Roselle Public Library District - Serving Roselle since 1940 Sunday, April 12 from 1:30 - 3:00 p.m. the Roselle Public Library District celebrates those who volunteer at the Library. The Roselle community is invited to attend. Musical Sunday entertainment provided by singer-guitarist Jim Bartholomew performing all your favorite classic pop and folk songs. FRIENDS OF THE ROSELLE LIBRARY SPRING BOOK SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 11 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. and SUNDAY, APRIL 12 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. JOIN US, NEXT FRIENDS MEETING IS WEDNESDAY APRIL 1, 6:00 P.M. 75 E A 5 tions of non-perishable food items and household products in lieu of fines when overdue materials are returned to the Library. Donations will not be accepted in place of money for lost or damaged materials. Each donated item will clear up 50¢ in overdue fines. No glass or liquid filled containers please. Donations will be given to the Bloomingdale Township Food Pantry. Years R LIBRARY BOARD MEETINGS are the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the Library Conference Room. The public is invited. Volunteer Appreciation Musical Sunday - Sunday, April 12 Teen ‘Build A Book’! - Monday, April 13 Book Lovers Luncheon - Wednesday, April 15 Food For Fines - April 12 - 19 The Library will be accepting dona- LIB Sunday, May 24, 2015 & Monday, May 25, 2015 In observance of Memorial Day • • • • RICT ST DI LIBRARY CLOSED DATES Sunday, April 5 In observance of Easter LI BLIC BRAR PU Celebrating Y RY 01 NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK Watch for special activities and events throughout the week LL Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ROSE LIBRARY HOURS Monday through Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. u CELEBRATE VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION SUNDAY Sunda eer y2 t n 4 01 THE ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT: Striving to enrich community life by providing access to educational, cultural, and recreational information, encouraging life-long learning, promoting intellectual freedom, and by providing a welcoming environment where all may Read, Play, Learn, and Discover. Vo l P L D Spring 2015 Celebrating 75 Years of Library Services SER VICES 194 2 0- GRANDPARENTS GOT SPRINGTIME GAME Thursday, April 2, 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Grandparents and Grand-friends get in the springtime spirit with their grandchildren at this drop-in program. The session features special craft activities, snack, and board games to play. GRAND PARENTS GOT GAME IS FUNDED BY THE FRIENDS OF THE ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY. CONTACT INFORMATION 630/529-1641 main phone 630/529-7579 fax Circulation Desk *222 Adult Services Desk *211 Youth “Ask Me” Desk *351 Business Office *312 Executive Director *311 Library Foundation *314 6TH ANNUAL GREAT MAGAZINE GIVEAWAY FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Saturday, May 2 Celebrate Free Comic Book Day at the Library. March 5th through the 8th MEETING ROOM B The Library annually returns older magazines to the community. For each item you check out you may take home 2 magazines which are nonreturnable. On Sunday, the last day of the giveaway, there is no limit on the amount of magazines you make take. • • • • • • Dress as your favorite comic character! Check out the all-day Marvel Movie Marathon See a local artist at work Pick up your FREE comic book Super Hero Storytime in Youth Services See inside for details Youth Services A PARENT OR ADULT CAREGIVER MUST ACCOMPANY CHILDREN UNDER 8 YEARS OLD. SPRING STORYTIME PROGRAMS Spring Session of Storytime Programs begins registration Monday, March 2. The theme for this session is “Road Block” a six week session beginning Tuesday, March 17, continuing through Thursday, April 23. Tots & Tykes 6-19 months (with parent) Tuesdays Toddler Tales 20-35 months (with parent) Tuesdays Preschool Storytime 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Registration Required 10:00-10:30 a.m. Registration Required 3-5 years 3-5 years Wednesdays 10:00-10:30 a.m. Wednesdays 