www.tompkinsweekly.com Locally Owned & Operated Your source for local news & events City signs contract for renewable energy ......page 2 Cornell wins bid for tech center ..................................page 3 Opinion, letters ........page 4 Some advice for managing menopause ..........page 6 Troop honors newest Eagle Scouts ................page 7 FREE Child Safety Discussion Set By Eric Banford An averted potential child abduction in Ithaca on Dec. 14 has the Ithaca City School District (ICSD) and the Ithaca Police Department (IPD) working together to educate parents and children about “stranger danger” and other safety issues. A public event titled “An Evening of Safety” is planned for 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 5, at the Beverly J. Martin Elementary School in Ithaca. The IPD is still investigating the incident in which police reports say a “darkskinned African-American female” approached a child in the area of Madison and First streets downtown, asked if he was “Jasmine’s son” and told the child to come with her “for your own safety.” The child’s adult caretaker witnessed the interaction and intervened, telling the child to come to her. That incident is presumed to have been an attempt to abduct the eightyear-old boy. The IPD asks that anyone with information contact them at 2723245, or 272-9973, and urges the public to contact police immediately regarding any suspicious activity involving children. A second reported incident occurred Dec. 15 on Cleveland Avenue, in which a driver stopped and offered a ride to a child. It was later discovered that the driver was an acquaintance of the child’s family. Luvelle Brown, ICSD superintendent, and Lesli Myers, assistant superintendent of student services, have been meeting for months with the IPD to coordinate safety efforts between the school and police. They have been working on drug education and safety components and are conducting interviews with police officers, who will work directly with schools. “Content is being developed for students about all kinds of safety,” Myers says. “Like drinking foreign substances, taking pills, Holiday Cleanup Photo by Kathy Morris ALSO IN THIS ISSUE… Volume 6, No. 9 • January 2-8, 2012 Melissa Brewer of Ithaca tips out the last of her holiday recycling, the Wednesday after Christmas, at the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center. “I’m glad I can recycle it for free,” she says. Christmas trees can also be brought to the center for free (remove all decorations and bring the trees to the yard waste area). keeping our students safe all around.” Brown and Myers and been meeting regularly with Ithaca Police Chief Edward Vallely and deputy chiefs. “We’re making sure we’re on the same page, and that has been very productive,” Myers says. “We’re even on each other’s speeddial in case there’s an issue. We’ve had some great conversation, and we’re making sure we’re in communication with the community and families. That’s why we’re hosting this event.” The “Evening of Safety” event will feature a panel discussion with new Mayor Svante Myrick, Myers, and one of the IPD deputy chiefs. “[School safety] handouts will be available, which we’ll also distribute at schools,” Myers says. “And, as appropriate, people can capitalize on teachable moments and work this material into their repertoire.” New York State schoolsafety legislation requires each school to have a certain number of lockdown drills and fire drills, and a publicly available school safety plan. “Each of our schools has to have a plan,” Please turn to page 12 Councilman Attends Climate Talks By Patricia Brhel In Business Weekly: Tburg Chamber is still going strong ..................page 8 Get your home prepared for winter ........................page 9 Homeowners need the mortgage interest deduction ........................................page 9 Dominic Frongillo, Caroline Town Board member and one of the founders of Energy Independent Caroline, just returned from his fourth international climate conference. This time it was in Durban, South Africa, where he met with people from around the planet who are concerned about global warning and are searching for a way to slow or stop it. “The most important information that I took away from this conference is that hydro-fracking is a huge concern around the globe, and that it has the potential to accelerate the problem of global warming and climate disruption, in addition to the obvious threats to our health due to water and the air pollution,” he says. “I talked to a number of people from Germany, Australia, Canada and France, as well as South Africa, and they were all very concerned about this.” Frongillo notes that several countries, including France, have already banned fracking. In countries such as the U.S. and Canada, which have oil companies spending a lot of money on the political process, it’s much harder, he adds. “Still, people have been engaging their politicians in dialogs, going doorto-door to educate their neighbors, putting themselves and their careers on the line for a better future,” he says. Although natural gas is touted as clean energy, Frongillo says, research by Cornell professor Robert Howarth shows that taking into account the damage done by the methane, which is even more efficient at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, and the energy-intensive drilling practices, greenhouse-gas pollution from “fracked” gas is much dirtier than coal. “Just before I left, I talked with Katie Borgella of Tompkins County, who forwarded calculations showing that a single well pad, with an average of four wells, will contribute more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere every year than all the rest of Tompkins County. Hydrofracking contributes to about 17 percent of greenhouse-gas emissions, says Frongillo. In Durban, South Africa, where the conference was held, studies show that as many as 90 percent of the farmers will be unable to work the land, due to drought, by midcentury. “They’ve already noticed a lot of changes at the wildlife reserve that I visited. Water holes are drying up and the lions are stressed. They are climbing trees to get away from the increased ground temperatures, something they’ve never been known to do before,” Frongillo says. People are already struggling to afford food, Frogillo says. Endangered species are severely affected, and the cost of food is going up drastically. Global climate disruption has already affected and will continue to affect the most vulnerable people. In our country 12 percent of the land is experiencing exceptional drought. There have been crop failures, wildfires, windstorms, tornados and other signs of climate disruption. Here in the Southern Tier, we’ve had tornados and record floods. People have lost their homes, farmland and water supplies,“ he says. Frongillo, however, is not discouraged. “In Tompkins County, we all take steps to slow or stop global warming and climate disruption. The biggest thing we can do is to take steps to ban fracking. In Caroline, Dryden and other areas, this last election cycle showed that people not only cared, but they were willing to vote to make real changes,” he says. Two-thirds of the voters in Caroline elected officials who are opposed to fracking, he notes. “They voted for people determined to bring clean energy to the Town of Caroline. The town already set an example with its new office building, which is heated and cooled by geothermal, and which feeds more electricity into the grid through the use of solar panels than it uses. By using these forms of energy, we’re actually making money for the taxpayers and not polluting our water or our air,” says Frongillo. For more information on global warming and how you can help, contact Dominic Frongillo at 2722292. City Signs Renewable Energy Contract By Elijah McCarthy The area’s recent support for sustainability continued last week when the City of Ithaca signed an agreement with Integrys Energy Services of New York to purchase all of its electricity from renewable energy sources. Beginning this month, Ithaca will purchase Green—e Energy-certified Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), which will offset approximately 4,896 metric tons of CO2 emissions annually from conventional electricity production by displacing fossil-fuel sources from the grid. The environmental impact of this agreement is the equivalent of not driving 12 million miles in a car or planting 1,460 acres of trees, city officials say. The contract was arranged through the Municipal Electric and Gas Alliance (MEGA), which is a power-aggregation alliance that the City of Ithaca is part of. and the recent drop of renewable energy prices. “Renewable energy costs are still higher than traditional, fossil-fuel energy costs; however, there has been a recent decline in energy prices and an even more significant decline in renewable energy prices, so the city was able to move forward with this purchase without affecting its approved budget or residents’ taxes,” says Dennise Belmaker, Ithaca’s Sustainable Energy Project manager. Scott Andrew, the city’s deputy controller, adds, “The cost of renewable energy versus traditional energy is now to the point where the premium paid on the rate for the renewable is only pennies more than the traditional.” The city’s decision to use renewable energy sources comes on the heels of many other instances in the recent past that has Ithaca at the top of the sustainability game. In mid-October, the city adopted a comprehensive Energy Action Plan aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent by the year 2020; and in early November, the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport was recognized for its Sustainable Master Plan. Later in the same month, the local company Performance Systems Development influenced newly proposed federal tax legislation with its TREAT program. The renewable energy agreement will further efforts like these and “ensure that the city continues to set an example nationwide toward energy independence,” stated Mayor Carolyn Peterson. The agreement will reduce air pollution and global warming emissions and increase energy security while preventing petroleum and other fossil- fuel dollars from leaving the country,” Belmaker says. Beyond the environmental benefits, using renewable energy sources will build and strengthen the market for renewable electricity (“green power”), create jobs, and support the domestic economy. Belmaker says that in recent decades “local governments have understood that they have a fundamental role to play in the imple- mentation and promotion of renewable energy sources as a key step toward greenhouse gas reduction, climate protection, and a viable sustainable future. This step, along with other city efforts focused on energy efficiency, reduced consumption, and increased awareness help us achieve our overall carbon reduction goals and lower energy-related costs.” Since 2006, the City of Ithaca has been buying 5 percent of its electricity from wind power, but the new agreement will mark a turn toward totally renewable energy and will keep the city and residents alike doing their part to provide a better future. “It is worth noting,” says Belmaker, “that as a municipality shows it has a strong commitment to energy and carbon reductions, the easier it becomes to access different funding opportunities, such as state and federal grants, and to ‘keep the momentum going,’ so to speak.” Ithaca’s Sciencenter Awarded U.S. Museums’ Highest Honor The American Association of Museums (AAM) has just awarded the Sciencenter with its second AAM Museum Accreditation. Through a rigorous multi-year process of selfassessment and subsequent review by its peers, the Sciencenter has been found to meet National Standards and Best Practices for U.S. Museums and remains a member of a select community of institutions recognized for excellence, accountability, high professional standards and continued institutional improvement. Only 5 percent of U.S. museums have received this distinction. 