Burleson County Tribune Serving Burleson County for 130 years news@bctribune.com Volume 130 No. 28 $1.25 306 West Hwy 21, Caldwell, Texas 77836-1122 • 979-567-3286 www.bctribune.com Thursday, February 19, 2015 Schubert wins state house runoff election Will join 84th Legislature already in session The voters in House District 13 finally have a representative in the Texas House of Representatives -- Caldwell attorney Leighton Schubert. Schubert defeated former Austin County Judge Carolyn Bilski by a 6,350-4,763 margin in the seven-county balloting. Schubert led 1,18172 in Burleson County. With Schubert’s win, he will be the first Burleson County resident in decades to serve in the Legislature. Voters from Lavaca, Austin, Burleson, Colorado, Fayette, Grimes SCHUBERT and Washington counties cast 11,113 total ballots in the special runoff election on Tuesday, Feb. 17, between Schubert and Bilski. Schubert will replace Lois Kolkhorst in the House. Kolkhorst was recently elected as state senator for District 18 to replace Glenn Hegar, who was elected as the Texas State Comptroller. Tuesday, Jan. 13, was the official start of the 84th Legislature, so, once sworn in, Schubert will join the House already in session. The Jan. 13 special election resulted in no candidate obtaining a clear majority of the NEWLY ELECTED STATE Representative Leighton Schubert greets vote. Of the approxi- supporters at a Tuesday, Feb. 17, gathering at the Old Post Office in See ELECTION, page 10A Caldwell. Schubert defeated Carolyn Bilski for the HD 13 seat. Two cars collide on F.M. 50, 60 A two-car accident late Saturday, Feb. 14, at the F.M. 50 and 60 intersections sent five persons to the hospital. The accident occurred at 7:55 p.m. as Jimmy Moises Revolorio-Avila, 27, of Charlotte, N.C., driving a white, 2005 Chrysler 300 car attempted a left-hand turn from F.M. 60 onto F.M. 50 headed south, according to a report by DPS Trooper Lee J. Griffin. Edward Charles Lister, 35, of Somerville, was driving eastbound in a silver, 2002 Mazda Millenia in the outside lane when his car collided with RevolorioAvila’s as RevolorioAvila made the turn, the report stated. The report stated that Revolorio-Avila failed to yield the right-of-way when making the turn. Lister then lost control, struck a stop sign and a light pole, the report stated. Revolorio-Avila’s car THIS CAR DRIVEN by Edward Charles Lister of Somerville was damreceived damage to the aged on Saturday in an accident at the intersection of F.M. 50 and 60 See WRECK, page 5A near Snook. -- Tribune photo by Roy Sanders More file for cities, schools School and city election filings for the May 9 elections end Friday, Feb. 27, and a few more incumbents have filed to retain their seats. Caldwell City Aldermen Kavon Novak and Adrian “Buddy” Carlson and Somerville city council members Kim Camarillo and Dottie Rhodes have filed. Previously, Somerville school trustee Melissa Tharp, Somerville See FILING, page Caldwell hospital rooms renovated Completion celebrated at blessing ceremony CALDWELL’S CHASE Stewart is pictured in the Hornets 87-67 win over La Grange last Friday in Caldwell. Caldwell made the playoffs for the first time in 10 years. See story 1B. Aquifer model studied The Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District (POSGCD) is continuing an investigation into the shallow portions of its aquifers as part of an updated model for long term water manageSee AQUIFER, page 4A Substation named after Lyle Wolz DEDICATING THE SUBSTATION on State Highway 21 West to Lyle Wolz were, from left, Ben Flencher, Bluebonnet board chairman, Esther Wolz, Lyle’s wife, and Mark Rose, Bluebonnet general manager. Somerville ISD eyes possible Nov. bond In preparation for a possible November bond election, the Somerville School Board met on Wednesday, Feb. 11, to hear an architect’s presentation about their previous work. No specific plans for Somerville were discussed or approved. Charles Camarillo, Somerville ISD super- Major renovations to the patient rooms at Burleson St. Joseph Health Center in Caldwell were recently completed, and hospital officials held an open house and blessing on Wednesday, Feb. 11. The renovations, made possible by St. Joseph Health Systems and the taxpayer supported Burleson County Hospital District, included new bathrooms, lighting, paint, floors, blinds, window replacements, bed upgrades, artwork and televisions. It was a joint project funded by the hospital district, St. Joseph Health Systems and private donations. Brian Stanford, Burleson St. Joseph’s new ad- BRIAN STANFORD is pictured with Sister ministrator, complimented the staff, St. Joseph Penny Dunn at a Feb. 11 blessing and open house at Burleson St. Joseph Health Center. See BLESSING, page 9A Bluebonnet Electric Cooperative recently dedicated their substation on State Highway 21 West near Deanville to the late Lyle Wolz of Burleson County, a longtime Bluebonnet board member and supporter. Wolz’s family, friends and fellow Bluebonnet directors and co-op employees dedicated the substation on Feb. 5 to honor and recognize his 30 years of service on the co-op’s board of directors. Wolz served on the board from 1983 to 2013, including a 10year tenure as board chairman. He succeeded his father Ben Wolz on the board, giving the Wolz family nearly a 75-year legacy of lead- intendent, said the board is looking at two architect firms and heard from one of them, Singleton-Zimmer-Haliburton of Bryan, at the meeting. The firm briefed the board on their previous work with other school districts. Goodwin-Lasiter of Lufkin is the other firm, and they will address THE MOBILE VET Center visits Caldwell on Wednesday, Feb. 11, at the board at the March the Caldwell VFW Post. Pictured above are Franklin Karasek, Burleson regular meeting, Ca- County’s veterans affairs officer, Jaime Nicoletti of Austin and Pedro Esquivel of San Antonio. -- Tribune photo by Roy Sanders See SISD, page 7B ership with Bluebonnet. Ben Flencher, Bluebonnet’s current board chairman, said no one would ever forget Wolz. “Lyle loved Bluebonnet and serving its members on the board of directors,” Flencher said. “This is a perfect way to honor his memory and service to Bluebonnet. Lyle and I came See WOLZ, page 10B New info on cancer offered Burleson County has a cancer rate that exceeds the national average, and the public should be aware of some new scientific findings concerning cancer, according to one researcher. Dr. Nathan S. Bryan, Ph.D., a professor of molecular medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, will speak on Thursday, Feb. 26, in Caldwell See BRYAN, page 3A
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