EPPING HIGH STANDARD T H E N E WS L ET T E R OF E PPI NG B O Y S H I G H Telephone: 9869 2701 | Fax: 9868 1198 | Email: eppingboy-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au | Website: www.eppingboy-h.schools.nsw.edu.au Issue No: 1 – 17 February, 2015 IMPORTANT DATES 17 February Year 7 Parent Social Evening 23 February Swimming Carnival From the Principal - Tim O’Brien Welcome to 2015 A special welcome to our Year 7 boys, new boys into other years and their parents and carers. After a highly successful 2014, we all have new Everests to scale in 2015. 26 February Year 7 2016 Information Evening 27 February Years 7 and 8 vaccinations 2 March P & C AGM 4 March School Auxiliary AGM 6 March Zone Swimming Carnival 11 March Year 9 Camp 23 March Year 12 Half Yearly Exams begin 26 March Year 10 Canberra Trip 30 March P & C General Meeting 1April School Auxiliary Meeting 2 April Last day of Term 1 20 April Staff Development Day 21 April School resumes - Term 2 24 April Cross Country Carnival 27 April Year 11 Half Yearly Exams begin 4 May Year 10 Half Yearly Exams begin HSC 2014 Our boys performed exceptionally well and their teachers and parents/carers should be proud of their individual and whole cohort achievements. Congratulations to Declan Noble on topping the year with an ATAR of 99.9. On 17 February at 9.30am we held our High Achievers Assembly to recognise the individual success of our highest achievers. A full summary of our results is in this newsletter. To all boys who sat the HSC, if you believe your efforts reflected “excellence” and the result was your personal best, then well done. If you are disappointed with your effort and results, then view it as positive feedback, not failure, to prepare you for your next challenges. Student Attendance A new DEC attendance policy is now in operation. A major change is that requests for leave (domestic or international holidays, family visits, bereavements etc.) now equate to absences justified or unjustified. Exemptions can no longer be granted for holiday and travel. A link will be placed on the school website. Camp Currently Years 7, 9 and 11 have 3-day camps, presently taking place in Term 1 each year. A major change for 2015 is that the Year 11 camp, just completed, will no longer occur. In place, Year 10 will have a camp in Term 4, Week 10 this year and in future years. The main reasons for this are: Year 11 is a 3 term year and we are attempting to minimise disruptions to the teaching and learning of the boys where we can. As you know we are a very busy school. The timing in Year 10 at the end of Term 4 is after assessment periods have finished and ROSA grades have been entered. Information on the camp will be sent out this term and parents can make payments throughout the year to avoid a lump sum cost. I remind all that students are expected to be at school until Wednesday 16 December in Week 11. Also in Week 10 study skill lessons will take place at school to prepare the boys for their Preliminary and HSC years of study. PAGE | 1 PAGE | 2 PAGE | 3 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE Deputy Principal Senior School - Ian Lowcock Welcome back to 2015. I hope the Christmas, New Year and holiday periods were enjoyable and refreshing and everyone is ready for the year ahead. Year 12 of 2014 maintained the high standards and in some cases exceeded the previous cohort’s fine results with an extremely successful set of HSC results. Class of 2015 - the challenge has been set for you! The first three weeks of school have been completed and as is the tradition, Year 11 attended their year camp. With a new intake of 30 boys into the year group, the camp gives the boys the chance to not only complete some of the Crossroad activities as required by BOSTES, but also allows the forming of some new or re-establishing some old friendships. Thanks to all teachers who gave up their time to supervise and facilitate. There have been some changes in staff. In the executive, Mr Garvey (HT Maths) has been promoted from Head Teacher to Principal of Tullibigeal; Mr Martin and Ms Howard are sharing the roles of HT Welfare and Head Teacher Secondary Studies. Amongst our classroom teachers, we welcome Mr Hartshorn as a member of staff in History and LOTE; Mr Monsted in History (for Ms Forrest while she is on maternity leave); Mrs Barui in Science; and Mr Leggo (another former student of the school) in Science. Once again this year, many students have been considering their elective options and their levels of study, and seeking advice from their classroom teachers and the Head Teachers/Deputies to help them choose the right path of study in the coming year. I thank the boys for their patience when I was away sick in Week 2 and thank Ms Kathryn (HT CAPA and in charge of timetabling) and my fellow deputy, Mr