INDIAN AIR FORCE TENDER NOTICE: AIR FORCE SCHOOLS Tenders on the prescribed form are invited for running the following Welfare Centers in The Air Force School ( TAFS) & Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute ( AFGJI), Subroto Park for a period of one year from 16 Mar 2015 to 15 Mar 2016 ( conditionally extendable). (a) (b) (C) (a) Uniform Shop (TAFS) School Canteen & Messing for Hostel (TAFS) Book Shop (AFGJI) Cost of the tender form (b) Place, Date and Time of issue of tender form ( c) Place, date and time of deposit of tender form & submission of samples (whereever applicable) (d) Date and place of opening of tender (e) Further query, if any 1000/Office of CMC AF Schools, CSDO Complex, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110010 16 Feb 15 to 23 Feb 15 Except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays(1000h-1200h) Tender box and Sample Box kept at Office of CMC AF Schools, CSDO Complex, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110010 16 Feb 15 to 23 Feb 15 Except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays (1000h-1200h) 02 Mar 15 at 1100h at Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, Subroto Park, New Delhi-110010 Tele: 011-25695178 011-25691957 Note: Tender forms are available on the School’s web sites and also at the office of CMC AF Schools CSDO Complex, Subroto Park New Delhi-10.Those who are filling up the downloaded forms are to attach a DD of Rs.1000/- in favour of Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, payable at New Delhi. The envelope containing the tender form is to be sealed properly, indicating the service and school in bold capital letters. Those who have submitted tenders earlier have to re-submit fresh tenders as per new schedule. Cost: Rs.1000/- Appln No. : MANAGING COMMITTEEAF SCHOOLS 2569 5178 SUBROTO PARK , NEW DELHI - 110 010 (Note : Separate form to be used for each school for each service) TENDER FORM SCHOOL WELFARE CENTRE (CANTEEN WITH HOSTEL MESS) CONTRACT : 2015 -2016 To Chairman, Managing Committee Air Force Schools Subroto Park, Delhi -110 010 Sir, 1. I / We the undersigned (hereinafter known as “The Contractor”) hereby apply for grant of license for running the School Welfare Centre (Canteen) with Hostel Mess at The Air Force School, Subroto Park, New Delhi – 110 010. 2. The items enumerated in the schedule against which we have fixed rates and for which this tender may be accepted, at the rates therein stated, subject to the conditions, herein set forth, at such times as may be ordered by the Principal or any Officer acting on his/her behalf, for a period from 16 Mar 2015 to 15 Mar 2016 for Canteen & Messing Services for TAFS Hostel is from 16 Mar 2015 to 15 Mar 2016. I / We have read and understood the conditions of the contract. In case of any discrepancy/dispute or wrong/incorrect nomenclature in the schedule, the decision of Principal shall be final. I/we am/are also enclosing samples of items along with the quotation for your verification. 3. I/We undertake to pay Rs. __________ (in words) ____________________________________________________ per year as rebate to The Air Force School account for running the Welfare Centre (canteen) in the school. The prices for the items to be sold are indicated separately in the schedule. 4. For Messing Services. I/We undertake to pay additional rebate of ______________ percentage every month on the total collection of messing charges to TAFS. I/We will charge Rs. _______________ per student per day for providing catering services as per the attached menu. 5. I have experience of _______ years for running the School Welfare Centre (CANTEEN) at places / offices at: (a) (b) (c) 6. I enclose herewith Experience Certificate duly signed by Principal/the Manager of ___________________________________________________________________. 7. I am / We are enclosing herewith a demand draft / pay order bearing Sl No. …………….. dated……………. (Bank Name…………………………………………………. Branch Name……………………………………………..) for Rs.10,000/- drawn in favour of “The Air Force School” towards Earnest Money (Refundable). I/We understand that the amount will be forfeited if the applicant who is awarded the contract refuses to accept the contract. 8. I / We understand that I / we shall have to deposit a Security Deposit @ 10% of the contract amount before signing of the “Deed of Licence” in case I am / We are awarded the contract. This deposit will not bear any interest and shall be refunded on termination of contract after adjusting dues, if any. 9. I / We undertake to pay the rebate in two Installments as under:(a) 50% of the Licence fee after award of contract and before signing the contract. (b) 50% of the Licence fee before 16 Oct 2015 for which a bank guarantee of the said amount will be submitted. 10. I/We understand that the School will provide shop space to the Contractor, but will not take any responsibility for safety and security of the stores of the Contractor. However, charges with regard to electricity consumed will be borne by the Contractor. 11. I / We understand that in the event of unsatisfactory services rendered by the Contractor, the Contract may be cancelled by the Management by giving a notice of one month. Monetary fine as penalty @ Rs. 100/- per day will be imposed for every default during the period of contract. If the services do not improve subsequently, a monetary fine as penalty of Rs. 200/- per day will be imposed for the defaults. This will have to be paid by the contractor within a week on communication from the Office of the CMC failing which it will be adjusted against the security deposit. In case the Contractor wants to terminate the Contract, he will be required to give one month‟s notice or a compensation of Rs. 20,000/- p.m. for shortfall in notice period along-with remaining balance amount of rebate as per the contract. 12. In case the contract is awarded to me / us, I / We shall sign an agreement with the school on non-judicial stamp paper of Rupees Fifty Only before commencement of the contract. 13. In the event of a dispute between parties the decision of the Chairman Managing Committee will be final and binding on both the parties. 14. My/Our Permanent Account Number (s) (PAN) is _________________________ / or I/We have attached a declaration on a stamped affidavit that I/We had no taxable income in the past five years (delete whichever is not applicable). 