1 DGPT2015 -‐ SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM MONDAY: 09.03.2015 Time 11:00 -‐ 17:00 Hall C Hall D Hall F A DVANCED COURSE IN T OXICOLOGY Organizer: Arbeitskreis Regulatorische Toxikologie in der GT Anforderungen an die Toxikologie unter REACH – Theorie und Praxis Detailliertes Programm im Attachment 13:00-‐17:00 A DVANCED COURSE IN P HARMACOLOGY Organizer: DGP A DVANCED COURSE IN C LINICAL P HARMACOLOGY Chair: Stefan Uhlig, Aachen Organizer: VKliPha Repeated Measurements and beyond Chairs: Lars Küpfer (Leverkusen); Ulrich Klotz (Stuttgart) Models for clinical efficacy and toxicity Lars Küpfer (Leverkusen) Jörg König (Erlangen) Katrin Zeilinger (Berlin) By invitation only/nur auf Einladung: 09:00 – 17:00 Weiterbildungskommission (GT) 16:30 -‐ 17:30 Mitgliederversammlung des Arbeitskreises Regulatorische Toxikologie Hörsaal A Hörsaal D 17:00 – 19:00 Vorstandsitzung der Gesellschaft für Toxikologie (GT) Hörsaal E 18:00 – 20:30 Treffen der AG Planmäßige Professoren Hörsaal B 2 TUESDAY 10.03.2015 Time Frederik-‐Paulsen Lecture Hall Hall H Hall C Hall D Hall F Hall K 09:00-‐10:30 S HORT TALKS S HORT TALKS S HORT TALKS Receptors and transporters G-‐protein coupled receptors Ion channels Chair: Charlotte Esser Chair: Andreas Bock (Düsseldorf) (Würzburg) Toxin B of Clostridium difficile activates neutrophil granulocytes via FPR1 Sebastian Goy Cyclophilin 40 is a novel interaction partner of bacterial ADP-‐ribosylating toxins providing a starting point for new therapeutic strategies Holger Barth Interplay between the Clostridium difficile binary toxin CDT and its host cell receptor LSR Sarah Hemmasi A toxin effector from Yersinia ruckeri impairs development of zebrafish embryos by inactivation of RhoA Marcus Steinemann The allosteric core region of the M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor differentially regulates allosteric ,orthosteric and dualsteric ligand activity. Brian Chirinda (Bonn) A generic system for increased expression and thermo-‐ stabilization of G protein-‐coupled receptors using directed evolution. Christoph Klenk (Zürich) Comparison of ß-‐ adrenoceptor signalling by agonists and antagonists by the use of FRET-‐ based assays with new multichannel fluorescence detectors. Vladimir Chubanov (München) Contribution of salt-‐ bridge switching within in the ATP binding. pocket to the gating of the P2X2 receptor. Ralf Hausmann (Aachen) Purinergic P2X4 channels are crucial mechanotransducing elements in podocytes causing disorganization of the cytoskeleton. Ursula Storch (München) Roles of TRPML and Two-‐Pore channels in endolysosomal function and disease. Christian Michael Grimm (München) The sodium-‐activated potassium channel Slack is required for optimal cognitive flexibility in mice. Anne E. Bausch, 3 Characterization of stably transfected HEK-‐293 cells expressing OATPs to study drug uptake Dieter Runge Generation of a novel In vitro cell culture model to study active carrier-‐mediated transport of chemicals in the rabbit placenta Sandra Halwachs Thomas Günther (Jena) G protein signaling of native somatostatin receptors 2 and 5 in pituitary cells using a fluorescence-‐based membrane potential assay. Horst Lemoine (Düsseldorf) Adenosine activates brown adipose tissue and recruits beige adipocytes via A2A receptors. Thorsten Gnad (Bonn) The interaction of Gi-‐ coupled receptors with Gβγ and GRK2 is receptor-‐specific. Cornelius Krasel (Marburg) (Tübingen) Functional analysis of TRPC1/TRPC4/TRPC5 channel proteins in the hippocampus Jenny Bröker (Heidelberg) SK channel modulation attenuates mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Amalia Dolga (Marburg) 10:30 -‐ 10:50 C OFFEE BREAK 11:00-‐11:15 C ONGRESS O PENING Ingolf Cascorbi (Congress President), Matthias Schwab (DGPT President); Ulrich Stephani (Dean Medical Faculty CAU), Thomas Griesbacher (EPHAR President) Frederik-‐Paulsen Lecture Hall 11:15 – 12:15 P LENARY L ECTURE I Chair: Ursula Gundert-‐Remy (Berlin) Molecular defects and (epi)genetic mechanisms in imprinting disorders Thomas Eggermann (Aachen) Frederik-‐Paulsen Lecture Hall 4 12:15-‐13:00 L UNCH BREAK 12:15-‐14:30 P OSTER S ESSION I (M ENSA I, L ARGE HALL (FIRST FLOOR)) 13:15 -‐14:15 INDUSTRY S YMPOSIUM 1 INDUSTRY S YMPOSIUM 2 INDUSTRY S YMPOSIUM 3 2. P HARMAKOLOGIE-‐ PCSK9 INHIBITORS O RPHAN D RUGS HISTORISCHES N OVEL THERAPIES IN PROSTATE C ANCER Sponsor: Sanofi-‐ Aventis Sponsor: Pfizer Sponsor: Astellas Peter-‐Andreas Loeschmann (Berlin) Chair: Sierk Haenisch (Kiel) Adaptive responses in the androgen receptor signaling axis for advanced prostate cancer: Implications for personalized targeted therapies Marcus V. Cronauer (Ulm) Food effects of modern oral oncological drugs Werner Weitschies (Greifswald) P ROF. H EINZ L ÜLLMANN IM G EDENKEN GEWIDMET Vorsitz: Thomas. Eschenhagen (Hamburg) “State-‐of-‐the-‐art” in der Lipidtherapie bei Patienten mit hohem kardiovaskulärem Risiko. Norbert Frey, Kiel PCSK9: von der Entdeckung zur molekularphysiologi-‐ schen Charakterisierung eines neuen Regulations-‐ mechanismus. R. Schulz, Gießen 13:55 -‐ 14:15 PCSK9-‐ Antikörper zur Behandlung von Risikopatienten mit hohem LDL: wohin geht die Reise? Jens Jordan, One example for orphan drug development from bench to bedside Roland Seifert (Hannover) Orphan Drugs: Overview, Perspectives and Problems S YMPOSIUM : Vorsitz: A. Philippou, U. Ravens Sprecher: I. Cascorbi (Kiel), U. Ravens (Dresden), K. Mohr (Bonn), A. Philippou (Innsbruck) 5 Hannover 14:20-‐16:20 S YMPOSIUM 1 S YMPOSIUM 2 S YMPOSIUM 3 E PIGENETICS IN ANPT SYMPOSIUM : N EW O PTIONS FOR D RUG TRANSPORT AND M ETABOLISM Chairs: D. Schrenk, A. Bürkle THE T REATMENT O F Introduction Dieter Schrenk (Kaiserslautern) Chairs: Markus Schwaninger/ Bernhard Rauch Chairs: M. Schwab (Stuttgart), W. Siegmund (Greifswald) Epigenetic modifications of DNA repair genes Markus Christmann (Mainz) Mechanisms of dimethyl fumarate actions Nina Wettschureck (Bad Nauheim) Cancer chemo-‐ prevention by targeting the epigenome Clarissa Gerhäuser (Heidelberg) Clinical evidence of dimethyl fumarate in multiple sclerosis Ralf Gold (Essen) CARCINOGENESIS Epigenetic mechanisms in development and disease Richard Meehan (Edinburgh, UK) Conclusion and Outlook Alexander Bürkle (Konstanz) 16:20-‐16:40 C OFFEE BREAK 16:40-‐18:10 MULTIPLE S CLEROSIS Activation of pro-‐ drugs Bernd Clement (Kiel) Uptake transport of tyrosine kinase inhibitors Anne Nies (Stuttgart) Efflux transporters of tyrosine kinase inhibitors Oliver Bruhn (Kiel) Clinical evidence of dimethyl fumarate in psoriasis Protein abundance of Ulrich Mrowietz (Kiel) clinically relevant Clinical evidence of transporters in the S1P modulators in human intestine multiple sclerosis Stefan Oswald Silke Walter (Greifswald) (Homburg/Saar) Sponsor: Biogen Idec S YMPOSIUM 4 S YMPOSIUM 5 S YMPOSIUM 6 S HORT TALKS F ORUM JUNGE W ISSENSCHAFT T ARGETED