to view this issue.

February 18, 2015
Volume 18, Issue 51©
Page 7
In an October 21, 2008
column, titled “Obama is Bought,
but Who Owns Him?” I quoted
the Obama campaign’s last preelection financial report which
showed that their contributor
base had grown from 1.5 million
to 2.5 million, and that the total
amount raised was approximately
$600 million… 25% of it ($150
million) from those contributing
from $2,000-2,300. If that was to
be believed, that segment of his
contributor base had grown from
37,000 to 71,400 in just over three
months, leaving the remaining
$450 million to be contributed
by some 2.43 million people,
each giving $5, $10, $20… or,
as Obama assured us, “whatever
they could afford.”
Of course, no one but a
product of our public education
system would be unable to calculate that $450 million cannot be
contributed by 2.43 million people
in $5, $10, or $20 amounts. To
create a pool of that magnitude,
each of those 2.43 million people
would have to contribute, on average, just over $185. That simply
does not happen. It has never
happened before, and anyone who
believed that actually happened
will believe almost anything. So
how were they doing it?
In a July 25, 2008 column we pointed out that UBS
Americas, headed by Robert
Wolf… along with George Soros, one of Obama’s top two
money men… had been accused
of highly unethical and illegal
banking practices in six months of
hearings by the Senate Permanent
Subcommittee on Investigations,
headed by Senator Carl Levin
(D-MI). According to an article
in The Nation magazine, UBS
Americas, a subsidiary of UBS, of
Zurich, Switzerland, “had advised
wealthy Americans, including
many of our worst villains, how
to shelter funds from the IRS, as
well as from prosecutors, creditors, disgruntled business associates, family members, etc.”
In a Statement of Facts in
the criminal trial of former UBS
executive Bradley Birkenfeld, it
was alleged that UBS took extraordinary steps to help American clients manage their Swiss
accounts without alerting federal
authorities. For example, UBS
advised clients to avoid detection by using Swiss credit cards
to withdraw funds, to destroy
all existing off-shore banking
records, and to misrepresent the
receipt of funds from their Swiss
accounts as loans from the Swiss
bank. According to The Nation,
UBS established an elaborate
training program which taught
bank employees how to avoid
surveillance by U.S. law enforcement, how to falsify visas, how
to encrypt communications, and
how to secretly move money into
and out of the country…
It was the perfect instrument for funneling large sums
See Hollrah, pg. 11
Fears grow that
amnesty will kill
Sheriff thwarts IRS
effort to seize land
Former Obama aide
Podesta regrets not
disclosing UFO files
Fingers in
the Cookie
America’s Best Conservative Newspaper since 1997
Page 8
Page 7
ISIS recruiting engineers, doctors,
accountants, reporters
In a mother’s
womb were two
As industries are captured, terrorists doing headhunting
of different kind
By Útmutató a Léleknek
By F. Michael Maloof
WASHINGTON – Engineers,
especially petroleum engineers,
may want to double-check who a
prospective employer may be – it
could be the Islamic State.
An expert on the Middle East with
experience in the nuclear security
industry, Powell said that ISIS’
recent capture of Syria’s oil-rich
province of Deir Ezzor has re-
play an “ethos based on being
administratively competent,” according to Firas Abi Ali, who
heads Middle East and North
Africa forecasting at IHS Country
The Islamic State, or ISIS, is now
doing headhunting of a different
kind, looking for engineers to
help run the oilfields they’ve taken
over in their conquests, especially
in Syria and Iraq, according to
former U.S. intelligence officer
James Powell.
sulted in “help wanted” ads for
petroleum engineers who could
make as much as $225,000 a year
with such added benefits as a car,
weapons and other sweeteners.
Risk in London.
Candidates, however, must be
“ideologically suitable” and dis-
As ISIS has taken over new territory, professional staffs tend to
disappear. At first, ISIS threatened
to kill the families of staff if they
See Recruiting, pg. 9
Egypt Bombs Islamic State Targets in
Libya After 21 Egyptians Beheaded
Egyptian jets bombed Islamic
State targets in Libya on Monday, a day after the group there
released a video showing the
beheading of 21 Egyptian Christians, drawing Cairo directly into
the conflict across its border.
Egypt said the pre-dawn strike
hit militant camps, training sites
and weapons storage areas in
neighbouring Libya, where civil
conflict has plunged the country
into near anarchy and created
havens for armed factions.
While Cairo is believed to have
provided clandestine support
to a Libyan general fighting a
rogue government in Tripoli, the
mass killings pushed President
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi into open
action, expanding his battle
against Islamist militancy.
“And let those near and far know
that the Egyptians have a shield
that protects and preserves the
security of the country, and a
sword that eradicates terrorism,”
the military said.
Egyptian state television aired
footage of fighter planes leaving a hangar with “Long live
Egypt” emblazoned on the tails,
followed by night-vision aerial
footage showing bomb explosions and the aircraft returning
in early daylight.
declared Tripoli government,
said three children, two elderly
men and a 21-year-old woman
were killed in the attack.
It was not possible to confirm
Libya’s air force also participated in Monday’s attack,
which targeted Derna, an eastern
coastal city seen as a base for
Islamic State fighters in the oilrich nation.
“There are casualties among
individuals, ammunition and the
(Islamic State) communication
centres,” Libyan air force commander Saqer al-Joroushi told
Egyptian state television, adding
that dozens were killed.
Joroushi, who is loyal to Libya’s
internationally recognised government that set up camp in the
city of Tobruk after losing control of Tripoli, said there would
be more strikes on Tuesday.
The rival Tripoli-based parliament, which is supported by
some Islamist groups, said the
strike was an assault on the
country’s sovereignty. Omar
al-Hassi, the premier of the self-
either factions’ accounts of the
number or nature of the casualties.
Cairo called on the U.S.-led
coalition fighting Islamic State
in Iraq and Syria to broaden
the scope of their operations
to include Libya, highlightSee Beheaded, pg. 3
High 32
Low 17
High 41
Low 28
High 48
Low 38
In a mother’s womb were two
One asked the other: “Do
you believe in life after delivery?” The other replied,
“Why, of course. There has
to be something after delivery.
Maybe we are here to prepare
ourselves for what we will be
later.” “Nonsense” said the
first. “There is no life after
delivery. What kind of life
would that be?” The second
said, “I don’t know, but there
will be more light than here.
Maybe we will walk with our
legs and eat from our mouths.
Maybe we will have other
senses that we can’t understand now.” The first replied,
“That is absurd. Walking is
impossible. And eating with
our mouths? Ridiculous! The
umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need.
But the umbilical cord is so
short. Life after delivery is to
be logically excluded.”
The second insisted, “Well I
think there is something and
maybe it’s different than it is
here. Maybe we won’t need
this physical cord anymore.”
The first replied, “Nonsense.
And moreover if there is life,
then why has no one ever
come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and
in the after-delivery there
is nothing but darkness and
silence and oblivion. It takes
us nowhere.”
“Well, I don’t know,” said
the second, “but certainly we
will meet Mother and she will
take care of us.” The first replied “Mother? You actually
believe in Mother? That’s
laughable. If Mother exists
then where is She now?” The
second said, “She is all around
us. We are surrounded by her.
We are of Her. It is in Her
that we live. Without Her this
world would not and could not
exist.” Said the first: “Well
I don’t see Her, so it is only
logical that She doesn’t exist.”
To which the second replied,
“Sometimes, when you’re in
silence and you focus and you
really listen, you can perceive
Her presence, and you can
hear Her loving voice, calling
down from above.”
Útmutató a Léleknek is a Hungarian writer
High 44 Snow
Low 28 High 37
Low 18
Mostly Mostly
Cloudy Sunny
High 33 High 38
Low 16 Low 21
Crossword Puzzle/Horoscopes
Editorials/Comments /Politicos
Fishing Report/Golf Report
Page 11
Page 10
Page 2
Page 10
Page 2 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Governor Mary Fallin’s “Oklahoma Now”
Fallin: “The President Just Drags his Feet on Keystone
By Reena Flores CBS News
Only a day after House Speaker John Boehner signed the Keystone XL bill out of Congress, Republicans renewed their calls for President Obama to make the oil pipeline a
“We can secure the safest, most cost-effective way to transport these resources,”
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin said in the GOP’s weekly address. “And we can
continue building our energy future and reducing our dependence on foreign
Fallin pointed out that the TransCanada pipeline, which would transport oil
from northern tar sands to refineries in the United States, has passed through Gov. Mary Fallin
intense critical examination from both public and private interests.
“Keystone has now been through more than six years of scrutiny - far more than any project of
its kind - and it’s passed every test and cleared every hurdle,” the governor said. “But still, the
president just drags his feet.”
Boehner recruited the Oklahoma governor to deliver the weekly GOP address. Fallin is the chief
executive of a state that would benefit greatly from approval of the pipeline plans.
The 485-mile Keystone Gulf portion, which connects Oklahoma’s pipeline centers to Texas refineries, has already been approved. And according to Fallin, Keystone is expected to generate
approximately $15 million in yearly tax revenue for the state.
“Out here, that’s what Keystone is about. Not politics, not Republicans and Democrats. It’s about
jobs. It’s about energy. It’s about infrastructure. It’s about hope,” Fallin said. “President Obama
was once about that too.”
Legislators Question Motives Driving CAIR
Event at Capitol
Reps. John Bennett and Dan
Fisher said today that they question the motives of the Oklahoma chapter of the Center for
American-Islamic Relations in
planning a Muslim Day at the
Capitol event on Friday, February 27, 2015.
abuse of women, I worry about
how the radical Islamic agenda
might infiltrate the U.S.,” said
Fisher, R-Yukon. “CAIR is an
organization that has been asso-
“We citizens of the U.S. are
guided by our laws defined by
the U.S. Constitution,” Fisher
said. “Sharia law covers public
behavior, private behavior and
private beliefs. Of all legal systems in the world today, Sharia
law is the most intrusive and
strict, especially against women.
Europe is already home to many
radical Islamic ‘no go zones.’ We
must attempt to keep such things
from happening in Oklahoma.
According to the Sharia law,
which CAIR has defended:
State Rep. Dan Fisher (R-OK)
ciated with radical Islam, including by the United Arab Emirates.
For that reason, we suspect their
true motives to be an indirect attempt to implement Sharia law
in the United States.”
• Criticism or denial of any part
of the Quran is punishable by
The legislators said they support
the right of all Americans to as“I would discourage all Oklaho- semble, but reject the message
mans from associating with an of CAIR Oklahoma and will not
organization such as CAIR at the participate in their rally.
Capitol,” said Bennett, R-Sallisaw. “CAIR was an unindicted “Any organization that has
co-conspirator of the largest proven ties to terrorism that has
terrorism financing trial in U.S. cost American and Oklahoma
History. CAIR is the organiza- lives should not be given any
tion that successfully filed an support,” Bennett said. “Sharia
injunction to stop the anti-Sharia courts have already been found
law passed by a super majority in Texas. The imams in Texas
of Oklahomans a few years ago. have claimed these courts are
CAIR was also designated a ter- tribunals, but that’s just semanrorist organization by the United tics. We Americans cannot and
Arab Emirates.”
should not allow any form of
“Due to recent violent murders, Sharin law to infiltrate America.
including children, as well as the It erodes American values and
• Departure from the faith by a
Muslim is punishable by death,
State Rep. John Bennett (R-OK)
Toll Free Capitol Switchboard 1-877-762-8762
Sen. James M. Inhofe
Washington Phone 1-202-224-4721 FAX 202-228-0380
Tulsa Phone: 1-918-748-5111 • Oklahoma City 1-405-608-4381
Sen. Tom Coburn
Washington 1-202-224-5754 FAX 202-224-6008
Tulsa Phone: 1-918-581-7651 Okla. City 1-405-231-4941
U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Dist. 1)
216 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington DC 20515
1-202-225-2211 FAX (202) 225-9187, Tulsa, 2448 E. 81st. St.,
#5150, Tulsa, OK 74137, 1-918) 935-3222 FAX (918) 935-2716
By Neil Carson (CKA Bob McDowell)
Reversing Word Meanings
There is an old saying among
the debaters and trial lawyers that
goes something like this: “he who
controls the language controls the
debate (or argument)”. And the C/S
(Communist/ Socialist) movement
activists have been, and are, very
accomplished at that tactic. They
have achieved great success with it,
especially with the willing support
of a media majority who have been
predominantly delivered into the
Unfortunately, far too many
of the members of the “low information voter” group who primarily
receive their information from the
major national, and international,
distribution of ‘news’ sources do
not realize, or care, that they have
been and are being propagandized
into making the misinformed decisions that have led the USA into the
‘major change’ condition in which
we now find ourselves. With the
eager assistance of the aforementioned media special interest activist groups have been able to reverse
the historical meanings of many
words and phrases in the English
Thus we have come to a situation which was aptly described in a
song of the 1920s titled “Anything
Goes”. Some of the words went:
“black is white, up is down, right is
left” and on. And so it has become
today, as if the composer had been
a prophet in his time. For example
it has become common for the word
“gay” to be used as a synonym for
“homosexual”, whereas the original meaning was for a joyous and
happy person, such as “happy and
gay”. Frankly, it is highly offensive
to me to be used that way simply
because in my life there have been,
more than I can remember, friends
and acquaintances whose first or
last names were ‘Gay’, beginning
even in grade school. What a hurt
and insult to them.
