Who supposedly initiated Gerald Gardener into the New Forrest Coven? Which elemental being is associated with the East? Old Dorothy Clutterbuck Slyph What year did Starhawk publish The Spiral Dance? How many people were executed during the witch trials in Salem? 1979 20 Olibanum is an old name for what resin incense? The Hindu God Ganesha rides on the back of what animal? Frankincense A rat Who was Stewart Farrar's wife and frequent co-author? What is the soul weighed against in the Egyptian afterlife? Janet Farrar A feather Which elemental being is associated with the North? In what country is Glastonbury Tor? England Gnome Absinthe is made from which herb? What does the ankh symbol (j) represent? Wormwood Everlasting (eternal) life www.littlepaganacorns.com Which sphere of the Kabbalah is known as Mercy? Who wrote the Norse epic, the Poetic Edda? Chesed Snorri Sturluson How many points on a Fairy (or Elven) Star? Who is the central prophet in Zoroastrianism? Seven Zarathushtra (or Zoroaster) Which direction is deosil? What is the Bifrost bridge made from? Clockwise A rainbow What Celtic Goddess washes clothes in a river before a battle? The Theban alphabet is also called what? The Morrigan Runes of Honorius According to legend, who actually wrote the Necronomicon? Which Egyptian Goddess performed the first mummification? Abdul Alhazred Isis Which sphere of the Kabbalah is known as the Crown? Who wrote "The DaVinci Code"? Dan Brown Kether Who illustrated the Rider Waite tarot deck? Which elemental being is associated with the South? Pamela Colman Smith Salamander Which is the largest pyramid in Egypt? Who wrote "The Charge of the Goddess"? Khufu Doreen Valiente What animal is in the Ouroborous symbol? What region did the horse Goddess Epona come from? Snake Gaul What herb is sacred to Rastafarians, and smoked? Which Sabbat is associated with the May pole? Ganja (marijuana) Beltane Which elemental being is associated with the West? Which altar tool is traditionally used to harvest herbs? Undine Boline What is the name of Odin's 8-legged horse? The Santerian God, Shango, is also known as which Catholic saint? Sleipnir St. Barbara Which zodiac sign falls between October 23 and Nov 22 What is the moon called when it's roughly 3/4 visible? Scorpio A gibbous moon Which U.S. president said "I don't think witchcraft is a religion" Which God is Thursday named after? George W Bush Thor Which archangel visited Mohammed with the Koran? Which Celtic bard drank from the cauldron of Cerridwen? Gabriel Taliesin What is the birthstone for October? Opal What is the sacred knife carried by Sikhs called? www.littlepaganacorns.com Kirpan What country was the Willendorf Goddess statue discovered? What Celtic drink is made with fermented honey? Austria Mead The 6th circle of Dante's Hell is reserved for which sins? Which herb is said to have humanshaped roots? Heresy Mandrake On what sci-fi novel was the philosophy of the Church of All Worlds based? What was the name of the spirit channeled by Aleister Crowely? Stranger in a Strange Land Aiwaz Which sphere of the Kabbalah is known as Wisdom? What 1998 movie starred Sandra Bullock as a witch? Chokmah Practical Magic Which Atzec Goddess is known as the Eater of Filth? How many days in a lunar cycle? 21 Tlazolteotl What 2 items are pictured in the Freemason seal? What is the name of Thor's war hammer? Square and compass Mjolnir What does "skyclad" mean? Who was the last Pharoah to rule ancient Egypt? Naked, nude Cleopatra What are the numbers 11, 22 and 33 called in numerology Master numbers Who is often credited with bringing Wicca to the USA? Raymond Buckland Where does a psychopomp take souls? A tincture is a brew of herbs steeped in what? Underworld, or afterlife Alcohol What is the 12th card in a standard Tarot deck? Which Hindu Goddess wears a skirt of severed human arms? Hanged man Kali What is prized by Gnostics above all else? How many animals are there in the Chinese zodiac? Knowledge 12 Which Greek God founded the oracle at Delphi? What are the Deity spirits of Vodou called? Apollo Loas (or lwas) Which Egyptian God is depicted with the head of an ibis? Which Bible verse reads "Suffer not a witch to live" Thoth Exodus 22:18 What was the Celtic Goddess Bloedwedd made from? What was the name of the feline familiar in the movie Bell, Book and Candle? Flowers Pyewacket When was the Harmonic Convergence? What did Russian witch Baba Yaga's house stand on? Aug 17, 1987 Chicken legs Which Sabbat is particularly sacred to the goddess Brigit? Imbolc How many points on Solomon's seventh pentacle of Mars? 8 How many beads in a Catholic rosary? Who was the last Sikh guru? 50 Guru Gobind Singh Kirlian photography is used to take photos of what? Who was the last person convicted under the 1735 British Witchcraft Act? Auras Helen Duncan How many cards in a standard Tarot deck? What was the name of the island in the movie, "The Wicker Man"? 