® 2015 Patient Learning Conference Baltimore Hilton Hotel Baltimore, MD | August 13-15, 2015 Sponsorship & Exhibitor Prospectus On behalf of Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation board of directors and staff, we would like to offer your company the opportunity to participate as a sponsor and/or exhibitor at EDNF’s 2015 Patient Learning Conference. ABOUT EDS Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is a heterogeneous group of heritable connective tissue disorders, characterized by articular (joint) hypermobility, skin extensibility and tissue fragility. Individuals with EDS have a defect in their connective tissue that provides support to many body parts such as the skin, muscles and ligaments. The fragile skin and unstable joints found in EDS are the result of faulty collagen. Collagen is a protein, which acts as a “glue” in the body, adding strength and elasticity to connective tissue. There are at least six major types of EDS. Attendee Profile The 2014 Learning Conference drew 473 individuals from 34 states and 8 countries to Houston, including top physicians, nurses, physical therapists, adults and children with EDS, along with their families and/or caregivers. WHY PARTICIPATE? We anticipate the same exciting turnout this year at the Hilton Hotel in Baltimore, MD on August 13-15, 2015. As a conference sponsor, you will have the opportunity to share products and services with an audience of individuals who are part of the EDS community including medical practitioners, patients and caregivers. The conference will bring together notable EDS experts and will connect people who share a common interest in helping those who suffer from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. INTRODUCING EDNF’S NEW MOBILE APP FOR 2015! Steer even more traffic to your booth with the benefits associated with this year’s new Mobile App! Our app will provide the conference schedule, allow attendees to create their own schedule of favorite sessions and take notes. Attendees will also have greater access to sponsors and exhibitors from their mobile devices; within the app, they can click on a sponsor or enhanced exhibitor listing to expand a description, logo and link. $77 12:00 PM We are also introducing Click!, a photo-based scavenger hunt game that facilitates attendee and exhibitor interaction through the conference. 2015 Sponsorship Opportunities Title Sponsor Minimum amount $15,000 Gold Sponsor $10,000 Silver Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Scholarship Sponsor $5,000 $3,500 $1,500 Logo recognition in conference program, signage, and on Sponsor PowerPoint loop; acknowledgement from the podium during general sessions and functions X X X X X The opportunity to be listed and share company information within the new Mobile App X X X X X Logo w/link Logo w/link Logo w/link Logo w/link Logo only Company recognition on the Conference page of EDNF Website Full conference registrations 8 6 4 2 Double Double Single Single Ad in one issue of EDNF’s e-Newsletter, Loose Connections, distributed to members and available to the public full-page full-page full-page 1/2-page Ad in the conference onsite program distributed to all attendees Full-page color Full-page color Full-page B&W Full-page B&W “Shout outs” on EDNF Twitter and Facebook pages with company name, level of sponsorship and link (subject to mutual approval) X X X X Mobile app rotating banner ad, enhanced listing, and two (2) push notification to attendees X X X Opportunity to sponsor the Opening Reception and have a corporate rep address the conference audience for three minutes (Scripted by EDNF) X Mobile App! Two (2) coordinates in attendee scavenger hunt game, Click. X Mobile App splash page advertisement. X Exhibit space (One 6-ft table and 2 chairs) Opportunity to sponsor one of two Conference Luncheons and have a corporate rep address the audience for three minutes at the Luncheon (Scripted by EDNF). X Choice to sponsor: Relaxation Zone Lounge, Insulated Lunch Tote or Conference Lanyards X X Opportunity to sponsor one (1) Refreshment Break X Mobile app rotating grouped banner ad, one (1) coordinate in attendee scavenger hunt game, Click. X Opportunity to send two (2) scholarship winners to the EDNF Learning Conference X After a personal consultation to learn more about how your company wishes to interact with the Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation, we can create a customized proposal for your review. Our goal is to establish a relationship that best meets your needs while continuing to advance the mission and goals of EDNF. ® 2015 Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation Patient Learning Conference Commitment Form YES, I would like to be a 2015 EDNF Patient Learning Conference Sponsor as stated here. My signature below signifies my commitment: Signature: Date: CONFERENCE SPONSORSHIP LEVELS: Title Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 Bronze Sponsor Scholarship Sponsor $3,500 $1,500 Name: Title: Organization: Address: City/State or Province/Zip: Telephone: Fax: Email:w My check (made payable to EDNF) is enclosed: CHECK #: AMOUNT $ Please Charge my Credit Card: AMEX MasterCard Visa AMOUNT $ Name on Card: Card #: Exp. Date: Security Code: Signature: Billing Address: City/State or Province/Zip: COMPLETE AND FAX OR EMAIL COMMITMENT FORM TO: Anita Parker, Sr. Director, Resource Development 7918 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 300, McLean, VA 22102 Phone: 703.506.2892 Fax: 703.506.3266 Email: aparker@ednf.org www.ednf.org About EDNF Ehlers-Danlos National Foundation creates resources for those affected by the connective tissue disorder, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS). Established in 1985, we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with members from the Americas and abroad. By leading the charge for knowledge and awareness about EDS, we are building a community of people who work together to create change. All charitable contributions are deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.
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