2 Tompkins Weekly January 2 The Accreditation Visiting Committee Report highlights the Sciencenter’s “growth into a nationally and internationally known institution with numerous internal business lines delivering on its mission” and its “growing reputation and ability to attract strong talent from throughout the U.S. for its leadership positions, providing the institution a remarkable strength of staff for a small institution in upstate NY.” Reviewers note particular strength in the leadership capabilities of the executive director, Charlie Trautmann, and deputy director, Lara Litchfield-Kimber, noting particular strength in strategic planning, and in aligning institutional mission with staff management. Similarly, the Sciencenter’s board of trustees is cited for being highly engaged, with a commendable depth of understanding for both vision and mission and engagement in decision making. “The past two years have been an exciting time of growth for the Sciencenter,” Robin Davisson, chair of the Sciencenter’s Board of Trustees, said. “In addition to taking on several new projects and collaborative partnerships, we have grown our staff from 19 to 27.” By Tompkins Weekly Staff New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Cornell University President David J. Skorton,and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology President Peretz Lavie last week announced a partnership to build a two-million-square-foot applied science and engineering campus on Roosevelt Island in New York City. The selection of the Cornell/ Technion consortium, which pairs two of the world’s top institutions in the fields of science, engineering, technology and research, marks a major milestone in the city's Applied Sciences NYC initiative, which seeks to increase New York City's capacity for applied sciences and transform the city's economy. Cornell/Technion's proposal was among tmany bids that were submitted to New York City from a number of institutions around the globe. The Cornell/Technion consortium was ultimately selected due to the large scale and vision of their proposal, the long and noteworthy track record of both institutions in generating applied science breakthroughs and spinning out new businesses, the financing capacity of the consortium, the focus of the consortium on the collaboration between academia and the private sector and the overall capacity of the partnership to execute the project. In addition to the Roosevelt Island site, the city will also provide $100 million in capital to assist with site infrastructure, construction and related costs. This is the first selection announcement for the Applied Sciences NYC initiative. Productive discussions are ongoing with other respondents, including Carnegie Mellon University, Columbia University and a New York University-led consortium. Bloomberg made the announcement at Cornell’s Weill Cornell Medical College in the city, and was joined by Deputy Mayor for Economic Development Robert K. Steel, New York City Economic Development President Seth W. Pinsky, U.S. Rep. Carolyn Maloney, State Senator José M. Serrano, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, council member Jessica Lappin and other civic and business leaders. “Thanks to this outstanding partnership and groundbreaking proposal from Cornell and the Technion, New York City’s goal of becoming the global leader in technological innovation is now within sight,” Bloomberg said in a statement. “By adding a new state-ofthe-art institution to our landscape, we will educate tomorrow's entrepreneurs and create the jobs of the future. This partnership has so much promise because we share the same goal: to make New York City home to the world's most talented workforce.” “Cornell University and our extraordinary partner, the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, are deeply gratified to have the opportunity to realize mayor Bloomberg’s vision for New York City: to prepare tomorrow's expanding talent pool of tech leaders and entrepreneurs to work with the city's key industries in growing tomorrow's innovation ecosystem,” said Skorton. “We are going to put our plan to work, tapping into our extensive connections throughout the city and build a truly 21st century campus to fuel the creation of new businesses and new industries throughout the city for decades to come.” In addition to the announcement of this historic agreement, Cornell has also announced that it received a $350 million gift from an anonymous donor, the largest contribution in the university’s history and one of the largest in the history of American higher education, which will support the vision of the NYC Tech Campus project. The project, which will culminate in the completion of a twomillion-square-foot build-out hous- Photo by Robert Barker/Cornell Photography Cornell Gets Nod for Tech Campus Bid Mayor Michael Bloomberg leads a press conference with Cornell President David Skorton, Technion President Peretz Lavie, and city and federal officials on Dec. 19 at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City. ing for up to 2,500 students and nearly 280 faculty members by 2043. When completed, the new Roosevelt Island campus will result in an increase in the number of full-time, graduate engineering students enrolled in leading New York City master's and Ph.D. programs by 70 percent. Prior to construction on Roosevelt Island, Cornell/ Technion will open in an off-site location in 2012, with the first phase of their permanent Roosevelt Island home expected to open by no later than 2017. By 2027 the campus will have expanded to over 1.3 million square feet. Cornell/Technion has agreed to a 99-year lease for the Roosevelt Island site, with an option to purchase the land at the end of the term for $1. Cornell will develop and own the campus itself, and will assume financial responsibili- ty for its establishment and operations. The facility will combine cutting-edge technologies to create one of the most environmentallyfriendly and energy-efficient campuses in the world. The campus is planned to include a solar array that will generate 1.8 megawatts at daily peak and a 400 well geothermal field, which uses the constant temperature of the earth to cool buildings in the summer and heat them in the winter. The well field and solar array would each be largest in New York City if built today. The campus will not only employ some of the most sophisticated environmental technology in the world, it will also help develop them, serving as a living laboratory for the Built Environment hub. Christmas Tree Recycling Offered Most municipalities have programs for recycling Christmas trees. Check with your city, town, or village for more information. Christmas trees can also be brought to the yard waste area of the Tompkins County Recycling and Solid Waste Center at no cost. Please remove all decorations. For more information go to www.recycletompkins.org, or call 273-6632. Trumansburg Optical Neil Henninger, O.D. Explore Your Horizons... Take a course in a topic that interests you Full Service Eye Care We Welcome The Lifelong Learning Catalog Spring 2012 Edition is now available. Watch your mail for a copy or contact Lifelong at 273-1511 for a copy Providing optical services for patients of all ages, contact lens services, and a wide selection of frames and accessories. Please call for an appointment 607-387-7327 11 East Main Street (Rte. 96), Trumansburg Tompkins Weekly January 2 3 Letters City Earns Kudos for Bridge Improvements The following was sent to the City of Ithaca Common Council on Dec. 16 by the board of directors of Suicide Prevention & Crisis Service. We, the members of the Board of Directors of the Suicide Prevention & Crisis Service, endorse the recent vote of the City of Ithaca Common Council to support installing nets on the City’s bridges to help deter suicide attempts in the community. We are especially pleased that the Common Council, through its vote, shows its understanding that the nets are but one of many means to educate and be vigilant about the process of suicide. For 42 years, Suicide Prevention & Crisis Service has been a dedicated resource to those in need. Over those years, we have learned that intervention is not always successful, but it is incumbent on each of us to do as much as we can to provide as safe an environment as possible for all our citizens. The Common Council has done so with this vote. DEC Ignores Its Mission The New York Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has the following mission statement: “To conserve, improve, and protect New York's natural resources and environment and to prevent, abate, and control water, land, and air pollution in order to enhance the health, safety, and welfare of the people of the state and their overall economic and social well being.” The last part of this statement promising to enhance the overall economic and social well being of the people suggests an immediate conflict of directions. Many groups and organizations exist in our state promoting economic development. Above all the DEC should focus on environmental conservation, as it name implies. Joe Martens, recently promoted to head of the DEC (and a appointee in Mario Cuomo’s administration) was recently interviewed on the radio program “Inside Albany.” He proclaimed that the his agency is looking forward to collecting hundreds of thousands in hydro-fracking permit fees to pay for the salaries of DEC drilling inspectors. Isn’t this really a case of the fox guarding the henhouse? The deadline to comment of the proposed dGEIS for hdryo-fracking is Jan. 11. More information at www.dec.ny.gov/index.htm. Victoria Romanoff Sarah Adams Trumansburg Accountability Needed at TCAT To Joe Turcotte: My previous letter to the editor (Tompkins Weekly, Dec. 12) was a display of facts that were gathered and presented from the perspective of a dependent rider of the system and a taxpayer of the county. The conclusions that followed took into account facts that are public knowledge and advertisements of your budget proposals regarding the current bus system. Your “picture this scenario” response to my letter (Tompkins Weekly, Dec. 19) just continues to add mass amounts of