also on-line at February 2015 Australia Day - About 120 people attended a cool breezy Australia Day morning at the Strathbogie Hall on Monday morning. As usual, MC Andrew Townsend delivered a well received welcome speech emphasising inclusiveness for our community, as well as throwing down a challenge for all to think about creating a community which has opportunity for our young people so they can return and continue to enrich our wonderful environment. The Strathbogie Singers braved the cool, and helped us with the National Anthem, as well as “We Are Australian”. Strathbogie primary school students Jacob, Ryley and Jack very ably recited the affirmation, as well as local poem “The Pioneers Are Passing” with teacher Jessica’s help. Australia Day ambassador Nick Theodossi spoke of his experiences of a child of immigrant parents growing up in Coburg. His family was locally called the Hardy family as people couldn’t pronounce their actual surname Theodossi as it was too “Hard” to say, thus the Hardy name. He was excited to attend the Strathbogie Australia Day and commented at the end to all that it was the best one he had ever been to. The local Citizen of the Year Toni Down and Junior Citizen Damin Croxson-McGuinness were both commended for their community spirit. Toni was nominated for her years of tireless work and contribution to the community including her role as secretary and treasurer of the Hall committee, and the president of the Strathbogie Summer Festival and Art Show. Toni was praised as a bold and generous contributor of her time, and a force to be reckoned with who asked for no recognition for her work. Congratulations Toni. Damin has spent the past few years working in the Active-After-School program at the Strathbogie primary school. He participated in the Student Leadership school at Marlo in 2010, and was involved in coaching the Strathbogie 7’s hockey team and Euroa junior hockey teams. He is also a member of Euroa Hockey Club and represented the Goulburn Valley in the Country Week Hockey competition. Damin was also in the Junior CFA in Strathbogie and has played in a band at the VT and Euroa Markets. Damin was also very proud to receive the Shire-wide Australia Day Junior Citizen award at the later Longwood ceremony. Congratulations Damin. Remember that you, as members of this Tableland community, can nominate people and events for the Australia Day awards - Junior, Citizen and Event. The nomination period is advertised in the Gazette and in Tableland Talk usually in October. So put your thinking caps on now and remember to nominate people and events! It is our event. After proceedings, lamingtons and cups of tea were served, followed by a BBQ lunch at the Rec Ground. After the Strathbogie event, several people travelled down to Euroa to hear the Australia Day ambassador Garang Dut speak about his life in South Sudan and journey to his life now as an Australian Citizen and studying Medicine at the University of Melbourne. At the Euroa event, Di Mackrell was surprised and thrilled to receive an Euroa Community Involvement award, and is to be congratulated for this recognition of her community work. And local junior Eliza Hoare was also honoured with a Junior Citizen for the Euroa District and shared the Shire wide award with Damin. Congratulations, Eliza. What’s on February 7th Feb - 11am - 3pm - Conversations Climate Change and the Strathbogie Region First Monday of the month - Over 70’s lunch at the Hall. Ph Pam 57950000 Second Monday of the month - 7.30pm STAG meeting at Strathbogie Hall Every Tuesday - 9.30am Tennis at the Rec Ground, Strathbogie Every Tuesday - 10.30am Tai Chi at the Boho South Hall. Every Wednesday - Material Girls 10am - Rec Ground - BYO lunch. Newcomers welcome - Ph Jenny Walker 57905111 or Jill Smith 57905159 Every Wednesday - 7.30pm Strathbogie Singing Group - St Andrews Church - Strathbogie (except in School Holidays) ph. Di Mackrell 57905241 Every Thursday - 6.30 pm Twilight Tennis at the Recreation Ground Every Thursday - 6.00 pm catch up with friend over a local beer. Recreation Ground. Every Friday morning - 9.15am Yoga Strathbogie Hall Every Second and Fourth Sunday Church service at Strathbogie Church 11.30am First Wednesday of the month 1.30pm Strathbogie Garden Group. Contact Wendy 57908523 First & Third Sunday of the Month 4pm SCOFF at the Rec Ground Every Fourth Sunday 9-11am Friends of the Bridge to Bridge. New members always welcome. A Great BBQ at the Rec Ground on Australia Day - In ideal weather, many gathered at the Rec to support the CFA. A big thank you to Sim Ayres (chief cook) and his committee and other helpers for a successful fundraiser. Donations and bar profits exceeded $600 which will go towards the purchase of a much needed new fire truck for the Tableland. Specialising in fireplaces, feature walls etc. Contact Mick Frewin on 0429 055 358 For an obligation free quote. Euroa Cinema in February ISA Brown Point of Lay Pullets STONEMASON Friendly, laying hens Ideal for backyards $18 each Phone Bec 