Joel E. Ferris High School Daily Bulletin for Tuesday, February 24, 2015 Bell Schedule (Warning Bell 7:54) A one second warning bell rings two minutes before each class begins Students with 1st Lunch Period Passing . . . . 7:54 - 8:00 1st. . . . . . . . . 8:00 - 8:54 2 . . . . . . . . . 9:00 - 10:00 3 . . . . . . . . 10:06 - 11:00 1st Lunch . .11:00 - 11:30 4 . . . . . . . . 11:36 - 12:30 5 . . . . . . . . . 12:36 - 1:30 6 . . . . . . . . . . 1:36 - 2:30 Monday, 2/23/2015 Regular Bell Schedule 8:00 Start PTG Meeting – Public Office Conference Room, 6pm Thursday, Regular Thursday 2/26/2015 schedule, 8:45am start Gymnastics Awards Banquet @ Round Table Pizza, 6pm Wrestling Awards Banquet @ Commons, 6pm Boys Basketball Awards Ceremony @ Library, 7pm Tuesday, 2/24/2015 Students with 2nd Lunch Period Passing . . . . .7:54 - 8:00 1st. . . . . . . . . 8:00 - 8:54 2 . . . . . . . . . 9:00 - 10:00 3 . . . . . . . . .10:06 - 11:00 4 . . . . . . . . .11:06 - 12:00 2nd Lunch . .12:00 - 12:30 5 . . . . . . . . . 12:36 - 1:30 6 . . . . . . . . . . 1:36 - 2:30 Regular Bell Schedule 8:00 Start Wednesday, 2/25/2015 Regular Bell Schedule 8:00 Start Orchestra Feeder Concert @ Auditorium, 7pm NAEP Testing (select seniors) in the Library and M040, 9am Friday 2/27/2015 Girls Basketball Awards Banquet @ Commons, 6pm Mr. Saxon @ Auditorium, 7pm Saturday, 2/28/2015 Regular Bell Schedule 8:00 Start Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival @ University of Idaho Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival @ University of Idaho Thesparados @ Auditorium, 7pm, $3/door admission, or season pass Dance Team Competition @ Shadle Park, 11am STUDENT & PARENT NEWS 1. Congratulations to Donavin McElliott, who took 5th place at the State Wrestling Tournament this past weekend in Tacoma. (DM2-26) 2. WRESTLING AWARDS BANQUET THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26 - All wrestlers are reminded that your awards banquet will be held this Thursday in the Cafeteria Commons at 6:00pm. Also, remember to remove your lock and all items from the varsity locker room by Wednesday this week. (TO2-26) 3. IT'S MR. SAXON TIME WHEN: Wednesday, February 25 Doors open at 6:30, show starts at 7:00 pm WHERE: Auditorium COST: Only $3 Mike Almquist, Matt Coelho, Tommy Eddy, Caleb Heath, Jonah Hainsworth, Trevor Livingston will be competing for the coveted crown and title of 2015 Mr. Saxon! M.C.'s Micah Vogel, Taylor Heath will entertain the audience with their wit and talent. The guys all have talent; you want to see the dance and hear their responses to the impromptu questions. Mr. Saxon is a one-of-a-kind show. You don't want to miss it! Tickets are now on sale in the Business Office, or you can buy a ticket at the door. Buy your ticket early to assure that you get the best seat! Doors will close at 7:15. (LV2-24) 4. Ferris is a closed campus school. As the weather gets nicer, please remember that you may not leave or go to your car in the parking lot. Citations for detention will be issued for students who violate this school and district policy. (SE2-27) 5. NHS Blood Drive is here! The Blood Drive is Tuesday, March 3, from 8:30am to 1:15pm in the auxiliary gym. You must be at least 16 AND have a parent permission slip (or be over 18) to donate. You can pick up permission slips and/or sign up in the Commons during both lunches or outside M110 at any time! (KG3-3) 6. FASHION CLUB will meet next week, Tuesday, March 3 from 2:45-4:00. We will be making practice pillowcases to prepare for our sewing of pillowcases for ConKerr Cancer on March 17. You can bring your own fabric or I have some you can use. (SW3-3) 7. Attention ELD students! We will be taking the WELPA test on Tuesday, February 24 beginning at 8:00. Please see Miss Mills in M204 if you have questions. (AM2-24) 8. OFFICE 365 NEWS FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF Having trouble with School email or your 365 Office account? Need to learn how to log in? Having issues with saving documents? Stop by the Library after 7:30 in the morning or after 2:30 in the afternoon for assistance. Help is available! (GP2-26) 9. SPRING SPORTS – Starts Monday, March 2. Stop by the business office to pick up your forms as soon as possible to avoid the LONG lines as the date approaches. Or print them out online ( (KM3-2) 10. SAXON VARSITY CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS - Do you want to show your school spirit, get the best seat in the house at sports games, and lead Ferris athletics to victory? Come be a part