- Chetana`s Institute of Management

CEO's Message
Ms. Madhumita Patil
MBA, LL.B., B.A.
Chetana' s Institute of Management
& Research wor ks on realizing the
dream of tr ansfor ming the youth of
India into honest, sensitive, dignified
citizens and outstanding management
Our endeavour is to develop students
who can meet the high expectations of
the industr y and car ve a niche for
themselves in the cor por ate wor ld.
Chetana str ives to provide a lear ning
a mb ien ce con d u cive for stu d en ts.
O u r even t s, a ct ivit ies, p r oj ect s,
assignments, etc., ar e designed for
pr actical, exper iential under standing,
thus leading to self discover y and self
development. This is endor sed by the
wor ld wide media cover age for some of
our projects.
Ranked * 5th in Mumbai
42 in India.
The jour ney of relentless pur suit of
excellence continues…
*Source: The Hansa Research Sur vey.
i) In or der to pass in a subject / paper in any
Sem est er of t h e P.G .D.M ., P.G .D.M . M a r k e t i n g a n d P. G . D . M . - R e t a i l
P r ogr a m m e, a st u d en t m u st ob t a in a
minimum of 50 % mar ks in that subject.
ii) A student obtaining less than 50 percent
mar ks in more than two paper s in any one
semester be deemed to have failed at that
semester and shall not be per mitted to
proceed to the next semester. He / she will,
however, be eligible to r epeat the same
semester progr amme in the following year.
iii) A student obtaining less than 50 per cent
mar ks in two or less than two paper s in the
1st Semester examination be per mitted to
attend 2nd Semester of the 1st year.
iv) A student failing in two or less than two
subjects in the Fir st or Second Semester
examinations be required to reappear in the
supplementar y examinations, as the case
may be, to be held at the end of the Fir st and
the Second Semester conducted by the
Institute. The supplementar y examinations
will be held at the end of the respective
Semester s.
v) In or der to be eligible for admission to the
Thir d Semester of the Second Year cour se, a
student must have passed in all paper s of the
F ir st a n d t h e Secon d Sem est er s’
Examinations conducted by the Institute.
vi) A student failing in two or less than two
subjects in the Thir d or the Four th Semester
examinations be required to reappear in the
supplementar y examinations, as the case
may be, to be held at the end of the Thir d and
the Four th Semester (Inter nal Examination
on ly) con d u ct ed b y t h e I n st it u t e. T h e
supplementar y examinations will be held at
the end of the respective Semester.
vii) A student failing in two or less than
two subjects in any semester be per mitted
t o r ea p p ea r for t h e su p p lem en t a r y
examinations. The fee for Re-registr ation
is ` 500/- per subject.
viii) A student will be per mitted to appear for
two consecutive supplementar y test only
in failed subject at the end of semester.
(a) F or t h e st u d en t wh o fa ils / d id n ot
appear in the Supplementar y
Examinations conducted twice by the
Institute, as per the Institute’s schedule.
(b) For the debar red students:
1. A student should register with the Institute
for the Subject / Project / Viva in which
he/she failed / did not appear.
2. St u d en t sh a ll p a y R egist r a t ion F ees
of ` 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand) per
subject which is inclusive of one time
tutor ial and examination fees.
3. After registr ation, student will be allowed /
per mitted to appear for the Subject /
Project / Viva in the same Academic Year.
4. Such student will have to pass the exam of
Sem I & II by 31st J uly 2016, else the
student will lose the chance to get the
Admission to the second year.
5. T h e I n s t i t u t e w i l l c o n d u c t s u c h
examinations / Viva in the 1st / 2nd week of
J u ly, ever y yea r , t o com p let e t h e
examination procedure and prepar ation
for the Convocation Function.
It is mandator y for ever y student and his/her parents to submit an anti-r agging affidavit at the time
of fir st admission and thereafter each year at the time of annual registr ation. It is the or der of the
Hon. Supreme Cour t that the affidavits are stored electronically. This year the Ragging Prevention
Progr amme developed an ONLINE procedure for downloading Anti-Ragging Affidavits. As a result,
the Institute author ities have to collect infor mation separ ately and compile it.
Step 1: Log on to - www.amanmovement.or g
Click on the button called: Online affidavits
Step 2: Fill in accur ate infor mation. Enter required details & click submit.
Step 3: On successful submission, you will receive affidavits for Students and Parents,
via E-mail.
