February 2015
Talk of the Colony
Board of
Directors Meetings
02/24/2015 – 9:30 a.m
Work Session
02/26/2015 – 2 p.m.
Regular Meeting
BOD Agenda and Minutes
are available at
Ford’s Colony
Homeowners Association
2015 Annual Meeting
Saturday, February 28
at 10 a.m.
Lafayette High School
New Board
Organizational Meeting
March 3 at 9:30 a.m.
Community Services Building
Visit Ford's Colony Living
on Facebook
The Architectural Review Committee
(ARC) was officially established on
April 1, 2013, as a Standing Committee
of the FCHOA to handle the duties and
responsibilities set forth in Article VI
(Architectural Control) of the Declaration
of Protective Covenants (DPC). The ARC
took over those functions previously
performed by the Environmental Control
Committee (ECC) under the developer. Its
primary duty is to review all applications
for new construction and additions/
modifications of existing homes for
compliance with the DPC.
The ARC also has the responsibility
for maintaining the Purchaser’s Handbook
for Single Family Homebuilding at Ford’s
Colony. The Charter for the ARC states
that: “The ARC shall conduct itself
in the best interests of the Association
and in accordance with its Committee
Charter, the Declaration, the Purchaser’s
Handbook, and the FCHOA Bylaws,
Rules and Regulations.” All of the above
documents can be viewed on the FCHOA
website. With Board approval, the ARC
will update the Handbook as required
for new technologies and best building
The objectives of the ARC are to
preserve the image and appearance of
Ford’s Colony and, as a result, to maintain
and enhance property values of homes
owned by our residents. These objectives
are accomplished by ensuring that proposed
new construction and modifications of
existing properties conform to established
compliance standards for residential
property in Ford’s
Colony. The
standards in the
current ARC version
of the Purchaser’s
Handbook are
essentially the same
as those articulated
in the previous
ECC version of
the handbook.
The ARC, staffed with volunteers with
extensive experience with our standards,
possesses the technical expertise to identify
what is or is not in compliance.
The FCHOA has never had a roving
“compliance enforcement patrol”
searching for situations of non-compliance.
Occasionally, violations have been created
when residents performed a modification
without obtaining prior approval. Potential
covenant violations are reviewed when
complaints are reported.
Compliance with standards is also
regularly done in conjunction with the
resale of existing homes. When a purchase
contract is about to be placed on a home
for sale, the listing realtor requests a
Disclosure Package from Community
Services. At that time, an inspection is
performed by the ARC to identify any
noncompliance issues with the property.
The owner will be notified of the items
identified and given the opportunity to
bring these items into compliance. If not
corrected, the Disclosure Package will
indicate that a violation exists. (Please
note that this is not the same as a house
How many months have 28 days? All of
Most people tend to brush by the
month of February. Maybe it’s because it’s
the shortest month? Perhaps because it’s
often the coldest month of winter (at least
in the northern hemisphere) and we’re
looking desperately towards spring?
The Roman month Februarius was
named after the Latin term februum,
which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15
(full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar. January and February were the last
two months to be added to the Roman
calendar, since the Romans originally
considered winter a monthless period.
They were added by Numa Pompilius
about 713 BC. February remained the
last month of the calendar year until the
time of the decemvirs (c. 450 BC), when
it became the second month.
Here are a few reasons to celebrate
this glorious month in Ford’s Colony:
February 1 – Super Bowl
XLIX. This 49th edition of the
end of the National Football
League season will be played in
Glendale, Arizona. Americans will spend
countless hours rating commercials,
drinking beer, consuming party snacks,
and—oh yes—watching the game!
February 1 – National Freedom Day.
A federal observance marking the signing
of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution outlawing slavery, designed to
promote harmony and equal opportunity.
Activities Committee
Communications Committee
Facilities Committee
Finance Committee
Roads & Project Maintenance
Security Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
Technology Committee
Volunteer Management
Administration ����������������������������������� 258-4230
fax: 258-4065
General Manager �����������������������Drew Mulhare
Assistant General Manager �������������Sally Walls
February 2 – Groundhog
Day. Many cities highlight this
folklore to determine if we will have an
early spring. Punxsutawney,
Pennsylvania and their famous mascot
Phil have “predicted” the weather each
year since 1886.
February 14 –
Valentine’s Day. A day to
celebrate romantic love has
become a major marketing holiday for makers of
cards, chocolate, and flowers. Cupid and
his arrows can strike anywhere, anytime!
February 16 – Presidents’ Day. Combining previous federal celebrations of
Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthdays,
this three-day weekend now gives us time
to remember all 44 U.S. chief executives.
February 17 – Mardi Gras. Fat Tuesday
is the last day of Carnival and the day
before Ash Wednesday. Many people use
this time to reflect the practice of eating
richer, fatty foods before the ritual fasting of the season of Lent.
February 19 – Chinese New
Year (Year of the Goat).
This weeklong celebration is
normally filled with firecrackers, dragon or lion dances, cleaning of
houses, and red envelopes with money.
February 29 – Leap Day. Added every
four years, there will not be one in 2015.
However, a “leap second” will be added
on June 30, 2015 to keep astronomical
clocks accurate.
No Meeting 02/04/2015
9 a.m. S&T
9 a.m. CSB
10 a.m. CSB
3 p.m. S&T
3 p.m. CSB
3:30 p.m. CSB
4 p.m. CSB
4 p.m. S&T
2 p.m. CSB
The Nominating Committee, Covenants Committee, and Emergency Preparedness Committee
do not hold regularly scheduled monthly meetings. The committee meeting schedule can be
verified at S&T is Swim and Tennis Club; CSB is Community Services Building.
PHOTO CONTRIBUTORS Lee Van Voorhees, Ken Spracklin, Mandy Baldridge,
Neal Robinson, Don Lehman
File formats
Type and line art – 600 dpi at 100% printed size PDF or JPEG
Photos – 300 pixels per inch at 100% printed size (maximum quality).
2 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
To reserve space, call Jenny
Holland or Jo Lilley, Advertising
Managers – (757) 258-4230.
Project Maintenance Manager ����������� Ryan Lee
Owner Services Coordinator ������Audrey Miller
Bookkeeping Administration ���������������Jo Lilley
Administrative Assistant ������������� Jenny Holland
Administrative Assistant ���������������� Denise Sears
ARC Manager ��������������������������������Lynn Combs
Recreation������������������������������������������� 258-4270
Chris Schwenker, Activities & Recreation Manager
Security����������������������������������������������� 258-4080
Deb Brown����������������������������������Chief of Security
President��������������������������������������� Tom Brownlie 206-1715
Vice President ���������������������������������Jim Doebler 221-0749
Treasurer ��������������������������������� George Spalthoff 258-2467
Secretary ��������������������������������� Charlie Ohlinger 229-7568
Director-at-Large �������������������������������� Bob Lund 645-3510
Director-at-Large ������������������������������Bob Moore 221-0103
Director-at-Large ����������������������� Mark Mathews 206-1073
Activities Committee��������������Mary Ann Hurley 208-0505
Architectural Review Committee ������Rick Boye 220-8852
Communications Committee��������������Barb Plate 345-2438
Covenants Committee������������������� Tony Annoni 565-7272
Emergency Preparedness
Committee������������������������������������������Don Alms 220-9454
Facilities Committee ����������������������� Bill Brenner 565-5163
Finance Committee������������������������ Rick Munro 345-3785
Nominating Committee������������������Carol Moser 564-0440
Roads and Project Maintenance���� Bob Moeller 206-1276
Security Committee������������������������ Mike Kerley 565-2573
Strategic Planning��������������������������� Pete Peterik 345-0136
Technology���������������������������������������� Rick Chase 645-0201
The Talk of the Colony is the official monthly
magazine published by the Ford’s Colony at
Williamsburg Homeowners Association. © 2015
TOC. Any commercial use of material in this magazine, in part or in whole, without the expressed
written consent of the FCHOA Communications
Committee, is strictly prohibited.
Articles for publication must be submitted via email
no later than the 10th of the previous month.
Send submissions to All copy
is subject to approval, editing and use by the
Communications Committee. Concerns and
questions about content should be directed to the
Chair of the Communications Committee.
Advertisements do not imply any endorsement by
the Homeowners Association or Realtec Community Services.
Any resident with a community maintenance
concern should go to and click on Report
Maintenance Issue or call RCS at 258-4230. Your
message will be logged in and the concern will be
tracked to its resolution.
inspection that we are all familiar with,
which is done to determine problems
with electrical, plumbing, insulation,
foundations, etc.)
In order to avoid “surprise”
requirements for noncompliance
work to be done in a compressed time
frame, residents who intend to list their
homes for sale in the near future may
request a courtesy inspection to identify
any required covenants work well in
advance. This permits the owner to
make arrangements to have the work
done in an orderly and cost-effective
Our HOA Governing Documents
require that all residential properties
in Ford’s Colony comply with the
covenants and the architectural
standards. Compliance is essential to
protect the value and desirability of our
January 2015
Single Family
Eaglescliffe Condos
Under Construction
ARC Submission
All construction, including additions and modifications to
existing structures, must be approved by the Architectural
Review Committee. Submission forms and guidelines
are available at the Community Services Office. Property
owners may view any house or site plan on file with the
ARC at the Community Services Office. Plans for new
construction will be posted on the message board at The ARC meets on Tuesdays on an as-needed
basis. See for confirmation of meetings.
Website Tip Box
You are invited to vote for four
of the six candidates for Board
of Directors: Bob Mandala, Bob
Moore, Charlie Ohlinger, Pete
Peterik, Steve Riddle, and George
Spalthoff. If you missed their “Meet
the Candidate” presentations, you
can read their biographies and view
New Starts
Homesite 5/Section 17 - 231 Waterton
Charles Ross Homes
Mr. and Mrs. George Oram, Jr.
Homesite 35/Section 30 - 181 Southport
Blue Ridge Custom Homes
Mr. and Mrs. Kasey Howe
Homesite 11/Section 12 - 205 Coxmoor
Coastal Construction & Development LLC
Homesite 6/Section 35 - 3423 Westport
Stonehill Company
their video presentations, prepared
by the Technology Committee, on
our website.
To vote online, you will need
the special login and password
sent with your first quarter assessment bill. Select the ‘Click Here to
Vote’ icon, then log in with your
assigned login and password. Please
contact Community Services at or
258-4230 if you need assistance.
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
What’s Ahead in 2015
FCHOA Manager
It’s Election Time! The Meet the
Candidates events were hosted in
January. Candidate profiles were
distributed. Candidate videos are
posted on the website. It’s time to vote.
Visit our website,, and
select the tab “Click here to Vote.”
If you need any assistance, please contact
Audrey Miller in the Community
Services office at 258-4230.
Thanks to the Nominating
Committee and all the candidates for
volunteering their time and talents in
this important process. The four elected
board members will be announced at
the Annual Meeting, which will be held
on Saturday, February 28, at 10 a.m. in
the Lafayette High School auditorium,
4460 Longhill Road. Coffee and donuts
will be ready by 9:30, so come early to
say hello.
We are pleased with our 2014
operating results, getting much
accomplished within the budget. This
year will be even more exciting with
Water Deposits
1. ScaleBlaster stops and reverses scale buildup
throughout your home the original scale remover-no salt.
2. Whole-house filter eliminates chlorine
and other chemicals Bottled water quality or better
throughout your home.
3. The only system engineered
specifically for Williamsburg/JCC water
“We consider this system a great investment
in our family’s health and home!”
Tom Womack
4 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
VA Filtronics Fords Colony 2014.indd 1
12/9/2014 12:15:40 PM
several projects planned to improve the
roadways and amenities. Ryan’s article
talks about the roadwork planned for
St. Andrew’s Drive; this will be a major
undertaking that will require everyone’s
cooperation around this five-mile
loop. We have been preparing for the
renovation of the walking trail from the
Edinburgh triangle to the Marriott. The
Westbury Park pool will be updated
with replacement tile lining, and the
decking around both pools will be
coated with a special sealant to preserve
the concrete while also reducing
surface temperatures; you’ll like the
look and feel of the decking. The
renovation of the S&T Club bathrooms
was rescheduled to this summer. The
S&T heating and cooling system was
replaced last month. The Community
Services Building now has an additional
meeting room set up for committee and
small club events. The room holds a
couple dozen people around tables or
about 50 seats in rows with a smart TV
for presentations. A warehouse bay,
about 30x50 feet, will be ready this
spring to accommodate our exercise
groups and relieve the scheduling
between these groups and those that
need tables and chairs at the S&T.
These are just a few of the plans
we have for this year. Of course we
won’t forget to cut the grass, run roving
patrols, set up events, and answer your
questions. Our team does an amazing
job. We are grateful for the opportunity
to serve you.
Guest Sign In & Gate Card Policy Reminders
Chief of Security
Considerable progress has been made
with organizations like MapQuest,
Google, TomTom, and other direction
producing services on the locations of
our electronic gate entries. These points
of entry into the community have been
marked as closed so that vehicles are
routed to the John Pott Guardhouse. Of
course, that is for GPS systems that are
updated periodically, which not every
GPS owner does. So we’ll still have our
periodic challenges in these areas with
those who do not have gate cards trying
to access the property this way.
