PAC 1400 / PAC 1300 OWNER’S MANUAL ALWAYS WEAR A GOVERNMENT APPROVED FLOATATION DEVICE WHEN OPERATING THE PAC 1400 / PAC 1300. Know the limits of your ability and the limits of your equipment. Changes in air temperature and elevaSon could cause the air inside the PAC 1400 / PAC 1300 to expand which could cause the tube to burst. Always release some air when these condiSons occur. Never leave your boat siVng in direct sunlight when it is out of the water. This owner’s manual will help you with ini3al set up of your new ra5, provide basic safety informa3on, review boat maintenance 3ps, plus cover some simple field repairs. Please review this material and familiarize yourself with the cra5 before using it. BEFORE YOU BEGIN... Check for damaged or missing parts. PAC 1400 / PAC1300 Includes: c a: 1 -‐ PAC 1300 / PAC 1400 ra5 collar b: 1 -‐ PAC 1300 / PAC1400 ra5 floor c: 1 -‐ Oarsman folding seat (no swivel) d: 2 -‐ Bow and stern folding seat (with swivel) e: Seat hardware pack f: 2 -‐ 9’ Oar sha5s g: 2 -‐ 6.5” Oar blades h: 2 -‐ Large oar sleeves i: 2 -‐ Oar locks b j: 2 -‐ Floor rope k: 1-‐ Repair kit l: 1 -‐ Fishing Frame m: Cam straps: 4 -‐ 3’ 2 -‐ 4’ m 2 -‐ 6’ a d e j k h l i Frame Includes: n n: 2 -‐ Side rails o: 2 -‐ Cross bars p: 1 -‐ Foot bar q: 1 -‐ Seat bar r: 1 -‐ Raised seat bar -‐ with low pros s: 1 -‐ Raised seat bar -‐ without low pros t: 2 -‐ Stern bars u: 1 -‐ Remote bracket v: 1 -‐ Intermediate pulley w: 1 -‐ Anchor bar x: 2.5” bolt y: 1 -‐ Front cas3ng pla\orm z: 2 -‐ Front cas3ng pla\orm bent hanger bars aa: 1 -‐ Rear cas3ng pla\orm bb: 2 -‐ Rear cas3ng pla\orm straight hanger bars cc: 1 -‐ Front thigh hook bar dd: 1 -‐ Rear hook bar ee: 2 -‐ Thigh hooks ff: 29 -‐ U-‐bolts, 58 washers, 58 locking nuts gg: 1 -‐ Extra long U-‐bolt hh: 1 -‐ Frame wrench ii: 2 -‐ Oar stands g f p o s r q u t v bb z w aa y x pic. 1 pic. 2 gg ff dd cc ee hh ii Repair Kit Includes: 1 -‐ Adhesive 1 -‐ Leafield C-‐7 Valve Wrench 1 -‐ Piece Supported Urethane 1 -‐ Piece Unsupported Urethane 1 -‐ Piece Sandpaper 1 -‐ Piece Colored Fabric 1 -‐ Piece Gray Fabric 5 -‐ Nylon Wire Ties 2 -‐ Split Rings 1 -‐ Roll Vinyl Repair Tape 1 -‐ Needle 1 -‐ Repair Cord 1 -‐ Zipper Car 1 -‐ Vinyl tubing valve adapter 1 -‐ Owner's Manual 1 -‐ Tube Of E-‐6000 / GOOP 1 -‐ Leafield Valve Adapter Tool Needed for Assembly (not included): a: 1-‐ Phillips screwdriver b: 2 -‐ Wrenches 10 Mil wrench 7/16 wrench c: 1 -‐ Flat head screwdriver d: 1 -‐ Bucket of soapy water e: 1 -‐ Butane torch or lighter f: 2 -‐ Pieces of scrap cardboard g: 3 -‐ Long cam straps h: Pump pic. 3 d a b f e c h g Step 1 -‐ Ra5 Infla3on: Items Needed: 1-‐ Ra5 collar 1 -‐ Ra5 floor 1 -‐ Vinyl tubing valve adapter 1 -‐ Leafield Valve Adapter (found in repair kit) Hand, foot or electric pump designed for inflatable boats Inflate the ra5 collar and floor to a so5 pressure using a hand, foot or an electric pump designed for inflatable boats. DO NOT INFLATE TO OPERATING PRESSURE AT THIS TIME. To inflate: 1. Remove the dust caps from the valves. 2. Push and turn the valve stem 1/4 turn to the right (clockwise). This posi3ons the valve stem in the up or closed posi3on. Having the valve stem in the closed posi3on allows air to be pumped into the ra5 and will prevent air from escaping. 3. Connect the clear vinyl tubing adapter to the pump hose and to the Leafield valve adapter. 4. Insert the Leafield valve adapter into the valve on the boat. 5. Inflate the chamber to a so5 pressure. 6. Screw dust cap into place. 7. Repeat procedure for all chambers on the ra5 and the floor. Note: To deflate: pic. 7 1. Remove the dust caps from the valves. 2. Push and turn the valve stem 1/4 turn to the le5. This posi3ons the valve stem in the down or open posi3on. Having the valve stem in the open posi3on allows air to escape from the chamber. Changes in air temperature and eleva3on could cause the air inside the ra5 to expand which could cause damage to the AIREcells. Never leave your fully inflated ra5 silng in direct sun out of the water. Always release some air when these condi9ons occur. Ra5 Floor Installa3on: Place valve in back / stern of ra5 Items Needed: Front / Bow 2 -‐ Floor lacing rope 1 -‐ Soapy water 1 -‐ Lighter / Butane Torch * not to scale 1. 