With the advent of color TV
it was the practice of the political
news reporting to use the color RED
for Democrat controlled states and
BLUE for Republican controlled
states during election season. Then,
during one of the election seasons
in the first half of the 1990s it was
The Conservative View
By Russell Turner
• Criticism or denial of Muhammad as a prophet is punishable
by death,
• A man can marry an infant girl
and consummate the marriage
when she is 9,
• A woman can have one husband, but a man can have up to
four wives,
• A man can unilaterally divorce
his wife, but a woman needs her
husband’s consent,
• A man can beat his wife for
• Testimonies of four male witnesses are required to prove rape
against a woman,
• A woman who has been raped
cannot testify in court against her
rapist or rapists,
• A woman’s testimony in
court, allowed only in property
cases, carries half the weight of
a man’s, and
• A woman cannot speak alone
to a man who is not her husband
or relative.
Know Your Enemy
There is an ancient Chinese
proverb that states, “Know your
enemy and know yourself; in a
hundred battles, you will never be
defeated. Over the past few years we
Americans have allowed ourselves
to be blinded to the nature of our
enemies because of political correctness. A little over a week ago
at the National Prayer Breakfast
our president gave a speech that
showed a lack of vision and common sense. For some reason our
president cannot call our enemies
what they really are.
The terrorist group ISIS
wreaking havoc in the Middle
East is committing all kinds of
atrocities in the name of their god
“Allah”. The term ISIS identifies
them as an Islamic State, but our
president refers to them as ISIL.
Our president refuses to call these
thugs what they are, Islamic terrorists. If he would direct half as much
arrogance towards ISIS as he does at
the people of the United States and
our Constitution, they might not be
the threat they are becoming to the
world. In our county Obama has
shown a tendency to rule with an
iron fist; he has no problem cramming an ill-conceived health care
bill down our throats, or refusing
to enforce laws passed by previous
administrations. During the prayer
breakfast he did take a swipe at the
Christian religion and the Crusades
that happened 1000 years ago. He
Rep. Markwayne Mullin, (R-Dist. 2)
Washington 1-202-225-2701
Claremore 1-918-341-9336
Muskogee 1-918-687-2533
Rep. Frank Lucas 1-202-225-5565/Stillwater 1-405-624-6407
Rep. Tom Cole 1-202-6165/Norman 1-405-329-6500
Oklahoma State Offices
Governor Mary Fallin
OK State Capitol, 2300 N. Lincoln Blvd. Room 212
Oklahoma City, OK 73105 • Phone 1-405-521-2342 Fax 405-521-3353
Tulsa Office: 440 S. Huston Ave. , Suite 304, Tulsa, OK 74127
Phone: 1-918-581-2801 • Fax 1-581-2835
a shock for me to notice that the
colors had been reversed. My
suspicions were that this was done,
not by accident, but deliberately for
the simple reason that the color red
has long been deemed an antagonizing color by
while the color
blue was considered to be
soothing. Thus
the presumption must have
been to slant
less informed
voters to the Democrat Party candidates. These suspicions have been
confirmed later by advertising specialists. Even after that national TV
switch, most campaign curb signs
were basically red for Democrats
and Blue for Republicans. And just
last year the source of the change
was heard in a broadcast that named
a prominent TV news anchor who
had ordered the change, and he was
not to be denied. One suspects that
he had been tipped off, or instructed
by the White House staff, to make
the changes.
In has long been the practice
of those involved in propaganda
to loudly and often accuse the opposition of doing the very things
that they were doing, or intending
to do. Even this month word has
come out, particularly in the debate
over ‘measles vaccination denial’
that those who would refuse such
to be “right wing extremists”. The
facts are that most of the parents
who choose to not have their children vaccinated are of the more
wealthy class and tend to be mostly
oriented to the C/S philosophy. Yet
the media personnel in questioning
interviewees almost accusingly
state that those who refuse to vaccinate their children are “right wing
However, there seems to be
a tenancy in the school children
coming into my observation to be
much more oriented to patriotism
and accepting GOD and JESUS. If
that holds true more widely than my
experience, then there is hope for
the future of the USA and World.
Jay Vickers, Editor
Editorial & Advertising Offices:
Located/Mailing address is:
433301 E. 350 Road, Adair, OK 74330
Published by Banner Weekly Corp.
Donna Vickers, President/Publisher
To Subscribe, call 918-783-5657
Subscription Rates: $70 Annually for mailing.
An Independent Newspaper, All Reproduction Rights of Advertising and
Articles are Reserved by Banner Weekly Corp.
Copyright© 1997-2014
was quick to give his opinion on
the history of the Crusades, and to
accuse those alive at that time of using Christianity as an excuse to use
violence. What our president failed
to tell is that the Crusades were a
response to the same atrocities that
the ISIS group is doing today. In
my opinion, his silence on the beheading of American citizens and on
the burning of the caged Jordanian
pilot spoke volumes; yet he could
the Christian
faith and the
actions of
people a millennia ago.
A couple of years
ago Franklin
Graham was
Russell Turner
scheduled to
be the key note speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast, but at the
last moment he was uninvited because of a comment he made about
the 9/11 attacks. While it seems to
have become the latest fad to bash
Christianity, heaven forbid anyone
to say anything against Islam. I, and
many other Americans, have not
forgotten the Twin Towers, Fort
Hood and countless other crimes
against humanity. There are always
interpretations by some that claim
the Bible promotes violence. As
a Christian I defy anyone to prove
where Jesus Christ promoted violence against the innocent, can the
same be said of the prophet Mohammed? Even when Christ was dying
on the cross it is said that some of
his last words were him asking his
father to forgive those who had
crucified him because they knew
not what they had done. Our president is refusing to look our enemy
in the eye and seems as if he could
care less about the American way
of life and the rich heritage that
is unique to our county. Until our
leaders start calling our enemies for
what they are, and respect the values
our country was founded upon, our
success on the battlefield will be
dismal at best.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
From My Pointless Ruth Bivens
Valentine’s Day South
of the Border
Here we are again, back
at the Getsemani Children’s
Home in Morelos, Coahuila.
And, today is a special holiday. On this date, years ago,
when I attended a one room
school out northeast of Pryor,
we had a special school event
and everyone exchanged little
paper valentines. I remember
how my poor mother pinched
pennies to help us buy a package of valentines. Then, we
made a list of all the kids in
the school and made sure
that everyone received one.
We would come home from
school that day with our own
bundle of valentine treasures
Here at the children’s
home two of the older girls,
and our neighbor boy, came
to see me, all at different
times. They were going to
have a party in their classes at
school and had drawn names
to give a gift. But, the holiday
here is called “Dia de Amor
y Amistad” translated, Day
of Love and Friendship. I
was surprised that only these
three came and asked for help
coming up with a gift. I don’t
know if the other classes did
not have any kind of party or
special event for the day, or
if their house parents helped
them come up with something.
I always look for little
trinkets that would make a
nice gift when I have a chance
to go to the Good Will Store,
or the Texas Thrift Store in
Pharr. I bring them here, clean
them up, and tuck them into
the top drawer of my dresser.
When there is a birthday or
some other special event, I
can always come up with
something for the girls. One
of the girls needed a gift for
another girl her age, I believe
Paula must be 16 or 17. Then,
her sister, Dulce, who is 18,
needed to come up with a gift
for her teacher. Both of the
girls picked out little glass,
heart shaped jewelry boxes
with lids. I also had a good
supply of earrings that I had
found at WalMart, cheap. So,
they both were able to put a
few earrings in the box they
gave as a gift. I always recycle
gift bags and paper, so have a
stash on hand when we need
them too.
The boys are a bit more
problematic. But, as we were
on our way back from Alabama, the pastor’s wife at the
Light of Life Free Will Baptist
Mission Church in McAllen
contacted us. They had a load
of gifts they had wanted to
send to the children’s home
before Christmas. We did
not have the chance to make
connections then, but decided
to bring the gifts and have
them on hand for birthdays.
So, when our little next door
neighbor boy Armando said
he needed a gift for his nine
year old friend, we let him go
through the boys’ toys and
pick something out. And we
fixed it up in a nice, blue gift
Today, John and Paulina, our son and his wife
who founded the home here,
planned a special get away
for all of the kiddos. We
loaded the two big vans just
before noon and headed for
Piedras Negras. Paulina drove
one van and Hubby drove the
other one. We went straight
to the park where the event
was planned and met John and
the older boys there. Paulina
went by and picked up two
young people who grew up
with them and brought them
and their
to the picnic too.
and his
boys had
up early
and made
sandwichRuth Bivens
es for everyone. They came well supplied with plenty of chips and
a good assortment of cookies
for dessert. Paulina took a
load of two liter sodas, paper
plates, cups, and paper towels
for napkins.
We sat on the shaded
bleachers by a baseball park
and had lunch, then we walked
down to the end of the block
where there is a great playground with all kinds of playground equipment, everything
from swings, to slides, merrygo-rounds and all kinds of
other things to climb on and
swing from. The kiddos ran
and played until about 3:45
when we all had head back
toward the vans. Paulina had
taken gifts for the children of
Ernesto and Edna. Ernesto lost
his job yesterday, and things
have been hard at their house
even while he was working.
Edna has four children and
no visible means of support,
nor husband to help her. So,
their children were delighted
to receive a gift.
As we got ready to load
back up in the vehicles Paulina began to pass out zip loc
bags of candy to everyone.
That was when we noticed
that there were some people
who had been walking down
the sidewalk who had stopped
to watch. They asked if they
could have a gift too. There
were no extra bags, but some
of the children gave their own
bags of candy to the passerbys, who looked like they
had not had a treat in a good
The older boys, who live
at the house in Piedras Negras
with John, had a special event
at their church this afternoon
at four so we said “Good-bye”
to them and we all headed for
home. It was four thirty by
the time we got back to Morelos. Paulina delivered her
guests and arrived soon after
we did.
She had planned hot dogs
for supper this evening, so
Hubby did not need to cook.
We had not expected that, so
he had soaked a huge pot of
beans last night and cooked
them before we left at noon. He
spiced them up and, brought
them to a boil, put a tight lid on
them, and has supper already
for tomorrow evening. All he
will have to do is make a big
batch of cornbread.
I have the special Valentine card that I bought for
Hubby a month or so ago
hidden in our room. I will get
it out and put it with the little
gift I brought for him and put
it on his pillow. This late in
the day he won’t be expecting
So, the Day of Love and
Friendship is rapidly drawing to a close. I hope that
your Valentine’s Day was as
sweet as chocolate. We made
some happy memories for the
Page 3
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name O’ LEARY BAIL BONDS. After all, sometimes bad things do happen to good people.
The Sneaky
Way the DOJ is
Shutting Down
Gun Stores
Pavlich was on Fox News’
The Kelly File last night
and told guest host Shannon
Bream that three online pay
services–Pay Pal, Square and
Stripe–have dropped gun
stores as clients because the
feds have listed gun sellers
as risky business–like kiddie
porn purveyors.
She says big banks are also
bowing to DOJ’s pressure
because the government is
pummeling banks that do
business with gun stores with
subpoenas–which makes
dealing with gun stores a big,
fat nuisance. As a result, she
told Bream, gun store owners
are being cut off:
“They’re seeing their accounts being frozen, they’re
seeing their transactions cut
off without any warning,
and so it’s a real problem for
these small businesses, a lot
of which are family owned,
when they don’t have access
to their money and their businesses get stalled.”
Beheaded, from pg.1________________________________
ing how the militant group has Church, Pope Francis, conexpanded its reach around the demned the beheadings. “They
were killed simply for the fact
Arab world.
that they were Christians,” he
Since the fall of strongman said at the Vatican. “It makes
Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, a no difference whether they be
number of Islamist movements Catholics, Orthodox, Copts or
have taken hold in Libya. Re- Protestants. They are Chriscently, some have declared ties tians!”
to Islamic State and claimed
high-profile attacks in what Egypt’s Coptic Christian pope
appears to be an intensifying was one of the public figures who
backed Sisi when he, as army
chief, ousted Islamist president
The U.S. military estimated in Mohamed Mursi in 2013 after
December that only around 200 mass protests against him.
Islamic State fighters were operThe killings put pressure on Sisi
ating in the country.
to show he is in control of naEgypt is not the only Arab na- tional security, even as he makes
tion sucked into confrontation progress against Islamist militant
with the group by the gruesome insurgents in the Sinai, some of
whom have recently pledged alkillings of its citizens.
legiance to Islamic State.