1:00-1:30 p.m. Registration Required Registration Required Family Drop-In all ages / parent Tuesdays 6:30-7:00 p.m. No Registration Morning Drop-In child / parent Thursdays 10:30-11:00 a.m. No Registration CHILD MUST BE THE REQUIRED MINIMUM AGE BY THE DATE THE PROGRAM SESSION BEGINS. TJTime! Parents, spend time playing with your tots in the Storytime room. Drop in to socialize with other parents and tots. All sessions are for children 6-20 months and meet from 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Space is limited. Tuesday, March 3 Tuesday, April 28 Tuesday, May 5 School Age Programs KREATIVE KIDS! A monthly program for children K- 2 featuring story sharing and facts on a specific topic each month. Children create craft projects based on the topic chosen. “IT’S NOT EASY BEING GREEN” Thursday, March 12 4:30-5:15 p.m. REGISTRATION BEGINS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 “DANDY…LION” Thursday, April 16 4:30-5:15 p.m. REGISTRATION BEGINS MONDAY, MARCH 30 BOOKS AND POPCORN Children grades 2-5 discuss selected titles and themes while munching on popcorn. Register, read the book, and be ready to discuss the plot. Books will be available for checkout. Sidney & Sydney Third Grade Mix-Up by Michele Jakubowski Monday, March 16 6:30 p.m. REGISTRATION BEGINS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23 My Dad the Dragon by Jackie French Monday, April 13 6:30 p.m. REGISTRATION BEGINS MONDAY, MARCH 23 Family Movie Matinee Drop in to view a family rated film. An adult must accompany children under eight years old. Saturday, March 28 2:00 p.m. Saturday, April 18 2:00 p.m. WAK*KA*DOODLE WEDNESDAY Create a one of a kind craft masterpiece to take home! Drop by the Roselle Public Library Youth Services department to participate. Wednesday, March 11 4:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 6 4:30-6:30 p.m. No registration necessary! WHAT’S UP WITH KIDS! Children grades 2-6 participate in creating the Youth Services sponsored newsletter, written by and for kids. Write original articles, poetry, book reviews, and stories. Submit original illustrations. See your work in print. Children grades 2-6. Organizational Meeting -Thursday, April 16 Article Submission Meeting -Thursday, May 14 6:30-7:30 p.m. 6:30-7:30 p.m. A PARENT OR ADULT CAREGIVER MUST ACCOMPANY CHILDREN UNDER 8 YEARS OLD. SPRINGTIME FUN children and adults A FREE COOPERATIVE PROGRAM WITH THE ROSELLE PARK DISTRICT GARDEN CLUB Sunday April 19 2:30 - 4:00 p.m. K-5th Grade with an adult Children enjoy butterfly crafts, stories, snacks and a hands on butterfly display. Learn how to attract butterflies and fun insects to your own garden. Adults enjoy an hour gardening presentation at 3:00 p.m. ‘Native Plants for All Seasons’ by Deb McCullough, a Certified Master Gardener specialist from The University of Illinois Extension. FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Saturday, May 2 1:00-1:30 p.m. Celebrate FREE Comic Book Day at the Roselle Library! Enjoy a ‘Super Hero storytime! Dress as your favorite comic Character! Check out a local artist at work! Grab your free comic book just for coming to the Library! Limit one comic per person while supplies last. Ages 3 - 5 years & siblings welcome! NO REGISTRATION NECESSARY Youth Services Special Programs Read to a Dog Children ages 6-12 read aloud to a certified therapy dog. Build a special bond with a dog. Improve confidence and sharpen reading skills. Bring a favorite book of your choice, or read from a selection of great titles provided. Sign up in person or by phone for your 15 minute session. Wednesday, March 4, 11, 18 4:00-5:00 p.m. REGISTRATION BEGINS, FEBRUARY 16 SPRING BREAK 2015 BLOCK PARTY! Lego My LEGO®! Attention all Lego® Lovers ages 4-12 . . . drop by the Roselle Public Library on your day off school, bring a friend, and let your imagination flow. Lego’s® will be provided. Finished creations displayed in Youth Services. Lego My LEGO®! Monday, March 30, 10:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. All Ages ~ NO REGISTRATION NEEDED FROEBEL BLOCK WORKSHOP Tuesday, March 31, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Grades K-2 ~ REGISTRATION