THERAPY VK LIP HA-‐ S YMPOSIUM M ETABOLISM A ND KINETICS Chair: Albert Braeuning (Berlin) Chair: Ingolf Cascorbi (Kiel) 6 Diskussion ethischer Fragen in Forschung und Klinik Vorsitz: Martin Lohse (Würzburg) Die historische Entwicklung zu ethischen Standards in der klinischen Forschung: Aus der Geschichte für die Zukunft lernen Thorsten Trapp (Düsseldorf) Malignant melanoma Michael Weichenthal (Kiel) Chronic myeloid leukemia Michael Kneba (Kiel) Colon cancer Hans-‐Joachim Schmoll (Halle/S.) P ITFALLS IN Metabolic activation of food carcinogens 5-‐ hydroxymethylfurfur al and furfuryl alcohol Benjamin Sachse PLANNING A ND PERFORMANCE O F CLINICAL T RIALS Chair: Kurt Bestehorn Introduction Kurt Bestehorn (Dresden) Experiences in the field of Early Phase Studies and Proof of Concept Norbert Clemens (Grünstadt) Ethische Standards in der klinischen For-‐ schung: Grundlagen, Gesetzmäßigkeiten und Institutionen Thomas Hohlfeld (Düsseldorf) Quality by design versus pitfalls -‐ the regulatory perspective Gabriele Schwarz (Bonn) Ist Palliativmedizin wirklich die Antwort auf ärztlich assistierten Suizid und Sterbehilfe? Dieter Siebrecht (Kiel) Key issues identified during site regulatory inspections, audits and monitoring Sabine Brunschön-‐ Harti (Berlin) Podiumsdiskussion Gene expression and protein abundance of clinically relevant phase I & II enzymes in the human intestine Stefan Oswald Testosterone and 2,4-‐ toluenediamine metabolism by human skin and reconstructed tissues Lisa Grohmann Biokinetics and inhalation toxicity of nano-‐BaSO4 after 1, 4, 13 and 52 weeks of exposure Jana Keller Moderator: Martin Lohse (Würzburg) 17:40-‐18:10 Presentation of selected Poster, Chair: Henning Hintzsche 7 For participants of „Forum Junge Wissenschaft only: 18:30 Visit to the Kieler Stadt-‐ und Schifffahrtsmuseum 20:00 Dinner at Kieler Brauerei By invitation only/nur auf Einladung: 13:15 – 13:30 Programmkommission (GT) 17:00 – 18:00 Vorstandsitzung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pharmakologie (DGP) Hörsaal B Hörsaal B Hörsaal C 18:15 -‐ 20:00: Mitgliederversammlung des Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pharmakologie (DGP) 18:15 -‐ 20:00: Mitgliederversammlung des Deutschen Gesellschaft für Klinische Pharmakologie und Therapie (DGKliPha) Hörsaal D 18:15 -‐ 20:00: Mitgliederversammlung des Gesellschaft für Toxikologie (GT) Hörsaal H 12:15 -‐ 13:00: Mitgliederversammlung der DGPT Hörsaal B 12:15 -‐ 13:00 Kanzerogenese (GT) Hörsaal E 13:15 -‐ 16:00 Beratungskommission (GT) Hörsaal A 16:20 -‐ 16:40 Programmkommission (GT) Hörsaal E 16:30 -‐ 17:15 Präsidiumssitzung der DGPT Hörsaal B 16:40 -‐ 18:00 Metabolismus und Kinetik (GT) Hörsaal A 18:00 – 18:20 Programmkommission (GT) Hörsaal E WEDNESDAY 11.03.2015 By invitation only/nur auf Einladung: Time Frederik-‐Paulsen Lecture Hall Hall H Hall C Hall D Hall F Hall K 8 08:30-‐09:45 S HORT TALKS S HORT TALKS S HORT TALKS S HORT TALKS Mutagenesis, cancerogenesis and chemotherapy Immunopharmacolog y Cardiovascular Pharmacology I Clinical Pharmacology and pharmacovigilance Chair: Detlef Neumann (Hannover) Chair: Susanne Lutz (Göttingen) Resveratrol regulates gene expression of pro-‐inflammatory mediators by enhancing the RNA-‐ binding activity of KSRP Katharina Schrick (Mainz) Vitamin E metabolites as potent inhibitors of 5-‐lipoxygenase Andreas Koeberle (Jena) BMP2K plays a crucial role as mediator of inflammatory and angiogenic effects