David, in assisting to keep the changes going through. This has made the usual busy start to the new school year even busier, but hopefully things will settle more fully in the coming week and a normal routine will ensue. A reminder to parents, if your son receives a ‘N’ Award warning letter, it is extremely important that he redeems the incomplete work as soon as possible. Once a student has not redeemed 51% of his assessment workload in a subject, he is automatically withdrawn from a subject. This can cause major difficulties in achieving a HSC, Preliminary Course or ROSA in Years 12, 11 and 10, respectively. For those of you with some time on your hands, I know that Simone in the canteen can always do with some extra helpers. Please contact her and let her know when you are available. 2016 PAGE | 4 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE Deputy Principal Middle School - Ralph David Welcome and Welcome back To parents whose sons have just entered Year 7, welcome to the Epping Boys High School community. To parents whose sons are returning to school, welcome back. I hope you have had a great Christmas break. I am very excited about 2015. The school is currently finalizing a new strategic plan which will take us through to 2017. I am keen to share these initiatives with you and will once we have finalised the plan. Bring Your Own Device, (BYOD) Epping Boys High School expects all students to bring a computer to school as a tool for learning. There is information on the school website that explains the BYOD initiative. If you open the school website, you will notice that in the current newsfeed there is information that links to the BYOD page of the school website. If you have any question please do not hesitate to call. If your son is in Year 7 it is time to purchase a device for your son. Please refer to the school website for information. The creative and productive use of technology, especially ICT was highlighted in the Melbourne Declaration, (2008) a document developed by the Ministerial Council on Education Employment, Training and Youth Affairs, (MCEETYA), which articulates a vision for education and employment into the future. This document made the following significant points in relation the technology and learning and in doing so, set a goal for schools. Rapid advances in ICT, change the way people share and process information. Promote the use of digital media – essential to 21st century occupations. Students need higher skills in the use of ICT. (It follows that teachers need this awareness and skill in order to provide opportunity for students). We need to increase effectiveness in how students share, use and develop. Students need to be creative productive users of technology especially ICT as a foundation for success in all areas. Professional learning for teachers to support them in delivering these opportunities is a key priority. I will provide more information about this initiative as the year progresses. New parent portal and updating your school details Communication with home is essential in building a strong partnership between parents and teachers. This positive relationship increases the chances of students’ success at school. In order for the school to provide timely specific information to you, we need to ensure that your school details are up to date. If you are not sure that you details are correct or your details have changed, please contact the school. You can collect a change of details form from the Front Office. We are currently implementing a new school software management system. As a result the parent portal will change. We will issue new login details early this term. In order to connect to the parent portal we need your email address. The new parent portal will give you the ability to view your son’s period by period attendance at school. It will also allow the teacher to send information that directly relates to your son. We are currently exploring the possibilities what the portal will offer and I will provide more detail when it is launched. PAGE | 5 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE Head Teacher - Teaching and Learning/Middle School - Louise Swanson Year 7 Social Evening A social evening is being held on 17 February for parents of Year 7 students. This provides an opportunity for parents to meet their son’s teachers and begin to get to know other parents. The Social Evening runs from 6pm to 8pm and is held in the Edmund Barton Centre. Open Afternoon An Open Afternoon will be held on 26 February for prospective parents and students for 2016. This will involve a tour of the school, meeting key staff and the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. 