15. I / We _________________________ S/o _______________________________ Resident of (Local Address)_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (Permanent Address) ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ solemnly state that I/We have not so far been black-listed by any of the Institutions / Offices in which I have worked / run Cafteria. Dated this _________________ day of _________________. Signature of the Contractors Address: PAN No. (Compulsory)___________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Witness:_____________________________ Address:_______________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Name / Occupation & Address of two References: Name: ……………………………………… Name: ……………………………………… Occupation: ……………………………….. Occupation:…………………………… ….. Address:…………………………………… Address:…………………………………… …………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… …..…………………………………………… CERTIFICATE I, Shri______________________________________ resident of ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ hereby solemnly agree to abide by the General Conditions enumerated above. Any break of the clause / clauses will render my contract null and void. Dated: _______________ Signature of the Contractor Witness No. 1 Witness No. 2 __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ (Name & Full Postal Address) (Name & Full Postal Address) GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR WELFARE CENTRE (CANTEEN WITH HOSTEL MESS) THE AIR FORCE SCHOOL, SUBROTO PARK, DELHI CANTT 110 010 1. The decision to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons will remain with the BOO/Principal/CMC. In case of any dispute, the decision of the CHAIRMAN, MANAGING COMMITTEE will be final and binding on all parties. 2. Tenders will be received till 1600 hours on 23 Feb 2015. Tenders should be deposited in the tender box at Office of CMC AF Schools, CSDO Complex, Subroto Park, New Delhi 110 010 or forwarded in an envelope, duly sealed and annotated as such so as to reach the Office of the CMC, Subroto Park, New Delhi on/before the stipulated time & date. 3. The schedule issued with this form must be completed by the tenderers. 4. Incomplete Tenders: 5. All personnel desirous of submitting tenders for Canteen are to make themselves conversant with the licence deed and model contract required to be signed by them. These are to be signed on Fifty Rupees non-judicial papers. 6. The intending tenderers can contact Adm Officer of school on all working days to see the shop (space being offered) between 1230 hours and 1330 hours. No queries will be entertained beyond these hours. A sample of „Deed of License‟ is available with Adm Officer of the respective school. Contractors should read the same to avoid any future dispute. 7. Tenderers including present shopkeepers shall deposit a sum of Rs.10,000/- as Earnest Money by crossed bank draft drawn in favour of The Air Force School. The earnest money will be returned with out interest if a tender is not accepted. The refund will only be made by crossed cheques and these will be dispatched by Registered Post at the address quoted by the tenderer on his tender form. In case of acceptance of tender, the earnest money deposited will be adjusted against security deposit by the contractor. 8. The contractor will be provided rent free premises for running the shop. However, allied charges for electricity etc are to be borne by the contractor. 9. Six monthly rebate amount is to be cleared on or before 16th of March /15th of October failing which a penalty @ 18% penal interest per annum will be charged for the default. Failure to deposit rebate within another 2 months will debar him from any future contract. If the contractor fails to start his business or discontinues without notice of one month, his security will be forfeited and contract will be treated as cancelled. If any contractor wants to abandon the business he has to give one month‟s notice to the school along with remaining balance of rebate as per the Contract. 10. The tenders will be opened at 1100 hours on 02 Mar 15 at Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute Subroto Park, New Delhi 110 010 (Phone: 25692819). The tenderers may be present at the time of opening the tenders. Name of the successful tenders will be intimated through registered post. 11. The Contractor shall not enter into any sub-contract. Those who are not likely to be available in person to run the business need not apply. The shop will be kept open as per the requirement of the school as specified by the Principal. 12. It would be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the get up and standard of fixtures in the Canteen would be comparable to the get up of any decent commercial outlet. All expenses in this connection would be borne by the Contractor. 13. The Contractor shall not offer or give or agree to give any person any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or for showing favour or disfavour to any person in relation to this or any other contract for school. Incomplete and incorrect tenders shall be rejected. 14. Any breach of the above conditions by the contractor or by any one employed by him or acting on behalf whether with or without the knowledge of the contractor shall entitle the school to cancel his contract and to recover from the contractor the amount of loss, if any, resulting from the cancellation. 15. Damage or Loss: The Contractor shall make good all damage / loss which may be caused by any act or default of the contractor, his agents or servants to any school property with the option to have damage or loss otherwise made good by charging the contractor with the expenses. Maintenance of the Canteen will be the responsibility of the contractor and no compensation will be paid for any alteration / addition made in the shop, with the permission of the Principal for which no claim will be entertained. 16. Any dispute or difference of opinion arising in respect of either interpretation, effect, or application of this condition or of the amount of damages, recoverable by the school, the matter will be referred to Chairman, Managing Committee who in such matter and on such evidence or information, as he may think fit, gives his decision and that shall be final and binding on both the parties. 