in the human endothelium Iris Bischoff (Frankfurt) Chloroquine induces IL-‐23 release from cutaneous dendritic cells via p38 and subsequently promotes IL-‐17 production by RKIP-‐mediated activation of β-‐ adrenergic receptors prevents the development of pressure overload-‐ induced heart failure Evelyn Schmid (Würzburg) Chair: Jörg Fahrer (Mainz) Lipoic acid induces p53-‐independent cell death in colorectal cancer cells and enhances the cytotoxicity of 5-‐ fluorouracil Bastian Dörsam Sphingosine-‐1-‐ phosphate regulates migration of glioblastoma multiforme cells and S1P receptor expression levels are associated with patient prognosis Sandra Bien-‐Möller Investigations on the cancerogenic mechanism of N-‐ Vinyl-‐2-‐pyrrolidone (NVP) Daniela Vogel Cytotoxicity of unloaded and chemotherapeutics Chair: Jens Jordan (Hannover) Data Quality and Methodological Transparency in Pharmacovigilance Ruwen Böhm (Kiel) Vitamin E metabolites as potent inhibitors of 5-‐lipoxygenase Annexin A4 decreases Friederike Laidig cAMP production and (Hannover) negatively influences cardiac performance Drug-‐induced acute Xenia Husser kidney injury – Initial (Münster) results from the Berlin Case-‐Control Inhibition of the miR-‐ Surveillance Study 29 family in cardiac Antonios Douros myocytes prevents (Berlin) cardiac remodeling Yassine Sassi Maternal exposure to (München) contraindicated category X Genome wide medications: is it epigenetic profiling of really high risk? purified Zeynep Oztürk (Izmir) cardiomyocytes enables deep insights Antibiotic Dose in into gene expression Patients with Renal control. 9 loaded nanoparticles in a multicellular 3D tumor spheroid model Christina Janko Investigation of molecular mechanisms involved in the resistance against ROS-‐induced regulated necrosis in confluent mammalian cells Christine Wenz CD4<sup>+</sup> T cells Gerrit Müller (Berlin) Genome-‐wide identification and regulation of IL-‐1-‐ induced enhancers Michael Kracht (Giessen) 09:45 -‐ 10:00 10:00-‐11:00 The development of cardiac hypertrophy is critically regulated by a Background Ca2+ Entry (BGCE) pathway mediated by TRPC1/TRPC4 Juan Eduardo Camacho Londoño (Heidelberg) Replacement Therapy: Comparison between Anesthesiology and Medical Intensive Care Jasmin Frick (Ulm) C OFFEE B REAK S HORT TALKS S HORT TALKS DNA-‐repair Cyclic nucleotides Chair: Michael Russwurm (Bochum) Chair: Aswin Mangerich (Konstanz) cAMP nanodomains: sensing the distance Circadian differences Bock (Würzburg) in the repair of CNP-‐derived cGMP ionizing-‐radiation-‐ and Sildenafil induced DNA damage promote melanoma in mouse splenocytes growth Aswin Mangerich Robert Feil (Tübingen) Evidence for nucleotide excision repair of a basic site in human cells Nataliya Kitsera The emerging PDE landscape – extending PDE activity beyond cAMP and cGMP Erich H. Schneider (Hannover) DNA damage Ralf Gilsbach (Freiburg) S HORT TALKS S HORT TALKS Cardiovascular Pharmacology II Pharmacogenomics and -‐epigenetics Chair: Ralf Gilsbach (Freiburg) Chair: Martin Fromm (Erlangen) Composition of the ryanodine receptor channel macromolecular complex in patients with atrial fibrillation Ilona Schirmer (Essen) Phosphodiesterase 2 regulates resting heart rate and protects against arrhythmias and β-‐ OCT1 is the clinically relevant hepatic transporter of sumatriptan: in vitro and in vivo evidences Mladen Tzvetkov (Göttingen) Relation between genotype, phenotype and therapeutic