Jordan has taken a leading role
in conducting air strikes against “It’s swift and decisive, it’s not
the group in Syria and Iraq this about strategy, it’s about containmonth after the militants released ing anger within Egypt,” said
a video showing a captured Jor- Hassan Hassan, co-author of a
danian pilot being burned alive book on Islamic State.
in a cage.
“Just like in Jordan, it’s more
The 21 Egyptian Coptic Chris- about saving face, saying: ‘You
tians were marched to a beach, can’t mess with us’. .... It’s
forced to kneel and then be- likely to evolve into a sustained
headed on video, which was strategy of helping in the fight
broadcast via a website that against ISIS (Islamic State) in
neighbouring countries.”
supports Islamic State.
The victims were among thousands of unemployed Egyptians
desperately seeking work in
Libya, despite the risks. Egypt’s
foreign ministry said it was banAs the Washington Times ning travel to Libya and had set
reported in May, the feds up a crisis centre to bring home
are successfully pressuring
banks by putting their reputations on the line:
“This administration has
very clearly told the banking
industry which customers
they feel represent ‘reputational risk’ to do business
with,” said Peter Weinstock,
a lawyer at Hunton & Williams LLP.
“So financial institutions are
reacting to this extraordinary
enforcement arsenal by being
ultra-conservative in who
they do business with: Any
companies that engage in any
margin of risk as defined by
this administration are being
The net effect, of course, is
that the Department of Justice
is interfering with the Second
Amendment rights of Americans, completely separate
from the legislative process.
They are also undercutting
the livelihood of small businesses.
Fears the crisis in Libya could
spill across the border had already prompted Egypt, the Arab
world’s most populous nation, to
upgrade its military hardware.
France has said Egypt will order
24 Rafale fighter jets, a naval
frigate and other equipment in
Before the videoed killings, one a deal to be signed in Cairo on
of the militants stood with a knife Monday worth more than 5 bilin his hand and said: “Safety for lion euros ($5.7 billion).
you crusaders is something you
can only wish for.” Afterwards, French President Francois Holhe says: “And we will conquer lande said on Monday that he
and Sisi wanted the United NaRome, by the will of Allah.”
tions Security Council to discuss
The head of the Roman Catholic Libya and take new measures
against the Islamic State.
Phone: 918-785-2446
Fax: 918-628-5170
P.O. Box 199 • Adair, OK 74330
Page 4 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
We’re Being Cooked!!... by Joe Esposito
Oklahoma Legislature
FEBRUARY 18, 2015
BY JOE ESPOSITO 918-274-8111
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Nearly five years later 65,000 emails between PG&E and the CPUC have been publicly released. Emails reveal the collusion between CPUC and PG&E. They
dicussed the smart meter problems privately, violating their own rules of procedure.”
Sandi Maurer, Director of the EMF Safety Network.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPUC President Peevey “There really are people who feel pain related to EMF” Posted on February 7, 2015 by admin In April 2010 the EMF Safety Network filed a CPUC
application on smart meters. We asked for a moratorium, an independent technical review, evidentiary hearings on health and safety, and the right to opt out.
In December 2010 CPUC President Michael Peevey approved PG&Eʼs motion to dismiss our application. He stated “I believe that relying on the FCC in this case is reasonable, prudent and fully consistent with our responsibilities to provide safe and reliable electric service to ratepayers.” He concluded his statements by stating, “You should take these concerns to the FCC, itʼs the proper body.”
Nearly five years later 65,000 emails between PG&E and the CPUC have been publicly released. Emails reveal the collusion between CPUC and PG&E. They discussed the smart meter problems privately, violating their own rules of procedure.
In September 2010 Peevey emailed PG&Eʼs Brian Cherry on smart meters. He did not say he thought we should take the issue to the FCC.
Peevey believed people were suffering from smart meters. He believed PG&E should do something about it. However, instead of regulating the utility to ensure public safety, he deferred his lawful
responsibility to PG&E.
CPUC President Michael Peevey, “There really are people who feel pain, etc., related to EMF”
Michael Peevey wrote, “One thought for the company: If it were my decision I would let anyone who wants to keep their old meter keepit, if they claim they
suffer from EMF and/or related ! electronic-related illnesses and they can produce a doctorʼs letter saying so (or expressing concern about the likelihood of suffering same). I would institute such a policy quietly and solely on an individual basis. There really are people who feel pain, etc., related to EMF,etc., and rather
than have them becoming hysterical, etc., I would quietly leave them alone. Kick it around. And, it sounds like the company may already have taken this step,
based on a couple of the comments at yesterdayʼs public hearing. He writes, “If it were my decision”. As the Commissioner assigned to the proceeding- it was
HIS decision. Yet, Peevey defers his lawful duty to PG&E. And he delayed on this case for years.
Peevey wanted PG&E to keep it quiet- didnʼt want other customers, or the rest of the world to know thereʼs a problem with smart meters causing customers pain, etc.
You can find this email/quote here:
Stay tuned for more EMAIL exposé! Yet to come: emails showing CPUC and PGE discussing alternatives to smart meters, including a phone line option. Email showing the CPUC stopped PG&E from
giving small businesses an analog meter option, AND MORE! By Sandi Maurer, Director of the EMF Safety Network.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Utility Commissionerʼs Private Emails Reveal Conspiracy, By Josh del Sol, producer & director, Take Back Your Power & Jeromy Johnson of EMF Analysis YouTube:
FAT CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG: Evidence has now been made public of illegal actions and collusion between former California Public Utilities Commission president Michael Peevey and
utility PG&E, as criminal investigations continue.
As part of a federal and state investigation into what appears to be systemic corruption involving former senior executives at PG&E and the California Public Utilities Commission, 65,000 emails have
been publicly released, revealing collusion and conspiracy.
Former commission president Michael Peevey and former PG&E Vice President Brian Cherry are wishing investigators would have been kept in the dark. The pair privately discussed problems with
so-called “smart” meters, violating their own rules of procedure while admitting to health harm and overbilling problems – which several thousand Californians had been warning about since 2010.
Details continue to surface, as press and researchers continue to delve into the mountain of collusion.
It is perhaps justly ironic that we now see, made public, the private email correspondence of those who have teamed up to deploy technology which, according to a 2012 US Congressional Research
report, facilitates unprecedented in-home surveillance.
Here are some highlights from their correspondence:
1) Peevey knew – since 2010 – that “smart” meters can cause physical harm.
And he believed PG&E should do something about it, albeit “quietly”. However, instead of regulating the utility to ensure public safety, he deferred his lawful duty to PG&E – the entity causing the
From a 2010 email:
“Peevey wanted PG&E to keep it quiet,” writes Sandi Maurer, Director of the EMF Safety Network. “He didnʼt want other customers, or the rest of the world to know thereʼs a problem with smart
meters causing customers pain.”
2) Peevey said after a “smart” meter was installed on his vacation home, his bill more than doubled.
Sundayʼs LA Times reported this one. “Obviously something is wrong,” Peevey wrote to Cherry in 2011. “I would like an explanation.” PG&E reacted immediately to perform a “deep dive investigation” into the billing situation at the 3,118-square-foot Sea Ranch home on the Northern California coast.
There have been tens of thousands of billing complaints in California, revealing a widespread, systemic overbilling problem which appears to be the case everywhere “smart” meters are installed.
3) Peevey and Cherry colluded to permanently delay hearings until the “smart” meter rollout was completed.
As noted in EMF Safety Networkʼs January 22 appeal for rehearing, an email from Cherry to Tom Bottorff – a senior VP who left in disgrace but received $1.1M in severance pay – outlines the CPUC
conspiracy to delay “smart” meter hearings until all “smart” meters had already been installed: “Mike [Peevey, the CPUC president] grumbled about the CCSF PFM [City and County of San Francisco
Petition for Modification] and the folks in Sebastopool [sic] who want to delay SmartMeter implementation. He implied that this wasnʼt going to happen and that by the time the Commission got around
to acting on it, we would have installed all of our meters.”
SmartMeters - Mike grumbled about the CCSF PFM and the folks in Sebastapool who want to delay SmartMeter implementation. He implied that this
wasn’t going to happen and that by the time the Commission got around to acting on it, we would have installed all of our meters, He was concerned
about the Structure SmartMeter Audit. He said he could not go into details, but that we would like their conclusions on the viability of the technology and
infrastructure that supports it. He did say the Structure Audit report would be very critical of the way we handled the problem and communicated with
our customers. He was also highly critical of Helen and her handling of the Senate hearing in Sacramento.
Miscellaneous - Mike couldn’t hide his disdain for Mark Toney and TURN. He was particularly incensed, along with Clanon, about TURNs refusal to
modify their website about opposition to SmartMeters. I’m not too concerned about TURN and the GRC at this point. I don’t believe we need them as a
settlement partner with Peevey as the assigned Commissioner.
In fact, not all of the “smart” meters have been installed in California – as thousands of customers have refused and 57 local governments donʼt want them – and there are now obvious issues with those
that were installed.
Thanks to multi-year efforts of advocate groups like EMF Safety Network and StopSmartMeters!, the cat is now out of the bag as to how dangerous and corrupt the grand plans of people like Michael
Peevey have been. The CPUC and PG&E knew that people were being harmed and they colluded to silence the truth.
The story continues to unfold
We encourage you to stay tuned as more revelations come out by the day. With the judge-shopping scandal, ex-Commissioner Peeveyʼs home computers, hard drives and smart phones were seized in
January by investigators. This has already led to more evidence of collusion in the multi-billion dollar bailout of the San Onofre nuclear power plant in 2013.
As utility and political leaders from around the country toasted Michael Peevey last night on a “job well done”, truth advocates will continue to sift through emails. We can only guess what will be revealed in the coming months. However, it appears that it wonʼt be a comfortable retirement for those who broke their own rules and brushed aside safety in order to push through the multi-billion dollar
boondoggle that is the wireless “smart” grid.
By Josh del Sol, producer & director, Take Back Your Power
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IS THE OKLAHOMA CORPORATION COMMISSION (OCC)
--------------------------------------------------------------~ HEALTH ~ Billy and Monique Smith live in El Reno, Oklahoma.
October 27, 2012 smart meter installed by OG&E against Smithsʼ will by forced stealth installation. Monique immediately suffered severe headaches and nose bleeds and continues to have constant
See Meters, pg. 11
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Has America Lowered
Herself to Harlotry?
Obama’s legacy: Obfuscator-in-Chief
By Brian McNicoll
Human Events
By Walt Thrun
Several Biblical passages can be
examined to answer that question. Let’s begin with a passage
penned nearly 3500 years ago.
The lesson is to remember the
LORD for it is He who provides
all things.
“Beware that you do not
forget the LORD your God by
not keeping His commandments,
His judgments, and is statutes
which I command you today,
lest – when you have eaten and
are full, and have built beautiful
houses and dwell in them; and
when your herds and your flocks
multiply, and your silver and
your gold are multiplied, and
all that you have is multiplied;
when your heart it lifted up,
and you forget the LORD your
God…” Deuteronomy 8:11-14
The major point is that God
would provide Israel all she
could ever dream of having.
When the promises came to fruition in their new land they were
not to forget the source of their
prosperity and blessings.
They were neither to boast
nor take credit for anything God
had provided.
“ – then you say in your
heart, ‘My power and the might
of my hand have gained me this
wealth.’” Deuteronomy 8:17
Approximately 800 years
later, after a history of disobedience, God recounted Israel’s required judgment. Both northern
Israel and southern Judah were
labeled as harlots because they
had committed spiritual adultery
against their betrothed.
“Therefore thus says the
Lord GOD: ‘Because you have
forgotten Me and cast Me behind your back, therefore you
shall bear the penalty of your
lewdness and your harlotry.’”
Ezekiel 23:35
Recall the Hebrew for ‘forgotten’ means ‘to be oblivious
to because of lack of attention,’
i.e. a conscious forsaking.
The word ‘lewdness’ means
‘evil’ or ‘wicked,’ while ‘cast’
means ‘to consciously put someone or something away.’
The phrase ‘bear the penalty’
means ‘to accept or carry’ the
And the word ‘harlotry’ or
‘whoredom’ means metaphorically spiritual adultery and/or
idolatry. It also carries the
meaning of illegal contact between Israel and other nations.
