Forum on Interventional Radiology in Vascular Anomalies (FIRVA)

Forum on Interventional
Radiology in Vascular
Anomalies (FIRVA)
March 13-14, 2015
Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada
Course Description
The forum will comprise a combination of short didactic and case based lectures with open discussion. The spectrum of vascular anomalies will be discussed along with treatment options and rationale. Experts from across Canada in multiple medical disciplines will be present Major Malformations will be discussed with reference to Theory, Management and Techniques Course Objectives
Medical Expert – To review the basic science, clinical knowledge and treatment options relevant to the Interventional radiology (IR) treatment of vascular anomalies (VA) in Canada. Collaborator – To promote collaboration and foster avenues of communication amongst the IR physicians and other specialists treating VA’s. Communicator – To improve communication skills amongst the IR physicians and other specialists treating VA’s, and promote communication across Canada Professional – To promote excellence and highest quality in the future delivery of IR treatments for VA’s PROGRAM RROGRAM
Friday, March 13, 2015 Saturday, March 14, 2015 6.45 Breakfast and Registration 7.15 Welcome and Announcements 7.20 Venous Malformations Survey results ISSVA classification Imaging of VM’s Masson’s Tumor, Spindle cell Hemangioma FAVA Old, new and future sclerotherapy agents Treatment options and results Hematologic issues Analgesia/anaesthesia/anti inflammatories Ethanol, SDS, Bleomycin, Polydocanol How to get agents to stay put Head and Neck techniques Oropharangeal techniques 10:45 Adjournment 3.45 Light snack 4.00 Lymphatic Malformations Clinical presentation and Imaging Unique agents and actions Indications and peri-­‐procedural medical management Unique pediatric concerns OK 432 Tetracycline and Tetradecyl Sulphate Ethanol Head and neck Sclerotherapy Treatment of Microcystic LM’s Interesting Case rounds Registrant cases 7.20 Close 7:30-­‐9:30 Conference Dinner 6.45 7.15 7.20 10:45 3.45 4.00 7.30 Breakfast Announcements Arteriovenous Malformations Imaging Indications for treatment Periprocedural management Consent Complications Outcomes AVM classification Transarterial approach Direct puncture Retrograde venous Ethanol, Glues, Onyx Extremity and traumatic AVM’s Genitourinary, Visceral Non CNS head and neck Adjournment Light snack Potpourri of Malformations Pulmonary AVM’s Management PAVM’s Techniques Klippel Trenaunay Syndrome Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome Parkes Weber Round table discussions Practice building, billing challenges Registry Interesting case rounds registrant cases Closing remarks Registration
First Name
Last Name
University / Residency Program
Mailing Address
Speakers will be requested to disclose to the audience any real
or apparent conflict(s) of interest that may have a direct bearing
on the subject matter of this program. Off label device use will
be disclosed.
Day Telephone
Postal Code
Meeting support provided by Cook Inc
Fax Number
Email Address
Includes Course Material, Breakfast and snacks each day, conference dinner.
Will be refunded at registration
o $300 – cheque only, made payable to:
“University of Alberta”
Forward to: Attn: Janet Dawson Dept of Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging WMC 2B2.41 University of Alberta Hospital 8440 -­‐ 112 Street Edmonton, AB T6G 2B7 Registration Form may be faxed or emailed to Janet Dawson: Fax: 780-­‐407-­‐6176 Email: Registration will not be processed until
deposit is received.
Registrants are responsible for arranging
hotel accommodation and travel
Breakfast and snacks and course dinner
will be provided
Will include the following individuals but all attendees will be encouraged to present Uli Amendy, Calgary Raju Heran, Vancouver Philip John, Toronto Darren Klass, Vancouver Gerald Legiehn, Vancouver
Christopher Lightfoot, Halifax Richard Owen, Edmonton Marty Simons, Toronto Giles Soulez, Montreal Location
The Post Hotel, 200 Piperstone Road, Lake Louise, Alberta
Located within the village of Lake Louise and 5 minutes from
Lake Louise Ski hill (annual venue for the opening downhill of
the women’s world cup ski racing). 5 other ski hills are within a
1 ½ hour radius.
Ski hill details can be found at
A number of rooms have been block booked, Registrants are
responsible for confirming the reservations.
Please contact the hotel for details.
Phone toll free at 1-800-661-1586
Nearest airport is Calgary International. Recommended airport Shuttle is (approx. $78 one way) All major care hire companies are available out of Calgary airport. It is approximately a 2 hour drive from the airport to the Post Hotel and spa -­‐ due west on the trans Canada Highway Cancellation/Refund Policy
Cancellations must be received in writing along with the original
receipt of payment on or before February 16, 2015 and will be
subject to a $50 processing fee. No refunds will be considered
after February 16, 2015.
For Further Information
If you have any questions about this course, please contact:
Course Directors
Richard Owen, MB B Ch, FRCR (UK), MRCP (UK)
Associate Professor, Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging,
University of Alberta
Gerald Legeihn, MD, FRCP(C)
Associate Professor, Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging,
University of British Columbia
Janet Dawson
Dr. Richard Owen
Dr. Gerald Legiehn
(604) 358-4286
First Forum on Interventional Radiology in Vascular Anomalies (FIRVA) Thursday March 12
Saturday March 14, 2015
Post Hotel and Spa
200 Piperstone Road
Lake Louise