drug concentrations of nortriptyline or 10 response and its impact on alkylating agent induced toxicity Marcus Eich DNA double-‐strand breaks induced by cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) trigger autophagy in a p53-‐ dependent manner Jörg Fahrer Direct Guanylyl Cyclase Stimulation Promotes Oxidative Metabolism in Human Skeletal Muscle Wladimiros Topalidis (Hannover) adrenergic overstimulation Vettel (Mannheim) venlafaxine users in old age psychiatry Elizabeth Berm (Mannheim) Pharmacological activation of voltage-‐ dependent anion channel 2 enhances mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake and suppresses cardiac arrhythmia Johann Schredelseker (München) Cardiac myocyte de novo DNA methyltransferases 3a/3b are dispensable for cardiac function and remodeling after chronic pressure overload in mice Thomas Nührenberg (Freiburg) Contribution of thrombin receptor PAR-‐4 to vascular remodeling in diabetes Anke C. Fender (Düsseldorf) 11:00 -‐ 11:15 C OFFEE BREAK 11:15 -‐ 12:15 P LENARY L ECTURE II Intestinal adaptation processes were observed on mRNA and microRNA level after Roux-‐en-‐Y gastric bypass surgery Henrike Bruckmüller (Kiel) Chair: Ingolf Cascorbi (Kiel) C LINICAL IMPLEMENTATION O F P ERSONALIZED M EDICINE THROUGH E LECTRONIC H EALTH R ECORDS A ND G ENOMICS Erwin Böttinger (New York, USA) Frederik-‐Paulsen Lecture Hall 12:15-‐13:00 L UNCH BREAK 12:15-‐14:15 P OSTER S ESSION II (M ENSA I, L ARGE HALL (FIRST FLOOR)) 11 13:15 -‐14:15 L UNCH TALK Chair: Ursula Gundert-‐Remy (Berlin) Adverse outcome pathway development -‐ Where do we stand? Maurice Whelan (Ispra, Italy) INDUSTRY S YMPOSIUM 4 INDUSTRY S YMPOSIUM 5 A NTIKOAGULATION The mineralcorticoid receptor as novel target in psychopharmacology Sponsor: Riemser Pharma GmbH Chair: Thomas Herdegen (Kiel) Stress and the modulation of memory systems: the role of the mineralcorticoid receptor Lars Schwabe (Hamburg) The mineralcorticoid receptor antagonist spironolactone as effective drug against fibromyalgia and bulimia. Results from observation case series Thomas Herdegen (Kiel) The mineralcorticoid receptor as pharmaco-‐ therapeutic target Markus Gehling BEI V ORHOFFLIMMERN UND N ACH V ENÖSEN T HROMBOEMBOLIEN Sponsor: Bristol-‐ Meyrs Squibb / Pfizer Vorsitz: Norbert Frey (Kiel) Antikoagulation bei Vorhofflimmern – Leitlinien und klinische Praxis Matthias Antz (Oldenburg) Antikoagulation nach tiefen Venenthrombosen und Lungenembolien – Medikation, Dosierung und Behandlungsdauer Florian Langer (Hamburg) 12 (Kassel) 14:20-‐16:20 S YMPOSIUM 7 S YMPOSIUM 8 S YMPOSIUM 9 S KIN M ETABOLISM F ORUM JUNGE W ISSENSCHAFT S IGNAL M ECHANISM AND T ARGETS I N C ANCER INVASION AND I TS T OXIC CONSEQUENCES Chairs: Völkel (Munich), Jäckh (Ludwigshafen), T HERAPEUTIC ANTIBODIES Keynote lecture: Bispecific and bifunctional antibody fusion proteins for Application of in vitro cancer therapy skin models in the Roland Kontermann context of xenobiotic (Stuttgart) metabolizing enzyme activities Engineering Growth Eric Fabian Factor Receptor (Ludwigshafen) Binders with Powerful Cellular Responses Modulation of the Christian Jost (Zurich, innate immune CH) response in skin: cross-‐talk between Armin Braun dendritic cells and (Hannover) keratinocytes Titel pending Brunhilde Blömeke (Trier) Impact of metabolism N.N. Titel pending on the skin immune response Carsten Goebel (Darmstadt) Xenobiotic metabolising enzymes in skin Franz