7Plus applications for 2016 7Plus is a talent development class and provides a unique opportunity for boys to extend their gifts and talents over a two-year period in Years 7 and 8. The experience in this class will enable each boy to be extended across all academic areas and pursue his individual talent with guidance and mentoring. An information session about the school’s gifted and talented program will be held as part of the Open Day on 26 February. This session will run from 6pm in the Exam Centre. Information regarding applications for 7 Plus is available on the Epping Boys website. The application process involves the submission of a portfolio and an exam. 7Plus applications close on 20 March. The entry examination will be on 28 March. Primary School Leadership Day On 4-6 February several of our senior boys attended a Primary School Leadership Day where they trained school captains from local primary schools. This is a great way to build linkages between our school and our partner primary schools and helps in the future transition of boys into high school. EBHS Uniform Shop - Delma Marsden Welcome to 2015! The Epping Boys Uniform Shop is operated by Daylight Sportswear and the opening hours are: Monday – 10 am to 2 pm Thursday – 7.30 am to 11.30 am We accept Cash and Credit Card – eftpos facility is available – but cheques will not be accepted The Uniform Shop is located in G BLOCK (when walking from the car park, turn right when you reach the Canteen. If you’re not able to come to the shop during opening hours why not ORDER ONLINE – it’s quick and easy. Simply create an account profile, place your order and select “walk-in” & your son can pick up the order from the Uniform Shop on the next open day. Daylightsportswear.com/epping Or PHONE to place your order paying by credit card – 0451 255 624 For any further details, contact Delma Marsden on 0451 255 624 EBHS Events Support AGM Wednesday 4th March - 12:30 SCHOOL WEBSITE The website is constantly being updated and you will be able to find the answer to most of your questions on the site. School Common Room Website address is: All Invited to Attend www.eppingboy-h.schools.nsw.edu.au PAGE | 6 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE History - Cathy Hartley History Extension Seminar: The Project, 6 November, 2014 At the end of 2014, the students of Epping Boys HSC History Extension class accompanied Head Teacher History, Mrs Hartley, to the State Library of New South Wales where we attended a series of seminars. The boys all met up at Epping Station bright and early to ensure they wouldn’t be late. The seminars, known as “The Project”, were attended by numerous schools (including the school we went to Europe with in April, 2014, Chatswood High School), and were designed to: recommend ways to; select a topic for our upcoming assessment; research and analyse sources; inform us of the influence of perspectives and bias in the creation of a text as well as give students an opportunity to confer with ex-students, experts and teachers of other schools. The lectures were conducted by long-time teachers and ex-extension history examiners. These lectures were greatly valued by our students who contributed to the lectures by asking appropriate questions and making astute observations. To cap off this fantastic yet exhaustive day, our own Mrs Hartley, was awarded the teachers’ lucky door prize of a book shop gift certificate by the library, of which we all were envious. By Jarrett Rumbel, Year 12 Camp Gallipoli - Cathy Hartley The Epping Boys High Community has taken up the offer to attend Camp Gallipoli. This is an international event to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of ANZAC and the landing at Gallipoli on 25th April, 1915. The event is to be held at Centennial Park on the night of 24 th April with a Dawn Service to take place in the early morning of 25th April. It is a swag only event, with no tents allowed. Detailed information is on the Camp Gallipoli website. The special EBHS price to participate in this once in a life time event, is $99 and is payable to the Front Office. At this stage we have about 70 places still available. If anyone else would like to join us at this event, payment needs to be made at the front office ASAP. Unused tickets will be returned to the organisers by the 23 rd February. For families who have made a deposit, final payment is due now. Further information will follow in a letter to those who will be attending. Specific information and details about transport will be included in this letter. For further information contact Mrs Cathy Hartley in the History Faculty on extension 126. PAGE | 7 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE History - Cathy Hartley Year 8 History Excursion to the Australian Museum, December 2014 In 2014, the Australian Museum secured an exhibit from the Anthropological Institute of Mexico. This exhibit looked at the Aztec