Racial Tensions in Omaha, A Horrible Lynching

Celebrate Black History 365 Days A Year!
“The Independent Voice of the Community Since 1995”
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Vol. 25 No.17 Phone (323) 244-7286 Address:3707 West 54th Street, LA, CA 90043
Friday, February 20, 2015
Lest We Forget Our Black History:
Racial Tensions in Omaha, A Horrible Lynching
From May through
September 1919, over 25 race
riots rocked cities from Texas
the credit to a young man
named Russell Norgaard.
Whatever the true story, the
mob lost interest in Smith and
Will Brown
Agnes Loebeck
to Illinois, Nebraska to Georgia.
In Omaha, the trouble
began on September 25, when
a white woman, Agnes Loebeck, reported that she was
assaulted by a black man.
The next morning, the
Bee reached new lows reporting the event. The headline
was: "Black Beast First Stickup Couple."
"The most daring attack on a white woman ever
perpetrated in Omaha occurred
one block south of Bancroft
street near Scenic Avenue in
Gibson last night."
C o ve ra g e in th e
World-Herald was slightly less
"Pretty little Agnes
Loebeck ... was assaulted ... by
an unidentified negro at twelve
O'clock last night, while she
was returning to her home in
company with Millard [sic]
Hoffman, a cripple."
That evening, the police took a suspect to the Loebeck home. Agnes and her boyfriend Milton Hoffman (they
were later married) identified a
black packinghouse worker
named Will Brown as the assailant. Brown was 41 years
old and suffered from acute
rheumatism. Before the police
could leave the Loebeck house,
a mob gathered outside and
threatened to seize Brown. After an hour's confrontation, police reinforcements arrived and
Brown was transferred to the
Douglas County Courthouse.
Several police officers were
ordered to report at once to
police headquarters in case of
further trouble, and 46 policemen and a detective were kept
on duty well into the night.
After the confrontation
outside the Loebeck home, rumors began to fly that a mob
would try to seize Brown
The burning of Will Brown's body, Omaha, Nebraska, Sept. 28, 1919. Source — NSHS, RG2281-69.
Rioters on the south side of Douglas County Courthouse, Omaha, Nebraska, September 28, 1919. Source — NSHS, RG2281-72.
again. On Sunday, September
28, a group of youths gathered
in south Omaha and began a
march to the Douglas County
courthouse. Eventually, thousands of angry people gathered
at the courthouse and by evening, the Omaha police and
city officials inside the courthouse were virtual prisoners.
The size of the crowd
was estimated as between
5,000 and 15,000 people. By
8:00 p.m. the mob had begun
firing on the courthouse with
guns they looted from nearby
stores. In that exchange of gunfire, one 16-year-old leader of
the mob, and a 34-year-old
businessman a block away
were killed.
By 8:30 the mob had
set fire to the building and prevented fire fighters from extinguishing the flames. Inside,
Will Brown moaned to Sheriff
Mike Clark, "I am innocent, I
never did it, my God I am innocent." Mayor Smith had been at
the scene for several hours. He
came out of the courthouse and
tried to reason with the mob.
He asked them to forget the
prisoner and allow the firemen
to put out the flames.
At that point, the
mayor was knocked down by a
blow to his head, and the next
thing he knew, he was on Harney Street. One end of a rope
was being flung over a lamp
post. The other end tightened
around his neck. That was the
last thing he remembered until
he woke up in a hospital where
he remained for several days in
serious condition with severe
head injuries.
Mayor Smith had been
rescued, but there are several
versions of how the rescue happened. Some reports say police
detectives were responsible for
saving Smith's life. Others give
concentrated on getting Brown
out of the courthouse.
Brown ended up in the
hands of the crazed mob. He
was beaten into unconsciousness. His clothes were torn off
by the time he reached the
building's doors. Then he was
dragged to a nearby lamp pole
on the south side of the courthouse at 18th and Harney
around 11:00 p.m. The mob
roared when they saw Brown,
and a rope was placed around
his neck. Brown was hoisted in
the air, his body spinning. He
was riddled with bullets. His
body was then brought down,
tied behind a car, and towed to
the intersection of 17th and
Dodge. There the body was
burned with fuel taken from
nearby red danger lamps and
fire truck lanterns. Later, pieces
of the rope used to lynch
Brown were sold for 10 cents
each. Finally, Brown's charred
body was dragged through the
city's downtown streets.
Nebraska-born actor
Henry Fonda was 14 years old
when the lynching happened.
His father owned a printing
plant across the street from the
courthouse. He watched the riot
from the second floor window
of his father's shop.
"It was the most horrendous sight I'd ever seen . . .
We locked the plant, went
downstairs, and drove home in
silence. My hands were wet
and there were tears in my
eyes. All I could think of was
that young black man dangling
at the end of a rope."
During Fonda's long
career, at least two of his best
movies — "Young Mister Lincoln" and "The Ox Bow Incident" — featured lynchings as
major plot points.
Source: Nebraskastudies.org
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Friday, February 20, 2015
Publisher’s Column
Dr. Gloria Zuurveen
Founder /Owner/ Publisher/Photographer
Hello Everyone,
We are still celebrating our
history as a people in these
United States of America.
We have a rich history. Yes,
we have some history that we
never want to live or even to
think about but that is what
makes it so important. Our
history is that of people who
went through a lot yet we are
still here standing strong and
moving on. We are to be
thankful for our history
because it says a lot about us
as people and what our
ancestors not long ago went
through so that we could fulfill
the dreams they had for us.
Like the history of the
Israelites, we too, have a
history and that history is all
the more fulfilling when we
put our trust in a true and
living God. Because it is He is
has kept us this far and not we
our ourselves. Through all of
our pains and struggles, God
has been there for us to see us
through and for that we are to
be thankful. Praise God!
is a weekly adjudicated newspaper
of general circulation for the City
and County of Los Angeles
Published By
3707 West 54th Street
LA, CA. 90043
Phone/Fax (323) 295-9157
Dr. Gloria Zuurveen
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief
Malika Zuurveen
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Christopher Bordeaux
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Board Member Los Angeles Press Club
Don’t Forget Malcolm X in 50th Anniversary Celebrations
By Ron Daniels
NNPA Columnist
The 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday, the
Selma to Montgomery March, and the passage
of the historic Voting Rights Act of 1965 and
Dr. Martin Luther King’s role in these events is
correctly capturing the imagination of Black
America. However, there is another set of
events that should also receive attention of our people. This year also
marks the 50th memorial of the assassination of Malcolm X; it is also
the year of his 90th birthday.
It seems odd that very little attention is being devoted to the
anniversary dates of the life and legacy of such an extraordinary
leader. It is as if Black America is gripped by a case of historical amnesia. But this is not the first time we’ve suffered from the disorder.