This emphasizes the importance of
providing invited guests good directions
to a manned guardhouse. Please direct
guests, visitors, and contractors to a
manned gate for proper entry, i.e., John
Pott or Manchester guardhouses. Each
guest needs to be signed in; allowing
one in through an unmanned gate with
your gate card is a violation of our 308
Security Violations Policy mentioned in
my January article, as well as our 204
Gate Card Policy.
Please remind your visitor not to
follow a gate cardholder in through
an unmanned entrance, as this is
considered trespassing. The urge to save
time does cause some to attempt this,
which causes damage to their vehicle.
In order to decrease everyone’s wait
time at the manned gates, please notify
the John Pott guardhouse in advance
that you are expecting a guest, visitor,
or contractor. When traffic is heavy
and vehicles are “backed up” at the
guardhouses causing a traffic hazard,
officers will not notify residents with a
phone call announcing the guest arrivals
to help resolve the traffic hazard caused
by the backup.
The following excerpts are from the
Gate Card Policy that we receive the
most questions about:
Violation of FCHOA Covenants,
Policies and Resolutions may result
in loss of Gate Card privileges. All
conditions of issuance stated in this
policy assume gate card applicants are
in good standing with the FCHOA
or have met the requirements of their
access group.
Your gate card is for your personal use.
No one using a gate card should use it
to circumvent the prescribed procedure
for registering guests or other visitors
(e.g. vendors, contractors) at a staffed
gate. Failure to comply may result in
the suspension and/or termination
of gate card privileges. Gate Card
holders who terminate their eligibility
by reason of moving, completion of
work, termination of employment, sale
of vehicle or other such actions are
required to surrender the gate card(s) to
security within 15 days of such action.
To read the full Gate Card & Security
Violations Policies, please go to fchoa.
org, select Documents, and read under
the Policies heading.
Be safe,
Chief Brown
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
New Life for Our Roads
Project Maintenance
6 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
The Roads and Project Maintenance
Committee (RPM) and RCS work
hard to be efficient and utilize new
technologies to help keep your HOA
dues down. The FCHOA’s largest asset
is the 50 miles of privately owned roads
and in turn is our biggest opportunity
to save money. Since 2009, our per ton
asphalt costs have risen 25-30 percent,
and despite the drop in oil prices, paving
companies don’t expect they will be able
to decrease their rates in 2015. With our
roads being our largest asset and asphalt
costs consistently rising, we needed to
think outside the box.
Beginning this year, the Board
approved a two-year “rejuvenation”
trial for our main roadways. Asphalt
rejuvenation is the process of restoring
pavement oils that have been lost by
oxidation. Many of you have probably
noticed that after we pave, the asphalt
is a solid black color, but over the
years it turns grey. You may have also
noticed that the asphalt becomes rigid
and cracks with age. What the asphalt
rejuvenation does is reverse the aging
process. With oils penetrating the
asphalt, the asphalt becomes more
flexible and durable.
Asphalt rejuvenation has actually
been around since the 1960s, but for
the most part has only been used by
airports. The reason the product isn’t
used everywhere is the cure time is much
longer than an asphalt overlay, sealcoat,
etc. The extended cure time makes it
difficult for DOTs and municipalities
to use, as they can’t shut roads down
for 4-24 hour periods. Community
Associations on the other hand are
beginning to use this product because
the traffic is usually more manageable
on private property.
After extensive research on the
product, RPM and RCS concluded
that it will save the FCHOA money
and improve the aesthetics of the
community. Similar to the LED project,
it’s a win/win. By moving forward with
the project, we were able to decrease
the contribution to the Capital Reserve
and in turn limit the increase to your
future HOA dues. In addition to a cost
analysis, we contacted multiple HOAs
that have used the product and even
took a trip to view it ourselves. We
also had a small sample done in the
CSB parking lot and the results were
fantastic! A Request for Qualifications
was put out in 2014 and we received
very favorable responses. Contractors
that are licensed to use the product are
eager to have the opportunity to work in
Ford’s Colony.
A one-page summary on rejuvenation
created by Clay McEldowney (member
of RPM) can be located at
under the “Association Tabs;” click on
“Documents” and go to “Reports.”
More information on rejuvenation
will be presented at the 2015 Annual
Meeting in February. Logistics for the
application will be talked about in
future TOC articles and blast emails.
Stay tuned!
Classes, Activities, and Facility Projects
Activities and
Recreation Manager
Annual Meeting
February 28, 10 a.m.
Lafayette H.S.
It’s February and there is lots going on
at the S&T!
We will be hosting Defensive Driving
classes in February and March. Saturday classes will be held February 28
and March 7 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.
Monday classes will be held March 2
and March 9 from 1 to 5 p.m. There are
seats available for either class. In order
to receive credit for attending, you must
make BOTH classes on the day you
Our December Blood Drive was
super and I thank everyone who
donated. Our next drive is scheduled for
February 13 from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m.
Please contact me early if you want an
appointment at the best times.
February is just the beginning of the
increased activity around here. Mark
your calendar to attend the Activities
Committee Club Fair on Wednesday,
March 25. Many of the Clubs that we
have in Ford’s Colony will be on hand
to speak with you and discuss what they
do. It will be a great opportunity to join
new clubs and get more information
about clubs you may want to join in
the future. It will be an evening full of
fun door prizes, lots of smiles, and no
pressure chatting about the club activities. Look for the full-page pullout in
the March TOC for a listing of clubs
participating in the event.
As Drew Mulhare mentioned in his
article, there are many facility projects
going on in 2015 at the S&T Club and
Westbury Park (WP). We will be asking
for your cooperation during the year
while work is being done. I am confident
that we will get through all the work
without any problems and, more importantly, all of us will love
P theRresults.
Plans are moving ahead to renovate
the bathrooms inside the S&T Club.
The middle of June into August is the
targeted time for this work. Two courts
at WP will be repaired. Tennis Club and
open play are expected to be minimally
impacted. The S&T Club will receive an
enhanced audiovisual system that will be
easy to use.
Thank you to all those residents
who attended the Meet the Candidate
meetings in January. If you were not
able to attend, I urge you to view
their presentations on the FCHOA
website. Once you are familiar with
the candidates, please vote! The new
board will be announced at the FCHOA
Annual Meeting on February 28 at 10
a.m. at Lafayette High School. Come
early to enjoy coffee and donut holes
and visit with your neighbors. Hope to
see you there.
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
Status of New Year’s Resolutions
by the Strategic Planning Committee
Strategic Planning
Committee Chair
To be the preferred
residential community—
attracting families and
individuals of all ages who
value an active, involved
lifestyle in a gracious living
The Strategic Planning Committee
(SPC) wishes our residents a belated
Happy New Year! At this time of
year, many of us made resolutions or
set goals for 2015. For the SPC, it is
a time to mark the progress we have
made over the past year and update our
five-year FCHOA strategic plan. (Like
the proverbial weight loss resolution,
some of our goals will take longer to
In updating the strategic plan, we
have solicited input from all our standing FCHOA committees, analyzed data
from the recent homeowners’ survey,
and reviewed other volunteer task force
reports. Our mission and vision remain
unchanged as noted below, as well as
the general outline of goals to achieve
that vision.
“The Mission of the FCHOA is
to promote the common interests of
its members and residents of Ford’s
Colony and to provide for the management, maintenance and care of our
common property and facilities.”
“Ford’s Colony aspires to be the
preferred residential community in the
greater Williamsburg area, attracting
families and individuals of all ages who
value an active, involved lifestyle in a
gracious living environment.”
To achieve this vision, our HOA
must focus on the following:
v Preserve and enhance the natural
beauty, landscaping, and architectural integrity that set us apart from
other residential communities.
v Continue to be recognized as a
premier multigenerational community offering facilities and services
that support a wide variety of clubs,
activities and social functions for
young families, active retirees and
8 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
v Preserve our welcoming and caring
community culture where safety
and security are maintained and
v Continue to promote mutually
beneficial relationships, programs,
and activities with the Ford’s Colony
Country Club and Marriott Manor
v Maintain and enhance our unique
culture of community and civic
volunteerism that is central to many
of our shared values and the ability
to govern ourselves affordably.
v Integrate a “green” philosophy in a
practical and sustainable way into
every important aspect of living in
our community.
v Keep our governance highly
effective, fiscally responsible, and
The FCHOA Board of Directors is
focused on accomplishing our mission
and achieving our vision. However,
given the progress we’ve already made
and updating the situation analysis
(opportunities and risks) on which the
plan is based, we will be fine-tuning the
initiatives in support of these goals. In
addition, the Board will articulate its
2015 goals using our longer-term strategic plan as a reference point. The SPC
will incorporate these goals and our
changes into a finished product, which
will help set priorities, coordinate
efforts, and define accountability. Our
strategic plan is a living, ever-changing
blueprint for our future which reflects a
balance of community consensus, volunteer effort, and the economic impact
on our residents.
Like all New Year’s resolutions,
successful execution is what counts. For
that we rely on the coordinated efforts
of our FCHOA Board, Managing
Agent, FCHOA volunteer committees,
and homeowners. How are you doing
on your New Year’s resolutions?
Carol Moser: Stepping Up When Asked
arol and her
husband Charlie
moved to Ford’s
Colony 14 years
ago from Northern
Virginia. For the first
five years, they were
weekend residents
while commuting to
their jobs in the DC area. Carol worked
as an office manager for a busy medical
practice, where she did virtually everything short of patient care. She became
adept at handling people and multiple
tasks while raising her son and two girls.
Carol retired nine years ago and started
spending more time in Ford’s Colony
while Charlie continued commuting.
The first thing Carol did after retiring
was to join the bowling league. She was
soon asked to volunteer her time and
management skills to be in charge of
the annual awards banquet and then as
president of the Bowling Club.
One of her fellow bowlers
approached her about serving on the
HOA Nominating Committee. Again
she said “yes” although she really
didn’t know anything about how
the HOA committees worked. She
said that when she first looked at the
background, education, and experience
of the board members or committee
chairs, she felt that she might not be
able to contribute compared to what
others offered. Serving well on that
committee as on others did not mean
she had to be an immediate expert, but
more importantly, a willing student and
a worker. She learned from the experienced committee members while contributing a new perspective. Obviously
Carol had enough to offer, because this
past year she served as Chair of the
Nominating Committee.
The challenges Carol notes from
her time on the committee include the
difficulties getting enough residents to
be involved. Not only do they claim
lack of qualifications, but they feel
they are retired now and ready to let
someone else do the work. At times, it
is challenging to deal with the requests
and demands of the residents, but
the benefits are worth it. Carol likes
working on details and enjoys seeing a
task completed. The committee work
gave her an opportunity to get to meet
people she otherwise might not have
encountered. She says she doesn’t need
to be thanked for her job because the
results are the reward, although it is
always nice when someone does take
the time to give positive feedback.
Carol acknowledges that being
a committee chair or board member
takes time and energy. Certainly, being
on the HOA board requires a good deal
of tolerance as well. She believes that,
if residents would just get their feet wet
by joining any committee that interests
them, they will become familiar with
the governing process and probably
realize that they do have talents which
could benefit our community, while
providing a sense of satisfaction in
being an active participant. Her advice?
When asked, say “Yes.”
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
Tax Assistance
The Boys in the Boat
The Tax-Aide Program offers help
for taxpayers with low or moderate
income, with special attention to
those age 60 and older. Offered by
the AARP Foundation in partnership with the IRS and local libraries,
the program’s mission is to provide
high-quality, free income tax assistance and tax form preparation.
Free electronic filing will be
available from February 2 through
April 15, 2015, during the following
Williamsburg Regional Library
(515 Scotland St.)
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday:
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday:
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
City James Country Library
(7770 Croaker Rd.)
Tuesday and Thursday:
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
When you come for tax assistance,
be sure to bring:
• Picture IDs
• Social Security cards for all persons on the tax return
• Tax information like W-2s,
1099s, 1098s, etc.
• Bank account numbers for direct
• A copy of last year’s tax return, if
Details can be found on the website under Tax-Aide.
Appointments for both library sites
may be scheduled by calling
259-4072 during site hours.
Feel free to pass this information
to non-Ford’s Colony residents who
may benefit from this program.
Please contact Terry Lowe, district
publicity chair, at trlowe777@gmail.
com if you have any questions.
10 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
hile rowing, or crew as it is
referred to in the collegiate
world, is not a well-known sport, it has
all the elements of athleticism and competition. However, it takes extremely
grueling practice in harsh weather
conditions without many opportunities
for recognition. This story touches on
all the elements of the sport, but with a
back story that is focused on the life on
one member of the rowing team at the
University of Washington in the early
1930s. Joe Rantz was one of perhaps
40 boys who worked his way into a
boat, or “shell,” as a freshman.
Joe had been touched by the tough
times of the late 1920s and early 1930s
as well as having lost his mother as a
young boy, only to be left behind at age
15, when his father, step-mother, and
half-siblings left the woods of Washington to strike out in Seattle for a better
life. It was his determination to survive
that pushed him to save enough money
and enroll in the university in 1933.