concern to my opinion on the operational incompetence of our area public transportation system and the amount of accountability that you and your staff are held to. Apparently your approach and style of management must not include contingencies for emergency situations that can arise and impede the daily operation of TCAT. Your response neglects to include the fact that while there were many riders awaiting service, this same member of your staff shared the company of over 25 drivers awaiting orders to go to work? Could these drivers not have provided a reduced service to all the riders as opposed to the full service to the areas serviced that day? I think it was not the lesser of two evils but the choice of servicing those with the loudest voice and most weight within the TCAT organization. Many have read the editorial response and have also expressed the same opinion as to the demonstration of radical partiality of service to the select area. There seems to be no way to steer your bus from the path of the truth and the facts here, Mr. Turcotte. Cornell’s financial support for TCAT is identical to that of the other supporting bodies however the one area that was the most heavily serviced was Cornell. Service was not proportionally offered to the riders and dependent citizens who also equally fund this system. Again we read how the system is in a rising deficit and some of the ways offered to help offset this have been proposed. However, we did not read about any cuts to your salary or higher salaried members of the TCAT staff to help offset your deficit. This would surely demonstrate your own personal true desire and the support of your staff to help get your deficit spending habits under control. The public sees through the numerous sources of media, companies and corporations that struggle daily however they continue to sustain the ability to survive and be competitive. This appears to come from both leadership and accountability. With the current TCAT deficit continually escalating, it appears that the TCAT organization both lacks and suffers severely from a lack of any accountability. Private companies that would allow deficit spending to continue uncontrollably, as TCAT is currently doing, would not be in business. I also feel that a company has only two major attributes that portray their success or failure correctly, one being the employees and the second being the management. Which one fails to do their job here at TCAT Mr. Turcotte? Nancy Rae Groton Steps to Sustainability: Unique Empires By Richard W. Franke This is the latest installment in our Signs of Sustainability series, organized by Sustainable Tompkins. Visit them online at www.sustainabletompkins.org. This is part of a series on the history of sustainability. The modern concept of sustainability was launched in 1987 with the publication of “Our Common Future,” the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, sponsored by the United Nations. Sustainable practices, however, existed from ancient times in many traditional societies. We saw in the previous two installments that both Native American and African peo- ples developed many effective traditional sustainable practices. Some sustainable practices can also be found in the developed empires of these two areas. Among the most successful of these were the Inca empire of the Andes and the Fulani Dina of 19th century West Africa. The Inca empire, during 1438 to 1532, was the culmination of up to 5,000 years of indigenous development in the Andes Mountains of modern-day South America. In 1531, it was probably the largest organized state society in the world. It stretched 2,500 miles from modern Ecuador to northern Chile and included 10 million people. The Inca empire is unusual in that it developed not in a river valley but in the difficult terrain of steep mountains and high alti- tudes. The Inca built the world’s longest road system, which extended for more than 14,000 miles over steep slopes and through low valleys. They built an amazing array of bridges. Inca gold, religion, architecture, astronomy and irrigation practices have long fascinated observers, but recent research suggests that the Inca may have been the first centralized state society to engage in formal conservation practices. Inca society maintained a level of social justice by setting aside special land parcels for widows, orphans, people with disabilities and soldiers. They built extensive terracing, implemented by engineers who created canals up to 70 miles long that controlled water flow. In the Lake Maracocha region, they reforested areas that had become barren. The Inca protected by law certain species of animals, such as seabirds, and regulated the hunting of many animals. Only certain predators, such as foxes and wildcats, could be hunted without restriction. Across the Atlantic, the Fulani Dina, or empire of Macina, arose in 1818 and lasted until 1862. The Dina arose inside the great inland delta of the Niger River, which has some of the richest farmland and best pastures in all of West Africa. Macina was governed by a grand council of 40 marabouts (Islamic clergy) who supervised district governors in each of five provinces of the empire. Authority flowed downward to Please turn to page 12 Published by Tompkins Weekly Inc. Publisher Managing Editor Office Manager Advertising Production Proofreading Calendar Photographer Web Design Cover Design Jim Graney Jay Wrolstad Theresa Sornberger Jim Graney, Adrienne Zornow, Hank Colón Dan Bruffey, Jim Graney, Heidi Lieb-Graney, Adrienne Zornow Robyn Bem Heidi Lieb-Graney & Theresa Sornberger Kathy Morris Dan Bruffey Kolleen Shallcross Contributors: Eric Banford, Patricia Brhel, Sue Henninger, Elijah McCarthy, Jennifer Moyer Tompkins Weekly publishes weekly on Mondays. Advertising and Editorial Deadline is Wednesday prior to 1 p.m. Member Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce. For advertising information or editorial business, contact our offices at PO Box 6404, Ithaca, NY 14851, 607-327-1226, jgraney@twcny.rr.com www.tompkinsweekly.com. Article submissions must include SASE. Contents © 2012 Tompkins Weekly, Inc. The opinions expressed in this piece are those of each writer, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the publisher. No parts of this newspaper may be reprinted without the permission of the publisher. 4 Tompkins Weekly January 2 Contact Us: A dve r t i s i n g & B u s i n e s s : 6 0 7 - 3 2 7 - 1 2 2 6 o r j g r a n ey @ t wc ny. r r. c o m Ed it ori al : 6 0 7 - 5 3 9 - 7 1 0 0 o r w r o l s @ t wc ny. r r. c o m Mail: To m p k i n s We e k ly, P O B ox 6 4 0 4 , I t h a c a , N Y 1 4 8 5 1 O n t h e We b at : w w w. t o m p k i n sw e e k ly. c o m Briefly... Twelfth Night Celebration Returns The annual Twelfth Night Community Celebration is an evening of storysharing, merrymaking, and imagination, to mark the end of the holiday season. It will be held at the Unitarian Church, corner of Buffalo and Aurora streets in Ithaca, at 7:30 pm on Saturday, Jan. 7. Bring a story to share, a snack to pass and a few dollars to share expenses. The Twelfth Night Celebration, an Ithaca tradition for over three decades, is a rare example of what happens when people decide to entertain themselves, instead of letting someone else do it. It is primarily an evening of storytelling, in which the storytellers are members of the audience who feel like telling a story. Twelfth Night is presented by various members of Ithaca’s folk music community. For more information contact Phil Shapiro at 844-4535, or pds10@cornell.edu. Street Beat The word on the street from around Tompkins county. By Kathy Morris Question: What are your family’s New Year traditions? “We go to our Dutch friend’s house and she makes ‘oliebollen’ and we play ‘sjoelen.’” Town Seeks Planning Board Members The Town of Ithaca is looking for Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeal Members. The Planning Board has two vacancies. The Planning Board is charged with reviewing land use and development issues and approving subdivisions, site plans and special permit requests. Meetings are generally held at 7 p.m. on the first and third Tuesday of the month. There are also vacancies on the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Zoning Board is a quasi-judicial board that is charged with ensuring that the zoning ordinances are complied with or that variances and/or special approvals are granted when certain criteria are met. Zoning Board meetings are generally held at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of the month. Some knowledge of the application of municipal law or other rules and regulations is helpful but not required. Contact the town clerk at 273-1721 or via email at pterwilliger@town.ithaca.ny.us, or visit www.town.ithaca.ny.us for an application. Hector Residents Want Fracking Hearing - Mia Slotnick and Alexander, Ithaca “We go outside and spend the day in the woods.” - Kathy Pettet, Odessa The Hector Clean Water Initiative (HCWI) has delivered a letter to the Hector Town Board making a third request for a public hearing on high volume hydro-fracking. HCWI has made two previous requests to the board to sponsor an open hearing to receive input from residents on hydrofracking and the future of the Town of Hector. The board denied two previous requests from HCWI earlier this month. In the latest request, HCWI asks the town board to hold the hearing on or before January 25, giving the Board more than three weeks to place legal notice. Quoting from the Association of New York Town Boards’ Manual for Town Boards and Supervisors, the letter notes that “a high personal responsibility rests on individual town board members. It requires that they exercise careful consideration in making important decisions which will affect the lives of town residents and businesses.” “I get together with my siblings..” - Dominic Versage, Ithaca Tourism Board to Offer Workshop Organizations or individuals interested in participating in the development of the Tompkins County Strategic Tourism Plan for 2012–20 are invited to attend a community workshop on Tuesday, Jan. 10. The workshop will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Tompkins County Library at 101 E. Green St., Ithaca, in the BorgWarner Community Meeting Room. For more information, including links to the 2005-2010 Strategic Tourism Plan and 2010 Visitor Profile Study, visit www.tompkinsco.org/ctyadmin/tourism. Ithaca Rotary Club Receives Grant The Triad Foundation has awarded the Ithaca Rotary Club a $1,000 grant to advance the cause of literacy through the Books for The World project. In the past year more than 11,000 children’s books, elementary and secondary textbooks, and medical textbooks have been collected, packed and shipped by local Rotarians to schools and libraries in South Africa. There, Rotarians unpack, sort and distribute these books for free. For more information go to www.CNYBooksfortheWorld.org. “We don’t have a New Year’s tradition, but I’d like to start one.” - Alex Lesman, ithaca This week’s question submitted by Alyssa Tsuchiya. Submit your question to S t re e t B e at . If we choose your question, you’ll receive a gift certificate to GreenStar Cooperative Market. Go to www.tompkinsweekly. com and click on S t re e t B e at to enter. Tompkins Weekly January 2 5 New Advice for Managing Menopause By Jennifer Moyer Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings and memory lapses can make menopause seem like puberty’s evil twin. After a woman’s period has stopped completely in a year, the ensuing hormonal changes can wreak havoc emotionally, mentally and physically. Menopause’s potential laundry list of discomforts includes: decreased libido, an increased risk of urinary-tract infections, and bone loss. “The change of life” symptoms can last anywhere from two years to a decade, depending on the individual. Although menopause is not considered a disease that needs a cure, women often request treatment to help manage it. A new study reinforces the possibility that medications typically used to help mitigate menopause’s effects may be increasing a woman’s risk of harm rather than good, even if used in the short term. During menopause, the ovaries decrease their production of estrogen and progesterone. As a result, the protective effects of estrogen and progesterone decrease. A woman’s body is then at increased risk of osteoporosis, hot flashes, and endometrial cancer. Therapy can be estrogen alone, especially for those who have had a hysterectomy. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also known as menopausal replacement therapy, involves the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. It can also be a combination of estrogen and progesterone, or estrogen and progestin, a synthetic version of progesterone. HRT was initially perceived to be a panacea to symptoms that accompany aging, but a 2002 U.S. Women’s Health Initiative study examining HRT’s effects was abruptly stopped after finding a higher incidence of breast cancer, heart attack and stroke among women using the therapy. Women began forgoing HRT use, which was followed by a Recent Research shows that hormone replacement therapy may increase the risk of breast cancer among women. decrease in the incidence of breast cancer in other countries too across the globe. However, health care providers still prescribe HRT in smaller doses for shorter periods of time as an anodyne for menopause’s symptoms. A new Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health study conducted an exhaustive literature review directly associating HRT use with breast cancer’s incidence. “The evidence is compelling that HRT use increases the risk of breast cancer, and its cessation reduces this risk,” the researchers said in a news release. “Given the potential harms associated with HRT use, physicians and patients alike should be reminded of the lessons learned from the WHI trial. If HRT is needed, it should be used for the shortest time and at the lowest dose necessary to relieve symptoms,” stated Dr. Kevin Zbuk, assistant professor of oncology at the Michael G. "It’s a new year and that means it’s the perfect time to come to T-Burg Shur Save. Now that the hustle and bustle of the holidays is over, you’ll soon be seeing those holiday bills coming in the mail. To save yourself some grocery money, take the short drive to T-Burg Shur Save. Conveniently located on Route 96 you’ll enjoy friendly, neighborly service, and low country prices everyday. So don’t pay city store prices. Come check our in-store flyer for quality products, and prices so low you’re always shur to save!” ~ Heather Stewart 6 Tompkins Weekly January 2 DeGroote School of Medicine at McMaster University in Canada and lead author on the study. Currently, there is not enough data available to determine the appropriate safe dosage or length of time to remain on HRT to minimize such risks. Health care professionals make treatment decisions based on individual personal and family medical histories. Women with a history of blood clots, heart disease, stroke, gall bladder disease and breast cancer may not be appropriate candidates for HRT. The increased risk of these diseases may not be worth HRT’s short-term benefit of mitigating symptoms. Yet the discomfort associated with menopausal symptoms should not be ignored. Trying to live with hot flashes, unrest and irritability can significantly affect one’s quality of life. For those who want relief and want to avoid increasing their risk of breast cancer, there are other medications for menopausal symptom control. Although they are not FDA-approved for specifically treating menopausal symptoms, antidepressants can help manage hot flashes and mood swings. Biphosphonates, such as Boniva, Fosamax and Actonel, are used to help prevent bone loss. Other medications, and sometimes surgery, may be needed to help con- trol urinary incontinence. Vaginal dryness can also be treated with lubricant and medications, such as vaginal estrogen, which is available prescribed as a cream, pill or ring. The medication delivers a small amount of estrogen to the vaginal tissues for those who want to minimize their body’s exposure to estrogen. There are other options for those seeking to avoid medications. Some experts suggest that we avoid hotflash triggers, such as spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine and stress. Coping strategies, such as deep breathing and counting to 10, can help alleviate stress. Dressing in layers allows one to strip comfortably and discreetly in the event of a hot flash. Weight-bearing exercise, a low-fat diet, and eating small rather than large meals during the day can help facilitate sleep at night and reduce bone loss. 1,200 mg of calcium and 600 IU of vitamin D are suggested for women ages 51 through 70 to help protect bones. Herbal remedies, such as black cohosh, motherwort and chasteberry, should be used only under the supervision of a medical professional to assess the frequency and dosage, as well as to avoid potential drug interactions. In the meantime, for those continuing to pursue HRT therapy, treatment should be reevaluated every six months. If vaginal bleeding, bloating, headaches or nausea occur, it may be time to consider other alternatives. Jennifer Moyer, BSN, RN, CBC, is a frequent contributor to Tompkins Weekly. A former Ithaca resident, she now lives and practices nursing in the Boston area. By Patricia Brhel Phillip Cornelius, Dan Vandam and Thomas Cornelius have earned the highest honor given by the Boy Scouts. doing this with your friends. You support each other and learn together, cheering each other on, and in practical ways, like helping to complete projects. Nobody does their project completely by themselves; one of the ways you demonstrate leadership is by inspiring and directing other scouts as you work on your project. Eagle Scouts are looked up to, and they serve as examples of how to conduct your life. A big part is helping the younger scouts, giving back to not just your troop, but your community and the country.” O W Celebrating 35 years, a cornerstone of Ithaca and surrounding communities U N E LE F L C I ILAB C A VA AV N At the Eagle Scout awards ceremony held Dec. 27 at the Foundation of Light, Thomas and Phillip Cornelius and Dan Vandam of Troop 55, Ellis Hollow, impressed visitors with their poise, their intelligence and their ambition. They were eager to reminisce about the fun they’ve had working toward Boy Scouts’ highest rank, but also to talk about their projects and the effect those projects had on the community. Phillip and Thomas worked on a trail that is located beyond the pond at the Ellis Hollow Community Center. Phillip explains, “I worked on two bridges, completely replacing one that had been just an old door across a narrow stream and replacing rotting wood railings and poles on the other. I also created and hung signs identifying various trees, listing each scientific name and the uses of each tree.” His twin brother Thomas says, “I’m more into conventional construction. I created an archway by using trees I harvested from our property to define the previously obscure trail; made a bench near Phillip’s bridge; and I built a picnic table by the river at end of the trail so that visitors could sit and enjoy a snack while enjoying nature.” After the two projects, the trail is now much more visible, usable and more often used. Vandam concentrated his efforts at the Brooktondale Community Center. “I built two picnic tables and a brick barbeque pit under an existing pavilion. This allows families to enjoy a picnic in a parklike setting,” he says. “The barbeque and picnic tables now allow families and groups to enjoy simple pleasures like a sing-along and s’mores close to home.” Prior to all three projects, the young men consulted with their parents, scout leaders, community members and the boards of the two community centers to define the scope of the projects, get permission from the organizations and scout leadership, and to obtain financing. They each wrote letters and received a discount on materials. To organize groups of adults and younger scouts to complete a project, many weeks of effort and activity— from the initial rough sketch through materials purchase—must be documented both in writing and pictures and submitted to a review board. All three credit their families with helping them reach their goals. “My parents took me camping, which helped me get interested in scouting. Right now I’m studying engineering at Cornell and may go into biological engineering. Dad teaches math at I.C. and Mom does illustrations of animals, fungi and plants, so I come by it naturally. Mom took all of us into the woods and showed us things when we were growing up,” Vandam says. All three boys smile, remembering sunny days spent hunting for salamanders and spiders. Thomas and Phillip, both seniors at Ithaca High School, also talked about camping trips with their parents and the support they received. “Mom helped me keep myself organized and on track,” Thomas recalled. Phillip says, “Our parents helped by believing in us. Dad, Jan Cornelius, has even been our scoutmaster for the past three and a half years.” Thomas adds, “We weren’t always easy to deal with either; we could be just as stubborn and silly as any other kids, but they stuck by us.” He laughs. “It can’t always have been fun, spending one weekend a month camping with unruly teenage boys!” It takes at least 21 badges—10 regular and 11 special silverrimmed badges—before a Boy Scout can apply for Eagle status. However, it was obvious from the number of little, round fabric emblems on each young man’s sash that they’d accomplished far more than the minimum requirements. This isn’t the first time that Troop 55 has admitted three young men in a single year to the Eagle Court of Honor. Craig Mccullough, an Eagle Scout and graduate of troop 55 says, “The best part is Photo by Patricia Brhel Local Troop Recognizes 3 Eagle Scouts Family Medicine Associates of Ithaca LLP Announcing Laurel Edmundson, MD New Patients Welcome Same Day Sick Visit Appointments plus Evening & Saturday Lab Appointments! Physicians: Robert J. Breiman, MD; Neil F. Shallish, MD; Alan T. Midura, MD; Lloyd A. Darlow, MD; Wallace A. Baker, MD; Karen M. LaFace, MD; Sharon Ziegler, MD. Nurse Practitioners: Tina Hilsdorf, RN, NP-C; Debra LaVigne, RN, NP-C; Judy Scherer, RN, FNP We Welcome: Excellus Blue Shield, HealthNow, Aetna, Cornell Program for Healthy Living, RMSCO o Board Certified American Academy of Family Physicians o FMA Physician always on call o Minor surgeries performed in office o Accredited diagnostic laboratory We take your family’s health to heart! Mon. - Thurs. 