The Institute or Tr ust does not collect or accept capitation fee or donation for admission to any of the
progr ammes. No one else is author ized to collect or accept the donation or capitation fee in cash or
kind on behalf of the Institute or Tr ust.
The Institute has constituted the var ious committees and the names of the committee member s
are as under :
Grievance Committee
Anti-Ragging Squad
Prof. Govind Atmar amWaingankar
Dr. Kr ishna Chandr a Pandey
Mr. Dinesh M. Kar ia
Dr. Sunita Sr ivastava
Dr. Nalini Kr ishnan
Dr. P. S. Rao
Mr. Sunil Kamat
Mr s. Beena S. Raut
Ms. Vishakha Kanchan
Mr. Anuj Khandelwal
Ms. Rupali Patil
Mr. Santosh Sonawane
Anti-Ragging Committee
Dr. Kr ishna Chandr a Pandey
Mr. Digamber R. Sir ame
Dr. Sunita Sr ivastava / Prof. Rabindr a K. Singh
Mr. Gautam Baner jee / Mr s. Shama Saini
Mr. Kishan Khatr i / Ms. Pr utha J ayakar
Mr. Saumil Bar ai / Ms. Riddhi Shah
Ms. Rupali Shinde / Mr. Nilesh Patil
Women Development Cell
Dr. Kr ishna Chandr a Pandey
Dr. P. S. Rao
Ms. J acinta J oseph
Ms. Neha Shetty
Mr. Ankit Heda
Mr. Anil Gamre
Adv. Ms. Poor nima Avasti
Ramps, Lift, Toilet facilities, etc. for boys and gir ls are provided.
Semester - I
Semester - III
1. Innovative Management Pr actices
2. Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
3. Economics for Business
4. Production and Oper ations - Fundamentals
5. Managing Or ganizational Behaviour
6. Quantitative Techniques
7. Infor mation Systems for Business
8. Manager ial Communication
9. Fundamentals of Mar keting
10. Mar keting for Professionals
Semester - II
Semester - IV
1. Fundamentals of Financial Management
1. Creativity and Innovation for Management
2. Fundamentals of Human Resources Management
2. Business Gover nment & Society
3. Managing Business Research
3. Vir tual Stores and Non-Store retailing
4. Mar keting Management - Concepts & Cases
4. Business to Business Mar keting
5. Fundamentals of Cost & Management Accounting
5. Inter national Retailing
6. Business Laws and Management of Taxes
6. Customer Relationship Management
7. Mar keting Application & Pr actices
7. Industr y Or iented Project
8. Oper ations Research
9. Retail Electives
9a. Retail Management
9b. Selling & Negotiation Skills
Placement Cell
The placement cell at Chetana's acts as a liaison between the Institute and Or ganizations and ser ves
as an inter face to establish the best student - or ganization fit by ar r anging campus inter views. It is
actively involved in all placement related activities and assists students in developing an effective job
search str ategy by providing relevant infor mation and other resources. The cell is also responsible for
grooming the students and tr aining them to excel in group discussions and per sonal inter views for
selection process with the help of the huge alumni base that the institute has developed over the past
three decades.
Students have the oppor tunity to under take a professional inter nship within an or ganization as par t
of the cour se. Inter nships are offered across a diver se r ange of industr ies and or ganizations, from
lar ge pr ivate companies to Semi-Govt. Financial Institutions.
They Believe in us:
Balaj Telefilms Ltd
Cr imson Inter active
3i Infotech
Bare Inter national
Cyber tech Software
5 Catalyst
B-Br aun
99 Acres
Beehive Communication
Ddb Mudr a
A K Capital
Bhar at Bijlee
ABP News
Bhar ti Axa
Decimal Point Analysis
Ac Nielsen
Blue Dar t
Acg Wor ldwide
Bnp Par ibas
Desai Har ibhakti
Deustche Asset
Bombay Dyeing
Aditya Bir la Money Mar t
Br ight Concept
Air tel
Business Of Ideas
Business Standar d
Alphar d Mar itime
Camp Hire
Cap Gemini
Amfah India
Capital Fir st
Capital Via
Antr aweb Tech
Car reer Catalyst
Apolo Munich
Cascade Star India
Ar iston Capital
Cex Webuy
Enter tainment Pvt Ltd
Ask Me (Networ k 18)
Ats Infotech
Avalon Global Research
Avnet Technologies
Axis Bank
Financial Technologies
Fir st Quadr ant
Force Motor s ltd.