BEGINS MARCH 16, Space is limited FROEBEL BLOCK WORKSHOP Tuesday, March 31, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Grades 3-5 ~ REGISTRATION BEGINS MARCH 16, Space is limited “COLLAGE IT!” Wednesday, April 1, 12:00-2:00 p.m. All Ages ~ NO REGISTRATION NEEDED LIBRARY OFFERS SERVICE TO HOME BOUND PATRONS Library district residents, who are home bound due to illness or disability with no one to pick up materials for them, may qualify to receive monthly library delivery service. For more information call the Adult Services Department at (630) 529.1641 ext. *211 Monday, March 30 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ages 4-12 Saturday, April 25 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ages 4-12 NO REGISTRATION NECESSARY Spring Break 2015 fun, fantastic free programs for children! Build with Legos, Froebel Blocks, and create a collage of your favorite structure. Teen Scene REGISTRATION REQUIRED UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED FEBRUARY 16 JOIN A TEEN CLUB! ANIMANGA CLUB TEEN ADVISORY BOARD (TAB) Wednesday, March 4 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. New Schedule – Same Time! Now meeting every quarter, help plan cool programs, meet new friends, and munch on snacks. To join, fill out a TAB application, available in the Library’s Teen Area. Next TAB meeting: Wednesday, June 3 Wednesdays, March 11, April 8, May 13 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Get together with other teens once a month to watch and talk about ANIME and look at new MANGA. No registration required, drop-ins welcome. Let The Library Put a Spring In Your Step! TOUCH SCREEN GLOVES! Tuesday, March 10 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Love using your touch screen devices, but hate taking your gloves off in the cold to use them? Worry no more, we will show you how to convert a pair of regular gloves into touch screen gloves with just a needle and thread. [ TEEN TECH WEEK 2015 Sunday, March 8 – Saturday March 14 Come to the Library and discover what you can make with the resources at your fingertips! DIY books, computer programs, audio books, DVDs and so much more! Make sure to check out the “MAKE IT!” programs we have scheduled for TTW and your Spring Break! BUILD A BOOK! by learning how to create your very own notebook from scratch. We provide the supplies, you supply the fun! National Library Week April 12 -18, 2015 LOOK FOR THE ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT ON SOCIAL MEDIA THE RISING COST OF COLLEGE Thursday, April 23 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Thomas J. Jaworski M.A. of Quest College Consulting will share his expertise and insights on how to breakdown the cost of college, understand the financial aid/scholarship aspect of the college search process and provide tips on maximizing your dollar for college. This interactive program is designed for both parents and students please bring your smart device (phone or tablet). LEARN TO ARM KNIT! Monday, March 30 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. One day, one program, one project! Learn how to arm knit and create your very own infinity scarf to take home that day! Supplies provided. No knitting experience necessary! FOOD N’ FINALS Tuesday, May 26 4:30 – 8:30 p.m. High School students, it’s finals time again at the Roselle Public Library. We’ll provide the pizza and the study space, you just need to show up and study! No Registration Necessary! FREE MUSIC DOWNLOADS W O AVAILA B LE Monday, April 13 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. CELEBRATE NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK MAKE IT… N [ MAKE IT… LIBRARIES ARE FOR MAKING… Free Music Downloads with your Roselle Public Library card Saturday, April 25 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Registration is FREE, but REQUIRED. Register online, by phone, or at the Roselle Public Library. Please remember to bring two pencils and a calculator. COMMEMORATIVE GIFTS AND DONATIONS In Memory of Sean Timothy Meyers, Given by Mrs. Patricia Young Suitcase of Stars by Pierdomenico Baccalario Monetary Donation Given by Edward and Noreen Ware In