To depend on other nations or
coalitions for their safety instead
of God was considered to be
Harlotry is mentioned throughout the Bible and is summarized
in the Book of Revelation where
she is called:
President Obama is said to be
the mother of harlots and of the struggling to establish a legacy
abominations of the earth.” Rev- – reasons to remember his presidency beyond the fact that he
elation 17:5
was the first African-American
“…she glorified herself and to hold the office.
lived luxuriHis efforts have only beously…for
come more difficult in reshe says in
cent months. His signature
her heart, I sit
healthcare initiative is but a
as queen, and
likely Supreme Court loss
am no widow,
away from elimination,
and will not
and a 2016 victory by a Resee sorrow…”
publican likely could spell
Walt Thrun
the end of his misguided
financial reform legislation
The Bible reveals that the as well. His second midterm
final ten nation confederation shellacking in 2014 means
(coalition) under the rule of the there will be no coattails,
seventh and final world kingdom no legislative program that
survives his term.
will destroy the great harlot.
hardly untainted—by scandals
far and wide. There is Benghazi,
the IRS, the EPA email scandal,
monitoring of reporters’ communications, and Operation Choke
Utterly unable to convince Congress to go along with his programs, he is attempting to build
the legacy with administrative
actions on immigration, the environment and elsewhere. But
Who will miss her the most? these also are unpopular, perhaps
even illegal and quickly undone
“And the merchants of the by a Republican president.
earth will weep and mourn over
her, for no one buys their mer- But there is one area in which
chandise anymore.” Revelation this president has excelled, and
sadly, future presidents likely
will study his work and emulate
it. That area is scandal manageSeveral questions arise:
Has America also forsaken
her God and committed adultery His approach is raw and brutal,
by placing their faith and trust in but effective. Subpoenas are for
the system of materialism? Are suckers, court orders for losers.
trade and material things more Ignore the question, tell a little
important to America than her re- lie. Don’t be afraid to deny or
lationship with God? Is America defy. Ignore. Obfuscate. Give up
more concerned with transitory nothing. Then, when the investhings than eternal things? Has tigations continue to flail, label
America’s value system been them as partisan witch hunts and
transformed to focus on the here count on your friends in the media to amplify the message.
and now?
There are many more as well.
But what they all have in common is we have not come close to
getting to the bottom of them and
are not likely to before President
Obama leaves office.
“And the ten horns which you
saw on the beast, these will hate
the harlot, make her desolate and
naked, eat her flesh and burn her
with fire.” Revelation 17:16
If the answers to the above
questions are ‘yes,’ then America
has been deceived and been led
down the path to harlotry. However, she is not alone.
Page 5
in history” refuses to provide
information, thumbs its nose at
court orders, and ignores the
powers of its supposedly coequal branches of government.
Consider just two of the
scandals. In 2012, a court
ordered then-EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson to turn
over 12,000 emails that had
gone to her through an email
account that had been set
up for a fictitious employee
named Richard Windsor,
frustrating efforts to obtain
her correspondence, e.g.,
via FOIA.
The reason in virtually every case
is an iron fist policy in which the
“most transparent administration
Jackson announced her
resignation once that order
was handed down, to take
effect the week her emails
began to be made public. When
the first of what were to be four
tranches of emails were turned
over moments before the courtordered deadline, it contained
about a third fewer emails than
the court ordered be released, and
even those largely consisted of
See Legacy, pg. 9
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From the early days of Fast and
Furious through last week, his
administration has remained
largely untouched—though
“For all the nations have drunk
of the wine of the wrath of her
fornication, the kings of the earth
have committed fornication with
her, and the merchants of the
earth have become rich through
the abundance of her luxury.”
Revelation 18:3
The second word in the above
passage is ‘all.’
There is much comfort in
knowing that a person is not
‘saved’ based on the performance of the nation in which
he/she lives. A person is saved
with a one-on-one relationship
with the Lamb of God. The
company of such in this present
age is called the ‘church.’
And while many individual
people will repent, no nation
other than Israel is promised
eternal existence as a nation.
Share your thoughts walt.
“Mystery, Babylon the Great,
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Page 6 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Thought for the Day by
Corbett Mason
Oklahoma Amish
By Bill Chupp
There were five land runs
to settle the three million acres
of Oklahoma that the United
States Government purchased
from the Creek and Seminole
tribes and made it open for
The land run on April 19,
1892 included three Amish men
who staked claims in Indian
in western
Oklahoma. Since
it was not
land, the
land run
was not as
Bill Chupp
spectacular as others and some land was
not settled for ten years.
Moses K Yoder, his son
Rudy Z. Yoder and Ben B.
Miller were given one year to
move there and comply with
the Homestead Act. A claim
was 160 acres and had to be
registered at the land office.
They had to live on it at least six
months each year for the next
five years, put up a residence,
plow some land and build
fences, thus proving that he
wanted it for a home.
Some homesteaders found
life too difficult, became discouraged and sold their land
rights for whatever they could
get, fifty dollars or for a horse
and saddle or a team and wagon. Those farms in 1970 were
worth $100,000!
The Amish settled in
Custer County near Thomas
before statehood. The western
Indian Territory and the eastern
Oklahoma territory became a
single state on November 16,
Most of the early Amish
settlers came to Oklahoma from
the state of Kansas where land
prices were much higher and as
the families grew, they needed
more farms. The Amish still
farmed with horses and their
“English” neighbors already
had tractors.
When the Amish began
using tractors in 1937, they
all had steel wheels. During
World War II, because of the
shortage of steel, the manufacturers helped replace them with
air filled rubber tires. For years
the Amish held to their rules
and did not allow them until
1947. Rubber tired tractors
maneuvered better on the sandy
soil than steel ones.
Eventually the Old Order
Amish Church that still used
horse and buggy evolved into
the “Beachy Amish” and the
last of the Old Order Amish
moved to Anderson County,
Kansas in 1958. The Beachy
Amish accepted rubber tires
on tractors and the use of automobiles for travel, as well as
electricity and telephones.
My parents both lived in
Mayes County near Chouteau
during the early 30’s and 40’s.
The principal reason for them
leaving the Amish Church was
over the use of rubber tires on
tractors. They joined the Zion
Mennonite Church at Pryor in
1945. Soon after that, several
other families followed them.
It was during the early
50’s at a Mayes County Amish
Church council meeting before
their communion service, they
asked a Bishop from western
Oklahoma to officiate. They
asked his advice about the
rubber tire issue. “Well,” he replied, “We use them in western
Oklahoma and we like them.”
Soon after that they allowed
them here, too!
My roots are deep in my
Amish heritage. I am glad that
the Amish Church is still in
existence today. They still have
a lot of faithful God fearing
members who are holding fast
to their belief of non-conformity as given in Romans 12:2.
“And be not conformed to the
world but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind, that
ye may prove what is that good
and acceptable and perfect will
of God.”
There are still four church
districts of Amish in Mayes
County. They are striving to
live their faith by example.
They are very community and
family oriented. They take care
of their own and share with
their friends and neighbors.
Recently they had a fund raiser
for a non-Amish man. The man
had deceased, but they wanted
to help the family with final
In our world today, we do
not have to look very far or read
the news to realize how privileged we are to live in a country
with religious freedom. Christians are being persecuted and
giving the ultimate sacrifice of
their lives for Christ.
No matter if we drive a
horse and buggy, a car or fly
a plane, we have to recognize
that there is only one way to
heaven and that is through the
blood of Jesus.
May God have mercy on
our country so we can live up
to “In God we trust”.
Have a good week. God
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Rotary Tedder
Our two party governing
system is like a mule’s ears,
they’re both attached to a single
point of corruption – money.
They sing the song, “What’s in
it for us.”
When it comes to money
both political parties’ greed percentage runs 99 44/100ths pure.
Deceit, larceny and greed seems
to rule our leaders’ hearts. When
Obama was running for President
back in 2008, he was going to
give the American people transparency, clean up Washington
D.C. and hog-tie those pesky
influence selling lobbyists. One
wonders, who forgot his promises first, the American people
or our lordship?
Remember when 60 Minutes did the story on members of
Congress that made a profit by
selling bonds and stocks using
insider information? As the two
political parties were hassling
each other over Obamacare,
they were trading healthcare
securities and then during the
banking bailouts they were trading financial securities. Martha
Stewart did a stint in prison for
insider trading.
Not so, if you are one of
the “Elite,” because according to the news article on 60
Minutes – Nancy Pelosi, John
Boehner, and Spencer Baucus
all benefited from trades involving legislation they were working on. With that deer in the
headlight look, Congress acted,
not because they wanted to, but
the public had been made aware
of what was going on behind
closed doors. So they got the
courage to pass the “Stock Act,”
which had provisions to force
financial disclosures of those up
on Capitol Hill. This piece of
legislation mandated our leaders
to post every related financial
transaction to a secure website
within 45 days; for once they
were being held accountable. The
clatter between the staffers and
lobbyists behind closed doors
rose to a decimal point just below a speeding freight train, and
the train arrived at Capitol Hill
bringing Nevada Senator Harry
Reid, who wanted to modify
this provision in the Stock Act.
And all of our legislators agreed
whole heartily, it was considered
and passed in the Senate in 10
seconds, it passed in 14 seconds
in the House. A cowboy rides a
bull for 8 seconds to make a little
money; but our legislators took a
total of 24 seconds to make a lot
of money. Miracle of miracles,
both branches of government
passed this bill with unanimous
support; making insider trading
a little easier for all on Capitol
Hill. The amazing part is when
it comes to a budget for our
Country there is no agreement,
no middle ground, but if it’s
an increase in your legislator’s
pocketbook, a bill can be passed
in 4 days, President
Obama signed this bill into
law on April 15 or a total of 4
days after Harry Reid proposed
the change in the law.
The ole Rancher says, “It
would be easier to hold a greased
pig and keep it from squirming than to expect our leaders
to abide by the same laws, we
common folk are held to. On that
day, the lamb will lay down by
the lion.”
When our “Commander”
stands up and tells the world:
“Now let’s make two things clear:
ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion
condones the killing of innocents,
and the vast majority of ISIL’s
victims have been Muslim.”
- “We do not
consider ourselves to be a
Christian nation. “Sunnis
Muslims and
Musl i m s h a v e Corbett Mason
been killing
each other since Mohammed was
poisoned 1,354 years ago.
It seems our leaders are
more than hesitant to use the
words “Muslim Extremists or
terrorist. September 11, 2001
was the beginning of the global
jihadist movement, since then,
many countries around the world
have been guilty of dismissing,
aiding and abetting many jihadist
actions - such as Obama calling
ISIL the “JV team. “According
to the New York Times in 2013,
the evidence coming from Syria
shows many of the Islamist rebels
being supported by the Obama
Administration are made up of
“gangs of highwaymen, kidnappers and killers.” On September
17, 2013, the Washington Examiner said
Obama in his effort to provide assistance to those fighting
the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad
waived a provision of federal law
that was put in place to prevent
supplying arms to radical groups.
So the federal government furnished arms to Al-Qaeda and
other radical terrorist groups.
Senator Bob Corker (TN – Republican) [2013] who serves on
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee has stated the intelligence officials in the current
administration are having “black
ops” units furnish our armaments
to Islamic groups to prevent the
American people from being
aware of their clandestine operations.
John Kerry (2013) spouts
that the Syrian fighters are democratic freedom fighters with a
very small percentage of them
being extremists. While one
military official with boots on the
ground says over 50% of the rebel forces are made up of radical
Islamic groups and the numbers
of radicals are increasing every
day. So now we have our leaders in government working with
intelligence officials and key
members of Congress shipping
missiles, high tech weapons and
arsenals of guns to the Muslim
Brotherhood. What do you think
the American public would have
said if they knew our leaders
were shipping munitions to our
enemies during WWII?
The investigation of Ismail
Elbarasse, who was a founding member of The Muslim
Brotherhood knows all too well
Washington’s Liberals fear accusations of religious bigotry,
therefore our leaders are afraid
See Corbett, pg. 11
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Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Page 7
Sheriff thwarts IRS effort to
seize land
Former Obama aide Podesta regrets not
disclosing UFO files
Refuses to allow sale until due process exhausted
By James Rogers
in the dark, on the question of
government investigations of
UFOs,” he said. “We ought to
do it, really, because it’s right,
we ought to do it because the
American people, quite frankly,
can handle the truth, and we
In a case reminiscent of the Carter claims his private and conCliven Bundy land standoff in fidential information, including
Nevada, a New Mexico sheriff is his Social Security number, was
refusing on constifiled in public retutional grounds
cords and given
to allow the fedto third parties.
eral government
A judge, howto sell the propever, concurred
erty of a business
with the IRS that
owner embroiled
the agency can
in a dispute with
publish and disthe IRS until the
perse the private
Sheriff Scott London
owner receives
information of
due process of
Americans if it
law and his appeal is heard.
is trying to collect their money
or property. Carter says, acThe land owned by Kent Carter, cording to, the
who has battled the IRS for IRS claims he owes $890,000,
decades over taxes on the earn- a figure that “doubled with the
ings of his small construction stroke of a pen.”
business, is scheduled for auction Feb. 19. But Eddy County The original case concerning
Sheriff Scott London notified the Carter’s business taxes was deInternal Revenue Service the sale cided in favor of the IRS by U.S.
has been canceled, according District Judge Robert Brack.
to a report by Carter then filed for appeal of
Priscilla Jones.
Brack’s decision in both the U.S.
District Court in Las Cruces,
One court document listed Cart- New Mexico, and in the U.S.
er’s debt at $145,000, but he Appellate Court in Denver.
contends the figure was “pulled
out of thin air” by an assessing ‘Solid constitutional ground’
Attorney and constitutional
Carter said his bill increased a expert KrisAnne Hall has been
few hundred dollars every time advising London on his constituhe challenged the IRS, Ben- tional response to the IRS. reported. He contends the IRS violated its own tax “Sheriff London asked me if
code, used improper accounting he was on solid legal ground
methods and unlawfully gave no to refuse to allow the IRS to
notice of deficiency.
auction Carter’s property,” she
said in an interview with WND.