Civilisation and the Birth of Modern Mexico after European contact. Year 8, 2014, were divided into two groups of 90 and taken to the city to see the items brought to Australia for the first time. Evidence of religious ritual, daily life and Spanish Conquest were included in the exhibit and the boys found many sources that they had included in their assessment tasks. In addition, we also attended the Indigenous Australian gallery where the boys were informed about life for Aboriginal people from an Aboriginal perspective, both before and after contact. The education officer was passionate and entertaining as he showed us around the exhibits in the gallery. The third organised activity was a walk around Hyde Park, with a focus on Cook’s statue, a visit to the War Memorial, and for some groups, the museum. We had a hot, humid and wet day and under the different weather conditions, the boys were outstanding ambassadors for the school and were congratulated for their excellent behaviour. I would like to thank Mrs Thanos for organising the excursions and the staff members who joined us on each of the days. STRIVE TO ACHIEVE P and C The P&C would like to wish all students a successful year of learning and achievements in their areas of interest. As parents we can show our boys that we value their education by being involved in their school life. Give your son a model to aspire to by showing him the good that people can bring to their community through involvement. Learn how you can lend a hand to ensure your boys have access to educational materials, great facilities and outstanding opportunities. The P&C is currently working hard to develop our funding priorities for the years ahead. The P&C Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Monday 2 nd March along with the General Meeting – Guest Speaker is the new Year 7 Advisor Ms Sarah Laman, who will update you on the camp and the boys’ progress. All P&C Executive positions will become vacant and this is a terrific opportunity to become involved in the school community. The executive usually meets two weeks prior to the P&C meetings. We will be filling the following positions: PRESIDENT; 2 VICE-PRESIDENTS; SECRETARY/MINUTES; TREASURER; PLUS 6 GENERAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS. Nominations have been taken for some of the above. At each meeting (often the first Monday of the month in term), we have a guest speaker on a broad range of relevant topics such as Careers – 4/5; Cyber Safety – mid year; and Navigating the School Website and Parent Portal – 30/3. Guest speakers will be announced in a Notice the preceding week: via email and newsletter. DATES for 2015 are: 7.30 pm on Monday nights 2 March, 30 March, 4 May, 1 June, 3 August, 7 September, 2 November & 7 December. Only 8 remaining meetings this year! Please make a commitment to attend and note in your diary now. All parents and carers are welcome. Rosemary Dwyer P&C President Susan Day P&C correspondence Secretary Mathematics - Kevin McKenzie Maths Online support for boys in 2015 For the last few years, many students at EBHS have supported their learning in mathematics through Maths Online. Students can use Maths Online to observe video instruction in various topics, work through worksheets and undertake tests. Students can access any aspect of the entire K—12 courses. Maths Online will still be available for students in 2015. The cost for the year will be $20.00 per student. Notes have gone home with all students and if interested, are to be returned to the front office with payment by 24 February, 2015. If you have any further queries regarding Maths Online contact Mr McKenzie in the math faculty. PAGE | 9 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE Canteen News EBHS Canteen is a P & C run canteen and provides a great range of healthy food options for our sons. We follow the Healthy Canteen Guidelines and ensure that our food meets requirements for limits on fat and sugar content. Once each term there is a “Red Day” when the canteen sells soft drinks, chips, lollies and donuts, as a special treat, otherwise these items are not on the menu. As a P & C run canteen we employ some staff to manage the canteen on a day to day basis, who do a fabulous job. However, we rely on parent volunteers to assist in serving and preparing food at the canteen to keep down the cost of employed staff. Serving as a canteen parent volunteer is a worthwhile and fun way to contribute to our school community. Please consider if you may be able to help out (details of volunteering below). Canteen Menu and Price List Wondering what the canteen offers? A copy of the full menu and price list for all canteen items can be found in this newsletter, or on the school website. In warmer weather our selection of flavoured milk, juices and ice-blocks