Woodland Street, Fitchburg, MA 01420 Our parish of St. Joseph’s was founded in 1890 and our Mission Statement is as follows: St. Joseph Parish is a community of Roman Catholics established within the Diocese of Worcester. Nourished through Word and Sacrament, we are grateful to the Father, are attentive to the Holy Spirit and follow Our Lord Jesus Christ. We give witness to our participation in the Body of Christ by welcoming, evangelizing, and serving all whom we encounter, especially the poor. St. Joseph and Our Lady of LaSalette pray for us. New Parishioners . . . Please call the parish office (978-345-7997) to register. In addition to many hearts . . . a parish needs many hands. PARISH OFFICE: Call Janice Monday to Friday 8:30 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. at 978-345-7997 Email: stj2010@verizon.net CEMETERY: Call Larry at 978-343-6776 Open Daily Dawn to Dusk RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE: 978-343-7281 (Bette Brunell/Home) SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL: 978-342-4608 MASS SCHEDULE: Daily: 8:00 A.M. Saturday: 8:00 A.M. & 4:00 P.M. Sunday: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 A.M. & 5:00 P.M. Holy Day Eve: 4:00 P.M. Holy Days: 8:00 A.M. & 6:00 P.M. PARISH PRIESTS REV. JOHN HUGHES, M.S. REV. THEODORE LAPERLE REV. LAURIE L. LÉGER, M.S. REV. RICHARD TRAINOR DEACON JIM COUTURE 978 345-4610 978 297-1336 (SUMMER) SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR DAVID PERRY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BETTE BRUNELL MAUREEN BEAUVAIS SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday 3:15 - 3:45 P.M. OUTREACH/ANIMADORA SR. PAULA CORMIER, PBVM SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Couples should contact the priest of their choice at least SIX Months Prior to the wedding date. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT 978-345-5416 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Call Deacon Jim 978-424-7284 HOUSECALLS: Please notify the Rectory if you know of anyone who is unable to get to Church, and wishes to receive the Sacraments. COMMUNION TO THE HOMEBOUND: If you are aware of someone who would like to receive Communion at home or recuperating from an operation, please call the office at 978-345-7997. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Should be Submitted in writing by 11:00 A.M. on the Friday TWO weeks prior WEBSITE: www.stjosephfitchburg.org DIRECTOR OF MUSIC GEORGE JANICELLO 978 939-2822 CHURCH 49 Woodland Street RECTORY 46 Woodland Street CEMETERY 486 Clarendon Street 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT Mass Intentions SUNDAY, February 22nd 7:00 PARISHIONERS 9:00 Mederic Doucette req. by the family (Remembrance) Blanche Bedard req. by JoAnne Beauvais (Remembrance) Lucy Craigen (21st Anniv.) by her son & family (Remembrance) Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hachey req. by Denise & Rob Moore 11:00 Norman Godin by wife Irene & family (Remembrance) Herbie Vaillancourt (1st Anniv.) by Doris & family (Remembrance) Helen Henderson by Deacon Jim & Ruth Couture (Remembrance) Alcide Goguen (3rd Anniv.) by wife & children 5:00 André Léger (47th Anniv.) req. by his family (Remembrance) Luz Sanchez & Juan Rijos Sr., by their sons MONDAY, February 23rd 8:00 Conversions of Sinners by Ronnie Cormier (Remembrance) Millie Legros by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LeBlanc TUESDAY, February 24th 8:00 Ella Richard (B’day) by her husband & family WEDNESDAY, February 25th 8:00 Jane Noella Barrieult req. by Roger Roy THURSDAY, February 26 8:00 For the Homeless FRIDAY, February 27th 8:00 Helen, Walter, Frances & Edward Skarzycki by Jane Brousseau SATURDAY, February 28th 8:00 Robert Gaudet req. by St. Joseph Church 4:00 Jerry LeBlanc by his wife Jeannette (Remembrance) Margaret Little (B’day) by the children (Remembrance) Carol Mailloux by Deacon Jim & Ruth Couture (Remembrance) Alvida Cormier by Deacon Jim & Ruth Couture (Remembrance) Norman Gamache (3rd Anniv.) by the family (Remembrance) Rita Langelier by sister in law Rita Langelier (Remembrance) Joan Roy (8th Anniv.) by husband Edgar & family (Remembrance) Mary Evelyn Tremblay req. by friends at the Joseph House SUNDAY, March 1st 7:00 PARISHIONERS 9:00 Doris Perodeau (5th Anniv.) by her daughter 11:00 Herbie & Joshua Vaillancourt by Doris & family (Remembrance) Laura Bedard by Deacon Jim & Ruth Couture (Remembrance) Helen Henderson by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Coderre 5:00 Emile & Loretta Fluet req. by St. Joseph Church *********************************************************** Coffee Hour The next coffee hour will be held Sunday, March 15th after the 9am mass. Volunteers and pastry always welcomed!! Blood Pressure Screening by the parish nurses will be Sunday, March 15th after the 9am mass. Sunday Collection: The weekly collection for the weekend of 2/7 & 2/8: Sun. Collect.: $4500.00 Fuel : $1035.00 FEBRUARY 22, 2015 La Salette Mass Intentions Thomas Rivard (B’day) by his sisters ********************************************* The Vocation Team of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is sponsoring a Lenten Day of Prayer for women at Presentation Convent, 99 Church St., Leominster on Saturday, February 28, 2015. Sr. Mary Naccarato, PBVM will be the presenter. The day will begin at 9:30 a.m. with refreshments and will end by 3:00 p.m. There will be an opportunity for quiet reflection and sharing. Lunch will be included. Free will offerings are accepted. In an effort to assist those less fortunate, we invite each participant to bring food for St. Leo’s St. Vincent DePaul food pantry. To register please contact one of the following: Sr. Mary Anne Seliga 978-5377108, Sr. Maureen Hickey 978-790-0056. 