57981868 Sat & Sun 31st Jan & 1st Feb “Folies Bergere” (M) Fri 6th - “Two Days & One Night” (M) Sat & Sun 7th & 8th - “Nightcrawler” (MA) Sat & Sun 14th & 15th - “The Water Diviner” (M) Sat & Sun 21st & 22nd - “The Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies” (PG) Sat & Sun 28th & March 1st - “The Imitation Game” (PG) If you wish to receive a weekly email update, then send your details to Local Electrician Brendan Hurle Ph 0428518409 Screening Times—Sat 8pm, Sun 4pm. Tickets $10 Strathbogie Engineering Do you need a Justice of the Peace? For your Fabrication, Machining, Welding, Servicing and Repairs Stuart Watts 62 Wonganookah Track, Marraweeney, 03 5790 8668 or 0416 049 252 Neil Barter 20 Magiltan Dve 57905349 Chris Thomson ‘Aberdeen’ 57905340 Advertising Rates - All advertisements for community events and also buy/swap/sell adverts are placed free of charge. Advertisements for businesses are $5 per issue, which is very reasonable. This funds this newsletter, but still there are some outstanding accounts. Please email Ross Walker Brookleigh Rd 57905111 Boho South Hall NATURAL HUMATE FERTILISERS Technological Leaders In The Manufacture Of Wholistic Humate Fertilizers, Give Your Soil Available The Balance It Deserves. Contact, Colin Hill for hire. (03)58655127 Or Brian Law on (03)57908555. Bookings Email, info@vicmill tact: Margaret Mactier Ph 57908544 Strathbogie Memorial Hall Available for hire— $70 with $250 refundable deposit in case carpet cleaning is required. Bookings contact person is Kim Usher Ph 5790 5345 Mobile Library dates for Strathbogie Bottled beer and tastings available at the Euroa Farmers Market Strathbogie Recreation Ground All bookings are to be made with Kim Usher 57905345 (every 2nd Saturday, 9.30 - 12 noon) 31st January, 14th & 28th February, 14th & 28th March Deadline for February edition - 25th February. Email:, ph 57905203, post PO, Strathbogie, or leave contributions at the Strathbogie Store. The TT team. 2 STRATHBOGIE TABLELAND ACTION GROUP STAG has produced a draft Streetscape Plan and is seeking feedback and comments from members of the community. The plan can be viewed on the community website ( and a hard copy is available at the store. Feedback can be sent to STAG, C/- Post Office, Strathbogie or emailed to a member of the Streetscape sub-committee: Doug Watson (, Toni Down ( or Brendon Rowe ( by Friday 6th February. Two committee members met with the Shire's CEO early in December and discussed a range of issues including: • • • • • the safety of the designated Neighbourhood Safer Place the quality of some roads, dangerous intersections, fuel loads on roadsides and the damage being caused by log trucks to roads on the Tableland the need to complete the safe walking track from Magilton Drive to the Spring Creek footbridge the need for a simplified version of the Shire's annual budget the fact that, despite significant rate increases, the Shire does not have a full-time By-laws Officer, Land Management Officer or Environmental Officer. As volunteers within our community will be aware, the Shire has decided not to continue as a provider of Aged Care Services from 1 July 2015. These services will be delivered by a new provider appointed by the relevant government(s) from which they are funded. STAG will continue to monitor any effect this may have on our community and, in particular, the Over Seventies Lunches. The Shire will be holding a meeting at Strathbogie (between 2pm and 3.30pm in the hall) to explore and discuss the opportunities for walking, cycling and equine trails and the potential for tourism development in the area. If you would like to attend you should register with Clair Hahnel, on 5795 0000 or If you are unable to attend but wish to have input this may be sent to STAG, C/- Strathbogie Post Office or At a meeting last year of representatives from Strathbogie Shire Action Groups, council advised that it would sponsor a member of the community to attend the Fairley Leadership Program in 2015. Participants are exposed to more than 120 leaders from all sectors including politics, business, industry, sport, not for profit and community. In doing so, they explore issues and opportunities for the region and consider leadership styles and attributes, ethics and values. Seminars include topics such as health, education, water, regional development, indigenous issues, small towns, the arts and agriculture, and participants are also given some training in competencies such as board governance, public speaking and media skills. STAG is delighted that its nominee, Andrew Townsend, has been accepted into the program. We would like to thank Council for providing this opportunity for a member of our community and wish Andrew every success in the program. STAG meetings are held on the second Monday of the month commencing at 7.30pm in the hall. Garage Sale Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th March 8am to 7pm Everything must go…. Over 54 years of goodies! Tools, sundries, fencing gear, garden tools, rabbit