On Feb. 21, 1990, more than 3,000 people jammed into the
Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem for the 25th memorial of the
assassination of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, Malcolm X. Another
1,000 or more gathered in the street to watch the program on a television monitor, hastily positioned in a church window. Inside, C-SPAN
broadcast live ringing tributes to the life and legacy of our “Black
Shining Prince.”
The audience rose for a prolonged rousing ovation as Turner
proclaimed, “Malcolm, we will never forget you!” Betty Shabazz,
who had never attended a memorial on the anniversary of the assassination of her husband, was visibly moved by the tremendous outpouring of admiration, love and affection for one of the greatest leaders in the history of Africans in America.
The commemoration was hosted by Rev. Calvin O. Butts,
senior pastor of Abyssinian, and I had the honor of serving as moderator of this memorable occasion. Fortunately, the process of uplifting Malcolm did not end there. On May 19 of that year hundreds of
people from around the country gathered in Omaha, Neb., Malcolm’s
birthplace, for a national ceremony to celebrate his 65th birthday.
This magnificent season of celebrating Malcolm did not occur by accident; it was the outcome of a conscious strategy, a calculated plan devised by a group of leaders determined not to let the legacy of Malcolm be the victim of “historical amnesia.”
As the 25th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X
approached in 1990, King was ascendant and celebrated, and justifiably so, as a seminal leader. But, Malcolm was not seen on par with
Martin in the popular consciousness. His legacy languished on the
margins of memory of a young generation of Africans in America,
progressive youth/young people and much of Black America.
It was against this backdrop that a formation called the African American Progressive Action Network (AAPAN) resolved that
1990 should be declared “The Year of Malcolm X.” AAPAN created
a National Malcolm X Commemoration Commission with James
Turner as co-chairman, to coordinate the campaign.
The goal was not to denigrate Martin Luther King but to
seize upon the 25th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm to
wage a campaign to elevate his profile beyond the true believers to a
new generation of young activists and to remind folks of the unique
contribution of Malcolm X to the liberation of Black people around
the world.
Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are unquestionably
the seminal leaders of the civil rights/human rights, Black Power, Nationalist/Pan-Africanist era that transformed the status of Africans in
America. In a choice between Martin and Malcolm, it is clear that the
power elite preferred Martin. Hence, Martin has been sanitized and
elevated while Malcolm has largely been ignored, except in those periods when his devotees have refused to allow his contribution to be
relegated to irrelevance.
Celebrating Malcolm X was not about diminishing Martin
but enhancing the understanding of the life and legacy of Malcolm
among the masses of Black folks. The campaign was highly successful. For years, the symbol X signified young people’s identification
with Malcolm. Indeed, in 2005, on the occasion of the 40th memorial
of Malcolm’s assassination, another massive commemoration was
held at Abyssinian Baptist Church.
The current lack of major national recognition of the 50th
memorial suggests the need for yet another campaign to prevent Malcolm’s memory from being relegated to relative obscurity. It is not
that programs are not being planned. As is the case every year, there
will be commemorations in New York and cities across the country.
In fact, I’m told that young activists/leaders are conducting an “X
Speaks” online. My concern is that the various commemorations are
largely among the true believers and taken together they lack the public/visible scope and scale commensurate to the occasion of the 50th
memorial of the assassination of Malcolm and the year of his 90th
birthday. I simply believe that Malcolm deserves better.
Ron Daniels is President of the Institute of the Black World
21st Century and Distinguished Lecturer at York College City University of New York. His articles and essays also appear on the IBW
website www.ibw21.org and www.northstarnews.com. To send a
message, arrange media interviews or speaking engagements, Daniels
can be reached via email at info@ibw21.org.
More Evidence of Obama’s Hostility Toward HBCUs
By George E. Curry
NNPA Columnist
As if we needed any more evidence, President
Obama’s recent meeting with members of the Congressional Black Caucus revealed a deep-seated hostility toward the plight of struggling Historically Black
Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
According to Lauren Victoria Burke’s Black Caucus
blog, CrewOf42.com, “President Obama was critical
of Historically Black Colleges and Universities during
a meeting with members of the Congressional Black Caucus this week
according to several in attendance. The February 10 meeting was the first
group gathering with the Black Caucus and the President since June
It continued, “Several who attended the meeting indicated that
President Obama felt that the focus of HBCU’s needs to be on the schools
changing their ways of doing business rather [than] on changes in federal
policy. Those who attended said he was specifically critical of graduation
rates and loan policies. The President also spoke to CBC members on his
free community college plan which some HBCU advocates believe will
hurt HBCUs.”
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.), a graduate of Clark Atlanta University, told Burke, “He [Obama] said there were some HBCUs that were not
good at graduating students and if they did not improve they’d have to go
by the wayside. In other words he didn’t show much empathy for struggling HBCUs. It was like show me the numbers and if the numbers aren’t
where they need to be, that’s it. It was a somewhat callous view of the
unique niche HBCUs fill.”
Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY) said, “I was concerned about what
the President said because it feeds into a narrative about the value of these
institutions and whether they are [equipped] to educate our students and
what the cost is for doing so.
“Many of these institutions have not had a maintenance of effort
on the part of states or the federal government and over time that wears
on their ability to maintain standards or even advance beyond a certain
level. It was very clear that he doesn’t have the same level of appreciation
for what these institutions have done and could do in the future given the
right support systems.”
The blog quoted Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), a graduate of South
Carolina State University: “it’s for-profit schools where the graduation
rate problem is – not HBCUs, the Parent PLUS loan stuff has to do with
new rules on credit worthiness and I just think that in the discussion he
mangled it.” Rep. Bennie Thompson, a product of two HBCUs – Tougaloo College and Jackson State University – was quoted: “What we ought
to be talking about is: If there are weaknesses at certain HBCUs what do
we do to strengthen those institutions?” Meanwhile, Hampton University
President William R. Harvey, who has been chair of the White House
Advisory Board on Historically Black Colleges and Universities since
2010, was highly critical of Obama’s approach to HBCUs.
In a speech at a meeting at NASA headquarters in Washington
D.C. on Feb. 4, Harvey said, “I have to say that one of my biggest concerns or regrets is that we are not being used as the advisory board we are
supposed to be. All this expertise – more than 150 years at the helm of
HBCUs, decades as the heads of major philanthropic organizations, expertise in business, in fundraising and in public relations, connections on
Wall Street, in the Ivy League and everywhere else. Yet, we are not consulted when it comes to policy changes and decisions impacting – in a
major way – the institutions on whose behalf we are to advocate.
“It happened with Pell. It happened with Parent Plus. And, now
it is happening with the new community college initiative.”
Harvey was also critical of Obama’s proposed college rating
system and his plan to fund the first two years of education at community
“Many of my colleagues have called me to say that the ‘free
tuition for public community college’ initiative could also be a death
knell for many of our institutions…” Harvey said.
Judging by Harvey’s comments, many of the debacles could
have been avoided if the White House had sought the advice of HBCU
experts it had recruited as advisers.
An even stronger indictment was Harvey’s summary of what
has happened to HBCUs under the nation’s first Black president.
