Aberfoyle Park High School Newsletter Taylors Road East Aberfoyle Park 5159 Phone: 8270 4455 Email: info@aphs.sa.edu.au Website: www.aphs.sa.edu.au Diary Dates February 26 Yr 11 Aquatics Camp Yr 12 Parent Acquaintance Evening 6.30pm-‐7.45pm March 9 10 13 17 26 30-‐31 3 6 7 9 10 Adelaide Cup Public Holiday Pupil Free Day Finance Mtg 6.30pm Governing Council Mtg 7.30pm Sports Day Open Night Special Day: Yr 9/10/11 Yr 9 Drama Production April Good Friday Easter Monday Interview night 8-‐12 RAP Program: Yr 11 Early dismissal 2.15pm 27 30 April-‐Term 2 Anzac A ssembly L3 Yr 8 Immunisation May 1 8 12 12-‐14 Yr 9/10 Aquatics Camp Generations in Jazz Ignite Testing Finance Mtg 6.30pm Governing Council Mtg 7.30pm NAPLAN WELCOME TO 2015 We had a great start to the 2015 school year with Day 1 dedicated to our 220 Year 8 students who had the run of the school and our year 12s who spent the day at Flinders University. Day 2 saw everyone return and I would like to commend students and staff for the exceptionally positive start to the year. I especially welcome all the new year 8 students and their families, other new students and their families at each year level and the new staff and of course a warm welcome back to our continuing students, families and staff. 2015 remains dedicated to improving student learning outcomes through a relentless focus on quality teaching and learning. Staff committed enormous amounts of time in 2014 to Australian Curriculum (AC) implementation and 2015 will see this process continue with all learning areas now implementing the AC. I congratulate the following students for their outstanding achievements in 2014 School Dux: Daniel Bell with an ATAR of 99.55, School Based Apprentice of the Year – Ari Molzer (Certificate IV in Programming) and SAFTS Vocational Student of the Year – Gemma Brandenburg (Small Business). Other Year 12 students with outstanding academic achievement were: Ashleigh Lane Ashwini Chettiar Chloe Lorimer Braden Wood Dayle Arblaster Caleb Mercer 99.35 96.05 92.55 92.30 91.35 90.20 Lara Junghardt Tyler Marchiori Shabnam Kashef Austin Gordon Zachariah Hondrou 97.45 93.10 92.30 91.40 90.50 These students are to be commended for their hard work and effort throughout their time at Aberfoyle Park High School. It is imperative that we also recognize and acknowledge all students who successfully completed their SACE. Success is not only measured by a numeric value, but how well a student manages to achieve their personal best. We welcome a number of new staff to the school including: Adam Broughton Sue Burford Heather Carter Brooke Curtin Siobhan Docherty Ellen Glass Ranga Gunasekara Andrew Harris Chris Jones Inside this issue: Year 12 News – Attendance Reminders – Thread APP -‐ STEM@APHS -‐ Year 8 Camp – Animals Anonymous – Immunisation Program Issue 1, February 2015 HASS / Home Ec Student Services English / Research Project Dance/Drama/Art Youth Worker HASS/English IT Technician HASS Ma/Sc/Eng Marco Juric Kathyrn Lamb Marcus Sheehan Tess Peterson Shannyn Siemens Catharine Watson Sally Wilson Kellie Woolford Provider Name: Department for Education and Child Development T/A South Australian Government Schools CRICOS Provider No. 00018A HPE Learning Support/FLO SSO Ma/Sc LIFT / Learning Support Ma/Sc HASS/PLP Learning Support Coordinator Eng/HASS Liz Mead Issue 1, February 2015 YEAR 12 STUDENTS’ ORIENTATION DAY Tuesday 27th January 2015 was the first day back for our new cohort of year 12 students and was spent at Flinders University, for the annual Orientation Day. 180 students and Advisor Teachers boarded the buses at school, and arrived at Flinders, ready for a day’s program of events including presentations by members of the Senior Team, guest speakers and former APHS year 12 students and morning tea provided by the University. The students were informed about important matters pertaining to their final year of secondary schooling. Students then listened keenly to an address by Philip Guerin, Student Advisor at Flinders; to the “Approaches to Learning”, Kristin Vonney, Project Officer for Science Education in the 21st Century; and finally to an interesting address given by an inspirational PhD student from Flinders, Rebecca Flower. Orientation Day traditionally includes academically successful, past Aberfoyle Park High School students speaking to small groups of students about “What to expect in Year 12” and “How to avoid some of the pitfalls”. On the day we were delighted to listen to words of wisdom imparted by Ashwini Chettiar (2014 School Captain), Daniel Bell (2014 Dux of the School) and Tyler Marchiori. This first day to a brand new school year was spent productively, and deemed a successful, enjoyable beginning to Year 12, setting the tone, and outlining the expectations of our students, and giving them all the experience of spending a day at a tertiary institution. Nina Mlynowskyj IMPORTANT REMINDERS RE ATTENDANCE At APHS student attendance is recorded for every lesson using DayMap and parents, caregivers and students can check this by logging into DayMap. Attendance and punctuality every day for every lesson is important and is reflected