Memory of Frank S. Strle given by Denise Thomas Vampires Don’t Wear Polka Dots by Debbie Dadey and Marcia Thornton Jones VOLUNTEEN = TEEN VOLUNTEER Here’s your chance to fulfill your service hours for school, honor society or other oganizations. The Teen Scene runs three Volunteen Sessions a year. The current session will run from February through April. Too busy during the school year, no problem! Join the Summer Volunteen Session from June through early August! To become a Volunteen, fill out an application, available the Library’s Reference and Adult Services Desk or the Youth Services Desk. Sign up soon there are a limited number of Volunteen spaces to be filled. SUMMER VOLUNTEEN TRAINING SESSION Thursday, May 21 OR Wednesday, May 27 4:00 – 5:15 p.m. Become a Volunteen this summer and help at the Library! Pick up an application starting May 1, and register for a training session. Summer participants are required to attend ONE Volunteen Training Session, regardless of past volunteer work. KNITTING CIRCLE AT THE LIBRARY Please support T h e Fr i e n d s o f Ro se l le L i b rar y fund raising events. The Friends are instrumental in funding programs and events for the Library and its patrons. Spring Book Sale Weekend: April 11 & April 12 Join The Friends, next meetings are April 1, and June 3 at 6:00 p.m. HIGHLIGHT YOUR HOBBY OR EXHIBIT YOUR COLLECTION AT THE LIBRARY The Library’s display case located on the first floor facing the Circulation Desk is available for exhibits by local hobbyists, artists, collectors or non-profit organizations on a monthly basis. Patrons interested in displaying should contact Debbie Miel at (630) 529-1641 ext. *211. WHAT’S ON DISPLAY? March Roselle Library Knitting Circle ART IN THE LIBRARY April Roselle Park District Garden Club May Roselle Middle School Art Exhibit March Lake Park High School Art Exhibit The Library also offers a display area for local artists. For more information contact Debbie Miel at (630)529-1641 ext. *211. The Knitting Circle meets every other Saturday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. beginning March 14. Knitters and those who crochet are invited to bring their own projects or work on several community service projects. In 2014 members created hundreds of hats, blankets, head bands and animals for Lutheran General Hospital’s various units and The Mended Hearts, Inc., of Hanover Park. The Knitting Circle accepts donations of washable, worsted weight yarn for their collaborative projects. Bring your extra yarn to the Circulation Desk and indicate that it is for the Knitting Circle. Thank you! Memorials and donations were given to the Roselle Public Library District in Memory of Frank S. Strle by the following individuals: Jack and Sandra Bils, Joanne and James Venard, Charles & Bertha Maki, Andrew A. Kassay, Catherine and John D. Nilles, Corrine and Frank Ashenhurst, Sandra and Jerry Wisemen, Betty Riebock, Sylvia Henfling, Kathleen Nilles, Ian and Graham Reed Family, Sharon Suoja Strle, Mrs. Mary Ann Henderson, Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Jacquemard, Barbara L. Buck, Brittany Buck, Sharon Strle, Books purchased so far in memory of Frank Strle include the following selections: Mysterious Patterns: Finding Fractals in Nature by Sarah C. Campbell Triangles by David A. Adler Everything Dinosaurs by B. A. Hoena What’s New? The Zoo! A Zippy History of Zoos by Kathleen Krull Beneath the Sun by Melissa Stewart The Secret Life of the Woolly Bear Caterpillar by Laurence P. Pringle Sea Turtle Scientist by Stephen R. Swinburne The Case of the Vanishing Little Brown Bats: A Scientific Mystery by Sandra Markle Name that Dog! Puppy Poems from A to Z by Peggy Archer Life Size Reptiles by Hannah Wilson Cartwheeling in Thunderstorms by Katherine Rundell The Land of Stories: a Grimm Warning by Chris Colfer The Map To Everywhere by Carrie Ryan & John Park Davis The Serpent’s Curse by Tony Abbott The Spy Catchers of Maple Hill by Megan Frazer Blakemore Where I Belong by Mary Downing Hahn Volunteer at the Library FREE SAT PRACTICE TEST Adult Servic- UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE REGISTRATION FOR ADULT PROGRAMS BEGINS