traps, timber, electric recliner, books, videos, tapes, collection LP records, linen, clothes, baby goods, kitchenware, furniture, table and chairs, and lots more 36 Nicholls Lane, Strathbogie (off Jukes Rd). Violin and Viola Lessons Kate Delahunty is offering lessons teaching children in violin & viola. Please phone 0412790589 This newsle er is enrely made up of contribuons. Contribuons to this newsle er are published as a forum for public discussion. The opinions expressed are the opinions of the contributors and obviously not necessarily the opinions of the TT team. By publishing contribuons this newsle er does not give its authority to the truth or validity of the material contained in contribuons. Readers are reminded that all contribuons MUST bear the name and address of the writer. A reminder that Tableland Talk is a community newsletter run by a volunteer group. As such, we would appreciate it if all invoices for advertising are paid in full, and promptly. A comment overheard the other day from visitors to the area: “Is that a small shopping mall being built on top of the hill at Kelvin View?” Huntley Farm Roses NOW OPEN Wednesday—Sunday 9.30am—4.30pm Nursery, Farm Shop and Display Gardens TEA ROOMS OPEN Morning & afternoon tea, & light lunches 15 Main Street, Strathbogie Telephone: 0429 149 173 First Aid for Snake Bite Just a reminder about first aid for snake bite. The bandaging is recommended to be done the opposite way to what most people would assume. Check it out online if in doubt. And beware of bird netting if it has been lying around on the ground, the snakes can go in but not back out, so they become trapped. FIRST AID ♦ try and stay as still as possible ♦ call 000 ♦ if possible, apply a non adhesive dressing over the bite site. (it may trap some venom and it could be used to identify the bite site. ♦ immobilise the limb using a roller bandage. Start at the fingers or toes firmly winding the bandage up the limb as far as possible (to the armpit or groin) ♦ check fingers and toes for adequate circulation, check capillary refill. The venom moves through the lymphatic system, so the idea of the compression bandage is to compress the lymphatic nodes, which reduces the flow of venom through the lymphatic system. This info is from the reference text of the last First Aid Course I did. Dana Coleman SOLAR $PECIALS Ebay prices, local service Solar PUMPS 30-120M fr $1480 complete Kits Off Grid power and ligh#ng DIY Kits Solar electric fence units, all in one from $129 235 W solar panels $212, 195W $198 Deep Cycle 12V ba0eries, flooded cell ba0eries Solar Gate openers, designed in Australia. Folding Solar panels with Reg, 120W $248 Generators, inverter, Diesel, Silent, backup 0408619779 * 1300669256 Brendon Rowe Gardening/Landscaping & Kanga Loader Hire Cert III Horticulture. Local, Friendly & Insured Gardening, Mowing, Fencing (domestic & Ag) Compact loader (1 metre wide) with Driver -Trenching - Post Holes - 4 in 1 Bucket 0423 003 565 or 5790 5356 Eagles - In the December issue, we asked if people had seen many eagles around. These are your responses: 13th December - About two weeks ago, I saw about 5 wedgies all together circling my property. Was guessing adults with young. I usually have wedgies flying over every day. Have not seen any since the mentioned sighting. Two weeks ago I sadly lost a ewe, possibly to snake bite, I left the carcass out for the Eagles, but have only seen foxes. Not much left now. (13.12.14) Cheers Marilyn 27th December - Saw your inquiry into sightings of wedgetails. We live west of Violet Town on one of the first foothills near the quarry. And also have not seen a wedgetail for quiet some time. Which is strange, because its not uncommon to see several at any one time gliding on the thermals above our hill. But today I’m pleased to say I spotted a female which I hope was hunting rabbits, hopefully the rest of the gang are not far away both hear, and closer to you. (Jerome) 10th January - we were admiring 2 pair of wedge tails circling over our house - next door to Tubbs Hill in Longwoodtwo days ago (about the 8th January). They were close enough to clearly hear their vocalizations. Regards Kristen & Brae. PS We have a very healthy flock of blue wrens here too And finally a photo from Judith taken of one of a pair of eagles seen regularly at her place on Tames Rd. Photo taken on 27th December. Strathbogie Voices - Conversations Monthly in 2015 7th Feb - Conversations: Climate Change and the Strathbogie Region - Professor David Karoly, Uni of Melbourne. 