2 -‐ Pieces of scrap cardboard 3 -‐Long cam straps (not included) Using a butane torch or lighter heat about 3-‐4 inches of the ends of the floor lacing rope and roll to a point between 2 pieces of cardboard. A5er the rope cools it will s3ffen and ease the threading through the lacing loops. 2. Soak the floor lacing rope in the bucket of soapy water for at least 5 minutes before lacing to reduce fric3on. 3. Invert the ra5 collar and secure the 3 long cam straps perpendicular to the length of the ra5. The box can also be placed between the ra5 collar for addi3on floor support. 4. Center the inverted floor pocket on the ra5. Pace the valve end of the floor pocket so the valve is at the back/stern of the raH. The front of the ra5 collar has a splash guard that covers the floor lacing. 5. Choose a star3ng point on either side of the floor, usually the middle of the floor works best. The star3ng point for the lacing is op3onal, but it is paramount that the floor pocket is correctly aligned with the collar. 1-‐ Ra5 collar CENTER 1-‐ Ra5 floor * not to scale 6. Need some help lacing your floor? Scan the QR code with your smartphone to watch floor lacing video, or type this link into your internet browers: hnp:// watch? feature=player_embedded&v=o NyH-‐S9uXhE 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Remove one rope from the bucket of soapy water and 3e a slip knot in the center of it. This will prevent the rope from being pulled completely through the ini3al lace loop when 3ghtening the rope. Alternate threading the rope through floor and collar lace loops. This panern should be every other lace loop on both the floor and the collar. Tighten the rope every 4 or 5 lace loops by pulling the rope parallel to the lace loops. NEVER PULL THE ROPE AT AN ANGLE AS IT MAY CUT AND/OR DAMAGE THE LACE LOOPS. Con3nue lacing the rope to a point opposite the star3ng point on the ra5 collar. Return to the lacing’s star3ng point and remove the knot. Using the same alterna3ng panern of floor lacing in the opposite direc3on. Upon comple3on of lacing of first rope in the opposite direc3on. Pull all of the slack out of the ropes and 3e the ends together with a series of half hitch knots to secure the rope. The ends of the rope should be melted together to secure the knots. A5er the rope has cooled, stuff the knoned end between the lacing loops so it will not be exposed on the bonom of the ra5. Remove the remaining rope from the bucket of soapy water and 3e a slip knot in the center of it. This will prevent the rope from being pulled completely through the ini3al lace loop when 3ghtening the rope. Star3ng at the side in which the knots were 3ed repeat steps 3 through 8. Main Fishing Frame Assembly: Items Needed: 2 -‐ Side rails Locking nut 2 -‐ Cross bars Washer LoPro U -‐ bolt 1 -‐ Foot bar 1 -‐ Raised seat bar with low pros 1 -‐ Seat bar 2 -‐ Oar mounts 1 -‐ Intermediate Pulley 4-‐ U-‐Bolts 20 -‐ Washers 20 -‐ Locking Nuts 1. 2. 1 -‐ Extra Long U-‐Bolt (found in Anchor Mount pack) 3. 4. 5. 1 -‐ Frame wrench 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 -‐ Inflated Ra5 with floor laced it Lay out the frame parts as shown in the image above. Set all bars on the side rails and install the U-‐Bolt. Add the washers and nuts leaving them loose. (U-‐ bolt -‐LoPro -‐ washer -‐ nut). Be sure that the side marked “front” on the seat plate faces forward. If any of the bars need to be reposi3oned, it may be necessary to remove the U-‐Bolts to make adjustments. On the right side, back cross bar, use the extra long U-‐bolt found in the anchor mount pack and anached the intermediate pulley as pictured. (Extra long U-‐bolt -‐ anchor pulley bracket, washer -‐ nut) Add the oar mounts. Tighten the U-‐bolts with the frame wrench. Periodically check the 3ghtness of all nuts and bolts. Using the infla3on steps in step one. Add air to the ra5 so it holds form, but not quite to full running pressure (2.5 psi. At full running pressure you can deflect about 1” into the ra5 when pushing on it with your thumb). (See Ra5 Infla3on) Place the frame centered on the ra5. This will help aid in assembling the cas3ng pla\orms. Stern Seat Bar: Items Needed: 2 -‐ Stern bars 1 -‐ Raised seat bar without low pros 4 -‐ U-‐Bolts 8 -‐ Washers 8 -‐ Locking Nuts 1. 