17. Termination: Without prejudice to rights under any other clause of the contract, the Principal may in the event of any breach of the conditions on the part of the contractor, cancel the contract and charge the contractor with any loss arising from such cancellation. 18. The school authorities will not be responsible for any labour problems, PF benefits admissible to the Employee(s) of the Contractor. 19. The prices and quality of goods sold will be fixed by the Committee appointed by the CMC/Principal and the licensee shall have to abide by the same. The rates of the items can be revised only after approval of the CMC. Samples and rate list of items sold in the shop to be displayed properly. No items other than those approved by the CMC shall be sold in the School. 20. The offers should be accompanied by a Bank draft/pay order towards earnest money for Rs10,000/- drawn in favour of “The Air Force School”. The amount will be forfeited if the applicant who is awarded the contract refuses to accept the contract. The offers not accompanied by Demand Draft/Pay order will not be considered. Contributions and other 21. In case of very good services rendered by the Party / Contractor the said contract may be extended for one more year with the sole discretion of Chairman, Managing Committee, Air Force Schools with an appropriate hike in rebate amount 22. Number of students : TAFS : 2800 Approx (25 Hostellers) CERTIFICATE Certified that I have read and understood the above conditions of the contract and agree to abide by them. Date : Signature of contractor QUOTATION FOR SCHOOL WELFARE CENTRE (CANTEEN WITH MESS) THE AIR FORCE SCHOOL Name of the Contractor: ____________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Item Qty. Rate Quoted Tea Ordinary Coffee (Nescafe) Samosa Vada 155 ml 155 ml 50 gm 25 gm Bread Pakora with Filling Spring Roll / Kati Roll Plain Dosa Masala Dosa Each Each 50 gm 75 gm 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Burger Veg. Patties Veg. Omelet one egg Bread slices Idly with sambar 90 gm 100 gm 14. Vada with Sambar 1 piece 15. Channa Kulcha /Pav Bhaji 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Cold Drink (no aerated drinks) Juice, Real Tropicana/ Mother Dairy tetra pack of flavoured milk Biscuits/ Hide & Seek, Bourbon Upma Cup C Cakes Sandwich (Veg) Each 21. Rajma Chawal Plate 22. Veg Bonda (01 piece) 23. Veg Hot Dog (01 piece) 24. Chole Bhature (01 plate 2 Nos) 25. Pav Bhaji (01 plate) 26. Lunch with chapatti Date: __________________ Each 1 piece Each Signature of the Contractor BOARDING HOUSE MENU OF TAFS Days Break Fast Tea 1100 hrs Sandwitch, Tea/Rasna/ Lemon-Water Monday Omletee, Cutlet, Toast Butter, Jam, Milk Tuesday Uttapam, Sambar, Chatni, Milk Biscuits, Tea/ Rasna/LemonWater Wednesday Omlette, Cutlet, toast Butter, Mixed Fruit Jam, Milk Bread Roll, Tea/Rasna/LemonWater Thursday Puri (5 each), chhole/Aloo, Milk or (any health drink) Samosa, Tea/ Rasna/Lemon Water Friday Omlette, Cutlet Toast Butter, Mixed Fruit Jam, Milk Sandwich, Tea/ Rasna/LemonWater Saturday Aloo Parantha (Gobhi & Onion), Pickle, Curd, Tea Spring Roll, Tea/ Rasna/Lemon Water Sunday Masala Dosa, Sambar Chatni, Coffee Dal Pakora, Tea/ Rasna, LemonWater Lunch Chapati, Rice, Aloomatar, curd, Salad, Fruit (Seasonal) Chapati, Rice, Mix Veg (Excluding Kaddu & Brinjal), Dal Makhani, Curd, Salad, Fruit (Seasonal) Chapati, Rice, Aloomatar, Rajma, Raita (onion, dhania, tomato, mirchi), Salad, Fruit (Seasonal) Chapati, Rice, Mix Veg, Chana Dal, Tarka, Fruit (Seasonal) Chapati, Rice, AlooPalak, Moong Dal, Curd, Salad, Fruit (Seasonal) ChholeBhature, Sawaiyaan, Salad (Onion, Hari Mirchi, Cucumber, Carrot) Chapati, Jeera Rice, Dal, KoftaCurry, Salad, Kheer Tea 1700 hrs Samosa/Tea, Rasna/LemonWater Bread Pakora/ Tea/Rasna/ Lemon-Water Dinner Chapati, Rice, Egg Curry, Veg Kofta, Arhar Dal, Sweet, Salad Chowmeen, Sweet & Sour Fruiti/ Appee/Others Sandwich/ Tea/Rasna/Lemonwater Parathas, Jeera Rice, Chicken Curry, Paneer Bhujia, Arahar Dal, Salad, Milk (for veg) Biscuits/Tea/ Rasna/LemonWater Chapati, PlainRice, Manchurian, Chhole, Jeera Rice Bread Roll/Tea/ Rasna/LemonWater Paranthas, Jeera Rice, Chilli-Chicken, Matar-Paneer, Chana Dal, Salad, Milk (for veg) Veg Briyani, Gravy, Bondi Raita, Sweets Samosa, Tea/Rasna/LemonWater Pastry, Tea/Rasna/ Lemon-Water Chapati, Jeera Rice, Mix Dal, Chilli Chicken, Sahi Paneer, Milk (for veg) SPECIAL DINNER MENU (REQUEST TO BE GIVEN IN EITHER THE FIRST OR LAST WEEK OF EACH MONTH) Chapati, Pulao, Dal Makhani (with butter) Veg: Paneer Butter Masala, Aloo Gobhi Dry Fried Subzi, Milk Non Veg: Chicken Butter Masala BOARDING HOUSE MENU OF TAFS DAYS Monday BREAKFAST Bread butter/Jam, Milk & cornflakes BREAK Bonda Lemonade /Tea Tuesday Vada &Sambar, Chutney Milk Bread Pakoda, Lemonade /Tea Wednesday Bread Cutlet, Milk Samosa, Lemonade Tea Thursday Bread, Dalia Burger,Lemonade Tea Friday Idli, Sambhar and Chutney;Milk Bread Roll,Lemonade Tea Saturday Boiled Eggs (Two) / Omlete & Chilka Bread, Milk Poori, Aloo Subji and Milk Lemonade Tea Sunday Lemonade Tea LUNCH Rice, Roti Fruit, Chana, Dal Bangan, Bhartha, Salad, Curd Rice, Roti Fruit, Rajma, Bhinde, Salad, Curd Rice, Roti Fruit, Kali Dal, Tinda Subzi, Salad, Curd Rice, Roti Fruit, Salad, seasonal mix Veg, Kala Chana, Curd Rice, Roti Fruit, chole, karela, Salad, Curd Rice, Roti Fruit, Aloo Palak, Salad, Curd Chiken/Paneer Biryani, Raita, Cold Drink/Ice Cream BREAK Samosa, Milk DINNER Mooki/Gobi Palak, Paratha, Pickle, Curd Biscuit, Milk Chilly Chiken/ Paneer, Frided Rice, Roti, Salad, Curd Sandwich, Milk Chilly Chiken/Paneer, Fried Rice,Roti, Salad, Curd Biscuit, Milk Rajma, Roti, Rice, Salad, Curd, Mixed vegetable Aloo Pakora, Milk Rice, Roti, Salad, Aloo Dum, Black Dal, curd. Muffins, Milk Aloo matar sabji, Rice, Roti, Veg mix, Salad, Custard,/Kheer/HALWA Spring Roll, Milk Rice, Roti, Chole, Veg (Carrot & Peas), Salad Appln No. : Cost: Rs.1000/- MANAGING COMMITTEE 2569 5178 AF SCHOOLS SUBROTO PARK , NEW DELHI – 110 010 (Note : Separate form to be used for each school for each service) TENDER FORM SCHOOL WELFARE CENTRE (UNIFORM SHOP) CONTRACT : 2015-16 To, Chairman, Managing Committee Air Force Schools Subroto Park, Delhi -110 010 Sir, 1. I / We the undersigned (hereinafter known as “The Contractor”) hereby apply for grant of license for running the School Welfare Centre (Uniform Shop) at The Air Force School (TAFS) . I also enclose the samples of each type of items clearly indicating name of the company whose cloth is used; code no, quality, GSM etc. The type of stitching, buttons used and pattern will be same as per the sample. 