For tress
Fr anchise India
Fuller ton
Gfk Mode
Gk Kapadia & Co
D'Hubb Hr & Buisness
Godrej & Boyce
Direct Software Solutions
Group Phar ma
Gulf Oil
Dodsal Enter pr ises Pvt
Donear Industr ies Ltd
Dosti Realty
Dr aft Fcb Ulka
Dun & Br adstreet
E Bay
Easter n Condiments
Chir agh Din Shir ts
Eathena Solutions
Choc Le
Ecler x Ser vices
Citi Bank
Elder Phar maceuticals
Endeavour Car rer s
Bajaj Allianz Gener al
Insur ance
Company Name
Etp Group
Ever ymedia
Bajaj Capital
Cred R
Bajaj Cor p
Credence Analytics
Financial Hospital
Green Rootz
Hallmar k Industr ies
Har i Bhakti Bbdo
Hcl Infosystems Limited
Hdfc Amc
Hdfc Bank
Hdfc Ltd
Hdfc Red
Hdfc Secur ities
Hem Secur ities
Hindustan Times
Hindustan Unilever Limited
Home India Home
Hr Anexi
I Medz
Knight Fr ank
Nvs Broker age
Sunteck Realty
Icici Bank
Kokuyo Camlin
Oberoi Realty
Suther land
Icici Pr udentials
Kotak Life
Omni Hr & It Solutions
Swan Solitions
Icici Pr ulife Insur ance
Kotak Mahindr a Bank
Or ange Tr ip Holiday
Swastik Cor por ation
Icici Secur ities
Syner getics
Kuehne & Nagel
Outlook Group
Kyocer a
Tam Media
Idea Cellular
L & T Infotech
Pc J eweller s
Tata Aia
Pepsico India Holding Pvt
Ltd (Food Division)
Tata Capital
Lanxess India
Lauren Infor mation
IMRB Inter national
India Bulls Secur ities
India Forex Advisor s Pvt
India Infoline
India Mar t
India Parenting
India Today (Publishing)
India Today Group
Indico Remedies
Indusind Bank
Infr asoft Tech
Ingr am Micro
Percept Media
Lds Infotech Pvt Ltd
Liber ty Videocon
Phoenix Mar ket City
Living Liquidz India Pvt
Pipal Secur ities Pvt. Ltd.
Lotus Knowlwealth Pvt
Lubr izol
Phar maceuticals Ltd
Maer sk
Mahindr a Insur ance
Mapr a Labor ater ies
Mar kets And Mar kets
Mar k-It
Pir amal
Pir amal Health Care
Planet M
Pr isma Global
Pure Media
Rappor t
Reckitt Benkiser
Reliance Broadcast
Networ k Ltd.
Inor bit Mall
Mates (Madison Team
Wor k)
Inside IIM
Matr ix Cellular
Insync Analytics
Inter Str at
Media Wor ldwide
Medulla Communications
J agbros
Mindcr aft Software
Sbi Life
Shreejee Par kland
Shr ir am Tr anspor t
Mogae Media
Sk Robotics
Motilal Oswal Secur ities
Smg Secur ities
Naukar i.Com
Ss&C Global Op
Standar d Char tered
Star Tv
Networ k 18 (Bur r p.Com)
Sun Phar ma
Kiah Life Style Pvt Ltd
Nomur a
Sunker sett Financial
Advisor s
J aro Education
J ewwlex
J k Helene Cur tis Ltd
J m Financial
J ohnson Tiles
J upiter Infomedia
Kama Schachter J eweller y
Pvt Ltd
Kansai Nerolac
Reliance Digital
Ross War ner
Sahar a India Par iwar
Sahar a Wealth
Sbi Cap Sec
Tcs Bps
Tech-Mahindr a
Telelabs Wireless
The Paper Products Ltd
Thomson Reuter s
Times Business Solution
Tr ansparent Value
Tr idat Technology
Tr ident Group
U Tur n Tax Refund
Ub Group
Ugam Solutons
Uti Mutual Funds
Value Consulting
Ver acitiz
Vr s Food( Par as Dair y)
Way 2 Wealth
Web Xpress
Westcoast Mar ine Yatch
Wockhar dt
Xion India
Xl Dynamics
Xor ient Solutions
Yt Group
Zee Tv
Zycus Infotech Pvt Ltd
Zyfin Research Pvt Ltd
Institute of Management & Research
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi)
Survey No. 341, Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051. (New Bldg.)
Tel.: 6528 6696 / 6452 0803 / 0804 Fax : 022-2642 3392
E-mail : info@cimr.in Website : www.cimr.in