He stated. “While we don’t know a lot, because a lot is not
shared, we do know that federal support for HBCUs is showing an alarming downward trend. Over the last several years, all of the major Title IV
programs had modifications and adjustments which make it much harder
for HBCUs to get funding. We all know of the Parent PLUS debacle.
These loans to our students are down. Pell grants to students at HBCUs
are down. Direct loans to our students are down. Graduate subsidies have
been eliminated. In addition to student support, overall support to Black
colleges is down.”
That’s not a compliment for a president who says he wants to
increase educational opportunities for all Americans.
George E. Curry, former editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine, is
editor-in-chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association News
Service (NNPA.) He is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach.
Curry can be reached through his Web site, www.georgecurry.com. You
can also follow him at www.twitter.com/currygeorge and George E.
Curry Fan Page on Facebook.
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Friday, February 20, 2015
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Harris-Dawson Has Impressive List of Endorsers and Experience To Win the 8th Council District
By Gloria Zuurveen
Almost daily since
announced that he was going
to run for the seat that Councilman Bernard Parks is being
termed out of in the March 3,
2015 election, endorsements
have come from many prominent and powerful people in
the city of Los Angeles.
Those from the spiritual side are almost too numerous to include in this article but I will attempt to name
a few. They are: Rev. Cecil
Church, and the Center for
Religion, USC, Rev. Xavier
Thompson, Baptist Min. Conference of So. Cal., Pastor
Kelvin Sauls, Holman United
Methodist Church, Pastor KW
Tulloss, The Historical Weller
Church, and National Action
Network, Pastor Lewis Logan,
Ruach Christian Community
Fellowship, Pastor Royce Porter, Crenshaw United Methodist Church, Pastor Wendell
Davis, Sr., New Jericho Christian Church, Pastor Terrence
Stone, First African Presbyterian Church, Pastor Clinton
Benton, Upper Room Fellowship,
Photo courtesy Marqueece Harris-Dawson for City Council
Congresswoman Karen Bass and Marqueece-Dawson
Church, Pastor Larry Minor,
Increase Your Faith Ministries, Pastor E.L. Williams,
New Prospect Baptist Church
and Pastor Jonathan Moseley,
Sr., Grace Temple Baptist
With an impressive
list of clergy leadership endorsements, it speaks volume
to Harris-Dawson conviction
about why he is running for
the office of the Eighth Councilmatic District. HarrisDawson, a newcomer in the
field of politics when it comes
to being elected but he is not a
newcomer when it comes to
serving and organizing. Harris-Dawson testimony is about
how he has served the community of South Los Angeles.
He said during an interview
that after graduating from
Morehouse College he decided to come back home
work in his family real estate
business managing apartments
before he met the current
Congresswoman Karen Bass
in 1995 who hired him as a
youth organizer for the Community Coalition. While serving and organizing the youth,
Harris-Dawson garnered a
name for himself by running
his first campaign that publicized the horrendous conditions of inner city high
schools and the inequities in
the distribution of public
funding. It resulted in an unprecedented $153 million for
school repair and modernization in South LA schools. His
name and reputation for getting the job done for the least
of the brethrens were noticed
by Oprah Winfrey.
Harris-Dawson may
be a newcomer in the field of
politics but he is not a newcomer in getting results. His
record speaks for him and that
record includes his first successful effort to include equity
as a key determinate in the
dissemination of public school
funds. It set the basis for winning universal access to college prep classes as well as
reforms to end discriminatory
targeting African American
and Latino students with the
harshest disciplinary remedies. These are results which
are measurable and are critical
to assist in halting dropout
rates among these most vulnerable groups.
demonstrated that faith with
Please see Harris-Dawson, page4
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Friday, February 20, 2015
Ousted Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran Sues City After
Termination Over Book Condemning Homosexuality
By Benge Nsenduluka
From the ChristianPost
Attorneys for ousted
Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin
Cochran filed a federal lawsuit against the city of Atlanta
on Wednesday, claiming his
termination violates his constitutional rights.
Cochran, a devout
Christian, was fired by Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed in
January after seven years of
service as Atlanta's fire chief,
for sharing his faith in a selfpublished book and handing
out copies to employees.
His lawsuit against
the city comes nearly one
month after Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a
federal complaint with the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on religious
freedom grounds.
"Americans are guaranteed the freedom to live
without fear of being fired
because of their beliefs and
thoughts," said ADF Senior
Counsel David Cortman in a
statement shared with The
Christian Post. "The city of
Atlanta is not above the Constitution and federal law. In
America, a religious or ideological test cannot be used to
fire a public servant."
The city has not yet
publicly responded to Cochran's lawsuit; however, a city
spokeswoman previously said
it will defend Reed's decision
to t er m in a te C o ch ran
"whether through the EEOC
administrative process or in
any other appropriate forum,"
according to MyFoxAtlanta.com. The case has
sparked widespread debates
about First Amendment
rights, particularly regarding
religious liberties.
Cochran previously
told CP that he believes his
termination is proof of a
growing threat on religious
freedoms facing Christians
and other people of faith.
In his 2013 book,
Who Told You That You Are
Naked?, Cochran calls homosexuality and lesbianism
"sexual perversion" and
"vulgar" and also likens it to
"bestiality" and "pederasty."
In November, city
officials said Cochran had
violated policy by selfpublishing his book and then
handing it out to employees.
Subsequently, he was suspended without pay and
forced to undergo sensitivity
The book was
brought to their attention
when an AFRD member
complained about Cochran
(Photo: Courtesy of Abilene Baptist Church)
Ousted Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran speaks at Abilene Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia, on January 18, 2015.
distributing copies in the
workplace. A city investigation determined Cochran had
not discriminated against
LGBT employees but he was
fired anyway.
"Every American
should be concerned about a
government that thinks it can
fire you because of what you
believe," said ADF Senior
Counsel Kevin Theriot. "If it
can happen to Chief Cochran,
a distinguished firefighter
who attained the highest fire
service position in the United
States, it can happen to anybody." Reed said previously
that Cochran was not fired for
his religious beliefs but rather
"because he displayed bad
judgment." He added that
Cochran did not follow the
correct protocol prior to writing the self-published book
even though the former fire
chief has said otherwise.
The city's ethics code
requires a commissioner to
get approval from the board
of ethics prior to engaging in
private activity for pay.
"I had legal permission to write the book from
the city's ethics officer [Nina
Hickson]," Cochran told CP
in an exclusive interview.
"[It] was through a
verbal conversation, there
was no documentation. …
She said it was legal and I
was authorized to write it and
that she wanted a copy when
I finish, after I told her what
the book was going to be
Cochran said he was
authorized to write the book
during a five-minute phone
conversation with Hickson.
"I had legal authority
to write the book; however,
she cannot remember that
conversation," he said.
In a statement to CP,
Hickson refuted these claims
and cited the Atlanta City
Code of Ordinances, Section
2-820 (d).