are always popular. And a firm favourite throughout the year are the daily special hot rolls (bargain at $3.70, compared with Subway!). Volunteer Parent Helpers Needed We are looking for some additional parents (or grandparents, aunts, uncles etc) to help out in the canteen this year. We ask for volunteer assistance just once a month for our roster of daily shifts on Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: Recess shift: 9.45 till 10.45am Lunch shift: 1pm till 2pm. You can choose to do both shifts in one day and take a break in the middle, or just one of the shifts if it suits you. There is only one shift on Wednesdays (due to sport) which is 10.15 till 12.15. We are running short on volunteers at the moment so if you are a new to the school or your circumstances have changed, please consider helping out for a couple of hours once a month. The more parent volunteers we have, the cheaper our running costs and the more funds we raise for P & C funded projects around the school. Volunteer Parent Roster A big thank you to all the Year 7 parents and other new parents who have volunteered to help with Canteen this year. Your assistance is much appreciated. If you have volunteered to be on the roster you will shortly receive a copy of the roster by email. The new roster starts from March. Please check it carefully and put your rostered dates on your calendar now. If you find you cannot attend on your rostered day please first try to organize a swap with another parent. Where you are unable to organise a swap please ensure you contact the canteen manager, Simone Richards (9869 2283) to let her know with as much notice as possible that you will be unable to attend. If you have not received your copy of the roster, please contact the roster coordinator Lou-Ann Olpindo: ebhsCanteenRoster@gmail.com or 0457 813 526. What will I do in the canteen? Some of the new volunteers have been asking about what they will be expected to do when they are in the canteen. Simone, the manager, and the other staff are really friendly and they will let you know what needs to be done. Usually this will involve serving the boys, as well as preparation of fresh sandwiches, rolls, hot dogs and so on. It’s all pretty easy and we’re sure you’ll soon get the hang of it. Please remember to tie your hair back if you have long hair and to wear closed in shoes. New Canteen Committee Members Needed The canteen is coordinated by a sub-committee of the P & C which meets once per term. We have had some recent departures from the committee and are looking for 2 or 3 people to join the committee this year. This is a great way to contribute to the school community. A well run canteen brings in profits that are able to be used to support our boys’ education. If you think you may be able to join us or want to find out more about what’s involved please contact the canteen committee convenor, Diane Hockridge on 0402 978 038 or email: hockridge@optusnet.com.au. PAGE | 10 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE Canteen Price List BREAKFAST: SALADS: Hash brown $0.80 Salad Only Plate (Order Only) $3.20 Raisin Toast $1.50 Salad with Protein Plate (Order Only) $3.80 English Muffins Ham & Cheese $1.20 Pasta Plain Salad (Term 1 & 4 Only) $3.20 Herb & Cheese Toastie (Thursday's) $1.20 Pasta Chicken Salad (Term 1 & 4 Only) $3.70 Hot Chocolate (Term2&3 only) $2.20 SAUCES: HOT FOOD: Tomato .30c Chicken Fillet $2.50 Mustard .30c Chicken Corn Roll $2.50 Sweet Chilli .30c Sausage Roll $2.50 Hakka Roll $2.50 DRINKS: Spinach & Cheese Roll $2.50 Water (600ml) $1.00 Pizza Rounda $2.50 Just Juice Popper $1.20 Pork Rib (Friday only) $2.50 Fruit Juices (500mls) $3.20 Hot Dog $2.50 Up & Go $2.00 Hot Noodles- Chichen/Oriental $3.00 Quench $2.20 Chicken Burger $3.50 Appletiser $2.20 Vegie Burger (Order Only) $3.50 Oak Flavoured Milk (300ml) $2.20 Pork Rib Roll (Friday only) $3.50 Pura Plain Milk (600ml) $2.00 Lasagne $3.50 Orange Juice (350ml) $2.20 Plain Meat Pie $3.50 Apple Juice (350ml) $2.20 Chicken Pie $3.50 Nexba Iced Tea $2.70 Potato Pie $3.50 Chill Iced Tea $2.20 Curry Pie $3.50 Water (1.5 Lt) $2.80 Mexican Pie $3.50 Oak Flavoured Milk (600ml) $3.20 Hot Special Roll $3.70 ICE BLOCKS & ICE CREAMS: COLD ITEMS Quelch Stick 0.5 Sandwiches $3.00 Frozen Pineapple 0.6 Wraps $3.50 Tnt $1.00 Chicken Caesar Roll $3.50 Juicie 0.7 ADD FOR TOASTED $0.50 Moosies $1.00 ADD EXTRA FOR 2 OR MORE $0.30 Frozen Yougurt $2.30 Protein Fillings are: Chicken, Corned Beef, Ham SNACK ITEMS: Plain Egg, Curried Egg Toasted Garlic Tortilla $0.70 Tuna, Salmon or Cheese Roman Roll $1.20 Salad Fillings are: Hawaiian Roll $1.20 Lettuce, Tomato, Beetroot Chelsea Bun $2.80 Carrot, Cucumber, Capsicum Piranha Chips $1.50 Mixed salad leaves & Celery Koala Popcorn $1.70 Condiments: Banana Bread (large Slice) $2.00 Pesto, Mayo, Pickles, Mustard