in student achievement. It also establishes good work habits in terms of punctuality and attendance. Prospective employers always look at these two aspects as it gives them an understanding of a young person’s reliability. We know at times students are tempted to stay home to “catch up” on work but this can then lead to a cycle of falling further behind as they then miss what happens in class and this causes further stress. If you think this is occurring please let the Home Group teacher know and this can be addressed through a range of support / intervention processes that we can do at school. We ask for your support in, where possible, making appointments out of school hours or in the school holidays to support full attendance at school and also notifying us if your child is absent. Parents / Caregivers Responsibilities • Please encourage and support attendance and punctuality • If you child is absent please inform the school: • Email Student Reception: studrec@aphs.sa.edu.au • Phone: 8270 4455 press 1 • Email your child’s home group teacher: firstname.lastname@aphs.sa.edu.au • Check the DayMap Parent Portal regularly to monitor attendance. Click on the “Daymap Connect” link https://daymap.aphs.sa.edu.au/daymapconnect • Let the school know if you think there are any issues causing absenteeism or a reluctance to attend. Leigh Charlesworth and Carol Davey are the Counsellors. They can be contacted via email on: Leigh.Charlesworth@aphs.sa.edu.au or Carol.Davey@aphs.sa.edu.au THREAD APP - a new tool to help keep children and young people safe A new personal safety app which enables children and other users to send emergency alerts and broadcast their GPS location to trusted contacts has been released. The Thread app – developed by the Carly Ryan Foundation (CRF) with funding from the State Government and Google – is the latest in a range of measures to improve children and young people’s safety in South Australia. The app will help children and young people become more educated and aware of their personal safety, giving parents discreet contact with their children when they’re not in a supervised environment. The Thread app is available for Apple users via the Apple App Store. An app designed for Android devices is expected to be available to download on the Google YEAR 12 PARENT ACQUAINTANCE EVENING On Thursday 26th February from 6.30 – 7.45 pm, we will be hosting a Year 12 Parent Acquaintance Evening at the school. A number of speakers will address parents about Senior School expectations, VET and University Pathways and processes we have in place to support students. There will be an opportunity for you to meet your child’s Advisor Teacher and Year 12 subject teachers. Drinks and nibbles will be provided. An email was sent to students with further information about the evening and details about registering your attendance. If your child did not receive this email or did not advise you about this event, please contact Mary Smith via email who will ensure you receive this information. Mary.Smith@aphs.sa.edu.au The Senior School Team looks forward to meeting with you on the night. Warren Eaton Issue 1, February 2015 PARENT INFO EVENING AT FLINDERS UNIVERSITY 11th MARCH 2015 The Parent Information Evening at Flinders University is designed to provide parents and families with helpful, practical tips on supporting students in years 11 and 12, with a particular focus on providing support across the areas of science and maths. Speakers will cover topics including careers in science and engineering; managing stress and how to support someone who is stressed; and tips on effective studying. To reserve a place, please visit website: www.flinders.edu.au/science_engineering/events/parent-information-evenings.cfm Any enquiries please contact Flinders - silc@flinders.edu.au or 7221 8661 STEM@APHS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING & MATHEMATICS With such a packed STEM agenda we couldn't fit it all in the last Newsletter, so here is a quick rundown of some of the activities that took place towards the end of last year. 2014 Concept 2 Creation Expo, Golden Grove Pictured below, APHS students presenting at the Expo conducted at the Golden Grove Arts Centre. C2C has continued in the IGNITE program as a project based activity whereby small groups of students use project management processes to develop a product or service from concept to creation. With the use of industry experience and assistance the students have taken on a wide variety of challenges, including the Mars Exploration Design Challenge, Eco VOLT Challenge and the SA Power Networks Drone Challenge. SMAF ORIENTATION DAY AT FLINDERS UNIVERSITY This year, 44 APHS students will be studying Stage 2 Specialist Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics at Flinders University. Last year’s SMAF O Day gave our students the chance to meet their teachers who are delivering these subjects in 2015 at Flinders University. The day provided students with the opportunity to enrol in Flinders on Line (FLO) and the University Library. Students also took part in Science and Maths workshops. In the afternoon parents were