"The Atlanta's Ethics
Code establishes the required
approval process for City
Commissioners who wish to
engage in outside activities
for pay," Hickson wrote in an
email. "Consequently, I did
not authorize Chief Cochran
to write and publish the book,
nor did I have the authority to
do so." Since his termination,
Cochran has been overwhelmed by an outpouring of
public support.
Last month, hundreds
of religious freedom advocates gathered for the
"Standing for our Faith
Rally" in the Georgia Capitol
rotunda and they handdelivered a petition with
50,000 signatures to Reed's
office. Faith Driven Consumers, an advocacy group representing 41 million Christians,
has called on the mayor to
reinstate Cochran as fire chief
and also to apologize for his
termination via its extinguish
intolerance campaign, which
has more than 10,000 signatures.
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Friday, February 20, 2015
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Friday, February 20, 2015
UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center Warns 179 Patients Possibly Exposed to 'Superbug'
By Steve Gorman and Deena Beasley
(Reuters) - A large Los Angeles
teaching hospital has told scores
of patients they may have been
exposed to a drug-resistant bacterial "superbug" during endoscopy
procedures that infected seven
patients and contributed to two
More than 170 patients
who may have been infected by
the carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, or CRE, are being
offered home testing kits that
would be analyzed by the University of California at Los Angeles
hospital system, UCLA officials
The possible exposures
occurred at the UCLA Ronald
Reagan Medical Center between
Oct. 3 and Jan. 28 during procedures in which a specialized endoscope is inserted down the throat
to diagnose and treat pancreatic
and bile duct diseases.
The UCLA hospital sys-
tem said an internal investigation
determined in late January that
CRE may have been transmitted
to patients by two of seven scopes
being used by the center, all made
by Olympus Medical Systems
Group. (7733.T: Quote, Profile,
Research, Stock Buzz)
It said 179 people may
have been exposed, seven of
whom were confirmed to have
infections, and two of whom died.
The circumstances of the deaths
have not been disclosed, nor have
details on the conditions of the
five other infected patients.
"It's important to emphasize: This particular outbreak of
CRE is not a threat to the health
of the public in Los Angeles
County," said Benjamin Schwartz,
deputy chief of the acute communicable disease control program at
the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
He told a news conference that the five surviving infected patients were being treated
By Dean L. Jones, CPM
'Fasting' means selfdenial by going without food for
a period of time, whether totally
or partially, where you can simply avoid certain foods or eating
smaller than normal quantities.
The origin of fasting as a religious practice is ambiguous, but
Biblically, together the Old and
New Testaments of the Bible
mention 77 references to fasting.
While fasting is not a
frequent subject in pulpits, publications, or even Christian conversations, there is an increasing
quantity of media time given to
reasons why eating too much
processed sugar is not good for
you. Accordingly, it would seem
reasonable that more talk in
Church would be devoted to abstaining from sugar.
The reasons are vast
why the body does not digest
added sugar well, yet the season
of Lent is here and the religious
factor still does not adhere to
saying much about giving up
sugar. Perhaps the practice of
fasting is somewhat relegated
only to biblical times.
While writing this article it is actually the celebration of
Mardi Gras [French], also called
Fat Tuesday [English] that will
be followed by Ash Wednesday.
People for centuries have religiously practiced eating richer,
fatty foods before the ritual of the
Lenten season, so there is some
effort to be religious through
fasting. Catholicism is very open
about Ash Wednesday being a
day of strict fasting (only one full
meal, and two small snacks that
do not add up to a full meal), and
abstinence from all meat and
foods made with meat. Meat
(flesh) is scripturally based, but
as a living book logic raises the
idea that any potentially polluted
food item would want to be
avoided during this important
period. Oddly enough, when you
combine meat and processed
sugar they extremely weaken the
immune system even more than a
high-meat diet or high-sugar diet
alone. The biblical insistence to
Photo by Gloria Zuurveen
Dean L. Jones
abstain from eating meat makes a
lot more sense today for the reason that heavy meat eaters are
attracted and have greater access
to eating more sugary items.
Meat and sugar are opposites in many ways, but they
both create an acidic environment
in the body that enables bacteria
and viruses to flourish. Eating
too much sugar, just like meat,
will also weaken the body's kidneys, which are key organs in
protecting the immune system.
Processed sugar, like
processed meat, is also a breeding source for bacteria and other
micro-organisms. These microorganisms will then demand
more sugar as their food, consequently, eating sugar therefore
produces a craving for more
sugar. Eating meat increases the
level of protein and fats in the
body, and in order to maintain
balance, the body needs to increase the level of carbohydrates,
or processed sugar.
For the first time, soon
the federal government will start
suggesting that only 10% of calorie intake come from added sugars. Thereby advising more people to live SugarAlert!
Dean Jones is an Ethics
Advocate, Southland Partnership
Corporation (a public benefit
organization), contributing his
view on certain aspects of foodstuff.
with antibiotics.
Zachary Rubin, an associate clinical professor and medical director at the center, told
reporters: "Our hearts go out to
the people who were involved
and to the patients who passed
away as a result of this infection."
Hospitals across the
United States have reported exposures from the same type of
medical equipment in recent
years, and the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration has said it
was working with other government agencies and scope manufacturers to minimize risks to
The hospital where the
infections took place had been
sterilizing the scopes, which it
began using last June, according
to the standards stipulated by
Olympus, the center said in a
It said it now used a
more rigorous process "that goes
above and beyond manufacturer
and national standards" and involves a second sterilization
process using a gas called ethylene oxide.
The two infected scopes
were immediately removed from
use for return to Olympus, and
the hospital out of "an abundance
of caution" was notifying all patients who were examined with
any of the seven instruments during that period, it added.
Both the Los Angeles
County Department of Health
Services and the California Department of Public Health were
notified as soon as the bacteria
were detected, UCLA officials
Superbug infections are
difficult to treat because some of
the bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics, and the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention said the germs could
contribute to death in up to 50
percent of infected patients.
Rubin said it had taken
time to search through patients'
charts to find those individuals
who might have been exposed.
"We don't want to start
notifying people who had no risk
of exposure and cause undue
anxiety," he said. "We ended up
working backwards and that unfortunately was the cause of
some delay."
He said most of those
possibly affected had been
reached by phone: "We haven't
spoken to every single patient
yet, but we've left messages,
we've sent letters."
The complex design of
the endoscopes linked to the
California outbreak, known as
duodenoscopes, may hinder
proper cleaning, the FDA warned
on Thursday.
In addition to Olympus,
two other major manufacturers of
the scopes are Fujifilm (4901.T:
Quote, Profile, Research, Stock
Buzz) and Pentax. All three companies' disinfection recommendations were approved by the FDA.
Some experts advocate
the use of disposable, single-use
instruments, rather than reusable
ones that must be sterilized after
every procedure. In January, Virginia Mason Medical Center in
Seattle said a bacteria spread
through contaminated endoscopes had infected 32 people in
that facility over two years.