FEBRUARY 16 ELECTRONIC SERVICES ONE-ON-ONE COMPUTER TRAINING The Adult Services Department offers 45 minute individual sessions at a mutually convenient time. Please call Marcia Bose at the reference desk at (630) 529-1641 *211 to set up your appointment. • Self-directed mousing skills tutorial • Basic e-mail instruction • Internet searching for beginning and intermediate users • Basic Microsoft Word • General resume creation using Microsoft Word • Flyer creation using Microsoft Publisher • Social Media • We also offer one-on-one sessions for individualized help with downloading e-books and e-audiobooks. DOWNLOAD FREE MUSIC ALEXIANCONNECTS PROGRAMS THE HERB PATCH To register for this event call Alexian Brothers Health System at 1-866-ALEXIAN (1-866-253-9426). Wednesday, April 29, 7:00 p.m. Whether you're a new or advanced herb gardener, Master Gardener Sandy Lentz will provide tips and information useful in selection, care and uses of a variety of herbs. ARTHRITIS SCREENING Tuesday, April 14, 4:30 p.m. Thomas Obermeyer, M.D. will screen participants for arthritis and joint pain. Please wear loose-fitting clothing. Limited appointments will be available. THE FABULOUS FIFTIES L BLIC IBRAR PU Celebrating Y 75 R WHAT??? WHY DON’T I UNDERSTAND YOU? RY SER VICES 194 5 LIB A 01 E LL ROSE Years RICT ST DI Monday, May 4, 7:00 p.m. Vintage cookbook expert, Amy Alessio takes us on a trip back to the 1950’s. Celebrate the fun foods, interesting recipes and samples from that era. This event is part of the Roselle Public Library District's year-long celebration of 75 years of library services to our community. 2 0- MASTER GARDENER HELP DESK RETURNS! Mondays, May 11, June 15, July 20 and August 17 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Turn to the library for gardening help from the experts! The DuPage County Master Gardeners visit monthly from May through August to answer your questions about annual and perennial flowers, trees, lawn care and other horticulture issues. Master Gardeners are volunteers trained by the University of Illinois Extension to provide a network of gardening and horticulture programs to educate the public. All information provided is based on research from the University of Illinois. Tuesday, May 5, 7:00 p.m. May is Better Hearing Month. Join local audiologist, Judy Prena who will discuss hearing loss and suggest ways to improve hearing. MUSICAL SUNDAY PROGRAMMING www.roselle.lib. ALL MUSICAL SUNDAY PERFORMANCES ARE HELD IN THE MAIN ATRIUM AREA OF THE LIBRARY FROM 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. TRILLIUM March 15 Enjoy the Celtic sounds of Trillium, featuring hammered dulcimer, guitar, banjo, bass, fiddle, mandolin, and vocals. JIM BARTHOLOMEW April 12 Singer-guitarist Jim Bartholomew performs all your favorite classic pop and folk songs for a special Volunteer Appreciation Day event. KIMBERLY DAVIS May 17 Concert pianist Kimberly Davis presents a special selection of works by Latin American composers. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED FOR MUSICAL SUNDAYS. PLEASE CONTACT JOHN AT (630) 529-1641 EXT. *220. 6TH ANNUAL BOOK LOVERS DAY Wednesday April 15th 12-2 p.m. Please join us this year to celebrate Book Lovers’ Day during National Library Week. Roselle Library card holders are invited to join us for a light luncheon followed by a round table discussion of books you have enjoyed this year. The reference desk staff will also bring an assortment of books they have had the pleasure of reading in the last 12 months. You may register for this event online, in person or over the phone. Tickets are required for this event and will be available for pick up at the reference desk. Space is limited! ROSE LL E 75 Years THOSE WERE THE DAYS – THE 1940’S RY Sunday, March 22, 2:00 p.m. Relive -- or experience for the first time -- the magic of old-time radio. The Radio Players West recreate drama and comedy radio shows from the 1940’s. This event is part of Roselle Public Library District's year-long celebration of 75 years of library services to our community. 