2. The items enumerated in the schedule against which we have fixed rates and for which this tender may be accepted, at the rates therein stated, subject to the conditions, herein set forth, at such times as may be ordered by the Principal or any Officer acting on his/her behalf, for a period from 16 Mar 2015 to 15 Mar 2016. I / We have read and understood the conditions of the contract. In case of any discrepancy/dispute or wrong/incorrect nomenclature in the schedule, the decision of Principal shall be final. I/We am/are also enclosing samples of items along with the quotation for your verification. 3. I/We undertake to pay Rs._________________________________ (Rupees _______________________________________________________________) per year as rebate to TAFS account for running the Welfare Centre (Uniform) at The Air Force School (TAFS). The Prices for the items to be sold are indicated separately in the schedule. 4. I have experience of _______ years for running the Uniform Shop at places / offices at: (a) (b) (c) 5. I enclose herewith Experience Certificate duly signed by Principal/the Manager of ___________________________________________________________________. 6. I am / We are enclosing herewith a demand draft / pay order bearing Sl No. …………….. dated……………. (Bank Name…………………………………………………. Branch Name……………………………………………..) for Rs.10,000/- drawn in favour of The Air Force School (TAFS)” towards Earnest Money (Refundable). I/We understand that the amount will be forfeited if the applicant who is awarded the contract refuses to accept the contract. 7. I / We understand that I / we shall have to deposit a Security Deposit @ 10% of the contract amount before signing of the “Deed of Licence” in case I am / We are awarded the contract. This deposit will not bear any interest and shall be refunded on termination of contract after adjusting dues, if any. 8. I / We undertake to pay the rebate in two Installments as under:(a) 50% of the Licence fee after award of contract and before signing the contract. (b) 50% of the Licence fee before 15 Oct 15 and for which a bank guarantee of the said account will be submitted. 9. I/We understand that the School will provide free shop space to the Contractor, but will not take any responsibility for safety and security of the stores of the Contractor. However, charges with regard to electricity consumed will be borne by the Contractor. 10. I / We understand that in the event of unsatisfactory services rendered by the Contractor, the Contract may be cancelled by the Management by giving a notice of one month. In case the Contractor wants to terminate the Contract, he will be required to give one months’ notice or a compensation of Rs.20,000/- p.m. for shortfall in notice period along-with remaining balance amount of rebate as per the contract. Following penal clauses will be invoked in case of default: (a) Monetary fine as penalty @ Rs.1000/- per week (between 01 Apr - 30 Jun). (b) Monetary fine as penalty @ Rs.1500/- per week from 01 Jul onwards. The penal amount needs to be paid in the school within a week of intimation failing which bank guarantee will be invoked. 11. In case the contract is awarded to me / us, I / We shall sign an agreement with the school on non-judicial stamp paper of Rupees Fifty Only before commencement of the contract. 12. In the event of a dispute between parties the decision of the Chairman Managing Committee will be final and binding on both the parties. 13. My/Our Permanent Account Numbers (PAN) is/are _________________________ / or I/We have attached a declaration on a stamped affidavit that I had no taxable income in the past five years (delete whichever is not applicable). 14. I / We _________________________ S/o _______________________________ Resident of (Local Address)_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (Permanent Address) ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ solemnly state that I have not so far been black-listed by any of the Institutions / Offices in which I/We have worked / run shops. Dated this _________________ day of _________________. CST No. (Compulsory)___________________ Signature of the Contractor(s) VAT No. (Compulsory)___________________ Address: PAN No. (Compulsory)___________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Witness:_____________________________ Address:_____________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Name / Occupation & Address of two References: Name: ……………………………………… Name: ……………………………………… Occupation: ……………………………….. Occupation:…………………………… ….. Address:…………………………………… Address:…………………………………… …………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… …..…………………………………………… CERTIFICATE I, Shri______________________________________ resident of ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ hereby solemnly agree to abide by the General Conditions enumerated above. Any break of the clause / clauses will render my contract null and void. Dated: _______________ Signature of the Contractor Witness No. 1 Witness No. 2 __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ (Name & Full Postal Address) (Name & Full Postal Address) GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR WELFARE CENTRE (UNIFORM) The Air Force School, Subroto Park, New Delhi 110 010 1. The decision to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons will remain with the BOO/Principal/Chairman. In case of any dispute, the decision of the CHAIRMAN, MANAGING COMMITTEE will be final and binding on all parties. 2. Tenders will be received till 1600 hours on 23 Feb 2015. Tenders should be deposited in the tender box at Office of CMC AF Schools, CSDO Complex, Subroto Park, New Delhi 110 010 (Phone: 01125695178) or forwarded in an envelope, duly sealed and annotated as such so as to reach it to the office of CMC on the stipulated time & date . 3. The schedule issued with this form must be completed by the tenderers. 4. Incomplete and incorrect tenders shall be rejected. 5. All personnel desirous of submitting tenders for shops are to make themselves conversant with the licence deed and model contract required to be signed by them. These are to be signed on Fifty Rupees judicial papers. 