(Reporting by Steve
Gorman and Deena Beasley; Additional reporting by Daniel Wallis, Dan Whitcomb, Curtis Skinner and Colleen Jenkins; Editing
by Cynthia Johnston, Lisa Von
Ahn, Lisa Lambert and Peter
Removed from Ventilator, Bobbi Kristina
Brown's Condition Unchanged: Source
(Reuters) - Doctors have
taken Bobbi Kristina Brown, daughter of late singer Whitney Houston,
off the ventilator that has helped her
breathe since she was found unresponsive in a bathtub last month, but
no decisions have been made to take
her off life support, a family source
said on Thursday.
The source, who declined
to be identified, said Brown's overall
condition has not changed. Removing the breathing tube was a standard
course of practice to avoid infection,
the source said. CNN reported that
Brown will now receive air through a
hole in her throat, indicating she will
likely remain in that position for
weeks or months rather than of days.
Family members have said
Brown, 21, the only child of singers
Bobby Brown and Houston, is fighting for her life at Emory University
Hospital in Atlanta after she was
discovered on Jan. 31 face down and
unresponsive in a bathtub in her
suburban home. They have said little
about the aspiring singer's treatment
Bobbi Kristina Brown attends the opening night of ''The Houstons: On Our
Own'' in New York, in this file photo taken October 22, 2012.
or medical prognosis. Bobby Brown
has asked for privacy.
Police in Roswell, Georgia,
are treating the case as a criminal
investigation and have been questioning people about the circumstances leading up to Brown being
found in the tub. Brown's famous
mother, a six-time Grammy Award
winner and actress who battled substance abuse, drowned in a hotel
bathtub in Beverly Hills, California,
on Feb. 11, 2012. Authorities said
cocaine use and heart disease contributed to Houston's death at age 48.
(Reporting by Colleen
Jenkins; Editing by Mohammad
Zargham and Paul Tait)
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Friday, February 20, 2015
Page 7
Ayuko Babu Honored by Senator Mitchell at the State Capitol
California State Senator Holly Mitchell honors Ayuko Babu for the CLBC’s Black History Month Celebration of “A Century of Black Life, History and Culture.” Photo by Krishnia Parker
Waters Statement on Exxon Mobil
Refinery Explosion in Torrance
– In the wake of the explosion
and fire that rived a gasoline
processing unit at the Exxon
Mobil refinery in Torrance,
Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Ranking Member of the
Financial Services Committee
and Torrance representative,
released the following statement today:
“My sympathies are
with the four injured contractors
and all of the workers that were
affected by yesterday’s refinery
explosion in Torrance, as well as
the residents of the surrounding
community and their families. I
care deeply about the safety of
workers and neighbors of the
Exxon Mobil refinery and remain concerned for the physical
and mental recovery of every
person affected by such a trau-
matic experience.
“Because so many
families send their loved ones to
work in this refinery every day, I
remain hopeful that Exxon Mobil
will discover the root cause of
the explosion and institute safeguards to prevent an explosion
from reoccurring. Though I am
relieved to learn all injuries were
minor, this accident could have
easily ended more tragically. “I
will follow upcoming investigations to determine the cause of
the explosion and work closely
with local agencies and companies to prevent such a devastating event from happening
again. As always, my office is
available to assist in any capacity
in order to help the residents of
Torrance and all of those affected as they heal from this
frightening experience.”
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Page 8
Friday, February 20, 2015
Healthcare Coverage Enrollment Extended One Week Signing Up
Dunkirk, MD — Didn’t
finish signing up for coverage?
The Department of Health and
Human Services has extended the
deadline from February 15 to February 22. HHS has announced in
its Healthcare.gov blog that those
who experienced longer than normal wait times at the Marketplace
Call Center and/or technical issues
on HealthCare.gov they have until
February 22 to finish signing up.
The African American
Health Alliance (AAHA) and the
Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Coalition (REHDC) welcome
the extension, congratulate those
who enrolled and urge those who
could not finish to do so before the
extension runs out.
What is most important is
for the Administration, Congress
and the states to work together to
do what is necessary to help people
get the coverage they need. AAHA
emphasizes the importance of having healthcare coverage in its “Get
Covered Stay Covered Conversation with Dr. Joycelyn Elders the
15th U.S. Surgeon General”. That
full conversation is available in
audio and transcript at
lthalliance.org. There is also an
enrollment PSA there done by
children; it too gives a uniquely
insightful perspective on coverage.
The opportunity to finish
enrolling is very important: allows
consumers to get coverage and
prevents the penalty. Just a few
days remain to finish signing up;
go to HealthCare.gov or call the
Marketplace Call Center at 1-800318-2596. Need help; trained navi-
gators and assisters are still
available to help. Also,
help is available in 150 languages.
Find a plan that fits your needs and
budget. Financial assistance is
available to those who qualify. To
find in-person assistance in your
local community, go to http://
localhelp.healthcare.gov. Lucy
Perez, MD reflects: “The Affordable Care Act says to me that my
country values me; enrollment
reminds me that I must be my own
HHS Secretary Burwell
reports that 11.4 million people
signed up or re-enrolled in the
Health Insurance Marketplace.
President Obama says, “It gives
you some sense of how hungry
people were out there for affordable, accessible health insurance.
And that’s really the top-line message: The Affordable Care Act is
working.” Burwell also reports
that, “In the final day of Open Enrollment season this year, more
new consumers signed up for
health coverage than on any day
this Open Enrollment or last.”
AAHA and REHDC believe that the extension makes
good health, economic and national security sense. A healthier
America is a stronger America.
One can only imagine the frustration and disappointment potential
enrollees must have felt when
glitches, long wait times, and other
adverse conditions stopped them
from enrolling. The next Marketplace get covered challenge will be
as it relates to penalties and taxes.
Some in Congress have contacted
HHS in this regard. Fredette West,
head of AAHA and REHDC, says,
“As a breast cancer survivor and a
long-time health advocate, having
access to quality affordable health
care that is culturally and linguistically appropriate and accessible
when and where you need it is a
must. Having the opportunity to
finish signing up is a matter of life
and health.” This is just the second
ACA enrollment as more is learned
responsive adjustments will need
to be made. “I want everybody to
know that everyone needs health
insurance coverage. Nothing is
more important than your health,”
says Joycelyn Elders, MD. In response to long wait times, system
challenges and other conditions, a
number of states have extended
their deadline. Many have announced far longer extensions than
that by the federal government.
The African American
Health Alliance is a nonprofit organization. Both AAHA and
REHDC are working to help eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in
an effort to improve overall quality
of life for all. Access to quality
affordable care that is culturally
and linguistically appropriate is
critical to that goal. For information on the Health Alliance, visit
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Friday, February 20, 2015
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Friday, February 20, 2015
North Carolina Family Launches Campaign Demanding Justice For Son’s Killing By a Local White Pastor
Angier, NC — On
October 12, 2013, Christian
Griggs went to pick up his
daughter at his then wife’s
family home, as previously
agreed by him and his separated wife. Soon after arriving,
Christian called his father,
Tony Griggs, asking for help.