Jelly $0.50 Chutney, Bbq & Tomato Sauce PAGE | 11 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE FYI Chess Club is located in K 23 during lunch time on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. No experience necessary. Come along and make new friends. ALL WELCOME Dr Who Club Friday during lunchtime in K04 See Ms Lane in the science faculty for more information ALL WELCOME Need Help with Homework or Assignments.. Come to the Homework Centre Extra help with homework and assignments is available at the Homework Centre School Library Interested in the Environment !! Come along and join this fun and interesting group Tuesday - lunchtime in K4 See Ms Lane in the Science Faculty for more details Monday afternoons 3 .30pm - 4.30pm See Mrs Abram in K Block for more information or see Mrs Frank in the office for a permission note Careers News - Elizabeth Ramsay www.ebhscareers.com “one stop shop” for everything you need with career planning See Mrs Ramsay , upstairs in the Library PAGE | 12 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE Boys to Men Report – Seddique Martin – Head Teacher Welfare (Relieving) MY WORLD MY COMMUNITY MY FUTURE Year 7 An Introduction to High School To ensuring that all our new students settle into high school in a positive manner, we encourage boys to develop new friendships and relationships with those around them. Boys tend to gravitate toward familiar faces and often hang around friends from their primary school. The Year 7 camp is held early to allow boys to develop new friendships. It is quite amazing how placing boys in a situation where they face their fears and are required to spend time in close proximity to their peers, forces them to bond and develop solid foundations for life-long friendships. The camp has received positive feedback from both staff and students. This has been an excellent growing experience for the boys who actively participated in all activities and were excellent ambassadors for our school. Camp staff and supervisors often comment on the courteous behaviour and camaraderie that they notice about our boys. A special mention to the Year 10 boys, who mentored the juniors over the camp period in an excellent manner, being great ambassadors for our school. They did an excellent job as role-models and mentors, with the added duty of ensuring that all boys learnt the school song at camp. These young men were extremely mature in their approach and attitude toward the Year 7 boys and demonstrated the very essence of what an Epping Boy is about. The Year 7 BTM program is now underway with a focus on getting to know each other and high school. These include; Getting to know your peers, school procedures, time management and using the school diary, group building activities, mentoring sessions and bullying and acceptable behaviour. Year 7 parents are reminded that Vaccination forms are now due to the Front Office with Vaccination taking place on: 27 February 2015 Year 7 Human Papillomavirus Vaccine (Dose 1) Year 8 A Healthy Self-concept Children wonder how they are seen by others their age. They are critical of themselves and others. Image is important irrespective of age. How important it is, depends on the individual, of course. They may not have an accurate sense of what kind of image they present to their friends, peers, family relations or even the world. Relationships contribute significantly to the degree of satisfaction, feelings of self-worth and balance in life. For some students relationships are hard to make and/or keep. BTM group sessions are just one method of helping them to understand themselves and the image they present. Discussions invite students to consider how they relate to both peers and adults. These sessions hope to have an impact on their behaviour, choices and decision – making as well as, how they view themselves. Topics for discussion include: Choices, Resilience, Identity, Online Relationships, Choices/Making Decisions, Social Media, Balanced Lifestyle. Parents are reminded that catch up vaccinations are on the 27 th February for those boys who have returned their forms prior to that date. Year 8 (catch-up) Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Year 9 Boys Business, Identity, Masculinity – Role Models, Gender stereotyping Boys are led in discussions on masculinity and the changing role of men in today’s society. They will be required to question their own understanding of masculinity and interpret what type of man they hope to be. Boys are encouraged to openly discuss rolemodels in their life, (real or otherwise) and may be asked to recognise role-models whom they may not have recognised before. The Year 9 camp is also an essential part of the BTM program and all students are required to attend. Camp date: Week 7, Term 1, 11-13 March 