Dear Members of the Faculty: The Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC

Dear Members of the Faculty:
The Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) requests nominations for service on the Committee. The FAC advises
faculty regarding University procedures, provides added recourse for the consideration of grievances, and
furnishes a channel for direct and concerted communication between the faculty and the administrative
officers of the University.
Any tenured member of the FAC electorate is eligible to serve on the Committee, except those appointed as
an associate unit executive officer, a unit executive officer, or at a higher administrative position. The
Committee consists of nine tenured faculty members; no more than two may hold paid appointments in the
same college. Three members will be elected for the three-year term running August 16, 2015 - August 15,
2018. For more information on the duties of the committee, please see
This year candidates may be nominated from any college.
Current FAC Membership
Sally Jackson, Chair
2012-2015 LAS
Mary Arends-Kuenning 2014-2017 ACES
Agriculture & Consumer Economics
Marcelo Bucheli
2014-2016 Business
Business Administration
Sandra Kopels
2014-2017 School of Social Work School of Social Work
Craig Koslofsky
2012-2015 LAS
Mary Laskowski
2014-2017 University Library
University Library
Gabriel Solis
2013-2016 FAA
School of Music
Billie Theide
2012-2015 FAA
School of Art & Design
Amy Wagoner-Johnson 2013-2016 Engineering
Mechanical Science & Engineering
Nominating forms (to nominate yourself or a colleague) are posted at the following link:
Completed nomination forms are due by Monday, March 9, 2015.
Voting by the faculty will take place electronically in March after the nominations have been received.
Return nomination forms by
Campus Mail: Clerk of the Senate, 228 English Building, MC- 461
Fax: 217-244-4848