Joe discovers that his physical
strength and mental determination
are not enough. His coach moves
Joe from the winning JV team to the
less-experienced team, then in the boat
with varsity members, but still Joe’s
rowing skills fall short of the harmony
needed to make the team and show
Olympic quality.
It is only after George Pocock, the
English boatbuilder, peels away the layers and discovers Joe’s soul, much like
both of them had learned to do with
a piece of wood. George gives Joe the
tools he needs by showing him that he
can’t harmonize with the other rowers unless he has “opened his heart to
them.” TRUST becomes his new goal.
While this story focused on the
building of an Olympic rowing team, it
gives great insight into what Hitler and
Nazi Germany did to build its power.
There were many Americans who were
questioning the stories of brutality and
hatred towards many German citizens,
including Jews and other religious. It
was propaganda that was fed to certain
Americans, such as Avery Brundage,
member of the AOC, and Charles H.
Sherrel, a former U.S. Ambassador,
whose influence and power helped to
quell American sentiments to not participate in the ’36 Olympics. And the
rest is history.
One of the “acid tests” I apply
before recommending a book to a
broad audience is: would my hubby
or kids enjoy this book? And for this
book, the answer is yes.
There are many reasons why we
choose to read a book: It was recommended by a friend; It is on the best
seller list; It is about a favorite subject/
person/place or authored by a favorite
writer. Many of my choices are determined by members of my book club, an
unusual group, in that we are college
classmates from many decades ago,
who discuss our book choices online
from all over the U.S. and even from
foreign countries. If you belong to a
book club, or share a book with a close
friend or two, please consider sharing
your favorite selections here in the Talk
of the Colony. We would welcome
your contributions. Contact Barb Plate,
Christmas Town
any of us have enjoyed
Williamsburg’s Busch Gardens
over the years. It’s been voted as the
“World’s Most Beautiful Park” by the
National Amusement Park Historical
Association every year since 1990. Six
European countries (England, France,
Scotland, Ireland, Germany, and Italy)
are highlighted with over 100 acres of
gardens, walkways, and flowerbeds in a
natural landscape.
This year marks the 40th
anniversary of Busch Gardens’
opening in 1975. Busch Entertainment
Corporation, now called SeaWorld
Parks & Entertainment, was created
as a subsidiary of Anheuser-Busch
Companies to run the various parks in
1959. In 2009, InBev, the new owners
of Anheuser-Busch, sold the amusement
parks to the Blackstone Group.
Busch Gardens offer more than
50 rides and attractions, live stage
shows, a Sesame-themed children’s
area, and a wide variety of culinary
experiences and world-class shopping.
Since 2009, visitors can experience the
park in a whole new light with exciting
attractions, dazzling shows and oneof-a-kind gift ideas that will make
everyone say, “Now this is Christmas.”
Gaze at more than eight million
twinkling lights while enjoying hot
chocolate and fresh-baked Christmas
cookies. A complete Christmas Town
experience includes a visit to Santa’s
workshop and to the park’s 50-foot
tall, light-animated Christmas tree.
In 2014, Christmas Town opened
November 21 and continued on
select days through December 31. We
were able to lock in the best deal of
the season during their “12 Days of
Christmas” special offer—a $12 singleday Christmas Town ticket compared
to their regular $32 price. So we
bought tickets for ourselves, our son,
and his family visiting from Las Vegas.
We arrived at the park shortly after
its 2 p.m. opening. There was already a
large crowd, but it seemed to add to the
festivities. The weather was cold, so we
bought some decorative hot chocolate
mugs to enjoy reasonably-priced refills
all night. We participated in several
rides with our 8-year-old and 3-yearold granddaughters, walked through
the Polar Pathway, enjoyed the musical
and light shows, and took a photo with
the Clydesdale horses. Dinner at an
Irish pub and gliding on the Skyride
through the night sky completed our
festive evening.
Busch Gardens is just a 20-minute
drive from Ford’s Colony. Follow the
signs on Route 199 past Kingsmill, turn
right on Route 60, and the parking
area will be on your right in about two
miles. Additional information can be
found on their website at
This series features sights, attractions,
and events in the greater Tidewater
region. We’d like to summarize interesting activities within an hour or two
drive from Ford’s Colony, particularly
for newer residents. If you’d like to
highlight one of your favorite day trips,
please email a Word document and
photo(s) to
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Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 11
A Real Meeting of the Minds
ne thing that can be said for
Carolyn and Larry Stowe is that,
when they make up their minds to do
something, they do it. They met in
Philadelphia in 1967 when Carolyn
was in graduate school at Penn, and
Larry was working at General Electric.
That meeting was actually on a double
date with other people, but right away
they knew they were meant for each
other. Three months later they wed,
and 47 years, three children, and three
grandchildren later, they are still meant
for each other.
For 30 years, Larry worked for the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, developing atmospheric
remote-sensing techniques with data
from meteorological satellites, which
were used to create long-term global
data sets for climate change research.
Carolyn taught French until they
started a family, and once the kids
were in school, she went to work in
a small compounding pharmacy as a
pharmacist’s helper for the next 18
years. All three children worked at the
pharmacy making deliveries, and as
Carolyn put it, where she “could keep
an eye on them.”
They started visiting Williamsburg
when their eldest daughter attended
undergraduate school at William
& Mary. “We probably visited too
much,” Larry said, “but those visits
made us realize we wanted to retire
in Williamsburg someday.” Years
later, that same daughter attended
a wedding at Ford’s Colony, which
included a golf outing. “Due to cart
troubles, she was given two rain
checks for golf from the country
club, which she gave to me,” Larry
said. Several months later, he and his
son played Marsh Hawk, and when
Larry spotted St. Andrews Village, he
decided that’s where he and Carolyn
would move upon retirement. Two
years after that round of golf, he and
Carolyn built their home here, with
her full approval. “I love Colonial
decorations, furniture, furnishings,”
Carolyn said, so again it was meant
to be.
Once here, they wasted no time
becoming involved in activities in Ford’s
Colony and Williamsburg. They belong
to Monday Morning and Round Robin
bridge groups, the Theatre and Travel
Clubs, and wine & dine groups. In 2003,
they started a golf group, eventually
numbering close to 100 couples that
played 9 holes and then had dinner
at the country club. That led to what
is now known as the “Golf and Dine
Society.” Larry, who started playing golf
at age 13, still plays, but Carolyn has
given it up, or she “stopped punishing
people who played with me,” as she put
it. Both are in the choir at Bruton Parish,
and Carolyn rings in the hand bell choir,
with Larry occasionally accompanying
them on his clarinet. Carolyn is also
actively involved with PEO, a women’s
organization that provides scholarships
for young women to be educated and
for older women to go back to school.
In addition, Carolyn has taught Italian
for 22 semesters through the Christopher
Wren Association.
Larry is also the leader and founder
of the Ford’s Colony Dance Band. He
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12 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
always had a love of music and played
alto sax and clarinet, but when his
instruments were stolen while attending
graduate school in California, he turned
to singing. When Carolyn spied an ad
on the Ford’s Colony bulletin board for
an alto sax and clarinet for sale, Larry
bought them. He quickly contacted the
Ford’s Colony resident who had led a
Dixieland band here for recruits, and
in 2009 the dance band had its first
rehearsal with seven players. Today it
has 17 members from an 8th grader to
an 83 year-old. “It’s fun,” Larry said,
“but you do have to have the drive to
They were “bitten by the travel
bug,” Carolyn said, when they lived in
England for a year while Larry did postdoctoral work at Oxford University.
They had one small child and another
one born there, but they still managed
to squeeze in trips. Before moving here,
they started their own tour business
called Stowe Away Tours and continued
with it after coming to Williamsburg
for a total of 12 years. They closed
that business a year ago, so they could
attend to their own bucket list of travel.
Last year, they took a 46-day driving
tour to Salt Lake City, where Larry
grew up, to Lake Louise in Canada,
on to Montreal, and then home just in
time for their 46th anniversary. In all,
they covered 22 states and 6 provinces.
Their plan this summer is to visit the
Eastern provinces of Canada with
a follow-up trip to Alaska and the
western provinces. But the list goes on
to the Greek Islands, Scandinavia, and
a South African safari. They’ve got their
minds made up—and probably their
bags packed too!
According to the American Red
Cross, every two seconds someone
in the United States needs blood.
Chris Schwenker, Ford’s Colony (FC)
Activities & Recreation Manager, was
inspired by his dad—who worked for
the New York Fire Department—to
help the Red Cross meet its need. “My
dad encouraged blood donations, and
always provided a hot meal for the
donors. It was his passion.”
Chris is especially passionate about
continuing to host blood drives in
FC. “Here in FC, the goal is to meet
and exceed 50 pints of blood,” Chris
says. “Our groups of volunteers are
also a great asset to the blood drives.”
Volunteers greet the donors, assist
with registration, run the canteen and
provide homemade “goodies” for
donors. Their help enables the Red
Cross staff more time to focus on
the collection process. Many of these
volunteers also donate.
Aurelia Michaels says, “It’s very
important to donate blood because
there is a critical shortage. I also like
visiting with friends and neighbors
who come to donate.” Barbara Cooke,
a volunteer and donor says, “It’s a
good cause. I have been donating for
over 35 years.” Her advice is to eat a
great steak or spinach beforehand so
your hemoglobin will meet Red Cross
criteria. Ellen Salvione is a volunteer
and shares that “There is a critical
need, and it’s easy and convenient to
help right here at the S&T Club.” Joan
Emerson says “I started donating blood
when I worked at the Naval Weapons
Station. I felt a special attachment to
the Red Cross. I have continued to
donate blood since my retirement.”
Joan also contributes her famous
“potato chip cookies” to each drive.
Kathy Gibson says “I have volunteered
for the Red Cross for many years. I am
a recipient of blood and am grateful to
all who donate.”
If you would like to donate, watch
for upcoming blood drive dates in
the Talk of the Colony and call Chris
Schwenker (258-4270) for an appointment. If you would like to volunteer
to help or drop off a homemade
“goodie,” contact Marlene Nappi
forms in the LGA-18 book and make
contact with Mary Elizabeth Merriss,
Membership Chair, at 258-5429 or for questions and
information about the 18 Hole Ladies
Golf Association.
We look forward to hearing from
any lady wishing to play 18 holes with
our association.
Although winter is just beginning, it is
not too early to begin thinking about
outdoor activities for the spring. That
means GOLF for many of our ladies in
Ford’s Colony!
The Ford’s Colony 18 Hole Ladies
Golf Association will begin their
golf season at the end of March, and
we welcome any lady golfer who
is interested in joining our great
association. We are a wonderful group
of friendly ladies who enjoy being out
on our three beautiful golf courses,
playing the game we love, and we
welcome new members to join us.
Membership applications are
available at Ford’s Colony Country
Club in the computer room directly
behind Harry’s Tavern. You can find
From left to right: Aurelia Michaels,
Joan Emerson, Barbara Cook, and
Ellen Salvione
( The Ford’s
Colony blood drive has been making
a difference in the lives of others for
14 years now. Blood donation is a safe
process and one donation can save the
lives of up to three people. Thank you
to all our neighbors who have donated
recently, people like Bob Moeller,
Dorothy Tibbetts, George Steinhauer,
and Alex Froner. Let’s continue this
worthy tradition!
Save the Dates
Active Aging Expo
Thursday, February 12
9 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Hosted by FC Aging
in Place Service Group
This event is free for those 55+
Ford’s Colony Country Club
Registration until January 30
Activities Fair:
“A Party with a Purpose”
Wednesday, March 25
7 to 9 p.m.
Wine, Prizes, Information
Swim & Tennis Club
This was an outing of our BYOB to
Café Provencal. They gave us a lovely
room with fireplace. Our group has
been together over ten years!
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 13
We all know about the clouds that
shade the sun and carry rain. Now
it’s time to get to know the other
cloud—the one that delivers computing
power, handy applications, and the
ability to share information with others
wherever and whenever you need. Like
the atmospheric mass that provides its
name, the technological phenomenon
impacts our daily lives.
Cloud computing sounds mysterious
and untrustworthy, but chances are
you’re already working, playing
and surfing in the cloud. If you’ve
purchased an iPhone, Kindle, or
any smartphone, tablet or computer
recently, you’re probably taking
advantage of its benefits. If you’ve
downloaded a song from the Internet,
chatted on Skype or purchased
something from, you’ve
used the cloud.
So, what does the cloud mean to you,
and how can you harness its power?It
14 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
means you can pay your assessments
online. You can access association
documents and board meeting minutes
from wherever you are. It might also
mean, for the owners of second homes,
that you can tune in to board meetings
from the other side of the country. It
means you can work from a remote
office without losing a beat. You can
collaborate with others on a document
without having to e-mail the file back
and forth. You can store photos, music
and files online without taking up
precious space on your computer.
The cloud offers cheaper, stress-free
alternatives to expensive hardware and
maintenance. All you really need to
take advantage of the cloud is reliable
Internet access, but you should carefully
consider security, privacy, the provider’s
reliability and contract terms first.
