Current Bulletin

The First Sunday of Lent
February 22, 2015
February 21 – March 1
SAT 7:30 pm Dr. Tom Howrigan
-by his estate
SUN 9:00 am Virginia Minor
-by Richard, Jim & Kathy Howrigan
11:00 am For the Parishioners
1:00 pm Mass in Spanish at Holy Angels
Daily Mass
MON 8:30 am Virginia Minor
-by Virginia Howrigan
TUE 8:30 am Father Edward Moore
-by a Friend
WED 8:30 am Amanda & Henry Furkey
-by the Estate
THU 8:30 am Laura Raymo
-by Scott & Donna Corrigan
FRI No Mass
6:00 pm Stations of the Cross
Next Weekend
SAT 7:30 pm Rev. Pierre Lavallee
-by Tom & Sue Howrigan
SUN 9:00 am Billy Howrigan
-by John & Teresa Manahan
11:00 am For the Parishioners
This Week:
Monday, Feb. 23, 6:30 pm – Finance Committee
Wednesday, Feb. 25, 7:00 pm – Parent Meeting,
First Communion
Next Week
Sat. 28th
7:30 Candi Branon
Don Connor
Susan Rainville
Andrew Rainville
Altar Servers: Elizabeth Magnan, Sarah Magnan, Liam Howrigan
Sun. 1st
9:00 John Bouchard
Libby Norris
Patti Reynolds
Cecile Callan
Libby Norris
Altar Servers: Ben Archambault, Anthony Andrews, Nicolas Farinaccio
11:00 Steve and Maragret Helen Bushey Mary Ovitt
Altar Servers: Samantha Churchill, Hunter Harris
Collection on February 14-15, 2015
St. Patrick
St. AnthonySt. George
$ 1,123.00 $ 332.00
Weekly Goal:
$ 1,200.00 $ 355.00
Weekly Average:
$ 1,212.00 $ 377.00
Thank you for your support.
Please pray for those who are ill, particularly:
Francis Ste. Marie, Maureen Ryan Cooper, Judy
Vanslette, Tammy Tinker, Margaret Maynard, Ava
Crowley, Mike Paradee, Hortense Vanslette, Jeri
Patterson, Ruby Gonyea, Shaun Lavalette, John
Perras, Michelle Baker, Denise Brier, Freda Burnor
and Rose Peno.
Prayers for Deceased: Matthew Van Brocklin
The Word Among Us: Copies of the Lenten issue
of The Word Among Us are available to be picked
up today at the church entrances. This Lenten
booklet contains Mass readings and Daily
Meditations to guide us in our Lenten prayer and
No classes for two weeks due to school vacations.
Classes will resume the week of March 8.
Parents’ Meeting: A meeting for the parents of
children preparing for First Holy Communion will
be held on Wednesday, February 25th at 7:00 pm in
St. Patrick’s Parish Hall. At least one parent of
each child is expected to attend this important
meeting which is for parents only.
Guidelines for Lent
 The time of Lent is to be observed
by Catholics as a special season of
prayer, penance and works of charity.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, in
particular, are the most important penitential
days of the liturgical year. They are days of
both fast and abstinence. All Fridays in
Lent are days of abstinence.
The rule of fasting states that only one full
meal a day can be taken. Two small meals,
“sufficient to maintain strength”, are
allowed, but together they should not equal
another full meal. Eating between meals
breaks the fast, but drinking liquids does
not. The rule of fasting obliges all Catholics
from 18 – 59.
Abstinence refers to the eating of meat.
The common estimation of the community is
used to determine what falls under the
category of meat. The rule of abstinence
binds all Catholics 14 years or older.
The substantial observance of the laws of
fast and abstinence is a serious obligation.
Self-imposed fasting on the other weekdays
of Lent is recommended. Abstinence on all
Fridays of the years is also highly
Parents and teachers should see to it that,
even those who are not bound by the laws of
fast and abstinence because of age, are
brought up in an atmosphere that is
conducive to a sense of penance.
Rice Bowls: Our parish will be participating in the
Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl, a Lenten
program, as a way to encounter Jesus through
others, especially through the most vulnerable in
our world. Rice Bowls are available this week at
the church entrances. Please be sure to take home a
Rice Bowl and use this fun and easy resource to
deepen your family’s Lenten experience and make a
difference in the lives of the poor.
Stations, Soup and Sandwiches: This popular
Lenten devotion will be prayed on Friday evening,
February 27 at 6:00 pm at St. Patrick’s. A simple
meal of soup and sandwiches will be shared in the
parish hall after the Stations. All are welcome.
Lent Reflections: Once again this year, Father
Robert Barron will be offering daily Lent
reflections through email. You are invited to join
over 200,000 others by signing up free at Each day from Ash
Wednesday (February 18) through Easter (April 5)
you will receive a short e-mail with an uplifting
spiritual reflection. The reflections will be available
in both English and Spanish.
Vesper Service and Mass of Installation DVDs:
If you didn’t get to attend the January installation of
Bishop Christopher J. Coyne or the prayer service
the evening before with religious leaders, and you
would like to view the special events, two specially
produced DVDs can help you feel like you were
there. And if you were there and want to preserve
your memories, the DVDs are ideal mementos and
are available through the Diocese of Burlington.
(email: These DVDs
provide an uplifting look at what the people of the
Church in Vermont have to look forward to as they
join Bishop Coyne in building up the Kingdom of
God in the Green Mountain State. They are $15.00
each or $25.00 for both. Please indicate if you are
ordering the Vesper service, the Mass of Installation
or Both, and allow two weeks for delivery.
Catholic Daughters Meeting: Catholic Daughters
next regular meeting will be on Tuesday, March
10th at the Knights of Columbus hall in St. Albans.
Please join us for the rosary at 6:30 pm and meeting
at 7:00 pm. All Catholic ladies are welcome to join
us. If you would like more information about CDA,
please call Rachel Smith at 782-4961.
Annual Take-Out Supper:
St. Paul’s Methodist
Church on Church Street in St. Albans will once again
have its Town Meeting Day supper. Menu includes
stuffed chicken breast, mashed potato, gravy, coleslaw,
glazed carrots, roll, cranberry sauce and dessert. Cost is
$10 per person for all ages. Tickets must be purchased
in advance by calling Mike at 752-6093 or St. Paul’s at
Birthdays this week: Saturday: Alé Leroux
Sunday: Shane Branon Monday: Andrew
Howrigan, John Schreindorfer Tuesday:
Caitlyn Callan, Joy Kane, Catherine Trudell
Wednesday: Ellen Paradee, Gavin Ryan, Eli Smith
Thursday: Leanne Sausville Friday: Clarisse Talley