of the Ferris Saxon Varsity Cheerleading Squad! Our tryouts are just around the corner and we can't wait to see all of the new talent. Our Parent Informational Meeting is on Monday, March 16th in the Library from 5:30pm-6:30pm. For information about the Material Clinics and Tryouts, please pick up an application packet in the Business Office starting Wednesday, February 25th. We can't wait to meet you and share our love for Scarlet and Silver. Go Saxons! (WR3-4) 11. BOYS BASKETBALL AWARDS NIGHT is Thursday, February 26 at 7:00 pm in the library. (DVL2-26) 12. Are you interested in helping other students with homework? Do you want to learn about other cultures? Come tutor ELD students in Homework Center after school on Tuesdays in M202 and Thursdays in M204. Volunteer hours will be recorded. (AM2-26) 13. ASB OFFICERS FOR NEXT YEAR - Any student interested in running for an ASB office, please pick up an election packet outside room L008. Packets are due Tuesday, February 24. If you have any questions see Mr. Sharkey. (JS2-24) 14. NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) - Ferris has been selected to represent the state of Washington on the 2015 NAEP exam. A number of Ferris seniors will sit for the NAEP on Wednesday, February 25th. Seniors should watch the post show for important information about the NAEP. (KK) 15. SADIE HAWKINS DANCE – Friday, March 6, from 8:00 – 11:00pm in the Commons, the theme is “Movie Duos.” 16. SPRING SPORTS OPEN GYM DATES Feb. 25, 7:30-9:00 PM Feb. 26, 7:30-9:00 PM 17. ATTENTION JUNIORS! Due to popular demand, we are selling class of 2016 t-shirts one last time through Friday, February 27th. T-Shirts are $20 and can be ordered in the Bookroom. All proceeds go towards the class of 2016 for senior functions such as prom, Senior Breakfast and Senior-All-Nighter. Support your class of 2016 by Purchasing YOUR really cool Class of 2016 Shirt! (MB217) 18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kaylee Agnew, Micah Blauer, Jackson Doud, Alessya Floryanovich, Sarah Sherfey, Nathaniel Casey, Brandon Ortiz, Rhiannon Reeser, Ashley Berry, Krystal Jones and Conrad Provan. (2-24) 19. STUDENT RIDERSHIP SURVEY – This week, February 23 through February 27 is the third student ridership survey week. If you are an eligible bus rider, and plan on riding the bus during the remainder of this school year, we encourage you to ride the bus from home to school this week. If you are not sure and think that you are eligible, please come to the student office to clarify your eligibility. Please see the student office if you have questions regarding this requirement. (JOD2-27) 20. CLASS OF 2016 - JUNIORS - Here is a fantastic local scholarship - THE EXECUTIVE WOMEN INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS - Open to both boys and girls. The Spokane Chapter of EWI will offer a total of $11,000 in scholarship funds to three (3) outstanding juniors in Spokane County. There is one award for $6,000, one for $3,000 and one for $2,000. Applicant must have a 3.00 GPA or higher, maximum 750 word essay; two letters of recommendation, strong resume which includes community service & school activities. All applications must be returned to Mrs. V. no later than March 9. Pick up an application in the College Career Center. 21. GREATER SPOKANE SUBSTANCE ABUSE COUNCIL'S 2015 SCHOLARSHIP ESSAY COMPETITION - For the Class of 2015, $1,000 will be awarded to the Spokane County resident high school senior who submits the winning essay on "Why I have Chosen to Be Drug Free." The application is in the College Career Center, the deadline is March 19. 22. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY for grades 9 - 12 Gilda's Club Seattle's 10th annual "It's Always Something” teen writing contest. The contest is designed to capture teens' imaginations and open a dialog about their experiences with cancer. Tell your story about cancer in personal essay of 500 to 2,000 words. Stories can be about their own experience or about their experience with a diagnosis of a loved one, a school mate, or friend. Winners will receive $1,000 cash prize. Go to Paper application in the College Career Center. Deadline: March 20. STAFF NEWS 1. OFFICE 365 NEWS FOR STUDENTS AND STAFF Having trouble with School email or your 365 Office account? Need to learn how to log in? Having issues with saving documents? Stop by the Library after 7:30 in the morning or after 2:30 in the afternoon for assistance. Help is available! (GP2-26)
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