6. The intending tenderers can contact Admin Officers of respective schools on all working days to see the shop (space being offered) between 1230 hours and 1330 hours. No queries will be entertained beyond these hours. A sample of „Deed of License‟ is available with Adm Officer of the respective school. Contractors should read the same to avoid any future dispute. 7. Tenderers including present shopkeepers shall deposit a sum of Rs.10,000/- as Earnest Money by crossed bank drafts drawn in favour of respective schools i.e. The Air Force School. The earnest money will be returned without interest, if a tender is not accepted. The refund will only be made by crossed cheques and these will be dispatched by Registered Post at the address quoted by the tenderer on his tender form. In case of acceptance of tender, the earnest money will be adjusted against security deposit by the contractor. 8. The contractor will be provided rent free premises for running the shop. However, allied charges for electricity etc. will be borne by the contractor 9. Six monthly rebate amount is to be cleared on or before 16th of March / 15th of October failing which a penalty @ 18% penal interest per annum will be charged for the default. Failure to deposit rebate within another 2 months will debar him from any future contract. If the contractor fails to start his business or discontinues without notice of one month, his security will be forfeited and contract will be treated as cancelled. If any contractor wants to abandon the business he has to give one month‟s notice to the school along with remaining balance of rebate as per the Contract. 10. The tenders will be opened at 1100 hours on 02 Mar 2015 at Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, Subroto Park, New Delhi 110 010(Contact No- 011-25692819). The tenderers may be present at the time of opening the tenders. Name of the successful tenders will be intimated thorough registered post. 11. The Contractor shall not enter into any sub-contract. Those who are not likely to be available in person to run the business need not apply. The shop will be kept open as per the requirement of the school as specified by the Principal. 12. It would be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the get up and standard of fixtures in the shop would be comparable to the get up of any decent commercial outlet. All expenses in this connection would be borne by the Contractor. 13. The Contractor shall not offer or give or agree to give any person any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or for showing favour or disfavour to any person in relation to this or any other contract for school. 14. Any breach of the above conditions by the contractor or by any one employed by him or acting on behalf whether with or without the knowledge of the contractor shall entitle the school to cancel his contract and to recover from the contractor the amount of loss, if any, resulting from the cancellation. 15. Damage or Loss: The Contractor shall make good all damage / loss which may be caused by any act or default of the contractor, his agents or servants to any school property with the option to have damage or loss otherwise made good by charging the contractor with the expenses. Maintenance of the shops will be the responsibility of the contractor and no compensation will be paid for any alteration / addition made in the shop, with the permission of the Principal for which no claim will be entertained. 16. Any dispute or difference of opinion arising in respect of either interpretation, effect, or application of this condition or of the amount of damages, recoverable by the school, the matter will be referred to Chairman, Managing Committee who in such matter and on such evidence or information, as he may think fit, give his decision and that shall be final and binding on both the parties. 17. Termination: Without prejudice to rights under any other clause of the contract, the Principal may in the event of any breach of the conditions of the part of the contractor cancel the contract and charge the contractor with any loss arising from such cancellation. 18. The school authorities will not be responsible for any labour problems, PF Contributions and other benefits admissible to the Employee(s) of the Contractor. 19. The prices and quality of goods sold will be fixed by the Committee appointed by the CMC/Principal and the licensee shall have to abide by the same. The rates of the items can be revised only after approval of the CMC. Samples and rate list of items sold in the shop to be displayed properly. No items other than those approved by the CMC shall be sold in the School. 20. The offers should be accompanied by a Bank draft/pay order towards earnest money for Rs.10,000/- drawn in favour of “The Air Force School”. The amount will be forfeited if the applicant who is awarded the contract refuses to accept the contract. The offers not accompanied by Demand Draft/Pay order will not be considered. 21. 22. In case of very good services rendered by the Party / Contractor the said contract may be extended for one more year with the sole discretion of Chairman, Managing Committee, Air Force Schools with an appropriate hike in rebate amount Number of students: TAFS : 2800 Approx CERTIFICATE Certified that I have read and understood the above conditions of the contract and agree to abide by them. Date : Signature of contractor QUOTATION FOR WELFARE CENTRE : SCHOOL UNIFORM (SUMMER) The Air Force School (TAFS) Name of Contractor : ……………………………………………………………………… Address :……………………………………………………………………………………. Navy Blue Shorts T/C Size S Kumar (Scholar) Rate JCT (3147) Rate Sangam Mills, Rate 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Bhilwara (Unmol) Navy Blue Skirt T/C (Divided) Size S Kumar (Scholar) Rate JCT (3147) Rate Sangam Mills, Rate 18 20 22 24 26 20 22 24 26 28 Bhilwara (Unmol) Tunic Navy Blue Size S Kumar Rate OCM Rate 30 32 34 36 20 Light Blue Shirts (H/S) Size S Kumar (Scholar) Rate JCT (3147) Rate Sangam Mills, Rate 27 28 29 30 32 34 36 38 Bhilwara (Unmol) Light Blue Shirt (F/S) Size S Kumar (Scholar) Rate JCT (3147) Rate Sangam Mills, Rate 34 36 38 40 42 44 Bhilwara (Unmol) Navy Blue Trousers Size S Kumar (Scholar) Rate JCT (3147) Rate Sangam Mills, Rate 32 34 36 38 40 42 2 3 4 5 6 Gents Bhilwara (Unmol) Socks (All Double) Size Rate 44 40 42 44 Belt Size (Cloth) Rate 30 33 38 Gola Shoes (Black & White) : _____________________ Action Shoes (Black & White) : ______________________ Model No. 1258 