When Mr. Griggs arrived, Pat
Chisenhall, Christian’s fatherin-law, had fatally shot Christian 6 times, 4 in the back. The
state medical examiner ruled
his death a homicide.
Dolly Griggs, Christian’s mother, has started a
c a m p a i g n
o n
i.am.colorofchange.org, a distributive organizing platform
run by the national civil rights
organization ColorOfChange,
calling for North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper
and US Attorney for the Eastern District for North Carolina
Thomas Walker to intervene
and prosecute Pat Chisenhall to
the fullest extent of the law.
More than 3, 500 people have
signed on. The campaign may
b e
s e e n
a t
Dolly issued the following statement: “We demand
that US Attorney Walker and
NC Attorney General Cooper
thoroughly investigate the killing of our son, the misconduct
of Harnett law enforcement
and prosecutor’s office, and
bring Christian’s killer, Pat
Chisenhall, to justice. When
local leadership fails, it is the
responsibility of state and federal officials to step in and ensure fairness, justice, and equity in the justice system. If
our family hadn’t raised our
voices, local officials would
have done everything possible
to sweep Christian’s death un-
Harris-Dawson Has
Impressive List of Endorsers
and Experience To Win the
8th Council District
(Continued from page 3)
out works is dead and therefore he shows his faith by his
works because like the faith
leaders who has place their
bets on him to be the next 8th
District City Councilmember,
Harris-Dawson history of
working his faith is evidence
by his passionate efforts to
bring to South Los Angeles
fresh grown fruits and vegetables.
He was instrumental
in the collaboration and negotiating with a local liquor
store to add fresh fruits and
vegetable to his inventory for
the health of the community.
Harris-Dawson said,
"Faith leaders continue to play
an critical role in the fight for
social justice and are integral
partners in addressing social
and economic conditions in
South L.A. communities".
"As the son of a preacher, I
am proud to have support
from faith leaders in the Los
Angeles community."
The faith leaders
counts Harris-Dawson as an
individual who has the experience not only to talk about
what needs to be done in the
8th District but to actually
prove that he has already
worked and galvanized South
LA families to address public
safety in the most humane and
effective way possible, working with law enforcement
agencies, city leaders, local
residents and businesses to
reduce crime and violence by
parks, and decreasing nuisance business activity that
foster crime.
As the President and
CEO of Community Coalition
since 2004, his leadership
grew the organization’s influence, size and financial standing.
While doubling the
budget and staff, he also led a
capital campaign to acquire
Community Coalition’s headquarters on Vermont Avenue.
After sitting with Harris-Dawson for a short period
of time recently listening to
him talk about his years of
experience in getting the job
done as President and CEO of
Community Coalition, it was
clear that after Harris-Dawson
is elected to the 8th Council
seat on March 3rd it is then, I
believe, many will witness his
calling by faith to do the work
not as a newcomer but as an
der the rug.
It’s been more than 14
months since Christian was
killed and District Attorney
Vernon Stewart has made it
clear that he will not be doing
his job. This delayed and denied justice is completely unacceptable.”
“The North Carolina
“Castle Doctrine” does not
excuse or justify Christian’s
homicide by either the physical
evidence, autopsy report, or
crime scene. Christian was shot
twice in the front and when
lying on his stomach, unarmed
and defenseless, Chisenhall
fired four additional, fatal shots
in his back. There is more than
enough probably cause for
Chisenhall to be charged.
Christian is dead and Pat Chisenhall killed him. This case
must go before a jury.”
“No family should
ever have to go through losing
their son and then having to
fight for justice. I lost my beloved son. My grand daughter
lost her father. It has been 14
months since Pat Chisenhall
brutally killed our son and no
criminal charges have been
brought against him.
Due to cronyism and
racial bias, law enforcement
and the Hartnett County District Attorney Vernon Stewart
have refused to hold our son’s
killer accountable. In a criminal justice system marked by
widespread prejudice, Black
families are disproportionately
denied justice when they lose a
loved one. My family will not
rest until we receive the due
process that we deserve and
Pat Chisenhall sees his day in
court of law. We demand a fair
and impartial prosecution.”
Despite inaccurate
media reports, there was no
record of a restraining order in
place against Christian. He
went to his father-in-law’s
house solely to pick up his
Pat Chisenhall is an
influential white pastor in the
Angier community.unity.
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Friday, February 20, 2015
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Friday, February 20,
22, 2015
Garamendi Cosponsors Voting Rights Bills & Honors Black History Month
– Recently, Congressman John
Garamendi (D-Fairfield, CA)
announced that he cosponsored
H.R. 885, the Voting Rights
Amendment Act of 2015 and
H.R. 411, the SIMPLE Voting
Act. These co-sponsorships coincide with celebrations of Black
History Month, which reminds
our nation of the hard-fought
struggle for civil rights. “The
right to vote is the cornerstone
of our democracy. The Voting
Rights Amendment Act of 2015
would prevent this sacrosanct
right from being abridged. I am
pleased that Democrats and Republicans have come together to
introduce this legislation. I urge
House Leadership to continue
the strong bipartisan tradition of
Voting Rights Act reauthorizations by bringing this bill to the
floor without delay,” said Congressman Garamendi.
Holly J. Mitchell Bill Would Eliminate
Grand Jury In Officer-Related Shootings
Sacramento – Senator
Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) has
introduced SB 227, a bill to prohibit
the use of the criminal Grand Jury in
cases of officer-involved shootings
or in cases where excessive force
used by an officer results in the death
of a suspect.
Secrecy in grand jury proceedings was intended to protect the
reputations of the unindicted, individuals accused of crimes
whom grand jurors determined
should not stand trial. In today’s
world of blogs, lightning-fast news,
and video cameras at the touch of a
cell phone, the original purpose of
the grand jury has lost its meaning.
But the unintentional consequence
has become a way to keep citizens
from being fully informed and involved in the trials of those peace
officers accused of abusing their
“Community mistrust in
the justice system arises when the
public’s right to know is abridged,”
said Senator Mitchell. “Too often
eye witnesses and video evidence
substantiating charges of wrongdoing
on the part of law enforcement are
not revealed or probed in context,
resulting in seemingly inexplicable
dismissal of cases by the Grand Jury.
“Senator Mitchell is not the first
public official to speak openly about
the need to reform the grand jury
Holly Mitchell
process. Retired Judge and Independent Police Auditor LaDoris Cordell
has observed, “Proceedings in Grand
Juries are secret, non-adversarial,
and under complete control of the
There is no place for secrecy in our criminal justice system,
particularly where officer conduct is
in question.”
“When the unarmed die at
the hands of peace officers,” added
Senator Mitchell, “People want to
know why, what accountability will
ensue, and how fatal confrontations
can be prevented.”
