IN THE WINGS N o r w i c h T h e a t e r C o m p a n y, I n c . February 2015 Member: Upcoming Calendar of Events • Auditions for Blithe Spirit February 21 10-noon, February 22 35pm, United Church of Christ • Board Meeting (open to members) February 24, 6:30pm, Chenango Arts Council, Room 101 Auditions! NTCI’s Board of Trustees for 2015, as elected at the annual meeting held in January: Marty Kuhn, President Auditions for Blithe Spirit will be held on Saturday, February 21st from 10am—noon and on Sunday, February 22nd from 3-5pm. Auditions will be held in the Founder’s Room of the United Church of Christ, Norwich, NY. All audition materials will be provided at the audition. Blithe Spirit will be directed by Carolyn McMaster, and will be presented on April 24, 25, & 26, 2015 at the Chenango Arts Council. For more information, please call Carolyn at 847-6395. • Blithe Spirit— April 24-26 • Music & Masquerade— May 30 Meet Your Board Cathy Gray, Vice President Ericka Tyler, Secretary Sally Heim, Historian Richard Heim, Treasurer Brooke Anderson Scott Douglas Norwich Theater Company Inc. is available for community or business functions. We can assist with in-service training and/or provide theatrical or musical entertainments, including murder mystery dinners, trivia contests, and magic shows. Jessica Richardson N ORWICH T HEATER C OMPANY, I NC . " Act at a time" PO Box 844 Norwich, NY 13815 We’re on the web! Committees NTCI has several standing committees responsible for the operation of the Company. Chaired by Board members, we welcome member input for the various committees. If you are interested in any of the following committees, or have suggestions for the committees to consider, please contact the appropriate Chair or call the Company’s toll-free number at 888-613-4496. Artistic Committee—Jessica Richardson, Chair: and plans the Company’s artistic season. Find us on By-Laws Committee—Ericka Tyler, Chair: Reviews Policies and By-laws; recommends changes and processes revisions. We are currently accepting sponsorships for our 2015-2016 season. Season sponsorships include ad verti sing, preferred seating at p e r f o r m a n c e s , complimentary tickets, and a commemorative plaque. For information about sponsorship, please contact NTCI at 888-6134496. Norwich Theater Company, Inc. is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit corporation. Evaluates Membership Committee—Scott Douglas, Chair: Ensures all new members receive appropriate company information. Reviews new member needs on an annual basis. Professional Development Committee—Cathy Gray, Chair: Arranges for education and training for members and oversees the allotment of funds for educational resources to improve members knowledge of theater and performing arts. Publicity/Communications Committee—Richard Heim, Chair: Creates and maintains communication links to members and the public. Strategic Planning Committee—Cathy Gray, Chair: Assists the Board and committees in identifying short and long range goals of the Company and monitors progress in achieving these goals. Sunshine Committee—Brooke Anderson, Chair: Sends appropriate greetings, congratulations, condolences, etc to Company members. Properties Committee—Sally Heim & Brooke Anderson, CoChairs: Collects, catalogs & maintains Company sets, costumes, & props. Marketing/Fundraising Committee—Richard Heim, Chair: Plans & oversees all fundraising and marketing efforts. Finance Committee—Ericka Tyler, Chair: procedures and reports. Reviews fiscal
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