8 am - 9 pm • Fri. 8 am - 5 pm • Sat. 9 am - 2 pm Call 277-4341 or visit www.fma-ithaca.com Two Ithaca locations: Downtown: 209 W. State St., just off The Commons Northeast: 8 Brentwood Dr., just off Warren Rd. Tompkins Weekly January 2 7 T-burg Chamber Still Going Strong The Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce is a familiar name to most people in the area. However, not everybody knows that there is another active business organization on the west side of the lake. Founded in the early 20th century, when travel by horse and buggy was still commonplace, the Trumansburg Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) is still going strong today. Long-time TACC member Fran Maguire, of Maguire Family Dealerships, speculates that the organization evolved because the Village of Trumansburg was essentially a market town with a robust business district that had stores that were open on Saturdays. “The farmers would come into town on that day and do their shopping and visit their friends and extended family that lived there,” Maguire says. Though the initial circumstances may have changed, much about TACC remains the same. These days, for Trumansburg and the tri-county area of Jacksonville, Lodi, Interlaken and Sheldrake that are also part of TACC, having a local chamber enables members to learn more about issues that pertain to their specific rural needs, such as natural resource conservation, wine sales in grocery stores and agriculture protection plans, rather than those that don’t impact them as 8 Tompkins Weekly January 2 Photo by Sue Henninger By Sue Henninger Bridgid Beames, Lucia Tyler, and Dr. Ellen Matuszak listen to the guest speaker at a TACC Business Luncheon at the Glenwood Pines in February 2011. much, such as town-gown relations. Membership due remain relatively inexpensive at $80 per year and the benefits are simple, but practical. For years TACC has been one of the cornerstones of the Trumansburg/Ulysses Winter Festival. Main Street businesses host holiday open houses, offer holiday specials, and decorate for the Chamber’s Merry Merchant contest. This event is free and open to everyone in the community and is looked forward to by locals and visitors alike as a way to reconnect with neighbors and friends. TACC also maintains a brochure rack at the highly-trafficked Taughannock Falls State Park for its members to distribute information about their business or service in. The annual dinner is another occasion that offers members a chance to network as well as to acknowledge specific contributions or achievements of certain members by awarding a plaque to both a Community Business/Business Person of the Year and a Community Person of the Year. This year’s recipients, the VanDerzee family, owners of the Falls Tavern Restaurant & Catering, and the American Legion, exemplify the spirit of the award, as both enhance the quality of life in the community by offering a place for residents to gather, regularly providing donations to local groups, and sponsoring traditional yearly events like the Memorial Day parade. Though none of these activities are opulent or large-scale, they all reinforce the sense of living and working in a place where “everybody knows your name.” Business owners and service providers, many of whom are sole proprietors or own small companies, also benefit from TACC’s group marketing. Membership entitles them to be included on TACC’s website, in the annual brochure, and in the quarterly newsletters, publicity that costs much less when paid as a group. Like other s civic organizations, TACC has had to weather its share of difficulties, including a drop in membership several years ago and members less able or willing to take on additional volunteer responsibilities. There have also been the predictable debates around what TACC should be doing for its members versus what members want to receive from TACC. Despite these, this group of business owners and not-for-profit associates continues forward with a positive outlook, Please turn to page 12 Some Tips for Weatherizing Your Home By Kevin McMahon With the holidays behind us and much of the country facing months of chilly or even sub-zero weather, it’s not too late to make sure your home is adequately weatherproofed and save a few dollars (or more) on your utility bills. Here are some things you can do to improve your home’s efficiency and make sure you and your family are comfortable through the winter months. C h e c k I n s u l at i o n According to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension, in a typical home, about 10 to 20 percent of the fuel bill is the result of unintended air infiltration. Even in a well-insulated home, energy may be wasted through air moving in and out or infiltrating through the home’s building shell or structure. Air leaks around doors and windows, attic hatches, window air conditioners, and through cracks and holes. Make sure your attic has a sufficient amount of insulation to ensure it stays at least five to 10 degrees warmer than the outside air, otherwise too much heat escapes. Not only will this cause your heat bills to be higher, but it can also cause frozen water to melt and refreeze which can result in a collapsed roof. Inspect the weather stripping and caulking around doors and windows to make sure it hasn’t cracked or come loose, allowing air to leak, and replace it if needed. This can also help reduce infiltration by insects, dust and moisture and noise. Or, consider replacing your windows or doors with new ENERGY STAR-qualified windows or doors, which can save you about seven to 15 percent on your energy bills. M a i n t a i n Yo ur Pi p e s Wrap your pipes with heating tape every winter and insulate unfinished rooms such as garages or sunrooms if they contain exposed pipes. Check pipes for cracks and leaks and have any damage repaired immediately to prevent costlier repairs later. Keep your house warm—at least 65 degrees. Don’t neglect your basement and crawl spaces, and insulate pipes in those spaces to protect against freezing. It’s also important to know the location of your pipes and how to shut the water off. If your pipes freeze, the quicker you shut off the water, the better chance you have of preventing pipe bursts and major water damage in your home. I n s p e c t H e at i n g S y s t e m s Be sure to have your heating system serviced every year, and maintain your furnace, fireplace, boiler, water heater, space heater and wood-burning stove. Change your heating and air conditioning filters regularly, and while you’re at it, check the batteries and operation of your smoke and fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. By setting aside a few weekend days now, you’ll save yourself a lot of hassle later—and your family can relax and be warm and comfortable throughout the winter months. For more information on home maintenance, go to tcbra.com or www.nahb.org/forconsumers. Kevin McMahon is president of the Tompkins Cortland Builders & Remodelers Association (TCBRA). Homeowners Need Mortgage Interest Deduction By Kevin McMahon Homeownership, the foundation of the American Dream and the American economy, is under attack. Lawmakers are considering tampering with the mortgage interest deduction— which has been part of the tax code since its inception in 1913—in a bid to reduce the federal deficit. But the mortgage interest deduction is often a key consideration in household financial planning and a family’s ability to afford their monthly housing payments—especially young families that are new home owners. In the continuing economic downturn, changing this important tax provision could tip the scales for millions of families who are struggling to make ends meet on a daily basis. Contrary to claims that the mortgage interest deduction primarily benefits the wealthy, the biggest beneficiaries are younger households and middle-class home owners. Sixty-eight percent of the mortgage interest deduction tax benefits are collected by home owners who make less than $200,000 per year. Young families with modest household budgets make up the bulk of the entry-level market. They tend to be recent home buyers, with small amounts of home equity and growing families due to marriages and children. A study by the National Association of Home Builders found that the bigger the family or household, the greater the tax benefit from the mortgage interest deduction. IRS data shows that largest deduction amounts are claimed by those aged 35 to 45. Out of the total amount of mortgage interest deduction claims, 74 percent is claimed by taxpayers under the age of 55—30 percent by taxpayers ages 35 to 45. For generations of American families, owning a home has meant owning your future. It is an important stepping stone to building household wealth, providing for children’s educations and ensuring a comfortable retirement. In fact, owning a home is the most valued long-term investment most Americans ever make. Find out more about the mortgage interest deduction at www.SaveMyMortgageInterest Deduction.com. Tompkins Weekly January 2 9 Tompkins County Community Calendar... 2 Monday Adult Spanish Class, 6:30PM-7:30PM, Lansing Community Library, 27 Auburn Road, Lansing, This beginning level class introduces students to the basic concepts of the language while focusing on Spanish as a part of everyday life. Nora Schapira, Instructor, is a native speaker and New York Certified Spanish Teacher. Class will meet January 2, 9,16, 23, 30 and February 6, 13, 20, 27. Register with the Town of Lansing Recreation Department. Fee is $50. Lifelong Schedule, 8:30–9:30AM, Enhance Fitness® , Lifelong, 119 W. Court Street, Ithaca; 9–10AM, Enhance Fitness®, Juniper Manor I, 24 Elm St., Trumansburg; 10:15–11:15AM, Enhance Fitness, Dryden Fire Hall, 26 North Street; 7–9PM, International Folk Dancing; Info., 273-1511 or www.tclifelong.org. Lights on the Lake, 5-10pm daily, Onondaga Lake Park, Liverpool, Nov. 17th-January 8, Lights on the lake is a two mile long drive-thru show. Info., http://lightsonthelake.com. Note: Please check with your venue that your event is still scheduled over the holidays. 