John Garamendi
“The SIMPLE Voting
Act would help ensure that no
American has to wait in line for
several hours just to cast his or
her ballot – lines that often present another type of voter suppression. Collectively, these bills
would better safeguard our right
to vote.”
The bipartisan Voting
Rights Amendment Act of 2015
was introduced in response to
the Supreme Court’s Shelby
County v. Holder decision which
struck down Section 4b, the core
provision in the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 that determines how states are covered
under Section 5 of the Act
(which requires federal preclearance of voting changes by covered jurisdictions to protect
against discriminatory voting
The bill updates the
coverage formula by making all
states and jurisdictions eligible
for the coverage formula based
on voting violations in the last
15 years.
President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights
Act into law in August of 1965,
and it has been reauthorized four
times since. President George
W. Bush signed the most recent
reauthorization into law in 2006,
after the House voted 390-33
and the Senate 98-0 in favor of
the legislation.
An outline of the legislation can be found here, and
text of legislation can be found
Key provisions in the
bill include:
·Through a coverage
provision based on current conditions, the bill would require
states or jurisdictions that have a
persistent record of recent voting
rights violations over the last 15
years to abide by strong preclearance voter protection standards. ·Allows our federal courts
to add the worst actors to the list
of those who must abide by preclearance voter protection standards.
The current law permits
states or jurisdictions to be required for preclearance for intentional violations, but the new
legislation amends the Act to
allow states or jurisdictions to
have preclearance for resultsbased violations.
· Greater transparency
in elections so that voters are
made aware of changes. The
additional sunlight will deter
discrimination from occurring
and protect voters from discrimination.
·Allows for preliminary
relief to be obtained more readily, given that voting rights cannot often be vindicated after an
election is already over.
The SIMPLE Voting
Act would protect the right to
vote by: 1) providing for at least
15 days of early voting in every
state, and 2) requiring that states
provide adequate poll workers,
machines and other resources to
ensure that voters do not wait in
line more than one hour to vote.
It would also strengthen
enforcement of these rights to
ensure that states comply with
the bill’s provisions.
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Friday, February 20, 2015
Page 13
Villaraigosa Jumps Out Early for Longtime
Friend Steven Bradford in 2016 Senate Race
GARDENA, CA - Former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio
Villaraigosa has stepped out
early in announcing his endorsement of Steven Bradford for
California's 35th Senate district
seat. Bradford, who was termed
out of the state Assembly in
2014, has announced his intention to seek the seat in 2016.
"I'm excited to add my
name and support to my longtime
friend Steven ," said Antonio
Villaraigosa who once served as
Speaker of the California Assembly. "I've watched Steven tirelessly work for over 25 years as a
true public servant. He has a
track record unmatched when it
comes to getting things done in
Sacramento. He will be a tremendous addition to the California
Senate and I'm proud to call him
my brother!"
"I am humbled by Antonio's early endorsement of my
candidacy," remarked Steven
Bradford. "Antonio's support is
so important because he is a person who I've personally watched
work toward getting actual results-both in Sacramento as an
Assemblymember and in Los
Steven Bradford
Angeles as the mayor. I am
proud to have such a trailblazer
supporting my candidacy."
Villaraigosa is the just
the latest in an ever-growing and
diverse list of early endorsers for
Steven Bradford's campaign for
the 35th Senate district.
Other endorses include:
California Senate President Pro
Tem Kevin de Leon, Congressmember Janice Hahn, state Senator Isadore Hall, Congressmembers Karen Bass and Diane Watson (ret.), Los Angeles 11th District Councilmember Mike
Bonin, Torrance Mayor Pat
Furey, Gardena Councilmember
Rachel C. Johnson, Carson
Mayor Pro Tem Elito M. Santarina, Carson Councilmember
Albert Robles, Lawndale Mayor
Robert Pullen-Miles, and former
Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster.
The 35th district includes Car son, Co mpton,
Gardena, Harbor City, Hawthorne, Inglewood, Lawndale,
Lennox, Watts, Willowbrook and
The California primary
election will be held Tuesday,
June 7, 2016 with a runoff election if needed on Tuesday,
November 8, 2016.
Bradford represented
parts of the 35th Senate district
for 18 years as a member of the
California state Assembly and
the Gardena City Council, and is
known to have a solid track record of getting the job done for
Californians locally and in Sacramento. For more information
Steven Bradford, please visit
m, facebook.com/JoinSteven and
follow @SteveBradford on Twitter.
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Friday, February 20, 2015
Page 15
(Specifications and Conditions
Governing Bid Award)
FY 2014-15”
The City of Inglewood invites and will receive bids duly filed as provided herein for
the furnishing of labor and materials and/or
the completion of the above-designated
A mandatory informational meeting for
interested bidders will be conducted on
Wednesday, February 4, 2015, at 11:30
A.M. at the Public Works Department,
located on the Third Floor of Inglewood
City Hall, One West Manchester Boulevard,
CA, 90301.
Please call the Project Manager, Seung
Yang, at (310) 412-5333, or email at
(syang@cityofinglewood.org), should you
require further information.
Each bid, to be considered, must be delivered to and received by the City Clerk no
later than 11:30 A.M. on February 11,
2015, at the Office of the City Clerk, First
Floor of Inglewood City Hall, One West
Manchester Boulevard, Inglewood, CA,
Each bid shall be submitted and completed
in all particulars using the form entitled,
"Bidder's Proposal and Statement", attached hereto and must be enclosed, together with the requisite bid security, in a
sealed envelope addressed to the City
Clerk with the designation of the project
appearing thereon.
Each bid shall state the unit price of each
item if called for on the Bidder's Proposal
and Statement form. In the event alternative bids are called for in said form, each
alternative bid shall be completed.
Bids will be opened in public in the City
Clerk's Office and will then and there be
announced to all persons present.
Specifications and other Bid Documents for
the above items are on file in the Public
Works Department and may be obtained
upon request.
Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of cash, a cashier's or
certified check made payable to the City of
Inglewood, or a bid bond, for an amount of
not less than ten percent (10%) of the
aggregate amount of the bid, as a guarantee that the successful bidder will, within
the time specified, enter into an agreement
as provided in the Bid Document and furnish bonds when required in the Special
Provisions: one for Faithful Performance in
the amount of the Contract Sum, and one
for Contractor's Labor and Materials in the
amount of the Contract Sum.
The City Council reserves the right to reject
any or all bids and to waive any irregularities in any bid, and to take bids under
advisement for a period not to exceed sixty
(60) days from and after the date bids are
opened and announced.
Attention is directed to the provisions of
Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor
Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under them. The Contractor or any
subcontractor shall comply with the requirements of said sections in the employment
of apprentices.
Information relative to
apprenticeship standards and administration of the apprenticeship program may be
obtained from the Director of Industrial
Relations, San Francisco, CA, or the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its
branch offices.