The matter came to a head about “The legal dispute with the IRS
10 days before Christmas when is over unpaid business taxes,
U.S Marshals broke in the door not income taxes. Mr. Carter is
of Carter’s rental property with currently involved in an appeals,
their guns drawn. The only per- but the IRS is trying to seize his
son inside was a young mother property before due process has
with a new baby who was by run its course.”
herself while her husband was
Hall advised London that he was
correct in his understanding that
Jones reported Sheriff London the Fifth Amendment of the U.S.
was called to Carter’s property Constitution and section 18 of
to intervene. The sheriff advised the New Mexico Constitution
the Marshals that Carter’s case both guarantee a right to due
was in appeal and he deserved process.
due process.
“I discussed with Sheriff London
The Marshalls threatened to ar- the supremacy of the sheriff over
rest London, Jones reported, but the federal government, based
“he stood his ground and they upon his oath of office.” she said.
backed off.”
“This is a premise supported by
the Founders and the Supreme
“Many officers have stood up Court in Mack, Prins v. U.S.”
over the years for the rights of
citizens being victimized by She reaffirmed London was
the federal government,” said on solid ground, based on his
Sheriff Richard Mack, founder oath to support and defend the
of the Constitutional Sheriffs constitutions of the U.S. and of
and Peace Officers Association, New Mexico.
reported “But
Sheriff London is the first one London received a call Feb. 6
to stand up to the IRS since the from the chief law enforcement
early 1990s. His actions show agent for the under secretary
courage and humility. London of the Department of Treasury,
is setting a good example for the
rest of our sheriffs.”
See Seize, pg. 9
It looks like we won’t be seeing
the real-life Mulder and Scully
anytime soon, as least according to recently departed White
House adviser John Podesta.
“Finally, my biggest failure of
2014: Once again
not securing the
#disclosure of the
UFO files. #thetrut
tweeted on Friday,
his last day in the
White House.
Podesta’s love of
the “X-Files” TV
show, along with
his fascination with all things
extraterrestrial, is well documented. Back in 2002 Podesta
even discussed the importance
of disclosing government UFO
records at a conference organized by the Coalition for
Freedom of Information. “I
think it’s time to open the book
on questions that have remained
formation on UFOs remains
strong. Earlier this year, for
example, a slew of UFO files hit
the Web when UFO enthusiast
John Greenewald posted declassified records from Project Blue
Book -- the U.S. Air Force’s
records on alleged
UFO and extraterrestrial sightings
-- on an online database. Greenwald
had spent decades
filing Freedom of
Information Act
requests on the
However, scant
ought to do it because it’s a reference is made to Roswell,
New Mexico, in the database.
The alleged 1947 Roswell inMore recently, Podesta wrote cident continues to be a source
the foreword to Leslie Kean’s of controversy, with conspiracy
2010 book “UFOs: Generals, theorists claiming the U.S.
Pilots, and Government Offi- military found and covered up
evidence of an alien spaceship
cials Go on the Record.”
The public’s appetite for in-
GE apple approved by USDA
Despite public opposition, USDA has just approved the
genetically engineered (GE) “Arctic” apple.
After decades of promises from
the biotech industry that genetically engineered (GE) food
would feed the world, cure the
sick, reduce agricultural dependence on toxic chemicals, and
save countless crops from imminent collapse, USDA has just approved a product they think will
solve a problem humans have
struggled with for centuries… an
apple that doesn’t brown when
you slice it… Seriously; we
couldn’t make this stuff up.
While these GE apples are a
waste of time and money, we
don’t want to downplay the real
concerns about them. Pre-sliced
apples are already a frequently
recalled food product. Once the
whole fruit is sliced, it has an
increased risk of exposure to
pathogens. Since browning is
a sign that apples are no longer
fresh, “masking” this natural signal could lead people to consume
contaminated apples, which is
why some folks are calling it the
“botox apple.”
Further, since FDA does no
independent, pre-market safety
testing of GE food there are
several unanswered questions
about the safety of GE apples.
“Silencing” the genes that make
apples turn brown when exposed
to oxygen could have unintended
consequences that will only be
tested by hungry consumers. Although these “botox apples” are
primarily targeted to the freshsliced apple market they could
also find their way into non-GE
juice, baby foods, or apple sauce
at the processing level - all
products predominantly eaten
by children and babies who are
at increased risk for any adverse
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Page 8 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The U.S. Needs to Deal with China Differently
By James Carafano
Between complacency and confrontation there is a responsible
way forward that keeps the AsiaPacific a big enough place to
accommodate the vital interests
of both Beijing and Washington.
The heavy lifting will have to
be done by the United States.
That’s okay. The work will make
America a stronger nation and a
better Asian ally.
In the last decade, the Chinese
regime has shown itself to be
anti-democratic, no friend of free
markets, a first-class cyber bully
and more interested in rewriting
or ignoring international norms
than in respecting them. Left unchecked, the Beijing method of
managing international relations
is not likely to make the world a
better or safer place.
If America didn’t share the same
neighborhood with China, it
might well ignore Beijing’s behavior and let others deal with it.
But China and the United States
are stuck with each other.
Unfortunately, the current U.S.
China policy isn’t working.
That’s why China thinks its U.S.
policy is working—and Beijing’s
goal is to diminish and marginalize Washington’s influence in
the Asia-Pacific.
There is a diplomatic dimension
to righting the relationship, but
it requires the United States to
work in a more synchronized
manner with key nations that
have the most to lose if China’s
bullying doesn’t stop. Those
nations are India, Australia and
There also has to be a military
component to the U.S. approach.
America won’t be respected in
the region if its armed forces
aren’t adequate to protect U.S.
vital interests—namely ensuring
freedom of the commons (air, sea
and cyberspace) and deterring
major regional conflicts (without
relying exclusively on nuclear
But there is more on the U.S.
to-do list.
Diplomatic and military initiatives are needed to respond to the
threats engendered by Chinese
behavior. But that same ham-fisted behavior has created opportunities for the United States.
To make the most of those opportunities, the United States will
need to power up two additional
elements of national power: economic power and public engagement. Ramping these up ought
to be easy lifts and joyful tasks.
They will not only check China,
they will help build a strong and
more resilient America, as well
as improve the lot of our friends
and allies in Asia.
cover the bet that, given a choice,
more will break our way.
America also needs a serious
case of real economic growth.
This is best accomplished by
expanding economic freedom at
home and abroad. Beijing was
too ready to take the American
recession as a sign that America’s inevitable decline had begun
Chinese behavior is increasingly and it was time for China to start
rubbing raw Beijing’s ties with taking over.
countries that share more in
common with the United States. The 2015 “Index of Economic
The United States doesn’t have Freedom” shows that, after
to come close to matching China seven years of continuous dedollar-for-dollar in spending on cline, economic freedom in the
university centers, television net- United States has pulled out of
works and traveling delegations. its tailspin. In part, the American
China has created enormous energy renaissance has helped.
opportunities to counter its own Politics helped, too. When the
efforts. Even as China dumps House flipped, Congress didn’t
more and more money into its accomplish much, but it did
public diplomacy and outreach slow roll President Obama’s
programs, its bullying ways are agenda of higher taxes, deficitundercutting the Beijing brand spending and more government
name. All the United States has programs.
to do is take advantage of that.
If the U.S. economy really took
The United States doesn’t have off, it would be a true setback
to bash China. The Chinese have for China. Trade deals that acdone that. But the United States tually promoted free trade and
does have to speak up more liberalizing markets would help
consistently and with more con- make it so, as would tax reform,
viction. The U.S. government, a free-market energy policy
the private sector and nongov- and trimming back the mindernmental organizations—all numbing regulatory burden that
must get over the fear of calling Mr. Obama has been wrapping
out Beijing’s bad behavior lest around the economy.
it antagonize China. The United
States has not antagonized China Meanwhile, China continues to
for years, and all that has done is steadily lose economic freedom.
help create an atmosphere where It has overinvested at home
the Chinese feel progressively and abroad, and many of those
freer to antagonize others.
investments are now looking
decidedly unsound.
The United States should recommit to speaking truth to Beijing The double shock of a resurpower, calling out human-rights gent, self-confident American
abuses, religious persecution, voice and an American tiger
corruption, intellectual-property economy, paired with a more
theft and tolerance for authori- proactive regional diplomacy
tarian regimes. America should and a renaissance of American
also stand tall for the American military power would have Beibrand, trumpeting American jing rethinking about whether all
exceptionalism, free enterprise its bluster over the last year has
and democracy.
left the regime better or worse
off than when it started.
Everywhere the Chinese go, the
Americans should show up and In the end, China may still be
say, “Wait a minute, here is an- China. But that might not matter
other side to the story.”
as much as it does now if a resurgent America pulls all the levers
Rather than muddy the differ- at its disposal to advance the
ences between what Beijing prospects for freedom, prosperity
wants and where America stands, and peace in the Asia-Pacific.
the United States should give its
friends and allies a clear choice Originally appeared in the Naof visions for the future. Asia-Pa- tional Interest.
cific nations will make their own
choices and chart their own destinies. The United States needs to
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Fears grow that amnesty
will kill conservatism
Democrats are ‘actively using immigration
policy as a political tool’
Conservatives say they aren’t
surprised that President Obama
believes and hopes that increasing “social diversity” in America
will make it harder for conservative policy ideas to gain
They’re just surprised he’s admitting it.
Conservative interest group Eagle Forum recently published a
report titled “How Mass (Legal)
Immigration Dooms a Conservative Republican Party.”
Drawing on a large volume of
survey data from immigrant
communities, the report revealed
that immigrants and their adult
children overwhelmingly favor
big government. Therefore, the
report argued, conservatives
must reduce the future volume
of legal immigration or watch
millions of liberal immigrants
drown out conservative voters.
Serviceable, durable, lighter weight
stump jumper (patent pending).
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Also, in 2007, then-Rep. Barney
Frank, D-Mass., admitted that
immigration is bad for blue-collar workers. But never fear, said
the congressman, because immigrants will help elect Democratic
majorities, and those Democrats
will strengthen unions, offsetting
the negative effects on working
Krikorian said those who support both small government and
robust immigration are deluding
“The money people and the libertarians have this fantasy idea
that immigration is somehow not
going to undermine the cause of
small-government conservatism,
and they’re living in a fantasy
world,” Krikorian said.
CIS published research by James
Gimpel, a professor of government at the University of Maryland, which found that more
immigrants are correlated with
fewer Republican votes every“He certainly wants to change where in America, regardless
America, and he wants to bring of the local GOP’s stance on
in people who will vote Demo- immigration.
cratic, who are not accustomed to
our form of limited government “The Republican Party will
or balanced budgets or cutting survive pretty much no matter
spending,” said Schlafly, author what,” Tom Fitton, president
of “Who Killed the American of Judicial Watch, predicted.
“I don’t think it’s going to go
the way of the Whigs; it’s just
Mark Krikorian, executive direc- that it will move to the left if
tor of the Center for Immigration immigration continues, and the
Studies, is similarly aware of conservative element within the
the ways immigration helps the party will become increasingly
marginalized and increasingly
Democratic Party.
“The left not just views immigration as helping them but Fitton said Obama’s record on
is actively using immigration immigration, including the expolicy as a political tool,” Kriko- ecutive amnesty announced in
November and the lax enforcerian said.
ment of existing laws, shows a
He pointed to two examples. In president who scoffs at the will
June 2009, Eliseo Medina, sec- of the American people.
retary-treasurer of the Service
See Amnesty, pg. 9
Employees International Union,
Eagle Forum President Phyllis
Schlafly believes Obama is using
immigration not only to secure
new voters but to transform the
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bragged to a liberal audience that
rising immigration would “create
a [progressive] governing coalition for the long term.”
Support Your
Local Tea Party Group
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Page 9
Legacy from pg. 5___________________________________ Seize, from pg. 7________________________________________ Amnesty, from pg. 8_____
advising London with veiled “engaging in business in New
threats he would be arrested if he Mexico” until his arbitrary tax
continued interfering on behalf debt was paid.
of Carter.
Carter appealed the injunction,
The agent insisted Carter’s case arguing it is both unconstituwas over, the appeals court tional and vague. He contended
had denied the appeal and that it deprived him of his right to
London had no ground to deny make a living and barred him
the sale.
from “carrying on or causing to
be carried on any activity with
London confirmed that the ap- the purpose of direct or indirect
peal is pending and informed benefit.”
the agent he would not allow
the sale to take place as long as “The IRS fabricates evidence
Clark had not exhausted his right against citizens by pulling numto due process.
bers out of a hat and adding fees,”
wrote Sheriff Mack. “They wear
“Judge Brack is refusing to rec- people down emotionally and
ognize that Mr. Carter has filed financially until they can’t take it
these appeals,” Hall wrote on her anymore. No citizen should ever
website, “and is aiding the IRS have to fight the IRS for decades
in denying Mr. Carter his right in order to keep his land.”
to due process.