Lab Coat F/S S Kumar(Drill) H/S JCT (Drill) Rate Sangam Mills Rate Bhilwara (Drill) Turban Patka : ___________________ Navy Blue Tie Knotted 42-45 48 54 Rate (in Rs.) T-shirt (White/Coloured) Size Cotton, Out side acrylic GSM 220-230 (60% polyester, 40 % cotton) Rate 34 36 38 40 42 44 Track Suit (Imported super poly, 100% polyester, inner cotton brushing, GSM 230-240, School Logo embroidery, 20,000 stitches (approx), Size 34 36 38 40 42 44 Rear side of the track suit top is to be printed with school name) Rate Name Tab (Plastic) Date: Signature of Contractor QUOTATION FOR SCHOOL WELFARE CENTRE( UNIFORM ) (WINTER UNIFORM) Name of Contractor : ……………………………………………………………………… Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………… Shirts Light Blue F/S Size S Kumar (Scholar) Rate JCT (3147) Rate Sangam Mills, Rate 27 28 29 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 38 40 42 44 Bhilwara (Unmol) Trouser Woollen Size Essma Rate OCM Rate Any other Rate Tunic Woollen Size Essma Rate OCM Rate Any other Rate Skirt Woollen Divided Size Essma Rate OCM Rate 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 24 26 28 30 32 34 18 20 22 24 26 28 36 38 Any other Rate Navy Blue Blazer Size with Crest (Length) Essma Rate OCM Rate Any other Rate 18 Navy Blue Blazer Size with Crest (Length) – Essma Rate OCM Rate Any other Rate School Crest for Blazer Sweater (F/s) Size (Oswal) Rate Sweater (H/S) Size (Oswal) Rate 20 30 21 22 23 24 31 32 33 34 28 30 32 25 35 26 27 36 28 29 37 Rs. 24 24 26 26 28 30 32 34 34 36 38 40 42 44 36 38 40 42 44 Socks Woolen Size (Boys) Rate Woollen Stocking 2 Size 3 2 4 5 6 Gents 3 4 5 6 26 28 30 32 Full Size Rate JACKET Size 24 34 36 38 Rate Date: Contractor Signature of 40 42 44 Cost: Rs.1000/- MANAGING COMMITTEEApplication No. : 2569 5178 AF SCHOOLS SUBROTO PARK , NEW DELHI - 110 010 (Note : service) Separate form to be used for each school for each TENDER FORM SCHOOL WELFARE CENTRE (BOOK SHOP) CONTRACT : 2015-2016 To, Chairman, Managing Committee Air Force Schools Subroto Park, Delhi -110 010 Sir, 1. I / We the undersigned (hereinafter known as “The Contractor”) hereby apply for grant of license for running the School Welfare Centre (Book Shop) at ______________________________ ( Write name of the school & use separate tender form for each school from the following list ) I also enclose the samples of each type of items clearly indicating name of the company, GSM of the paper etc. (a) Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, Subroto Park, New Delhi – 110 010 2. The items enumerated in the schedule against which we have fixed rates and for which this tender may be accepted, at the rates therein stated, subject to the conditions, herein set forth, at such times as may be ordered by the Principal or any Officer acting on his/her behalf, for a period from 16 Mar 2015 to 15 Mar 2016. I / We have read and understood the conditions of the contract. In case of any discrepancy/dispute or wrong/incorrect nomenclature in the schedule, the decision of Principal shall be final. I am also enclosing samples of items along with the quotation for your verification. 3. The MRP for the items listed in Part II & III of list to be sold are indicated separately in the schedule. I undertake the following:(a) To sell the NCERT books at the MRP rates printed on the book. (b) To give 10% discount on printed MRP of all Private publishers‟ books. (c) In addition Rs. ____________ will charge towards the plastic cover for text books. (d) To supply the latest edition of all the books. (e) I undertake to pay Rs._________________________________ (Rupees _______________________________________________________________) per year as rebate to Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute account for running the Welfare Centre (Books) at AFGJI. 4. I have experience of _______ years for running the Book Shop at places / offices at: (a) (b) (c) 5. I/We enclose herewith Experience Certificate duly signed by The Principal/ The Manager of ___________________________________________________________________. 6. I am / We are enclosing herewith a demand draft / pay order bearing Sl No. …………….. dated……………. (Bank Name…………………………………………………. Branch Name……………………………………………..) for Rs 10,000/- drawn in favour of ““Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, Subroto Park” towards Earnest Money (Refundable). I/We understand that the amount will be forfeited if the applicant who is awarded the contract refuses to accept the contract. 7. I / We understand that I / we shall have to deposit a Security Deposit @ 10% of the contract amount before signing of the “Deed of Licence” in case I am / We are awarded the contract. This deposit will not bear any interest and shall be refunded on termination of contract after adjusting dues, if any. 8. I / We undertake to pay the rebate in two Installments as under:(c) 50% of the licence fee after award of contract and before signing the contract. (d) 50% of the licence fee before 15 Oct 2015 and for which a bank guarantee of the said amount will be submitted by the contractor. 9. I/We understand that the School will provide free shop space to the Contractor, but will not take any responsibility for safety and security of the stores of the Contractor. However, charges with regard to electricity consumed will be borne by the Contractor. 10. I / We understand that in the event of unsatisfactory services rendered by the Contractor, the Contract may be cancelled by the Management by giving a notice of one month. In case the Contractor wants to terminate the Contract, he will be required to give one months’ notice or a compensation of Rs.20,000/- p.m. for shortfall in notice period along-with remaining balance amount of rebate as per the contract. Following penal clauses will be invoked in case of default: (a) Monetary fine as penalty @ Rs.1000/- per week (between 01 Apr - 30 Jun). (b) Monetary fine as penalty @ Rs.1500/- per week from 01 Jul onwards. The penal amount needs to be paid in the school within a week of intimation failing which bank guarantee will be invoked. 11. In case the contract is awarded to me / us, I / we shall sign an agreement with the school on nonjudicial stamp paper of Rupees 100/- Only before commencement of the contract. 12. In the event of a dispute between parties the decision of the Chairman Managing Committee will be final and binding on both the parties. 