2015. (All permission slips are due to the Front Office as soon as possible.) Other topics for discussion this term include: Choices and Taking Risks, Boys and Violence, Cyber Safety/ Awareness, Gender Stereotyping, Masculinity and Relationships. The senior school boys have settled straight back into work. The term passes by quickly with first assessment tasks for Year 10 in week 8, Year 11 in Week 7 and Year 12 Half Yearly Assessment in Weeks 9 & 10 of this term. Mouth Guards Boys requiring mouthguards for contact sport will have mouldings done on Thursday 5 March, at school. They will be required to bring in their private health fund card on the day. No charge. Families without a private health fund will be charged $70.00 . PAGE | 13 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE Year 7 Camp PAGE | 14 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE Welfare - Alison Howard - Head Teacher Welfare The Tell Them From Me student feedback survey I am delighted that this term, our school, like many others in the state, will participate in a Department of Education and Communities initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. The survey aims to help improve student learning outcomes and measures factors that are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes. The focus of the NSW-wide survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices. More information about the survey is available at: http://surveys.cese.nsw.gov.au/information-for-parents The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide our school with valuable and quick feedback on what they think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help improve how they do things at school. I want to assure you that the survey is confidential and school staff will not be able to identify individual students from their responses. The survey is conducted online and will typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. It will be administered during school hours between 9 March and 2 April. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary. A consent form and FAQs for parents/carers about the survey is being sent home with students. If you do not want your child or children to participate, please return the form to school by Friday 27 February. Copies of the form and FAQs are available from the website above. PAGE | 15 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE 5Q English Tutoring Are you looking for an interactive way to learn English and build a solid foundation for the HSC? We are offering lessons at Epping Boys High School, for Year 7 – 12 students from Friday to Sunday each week. Call Belinda to find out more about how we can help you improve your child’s English skills and academic performance. Phone : 0451 865 886 or email : 5qenglishclub@gmail.com PAGE | 16 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE EBHS Sports Central - Tony Nelson Darvall Year 7 - Max Chaney, Alex Doherty Year 8 - Liam Doherty, Daniel Bowtell Year 9 - Matt Allen, Tim Ambler Year 10 - Ned Bisset, Brayden Dilley Vice Captain - Frazer Campbell Captain - Andrew Cain Midson Year 7 - Thomas Neil, Sam Lee Year 8 - Chris Maguire, Michael Matheson Year 9 - Pat McMullen, Matt Palmer Year 10 - Melique Martin, Anurag Pandit Vice Captain - Alex Pritchard Captain - Nicholas Purcell Harris Year 7 - Matthew Gratez, Max Depalo Year 8 - Aaron Goh, Kason Ho Year 9 - Soloman Hamid, Layton Hubble Year 10 - Tom Farquhar, Kieran Hunt Vice Captain - Bayley Lucas Captain - Matt Kelleher Terry Year 7 - Jett Tall, Adrian Ryland Year 8 - Hamish Roos, Gabby Tambakis Year 9 - Jack Talty, Ryan Van Year 10 - Stephen Todd, Kyle Pleming Vice Captain - Nick Williams Captain - Ben White House captain photo 1st Grade Cricket Report Last Friday the 1st Grade cricket side continued on their unbeaten path this season defeating Normanhurst by 9 wickets in the Northern Districts Cup 20/20 Knock Out. This puts the side into a semi-final against Hills Sports High School. The date and venue for this match is yet to be decided and may prove to be our biggest test this season. As has been the case this season, the performances were spread fairly evenly amongst the bowlers. In the batting, Cameron Court proved too classy for the Normanhurst bowlers, ably assisted by Tristan Mears and Adrian Craig. Well done, lads. The 1st Grade side is also participating in the Davidson Shield KO and is preparing to host Mereweather High at EBHS oval this coming Tuesday in an 80 over match, the winner to proceed to the State semi final to be played at Bathurst . Whether we win or lose in either of these games, the 2014-15 season will go down as our most successful in over 15 years. A fantastic result for our boys, their weekend clubs, coaches and parents. Well done to everyone . More on this in the next