21st March - Local Government and Sustainability - Winsome McCaughey, Mike Hill (formerly Mayor of Moreland City Council), Lorna Pitt (formerly councillor Melbourne City Council), Janet Bolitho (former chair of the Local Sustainability Accord with the Labor Govt (State)) 11th April - What Does Climate Change Have to do With My Superannuation? Bob Welsh (formerly CEO VicSuper). All sessions 11am to 3pm at the Flour Mill, Euroa. For more info and to book tickets see: GEOFF HOLFORD BUILDER-CARPENTER Builder’s registration No DBU-552 Member H.I.A. 511496 Phone 57908602 or 0408597166 ●New Homes ●Extensions ●Renovations ●All types of building The Weekend Local Euroa’s local gourmet speciality store. A quirky shop where you can relax over a great coffee or light lunch and browse our impressive range of produce from the Strathbogie Ranges and surrounds. Our ever expanding stock reflects the diversity of food produced in our region by passionate & commi0ed people. Open 7 days from 9.30am to 4.00pm. Phone 0427 905 227 or email: Visit us on facebook SWANPOOL CINEMA Fri (Jan 30th)-Sun (Feb 1st) - “Folies Bergère” (M) & “In Bloom” (M) Fri 6th to Sun 8th Feb - “Force Majeure” (M) & “Much Ado About Nothing” (M) Fri 13th - “To Have and Have Not” (PG) Sat 14th to Sun 15th - “Before I Go to Sleep” (MA) & “Chef” (M) Fri 20th to Sun 22nd - “My Old Lady” (PG) & “The Love Punch” (PG) Sun 22nd - 1.30pm - “The Love Punch” (PG) Fri 27th to Sun 1st - “The Young & Prodigious T S Spivet” (M) & “Particle Fever” (M) Screentimes Fri & Sat 7.30pm, and Sun 5pm. CRANES CARPET CARE If you would like to read the violet town village voice contact Terry Frewin at to get an emailed copy each month, or it can be read on-line at SHIATSU MASSAGE & ZEN THAI SHIATSU Therapeutic, remedial or relaxation - Promoting balance, health, healing and wellness in body mind and spirit. Practising at home in Marraweeney and at Violet Town market and Euroa Farmers market. Home visits by arrangement. For appointments and further information call Maitri Housiaux 0407 806 109 Carpet DRYcleaning, Drapes, Upholstery Residential & Commercial Grant Crane Ph: 0427 384 431 WATER BORES Call now for a site inspec#on and no obliga#on free quote: Ph 0407095179 Email: Ph: (03) 5962 2482 or 0418 362 968 Email: Fire working bee - Creightons Creek - Four Tableland residents joined about 25 volunteers for a working bee at Mark Radford’s property ‘Bunnyong’ on the LongwoodGobur Rd in Creighton’s Creek. Mark has approx. 600 acres and the fire burnt through his whole property destroying virtuall all the fences and all fodder. Luckily they managed to save the house, shearing shed, yards and all their stock. All wire and netting was taken out of fences and rolled, and steel posts pulled out. It was amazing how much work was done in just one day, and Mark is very grateful to those who volunteered their time. We also really enjoyed the day. Blaze Aid is working in the area, and volunteers are welcome. Contact the Blaze Aid Coordinator for the Longwood fire Barry Thompson: Ph 0488 018 624, Changes to Aged Care Service Delivery As many readers are aware, there is a proposed change to the delivery of Aged Care Services in the Shire of Strathbogie. Helen Peters, on behalf of the community and STAG, contacted Caroline Wallis (Manager Community Development) in early December. Caroline’s responses to Helen’s queries are in italics. • • • • Aged Care Services are currently funded by Commonwealth and State governments and subsidised by the Shire – Yes that is correct. The majority of the Home and Community Care (HACC) funding is State government. We understand that the State will continue to fund under 65 year olds who do not qualify for the National Disability Insurance Scheme when it is rolled out, however this is not yet confirmed by the Department of Health. The Commonwealth funds packages of care, however it will take over funding for HACC from 1 July 2015 for over 65 year olds. provision of these services is coordinated by the Shire – the Council has a contract to deliver HACC services that expires on 30 June 2015. Council has decided at its meeting on 18 November 2014 that it will not extend its contract beyond that date. The funding departments will apply their processes to select new providers. the Shire has advised the Government funding departments that it will cease to deliver these services from 1 July 2015 at which time a new provider will be appointed by the relevant government(s) – see above point. the Shire will communicate with volunteers and provide them with a consent form to enable their details to be forwarded to the new provider – all registered volunteers have received a letter announcing Council’s decision and this will be followed up with another letter once we know who the new provider(s) is/are and volunteers can have their contact details passed onto the new provider(s) if they give their consent. A consent form will go with that letter for this purpose. Council will not supply their details without their consent. If they choose, they can contact the provider(s) themselves to discuss opportunities for volunteering. Council will still have volunteer opportunities in a range of other council-run activities. • the Shire will continue to provide financial support to several citizens groups and maintain their buildings - council currently provides $2000 per senior citizen group for activities. The 15/16 budget is being formulated at the moment. I cannot pre-empt what Council will decide is in or out of the