How secure is your data and
information on the cloud? What
privacy rules are you subject to?
Some cloud services include clauses
that allow providers to access and use
a customer’s data—often for marketing
purposes—and can retain that data
long after you’re done using the service.
What if the company providing the
cloud service goes out of business?
What happens to all your information?
Do contact terms lock you into one
program or application? These are
important questions to ask. And
though the cloud is relatively new, it’s
here to stay and will become even more
prevalent over time. To see a list of
cloud computing providers, visit
Paul’s Deli BY GALE McCUNE
his town has changed considerably
since I moved here in 1997. Back
then the options for dining out were
meager, to say the least. The Inn and
the Lodge were there, of course ($$$),
as were Trellis, Berret’s, Seafare and
the chains and pancake houses along
Richmond Road. Down near the
Hospitality House Hotel, where many
of us stayed when we popped down to
check on the construction of our dream
houses here in FC, were three little
(how else can I describe them?) dives:
Green Leafe, College Deli, and Paul’s
Deli. These were frequented mostly by
the W&M students, since they were
within walking distance, and in the
college off-season, by the townies. I
tried each a time or two, but never
considered becoming a regular.
Then came the 21th century and
all that lovely open land between
Ironbound Road and the newly opened
Route 199 was developed and suddenly
we were awash with new places to eat.
(And thus was born this column.) Most
of the action started in 2005 as one
new eatery after the other appeared.
And as so often happens, a couple of
them failed and were replaced by new
Recently one of the restaurants from
the Corner near the old Hospitality
House opened a second location in
New Town. Paul’s Deli has opened on
the corner at 4345 New Town Avenue,
interestingly enough in the same
location its old neighbor, Green Leafe,
attempted a second location.
On taking over the space, Paul’s
management has remodeled and
changed the configuration a bit. The
bar has been doubled in size; two large
communal pub tables were added, with
17 craft beers on tap. They have a very
imaginative cocktail list, which to my
delight has a generous offering of gin
specialties, unlike the usual vodkaheavy offerings. On my first visit, I was
very disappointed that the proffered
Lavender Martini was unavailable since
they ran out of Lavender syrup. I had
to settle for a French Dalliance (now
there’s a name for a drink!), gin, ginger
liquor, Elderflower, Chambord, topped
with Prosecco—mildly sweet, served in
a martini glass. I loved it. They don’t
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have a wine list, just the standard red
and whites, by the glass (or bottle).
But, they offer something I’ve not seen
before—Draft Wines—two red blends,
a white blend, and the Prosecco. I
doubt if the Wine Society would be
impressed, but an interesting concept.
The first Tuesday night I was there,
the place was full, loud (be warned),
and buzzing. The food service was
extremely prompt. In fact, my friend’s
crab cake sandwich and my Greek
salad arrived before my drink. Hmmm.
As you can imagine, that drink was
not quite the perfect accompaniment
to a Greek salad. Her crab cake was
generous as was my salad. In fact, I’d
call it huge. I enjoyed it over two meals.
Paul’s has been in business for
35 years, not always under the same
ownership, but continuously operating
under that name. The menu is typical
bar food, burgers, sandwiches and
pizza, Italian and Greek specialties,
with the addition of dinner specials,
five my first visit. This is where the
chef gets to show off his creativity.
I noted from their website that
children under ten eat free, as long
as an adult orders—something to
keep in mind when the “grand-ones”
visit. Apparently the place has been
swamped since it’s “soft opening” in
mid-December. They’ve yet to advertise
and it’s always full.
This is not the place for your next
Wine & Dine, I’m afraid. All the
hard surfaces contribute to a very
loud place. But for a fun evening out
with a small group, or maybe those
grand-ones, Paul’s would be a good
choice. And I’ve got to go back for that
Lavender Martini!
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Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 15
Exercising in the Cold
ust because it’s cold outside does
not mean outdoor activities have to
come to a seasonal stop. Exercising in
the cold burns calories and produces
more endorphins due to the extra effort
to keep the body warm. Not only are
there metabolic perks, but also exposing
the body to natural light and fresh air
is rejuvenating. Environmental Science
and Technology recently published an
article stating that outdoor exercise
can crank up energy while decreasing
tension, frustration, and depression.
Most people can safely exercise
outside during the cold weather
months. However, certain conditions
such as asthma, heart problems, or
Raynaud’s disease should require a
physician’s clearance prior to the start
of a program. These conditions would
require special precautions to take based
on the condition or medications taken.
The following tips will ensure a safe
and warm workout in harsh winter
Warm up and cool down properly.
It may take longer for the body to
react to colder temperatures so be
sure to leave more time to warm up.
Take small steps in the beginning
of the winter months to allow for
acclamation. The body needs to
adjust to cold temperatures just as
it does to heat. Warm up indoors by
jumping rope or jogging in place for
approximately five minutes. Once
outside, allow the body to adjust to the
cold air by taking breaks every minute
or so during the first ten minutes. After
the workout is complete, be sure to
properly cool down by slowing the
pace for approximately five minutes.
Once inside, keep moving around
for about ten minutes while slowly
removing the layers of clothing to
adjust to room temperature.
Dress in layers. Surprisingly, there is
such a thing as dressing too warm for
outdoor exercise. The body warms up
considerably when exercising, generating
a considerable amount of heat. The
evaporation of sweat, however, can
allow the loss of heat from the body,
making it chilled. The best solution is to
dress in layers that will allow a person
to remove them as soon as they start to
sweat, then put them back on as needed.
The first layer should be a thin, moisture
wicking material unlike cotton, which
will stay wet and close to the skin.
The next layer should be an insulating
material such as wool or fleece. Lastly, a
waterproof, breathable outer layer will
complete the attire.
Keep extremities warm. In colder
temperatures, the body centralizes blood
flow to the core, leaving hands and feet
exposed to frostbite. Use the layering
technique for hands with thin gloves
first and heavier gloves or mittens on top
that are lined with wool or fleece. Try
layering socks or opt for thick thermal
socks that wick sweat. Use a hat or
headband for ear warmth, and consider
a scarf or facemask that will warm the
face and the air before it enters your
lungs. Consider purchasing exercise
shoes a half-size or one size larger to
allow for thick socks or an extra pair.
Weather conditions and wind chill.
Wind chill extremes make exercising
in the cold a risk even when dressed
warmly. The wind easily penetrates
clothing, removing the warmth held
close to the body along with increasing
the potential of frostbite to exposed
skin. Exercising in the rain and cold is
also a high risk as the body may not be
able to keep warm when clothing layers
are soaked. Consider taking a break
when these weather conditions exist.
Wear appropriate safety gear. Now
that there is less sunlight, be sure to
wear reflective clothing. Shoes with
traction are helpful for snowy and icy
conditions. If going on ice and snowpacked trails, try using yaktrax on the
sole of normal workout shoes.
Hydrate. The colder temperatures
make it easy to forget the need for
water; however, the body is still
losing water from sweat, breathing,
and increased urine production, so
hydration is imperative.
Sunscreen. High altitude or snowy
conditions provide greater exposure
to rays, so slather on the SPF! Don’t
forget the chapstick with SPF as well.
Cold weather can discourage the
most motivated exercisers. These
tips can safeguard a person to allow
for a more enjoyable workout when
the weather turns chilly. Be sure to
continually monitor how you feel
to prevent cold weather injuries and
let someone else know the route and
expected return time.
Kelly Cox lives in Ford’s Colony
with her husband and three children.
She holds degrees in Nursing and
Kinesiology. Kelly is the Administrator
of the NASA Occupational Health and
Wellness Clinic as well as an Oncology
Nurse. She has been a Nationally
Certified Personal Trainer for 14 years.
16 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
Over the Years
Thoughts on Valentine’s Day…
A little girl with a
Dutch boy haircut
sat pensively at her desk at school.
Will I receive a
Valentine’s card today?
Will anyone think of me?
(Someone once wrote: The best and the most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen, or even touched—they must be felt with the heart!)
Years passed since that day
that thrilled her
because of so many
cards and one gift,
a coconut candy bar.
She was so pleased despite
the fact she hated coconut!
She smiled.
Valentine’s Day took on a different
aspect as she grew up.
Lovely gifts and cards with
expressions of undying love.
Then she married.
Her husband didn’t believe in
Valentine’s Day
and the day went by as all others.
But loving gifts, for no reason,
brightened many an ordinary day.
Roses, bright, beautiful
and fragrant,
spoke volumes.
Love conquers all, they used to say,
Hardly ever hear that said today.
Times may change, but you know how you feel
About that someone who makes your bell peal!
Live life with honor, give others respect,
Qualities most of us have come to expect.
To those, add all the love your heart can hold.
There’s nothing more beautiful, so I’m told.
Love can’t be touched, yet it touches you
Honor and respect are that way too!
Other emotions at time fill your heart,
But love gives each day a beautiful start!
Those most fortunate find love lasts forever,
So treasure the years that you have together.
If you argue at times, make up every night.
You can drop off to sleep, both thinking they’re right.
Consuming your life, love’s a passion to share,
“Til Death Do Us Part,” is the promise we swear.
Love from the heart, when returned by another
Is a beautiful thing, unlike any other.
A hawk, perhaps a Harlan visiting
from Canada, has been watching over
the Blackheath neighborhood.
It seemed especially interested in a
Nerf football being tossed around in
front of 130 Blackheath.
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 25
Please forward ideas for articles to
Winter Interest Series
BIRD SANCTUARY, Birds and Berries:
This is the final in the series.
Fringe Tree – deciduous.
Where In Ford’s Colony: at
Manchester Guardhouse (native type);
at St. Andrews gated area, 2nd island
(Chinese variety); blooms in early
summer, berries in later summer.
We’re Bartlett Tree Experts,
a 100+ year old tree and
shrub company with global
reach and local roots.
Our services include:
Tree & Shrub Pruning
Cabling & Bracing
Fertilization & Soil Care
Insect & Disease
Call 757.234.0403
26 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
Service Berry (also known as
Shad bush) – deciduous.
Where in Ford’s Colony: in front of
Community Service Building; blooms
mid spring, berries in summer.
Washington Hawthorne –
Where in Ford’s Colony: along
Edinburgh between Cypress Creek and
Heritage Point, long tree stance; blooms
early to mid-summer.
The Hawthorn tree has a storied past
that gave birth to a litany of interesting
facts, including:
v The Pilgrims reportedly named the
Mayflower after the Hawthorn,
whose nickname is “Mayflower.”
v In Britain, the tree is associated with
v Centuries ago, Hawthorn flowers
were not allowed in Asian homes,
as the blooms were associated with
v In the 1700s, Hawthorn flowers
were used as garlands and set
outside English homes during May
Day celebrations.
v In the early Middle Ages, the fruit
from the Hawthorn tree was used
to make wine, which was consumed
by people suffering from high blood
Ford’s Colony
Signature Trees
Beautiful Crepe Myrtles and lovely
Red Buds may be delivered and
planted in your yard for just $100.
Call Janice Wagner at 258-3333.
Hidden Treasures Garden Tour from May 2014
HIDDEN TREASURES GARDEN TOUR: SAVE THE DATE Put May 16, 2015 on your calendar for the next Garden Tour.
This is the end of the series on the Gardens from 2014. We hope you enjoyed the highlights from the gardens and pictures
as well.
Garden Tour 2014: Garden #7,
Home of Mitzi and Alan Balma
Colors in Unique Trees. The whole garden was perfumed
by the fragrance of peony blossoms—and everywhere
there was color! A red Horse chestnut tree held its candles
high. The tri-colored birch contrasted dramatically with
the lime-green Golden Spirit Smoke trees. And, then, there
were the reds of Japanese Maples and a delicate Forest
Pansy Redbud with its “purple tones.” A garden bench
was sheltered under a towering Yoshino, and finally, a
delightful bronze statue of a young girl holding aloft a
wind-spun pinwheel.
Garden Tour 2014: Garden #8, home of Barbara and Fred Kurasiewicz
Pond Views: Naturalistic plantings of grasses, hollies, junipers, and hydrangeas enhance the
serenity of the water views. The slate path leading to the pond showcases moisture-loving
species of shrubs and trees such as Itea Virginica and Hakuro Nishiki Willow. Colorful
roses and ‘wine and roses’ Weigela grow along the brick foundation walls at the back of
the home. The garden beautifully illustrates the opportunities available when designing
landscapes that include a Resource Protection Area.
My Favorite Ornamental Grasses
Pink Muhly grass (Muhlenbergia
capillaris) was voted 2012 plant of the
year by the Garden Club of America.
This eastern U.S. native is a perennial
that forms a three-to-four foot tall
mound topped with puffy purplish
pink flower plumes in early Fall. The
plants prefer full sun and do best in
moist, well-drained soil. They attract
beneficial insects such as ladybugs and
provide wildlife cover for native birds.