Oesch (Mainz) The role of skin penetration and metabolism in risk assessment Vera Rogiers Interaction of mesenchymal stem cells with tumor cells Ralf Hass (Hannover) Insights into mechanisms of breast cancer invasion and metastasis Nancy E. Hynes (Basel, CH) Oncogenic Ras proteins in tumor cell migration and invasion Klaudia Giehl (Gießen) "PKC-‐alpha controls Formin-‐like 2 (FMNL2) and its interaction with alpha5/beta1-‐integrin to promote cancer cell invasion Ying Wang (Marburg) Chairs: Robert Grosse (Marburg), Klaudia Giehl (Gießen) 13 (Brussels, Belgium) 16:20-‐16:40 16:40-‐18:10 C OFFEE BREAK S YMPOSIUM 1 0 S YMPOSIUM 1 1 S YMPOSIUM 1 2 S HORT TALKS IMMUNO-‐ PHARMACOLOGY VK LIP HA-‐ S YMPOSIUM DP H G-‐S YMPOSIUM Chair: Hans-‐Uwe Simon (Bern, CH) Thomas Herdegen (Kiel). M OLECULAR T EST SYSTEMS A ND OTHER T OPICS A DVERSE D RUG PHARMACOLOGY O F EFFECTS O N INFLAMMATION Chair: Helga Stopper HEMATOLOGICAL Chairs: D. Steinhilber (Frankfurt), Stefan Laufer (Tübingen) SYSTEMS Immunological approaches in cancer Chair: Kerstin Breithaupt-‐Grögler, Stefan Endres Gerd Mikus (München) Diagnostics and Eosinophile therapy of drug-‐ esophagitis induced haemolysis Hans-‐Uwe Simon (N.N.) (Bern, CH) Frequency and Immunopharmaco-‐ relevance of locigal strategies to haematological enhance the tumor adverse drug reactivity of human gamma/delta T cells reactions in Phase I Dieter Kabelitz (Kiel) Nicolas Hohmann (Heidelberg) Agranulocytosis induced by non-‐ chemotherapy drugs (Edeltraut Garbe, Bremen) Dissecting pro-‐ and anti-‐inflammatory properties of Interleukin-‐6 for drug development Stefan Rose-‐John (Kiel) Multi-‐target natural products for interference with lipid mediator synthesis in inflammation Oliver Werz (Jena) Antitumorigenic actions of cannabinoids Burkhard Hinz (Rostock) 2nd generation kinase inhibitors: From cancer to inflammation Stefan Laufer (Tübingen), Lovastatin induces a longevity phenotype in C. elegans Sebastian Honnen Towards the Assessment of Skin Sensitization Potency: Quantitative Estimations by the Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay Britta Wareing Effects of radiofrequency radiation on human hematopoietic stem cells Henning Hintzsche Do active and intelligent materials require special consideration when assessing FCM 14 5-‐Lipoxygenase as target for anti-‐ inflammatory and antileukemic drugs Dieter Steinhilber (Frankfurt) Tobias Eltze Pak Choi Fed to Mice: Formation of DNA Adducts and Influence on Xenobiotic-‐ Metabolizing Enzymes Melanie Wiesner 19:00 B OAT T OUR O N M S F REYA (K IEL H ARBOR) THURSDAY 12.03.2015 Time Frederik-‐Paulsen Lecture Hall Hall H Hall C Hall D Hall F Hall K 08:30-‐09:45 S YMPOSIUM 1 3 S YMPOSIUM 1 4.1 S YMPOSIUM 1 5 JOINT SYMPOSIUM WITH D ANISH S OCIETY O F P HARMACOLOGY B IOGENIC AMINES – F OOD T OXICOLOGY I INTERACTIONS O F Chairs: Melanie Esselen (Kaiserslautern); Lennart Anger (Ludwigshafen); ANTITHROMBOTICS TRANSPORTER A ND TARGETS Chairs: Martin Lohse (Würzburg), Ulrik Gether (Copenhagen) A tiered methodology for assessing the benefits and risks of foods and food components Alan Boobis (London, AND A NIPLATELET DRUGS Chair: Karsten Schrör (Düsseldorf) Repression of aspirin-‐ mediated platelet inhibition by NSAIDs Thomas Hohlfeld (Düsseldorf) 15 Structural basis of GPCR activation Xavier Deupi (Villigen, CH Transporters as clinical targets of drugs: amphetamines, new psychoactive substances and the monoamine transporter