budget, however at this point in time I don’t expect that these grants would not be funded. As far as I am aware, the Department of Health funding received for maintenance of the centres will continue despite Council’s decision to exit HACC service delivery – however this will need confirmation with the Department. I am expecting to meet with the Department regional management representatives prior to Christmas. • The community is very keen to ensure that support continues for the Over 70's lunch which is held monthly in Strathbogie. As a more remote area of the Shire our older residents are not able to access the range of services (such as Meals on Wheels, etc.) which are provided in the larger centres of Violet Town, Euroa and Nagambie. This concern must be passed on to the new provider. – yes I will raise the concerns with the new provider(s) as I am aware that the luncheons across the whole Shire are very popular activities. • Given that our rates have continually increased to make us one of the most highly rated areas in the State, it would be of further concern if services are also being withdrawn. It would also be interesting to know the percentage of support the Shire makes to the overall Aged Care budget and where these funds are to go in the next budget. I have passed on your question about the budget to my Director. We thank Helen for making enquiries, and await more information from Council. Stargazing in Strathbogie Feb 23 Feb 22 Feb 21 Venus Mars W The view looking West from Strathbogie just after sunset for the last half of Februay, showing the position of Venus and Mars. Information from Australian Sky & Telescope (David Joyce) 150 poppies. These will help to aim to achieve the 100,000. Any shade of red can be used and patterns can be collected from the Library Administration building at 79 Benalla Road Shepparton or by contacting Anne Tomietto, 5832 1622,, or visiting the 5000 poppies blog at Poppies can be dropped off at the Library Administration building and must be delivered to us by Saturday 28 February 2015. They can also be dropped off at the Euroa Library prior to 21st Feb. There is no fee but contributors are asked to provide their own materials. The aim of the project is to plant a massive field of handmade poppies in Fed Square Melbourne on Anzac Day 2015 as a visual tribute to Australian servicemen 5000 Poppies Project - Calling all Crafty People! GV and women for more than a century of service in all Library seeks knitted poppies for the 5000 poppies pro- wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. ject. Opening Hours - Euroa Library is now open all day The library service joined the campaign last year and the project is a community tribute of respect and reevery Tuesday to Friday from 10.00am to 5.30pm. Premembrance for Anzac Day 2015. We are inviting all viously, the library has closed for lunch from 12.30pm to crafters to keep creating poppies by hand. Poppies can 1.30pm. With additional staffing the library service is be knitted, crotcheted, felted or sewn from any materi- now open all day every Tuesday to Friday, and also al. Saturday morning. The library no longer closes over the The 5000 poppies campaign is aiming for 100,000 pop- lunch hour. pies. As of November 2014, 52,000 poppies had been For more information contact Anne Tomietto 5832 1622 received. or So far the Goulburn Valley library has received over EUROA LIBRARY NEWS Share Your Story Writing Competition Starts 5 January and ends 28 February 2015 Share your yarn, story or poem. Open to all ages. Writing can include your memories, reflections, your experiences during celebration and disaster, or tell us how life, towns and communities have changed in the GV. Entries close 28 February 2015. Please send your story to PO BOX 632 Shepparton Vic 3630 or hand in at your local library Prizes include book packs, vouchers, and certificates. Pick up your entry form from any library branch or visit our website February 2015 What a great cool start to the 2015 school year, normally we’re dripping puddles by now—let’s hope February is also kind to us. Two new arrivals at our school this year. Firstly we warmly welcome Ms Eaddie who will be taking the 3-6 room as well as coordina#ng welfare across the campuses. Welcome to Strathbogie Helen! A very big thanks to Sonia for sending in a luscious welcome back, and welcome to Helen, cake for us all to enjoy— spoilt we are indeed! Our other new arrival is a lovely young man by the name of Wade who is our only preppie this year; Wade’s se0ling in well and making friends fast. A big welcome to our school to Wade and his mum & dad, hope you enjoy your #me here with us at our special school! STRATHBOGIE END OF YEAR BREAK UP EVENING AT THE HALL Grade 6 Gradua;on at The Parish, Violet Town Kate, Mr Spencer, Jacob, Princess & Ryley Our very best wishes go with you Jacob and Ryley! 2014 finished off with a big splash at the Violet Town pool with the Peranbin end of year pool party.
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