78 Summer Isle What is the Greek name for the Roman god Vulcan? Who where the Gods that ruled before the Greek Olympians? Hephaestus The Titans Which ancient culture used the ogham script? Who founded the Corellian tradition of Wicca? Irish (Druids) Orpheis Caroline High-Correll What colour is associated with the third eye chakra? Which zodiac sign falls between Mar 21 and April 20? Indigo or purple Aries Which cult is involved in alien creators and cloning? Where would you find the Norns? Under the roots of Yggdrasil Raelians When did the magician Harry Houdini die? Where was Aleister Crowley's Abbey of Thelema located? Cefalu, Sicily October 31st, 1926 Who invented the Rubik's Cube? What is the birthstone for May? Erno Rubik Emerald What colour is the handle of a traditional athame? The spheres of the Kabbalah are also called what? Black Sephiroth (or singular Sephirah) The original Olympic games were created to honour which Greek God? What is the name for the end of the world, according to Norse myth? Zeus Ragnarok What witchcraft tradition was started by author Silver Ravenwolf? Who founded the Church of the Latter Day Saints? Black Forest Clan Joseph Smith What herb can be used in spells in place of graveyard dust? What is strongly effected when Mercury is in retrograde Patchouli Communication What is the holy book of Rastafarianism? Who wrote the Principia Discordia? Malaclypse the Younger The Holy Piby What TV show had a secret society called the Stonecutters? What is the name of a staff with a Y-shaped cleft at the top? The Simpsons A stang Who was the main founder the Theosophical Society? What was the name of the Lady of the Lake, in Arthurian legend? Madame Blavatsky Nimue, or Vivienne What is the second full moon in one month called? Who is the Egyptian alligator God? Sobek A blue moon Who was the first person executed during the Salem Witch Trials? Christianity shares many elements with what ancient religion? Mithraism Bridget Bishop www.littlepaganacorns.com What people inhabited Ireland when the Tuatha de Danann arrived? Who was honoured in the annual Tailtean games? the Fir Bolg Lugh's foster mother, Tailtiu Which modern magician made the Statue of Liberty disappear on live TV? What form of religion believes that all things are Divine? David Copperfield Pantheism What is traditionally tossed to cast the I-Ching? Belief that oneself is a Deity What is Suitheism? Yarrow stalks, or coins What religion was founded by sci-fi author, L Ron Hubbard? Scientology What is the more common meaning for "glossolalia"? Speaking in tongues What is the term used when 2 differing religions are blended? Syncretism Who played the Wicked Witch of the West in the original production of Wizard of Oz? Margaret Hamilton What are the 2 races of Norse Gods called? Who was the first Sikh guru? Aesir and Vanir Guru Nanak What religion centers on Divine spirits called Kami? What religion did cartoon character Lisa Simpson convert to? Shinto Buddhism Who wrote the popular Harry Potter fiction books for children? What were the two regions of ancient Egypt called? J.K Rowling Upper and Lower Egypt Who founded the society known as the Knights Templar? When was the first crop circle recorded? Hugh de Payens 1678 Which of the 3 Greek fates was responsible for cutting the thread of life? Enochian magick involves what sort of spiritual beings? Atropos Angels The temple of Brigit with its eternal flame is located where? Which day of the week is associated with the Goddess Venus? Kildare, Ireland Friday Who is the official witch of Salem, Massachusetts? What is traditional Italian witchcraft called? Laurie Cabot Stregha,or Stregheria What was the name of the Devil, to whom Faust sold his soul? What would you use to practice margaritomancy (a form of divination) Mephistopheles Pearls What did King Nuada of the Tuatha de Danann lose? His hand What is the core belief in Jainism? Ahimsa (harm to no living thing) www.littlepaganacorns.com On whom would a Wiccaning ritual be performed? From what culture/group did Pow-wow magick originate? A child, or baby Pennsylvania Dutch Which plant is most sacred to Goddess Frigga? What kinds of items would go in a Witch's Bottle? Mistletoe Nails, pins, broken glass, urine, or hair What biological condition is closely related to mythical vampirism? Aradia, the Goddess of Witches, is daughter of who? Porphyria Diana How many heads does Cerberus the dog have? What are the symbols in the I-Ching called? 