Spring Is Coming
Japanese Forest grass or Hakone
grass (Hakonechloa macra) is a
perennial from Japan that thrives in
shade and evenly moist, well-drained,
humus-rich soil. The plants grow oneto-three feet tall with gracefully arching
leaves that look like flowing water
when planted en masse on a hillside.
They spread slowly by underground
runners, but are not invasive.
Gardeners especially value the cultivars
with golden or variegated leaves
to provide color in shady gardens.
The cultivar ‘Aureola’ was, in fact,
selected as the Plant of the Year by the
Perennial Plant Association in 2009.
As we approach spring, articles
will be appearing in this column
to help with planning a garden,
refurbishing a space, or just having
some new ideas for gardens. Is your
garden shady or sunny, does it have
wet areas or other problem areas?
We will revisit the Cast Iron Plants
for the Williamsburg area. Note
that a series on groundcovers will
be coming too! A short article on
planning for color in the garden is
also in the planning stages. Another
school garden will be featured. Keep
William & Mary School of Education
on Monticello Avenue
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 27
Mary Ann Hurley
Vice Chair
Steve Bay
Annelle Landefeld
Debbie Abrams
Aging In Place/Special Services
Ted Juraschek
Artists League
Elaine Napoda
Bid Whist
Bob Sumlin
Bosom Buddies
Lois Nervitt
Cameron Place
Caring Neighbors
Nancy Ohlinger
Bill McCabe
Chess Club
Dick Gantzler
Colony Auto Enthusiasts
Larry Emmons
Colony BYOB
Jennifer Rairigh/
Randolph Brown
Colony Kids
Colony Wine & Cheese
Sally Frazer
Bob Brennan
Computer & Technology Club
Bob Zornetzer
Craft Club
Susan Brooks
Dance Band
Larry Stowe
Dance Club
Dog Owner’s Interest Group
Peggy Peterson
Duplicate Bridge
Fit for Life
Joan Emerson
Fly Fishing
Richard Anderson
Ford’s Colony Archery
Jeff, Brian and Bob
Ford’s Colony Softball League
Joe DiNuzzo
Ford’s Colony Volunteers for Education
Muriel Slaughter
Friends and Neighbors
Bob Bradfield
Garden Club
Debbie Abrams
Terry Sisto
Genealogy Club
Joe Sell
Golf Around
Mike Hand
Golf & Dine Society
George Spalthoff
Healthy Cooking
Robert Burns
Home Brewers Interest Group
Walter Maginnis
Bobby Sue Silvey
Lisa Brickey
Mah Jongg
Dorothy Fischer
Men’s Bible Study
Dan Gaske
Model Railroad Club
Phil Brooks
Monday Morning Bridge
Charlie Skillman
Marshall Atkins
Cares and Concerns
Mandy Baldridge....................... 645-4039
Nancy Obadal .......................... 258-2838
Caring Neighbors Transportation Service
Kit Ober ................................... 345-0169
Dave Westfall ............................ 645-2073
Cook’s Pantry
Karen Crowley, Chair ............... 345-6512
Roseanne Brennan .... Co-Chair 258-3228
Peggy Peterson .......................... 345-5411
Georgia Lowe ........................... 603-6229
Ann Wasko ............................... 229-7568
Georgia Treiber ......................... 645-2423
28 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
Granny’s Attic
Ora Avery ................................. 220-0343
Pat Archer ................................. 259-9937
Kent Kipling ............................. 208-0218
Bob Bott ................................... 565-3577
Ned Cooke ............................... 345-6669
Don Harper .............................. 565-7855
Bruce Landefeld ........................ 229-0637
Dale Walter ............................... 229-2026
Phil Klein .................................. 220-3949
Ralph Spohn ............................. 253-5794
Jeff Canon ................................ 291-7003
Linda Mathews
Roger Allen
Pilates Club
Nelia Heide
Pilates for Seniors/Golfers
Wilhelmina White
Bill Loscalzo
Round Robin Bridge
Ida MacNamara
Debbie Boggio
Silver Sneakers
Charlene Newstrom
Harold Hall
Swim Team
Kelly Arne
Tai Chi
Elmer May
Tennis Club
Rich Gingerich
Theatre Club
Tom Damon
Tom Thompson
Travel Club
Al Ashley
W&M Fan Club
Van Voorhees
Water Aerobics Interest Group
Janet Pohl
Women’s Bible Study
Stephi Fisher
Woodworkers Club
Ralph Spohn
Tricia Kiley
Barbara Gilman
Nurse’s Closet
Betty Moeller ............................ 206-1276
Helen VanCott .......................... 565-1750
Stork Club
Ida McNamara ......................... 645-3763
Lise Murer ................................ 253-2361
For general information or to join Caring
Neighbors as a volunteer contact Nancy
Ohlinger 229-7568 or Nancy.Ohlinger@
The Aging in Place Service Group
meets on a monthly basis to identify
opportunities for Ford’s Colony
homeowners to more safely and
comfortably live in their homes as they
age. The Group has developed the
“Aging Services” web page as part of
the Ford’s Colony internet site (fchoa.
org). The page is designed to be easily
used by residents and/or individuals
who may be caring for them in times of
need. The web page does not include
medical or health care practices or
services, but it has links to providers
who may be of assistance.
If you want additional information
or would like to participate, please
contact Ted Juraschek at theo_ or 565-6165.
The Artists League meets every Tuesday
afternoon from noon to 3 p.m. at the
S&T Club at the back of the large
room on the right side. We have artists
working in different mediums and at
different levels of accomplishment, from
beginners to more experienced artists.
You will see people using oils, acrylics,
watercolors, pencils, and pastels. We
work at tables with our own supplies
as we enjoy each other’s company and
Some of our artists exhibit and sell
their paintings at Harry’s Tavern. We
change our paintings four times a year,
in January, April, July, and October.
Many of us belong to This Century Art
Gallery down the street from the library
on North Boundary Street and exhibit
there also. Members of the gallery show
their work on the upper level and there
is usually some kind of unifying theme.
We occasionally have an art show at
the S&T Club and all these activities
provide inspiration and purpose.
We welcome new members and
have much to offer in the way of
information, advice, and direction. If
you are an artist or would like to try
experimenting in art, stop by some
Tuesday afternoon and see what’s
cooking, or should we say, “Coloring.”
The Bid Whist Club meets on the
second Thursday of the month at the
S&T Club at 7 p.m. (except in July and
August). Residents of Ford’s Colony
are welcome to join or participate. For
information, contact Bob Sumlin at
The Breast Cancer Support Group,
“Bosom Buddies,” meets on the third
Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. in
members’ homes. Those with newly
diagnosed breast cancer, as well as all
breast cancer survivors, are invited to
participate. Other cancer survivors are
also welcome. For details, contact Lois
Nervitt at 258-9669 or lsnervitt@cox.
2014 ended with a bang and set the
stage for a promising 2015 as indicated
by the performances of the first two
weeks in December and the first week
in January. For the American Division,
Len Shartzer, Ward Grant (3), Clarence
Wilson, Vic Miller (2), Tony Nappi,
Dennis Shea (2) and Dale Schoenberger
bowled 200 games. Bowling a 500
series were Len Shartzer, John Roberts
(2), Charlie Ohlinger, Dennis Shea
(2), Ward Grant, Vic Miller (2), Tony
Nappi (2), Tom Damon (2), Dennis
Shea, Tom Collis, Jim Burow, and Dale
Schoenberger. Ward Grant bowled
a 600 series helped by bowling six
strikes in a row. The subs’ top bowling
performances included 200 games by
Bob Sumlin (2), Jim Beilstein, who
incidentally had seven strikes in a row,
Annette Sumlin, Robin Johnson, and
Cam Place. Subs with 500 series were
Jim Beilstein, Cam Place, Bob Iwaszko,
Annette Sumlin, George Spalthoff, and
Bob Sumlin had a 600 series. Tied for
first place with 19 wins apiece are the 4
Slingers-Karen DiNuzzo, Alan Belstock,
Anne Rankin, & Joe Sosnicki-and Spare
Us-Marie Colclough, Ronald Foy, Mary
Barbera, & Pete Webster.
National Division 200 bowlers
include Jan Berkowitz (7), John Tinker
(3), Joe McNamara (2), Bob Iwaszko
(2), Lee Van Voorhees, Bob Sumlin,
and Jim Beilstein. Bowlers with a
500 series are John Tinker (2), Joe
McNamara (2), Jim Beilstein (2), Terry
Beck, Bob Iwaszko (3), Bob Sumlin (3),
Walt Maginnis (2), Fred Blake, Craig
Cronce, Cam Place, Dave Jarman,
Ray Van Cott, John Tinker, Dave
Olson, Bob Rogers, and Clay Wilcox.
600 series bowlers are Jan Berkowitz
(3), Vic Miller and John Tinker. The
subs helping out the National League
included 200 games from Vic Miller
(3), Ward Grant, Bob Brennan, Tony
Nappi, Dennis Shea, and Nathan Hill.
Subs bowling 500 series were Vic
Miller, Ward Grant, Bob Brennan, Tony
Nappi, Dave Olson, and Dennis Shea.
The number one team as of January
6 was Mystery Lane-Joanne Giesen,
Philip Giles, Marilyn Watson, and Bob
Iwaszko-with a 3-win lead.
Finally, due to an underwhelming
response, the Sunday evening bowling
idea has been put back on the shelf….
One of the delights in any community
is the arrival of a new baby! Caring
Neighbor’s Stork Club exists to provide
assistance to the families of our newest
residents. Ida McNamara (645-3763)
and Lise Murer (253-2361) are here to
connect you with other new parents and
provide you with helpful information.
Caring Neighbors can provide
assistance in many aspects of Ford’s
Colony life. As you read our contact
information, you can see the wide range
of services that are available.
You can also contact Caring
Neighbors through Log
onto the website, and then select
“Contact Us.” In the dropdown menu,
chose Caring Neighbors and submit
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 29
information about a neighbor who
needs help.
See page 28 for contacts.
Following a major disaster such as
Hurricane Sandy, first responders
who provide fire, rescue, and medical
services will not be able to meet the
demand for these services. People may
have to rely on each other for help in
order to meet their immediate lifesaving and life sustaining needs.
The James City County Ford’s
Colony Community Emergency
Response Team (CERT) organization
has been in place since 2004, working
to prepare our community -- and to
help residents prepare -- to respond to
and cope with the aftermath of disasters
such as hurricanes, ice storms, floods,
nor’easters, and more. James City
County provides training for CERT
volunteers, at no charge, to prepare
residents to help themselves, their
families, and their neighborhoods in the
event of such an emergency.
Don’t become a victim; become
empowered! The team meets at 3 p.m.
on the first Wednesday of January,
April, July and October at the S&T
Club. In a disaster situation, everyone
can do something to help themselves
and others. For more information,
contact Don Alms at or
at 645-7925.
The Chess Club meets on the first
and third Mondays of each month
from 2:30 to 5 p.m. in the S&T Club.
Contact Dick Gantzler at dgantzler@ if you have any questions.
The February 4 meeting of the Colony
Auto Enthusiasts is a “Road Trip”
to visit the new restoration and
maintenance facilities at Auto Haus’s
30 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
new location on Second Avenue. Auto
Haus has committed half of its shop
space and mechanics to the restoration
of foreign cars. On any given day, you
can find Jaguars, Porsches, Mercedes,
and perhaps even a DeLoren being
restored to their former glory. We will
tour their modern facility and look at
some of the vehicles currently in their
We will meet at the Auto Haus
facility, just a short way past the Second
Street Grill, at 7 p.m. New members are
always welcome, and membership costs
$10. For further information, contact
Ray Van Cott at 746-6999.
Colony Kids, the Ford’s Colony
service group that hosts fun, familyfriendly events for the children and
grandchildren (age 12 and under) of
FC residents, is looking for a new
team leader, new members, and new
ideas. The continued success of this
group depends on volunteers from our
community to lead the way!
Colony Kids has four set events
established over the last several
years: The Spring Fling & Egg Hunt,
July 4th Parade, Trunk or Treat,
and the Holiday Brunch with Santa.
Commitments of time and energy
are not highly demanding, with the
details of these events having already
been established (although any/all
changes are welcomed!). Meetings are
set at your convenience and do not
need to occur monthly. Please email with your
contact info if you are able to lend
your time and leadership. Or contact
Chris Schwenker at cschwenker@fchoa.
net. We look forward to keeping our
community’s children engaged and
highlighted through these activities, so
please consider volunteering!
The cold weather is upon us. It is time
to come inside and join us for our
February Wine and Cheese event. The
Trebellas are once again inviting us to
their home for a Mardi Gras party. The
fun will take place on February 8. Mark
your calendar and RSVP by February 2!
If you haven’t joined us before,
Colony Wine & Cheese is a series of
social gatherings held in the homes of
Ford’s Colony residents on designated
Sunday evenings from 5 to 7 p.m. No
membership is required, and each is a
stand- alone event. There are a number
of regular attendees, but we always
welcome new faces. Come join us for
an evening of wine, appetizers and
good conversation.