report. Go Epping!!! Nick Bell/Paul Chew ******************* Do you need information regarding sport? If you need any information regarding anything sport-related, try these places: EBHS website: www.eppingboy-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/ EBHS Facebook: www.facebook.com/eppingbhs North West Met Boys Zone website: www.nwmsport.com Sydney North Schools Sports Association website: http://www.sports.det.nsw.edu.au/syd_north/welcome.htm PAGE | 17 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE PAGE | 18 STRIVE TO ACHIEVE WOMEN’S COURSE Refresh your skills and build the confidence to apply for the job you want...to pursue further study...to make a change! Certificate II Skills for Work & Training for Women includes a Work Experience Program, Computing, Communication, Workplace Writing, Interview Skills and more. Classes are within school hours for 14 weeks in a friendly, supportive environment. Childcare may be available on campus. Close to Central train station. Student discounted parking nearby. Course commences: 17th February 2015 Come at 10:30am on Wednesday 4th February to enrol, or contact us to arrange a time. Ultimo TAFE, Room D5.18, Building D, Level 5, Harris Street Enquiries: Anna Petrou OR Sylvia Nichols Phone: Email: 9217 3724 OR 9217 3718 anna.petrou@tafensw.edu.au OR sylvia.nichols@tafensw.edu.au SECOND HAND UNIFORM SHOP Teams in Under 15s, 14s, 13s Coached by EBHS parents All coaches AFL accredited Play on a Sunday Home games & training at ELS Hall Park, corner of Herring and Kent Rd, Marsfield Open on the first Thursday of the month Contact Michael Hudson (Coach - 14s) Email: mikemelhudson@hotmail.com Phone: 0418 119 044 1.00pm—2.00pm Located at the foyer at front of the school hall www.northrydedockers.com.au PAGE | 19 EPPING BOYS HIGH SCHOOL STRIVE TO ACHIEVE EBHS CHANGE OF STUDENT PERSONAL INFORMATION Student Name:…………………………………….………………………………… Roll Class:………….......................... Previous Address:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………................ …………………………………………………………………………..…….. Date Address Changed: ….…………….…...… New Address:………………………………………………………………………………… Home Phone:………………..……………….. Post Code:……..……….…..... Home Email:………………….…………………………………………….…... Father's Work Phone:…………………………………… Father’s Mobile: ……………….……………………….………. Father’s Email:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….... Mother's Work Phone:……………………….…………... Mother’s Mobile:……………….…………………………………..…. Mother’s Email:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...………….... Emergency Contact 1 (someone other than Parent/Guardian) Name:…………………………………………………...…… Emergency Contact Phone:…………………………….…….….. Relationship to Student (eg Aunt, Neighbour)…..………………………………………...…………………………………........ Emergency Contact 2 (someone other than Parent/Guardian) Name:………………………………………………………..… Emergency Contact Phone:………………..…………….….…. Relationship to Student (eg Aunt, Neighbour)…..……………………………………………………………...……………........ Parent/Guardian Name:(Please print) ………………………………………………………………………………………….…… Parent/Guardian Signature:…………………………………..……………………….……. OFFICE USE ONLY ERN Green File BOS Date:…………………………….. Transport - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SMS NOTIFICATIONS Absences If you receive a text regarding your son’s absence, please only reply if he is sick or on leave. If you believe your son is at school or on a school excursion etc., please telephone the school on 9869 2701. General SMS Information Due to the SMS system we have, all text messages are sent in bulk from the computer. We are unable to reply to any text messages we receive. If you have any queries about an SMS please phone the school on 9869 2701. Notification of Absence If your son is going to be absent, please call the school ASAP and upon return, please use the following form to explain your son’s absence. NB: Early Leavers form should be submitted to the Front Office in the morning before 9.00am. Any other notes are to be submitted during roll call or handed to the Front Office. If your son will be away for five or more days, an exemption form must be filled out and submitted to the Principal two weeks prior to absence. Exemption forms may be collected from the Front Office. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTIFICATION OF ABSENCE Student Surname: …………………………………...…….... Given Name: ……………….…………….……..…… Roll Class: ………..… WHOLE DAY ABSENCE Date(s): ………………………………………………….. EARLY LEAVER Date: ………………………….…….. LATE ARRIVAL Date: …….………………...……… Departure time: ……………………………………………………………….. Reason for absence: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………. Parent/Guardian Name: …………………………….…………. Parent/Guardian Signature: ……………….…...…Date: …………………… (Please Print) PAGE | 20
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