage No benefit in adding/changing abx/prolonged course if systemically well Cellulitis Red flags – think necrotising fasciitis, ?IV abx if vomiting ++ or no systemic response 2-3/7 Exceptions – DM, IVDU, animal/human bite, ?face Microbiology advice (BRI) – 0117 342 2539 Clindamycin 4 Cellulitis trial – 0117 342 3253 www.bristolcellulitis.org Case 5 47yr F, Afro-Carribean F&W. FHx - T2DM (mother) 2/52 unwell, tired, polyuria, polydipsia, intermittent blurred vision E&D normally, no vomiting, drinking lots of water O/E – Well, alert, p60, tongue sl dry, CBG 30.2, blood ketones 0.8 Case 5 10 units Insulatard S/C stat FU with DSN mane Flatbush diabetes Primarily in Afro-caribbean population Sudden onset high CBG, ?DKA No β-cell antibodies Often overweight, Fhx T2DM Short-term insulin, then ?diet control alone New onset T1DM OP Management Well, no co-morbidities or intercurrent illness Urine ketones ≤ ++ or serum ketones ≤ 1.5mmol/L E&D, no vomiting Mobile, social support etc Insulatard 10units SC bd (10-12hrs apart) Hypo symptoms decr by 2 units bd CBG >13 + ketones incr by 2 unit bd Advice: reg meals, avoid sugary food/drink, no strenuous exercise Mild DKA CBG >11, ketones >1.5 (urine ++), pH 7.2-7.3 Reversible precipitant Well – E&D, no vomiting Aim = resolution within 4 hrs Fluids IV/PO, insulin bolus (10-20% total daily insulin dose), bloods/monitoring DSN input (BRI) – 0117 342 2892 Case 6 42yr F Coffee-ground vomit once daily last 3/7 No malaena No RF F&W, no meds O/E – T36.1, p62, BP 123/86, SaO2 98%, RR 16 Epigastric tenderness Clinical Scoring Tools TIMI ABCD2 Wells PERC Rockall CURB-65 Blatchford Level 2 Wells Geneva Clinical Scoring Tools TIMI ABCD2 Wells PERC Rockall CURB-65 Blatchford Level 2 Wells Geneva GI bleed – Risk Scoring Blatchford Score – Low risk criteria P<100, SBP >110 Absence of malaena, syncope, co-morbidities Normal Hb and Urea Rockall score Age (<60y =0, 60-79y = 1, >80y = 2) Shock (p>100 & SBP>100 = 1, SBP<100 =2) Co-morbid (CCF, IHD, sig other =1, RF/LF/malig = 3) Pred mortality 0=0.2%, 1=2.4%, 2=5.6%, 3 =11% Case 6 Bloods normal Same day OGD – normal Discharged home with PPI for symptomatic treatment No clear guidelines for OP Mx of UGI bleed Case dependent, Dr dependent, hospital dependent! CAP: CURB-65 C = Confusion mental test score 8 or less U = Urea > 7mmol/l R = Respiratory Rate ≥ 30/min B = BP Systolic < 90 mmHg +/- Diastolic ≤ 60 mmHg 65 = age ≥ 65 years <2 = mild CAP (Amox 500-1g tds or Clarithro 5/7) 2 = moderate CAP (Amox and Clarithro 5/7 PO) 3 = severe CAP IV Abx TIA: ABCD2 score Age >60 BP at presentation >140 syst or >90 diast Clinical features (unilat weak =2, speech disturbance alone =1) Duration >60mins = 2, 10-59 mins = 1 Diabetes ABCD2 score ≥ 4 or >1 episode in 7d or TIA on warfarin TIA clinic review w/n 24 hrs Questions? References When a test is too good: how CT pulmonary angiograms find pulmonary emboli that do not need to be found. BMJ 2013;347:f3368 CG95 Chest pain of recent onset: NICE guidelines 24 March 2010 CG141 Acute upper GI bleeding: NICE guidelines 13 June 2012 Acute Medicine Guidelines, BRI
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