1 -‐ Frame wrench 2. 3. Anached the stern bars to the back cross bar. (U-‐bolt -‐ low pro -‐ washer -‐ nut). Angle the stern bars with the curve of the ra5. Anached the raised seat bar without low pros to the stern bars. Tighten the Locking nuts. Bow Cas3ng Pla\orm: Items Needed: 1 -‐ Pre-‐assembled pla\orm with bar 2 -‐ Bent Hanger bars 1 -‐ Thigh hook 1 -‐ Front thigh hook bar 6 -‐ U-‐Bolts 12 -‐ Washers 12 -‐ Locking Nuts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 -‐ Frame wrench Anach the thigh hook to the front thigh bar. (U-‐bolt thigh hook -‐ LoPro -‐ washer -‐ nut) Anach the front thigh bar to the pla\orm. (U-‐bolt thigh bar -‐ LoPro -‐ washer -‐ nut) Place the hanger bars onto the pla\orm and add the U-‐Bolts nuts and washers, but don’t 3ghten them yet. Posi3on the pla\orm in front of the raised seat bar. The LoPro on the hanger bar should be lined up with the angle of the seat bar. The bars on the pla\orm can be moved from side to side to aid in lining up the pla\orm. Once everything in lined up, install the U-‐bolt in the hanger bar LoPros and 3ghten all the locking nuts. Stern Cas3ng Pla\orm: Items Needed: 1 -‐ Pre-‐assembled pla\orm with bar 2 -‐ Strait Hanger bars 1 -‐ Thigh hook 1. 1 -‐ Back hook bar 6 -‐ U-‐Bolts 12 -‐ Washers 12 -‐ Locking Nuts 2. 3. 4. 5. Place the hanger bars onto the pla\orm and add the U-‐Bolts nuts and washers, but don’t 3ghten them yet. Posi3on the pla\orm on the cross bar seat bar. Once everything in lined up, install the U-‐bolt in the hanger bar LoPros and 3ghten all the locking nuts. Anach the thigh hook to the back thigh bar. (U-‐bolt thigh hook -‐ LoPro -‐ washer -‐ nut) Anach the back thigh bar to the pla\orm. (U-‐bolt thigh bar -‐ LoPro -‐ washer -‐ nut) Seat Assembly: Items Needed: Seat with swivel Seat without swivel Seat with swivel 3 -‐ Padded folding seat backs 3 -‐ Padded folding seat bonoms (2 with swivel) (1 without swivel) seat seat mount large washer carriage bolt swivel locking washer hex bolt seat mount 8 -‐ 7/16 Nylock nuts 8 -‐ Carriage bolts 8 -‐ Small washers 4 -‐ 10 mil hex bolts 4 -‐ Locking washers 4 -‐ Large washers 1 -‐ flat head screw driver (not included) 1 -‐ 10 mil wrench (not included) 1 -‐ 7/16 wrench (not included) small washer nylock nut 1. 2. 3. Anach the seat backs to the seat bonoms with seat hinge pins. Bow and stern seat installa3on: a. Use the seat with the swivel. b. Place the assembled seat onto the raised seat pla\orm insert a 3/4” carriage bolts through each hole in the corners of the seat swivel and seat pla\orm. c. A5er placing a 1/4” small washer and a Nylock nut onto each of the carriage bolts use the 7/16” wrench to 3ghten. Rowers seat installa3on: a. Use the seat without the swivel. b. Place the assembled seat onto the seat pla\orm. Place the locking washers and a large washers onto the hex bolts. Insert the hex bolts with washers up into the seat and 3ghten with a 10 mil wrench. Anchor System Installa3on: Items Needed: stern 1 -‐ Anchor bar 1 -‐ Remote bracket 1 -‐ 2.5” Bolt 1 -‐ U-‐Bolts 2 -‐ Washers 2 -‐ Locking Nuts 1. 2. 3. Place the anchor bar over the right outside of the stern seat bar. Tighten. Remove the bolt that hold the LoPro filng on the right side of the rowers foot bar. Place the remote bracket over the hole with the pulley facing the stern of the cra5. Insert the 2.5” bolt through the remote bracket and 3ghten. This fastens the bracket in the front and to the side of the rower. If you missed the intermediate pulley see step 5 of the main fishing frame assembly. 1 -‐ Frame wrench Oar Installa3on: Items Needed: 2 - 9’ oar shafts 2 -‐ 6.5” oar blades 2 -‐ Oar sleeves 1. 2. 2-‐ Oar Locks 2 -‐ Oar lock spacers 2 -‐ Split rings 3. 4. 