3 Tuesday Al-Anon, 12noon, 518 W. Seneca St., Ithaca, Meeting open to anyone affected by another person’s drinking. Info., 387-5701. Emergency Food Pantry, 11:30am-2pm, Tompkins Community Action, 701 Spencer Rd., Ithaca. Provides individuals and families with 2-3 days worth of nutritious food and personal care items. Info. 273-8816. First Tuesday Book Club, 6:30pm, Newfield Public Library, Main St., Info., (607) 564-3594. GIAC Teen Program, 7-9pm, BJM, 318 N. Albany St., Ithaca, Game Room, Video Games, Open Gym & Field Trips, 272-3622. Groton Alumni Association Meeting, 7pm, Community Room of Center Village Court, 200 West South St. Groton. Plans for the 2012 All-Alumni Reunion will be to honor and recognize graduating classes ending in "2" and "7". If you have questions, contact Treasurer Jane Rutledge at 898-3983 or Secretary Rose Tucker at 898-5867. The mailing address for the Groton Alumni Association is: PO Box 42, Groton, NY 13073. Interfaith Group Prayer Service for Healing Ithaca, 5:15PM–5:45PM, Temple Beth El, 402 N. Tioga Street. Host: Rabbi Scott Glass. Free, For information, contact Leslie Meyerhoff, member of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, at HealingIthacaNY@gmail.com. Knee & Hip Pain Seminar, 11am, Cusick Room, located on the first floor of St. Joseph’s, Elmira; A free seminar, entitled “The Good News About Knee and Hip Pain,” sponsored by St. Joseph’s Hospital, The seminar is FREE and open to the public. Interested individuals are invited to make a reservation by calling Health on Demand at 607-737-4499 or 800-952-2662. Lifelong Schedule, 9–12PM, Morning Watercolor Studio; 9:30–11:30AM, Football; 10–12PM, Open Computer Lab/Discussion; 11:30–12:30PM, Tai Chi, Lansing Community Library, Auburn Road; 12–1:30PM, Northside-Southside Gathering; 1–4PM, Confidential HIV Testing and Counseling (Alison Rice)-by appt, Call 274-6683; 1–4PM, Afternoon Art Studio; 5–7PM, Young at Heart Yoga; 7–9PM, Lions Club Meeting; Info., 273-1511 or www.tclifelong.org. Loaves & Fishes Community Kitchen, 6pm, St. John's Church, 210 N Cayuga St., Open to all, no limitations or requirements. Info., www.loaves.org. Math Time in the Curiosity Corner, 10:30am, Sciencenter, 601 First St., Ithaca. Toddlers and preschoolers hear stories and create crafts at the Sciencenter every Tuesday. Info., www.sciencenter.org. New Roots Charter School Board of Trustees Meeting, 5:30-7PM, New Roots Charter School at 116 N. Cayuga Street, the Clinton House, Ithaca. Info., 607-882-9220 or http://newrootsschool.org. Overeaters Anonymous, 12:15-1:15pm, Henry St. John Building, 301 S. Geneva St., #103, corner W. Clinton St., 12 Steps & 12 Traditions meeting; 7-8pm, Watkins Glen Library; Meetings are free, confidential, no weigh-ins or diets. Info., 387-8253. T'ai Chi Classes at Lansing Library, 11:30AM12:30PM, Lansing Community Library, 27 Auburn Road, Lansing, John Burger - Instructor. T'ai Chi promotes balance, flexibility, coordination and can reduce pain. T'ai Chi is also been shown to lower the risk of falls, increase energy levels, enhance sleep, and reduce stress and anxiety. Using precise, fluid movements, T'ai Chi can dissolve tension, increase your strength and cardiovascular fitness, and leave you with a greater awareness, calmness, and overall sense of wholeness. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. Registration & Fee: $5/class (Scholarships and reduced monthly payment options available through Lifelong - 607-273-1511 - www.tclifelong.org and the Lansing Library) Toddler Storytime, 11-11:30am, Thaler/Howell Room, Tompkins County Public Library, Ithaca, Toddler storytime is most appropriate for children 18 months to 36 months.Caregivers and toddlers share great stories, music, rhymes and fingerplays. Tot Spot, 9:30-11:30am, Ithaca Youth Bureau, Mid October thru Late April. Indoor stay and play for children 5 months to 5 years & grown-ups of any age. Children ages 5 months to 1 year: $2; Children ages 1 year to 5 years: $4; Adults always FREE! Frequent Visit Discount Passes Available for Recreation Partnership Residents, Info., 273-8364. Women Singin', 5:30-7pm, Hospicare, Ithaca, A singing circle of a cappella songs from different traditions, including harmonizing, rounds, etc. For all women who like to sing. For more information, contact Hospicare at 607-272-0212. "Writing Through The Rough Spots", Brighten the gray this winter! Discover stories you didn’t know were waiting inside you. Small, comfortable classes in a warm setting. Writing Room Register for Tues. class now. More info. at www.WritingRoomWorkshops.com 4 Wednesday Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families Group, ACA Meets every Wednesday 7:308:30 pm at The Ithaca Community Recovery Bldg. 2nd floor of 518 W. Seneca St Ithaca, NY for more info: www.adultchildren.org Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, 7-8:30pm, The 1st Congregational Church, 309 Highland Rd., Ithaca, Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is a free Twelve Step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating and bulimia. Info., toll free 866-931-6932 or 718-321-9118 or www. foodaddicts.org. 10 Tompkins Weekly January 2 Knitting/Crocheting Night, 6:30pm, Newfield Public Library, Main St., Info., (607) 564-3594. Lansing Writers' Group, 7PM, Lansing Community Library, 27 Auburn Road, Lansing, Meetings are open to adults and focused, mature minors who strive to improve their writing skills and learn from each other. All genres, skill levels, and writing types are welcome. Additional info., www.groups.yahoo.com/group/lansingwritersgroup. Free and open to the public. Lifelong Schedule, 8:30–9:30AM, Enhance Fitness® , Lifelong, 119 W. Court Street, Ithaca; 9–10AM, Enhance Fitness®, Juniper Manor I, 24 Elm St., Trumansburg; 9–10AM, Enhance Fitness®, Kendal at Ithaca, 2230 North Triphammer Road; 9–10:30AM, Make-Up Class--Lace Knitting Class #1; 9–12PM, HIICAP Health Insurance Counseling, by appointment. Call 273-1511; 9:30–10:30AM, Enhance Fitness®Newfield Garden Apartments, 261 Main St.; 10–11:15AM, Yoga for Older Adults with Special Conditions @ St. Catherine of Siena Parish Hall, Room 3; 11:30–12:45PM, Yoga for Well Older Adults @ St. Catherine of Siena Parish Hall, Room 3; 10:15–11:15AM, Enhance Fitness, Dryden Fire Hall, 26 North Street; 1–3PM, German Class; 1–3:30PM, Crafting Circle-Needlework and Quilting; 2–3PM, Enhance Fitness®- McGraw House Annex, 211 S. Geneva St.; 6–7:30PM, Alzheimer’s Support Group; 7–8:30PM, Tai Chi for Wellness; Info., 273-1511 or www.tclifelong.org. Loaves & Fishes Community Kitchen, 12 Noon, St. John's Church, 210 N Cayuga St., Open to all, no limitations or requirements. Info., www.loaves.org. NYS Ag Society Panel and Reception, 6:458:30pm, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell, Info., https://secure.www.alumniconnections. Cost: $10per person. Play Mah Jongg, 1PM-4PM, Lansing Community Library, 27 Auburn Road, Lansing; Play American Mah Jongg in an informal, relaxed setting. Free and open to the public. Ted Walsh and Unreal City, The Beach House, Lansing, 7-10pm, no cover. "Writing Through The Rough Spots", Brighten the gray this winter! Discover stories you didn’t know were waiting inside you. Small, comfortable classes in a warm setting. Writing Room Register for Wed. class now. More info. at www.WritingRoomWorkshops.com. 5 Thursday Adult Karate, Seishi Honbu, 15 Catherwood Road, Ithaca. Formal, traditional, japanese discipline, Progressive noon time classes for men and women. Info., (607) 277-1047 Email seishihonbu@verzon.net. AL-ANON Hope for Today, 7:30pm, 518 West Seneca St., Ithaca, main floor, Meeting open to anyone affected by another person’s drinking, Info., 8444210. Anorexia Nervosa & Associated Disorders, 7pm, Cooperative Extension, 614 W. State St., for those in need of help & recovery. Info., 272-2292. Conservation Board Meeting, 7pm, 215 N. Tioga St., Ithaca. Info., 273-1747. Depression Support Group, 5:30-7pm, Finger Lakes Independence Center, 215 Fifth Street, Ithaca. Every Thurs. The group is free, confidential and organized by people who have personal experience with depression. Info., 272-2433. Groundswell Farm Business Planning Course, 8 classes, every other Thursday evening, January 5 April 12, 2012; Dates: January 5 and 19, February 2 and 16, March 1, 15, and 29, and April 12, 6-9PM, Ithaca, Sliding scale, $80 – $300; Application required: Visit www.groundswellcenter.org for online application. For information: info@groundswellcenter.org. Lifelong Schedule, 9–10:30AM, Make-Up Class, Lace Knitting Class #2; 10–11:30AM, Asking the Right Questions; 12:30–1:30PM, Strength Training Class; 2–3PM, Senior Theatre Troupe; 2:15–4PM, Open Computer Lab; 2:45–4PM, Preparing the Soul for Death; 6:15–6:45PM, Couples Pattern Dance Lessons; 6:30–8PM, Caregiver Conversations Support Group, Call 274-5482 for information; 6:45–8:30PM, Line Dancing Lessons; 7:15-9PM, Toastmasters Meeting; Info., 273-1511 or www.tclifelong.org. Loaves & Fishes Community Kitchen, 6pm, Loaves & Fishes, 210 N Cayuga St., Open to all, no limitations or requirements. Info., www.loaves.org. Men’s Breakfast Group, 8–9am, location TBD, for men with any type/stage of cancer, Every Thursday, Call 277-0960. Overeaters Anonymous, 6:15-7pm, Henry St. John Building, 301 S. Geneva St., #103, corner W. Clinton St., Just for Today/open sharing meeting. Meetings are free, confidential, no weigh-ins or diets. Info., 3878253. Preschool Story Hour, 10:30 AM, Lansing Community Library, 27 Auburn Road, Lansing; Join us for stories, songs, and fun! Different theme each week. Free and open to the public. Teen Advisory Program, 4:30-5:30pm, Tompkins County Library, Tompkins County Study Room. Bring your ideas and help improve the Library’s Teen Department, Open to anyone in grades 6 through 12, Refreshments will be provided. Tot Spot, 9:30-11:30am, Ithaca Youth Bureau, Mid October thru Late April. Indoor stay and play for children 5 months to 5 years & grown-ups of any age. Children ages 5 months to 1 year: $2; Children ages 1 year to 5 years: $4; Adults always FREE! Frequent Visit Discount Passes Available for Recreation Partnership Residents, Info., 273-8364. "Writing Through The Rough Spots", Brighten the gray this winter! Discover stories you didn’t know were waiting inside you. Small, comfortable classes in a warm setting. Writing Room Register for Thurs. class now. More info. at www.WritingRoomWorkshops.com. 6 Friday Al-Anon, Meeting open to anyone affected by another person’s drinking. 7pm. Dryden Methodist Church, Park in Rite-Aid lot. Info., 387-5701. First Friday Gallery Night, 5pm-8pm, Downtown Ithaca, A walkable tour of Downtown Galleries and Art Houses on the First Friday of every month. “Immigration and Biography” will be the first show of 2012 at State of the Art Gallery and it will feature the work of the gallery’s two newest members, Jane Dennis and Terry Plater. A reception for the artists will be held Friday, Jan. 6, 5-8pm with a wine tasting courtesy of Bet the Farm Winery of Aurora, New York. Show dates are Jan. 4 -29, 2012. . Gallery hours: Wed.