3 Hexagrams What Shakespeare play has the famous verse: "Double double, boil and bubble?" Which emperor legalized Christianity in ancient Rome? Macbeth Constantine What is the 20th card in a standard Tarot deck? What does the Sikh name, Singh, translate to? Judgment Lion In Biblical myth, what did God create on the 5th day? Which position in the Catholic church can authorize an exorcism? Creatures of water and sky Bishop How many demons are listed in the Ars Goetia? Where was Buddha sitting when he gained enlightenment? 72 Under a Boddhi tree Who was the Wiccan character in the "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer" TV show? In Irish folklore, what wails outside the home of someone who is about to die? Willow Bean Sidhe (Banshee) Which God has the caduceus as his symbol? Which religion worships John the Baptist as a prophet? Mercury, or Hermes Mandeism Occultist John Dee was consultant to which member of the British royal family? What was the name of the time machine in the classic sci-fi show, Doctor Who? Queen Elizabeth I The Tardis What year did author Scott Cunningham die? What is the 16th card in a standard Tarot deck? 1993 Tower Who took over leadership of the Church of Satan after the death of Anton LeVay? What are the 5 base Chinese elements? Blanche Barton water, fire, wood, metal, earth What infamous book was written by Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger? Who founded the popular website, the Witches' Voice? Malleus Maleficarum (Witch Hammer) Wren Walker What is the term used for Biblical period writings NOT included in the Bible? What three languages are carved in the Egyptian Rosetta stone? Apocrypha Heiroglyhics, Greek, Demotic How many kinds of wood are burned in a traditional Beltane bonfire? Which actress thanked the Goddess at the 1996 Golden Globe awards? Nine Cybil Sheppard Krishna is an earthly incarnation of which Hindu God? What is the name of the astral library that contains unlimited information? Vishnu Akashic Records Which Goddesses fought over the golden apple, that led to the battle of Troy? What is a Vodou priest called? Houngan Aphrodite, Hera, Athena www.littlepaganacorns.com What does the 10th house of the Zodiac rule over? The alchemist, Cagliostro, may have actually been born under what name? Career, accomplishments, fame, reputation Guiseppe (Joseph) Balsamo In "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe", where does the door in the wardrobe lead? What is the 3rd card in a standard Narnia Empress What is the technical name for tea leaf reading? Which zodiac sign falls between July 23 and Aug 22 Tasseography Leo The futhark is broken down into 3 groups of runes, called what? What is the name of the step pyramids built by the ancient Mayans? Aetts Ziggurats What does the 5th house of the Zodiac rule over? Who are the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse? Creativity, joy, children, social relationships Conquest (or pestilence), war, famine, death Which Greek myth is the Elysian Mysteries based on? At which times of the year do the Holly King and Oak King switch places? Demeter's search for Persephone in Hades Yule and Midsummer According to Iroquois legend, what animal carries the world on its back? Who was the famous Voodoo Queen of New Orleans? Turtle Marie Laveau What is usury, as condemned by the Bible? What does the 8th house of the Zodiac rule over? Charging interest on loaned money Death, changes, rebirth, sex, transformation What popular 1998 TV show has 3 sisters who are witches? The phrase "As Above, So Below" comes from what document? Charmed The Emerald Tablets What was the first book published by Gerald Gardner? Symbol for the Church of Satan, is the Sigil of what? "Kris and Other Malay Weapons" Baphomet With what animal is the Egyptian Goddess Hathor associated? What direction is widdershins? Counter-clockwise The cow Who was the Wiccan priestess in the 2004 reality show Mad Mad House? Who wrote the Goddess chant: "Isis, Astarte, Diana, Hecate, Demeter, Kali, Innana?" Fiona Horne Deena Metzger
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