Carter declared: “The IRS is
Hall said Brack and the IRS “are a lie. The income tax is a lie.
relying on a technicality to steal Why should they be able to take
Mr. Carter’s land.”
anything? They’re worse than
the mafia.”
“Mr. Carter filed his appeal in
a timely manner. However, as a Carter voluntarily vacated his
pro-se litigant he was not aware property and relocated his mothat he had to file a document to bile home to an undisclosed
‘stay’ Judge’s order to prevent location.
the taking of his land prior to the
conclusion of his appeal.”
“I chose to leave to keep it from
escalating to something ugly
A pro se litigant is someone who — like Ruby Ridge, Idaho,” he
is representing himself, without said.
professional legal counsel.
Carter said he advised the Mar“Legally speaking, this ‘Mo- shals and IRS agents who publiction to Stay the Judgment’ is ly claimed he had armed friends
a formality and is practically on his land, “If there is going to
Gina McCarthy is never going to guaranteed to be granted pending be any violence, it is going to be
you who starts it.”
turn over those text messages or an appeal,” said Hall.
the results of the studies that underpin most of our Clean Air Act “Judge Brack knows Mr. Carter Hall wrote: “Short of physiregulations—even though she is a pro-se litigant, knows that cal resistance, due process and
solemnly vowed to do so during Mr. Carter has filed an appeal community oversight (a jury
and also knows that a ‘Motion of your peers) was intended to
her confirmation hearing.
to Stay the Judgment’ pending be some of the greatest protecthe appeal would be granted, tions against government threat
And nobody will ever get a
Hall said. “But Judge Brack and against property. So important
decent explanation of what
the IRS do not care and are go- was to be the protection of due
made the government think it
ing to steal Mr. Carter’s land in process, that it is placed multiple
could tap James Rosen’s phone
spite of the fact that Mr. Carter times in our Bill of Rights.”
or monitor Sharyl Attkisson’s
is still engaged in his right to due
In a letter to IRS agent Darlene
Jones Feb. 5, London reiterated
Courts won’t enforce their own
Hall said the government agents that Carter had not exhausted or
orders. Congress won’t enforce “are using a ‘form over function’ waived his due process.
its legitimate and legally binding approach to legalize theft.”
information requests.
“Thus I am notifying you that un“Sheriff London has decided der compulsion to my oath to the
In other words, it’s working. to honor his oath and force the Constitution of the United States
President Obama has not figured IRS to follow the Constitution,” of America and the Constitution
out how to lead the country to she said.
of the State of New Mexico, I
prosperity, but he and his minshall not allow the sales of these
ions have figured out how to get reported the three properties on 19 February
away with virtually anything.
Taxation & Revenue Depart- 2015,” he wrote.
ment ordered Carter to cease
pages upon pages of news clip- issue remains pending before a
pings of stories written about federal court in Washington.
the agency.
Those trying to get at the truth
Other than that, at least 80 behind Lerner and the IRS tarpercent of the material was geting of conservative and proIsrael groups can identify. So
can Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.
FOIA allows for redaction only
of specific information, the Gowdy is chairman of the House
most abused of the nine exemp- Select Committee on Benghazi.
tions being for pre-decisional The committee’s third hearing,
communications—essentially held this week, erupted into a
bureaucrat/client privilege. And partisan shouting match when
these withholdings were at least Gowdy, a former prosecutor
typically abusive of that exemp- who seems dedicated to fairness,
finally blew his top about White
House obfuscation.
In one email, Jackson’s press
officer tells her she has an A State Department bureaucrat
interview with a reporter and called to explain the agency’s
provides a list of questions she delays in turning over docushould expect. The questions ments and making witnesses
are redacted, and the exception available said it would be easier
cited is because they were pre- if Gowdy would let them know
the direction he wants to take
the investigation. He said he
Interestingly, in one email that can’t determine this until the
did slip through the censors, State Department turns over the
Jackson asked an aide what was information.
EPA’s position on this fracking
thing that everyone’s talking Kathleen Sebelius was gone
from Health and Human Serabout.
vices before anyone got to the
In all, the EPA would turn over bottom of why she was strongfewer than 9,000 of the 12,000 arming companies that do busidocuments, and the court, faced ness with the government for
with sorting through massive “contributions” for the Obamwithholdings of records in full or acare website. Attorney General
part, concluded the huge amount Eric Holder will be long gone
of blacked out material could before anyone gets to the bottom
of Fast and Furious.
remain secret.
Jackson’s successor, Gina McCarthy, appeared to learn from
this and began communicating
through text messages, seemingly comfortable in the knowledge they would be impossible
to discover. And when she was
ordered to produce them, she
claimed, like the IRS regarding
Lois Lerner’s emails, the correspondence had all disappeared.
The distinction was McCarthy,
through counsel, said she had
indeed deleted them all but
that was because they were all
“personal.” Every single one of
5,932 texts on her EPA phone
over three years was, according
to her attorney, “personal.”
As the threat of punishment for
destroying what are presumably
federal records appears possible,
the question is whether the texts
will, like Lerner’s emails, be
mysteriously discovered. That
Recruiting, from pg. 1_____________________________________________________________________________________
didn’t stay, but now are resorting heads the Justice Department’s
to offering the carrot of a salary national security division.
and benefits to keep them.
“They’re seducing them with
While the U.S. and its Arab allies promises about how wonderful
bomb various ISIS-held locations it will be,” said Mia Bloom, a
in Iraq and Syria that include oil professor of security studies at
fields it has taken over, ISIS still the University of Massachusetts.
manages to make some $3 mil- “They promise a sense of adventure, that their worries will be
lion a day from oil sales.
Despite international sanctions
on the sale of that oil, ISIS sells it Various websites also have the
at less than half the market value, group advertising for qualified
enticing customers, especially hackers, programmers, 3D max
from Turkey, which consumes artists, auto engineers and media
a good portion but also sells it “tweeeps,” which Powell admits
is a term he doesn’t understand.
at a profit.
And it isn’t only petroleum en- “It is evident that the group is
putting some serious thought into
gineers ISIS is seeking.
bringing some structure to its
Besides engineers and fighters, plans for their so-called (caliphISIS also is recruiting doctors, ate) state, with stories of nationaccountants – and wives – many als from a host of countries, from
of whom are young women, India to Sudan, being recruited,”
including teenagers, a develop- Powell said.
ment which has perplexed WestThey also want to fill such posiern governments.
tions as the director of emerISIS is “issuing a bit of a siren gency services, judges, lawyers,
song through social media, trying sanitation, sewer experts and
to attract people to their so-called health-care professionals.
caliphate,” according to FBI
Director James Comey. “And “The U.S. and other countries
among the people they’re trying in ISIS’ crosshairs have been
to attract are young women to be working to counter their efforts,
making arrests of individuals
brides for these jihadis.”
providing material support to
While preaching violence ISIS the group and ensuring that the
will “do the warm and fuzzy (of) aerial bombing campaign and
the gun in one hand and the kit- other military support to allies is
ten in the other,” said Assistant front and center in the media, just
Attorney Gen. John Carlin, who in case potential candidates have
forgotten what could await them Soltvedt of Verisk Maplecroft,
a British risk consultancy firm,
should they sign up,” he said.
ISIS has gone from governance
Powell was quick to add, how- “doing fairly easy tasks like proever, that if ISIS was serious viding rule of law to this second
about projecting an image of a stage of really trying to run a
“legitimate” state, it would need city, and they’re facing a lot of
to do more than “post videos of problems.”
beheadings and black flags.”
As terrible a reality as ISIS is, he Soltvedt echoed Zelin’s observasaid, the extremist Sunni group tion that ISIS is trying to recruit
has taken some major cities such foreign experts to fill gaps.
as Fallujah, Ramadi and Mosel in
Iraq and al-Raqqa and surround- “They will try to reach out to
ing territories in Syria and must people with the necessary skills
take the responsibility that comes to run these operations in order
to not lose control of these areas
with such conquests.
and assets,” he said.
“If they want to be successful,”
Powell said, “ISIS will have to F. Michael Maloof, senior staff
either entice the talent it needs writer for WND/ G2Bulletin, is
to run the day-to-day opera- a former security policy analyst
tions, or convince, or coerce, the in the Office of the Secretary
engineers, city planners, media of Defense. Maloof is author
specialists and others already in of “A Nation Forsaken – EMP:
The Escalating Threat of an
place to stay.”
American Catastrophe,” and the
Aaron Zelin, who specializes in e-book, “ISIS Rising: Prelude to
jihadi groups for the Washington a neo-Ottoman Caliphate.” He
Institute for Near East Policy, can be contacted at mmaloof@
said ISIS is attracting foreign
experts in key areas including
the power industry and the media
from Sudan, Tunisia and India.
“They are definitely interested
in having skilled professionals
help out with their state-building
project,” Zelin said, since ISIS
now is experiencing considerable
problems in running the cities
and industries it has taken over.
“At this stage,” said Torbjorn
“For him to chortle over the
impact [mass immigration]
will have on our nation’s public policy debates shows how
contemptuous he is of selfgovernment,” Fitton said.
Fitton also said the president’s
comments reveal his animosity
toward conservatives.
“He’s exposing why he’s doing things that ought to have
him turned out of office in a
sensible system,” Fitton said.
“He’s doing it because he hates
conservatives. He thinks the
folks that are working, that he
is allowing to stay here illegally and encouraging to come,
will vote for people who share
his socialist outlook.”
Fitton expressed concern that
illegal votes have tipped the
scales in Democrats’ favor
in the past. He pointed to an
Old Dominion study released
last year which found that 6.4
percent of non-citizens voted
in 2008, and 80 percent of
their votes went to Obama.
The authors posited that those
illegal non-citizen votes may
have helped Obama eke out a
win in North Carolina and put
Democrat Al Franken over the
top in the Minnesota Senate
However, Krikorian is not as
worried as Fitton about illegal votes. The CIS executive
director acknowledged that
voter fraud exists but said legal
immigration remains a greater
threat to a conservative Republican Party simply because
there are many more legal immigrants in the country.
“Most immigration is legal,
and the only people who can
become citizens are legal immigrants, so legal immigration
is what matters when we’re
talking about shifting politics
to the left,” he said.
Krikorian also asserted that
mass immigration, legal and
illegal, exacerbates the very
problems that liberals attempt
to solve with their policies,
such as the growth in child
poverty, the uninsured population and income inequality.
“All of those are things that the
Left then says, without mentioning immigration, ‘Look at
how bad these problems are.
Vote for us, and we’ll redistribute the wealth,’ or whatever,”
Krikorian said. “There are a lot
of middle-of-the-road people
who are going to be persuaded
to consider statist, big-government solutions to problems
that immigration is actually
President Obama often says
immigrants are “a net plus
for our economy and our society.”
Schlafly, the longtime conservative activist, disagrees.
“It’s a net plus in numbers, but
it’s not a net plus in people
who believe in America,” she
said. “It’s not a net plus of jobs,
because the more immigrants
he brings in, the more jobs the
new people take, and American
citizens are left out in the cold.
And I think the scandal of our
high unemployment is due to
Obama bringing all the people
he could.”
Page 10 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
The Golf Corner
Wildlife Commission Accepts Major Donation
to Fund Shooting Sports
By Steve Pace Certified Golf Instructor at Patricia Island Golf Club-Grove, OK (918786-3338) (PGA-Former, US Golf Teachers Federation- Retired, NGI- Association of
National Golf Instructors) Cell: 405-834-3217 – email: - or
Shooting-sports industry
In other business related to length limit for saugeye, sauger
icon and benefactor Larry W. shooting sports, the Commission and walleye to 14 inches statewide
For a soft landing chip shot, open the club face at address, actually
set feet a little open too. The real secret is to use your wrist cock (break)
right off of the ball which creates a steeper angle. Also, keep your hands
well ahead of the club head.
Includes free Golf Digest subscription for a year. Discount Green
Fees to over 40 courses all over the state. Several in this area. Go to
The Mardi Paws Benefit/Silent Auction for Second Chance Pet Rescue
will be Saturday, Feb. 21st at Big Shots on Monkey Island.
Golf! You hit down to make the ball go up. You swing left and
the ball goes right.
The lowest score wins, on top of that, the winner buys the
Golf is harder than baseball. In Golf, you have to play your foul
If you find you do not mind playing Golf in the rain, the snow, even
during a hurricane, here’s a valuable tip ...your life is in trouble.
Golfers who try to make everything perfect before taking the shot
rarely make a perfect shot.
A ‘gimme’ can best be defined as an agreement between two golfers ...neither of whom can putt very well.
An interesting thing about Golf is that no matter how badly you
play, it is always possible to get worse.
Golf’s a hard game to figure. One day you’ll go out and slice it
and shank it, hit into all the traps and miss every green. The next day
you go out and for no reason at all you really stink.
If your best shots are the practice swing and the ‘gimme putt’, you
might wish to reconsider this game.