–Fri., 12-6pm and Sat. & Sun., 12-5pm. State of the Art is located at 120 W State Street and the gallery is ADA accessible with curbside parking. Contact information: 607-277-1626 and www.soag.org Lifelong Schedule, 8:30–9:30AM, Enhance Fitness®, Lifelong, 119 W. Court Street, Ithaca; 9–10AM, Enhance Fitness®, Juniper Manor I, 24 Elm St., Trumansburg; 9–10AM, Enhance Fitness®, Kendal at Ithaca, 2230 North Triphammer Road; 9–10:30AM, Knitting Circle , All Levels Welcome; 9-12PM, Duplicate Bridge Class, Beginner and Intermediate Lessons and Practice Play, Seats Available; 9:30–10:30AM, Strength Training @ St. Catherine of Siena Parish Hall, Room 3, 302 St. Catherine Circle, Ithaca; 9:30–10:30AM, Enhance Fitness®, Newfield Garden Apartments, 261 Main St. ;10–11AM, Chair Yoga; 10:15–11:15AM, Enhance Fitness, Dryden Fire Hall, 26 North Street; 11:30–1PM, Tai Chi Class, All levels welcome; 1–3PM, Mahjong; 2-:3PM, Enhance Fitness®, McGraw House Annex, 211 S Geneva St.; 2–4PM, Square, Round, Line & Polka Dancing; Info., 273-1511 or www.tclifelong.org. Loaves & Fishes Community Kitchen, 12 Noon, Loaves and Fishes, 210 N. Cayuga St., Open to all, no limitations or requirements. Info., www.loaves.org. “Moon Shine”, 5-8pm, The History Center, Ithaca. A small exhibit about the local Temperance Movement will be set in complement to The History Center's current exhibit "Built to Last: The Architecture of William H. Miller", and hot mulled wine will be available for the public to taste thanks to a generous donation from Sheldrake Point Winery. For information, please call 607.273.828. New England Contra and Square Dance, 8-11pm, Bethel Grove Community Center, NYS Rt. 79, about 4 miles east of Ithaca. For more information: Ted Crane, 607-273-8678 or visit www.tedcrane.com/TCCD. Night Hikes, Cayuga Nature Center, Join us for a guided hike on our trails under the big night sky. Find out who is awake and stirring under the moonlight. No need to bring a flashlight-- you?ll be surprised how much you see without one! Please call 607-273-6260 for reservations. Night Hikes occur on the first Friday of every month. NY State Lifeguard Exam, 5:30pm, Watkins Glen High School. Please visit www.nysparks.com for a list of all the qualifying procedures and prerequisites to employment or for other exam dates and locations. Info. & registration 607-387-7041 or email Bonnie.Jepsen@parks.ny.gov. Walk-ins will also be accepted as long as they arrive prior to 5:30pm. Red Cross Blood Drive, 1:30pm-6pm, Danby Federated Church, 1859 Danby Rd, Ithaca, Walk-ins Welcome. Waltz Jam Night, 7pm, Bethel Grove Community Center, 1825 Slaterville Rd., Ithaca. Bring an instrument or your feet, or both. Info., 607-273-8678, Email: tccd_mail20101001@tedcrane.com. Workforce NY Workshop Performance Systems Development, 9:30-11am, NYS Department of Labor /Tompkins Workforce NY, 171 E. State Street, Center Ithaca Building, Room 241, Ithaca. Cornell University Information Session, 1-2:30pm, Info., Phone: (607) 272-7570 ext. 126, Email: Ramona.emery@labor.ny.gov. 7 Saturday 4H Fly Tying Workshop, 6-8pm, Cornell Cooperative Extension, Tompkins County, 615 Willow Avenue, Ithaca, Tuition Fees and Supplies: Tuition covers nine weeks of instruction, all tools, hooks and materials. All students will receive complete tying kits including vises, scissors and related materials necessary to complete the course and practice tying outside of the class. Fees: Adult (19 and up) $150, Child (between 13 and 18) $120, Child and Adult (both) $225. Animal Feeding, Cayuga Nature Center. Noon. Feel free to visit CNC as our animal volunteers feed our many animals, then hike one of our trails or visit the tree house. Free for members, low cost to visitors. Info www.cayuganaturecenter.org. Genealogy Study Group, 10am, Newfield Public Library, Main St., Newfield. Info., (607) 564-3594. GIAC Teen Program After Hours Spot 4-midnight. 318 N. Albany St.. Ithaca, Music, movies, open gym, game room, video games, computers, skating & more. Info., 272-3622. Monthly Mother/Daughter Book Club, 3:304:30pm, Thaler/Howell Programming Room, Tompkins County Public Library. The Club provides a wonderful opportunity for participants to learn about themselves and others by discussing literature. There are no right or wrong answers during Club meetings, simply open discussions where all input is valued. A complete list of Club dates and titles will be provided at the December 3 meeting. For information, contact Carrie Wheeler-Carmenatty at (607) 272-4557 extension 248 or cwheeler@tcpl.org. “Our Brothers, Our Sisters’ Table” hot cooked community meal, 12noon, served at the Salvation Army, 150 N. Albany St. Ithaca. All welcome, No income guidelines. Overeaters Anonymous, 11am-12:15pm, Henry St. John Building, 301 S. Geneva St., #103, corner W. Clinton St., 12 Steps & 12 Traditions meeting; 8-9am, Cortland Memorial Nursing Facility; Meetings are free, confidential, no weigh-ins or diets. Newcomers always welcome. Info 387-8253. Secular Organizations for Sobriety Meeting, 2pm, Unitarian Church Offices, Basement at Aurora and Buffalo Streets, S.O.S offers a secular approach to recovery based on self-empowerment and individual responsibility for one's sobriety. Showtime!, 2pm, Sciencenter, 601 First St., Ithaca. See science in action with a special interactive presentation at the Sciencenter every Saturday at 2 pm. Info., www.sciencenter.org. The Ithaca Community Chorus, 7:30pm, St. Paul's United Methodist Church, 402 N. Aurora St, Ithaca. The Ithaca Community Chorus & Chamber Singers and Gerald Wolfe, Director, present Karl Jenkins' "The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace" with full orchestra. Adults: $15 in advance, $18 at the door; Students: $5; children under 12, free. Info., http://ithacacommunitychoruses.org/g-icccs.cfm. Tompkins Learning Partners Volunteer Orientation, 10am-12Noon, 124 W. Buffalo Street, Ithaca. Info., 277-6442 to pre-register. Tot Spot, 9:30-11:30am, Ithaca Youth Bureau, Mid October thru Late April. Indoor stay and play for children 5 months to 5 years & grown-ups of any age. Children ages 5 months to 1 year: $2; Children ages 1 year to 5 years: $4; Adults always FREE! Frequent Visit Discount Passes Available for Recreation Partnership Residents, Info., 273-8364. Twelfth Night Community Celebration, 7:30pm, Unitarian Church, corner of Buffalo and Aurora, Ithaca. Bring: A story to share, if you wish; a snack to pass and A couple of bucks to share expenses. 8 Sunday Brooktondale Fire Company Pancake Breakfast, 8am-11am, 786 Valley Rd., Brooktondale. Discovery Sunday, 1pm, Cayuga Nature Center, Ithaca. Join us on the second Sunday of each month for a family-friendly program on a nature themed topic. Enfield Fire Co. Chicken Barbecue, 11am till gone, Enfield Fire Station is located at 172 Enfield Main Rd., On Route 327 about 1 mile south of Route 79. Adult meals are $8, Children meals are $5. The Ladies Auxiliary holds a Bake Sale at each BBQ. Free Sunday at the Sciencenter, 12noon-5pm, The Sciencenter, 601 First St., ithaca. Visit the Sciencenter for FREE on the first Sunday of every month this winter. GIAC Teen Program 4-7pm, 318 N. Albany St., Ithaca, Game Room, Video Games, Open Gym & Field Trips. “Our Brothers, Our Sisters’ Table” hot cooked community meal, 3pm, served at the Salvation Army, 150 N. Albany St. Ithaca. All welcome, No income guidelines. SALSA FROM SCRATCH: with Felipe Rivera!, 45pm, Jan 8 - Feb. 12, 6 weeks, City Health Club, 402 W. Green St, Ithaca, $70/series, with multiple discounts available, Felipe Rivera and Liz Welch, Info., 266-0282 or www.ithacadance.com. Tot Spot, 3:30-5:30pm, Ithaca Youth Bureau, Mid October thru Late April. Indoor stay and play for children 5 months to 5 years & grown-ups of any age. Children ages 5 months to 1 year: $2; Children ages 1 year to 5 years: $4; Adults always FREE! Frequent Visit Discount Passes Available for Recreation Partnership Residents, Info., 273-8364. 9 Monday Adult Spanish Class, 6:30PM-7:30PM, Lansing Community Library, 27 Auburn Road, Lansing, This beginning level class introduces students to the basic concepts of the language while focusing on Spanish as a part of everyday life. Nora Schapira, Instructor, is a native speaker and New York Certified Spanish Teacher. Class will meet January 2, 9,16, 23, 30 and February 6, 13, 20, 27. Register with the Town of Lansing Recreation Department. Fee is $50. Baby Storytime, 10:30-11am, Tompkins Co. Public Library, Caregivers and newborns up to 15 months old are invited to join us each Monday in the Thaler/Howell Programming Room for stories, songs, and togetherness. For more info, 272-4557 ext. 275. Cayuga Bird Club Meeting, 7:30pm, Auditorium at the Lab of Ornithology on Sapsucker Woods Rd., This will be the annual "Share Your Photos Night," hosted by Kevin McGowan, in which club members bring in their own photos and share their birding experiences. Meetings are free and open to the public and anyone interested in birds is invited to attend. For information, 279-4253 or wingmagic16@gmail.com email. Dryden Senior Citizens , will meet on at the Dryden Fire Hall. Lunch is served at 12:15 p.m. with announcements starting at 11:45 a.m. Please bring your own table service. The meal cost for members is $6.00 and $8.00 for non-members. The menu will be lasagna, tossed salad, garlic bread, and fruited jello. Emergency Food Pantry, 1-3:30pm, Tompkins Community Action, 701 Spencer Rd., Ithaca. Provides individuals and families with 2-3 days worth of nutritious food and personal care items. Info. 273-8816. GIAC Teen Program 4-7pm, 318 N. Albany St., Ithaca, Game Room, Video Games, Open Gym & Field Trips. Groton Library Book Club, 6pm, Groton Public Library, meets every 2nd Monday of the month. This months book is "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot. Info., 898-5055. Jazz Dance Classes with Nancy Gaspar, 7:15pm, Finger Lakes Fitness Center, 171 E. State St., Center Ithaca, Non-members & drop-ins welcome. Info 256-3532. Jazzercise, 5:45 & 6:45pm, 119 W Court St., Ithaca. Jazzercise combines dance, resistance training, pilates, yoga, kickboxing and more to create programs for people of every age and fitness level. More info. 288-4040 or www.jazzercise.com. Knowledge is Power, 6pm, group for those who have been in abusive relationships, For info., 277-3203. Fine Spirit Kundalini Yoga Classes, 7:30-9pm, Yoga Studio, 201 Dey St., Ithaca. Info., 760-5386. Loaves & Fishes Community Kitchen, 12 Noon, St. John's Church, 210 N Cayuga St., Open to all, no limitations or requirements. Info., www.loaves.org. Overeaters Anonymous, 7:30-8:30pm, Henry St. John Building, 301 S. Geneva St., #103, corner W. Clinton St. or 7-8PM, Cortland Memorial Nursing Facility, 134 Homer Ave., Basement Conference Room B; Speakers/Literature meeting, Meetings are free, confidential, no weigh-ins or diets, Info., 387-8253. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Meeting, PTSD Ithaca is a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder support group for individuals in and around Ithaca, NY who have been diagnosed with (or think they may have) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Meetings are every Monday at 6:30 p.m. Please call 607-279-0772 for more information. Pre-School Story Hour and Craft, 10am, The SPCA Annex at The Shops at Ithaca Mall. Wedding Dances: First Dance, Parent Dances, 8-9pm, Jan.9-Feb.13, 6weeks, Island Health, Communiyt Corner, Caygua Heights, $70/series, with multiple discounts available, Ellie & Kurt, 266-0282 or www.ithacadance.com. Submit Your Calendar Listing: • visit tompkinsweekly.com and click on submissions • email: jgraney@twcny.rr.com • fax 607-347-4302 • write: Tompkins Weekly PO Box 6404, Ithaca, NY 14851 Classifieds Employment Problems at work? Know Your Rights! Contact 607-269-0409 www.TCWorkersCenter.org Property Manager/ Handyman Full Time and Part Time Year Round Employment. Must work scheduled day hours, lift 60 pounds, selfstarting, reliable. Carpentry skills required. Duties may include: maintenance and repair of farm buildings; operation and maintenance of farm vehicles/equipment; vineyard work. Good salary. Antiques The Collection Antiques One of the largest selections of quality antiques in the Finger Lakes Tues-Sun 1-5 • 387-6579 9 W. Main St., Rt. 96, Trumansburg For Rent Ithaca Rentals & Renovations, Inc. Apartments - All Kinds! All Sizes! Office: 323 N Tioga St., Ithaca 2731654 www.ithaca-rentals.com Martial Arts Beginner’s Special 3 months $99 Discipline, Concentration, SelfDefense. Kwon's Champion School, Ithaca 607-227-6932 by Negotiation, Collaborative Law or Lawsuit. Ward & Murphy 170 Main St., Groton 109 E. Seneca St., Ithaca 898-3190 www.ward-and-murphy.com LPNs, Lab Techs, Front Office Receptionist Youth Executive Applicants wanted to serve as the local executive of a valuesbased youth organization serving Cortland, Tompkins & southeast Seneca counties. Responsible for the organization and operation of all aspects of the local program to achieve fundraising, membership recruiting and manpower goals. Serves as the executive officer of the district giving guidance to cultivating, recruiting, training and inspiring key volunteer personnel. Recruits manpower to run finance campaigns, fundraising dinners, special events and activities. Collaborates with schools, churches and other organizations to set up recruitment events and activities. The position requires 55+ hours work per week including numerous nights and weekends. Applicant must be a self-starter, with a Bachelors degree, be over age 21, have the ability to work a non-traditional work schedule and have reliable transportation. All candidates will be subject to background and credit checks and must be willing to relocate to the Ithaca area. Starting salary of $35,000 plus benefits. E-mail resumes to roger.hoyt@scouting.org Resolving Disputes Liam G.B. Murphy, 607-882-9098 Full-Time. Benefits include: Blue Sheild Medical, Dental, Vision 401K plan, Long Term Disability and Life Insurance. Generous vacation and personal time! Come join our growing team serving Ithaca and the surrounding area for 35 years. Family Medicine Associates of Ithaca. Please fax resume and cover letter attention: Human Resources Fax # 607-216-0587. No phone calls please. Legal Services Education Saturday Morning Yoga in the Iyengar tradition, at Fine Spirit Studio, Dey St. Ithaca. For information contact kathy@kathymorris.net Wiles Guitar Studio PONZI'S 18th & 19th Century Country & Formal Furniture & Accessories Suzuki Guitar Lessons Children thru Adults Community Corners Ithaca 592-2591 Merchandise Two Locations to Serve You Best GreenStar 701 W. Buffalo St. 2739392 & 215 N. Cayuga St 273-8210 R&M Contracting Contracting Free Estimates Roofing • Painting Pressure Washing Cleanouts & Hauling Foundations • Sheetrock Fully Insured • References 607-206-0935 Wanted to Buy $$$ Logging $$$ Buying Standing Timber Cell 607-345-8015 Office 315-668-3786 RESTORATION AVAILABLE Insulation • Refinishings • Repair Work • New & Old Paul and Connie Polce 9838 Congress St., Ext. Trumansburg, NY 14886 607-387-5248 Open Daily 9-5 www.ponzisantiques.com Wildlife Control Jack Ryan’s Wildlife Removal Service We remove wildlife such as Skunks, Raccoons, Squirrels, Woodchucks, etc. Live trapped & removed. 20+ yrs exp Call 607-257-9396 Licensed by NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation Division of Fish & Wildlife Typewriters Calendar Submissions: Event Listings: Email details to jgraney@twcny.rr.com. The deadline to submit items is each Wednesday at 1pm for the next Monday’s paper. Manley Typewriter sales and service. IBM, Panasonic, Cannon, Brother, Electronic Typewriters 607-273-3967. Photography Book your Family Portrait. Also wedding and Resume Photos. Call Studio 97 Photography by Kathy Morris 277-5656. Food & Drink Lunch Delivery - Free Lunch Delivery from the Ithaca Bakery M-F 11am2pm. Call 27-BAGEL. Shortstop Deli Open 24/7 at 204 W. Seneca St., Ithaca 273-1030 www.shortstopdeli.com. Sell It Fast! We'll run your classified line ad for only $5! (per 10 words) Mail to: Tompkins Weekly Classifieds, PO Box 6404 Ithaca NY 14851, fax this form to: 607-347-4302, (Questions? Call 607-327-1226) or enter your classified information from our website www.tompkinsweekly.com 1.Category:__________________________________________________ 2.Message:___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3. Place in Issues Dates (We publish on Mondays): _______________________ 4. Choose: Line Classified ad: $5/10 words (25 cents for each additional word) and/or Display Classified ad = $15.00 per column inch (One Column: 23/8" wide) 5. Total Enclosed: ___________________________ (Pre-payment is required for classified ads. We welcome cash, check or money order. Deadline is 1pm Wednesday prior to publication). 6. We cannot print your ad without the following information. It will be kept strictly confidential. Name:____________________________ Ph:_______________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ Tompkins Weekly January 2 11 Child Safety Continued from page 1 says Myers, “so we want to talk about that and explain why we do some of the things we are required to do around safety.” A recommended resource for information on talking to children can be found at www.kidpower.org. The website relates that “Teaching children about ‘stranger danger’ does not protect them from kidnapping and can make them worried without making them safer. Just lecturing young people about safety or just showing them what to do is not enough.” Kidpower stresses the need for kids to practice safety skills in a fun way, increasing their confidence and decreasing their anxiety. The site offers articles, videos, podcasts and workshops that show how to protect children from kidnapping and teach them to be safe with strangers. It is also important to realize that abductions are rare, seldom perpetrated by strangers. Statistics show that that the number of stranger abductions has been going down for the past 20 years. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, nearly 800,000 children are reported missing each year, most of these being runaways. More than 200,000 are victims of family abductions, while 58,200 are abducted by nonfamily members. Of these abductions, only 115 children were the victims of “stereotypical” kidnapping, and over half of these incidents ended with the return of the child. Myers emphasizes the need to empower children while being careful not to scare them. “It’s impor- 12 Tompkins Weekly January 2 tant for children to understand that they shouldn't get into a car with someone that they don't know,” she says, “but you have to balance that with the fact that there are adults that can help you.” Myers relates a story of getting lost in a huge department store as a child. “You can imagine how panicked my mother was,” she says. “A security guard noticed me twirling around in front of a big triple mirror with no adult around and offered to help me find my mom. And I said ‘No, you’re a stranger. I can’t come with you; my mommy will find me.’ He could have been helpful, so we need kids to understand that there are adults who we can trust to help us.” Sustainability Continued from page 4 subdistrict heads who supervised designated heads of herder groups. Each herding group had a controlled number of animals, thus preventing the overtrampling of pastures and destruction of pasture grasses. Markets were regulated by the administration for both environmental maintenance and social justice. The Dina increased the capacity of the traditional systems to feed large populations. The Dina rulers marked off and protected fishing areas and animal trek routes. Officials fixed payment levels and set fines for damage to crops. Standard weights and measures were introduced. Administrators organized conferences and made an inventory of farming areas, herding pastures and camps. Animals were placed in three categories, with limits for each: animals primarily for reproduction, those for milking and a small number allowed in farming villages year-round. Returns to farming and herding were carefully monitored to identify sudden declines. One-third of certain milk-herd returns was set aside for needy people in the farming villages. In both the Inca and Macina empires, we thus see examples of highly centralized state societies that were able to monitor and regulate their relations with their resource base. Other empires, however, often collapsed from within through abuse and overuse of resources. In the next two installments of this series, we shall see some examples. Richard W. Franke is a resident and board member of Ecovillage at Ithaca. He is also a member of Sustainable Tompkins. T-burg Continued from page 8 building on some recent moves to increase their visibility and adding some new ideas from the board of directors as well. In 2011 the primary goals were to increase member education andexpand networking activities for businesses to learn more about each other and exchange ideas and information as well as to enjoy each other socially. Member education has been twofold, combining speakers with newsletter themes on topics like green practices for businesses and the benefits of online and in-person networking. Newsletter articles gave members a venue to both share their knowledge and expertise in as well as the opportunity to learn more about the services oth- ers in the group offer. The themes for 2012 include “Agriculture as a Business” and “Creative Collaborations”. Member announcements in TACC’s newsletter have also been actively solicited so entrepreneur’s can read about what others in their communities are doing to promote and grow their business. Other innovative ideas came from the members themselves. In October, Nana Monaco, owner of Trumansburg Good to Go! Market offered a 10 percent discount to any TACC members who shopped in her establishment during that month. This proved so popular that it was followed by similar offers from both new and established members. Monaco has also gotten TACC on FaceBook and updates the page regularly. This year the TACC Board of Directors hopes to add the goals of continuing to increase membership by reaching out to past members and new businesses and economic development. New President, Debbie Nottke adds that rural communities like Trumansburg have the additional goal of “achieving self-sufficiency by being innovative, communicative and keeping our comprehensive plan in the forefront of our decisions.” What ultimately keeps this organization going is pride of place and pride of ownership says Maguire. “It always comes down to the people who care enough to make sure that our downtown remains viable…We think keeping TACC going is the right thing to do.” To learn more visit www.trumansburgchamber.com.
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