These social events are open to all
Ford’s Colony residents. We ask that
you bring a “heavy” hors d’oeuvre for
8 to 10 people and $5 per person to
cover the cost of beverages and paper
products. If you are interested, please
contact Sally Frazer, sfrazer219@aol.
com or Bob Brennan, rbrennan6@cox.
net by February 2.
Looking forward to seeing you in
your Mardi Gras beads!
The Computer & Technology Club
meets every third Monday of the
month. Our next meeting is on
February 20 at 7 p.m. in the S&T Club
Another year has flown by and with
it we are fast approaching April 15
and (ugh) tax time! It’s an unpleasant
thought, but it has to be faced up to.
If you need tax help, you can go to a
CPA, but that will potentially cost you
a lot of money. You can go to a flyby-night tax store, but they may miss
a big deduction for you (try finding
them on April 16 to complain!). Or you
can come to the February 20 meeting
where your intelligent and friendly
C&T Club colleague, Honest Bob Berg,
will tell you all about what the Turbo
Tax application (and perhaps others)
can do for you to make sure you have
just the right return, at the right time,
in the right format, and how you can
submit your filing on-line and with that,
expedite your refund. What more could
you want in February? Come to the
meeting, and you will be ready in April!
We welcome new members. Come to
join the Club and attend this and other
many other interesting and informative
topics. Our dues are $10 annually. For
additional details about our Club, check
out our website:
Craft Club meetings are held every
Thursday from 1 to 4 p.m. at the
S&T Club. Take part in one of our
workshops, bring a project you are
working on, gather inspiration, or just
come for a chat. If you are looking for a
project to work on, we can always use
help on our group efforts to benefit the
local community. We are a friendly and
multi-talented group of crafters, ranging
from beginners to award-winning
artists, who love to meet new friends.
Dues for the year are $10. If you have
any questions, please contact Annie
Shepherd at or
We have begun plans for our next
Outdoor Picnic/Concert, which is
tentatively scheduled for Sunday, June
7. Also, in collaboration with the
Dance Club, we will be providing the
music for a Colony-Wide Dance Party
on Saturday, October 10. More details
to follow about both performances
in future TOC articles. Check out
our web page within the Clubs and
Activities section of the FCHOA web
site. There you will find photos and
sound bites from some of our past
We are always in search of more
musicians to add to our roster, so if
you’re interested in playing with us,
or know of someone who is, please let
us know. We rehearse on the first and
third Thursdays of each month, from 7
to 9 p.m. at the S&T Club.
If you’d like to have us play at
one of your club functions, or at a
neighborhood party, or at a wedding
reception, or at a community
fundraiser, we’re just a phone call
or e-mail away. Please contact Larry
Stowe at 564-8550 or at FCDB@cox.
The Dance Club meets on the first
and third Tuesday of the month at the
S&T Club at 7 p.m. Ballroom dance
instruction is on the first Tuesday and
line dancing is on the third Tuesday.
On February 3, we will be starting a
new dance and have our first lesson
in Foxtrot with our professional
instructor, Marilen Crump. Foxtrot is a
very popular smooth dance and many
Foxtrot steps can also be performed
in Waltz. We will stay focused on
Foxtrot through June, so that will allow
sufficient time to learn both the basics
of the dance as well as time to practice
a usable routine. We used this new
five-lesson dance studio approach with
our last dance, Hustle, and it was very
Since we are beginning a new dance
in February, this would be an excellent
time to join the Club. Both singles and
couples are welcome and you need not
be an experienced dancer to participate.
On February 17, we will be led in
line dancing by our own Micki Decker,
an experienced line dance instructor.
The first 45 minutes will focus on less
complex line dances, and the second
45 minutes will focus on more difficult
line dances and patterns. Everyone is
welcome to attend both sessions. Please
wear comfortable shoes and bring a
water bottle.
Club dues are $20 per year or $5 per
session. For more information about
the Dance Club, contact John Chiricotti
at or
The Ford’s Colony Dog Owners
Interest Club will have a very special
duo this month. On February 23, the
hearts of those in the Dog Owners
Interest Club will turn to…bombs!
State Trooper Robert Clements and his
ordinance sniffing dog “Max” will be
at the S&T Club to talk about training
dogs to be explosives experts and give
a demonstration (outside if weather
The club meets at 7 p.m. on the
fourth Monday of the month. No dog
ownership required, just a love for, and
interest in, all things canine! Please
join us!
The Duplicate Bridge Club meets each
Wednesday at noon at the S&T Club.
These are sanctioned duplicate games,
and master points are awarded. It’s not
necessary to come with a partner or to
be a member of the ACBL. All levels
of players are welcome. Table fees are
$6 per person. Contact Tom Dunck at
208-0548, for
further information.
Information on other duplicate
games in Ford’s Colony may be
obtained at
Fit for Life is a program of strength
and flexibility exercises to help you
maintain a healthy body regardless of
your age, ability or physical condition.
The exercises we perform are not
strenuous; both men and women can
perform them. Everyone accomplishes
the movements according to his/her
own capabilities.
Our exercises stress balance,
coordination, flexibility and, muscle
control. Physical activities include:
walking, stretching, ball and bungee
sequences, mat and chair work,
and movements to music. The only
equipment needed is a floor mat and a
sense of humor.
Fit for Life is an adaptation of the
national program Body Recall, which
has been a leader in fall prevention and
fall recovery. Body Recall was recently
designated by the U. S. Department of
Health and Human Services as a Tier 1
provider for improving the health and
well-being among older adults. Fit for
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 31
Life’s mission is to provide a program
of exercise and education to get
participants moving and keeping them
physically active to maintain a healthy
body and improved quality of life.
Our group meets at 8 a.m., Tuesdays
and Thursdays, for one hour at the
S&T Club. Domenica Jernigan is the
instructor and a Registered Nurse. She
can be contacted at 784-7682.
We’re off-season, but always available
to welcome new players, at all levels.
Ford’s Colony Softball is a slowpitch, recreational softball group,
consisting of men and woman over
40. (Guest players under 40 are also
welcome.) We play one game per
week on the field at the Westbury Park
recreational area. Our split season goes
from April through June and again
from September through November.
We also have practice/training sessions
during the pre-season and throughout
the season.
In a few months, we’ll have the
ribbon cutting for our new field and
backstop! Please contact Joe DiNuzzo
( for more
information and to sign up.
If you are looking for a new, rewarding,
community service opportunity,
please consider helping our local
school children by joining Volunteers
for Education. You can make a big
difference in our students’ lives just
by spending a small amount of time
with them. Residents volunteer at any
level of commitment: as little as one
hour once a week to as much as they
would like. No previous experience
as a professional educator required.
Williamsburg-James City County
(WJCC) teachers, guidance counselors,
and subject specialists will provide an
orientation to the school, training, and
on-going assistance.
Each volunteer is partnered
with a child who needs additional
32 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
individualized attention that will help
them on their way to literacy and
learning success. Our program has been
recognized by the WJCC public schools
as a needed and valued community
partner because of the enriched learning
experience our residents provide for the
For further information on
becoming a Volunteer for Education,
contact Muriel Slaughter at 221-8232
The Friends and Neighbors group
kicked off the new year with a
presentation by General Anthony
Zinni to a sell-out crowd. He is an
outstanding speaker with unique
experiences relating to the US’s friends
and foes. Hope you were there to enjoy
the performance by this long-time
Ford’s Colony resident.
Some 29 new/returning members
turned out to hear the general’s
comments. Welcome! We hope you
will continue to attend our meetings
and events, first Friday of the month,
6:45 p.m. at the S&T Club. For more
information, see our website at fcfan.
At our February 6 meeting,
Williamsburg Winery will host a wine
tasting paired with cheese, crackers,
grapes, and chocolate truffles. We will
taste five wines, one of which is the
“Adagio” Malbec/Petit Verdot red
wine ($65/bottle). Your ticket, priced at
$10, includes a chance to win a Tour,
Reserve Wine Tasting and Luncheon
for Two at the Gabriel Archer Tavern
valued at $130, as well as one of five
tickets for a Wine Tour and Tasting
for Two (a $20 value). At press time,
registration for this Valentine’s event
has ended. Please contact Kathy Smith for waiting list
On March 6, Christina
Westenberger of DeWitt Wallace
will present “The Restoration of
Colonial Williamsburg.” Christina is
the Assistant Manager of Museums
Education at the Art Museums
of Colonial Williamsburg, and is
responsible for tours and programs for
groups of all ages. 2015 marks her 20th
year with the Foundation. Through her
tenure, she has enjoyed giving tours
at The Raleigh Tavern, singing at the
Governor’s Palace and playing at Witch
at the Capitol. Recently she has written
two books available for sale at many
CW retail locations: Down On The
Farm and The Art-Full Tree.
Many of us have been visiting the
old town since we were kiddies. It may
seem like it has never changed, but it
has. Come and learn how much.
Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s a little
early, but love is in the air, starting
with our program on February 11
entitled “Love Your Crepe Myrtle.”
Plan on coming at 9 a.m. to the S&T
Club to hear Andrew Koenig, boardcertified master arborist, talk about
these beautiful trees and how to care
for them. We don’t want anyone
committing crepe murder!
You can still join the Garden
Club and what a bargain, half price
starting this month, and we still meet
through June! So contact Vicki Trainor
at for more
We are starting to rev up for the
wonderful Hidden Treasures Garden
Tour. Please mark your calendars for
May 16. Tickets will go on sale at our
February meeting and more information
will be published later. Club members
and friends: the Garden Tour co-chairs
can always use your help. So please
feel free to contact Janice DiSanto at or Sally
Stubert at
We have established a Nominating
Committee to find members who are
willing to come on board and help fill
positions for the 2015-2016 session.
The new board year starts in June.
Please contact Linda James at linda., Sandy May at, or Laureen Bolstad at if you are interested
in being a part of this wonderful group
and want to keep this club “growing in
If you have any questions, please
contact Terry Sisto at
or Debbie Abrams at dabramshome@
The Genealogy Club is comprised of
people whose ancestors came from
many other states and a variety of
foreign lands, just like yours. Club
membership offers the opportunity to
talk with other members about similar
research challenges, and to learn the
resources available online and in the
community and how to make the best
use of them.
We meet at the S&T Club on the
third Thursday of the month starting
at 7 p.m. and finish at 8:30 or 9,
depending on the program and other
We learned many new techniques in
our January meeting, when Cassandra
Farrell, Map Specialist and Senior
Archivist at Library of Virginia in
Richmond, discussed, “Using Historic
Maps in your Family Searches.”
Our program schedule for the
next few months promises to be
equally interesting and helpful for our
“mission” to document our personal
family history:
February 19 – Michael Straus, noted historian from Virginia Beach will present “Descendency Research: Another Pathway to Genealogy”
March 19 – George King, renowned local genealogist and CWA instructor: “Making the most of the U.S. Census”
April 16 – Dr. George Schweitzer, famed
family historian (video); “Tracing Ancestors Across the Atlantic”
New members are welcome at any
meeting. Be sure to look for our club at
the Colony website: Annual
dues are just $10 per family and are due
Welcome to a new year of Golfaround.
Our first event will take place on
Thursday, March 26 at the Golden
Horseshoe Golf Course with a 12
o’clock shotgun. Future events include
Kiskiack (April 23), Viniterra (June
11), Williamsburg National (July 16),
and Golden Horseshoe – Green Course
(October 2). Other events are being
planned for May and August. We
currently have about 350 members,
but usually get between 60 and 100
for each event. If you are interested
in either signing up or learning more
about Golfaround, please contact Mike
Hand at Please note
that with the size of the group, all
contacts are done via e-mail.
The GDS is busily planning its 2015
schedule of events. We will begin
in April, and have events through
October. Each month, we play golf on a
Williamsburg area course and then find
a great place to have dinner together. At
dinner, we divide up the “huge” money
prizes and provide golf balls to those
who do miraculous things.
The GDS is now aligning itself as
best possible to avoid conflicts with
other golfing organizations. Over the
years, we have assembled a list of
about 200 names that participate in
our outings, and blast emails will begin
in early March with details and sign
up information for our first outing.
In the meantime, if you are planning
to participate in 2015, please send
your annual, family, dues of $5 to our
treasurer Bill Farwell at 113 Killington.
There will be a brief organization
meeting in February, which will be
announced by email. If you would like
to help out at one of the outings, this
would be a great time to show up and
find out how “more hands make the
work much easier.” To be added to the
master roster email list, please send an
email to:
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 33
The Hospitality Committee has 26
enthusiastic volunteers who visit new
Ford’s Colony residents. They deliver
a welcome bag filled with valuable
information about Ford’s Colony
and the Historic Triangle and answer
any questions newcomers may have
concerning their new community.
If you are a new resident, whether
you rent or own, and would like a
visit from a Hospitality Committee
volunteer, please notify Crystal Bowers
at Ford’s Colony Security Office at or 258-4080.
The Hospitality Committee is
always looking for new members.
Volunteers usually only have to make
two or three visits a year. It is not a big
commitment, but it is a very important
one. If you are interested in joining the
Committee, please contact Bobby Sue
Silvey at or 258-4703
or Lisa Brickey at or
Are you a member of the National Mah
Jongg League (nationalmahjonggleague.
org)? If you are, you’ve probably
received their yearly newsletter
announcing that they’re taking orders
for the 2015 card. Most of us are
anxious to see if they’ve included hands
that we’ve loved in the past or ones that
are totally new and exciting.