invited to attend an information session as well as tour the facilities our students will utilize during their study. Problem Based Learning Expo at the Australian Science and Maths School 2014 Students explained their findings investigations and from research into Energy Efficient House Design at this event in November 2014. They studied the ways in which the principles of conduction, convection and radiation could be addressed in order to keep their houses cool in summer and warm in winter. The comments from the judges on our students work reflected our student’s passion and confidence, good use of technology to gather and present data, and how clearly they had explained solutions to practical problems. Programming Challenge 4 Girls at the University of Adelaide 2014 This event provided the opportunity for Year 9 girls who are interested in IT to have a look at computer programming using simple visual programming tools including Scratch and Alice. CSI APHS 2014 Mr Jak Haggett’s Year 10 sleuths were engaged in solving another crime as part of their study of Forensic Science. After carefully collecting evidence from the ‘crime scene’ students conducted a series of analytical tests such as chromatography and blood typing. They also examined blood spatter patterns, fingerprints, and samples of handwriting and listened to eyewitness testimonies. 2015 is shaping up to be just as busy as 2014, in this semester Year 10 students get a taste of STEM at Flinders University, and the University of Adelaide host the Young Women in Technology Experience and UniTech. Issue 1, February 2015 YEAR 8 CAMP This year the year 8 classes went to a camp at 'El Shaddai'. Throughout this camp we did several activities such as; the giant swing, rock climbing, canoeing and many more. I really enjoyed this camp as the food was really good and healthy and all the activities not only gave us a lot of fitness but also caused us all to create new friendships. My favourite part of this camp was the rock climbing and canoeing as both activities required teamwork and strategy. My least favourite part of camp was that we all had to go to bed so early (10pm), but most of the camp was really fun and I would go back again. Zoe Christie For year 8 camp we went to El Shaddi. When we got there we were told to get into groups of 4-6. Well I didn’t really know anyone there except for two of my friends which meant that we only had three people. Luckily Ms Grava saw us and saw another group of three girls and put us together. After about an hour we had become best friends! That night we met some boys that were in the same home group as our friends so we played soccer and after a little while we all became friends. It was really funny because we have friends that are from all over the world. It was great the activities were really good and some of them pushed you out of your comfort zone which is great. Everything was really fun and interesting. I wish I could go there again! Lizzy Maher ANIMALS ANONYMOUS On Monday 9th of February, Adrian from Animals Anonymous came to APHS, to show the international students some Australian animals. First he showed us a Tawny Frogmouth, which lives in gum trees. Then he showed us a Blue Tongue Lizard, which is the food of the Tawny Frogmouth. He also showed us a Bettong which is related to Wombats and Kangaroos. There are no Bettongs living in the wild in South Australia and there are only 60 in the whole world. He also had some Dragons and a Sugar Glider which is also nearly extinct. It was a very nice experience to see and touch some Australian animals. Niklas Twesten Brecht Schule, Germany 2015 IMMUNISATION PROGRAM The City of Onkaparinga is again, offering a school based Immunisation Program in 2015. It consists of three visits provided free at the school. All Year 8’s will have received an Immunisation Pack at the start of week 2 term 1 2015 during home group. Please check with your child if you have not received the pack or know nothing about it. The Year 9 Program is nonoperational as of 2015. 1st Visit – Thursday 30th April (Week 1 Term 2) All Year 8: HPV dose 1 All Year 8: Varicella 2nd Visit – Thursday 25th June (Week 9 Term 2) All Year 8: HPV dose 2 3rd Visit – Thursday 29th October (Week 3 Term 4) All Year 8: HPV dose 3 Joff Sander PASTORAL CARE WORKER Position Vacant Advertisement (Previously known as “School Chaplain”) ABERFOYLE PARK HIGH SCHOOL Address: Taylors Road, Aberfoyle Park SA 5159 Schools Ministry Group along with the Aberfoyle Park Schools Ministry Network are seeking applications for this 8 to 10 hour per week position, commencing Term 2, 2015. The position exists to offer support to students, staff and the school community. A Job and Person Specification, including details on “How to Apply”, is available from Schools Ministry Group on 8378 6800 or mail@smg.asn.au Closing date: Monday 23rd February, 5 pm JUNIOR BASKETBALL SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Monday evenings during school terms 4pm-5pm Age 6-9 5pm-6pm Age 10-13 $5 per class per child REGISTER NOW Hub Recreation Centre 8270 1360
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