cycle. Harald Sitte (Vienna, AT) Missense dopamine transporter mutations associate with adult parkinsonism and ADHD Ulrik Gether (Copenhagen, DK) UK) Drug interactions of ADP-‐receptor antagonists Dietmar Trenk (Bad Krotzingen) Challenges in assessing heat-‐ induced food contaminants Bernhard Monien, (Potsdam-‐Rehbrücke) Drug-‐interactions of novel oral anticoagulants Sebastian Harder (Frankfurt) 09:45 -‐10:00 C OFFEE BREAK 10:00 -‐ 11:00 P LENARY L ECTURE III (DZHK-‐L ECTURE) Chairs: Stefan Engelhardt (Munich) and Lutz Hein (Freiburg) C ARDIOVASCULAR G ENE T HERAPY – TRANSLATION INTO CLINICAL APPLICATION Roger Hajjar (New York, USA) Subsequently EPHAR R ODOLFO -‐P AOLETTI-‐M EDAL A WARD PRESENTATION by Ulrich Förstermann and Thomas Griesbacher Frederik-‐Paulsen Lecture Hall 11:15 – 11:30 C OFFEE BREAK 16 11:15-‐12:45 S YMPOSIUM 1 6 S YMPOSIUM 1 4.2 DZHK-‐S YMPOSIUM F OOD T OXICOLOGY II R EGULATORY G ENE THERAPY Chair: Benjamin Sachse, Potsdam-‐ Rehbrücke ASPECTS O F C LINICAL Risk assessment of plant genotoxins Ivonne Rietjens (Wageningen, NL) Chair: Kim Brøsen (Odense), Christine Glinicke (Kiel) Chair: Stefan Engelhardt/Thomas Eschenhagen AAV-‐based gene therapy of heart failure Sven Pleger (Heidelberg) Gene therapy of inherited cardiomyopathy Lucie Carrier (Hamburg) EMA approval of Glybera for lipoprotein lipase deficiency -‐an essential milestone to establish gene therapy as a new therapeutic paradigm (Harald Petry, Heidelberg) Do active and intelligent materials require special consideration when assessing FCM Tobias Eltze (Ludwigshafen) GCP-‐A UFFRISCH -‐ K URS TRIALS O N E UROPEAN LEVEL Assessment on national level, the view from the German Agency Thomas Sudhop (Bonn) Clinical trials from a drug licensing perspective: Dilemmas, what to do when things go wrong Jens Heisterberg (Copenhagen, DK) L UNCH BREAK S YMPOSIUM 1 8 S YMPOSIUM 1 9 STS-‐S YMPOSIUM Cyclic Nucleotides in the cardiovascular system Cell Death 2.0: Necroptosis and Regulatory challenges for the pharmaceutical industry Andreas Franken (Bonn) 12:45-‐13:15 13:15 – 15:15 S YMPOSIUM 1 7 Organisation: Kristina Brandt 17 other forms of “stress-‐induced death” Chair: Ottmar Janßen (Kiel) Regulated necrosis as a novel approach to eliminate tumor cells Dieter Adam (Kiel) Different forms of regulated necrosis are involved in disease patterns of ischemic kidney injuries Stefan Krautwald (Kiel) The Ripoptosome: a cell death platform controlling apoptosis and necroptosis Martin Leverkus (Mannheim) Anoctamin 6: An ion channel controlling volume and cell death. Karl Kunzelmann (Regensburg) Chairs: Roland Seifert (Hannover), Alexander Pfeifer (Bonn) (Zentrum für Klinische Studien der Medizinischen Fakultät der CAU Kiel) Introduction Alexander Pfeiffer (Bonn) (Extra Anmeldung erforderlich) Control of cAMP signaling and excitation-‐ contraction coupling by phosphodiesterases in normal and diseased heart Rodolphe Fischmeister (Paris, F) 13:00 – 17:00 Uhr Optogenetic activation of cAMP signaling in the heart Bernd Fleischmann (Bonn) cNMP transport in the cardiovascular system Gabriele Jedlitschky (Greifswald) The HEART of the cGMP controversy Robert Lukowski (Tübingen) The HEART of cIMP controversy Roland Seifert (Hannover) Concluding remarks Roland Seifert (Hannover), 18 Alexander Pfeifer (Bonn) 15:30 – 16:00 P RICE CEREMONY A ND CLOSING REMARKS INGOLF C ASCORBI, M ATTHIAS S CHWAB Hall H
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