We can arrange free lessons for new
or returning players, or people who
play Wright Patterson (WP) and want
to learn American Mah Jongg, at a
mutually convenient time (not during
weekly games). We recently taught
several people who played WP, and
it was a very easy transition. If you
have friends who play, but don’t live
in Ford’s Colony, they are welcome to
join us.
If you have any questions about our
game, please contact Dorothy Fischer at or 345-6663.
Or, come any Wednesday at 1 to 4 p.m.
and try us out! Hope to see you there!
34 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
Ford’s Colony Men’s Bible Study is
continuing its study of Matthew during
February, likely in vicinity of chapters
16 and 17. The Bible study meets the
second and fourth Thursdays (February
12 and 26), starting at 9:30 a.m., in
the Library at the S&T Club, and we
hope to see some new faces. For further
information, contact Dan Gaske at
903-2793 or
Thanks to all who joined us at Rocco’s
Smokehouse Grill on January 24 for
the Move the Caboose fundraiser for
the Norge Depot Museum. Our club
continues development of the HO-Scale
layout at the Depot on Croaker Road
(adjacent to the library). Stop in during
regular weekend museum hours to view
our progress.
The Model Railroad Club has been
gathering steam since December and
will pick up new passengers (members)
at 7 p.m. on Thursday, February 5 at
the S&T Club. After a short business
meeting to recognize the club’s 10th
Anniversary, we will split into two
groups to visit two home layouts here
in the Colony, both in the classic Lionel
On Saturday, February 21 and
Sunday, February 22, there will be
a large Train and Toy show at the
Virginia Beach Convention Center
where you can see (and buy) many
examples of the World’s Greatest
For more information, please
contact Dean Risseeuw at 258-4887 or Visit our
webpage at for more.
Come join us for the Monday Morning
Bridge group at the S&T Club. We look
forward to seeing you no matter what
level of bridge you play. Besides signing
up on the next weekly roster(s) on
Monday mornings, you may call one of
the hosts below for the week you would
like to play or if you have to cancel.
We start at 9:15 a.m. by announcing
the last week’s winners; please plan to
a bit earlier to get your coffee
and be ready to play. We aim to be done
by noon so folks can make it on time to
their next activity of the day. The cost
to play is only $1 each week.
Feb 2
Feb 9
Feb 16
Feb 23
Mar 2
Barbara Blake
Carolyn Stowe
Morag Essery
Donna Whittaker
Debbie Boggio
We don’t often see scores at 7,000
or over for the 24 hands, but that feat
was accomplished twice in 2014: Joan
Trainor did it with a 7070 on April 28
and Madge Spitteler did it with a 7270
on October 6. Congratulations to you
Once the Super Bowl is over and
Valentine’s Day is done, what can we
do? Come to the Newcomers February
Meeting, of course! This is a great way
to meet others new to Ford’s Colony,
get information about your community
and join some fun club activities.
The fun will begin on Friday,
February 20 at 6:45 p.m. at the S&T
Club. We will begin with some time
for you to socialize, have a few refreshments and sign up for activities. Our
Program this month will feature Terry
Buntrock, Arts Coordinator for the
Williamsburg Fall Arts and Spring Arts
Programs. Come so you can get the
first peek into the events planned for
the 2015 spring and Fall Arts seasons.
We already know that Williamsburg
area is well known for its world-class
historic sites, living history museums
and modern day attractions, which
include Busch Gardens and Water
Country. Terry will help us discover and
appreciate the area in a whole new way.
It doesn’t matter if your preference in
the arts is traditional or contemporary,
cutting edge or classic, there will be
many opportunities for something to
enjoy at the Williamsburg Arts events.
If you aren’t a member, you can
fix that quickly by contacting our
membership correspondent, Lauretta
Oelerich, at
She will send you all the information
you need to join. Or just come to our
meeting and you can join there! If you
have any questions about the Ford’s
Colony Newcomers Club, feel free to
contact Linda Mathews, president at or 206-1073.
We can’t wait to meet you!
Pickleball, a game often described as
“Un-Tennis,” offer healthy outdoor
exercise and friendly competition to all
ages. Our group plays twice weekly;
times are dependent on the weather for
a while. Please contact Roger Allen at
229-2271 or
for the current schedule.
The Pilates Club meets Monday and
Friday at 8 a.m. and Wednesday at 9:15
a.m. at the S&T Club. Contact Missy
at with any
Ladies and Gentlemen, join us on
Mondays, Wednesdays (4 p.m.) and /
or Tuesdays and Thursdays (2:30
p.m.) for Pilates at the S&T Club. The
opportunity to improve flexibility, core
muscle strength and general well-being
is available in four different class
sessions. We invite you to join us either
day to meet Alona Casanave, a certified
Body Art and Science International and
Stott Pilates Instructor.
Monday and Wednesday classes:
the focus is Pilates for Golfers seeking
to improve their physical condition,
learn techniques that will enhance
their performance on the golf course.
Strength, Breathe, Repeat! Highlighting
the importance of stretching for sports,
working out and every flexibility.
Tuesday and Thursday classes: The
focus is on Mat Pilates for those who
seek greater strength, flexibility, coordination and range of motion. Standing
Pilates, a combination of Pilates and
Yoga, which has an additional focus on
cardiovascular workout.
We encourage you to come and
check us out, we are sure you will
find some activity that will benefit
you. Contact Wilhelmina White at or 645-2519.
Do you like playing cards, having fun
and meeting new people? Whether you
are an old hand or just learning to play,
why not join us for a few rounds of
pinochle? We play double deck pinochle
every Thursday from 1:30 to 4 p.m.
at the S&T Club. We will be playing
February 5, 12, 19, and 26 if you would
like to get to know us.
The rules have never changed, but
a set of rules is available to refresh old
minds if you would like.
If you would like to know more
about the Pinochle Club or would like
to try us out, contact Bill Loscalzo
at 564-7447 or
Please let us know in advance so we can
reserve a seat at one of the tables.
The Round Robin Bridge Group will
meet at the S&T Club on Thursday,
February 12 at 7 p.m.
Round Robin Bridge meets at the
S&T Club on the second Thursday
of each month. We play 5 rounds of
4 hands each for a total of 20 hands
of casual bridge. Monthly scores will
count toward the yearly cash awards
given at the June 2015 banquet
dinner. We do not play in the summer.
If interested in joining and signing
up through June, please contact Ida
McNamara at or on
645-3763, or Margaret/Bill Bunnell
at or on
Please arrive on time as we will start
promptly at 7 p.m.
Round Robin Bridge hosts for
February 12:
Jim and Fran Lockard lockard1@aol.
com or 645-2578
Walt Culhane or
If you want to play, please let one of
the hosts know by February 3.
Silver Sneakers® is designed to improve
well-being thru fitness education
involving strength training, balance,
and flexibility, as well as the importance
of drinking water while exercising. It is
the nation’s leading exercise program
for active older adults with nearly two
million participants. The goal is to
improve physical and mental health,
minimize age-related physical
degeneration as well improve
cardiovascular endurance, muscular
strength, and body composition,
flexibility, speed, power, agility balance
and coordination. Participants are
encouraged to become more aware of
their personal health status including
the importance of fall prevention. Our
certified instructor is Sonya Thomas.
The class consists of group exercise
that encourages fitness, fun, and friends
for maximum peer socialization and
an increase in each individual’s sense
of well-being. Exercises are done while
either sitting in a chair or standing,
keeping one foot on the floor at all
times. Weights, stretch bands, and a ball
are provided. Participants must wear
sneakers and clothing appropriate for
exercising, and bring a bottle of water
to drink throughout the session.
Our group meets at the S&T Club
at 11 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays,
for one hour and is open to both men
and women. The class is limited to 30
participants. To register for the class,
you must contact Sonya at 254-4917.
For general information, please contact
Charlene Newstrom at 220-9339 or
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 35
You are always welcome to join Solitaires
and make some new friends. Solitaires
is a social group open to anyone who
is single or single again. We organize a
variety of outings to many places in and
around the Williamsburg area.
Our next event is our potluck supper
scheduled for Monday, February 2
at 6:30 p.m. at the S&T Club. Trish
Barner, Volunteer Coordinator for
Colonial Williamsburg (CW), will
speak about the many opportunities
to volunteer for CW. The Solitaires
club will provide fried chicken and
we request that you either bring a side
dish, dessert or drinks. Please notify
Sue Ruhle by Sunday, January 25 if you
plan to attend and what food item you
will bring. Her contact information is or 565-2245. Also at
this event, Solitaires will be collecting
non-perishable food items to donate
to FISH, an all-volunteer not-for-profit
agency providing help to residents of
the greater Williamsburg area.
Our monthly social at Harry’s is
scheduled for February 19 at 6 p.m.
Contact Joan Emerson at 229-4703 or by February
15 if you plan to attend.
Mark your calendars for Monday,
March 2 at 6:30 p.m. We are going to
the movies at the S&T Club. Come
watch a classic movie with friends;
popcorn and soft drinks will be
For more information on Solitaires,
contact Roy Rolph at 258-9016,
Harold Hall at 345-5726, or Janice
Svendsen at 258-0244.
“Anyone would be lying if they said
they didn’t get lonely at times.”
— George Clooney
Nhi Hao: “Hello”
The Ford’s Colony Tai Chi Club is
now in the midst of an additional
ten-week Tai Chi course running from
Wednesday, January 7, to Wednesday,
March 11, titled “Tai Chi for Health”
36 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
from 4:30 to 5:30/6 p.m. each
Wednesday at the S&T Club. This
course is being taught by Instructor
Stan Rockwell (253-1462) and stresses
“Healthful Living Aspects of Tai Chi.”
The Tai Chi Club will conduct their
Spring Semester for ten weeks from
March 18 to May 20, each Wednesday
from 4:30 to 5:30/6 p.m. at the S&T
Club. The instructor is Bill Hansell (5660040). Each session features breathing
drills, walking, balance, movement drills
and Yang-style form movements or
fan drills and simplified 24 form drills.
Tai Chi training is conducted in loose
fitting clothing and flat-soled shoes. Tai
Chi is termed the “Gentle Art” and is
acceptable to most adults.
Present Tai Chi Club members,
interested Ford’s Colony residents, and
interested non-residents are all invited
to participate in Tai Chi training, which
is conducted at a minimal cost. Tai
Chi training has been “tailored” to fit
the interests and needs of participants.
Since the Talk Of The Colony is not
distributed outside of Ford’s Colony,
we are dependent on “word of mouth”
advertising to “spread the word” about
the availability of Tai Chi training.
Questions: Elmer May, President, 2599905; Linda Thomson, VP, 229-3195;
Susan Deane, Treasurer, 849-2404.
Zhai Jian: “Goodbye”
The colder, wet weather is upon us, but
tennis groups are still scheduled to play.
A call to Security (258-4080) will advise
you as to court conditions at Westbury
Park, which may be closed if the courts
are frozen.
Please direct any questions about
maintenance of our tennis facilities to
Tom Duke, our Tennis Club Facilities
Director (537-9035 or tomduke@cox.
net). He can then direct the concern
to the Ford’s Colony staff. In midDecember, the original contractor
for the Har-Tru courts dug two holes
on Westbury Park, Court 2, down to
the bladder to determine the cause of
several problem spots. It is speculated
that the problem is caused by a fungus
or mold/mildew and not an issue of
layers of gravel on top. Further work
will be done in July when the bladders
are turned back on and more fungicide
can be applied, but the initial work
seems to have helped.
In March, as usual, the contractor will
redo the lines and apply more Har-Tru.
The Tennis Club is looking for
volunteers. In March, several board
members will have served their
two-year term, and we are asking for
your help in filling these positions:
Membership, Women’s Activities and
Communications. There are minimal
demands on your time, and you will
be making valuable contributions to
our tennis community. Please seriously
consider volunteering! Those interested in serving on the Tennis Club
Board should contact Rich Gingerich,
President at
Tennis Club members, please mark
your calendars for the March 21 annual
meeting. It will be held at the S&T Club
at 9 a.m. to review the year, approve the
budget, and elect the new FCTC Board.
Dues for the next year ($10) will be
due at that time. Check your “Tennis
Tiding” emails for more information.
If you are interested in joining the club,
please contact Peter Eastman at peter_
It’s time to put on your dancing shoes
and prepare to enjoy the music of the
“Mellowtones.” Ted Zlydaszek and his
merry Mellowtones will entertain the
audience with songs to remember and
melodies to hum. This is the second
time we’ve been lucky to have them
perform for your entertainment and
bring back memories from former days.
Adding to the fun, the evening will be a
cabaret, so remember, BYOB.
March will test your memory as
we play “Name That Tune” with the
Theatre Club singers in full swing.