13. My/Our Permanent Account Number(s) (PAN) is/are _________________________ / or I/We have attached a declaration on a stamped affidavit that I/we had no taxable income in the past five years (delete whichever is not applicable). 14. I / We _________________________ S/o _______________________________ Resident of (Local Address)_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (Permanent Address) ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ solemnly state that I have not so far been black-listed by any of the Institutions / Offices in which I have worked / run shops. Dated this _________________ day of _________________. CST No. (Compulsory)___________________ Signature of the Contractor VAT No. (Compulsory)___________________ Address: PAN No. (Compulsory)___________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Witness:_____________________________ Address:_______________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Name / Occupation & Address of two References: Name: ……………………………………… Name: ……………………………………… Occupation: ……………………………….. Occupation:…………………………… ….. Address:…………………………………… Address:…………………………………… …………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… …..…………………………………………… CERTIFICATE I, Shri______________________________________ resident of ______________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ hereby solemnly agree to abide by the General Conditions enumerated above. Any break of the clause / clauses will render this contract null and void. Dated: _______________ Signature of the Contractor Witness No. 1 Witness No. 2 __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ (Name & Full Postal Address) (Name & Full Postal Address) GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT FOR WELFARE CENTRE (BOOKS) Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, Subroto Park, New Delhi 110 010 1. Separate Tender Forms are required to be submitted for each school for each services. 2. The decision to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons will remain with the Principal. In case of any dispute, the decision of the CHAIRMAN, MANAGING COMMITTEE will be final and binding on all parties. 3. Tenders will be received till 1600 hours on 23 Feb 15. Tenders should be deposited in the tender box at Office of CMC, CSDO Complex, Subroto Park, New Delhi 110 010 or forwarded in an envelope, duly sealed and annotated as such so as to reach to Office of the CMC, Subroto Park, New Delhi on the stipulated time & date . 4. The schedule issued with this form must be completed by the tenderers. 5. Incomplete and incorrect tenders shall be rejected. 6. All personnel desirous of submitting tenders for shops are to make themselves conversant with the licence deed and model contract required to be signed by them. These are to be signed on hundred Rupees judicial papers. 7. The intending tenderers can contact Admin Officers of respective schools on all working days to see the shop (space being offered) between 1230 hours to 1330 hours. No queries will be entertained beyond these hours. A sample of „Deed of License‟ is available with Adm Officer of the respective school. Contractors should read the same to avoid any future dispute. 8. Tenderers including present shopkeepers shall deposit a sum of Rs.10,000/- as Earnest Money by crossed bank drafts drawn in favour of Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute . The earnest money will be returned without interest if a tender is not accepted. The refund will only be made by crossed cheques and these will be dispatched by Registered Post at the address quoted by the tenderer on his tender form. 9. In case of acceptance of tender, the earnest money will be adjusted against security deposit by the contractor. The contractor will be provided shop premises for running the shops, rent free. 10. Six monthly rebate amount is to be cleared on or before 15th of March / 15th of October failing which a penalty @ 18% penal interest per annum will be charged for the default. Failure to deposit rebate within another 2 months will debar him from any future contract. If the contractor fails to start his business or discontinues without notice of one month, his security will be forfeited and contract will be treated as cancelled. If any contractor wants to abandon the business he has to give one months notice to the school along with remaining balance of rebate as per the Contract. 11. The tenders will be opened at 1100 hours on 02 Mar 15 at Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, Subroto Park, New Delhi 110 010. The tenderers may be present at the time of opening the tenders. Name of the successful tenders will be intimated through registered post. 12. The Contractor shall not enter into any sub-contract. Those who are not likely to be available in person to run the business need not apply. The shop will be kept open as per the requirement of the school as specified by the Principal. 13. It would be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that the get up and standard of fixtures in the shop would be comparable to the get up of any decent commercial outlet. All expenses in this connection would be borne by the Contractor. 14. The Contractor shall not offer or give or agree to give any person any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or for showing favour or disfavour to any person in relation to this or any other contract for school. 15. Any breach of the above conditions by the contractor or by any one employed by him or acting on behalf whether with or without the knowledge of the contractor shall entitle the school to cancel his contract and to recover from the contractor the amount of loss, if any, resulting from the cancellation. 16. Damage or Loss: The Contractor shall make good all damage / loss which may be caused by any act or default of the contractor, his agents or servants to any school property with the option to have damage or loss otherwise made good by charging the contractor with the expenses. Maintenance of the shops will be the responsibility of the contractor and no compensation will be paid for any alteration / addition made in the shop, with the permission of the Principal for which no claim will be entertained. 