Golf is the only sport where the most feared opponent is you.
Golf is like marriage, If you take yourself too seriously it won’t
work, and both are expensive.
The best wood in most amateurs’ bags is the pencil.
Shangri-La Golf Club has announced the dates for their junior golf this
2015 Junior Players Academy, June 15th - June 18th; 8:00 - 1:00
Daily. Cost: Member - $230.00 Per Junior Non-Member - $250.00 Per
Junior (Discounts available for multiple Player Sign Up) Camp is open
to members and non-members alike. Price includes: 4 days of PGA golf
instruction, a Camp Shirt, golf cap, golf balls, special award and event
prizes, on-course golf, lunch daily and more.
NE Oklahoma Fishing Report by
The Oklahoma Wildlife Department
Keystone: Elevation below normal, water 39. Blue catfish slow on
cut bait. Crappie slow on minnows
around brush structure.
Lower Illinois: Elevation normal,
water 45. Trout good on in-line
spinnerbaits, Power Bait and
worms below the dam, creek
channels; spread out from the dam
to Gore landing with the highest
concentrations from Marvel’s
Oologah: Elevation normal, water
48 and clear. Crappie fair on min-
nows and jigs at 15-20 ft. around
brush structure. Blue catfish fair
on shad at 20-25 ft. along the river
Perry CCC: Elevation normal,
water clear. Trout excellent on
Power Bait and small lures along
Skiatook: Elevation below normal,
water clear. Crappie fair on minnows and jigs at 15-25 ft. around
brush structure.
Sooner: Elevation normal, water
murky. Striped bass hybrids slow
along the discharge.
-WANTEDRaw Wild Furs
Buyer will be at:
Buyer will be at:
Livestock Auction
Feb 27,
4th 1pm
at 1pm
- L&S
27 4pm
Hollingshead Furs Crowder, (918)
Potterfield outlined his passionate desire to promote competitive
shooting among youths during a
personal presentation at the February meeting of the Oklahoma
Wildlife Conservation Commission on Monday in Stillwater, and
then he backed up his words with
his money.
Potterfield, co-founder of
online shooting and sporting goods
retailer MidwayUSA Inc., donated
$756,410 to support the Oklahoma
Scholastic Shooting Sports Program, which currently involves
about 1,500 students in 85 junior
and senior high schools in the
This donation is among the
largest ever received by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife
Conservation. It represents the
third consecutive year that the
Potterfield family has given large
sums in support of the OSSSP. This
year’s donation brings the Potterfields’ total commitment to nearly
$2.2 million.
“You guys are doing a great,
great job of creating teams in
Oklahoma. ... The work that you
all do here is very, very key to the
future,” Potterfield said. “We very
much appreciate the opportunity to
work with you.”
Commissioners watched
a presentation by Dick Leeper,
executive director of the MidwayUSA Foundation, which outlined
the Potterfield family’s support of
shooting sports across the country.
Through the foundation, Larry and
Brenda Potterfield have personally given $96 million to support
school-based shooting programs
in 49 states.
Since its inception in 2013,
OSSSP has been administered
through the Wildlife Department’s
Information and Education Division. It allows Oklahoma junior and
senior high school students to learn
about and participate in competitive shotgunning. Money donated
by the Potterfield family helps
defray the costs associated with
shooting and participation for the
high school teams. In addition, high
school teams are rewarded with
additional money for participating
in regional and statewide competitive events. Individual endowment
accounts that are set up for each
team through the MidwayUSA
Foundation play an important part
in the program.
Wildlife Department Director Richard Hatcher recognized
Colin Berg, education supervisor
for the Wildlife Department, for
his efforts to establish OSSSP, and
Damon Springer, OSSSP coordinator, for his work in organizing and
operating the program. During
a status report on OSSSP, Berg
said, “Because of the Potterfield
donation, we’re actually about two
or three years ahead of where we
would have been as an agency if we
didn’t have their funds.”
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20
Aries, expect to scramble at the last
minute when you have to get something
finished. It may elevate your blood pressure, but you’ll feel good when the task
is completed.
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23
Leo, paying off a large debt may empty
out your bank account, but you have
to look at the benefits of the situation.
No more interest payments mean more
SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21
Sagittarius, after a few bumpy spells,
you may be on the road to a financial
recovery. Monitor your spending and
continue to maintain your financial
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21
You have to take a stand on a highly
contested matter, Taurus. There’s no
way to avoid the situation, so it’s best
if you just meet it head on. Others will
appreciate your direct approach.
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, expect to be caught off guard
this week. Allow everything to run
its course, and things will be back to
normal before you know it.
CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20
Real estate values have been rebounding, Capricorn. If you are in the market
to sell your home, now may be your
chance to do so, but make sure you
accept a good offer.
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21
Gemini, say goodbye to a bad situation,
as a better one is on the horizon. It is
about time you make things work in
your favor and enjoy some R&R.
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22
Cancer, you have grown in many ways
and people are trying to get used to
your new persona. They see you as a
new person, and that will require an
adjustment period.
LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23
Libra, be resourceful and economical
this week. Frivolous spending will only
leave you with a hole in your pocket and
not much to show for it.
AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18
Your responsibilities are at an all-time
high, Aquarius. If you speak up, plenty
of people will be willing to lend a hand.
You just have to accept their offers to
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22
This could be a time of profound changes in an important relationship, Scorpio. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20
If you keep an open mind, there is no Pisces, start visualizing positive outlimit to the benefits that await.
comes and you can produce winning
results. A negative attitude will only
prevent success.
Crossword Answers
accepted a $10,000 donation from
Sam Munhollon of Oklahoma
Station Chapter Safari Club International, which will allow more
school teams to participate in
OSSSP. And Oklahoma State University professor and club adviser
Nathan Walker gave a presentation
on the OSU Shotgun Sports Club.
Also during Monday’s meeting at OSU, the Commission:
Heard updates on upland
game bird and aquatic research ongoing at OSU. Drs. Sam Fuhledorf,
Dwayne Elmore and Craig Davis,
endowed chairs in Natural Resource
Ecology Management, spoke about
research on the lesser and greater
prairie chicken and northern bobwhite. Dr. Shannon Brewer spoke
about projects under way in aquatics research involving the Wildlife
Department through the Oklahoma
Cooperative Research Unit.
Accepted a $4,000 donation
from Sam Munhollon of Oklahoma
Station Chapter Safari Club International. Robert Fleenor, chief of
law enforcement for the Wildlife
Department, received the donation. This is the first donation in a
four-year commitment by OKSCI
to fund the purchase of night-vision
goggles for the Law Enforcement
Approved permanent rule
changes to Title 800 Chapter 10,
Sport Fishing Rules. These rule
changes were proposed in 2014
and underwent public hearing and
public comment. Highlights include reducing the limit on flathead
catfish to five per day; reducing the
(with some exceptions); prohibiting the possession of filleted fish
while fishing; requiring anglers to
keep separate stringers with name
and fishing license number attached when fishing in tailwaters;
establishing catch-and-release-only
rules for tiger muskellunge at Lake
Carl Etling and for largemouth bass
at American Horse Lake and Doc
Hollis Lake.
Approved permanent rule
changes to Title 800 Chapter 25,
Wildlife Rules. These rule changes
were proposed in 2014 and underwent public hearing and public
comment. Highlights include clarification of permitting, certification,
reporting and procedures for the
Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator permit; adjusting regulations on
several smaller U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers properties; standardizing seasons for Camp Gruber
and Cherokee public hunting areas.
Commissioners decided to table a
rule-change proposal to eliminate
the Oklahoma Waterfowl Stamp
Design Competition.
Approved a permanent rule
change to Title 800 Chapter 30,
Wildlife Department Lands Management. This rule change was
proposed in 2014 and underwent
public hearing and public comment. The rule prohibits the removal of live feral hogs from any
Wildlife Management Area.
The next scheduled Commission meeting will be 9 a.m. March
2, 2015, at Wildlife Department
headquarters, 1801 N. Lincoln,
Oklahoma City.
1. Glasgow inhabitant
5. Dangerous tidal bore
10. Prevents harm to creatures
14. Upper class
15. Caused an open infection
16. Styptic
17. Am. Nat’l. Standards
18. Muse of lyric poetry and
19. He fiddled
20. Afrikaans
22. Don’t know when yet
23. Mottled cat
24. 1803 USA purchase
27. Engine additive
30. Reciprocal of a sine
31. __ King Cole, musician
32. Time in the central U.S.
35. Insect pupa sheaths
37. Prefix denoting “in a”
38. Okinawa port city
39. Capital of Pais-de-Calais
40. Small amount
41. Fictional elephant
42. Grave
43. 12th month (abbr.)
44. Knights’ garment
45. One point S of due E
46. Lender Sallie ___
47. Express pleasure
48. Grassland, meadow
49. Vikings state
52. Deck for divination
55. Mountain
56. Cavalry sword
60. Largest known toad
61. Once more
63. Cavity
64. Paper this tin plate
65. Slang for backward
66. James __, American
steam engineer
67. Sea eagles
68. Wooded
69. Expression of annoy-
1. Spawn of an oyster
2. Town near Venice
3. Bone (pl.)
4. Pair of harness shafts
5. Midway between E and
6. Of a main artery
7. Catches
8. Maintained possession
9. Old Tokyo
10. Yemen capital
11. Commoner
12. Street border
13. Old Xiamen
21. Soul and calypso songs
23. Explosive
25. Put into service
26. Swiss river
27. Territorial division
28. Pulse
29. Hair curling treatments
32. Small group of intriguers
33. Portion
34. Slightly late
36. Taxi
37. Political action committee
38. Grab
40. Between 13 & 19
41. Tai currency
43. Newsman Rather
44. Great school in Mass.
46. Technology school
47. Have a great ambition
49. Groans
50. Fill with high spirits
51. Expressed pleasure
52. Modern London gallery
53. A gelling agent in foods
54. Dilapidation
57. Swine
58. Footwear museum city
59. Respite
61. Creative activity
62. Slight head motion
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Hollrah, from pg. 1_______________________________________________
Classified Ads
To place an ad in classified call 918-783-5657 or mail your ad to P. O. Box 88, Adair, OK
74330, or e-mail to All classified business ads are $6 per
column inch, with 1 column inch minimum. Business ads come with a border and a tinted
background if preferred. All other ads are $4.50 per 20 words or less and $.10 per word
thereafter. All ads must be paid in advance of publication.
Drivers: $1250 per
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White Harvest seed is open pollinated organic seed 40 variety for
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Page 11
Same business location
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White Sears Kitchen
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Brochure & Terms at www.
Meters from page 4_______________________________________________
pain and elevated blood pressure. They had to move out of their home to live in a little camper with
no electricity.
- They contacted OG&E on several occasions but the Smiths where dismissed by OG&E. They
told the Smiths to contact OCC, which they did, and OCC sent forms to fill out concerning their
- October 31, 2012 OG&E sent a letter to the Smiths which stated there was no proof that smart
meters caused adverse medical conditions.
- November 28, 2012 Billy and Monique saw their family doctor and she wrote letters regarding
Moniqueʼs health and how she should immediately have the smart meter removed.
- December 18, 2012 the Smiths submitted their complaint about the damages to their health from the
smart meter to OCC. They received a return receipt from OCC that they had received the complaint.
Later OCC said they had lost the Smithsʼ records.
- April 25, 2013 They saw a second doctor to get a better opinion about Moniqueʼs condition. This
doctor also stated that the smart meter was affecting her health negatively and diagnosed her with
EMF sensitivity.
- June 19, 2013 Smiths submitted a letter to OG&E requesting for them to remove their smart meter,
without any response from OG&E.
- August 14, 2013 While at the Sherry Lambʼs hearing their lawyer gave Eric Davis, attorney for
OCC, many of these forms. Still no response from OCC to todayʼs date 2-18-2015.
- February 18, 2015 Smiths are still living in a little camper and now have their house on the market.
- Moniqueʼs health continues to worsen.
- News Channel 4 OKC Smart Meter Hearing 8/14/13 3:16
~ HEALTH ~ Sherry Lambʼs CAUSE NO. CS 201300001 was Filed February 27, 2013 against
OG&E, 24 months ago. Ms. Lambʼs case has still not been heard. Where is due process? OCC told
Ms. Lamb, as did Peevey to the EMF Safety Network, that she should take these concerns to the
FCC, itʼs the proper body. OCC approved the motion to dismiss her case, as did the CPUC to the
EMF Safety Network. Does the Oklahoma Corporation Commission and OG&E (PSO, ONG and
Oklahoma Association of Electric Cooperatives) have the same collusion relationship as did CPUC
and PG&E in California?