Those who remember the game show
introduced in 1952, which ran in
various iterations to 1981, can start
listening to your collection of songs
through the decades. You’ll have fun
joining the merriment with songs from
the 60s, 70s, and beyond. Shush! Don’t
try to bribe singers ahead of time. Our
lips are sealed.
The Great Allegheny Passage Trail is
a rail-trail that runs 150 miles from
Cumberland, MD to downtown
Trailblazer member Ted Hanson
and local Williamsburg resident Neal
Robinson biked this trail in 2013. In
2014, six friends were invited to join
the trek.
Our February Trailblazer meeting
presentation will be the chronicle
with pictures of the 2014 trek, which
included four days of trail riding, with
a day in Ohiopyle, PA to visit two
Frank Lloyd Wright homes and engage
in whitewater rafting and hiking.
Prince Butler will also outline our
Spring Adventure Outings. We’ll have
our usual drinks and snacks, and we’ll
be collecting the annual $5 dues from
our members. As always, we remind
you that you don’t have to belong to
Trailblazers to come to our meeting.
We invite all our Ford’s Colony
friends and neighbors to join us.
April 26: bus trip to Norfolk for the
Tattoo. This trip is full, but contact
Paula Tenenbaum (paulatenenbaum@ to be added to her wait list.
June 1-6: Santa Fe, Taos, and
Albuquerque. Travel will be from
Norfolk airport, with transportation
from Ford’s Colony included. The
trip including airfare, tours and some
meals, is $2,190 per person, double
occupancy. The trip is fully subscribed
at this time, but please contact
Alissa Neidhart if you are interested
and want to be on her standby list
( ).
October 2-12: a fully-guided tour
of Italy! Enjoy the splendors of Rome
including the Vatican, Florence, and
Tuscany with its quirky towns and
beautiful vistas. Muriel and Al Ashley
will lead this tour. Those who have
traveled with them before know it will
be a rewarding experience. $4,295,
land only; $5,250 including air fare
from Washington, DC. Contact
Al Ashley for a full brochure or to
register at
Other trips in discussion include
Iceland in summer 2016; Costa Rica;
New Orleans; and Boston. Contact
Al Ashley or a VP - Paula, Vanessa,
Alissa or Kim Humphrey (jimkimhk@—if you want to express
interest. Better yet, come to the
February meeting and learn more
about what is in planning and how
you can participate!
Remember the three steps to
participation are: pay your dues,
contact a trip planner, and then leave
your payment (or deposit) in an
envelope marked “Travel Club”
at the John Pott gate.
offensively and defensively. Omar
Pruitt does a fine job as does center
Sean Sheldon.
The Tribe has capable reserves:
Greg Malinowski, Michael Schlotman,
and Jack Whitman see the bulk of the
action. They will be fine players, but
they are freshman. Coach Shaver says
that patience is the key word and that
the team will be seasoned and much
better by February.
January and February is conference
rivalry time. Both the women and
men will be exciting to watch at
Kaplan Arena. Each team started their
conference schedules on January 3 after
compiling identical non-conference
records of 6-5. (While the women have
yet to play as of this writing, the men
have had convincing wins over Drexel
and The College of Charleston to push
their record to 8-5.)
FC Fans: Joe McNamara & Lee Van
FC Fans: Bob Zaeh and Tom Dignan
The basketball pre-season is over.
The Tribe has been experiencing
difficulty with consistency with regard
to winning and finishing games. Why
should they not? With only one senior
—Marcus Thornton—in the starting
lineup, the Tribe has had lulls in their
offense and so far, cannot rebound
with their quality opponents. Marcus
steps up big time each game, and gets
terrific support from Dan Dixon and
Terry Tarpy. Each of this trio leads
the team in one category or another,
We are continuing our study of the
Names of God in the Old and New
Testaments: what the Bible reveals
about who/what God is! The Bible
says that if you seek God, you will
find Him. God reveals Himself to us
through His names. It is a wonderful
study for any woman, regardless of
her knowledge of the Bible…a great
introduction to the Bible!
This is a very comfortable, inviting
environment. There is no homework,
though we will tell you each week
what we will study next, so you can
do some reading on your own if you
wish. Many of us have busy travel
schedules so each lesson will stand on
its own.
We meet on Tuesday mornings,
9:30-11 a.m. at the Swim & Tennis
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 37
Club. Please contact Stephi at 291-4888 / or Leisa Schultz at
345-5623 if you want further information. We look forward to seeing you!
The FC Woodworkers had a very
interesting meeting at a members shop
during January. Dave Hess described
then demonstrated a device to shape
wood in any fashion a woodworker
could desire. Some members tested
it with great success. In addition,
Dave demonstrated the use of Kreg
fasteners for quickly building cabinets
without the need for glue. Several other
techniques were also demonstrated.
There will be no Woodworkers Club
meeting during February. However,
meetings will resume in March. Anyone
interested in joining the Woodworkers
Club should email Ralph Spohn at
Class A Contractor
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38 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg
February is Healthy Heart Month. My
response to this is, “perfect!” At the end
of our yoga classes, we observe how we
feel “to see the light shining from our
heart.” That’s actually what I, as the
teacher, say.
To understand how we come to that,
I have to bring you to the beginning of
our classes. Picture a group of students
lying on the floor, relaxed, quiet,
breathing. They are taking a moment,
and yes, the very first moments of class,
to tap into themselves. How they feel,
what is going on in their lives, what they
may want to accomplish in this class.
We spend the class practicing a
sequence of poses both familiar and
challenging. There is that vibe of “I’ve
got this” combined with, “wow, I really
just did that.” A wonderful mix that
keeps our bodies spacious and keeps are
minds sharp.
So that brings us to the final rest, a
chance to let your body save all of the
good work of the practice. Students
are back to resting pose similar to the
beginning of class. After a nice repose,
they come to sitting, tap into their
breath, and begin to look, look for the
glow from within. And that, my fellow
neighbors, is how you see the light
shining from your heart.
Our Tuesday/Thursday morning,
all-level yoga classes continue from
9:15-10:30; all yoga classes are in the
main room of the S&T Club. Payment
for all classes is by suggested donation.
No signups, just come as you can.
Everyone is welcome. Please contact me,
Tricia Kiley Killiany, at yogaclasses@ with any inquiries. Always
check with your healthcare provider for
before beginning any exercise program.
60" Smart HDTV - $400 or best offer
Sharp AQUOS Quattron. Black Thin Line Design.
SPECS: 60" Class (60-1/32" Diagonal), Full HD
1080p Resolution Smart TV with Vudu™, CinemaNow & Netflix, UltraBrilliant LED System.
Email or Call for many more details.
Please Email: or
Call: 757-259-7326
Red Nikon J1 Digital Camera with 2 Lens
- $200
One is 10-30 and the other is 30-110. Battery
charger, camera strap, case I used, original box
and manuals. Seldom used great condition.
Call: 757-903-4249
IKEA Malm twin bed with mattress
and topper - $100
Good condition; matching 6-drawer chest also
available for $75.
Please Email:
Eureka Vacuum Cleaner - $50
Almost-new, bagless with Hepa filter. Nested
attachments include stair and upholstery brush.
Great as your primary, main-floor vacuum or as
a spare to keep on another level of your home.
Owner's manual is included.
Please Call: 757-345-0985 or
Liberty Rectangular Leg Table - $400
Includes 4 Napoleon Side Chairs and 1 Bench.
38x60 with leaf that extends to another 18". Off
white base with cherry veneer table, chair, and
bench tops.
Please Call: 757-345-0215
Antique Mahogany Duncan Phyfe
Double Pedestal Dining Table - $600
Includes 6 chairs and matching Buffet. Table pads
included. Table has self- storing leaf.
Please Call: 757-253-1890
Oriental Machine-Made Rugs - $200
(7 rugs)
Odyssey Red, size 4x6, 2x4 (5), 8x11
Pads of various sizes included
Please Call: 757-345-0215
3' 6'' x 5' 6" Oriental Wool Rug - $100
100% deep pile wool. Sage, pale gold, tan muted
colors. Professionally cleaned. Non-smoking home.
Please Call: 978-808-9508 or
Aubusson Wool Rug 7'10 x 9'10"
100% Wool - $400
Posted On: 12/29/2014
"Pratap" pattern, pale green, tan, rose colors.
Non-smoking home. Good condition.
Please Call: 978-808-9508
Female German Shepard/Akita mix Free to a loving family
4 year old female, 25" tall, 85 pounds, lively personality, some training, all shots are current; she
comes with her crate, pillow, leash and toys.
Please Call: 757-784-5840 or 757-784-0067
New Golf Hybrid Clubs - $66 each
Will sell for half price I paid. Used a couple times.
Problem is me, not the clubs.
Please Call: 757-229-5444
TRAV-A-LITE 12 (Brand New) - $100
Travel golf bag and case all in one. Under 4 lbs.
Holds 14 clubs, has wheels for easy handling removable accessory pouch and shoulder strap.
Has never been used.
Please Call: 757-903-4249
Smooth Fitness 5.15P Treadmill –
Give Away – You must pickup
Manuals and safety keys included. Not used
much. Takes two people to move.
Please Call: 757-259-0463
House for Rent - $2,000/mo
3 or 4 bed, 2 bath, corner lot, brick home. 2,300
sq. ft. Great floor plan with all living areas on the
main level. Screened in porch.
Please Email:
Missing Cat
Missing Watch - $300 Reward
I live in Ford’s Colony. I'm available all day
to walk your dog. I love to walk & love dogs.
Would love to walk your dog during these winter
Please Call: 757-235-2694 or
Have you seen me? I got lost somewhere around
Stratton and Edinburgh. I thought I was going to
a New Year’s Eve party, now I don’t know where I
am. If you saw me recently, please email my boss: I think he misses me...
Please Email:
Lost women’s silver and rose gold plated watch;
Please Call: 757-258-9241
Terry Rose Enhanced Framed Ski Poster
- $100
Poster is enhanced by hand in chalk on the mats.
Double matted in a black wooden frame. Total
size is 39.5 x 31 inches. Originally sold by Memories of Vail Art Gallery. Free delivery within Ford’s
Please Call: 757-220-3978
Dog Walking Service
Pet Care
Dog walks and pet care in your home. House
sitting, pick up mail, water plants, run errands.
References, Licensed and Bonded.
Please Call: 757-593-4424 or
2000 Jaguar XJ8 - $6,000 or Bro.
British Racing Green, tan leather in beautiful
condition. Excellent mechanicals and only 47,000
miles. Great Parkway car. Garage kept. Can
e-mail pictures.
Please Call: 757-220-0599 or 508-414-9664
denotes photos of the item
are available at
To submit your classified ad, please go to fchoa.
org and click on “Classifieds” and then click
on “Submit your Classified Ad,” fill in the
appropriate information. Ads must be 40 words
or less. Two items may be featured. Classified ads
are free to FC residents. There is a $20 fee for
non-residents. All classified ads also appear on
the website. All ads must be received by
the 15th of each month for the following month.
Printed ads are based on space availability.
Waterford Downs neighbors met on January 9 at the Ford’s Colony Country
Club for their fifth annual Holiday Dinner. Although we meet frequently at
each other’s homes for BYOBs, we enjoy welcoming in the New Year with
each other at this festive dinner.
Talk of the Colony, February 2015
| 39
Give us a spin with a free 7-day pass
Stay active at our 25,000-sq.-ft. state-of-the-art health club and
spa, just minutes away from your home. Open to Williamsburg
residents 62+, our resort-style facility provides personalized
wellness programs and guidance of a registered dietician.
Your complimentary 7-day pass* gives you access to:
Variety of fitness and aquatic group classes, including
water aerobics, yoga, spinning and Zumba
Indoor heated pool and hot tub
Spa services specializing in LaStone massages
charges apply
If you like
it, join withLANDING
a Good Neighbor Membership
starting at $49 per month. (Limited time offer)
Call for your free 7-day pass
(757) 565-6545
*Expires on 01-31-2015
A Explanation
CARE - Simple
Presented by Ed Golden, President
Home Care
• Companionship
• Conversation
• Meal Preparation
• Laundry
• Light Housekeeping
• Grocery Shopping
• Errands
• Incidental
• Medication Reminders
Typically, there comes a time when seniors who have decided
to “age in place” require assistance with non-medical care.
This encompasses help with daily activities, allowing those
seniors to remain living safely and independently. Professional
caregivers can provide such attention. Some seniors need
only a few hours per week of this care while others may
require daily assistance. Non-medical care includes help with
bathing and dressing, meal preparation, light housekeeping,
transportation, medication reminders, and companionship. A
host of other non-medical options are also available, meeting
the individualized needs and desires of senior clients. To learn
more, or to obtain these services for you or a loved one, contact
your home healthcare provider.
Living alone at home in later years can be a real challenge. At
COMFORT KEEPERS, our knowledgeable staff will help you
in selecting the best solution for your needs. We can provide a
wide range of home care and personal. Our many services also
include light housekeeping, errands and shopping, and meal
planning and preparation. We also provide home care to loved
ones with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
For More Information Call
(757) 229-2777
• Grooming Guidance
• Personal Care
• Specialized Care
40 | Ford’s Colony, Williamsburg