1 -‐ Phillips screwdriver (not included) 5. Install the oar lock spacers onto the large brass oar locks. Insert the oar locks into oar stands and secure with the split rings. Slide the oar sleeves onto the 9’ oar sha5s and install the bolt and nut from the packaging into each oar sleeve. Insert the 6.5” oar blades into the 9’ oar sha5s and insert into the oarlocks. To achieve the proper posi3oning of the oars, there should be about 3” to 4” between the oar grips at their closest posi3on. The distance from the end of the oar grips to the oar sleeves should be the same for both oars. Once the posi3on has been determined, 3ghten the bolts using the Phillips screwdriver. Secure the Frame to the Ra5: Items Needed: 4 -‐ 3’ Cam straps 2 -‐ 4’ Cam straps 2 -‐ 6’ Cam straps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Use the 3’ cam straps to secure the main rowing frame to the D-‐rings. Use the 4’ cam straps to secure the stern bars to the D-‐Rings. Use the 6’ cam straps for the bow and stern cashing pla\orms. Once all the cam straps are in place, 3ghten straps evenly so they are snug against the ra5. Thread a strap through the hole in the front of the pla\orm and run it to a D-‐ring in front of the pla\orm to help support the weight of the user. Storage Short Term Storage -‐ Allow to air dry, deflate and roll loosely Long Term Storage -‐ Store your boat dry and clean. A5er use, rinse off all debris and allow the boat to air dry on so5 pressure and out of direct sunlight. Residual water inside the bladders/AIREcells will not damage the boat. Store the boat in a cool, dry place out of sunlight and away from exhaust fumes. If you store your boat inflated you should be able to pinch an inch of material. Transport To avoid excessive wear and extend the life of this cra5 we recommend transpor3ng this cra5 assembled on a trailer or deflated in a ra5 bag. Do not load other equipment, par3cularly heavy or sharp objects, on top of the cra5. If you transport your boat in an open truck bed please make sure all sharp objects are removed because more boats are damaged in transport than on the water. VALVE CAP SHOULD AWAYS BE IN PLACE WHENEVER TRANSPORTING YOUR BOAT. Cleaning and Maintenance Your inflatable boat is constructed with high quality materials and superior workmanship however, as with all outdoor equipment proper cleaning and maintenance will extend the use of the product and allow it to perform bener. Most damaging to your inflatable boat are extended UV exposure, insect repellents, mold and mildew. To keep your boat performing its best please following these simple instruc3ons. • Do not set your boat on sharp objects. • Do not over inflate your boat. • Keep the zippers clean. • Clean the boat with soap and water. • Allow the float tube to dry before rolling. Scan code or go to link for a ra5 cleaning video: hnp:// feature=player_embedded&v=sYcZCbZxiaM Basic Trouble Shoo3ng 1. Valve does not retain air when pump is removed. • Clear any debris that might be preven3ng the valve from sealing. This can be accomplished by either pumping quick bursts of air into the valve or removing the core valve assembly and cleaning the valve with a conon swab and denatured alcohol. • Tighten valve if necessary. 2. Ra5 becomes so5 a5er infla3on process. • Determine which air chamber is so5. Make sure the valve is func3oning correctly, with no signs of leaking. • Find the hole in the AIREcell and patch with the Tear Aid patch. 4. Zipper is difficult to operate. • Use a combina3on of soap, water and an old toothbrush to clean and clear the zipper of debris. 5. Tear Aid patch does not s3ck to AIREcell. • Make sure the area to be patched is dry and clean. Use the alcohol pad to prep the area. Recommended Items for Repair Kit This boat contains a starter repair kit that includes equipment for basic repair. Here is a list of items, not included, which you should strongly consider keeping with your repair kit at all 3mes. • *1/4 pint Stabond 2-‐part adhesive • Scissors or knife • Small paintbrush • Roller • MEK solvent • Towel • Duct tape • Old toothbrush • Popsicle s3ck or tongue depressor • Standard Screwdriver • Extra AIREcell is the ul3mate extended trip repair item *It is recommended that the glue be replaced every year or a5er use. Repair Tips Prior to