17. Any dispute or difference of opinion arising in respect of either interpretation, effect, or application of this condition or of the amount of damages, recoverable by the school, the matter will be referred to Chairman, Managing Committee who in such matter and on such evidence or information, as he may think fit, give his decision and that shall be final and binding on both the parties. 18. At the outlet for the school books, the Contractor has to sell the prescribed NCERT books and other books as authorised by the Management. 19. Termination: Without prejudice to rights under any other clause of the contract, the Principal may in the event of any breach of the conditions of the part of the contractor cancel the contract and charge the contractor with any loss arising from such cancellation. 20. The school authorities will not be responsible for any labour problems, PF benefits admissible to the Employee(s) of the Contractor. 21. The prices and quality of goods sold will be fixed by the Committee appointed by the CMC/Principal and the licensee shall have to abide by the same. The rates of the items can be revised only after approval of the CMC. Samples and rate list of items sold in the shop to be displayed properly. No items other than those approved by the CMC shall be sold in the School. 22. The offers should be accompanied by a Bank draft/payorder towards earnest money for Rs10, 000/- drawn in favour of “Air Force Golden Jubilee Institute, Subroto Park”. The amount will be forfeited if the applicant who is awarded the contract refuses to accept the contract. The offers not accompanied by Demand Draft/Pay order will not be considered. 23. In case of very good services rendered by the Party / Contractor the said contract may be extended for one more year with the sole discretion of Chairman, Managing Committee, Air Force Schools with an appropriate hike in rebate amount 24 Contributions, and other Number of students: AFGJI: 2200 Approx CERTIFICATE Certified that I have read and understood the above conditions of the contract and agree to abide by them. Date: contractor Signature of LIST FOR WELFARE CENTRE (BOOK SHOP) AIR FORCE GOLDEN JUBILEE INSTITUTE (AFGJI) Sl. No. Item No of Pages Size of Pages 1. 2. Four Line Practical Copies/Normal also Double Line Practical Copies/Normal also 64 pages 64 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 24 cms X 18.5 cms 3. 4. Broad Line Practical Copies/Normal also Medium Square Practical Copies 64 pages 64 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 24 cms X 18.5 cms 5. Small Square Practical Copies 64 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 6. Interleaf Geometry 64 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 7. Single Line Test Copy 32 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 8. Single Line 64 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 9. Single Line 96 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 10. Register (Single line ) 112 pages 30.5 cms X 18.5 cms 11. Register (Single line) 192 pages 30.5 cms X 18.5 cms 12. Register (Single line) 240 pages 30.5 cms X 18.5 cms 13. Register (Single line) 288 pages 30.5 cms X 18.5 cms 14. Engineer Drawing Set (For TAFS only) Each 15. Dissection Set Each 16. Colour Box (Crayons/pencils) Each 17. Geometry Box Each 18. Colour Tubes Each 19. Pencils Each 20. NCERT Books Each 21. Printed brown cover for Note Books Each 22. 23. Printed brown cover for (Laminated) Plastic Binding Small Size 24. Plastic Binding Medium / Large Each 25. All other Stationery Items A4 Size Paper Chart Paper Poster paper Glace paper Plastic Cover Sheet Note Book Size Each 128 Pages 28. Practical Copies Physics / Chemistry/Bio (Standard Size) Practical Copies 192 pages Standard Size 29. Practical File (Bio cover) Each Standard Size 30. Practical File (Geography) Each Standard Size 26. 27. Note Books Quality of paper 60 GSM Paper Each Each 140 GSM Each Rate Quoted 31. Name Sticker Each 32. 24 sheets 10.75X8.25 34 Drawing Sheet Packet (Size & quality of paper) Reference Books (How much discount on the listed price) Pencil Box (With School Logo) 35 Drawing note book small 64 pages 26.5 cms X21.5 cms 36 File Cover with school logo for A4 size paper 33. Date: __________________ 140 GSM Signature of the Contractor LIST FOR WELFARE CENTRE (BOOK SHOP) AIR FORCE GOLDEN JUBILEE INSTITUTE (AFGJI)/ Sl. No. Item No of Pages Discount Sl. No. 4. 5. Four Line Practical Copies/Normal also Double Line Practical Copies/Normal also PART - I Each Each Each PART II No of Pages 64 pages 64 pages 6. 7. Broad Line Practical Copies/Normal also Medium Square Practical Copies 64 pages 64 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 24 cms X 18.5 cms 8. Small Square Practical Copies 64 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 9. Interleaf Geometry 64 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 10. Single Line Test Copy 32 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 11. Single Line 64 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 12. Single Line 96 pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 13. Register (Single line ) 112 pages 30.5 cms X 18.5 cms 14. Register (Single line) 192 pages 30.5 cms X 18.5 cms 15. Register (Single line) 240 pages 30.5 cms X 18.5 cms 16. Register (Single line) 288 pages 30.5 cms X 18.5 cms 17. Printed brown cover for Note Books Each 18. Printed brown cover (Laminated) Practical Copies 1. 2. 3. 19. 20. NCERT Books Text Books of Private Publishers Reference Books (Optional) Item for Note Books No 10% 10% Size of Pages 24 cms X 18.5 cms 24 cms X 18.5 cms Each 192 pages 21. Practical Copies Physics / Chemistry/Bio (Standard Size) Drawing note book small 22. Engineer Drawing Set (For TAFS only) Each 23. Dissection Set Each 24. Colour Box (Crayons/pencils) Each 25. Geometry Box Each 26. Colour Tubes Each 27. Pencils Each 28. Plastic Binding Small Size Each 29. Plastic Binding Medium / Large Each Standard Size 128 Pages 64 pages PART -III 26.5 cms X21.5 cms Quality of paper 60 GSM Paper Rate Quoted 30. Each 31. All other Stationery Items A4 Size Paper Chart Paper Poster paper Glace paper Plastic Cover Sheet Note Book Size 32. Practical File (Bio cover) Each Standard Size 33. Practical File (Geography) Each Standard Size 34. Name Sticker Each 35. 24 sheets 36. Drawing Sheet Packet (Size & quality of paper) Pencil Box (With School Logo) 37. File Cover with school logo for A4 size paper Date: __________________ 140 GSM Each 10.75X8.25 140 GSM Signature of the Contractor
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