Notice is hereby given that the City Council
has ascertained the prevailing rates of per
diem wages in the locality in which the
work is to be done for each craft or type of
workman or mechanic needed to execute
the Contract in accordance with the provisions of Section 1770, etc. seq. of the
Labor Code; said prevailing rates are on
file in the Office of the City Clerk and are
incorporated herein by reference. Copies
shall be made available to any interested
party on request.
Attention is directed to the provisions of
Public Contract Code Section 10164 concerning Contractor's licensing laws. This
Contract requires a current and unexpired
Class A Contractor’s License issued by the
State of California Department of Consumer Affairs Contractors State License
Board. In addition, a City of Inglewood
business license will also be required.
The successful bidder must obtain, and
maintain current until completion of the
Project, an Inglewood City Business License.
This Notice is given by order of the City
Administrator of the City of Inglewood,
California, and is dated this _____ day of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
2 0 1 5 .
Artie Fields, City Manager
City of Inglewood, California
Order To Show Cause
For Change of Name
Case No. BS152820
Petition of Valerie Torres and Mia Torres-Castaneda by
their Mother Irma Castaneda, 239 E. 73rd Street, Los
Angeles, CA 90003, Self Represented-Litigant; Superior
Court of California, County of Los Angeles, 111 North Hill
Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Central District: Petitioner
Valerie Torres & Mia Torres-Castaneda By their Mother
Irma Castaneda filed a petition with this court for a decree
changing names as follows: Present name: A. Valerie
Torres to Proposed name: Valerie Castaneda b. Mia
Torres-Castaneda to Mia Castaneda The Court Orders
that all persons interested in this matter appear before this
court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any,
why the petition for change of name should not be
granted. Any person objecting to the name changes
described above must file a written objection that includes
the reasons for the objection at least two court days
before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must
appears at the hearing to show cause why the petition
should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed,
the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice
of Hearing Date: October 22, 2015 at 10:00am Dept 47,
Room:507 The address of the court is same as noted
above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be
published at least once each week for four successive
weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in
the newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county
(specify newspaper): PACE NEWS LOS ANGELES,
CALIFORNIA; Original Filed on January 08, 2015 in the
Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles,
Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk By Debra Cartier,
Deputy; Kevin C. Brazile, Judge, Judge of the Superior
Court. January 23, 30, Feb. 6, 13, 2015 PN
File No. 2015012782
The following person (s) is/are doing business as:
1. Heart 2 Heart Transitional Home, 3616 W. 60th
Street LA, CA 90043 Registered Owner(s): 1.
Heart 2 Heart Inc., 3616 W. 60th Street, LA, CA
90043. This business is conducted by a Corporation. The date registrant commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business name or
names listed above on N/A. I declare that all
information in this statement is true and correct. (A
registrant who declares as true information which
he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
SIGNED:Michelle Burton, Title: CEO This
statement was filed with the County Clerk of Los
Angeles County on January 15, 2015 Expires
January 15, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name
Statement expires five years from date it was filed
in the office of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious
Business Name Statement must be filed prior to
that date. The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious
business in violation of the rights of another under
federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411
et seq., Business and Professions Code). (First
Filing) Pub January 30, Feb. 6, 13, 20, 2015PN
File No. 2015025620
The following person (s) is/are doing business as:
1. T Double K Rocks Catering, 1910 West Piru
St., Compton, CA 90222, Los Angeles Registered
Owner(s): Tushana Antoinette Lyons, 1910 West
Piru St., Compton, CA 90222. This business is
conducted by an Individual. The date registrant
commenced to transact business under the
fictitious business name or names listed above on
NA. I declare that all information in this statement
is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as
true information which he or she knows to be false
is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Tushana Antoinette Lyons Title: Owner This statement was
filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on January 30, 2015 Expires January 30, 2020.
Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five
years from date it was filed in the office of the
County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name
Statement must be filed prior to that date. The
filing of this statement does not of itself authorize
the use in this state of a fictitious business in
violation of the rights of another under federal,
state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq.,
Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub
Feb. 13, 20, 27 March 6, 2015 PN
File No. 2015015496
The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1. View Heights Travel, 4016
West 58th Place, Los Angeles, CA 90043
LA AI #ON N/A Registered Owner(s): 1.
Hellene Gale Palmer, 4016 West 58th
Place, Los Angeles, CA 90043. This business is conducted by an Individual. The
date registrant commenced to transact
business under the fictitious business
name or names listed above on N/A. I
declare that all information in this statement
is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she
knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
SIGNED:Hellene G. Palmer Title: Owner
This statement was filed with the County
Clerk of Los Angeles County on Jan.20,
2015 Expires Jan. 20 2020. Notice-This
fictitious Name Statement expires five
years from date it was filed in the office of
the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to
that date. The filing of this statement does
not of itself authorize the use in this state of
a fictitious business in violation of the rights
of another under federal, state, or common
law (See Section 14411 et seq., Business
and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub
January 23, 30 Feb. 6, 13, 2015 PN
File No. 20143544459
The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1.
Iglesia Misionera Pentecostes Monte Olivares Uncion Y
Poder, 2858 Leeward Ave. #306, Los Angeles, CA 90005
LA, Registered Owner(s): 1. Nelis Mabel Cornejo, 2858
Leeward Ave., #306, Los Angeles, CA 90005 This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant
commenced to transact business under the fictitious
business name or names listed above on N/A. I declare
that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A
registrant who declares as true information which he or
she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) SIGNED:Nelis
Mabel Cornejo, Title: Pastor This statement was filed with
the County Clerk of Los Angeles County on Jan. 15, 2015
Expires Jan. 15, 2020. Notice-This fictitious Name Statement expires five years from date it was filed in the office
of the County Clerk. A new Fictitious Business Name
Statement must be filed prior to that date. The filing of this
statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state
of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another
under federal, state, or common law (See Section 14411 et
seq., Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub
January 23, 20, Feb. 6, 13, 2015 PN
File No. 20150031285
The following person (s) is/are doing business as: 1.
Devine Design, 1500 W. 99 St., Los Angeles, CA
90047, LA; 1820 W. Florence Ave #391, Los Angeles,
CA 90047 Registered Owner(s): 1. David James,
1500 W. 99 St., Los Angeles, CA 90047. This business is conducted by an Individual. The date registrant
commenced to transact business under the fictitious
business name or names listed above on N/A. I
declare that all information in this statement is true and
correct. (A registrant who declares as true information
which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.)
SIGNED:David James, Title: Owner This statement
was filed with the County Clerk of Los Angeles County
on February 5, 2015 Expires February 5, 2020. NoticeThis fictitious Name Statement expires five years from
date it was filed in the office of the County Clerk. A new
Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior
to that date. The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business in violation of the rights of another under federal,
state, or common law (See Section 14411 et seq.,
Business and Professions Code). (First Filing) Pub
Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27, 2015PN
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Friday, February 20, 2015