~ HEALTH ~ Margie Alfonso complaint, CAUSE NO. CS 201400003 was Filed May 20, 2014 against
Oklahoma Natural Gas (ONG). ONG installed two Microwave Radiating transmitting gas meters, that
pulse every 15 seconds, two feet outside her homeʼs bedroom wall. These gas meters can be read two
miles away from her location. Her OCC hearing was on July 9, 2014, at which time Alfonso asked
for 8 Exhibits to be filed regarding her malignant melanoma. ONG moved for a continuance of the
hearing. On July 17, 2014 Judge Ben Jackson, Administrative Law Judge, granted ONG a motion
for continuance of the hearing. Oklahoma Natural Gas received a continuance until sixty days after
the Commission’s decision in Cause No. CS 201300001, the Complaint by Sherry Lamb.
of illegal campaign contributions into the coffers of
an unscrupulous American
politician. Putting two and
two together, I concluded
that any number of foreign
contributors, wishing to influence the outcome of the
U.S. presidential elections,
could transfer unlimited
sums of money through this
device, using the Swiss bank
accounts of unsuspecting
American depositors as vehicles. The owners of the
Swiss accounts would receive periodic statements indicating: a) debits of varying
amounts, up to $2,300 each,
and b) offsetting credits
provided by the cartel, or
by a wealthy “international
For most of the super
wealthy, especially those
attempting to hide income
and assets from U.S. authorities, an unexplained debit of
$2,300, followed by a credit
of the same amount, would
not even raise an eyebrow.
So who would ever know the
source of such contributions?
No one.
On the receiving
end of the transactions, a
U.S. recipient, such as the
Obama campaign, could
receive thousands of individual contributions via
Swiss credit card transfers,
with unsuspecting fictitious
contributors… their names,
addresses, and occupations
“borrowed” from Obama’s
extensive list of $10 and
$20 contributors… being
entered by teams of staffers
working in a “boiler room”
setting, preparing falsified
reports for the Federal Election Commission.
A subsequent report by Newsmax, having
studied thousands of pages
of Obama’s FEC filings,
found some 66,383 highly
suspicious contributions,
not rounded to even dollar
amounts, from 37,265 donors. For example, an insurance agent from Burr Ridge,
Illinois, reportedly gave a
total of $8,724.26, more than
$4,400 over his legal limit.
He gave in odd amounts
such as $188.67, $1,542.06,
$876.09, $388.67, $282.20,
$195.66, $118.15, and one
of $2,300.
A self-employed caregiver in Los Angeles made
36 separate contributions
totaling $7,051.12… more
than $2,450 over her legal
limit. Thirteen of those
contributions were later refunded. However, in an
odd coincidence, those 13
refunds, in amounts such
as $233.88 and $201.44,
came to an even $2,300,
the maximum allowable in
any one election. Another
contributor, a retired schoolteacher from Rockledge,
Florida, is reported to have
given $13,800… $9,200 over
his limit. However, when
interviewed by Newsmax,
that contributor could not
remember giving that much
money to Obama.
Lest anyone suggest
that those 37,265 donors
either emptied their piggy
-------------------------------------------------------------------THEREFORE WHATEVER YE HAVE SPOKEN IN DARKNESS SHALL BE
WND charged that,
in retaliation for their reporting of Cruz’s evidence,
“HSBC lodged a complaint
that blocked Internet access
to one of the WND stories,
and WND senior reporter
Jerome Corsi was fired by
Gilford Securities, the New
York City investment firm
he had worked with for two
years as a senior managing director. However, the
plot thickened when WND
uncovered evidence suggesting that the Obama Justice
Department failed to proceed
with the investigation of
money-laundering charges
in deference to bank clients
of the Washington-based
law firm where Eric Holder
served as a partner prior to
becoming attorney general.
In a telephone interview on February 6th, Cruz
told WND that the Obama
administration “is continuing to cover up its role in
the HSBC money laundering
scandal.” He went on to say
that “the IRS has blocked
every legal effort he has
made to be credited as a
whistleblower in the HSBC
billion-dollar settlement.”
He said, “It is impossible
that the Obama administration did not know HSBC was
laundering drug money for
the Mexican cartels, because
the documentation I had
showed the laundered money
passed through the federal
wire-transfer services.”
Cruz charged that the
1,000 pages of customer
account information he provided show that HSBC’s
money-laundering activities
relied heavily on identity
theft and purloined Social
Security numbers that were
“then used to create bogus retail and commercial
bank accounts.” Through
those bogus accounts, HSBC
employees systematically
deposited and withdrew hundreds of millions of dollars
on a daily basis, apparently
without the knowledge of
the identity-theft victims. He
explained that when a bogus
bank loan was established
under a stolen identity…
causing much consternation among individuals who
found they were the recipients of loans they knew
nothing about… five percent
of the loan proceeds went to
the accounting firm that prepared the phony tax returns
and the other 95 percent went
to the HSBC managers.
Cruz explained that
one manager was involved
in the transaction, another
manager was involved in notarizing the transaction, and
senior management was involved when they approved
the loans, even loans that
had been rejected by underwriters. In order to avoid
prosecution for violation of
the U.S. Bank Secrecy Act,
the International Emergency
Economic Powers Act, and
the Trading with the Enemy
Act, HSBC agreed to pay
the $1.256 billion fine in a
deferred prosecution agreement with Obama’s Justice
With Eric Holder and
Loretta Lynch having major
roles in the cover-up, Ms.
Lynch will have a great
deal of explaining to do as
her confirmation hearings
In the meantime, it
would be most interesting
to study FEC contribution
reports to learn how much
HSBC money found its way
into the hands of Barack
Obama, the Democratic
Party, and numerous Democratic candidates.
Corbett, from pg. 7_______________________________________________
Between Sherry Lamb, Margie Alfonso and PSOʼs rate case to deploy 522,000 Smart Meters there to address it. Sharia law
has been jointly thousands of pages filed under Public Comment, documenting and exposing the does not permit any critiHEALTH /SAFTEY /PRIVACY PROBLEMS CONNECTED WITH SMART METERS.
cism of Islam or MohamOn October 24, 2014 Administrative Law Judge, Jacqueline Miller, filed a Report on PSOʼs rate
case, however it still has not been ruled on by OCC due to the two exceptions filed by AARP and Joe
Esposito on November 3, 2014 and on December 18, 2014 the three Oklahoma Corporation Commissioners heard the exceptions. One of those exceptions -- Joe Espositoʼs was stating HEALTH
problems caused by Smart Meters. In the third highlight above: “3) Peevey and Cherry colluded to
permanently delay hearings until the “smart” meter rollout was completed.” Are these Oklahoma
cases being delayed for the utilitiesʼ rollout to be completed?
banks or emptied their pockets and purses periodically
and just sent it all to Obama,
pennies and all, allow me
to suggest something a bit
more sinister. Those 66,383
contributions were the proceeds of foreign currency
conversions, smuggled into
the country in foreign credit
card receipts, and deposited
in Obama’s campaign coffers using the forged names
of some of Obama’s $10 or
$20 contributors.
But now it is alleged
that Loretta Lynch, Obama’s
choice to succeed Eric Holder, is up to her eyeballs in yet
another Obama administration criminal enterprise in
which the banking system
was misused in much the
same way as in the 2008
foreign currency smuggling
operation. According to a
February 7, 2015 report in
WorldNetDaily (WND), the
Obama Department of Justice appears to be stonewalling the release of documents
that could implicate Ms.
Lynch in a massive coverup of Obama administration
involvement in the international money-laundering of
Mexican drug cartel money.
WND reports that
Lynch, while serving as
U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York,
“oversaw the investigation
of drug-related international
money-laundering allegations against London-based
HSBC Holdings, LLC.”
WND had previously published a series of articles
documenting charges that
HSBC laundered billions of
dollars that were traced back
to Mexican drug cartels.
That investigation resulted in
a $1.256 billion fine paid to
the U.S. government, ending
the investigation and avoiding the filing of criminal
According to the
WND report, the federal
government’s unwillingness
to prosecute HSBC was exposed by whistleblower John
Cruz, a former HSBC vice
president in New York, who
called the bank a “criminal
enterprise,” saying that the
fine imposed by the Department of Justice was “a
joke.” After being forced
out of HSBC, Cruz filed a
$10 million lawsuit against
HSBC, charging “retaliation
and wrongful termination.”
At that point, whistleblowers
in India and London joined
Cruz in charging that the
HSBC settlement amounted
to a “massive cover-up.”
mad, therefore liberals
condoning this intrusion
labels anyone bringing
forth views exposing the
Muslim Brotherhood’s
plans as bigots or hatemongers. The investigation of the Dar al-Hijrah
Islamic Center, established in Falls Church,
Virginia, uncovered secret
documents revealing the
intents of the Brotherhood. These documents
named 30 major Muslim
organizations connected
with the Brotherhood as
front groups; including
the Council for AmericanIslamic Relations (CAIR)
and the Islamic Society
of North America. These
30 different groups were
listed as unindicted conspirators. FBI agent John
Guandolo says “every
major Muslim group in the
United States is controlled
by the Muslim Brotherhood…It is a genuine
conspiracy to overthrow
the government, and they
have organizations to do
it, and they have written
doctrines outlining their
Our leaders seem
to be intent on pandering
to Islam, while stopping
the prayers of Christians.
Leaders around the world
have chosen to ignore the
growing jihadist movements around the world.
The steady flow of Arab
oil and money for arm
shipments makes world
leaders blind and deaf to
the ever increasing threat
of Muslim extremists.
Muslims around the world
will admit their loyalty
lies at the feet of the Nation of Islam, not to the
United States.
Muslims consider the Koran to be
the literal word of God.
Desecrating the Koran is
punishable by imprisonment in some countries
(life imprisonment in Pakistan, according to Article
295-B of the Penal Code)
and has been punishable
by death in Afghanistan,
Somalia and Pakistan.
“In our time political speech and writing
are largely the defense of
the indefensible.” George
Page 12 The BANNER
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
His Love for Weekly Update
from Kay Stout,
Sent by Bill Ryan
On the “Today Show”, Matt
Lauer interviewed one of the
wives of one of the Navy Seals
killed along with the US ambassador in Libya He asked what
she would say to her children
about their dad and how she
would want them to remember
him. Her answer, and I quote,
“His love for Christ”, and then
continued on with a few other
things. Throughout the day and
on MSN homepage, replaying
the story, they have edited the
“Love of Christ” part out. Why?
Because using the word Christ
might offend someone! Well,
I am a Christian and I am offended! I’m offended that they
would edit it out. Offended that
we as Christians are asked to
tread lightly so as not to offend
someone of another religion. I
think anyone who missed the
original broadcast that morning should know what NBC
has done. THIS IS PROOF OF
man loved his country and loved
his God and gave his life for
both, just as Christ gave His life
for him. Please feel free to copy
this and forward it to everyone
on your email list. There are
e-mails that go around saying,
“If you believe in God” then
forward this. Well, I am starting
one right here, right now. I am
not ashamed of God, but I am
becoming more ashamed of my
country. It is time to take a stand.
GOD Bless America ! God Bless
us one and all... Please GOD,
have mercy on us!
PAAS Director
There are many similarities to
religion and rescue. Both involve deep conviction, passion,
goals, saving lives and people
- - - and people can make both
r’s very, very challenging.
Religious freedom is a cornerstone of America and animal
rescue (especially dogs and
cats) plays a significant role in
most communities. The challenge is when well-meaning,
hard-working, dedicated people
see different solutions. While
solutions may be diverse - acceptance can be a hard-fought
battle. When this happens,
too often the animals in need
of rescue can get lost in the
escalating word battle that can
occur on social media. While
social media has significantly
changed (and improved) animal
rescue - it has, unfortunately, all
to often been a written whipping
post for those with divergent
Mardi Paws Benefit This Saturday
Second Chance Pet Rescue
is offering at the Mardi Paws
Benefit/Silent Auction (Saturday, February 21st, at Big
Shots Nightclub on Monkey
Island), the fantastic opportunity to secure two (2) OR four
(4) Fairway Passes including
hospitality to the 97th PGA
Championship at Whistling
Straits in Kohler, Wisconsin.
These package options will
be sold to the highest bidder
after Silent Auction closes at
9:30 pm on Feb. 21. Interested
people may submit bids beginning February 18th UNTIL
9:30 pm on February 21st by
contacting Carol Rice at 918801-6701. Also contact Carol
for any questions concerning
the 2015 PGA Championship
third time. This PGA Championship is one of the four major
championships in professional
golf. Not only will the winner
be able to see the best golfers
compete, they will also get to
enjoy the spectacular scenery
“2015 PGA CHAMPIONthat surrounds the course.
TWO (2)” - Beginning bid is
FOUR (4)” - Beginning bid is
We never, ever want to lose
our passion and dedication - so necessary in rescue. But
it sure would help if profes- The lucky winner will secure
sional respect were an integral two (2) OR four (4) Fairway
part of social media postings. Passes including hospitality
More good deeds would be ac- for EITHER Thursday, August
complished and fewer battles 13th; Friday, August 14th; Satwould be fought. I think it’s urday, August 15th; or Sunday,
August 16th, 2015.
Kay Stout, Executive Director The 2015 PGA Championship
e: P: will be held at Whistling Straits
in Kohler, Wisconsin, for the
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