opening the boat’s zippers, make sure they are clean and clear of any debris so that they will operate freely, by cleaning the zippers with soapy water and an old toothbrush. When patching the airecell, apply the patch to the outside of the airecell. When patching the PVC shell, apply the patch on the inside of the PVC. The airecell patch is for air reten3on. The PVC shell patch protects the airecell patch as well as prevents the hole from tearing further. Adhesive Type A Patch Repair Items Needed: Towel Type A Adhesive Patch Alcohol Prep Pad Tear Aid instruc3on Sheet For most repairs, the airecell does not need to be removed completely. 1. Locate the hole in the boat and access that area of the airecell and outer skin by opening the zipper. 2. Using a towel, dry the area to be worked on. 3. Clean area to be worked on with alcohol prep pad and let the area air dry. 4. Peel backing paper off Type A Adhesive Patch and apply patch over punctured area. (See Tear Aid instruc3on sheet for more details.) 5. Press and rub patch so that the patch seals completely and is without bubbles. Glue Repair Items Needed: Scissors or Knife Standard Screwdriver Roller Stabond 2-‐part adhesive Sand Paper Popsicle S3ck Small Brush PVC Material or Vinyl Material MEK or Alcohol Prep Pads For most repairs, the airecell does not need to be removed completely. When patching the AIREcell, apply the patch to the outside of the airecell. When patching the PVC shell, apply the patch on the inside of the PVC. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Locate the hole in the boat and access that area of the AIREcell and outer skin by opening the zipper. Using a towel, dry the area to be worked on. Cut a patch of fabric at least two inches large in length and width than the puncture, hole, or tear. Clean the area to be patched (using MEK or alcohol prep pads). Rough up both the patch and the area to be patched with the sand paper. (For non Tear-‐aid Patches) A5er opening the 2-‐part adhesive, prepare the Stabond glue by pouring the en3re contents of the glass jar into the metal can and s3r using a popsicle s3ck or tongue depressor. 7. Apply an even coat of glue with a small brush to both the patch and the area to be repaired and let dry completely, approximately 10-‐15 minutes. 8. Apply a second coat of glue, and let dry 5 minutes or un3l tacky. If the glue is too dry, reac3vate it with a small amount of cleaner. 9. Place the patch over the hole or tear, and press together. Using a roller or another blunt object press from the center of the patch to the edges to seal the patch to the AIREcell or outer skin. Make sure that the patch seals completely and is without bubbles. 10. Let the glue cure at least one hour before infla3ng (overnight if possible is best). Do not inflate to full pressure on the same day of the repair. Extensive Repairs If you have a major rip or tear in your boat that is beyond your abili3es to repair, please contact Outcast at 800-‐966-‐0976 for a Return Authoriza3on (RA) number. Please put a brief note with your contact informa3on and a detailed descrip3on of the repairs necessary inside the box and ship the package to the address below with the RA number clearly wrinen on the outside of the box. For your protec3on, please ship the boat with a service that provides a tracking number. Warranty We are so confident in our products that we back them up with the best inflatable warranty in the world. The 10 year warranty covers all the costs of fixing your boat, including labor and materials. If you have a problem, send your boat to Outcast Spor3ng Gear, and we’ll fix it for free. If it’s our fault, we pay return shipping; if it’s pilot error, you pay return shipping. Outcast Spor3ng Gear reserves the right to determine whether to repair or replace any Outcast Spor3ng Gear product covered by this warranty and the right to replace any discon3nued models with current models when necessary. Colors may vary between original and replacement parts. Outcast Spor3ng Gear ~ 800.966.0976 ~ 2021 E. Wilson Lane, Meridian, ID 83642 ~
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