01 R A 5 LIB Thursday, March 12, 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Drop by the Library's atrium area to learn about the benefits of the new ComEd smart meters recently installed in Roselle homes. Learn about the smart grid and how you can save on your electric bill. No registration required. L BLIC IBRAR PU Celebrating Y RICT ST DI COMED ‘SMART METER’ INFORMATION TABLE SER VICES 194 2 0- Adult Services UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE REGISTRATION FOR ADULT PROGRAMS BEGINS FEBRUARY 16 ROSELLE LIBRARY BOOK DISCUSSIONS HILL TOWNS OF TUSCANY TRAVELOGUE Thursday, March 19, 7:00 p.m. Visit the hill towns of Tuscany with world traveler Ralph Danilesen. This virtual tour includes historic Sienna, the wine villages of Montalcino and Radda, the movie-set towns of Cortona and Montepulciano and more! MEN’S BOOK DISCUSSION Mondays, 7:00-8:00 p.m. March 16 – Book & Movie Heart of Darkness & Francis Ford Coppola’s by Joseph Conrad Apocalypse Now April 20 Empire of the Air by Tom Lewis May 18 Stormbird by Conn Iggulden Join the Men’s Book Discussion Goodreads group: ESTATE PLANNING FOR THE 21ST CENTURY – PROTECTING YOUR DIGITAL ASSETS ADULT BOOK DISCUSSION Monday, March 23, 7:00 p.m. As we do more and more on-line, protecting our ‘digital assets’ – those that exist in the on-line world – becomes more and more important for estate planning. Join attorneys John Pankau and Lisa Knauf to learn how to include protection of digital assets, as part of an overall estate plan. Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Copies of the book are available a month ahead of the discussion at the reference desk. March 17th A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking April 21st Specimen Days by Michael Cunningham May 19th The Last Girls by Lee Smith ANNUITIES 101 20’s & 30’s BOOK DISCUSSION Wednesday, April 22, 7:00 p.m. For 2015 Money Smart Week, Certified Financial Planner Joseph R. Book, from Itasca Bank & Trust Co., will present an educational seminar; Last Thursday of the Month 6:30 p.m. Meet at a local Roselle restaurant – announced monthly. Join fellow 20 & 30 something’s once a month for good food, good fun, and a great discussion on books the last Thursday of the month. Want more info? Contact Amelia Thomas: or call at 630-529-1641 x*323 Annuities 101. The annuity world has changed dramatically over the past ten years. Learn how to fully understand an annuity contract, annuity options available, and how to use an annuity to potentially provide income for life! March 26 – Unwind by Neal Shusterman April 30 – Salt, Sugar, Fat by Michael Moss May 28 –The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton ADMINISTRATION Roselle Public Library District Amy Cawley Executive Director Debbie Green Business Office Manager DEPARTMENT MANAGERS Christy Snyders Circulation Services Lynn Dennis Automation/Technical Services Marcia Bose Adult Services Leann Skeens Youth Services Sue Ellen Eichholz, President Elaine Pizzicaro, Vice President Kimberlei Matson, Treasurer Sharon Hitzemann, Secretary Gary Oprenchak, Trustee Priscilla Spencer, Trustee Sue Harold, Trustee FOUNDATION BOARD PAID Carol Stream, IL Permit No. 475 your place to Read, Play, Learn & Discover 40 South Park Street Roselle, IL 60172 NEWSLETTER Lin Drogos Graphic Designer/Editor ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage ECRWSS Postal Patron Roselle, IL 60172 Director’s Corner The Staff and Trustees of the Roselle Public Library District invite you to our celebration of 75 years of Library Services in the Roselle Community. Library service to the Roselle Community began in January 1940 with the Roselle Library Center, created as a Works Progress Administration project (W.P.A.), housed in Salk Pioneer School. By December 1942, the W.P.A. was no longer functional. The Library Committee, consisting of local citizens, continued to support the idea of offering library services, petitioning the Village of Roselle in January 1943 to take over the Library as a Village Library. Elections for the Village Library Board of Trustees took place in April, 1943. The Library, and its collections and services to the community, expanded as the Village grew. In 1945 the Roselle Library moved to the building on the corner of Park and Main. On April 20, 1972, Roselle residents approved a referendum converting the Roselle Village Library to the Roselle Public Library District – the entity that provides library services to the Roselle Community today. In 1982 the Roselle Public Library moved into the current Library building, financed through a bond issue approved by Library District residents in 1979. It has been a long journey to where we are now – and the Roselle Public Library District Staff and Board of Trustees look forward to continuing our tradition of providing the best in library services for the residents of the Roselle Community. Join us all year, 2015, to celebrate the past – as we look forward to serving you in the future. Experience our “new look” with new furniture in the Adult and Teen Areas of the Library. The Roselle Public Library is the place for the Roselle Community to Read, Play, Learn, and Discover! Elaine Pizzicaro, Chairperson Jeanie Bonavolonta, Vice Chairperson Sue Harold, Secretary Tom Piorkowski - Treasurer Amy Cawley Jan Swiontek, Director Executive Director Frank Zielinski, Director Ingrid Stuhrenberg, Director Sarah Sebert - Director ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT F O U N D A T I O N Priscilla Spencer, Roselle Public A Big Thanks to All Our Generous Donors! Library Board Member Liaison Amy Cawley, Executive Director, As of the first of the year The Library Foundation received over $7,400.00 in contributions to its annual fund raising campaign and thanks the listed individuals and businesses for their support. The Foundation gave Roselle Public Library District FRIENDS OF THE ROSELLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Lisa Gallagher, President Inara Kirstein, Vice President Debbie Baumgart, Treasurer Gail Olson, Secretary PHOTO DISCLAIMER: Your presence at the Roselle Public Library and your attendance at programs sponsored by the Library may be digitally recorded through photographs or video recordings. These images may be posted on our web pages, on our blogs, in our newsletters, both online and in print, and in local newspapers. If you do not wish your image to be published, please notify a member of the Library staff before the program begins. the Library $10,000 towards the new furniture on the first floor and new carpeting in the meeting rooms. It’s not too late to contribute to the campaign. Any amount is appreciated and all donations are tax deductible. Please use the Roselle Public Library Foundation Contribution Form in the “My Library – Get Involved” link on the left hand side of the Library’s home page or the Foundation brochure available in the lobby kiosk. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY BUSINESS DONORS. BUSINESSES Ace Hardware (Roselle) Amperage Electric BMO Harris Bank Brunswick Zone Case Foundation Company Countryside Funeral Home Drainmaster Sewer & Pump Service First Eagle Bank Itasca Bank & Trust Law Office of John Pankau Lifestyle Physical Therapy Lynfred Winery Rainbow Glass & Trim Redi-Strip Company Roselle Chamber of Commerce Tornatore Law Office Wild Nail Wings of Roselle INDIVIDUALS Milan and Ruth Bagel Curt and Sharon Barnes Len and Debbie Baumgart Bob and Joan Beauprez Bruce and Janet Berkshire Tony and Jean Bonavolanta Stewart and Helen Byers Jeanne Calvert Patrick Devitt John Dabrowski Mike and Naomi Dimand Michael and Lauren Dimpsey Robert and Roberta Dimpsey Brian and Cary Elliott Al and Marjorie Engel Irene Gerth Rick and Sue Harold Dottie Hildebrandt Ray and Sharon Hitzemann Adrian and Barbara Hochstadt Ron Hospodka, Sr. Joseph and Antoinette Jean Florence Klemmer Robert Kling John Kness John and Patricia Kornacker Dolores Lawicki James and Linda McDermott Gloria Noogan Elaine Pizzicaro Gary Poplawski Ray and Georgette Rudy Stanley and Joan Schmidt Paul and Sarah Sebert Saba Shafiuddin Mary Ann Siska Priscilla Spencer Glenn and Sue Spachmann Roger and Peg Schwerman William and Margaret Stringfellow Ingrid Stuhrenberg Robert and Sharon Suich Bernie and Jan Swiontek Patricia Thompson Noreen Ware Barbara Weisenburger John and Pat Young Frances and Claranne Zielinski Dennis and Rhonie Zymboly
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