15th Annual Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference All are invited to this important annual Conference, scheduled for Worcester's DCU Center on Saturday, March 21, 2015. Hear dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic leaders. Bishops and diocesan and religious priests will hear confessions. Bishop McManus will offer Mass. For a conference brochure, further information or registration please call 508-929-4345. Parish contact is Ray Fortier at 978-537-6689 St. Joseph’s Parish is a Catholic Christian community of disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe everyone is called to be on a spiritual journey and what matters is not where a person is on that journey but that they are actually on the journey itself. We seek to welcome all people regardless of the stage of their spiritual life, their struggles and failures. We are a hospital for sinners, not a hotel for Saints. Partners in Charity The Partners in Charity, formerly known as the Bishops Fund, is the annual appeal for the Diocese of Worcester, serving 28 charitable, educational and pastoral ministries. Through your generous support we are able to serve thousands of families and individuals in the Worcester County through outreach, formation, evangelization and worship. St. Joseph’s Fitchburg parish goal is $32,000 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Weekly Calendar Fish Fry Keep Fridays in Lent open beginning Feb. 20, 2015 for the Fish Fry at Madonna of the Holy Rosary. Think about making a cake and donating it to the Fish Fry. All pastries and desserts are welcome! Are you able to volunteer? Looking for cooks, clean-up, waiting on tables, serving from the kitchen for take-outs & eating in. Call Maureen Beauvais at 978-343-8186 if you can help out! Lenten Mass Schdule Two Masses daily during Lent at St. Joseph’s: Mornings at 8:00 am Evenings at 5:00 pm Join us in Worship Ice Block The side door entrance to the Church, across from the Rectory door, has an ice block inside the door and water is leaking into the hallway. That door will be closed off until further notice. Clothes Closet Hours - Reminder Tuesdays from 3pm-5pm. Saturdays from 9am-12pm at Madonna of the Holy Rosary. Theresa St., Fitchburg Rosary Daily at 7:30 am Adoration each Friday 8:30 - 9:30am St. Joseph Parish Bereavement Support Group Begin your path toward hope and healing. The next six week faith based grief support group for those grieving the loss of a loved one will begin on: Monday, March 2, 2015 through Monday, April 6 from 6: 00--7:30 PM. Meetings will be at Madonna of the Holy Rosary Church 118 Theresa St. Fitchburg Ma. Pre-registration is required (space is limited) call Jerri Blouin, Coordinator/ facilitator at 978-345-5416. This is offered as a free service to the community by St. Joseph Parish, Fitchburg Sunday, February 22nd Sunday Mass schedule: 7am. 9am. 11am & 5pm Monday, February 23rd 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am Mass 6:45 pm Miraculous Medal Novena at Holy Rosary Tuesday, February 24th 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am Mass 2:00 pm Prayer Group Madonna of the Holy Rosary 2:00 pm Lending Library Wednesday, February 25th 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am Mass 8:30 Community Breakfast (after 8am Mass) 7:00 pm Rosary at Sacred Heart Chapel Thursday, February 26th 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am Mass 10:00 am Charismatic Prayer Group (Rectory) Friday, February 27th 7:30 am Rosary 8:00 am Mass Adoration 8:30 to 9:30 Saturday, February 28th Saturday Mass Schedule 8am & 4pm 10:00 til noon –Prayer Shawl Ministry 1st Saturday of the month at Holy Rosary 3:15 pm Sacrament of Penance St Vincent de Paul news The Lenten Giving Cups will be distributed at all Masses during the first weekend in Lent, and collected the first weekend after Easter. Open Enrollment Students are welcome into our Religious Education programs here at St. Josephs and at Madonna of the Holy Rosary at any time during the year. Lenten Guidelines for Fast and Abstinence Abstinence from meat is to be observed by all Catholics fourteen (14) years of age and older on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays in Lent. Fasting is to be observed by all Catholics who are eighteen (18) years of age but not yet fiftynine (59) years of age on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. CLEGHORN PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 339 BROAD ST. FITCHBURG, MA 01420 (978) 342-5320 J. RAYMOND LEGER, OWNER VITELLI MONUMENT CO. 275 Lunenburg Street Fitchburg Leblanc’s Auto Body Repair 36th year 51 River Street, Fitchburg Tel 978-342-6550 WE GUARANTEE OUR COLLISION REPAIR Touching Lives Making a Difference FOR LIFE Honda and Acura Recognized Facility 978-345-4303 Accepting All Insurance Company Appraisals Mass Registered #RS342 Licensed & Bonded WWW.COLLISION.HONDA.COM ALL MAKES & MODELS REPAIRED 546 ELECTRIC AVE. FITCHBURG, MA 01420 Marc@Babineaulns.com CHRISTOPHER COTE, MP# 12907 142 Clarendon Street THE HIGHLANDS BABINEAU Insurance Agency 978-345-6519 Contact 978-343-4411 DR. DAVID E. BARON OPTOMETRIST Brandon FUNERAL HOME Family Vision Care Parkhill Plaza 348-1232 978-343-4444 Funeral Planning for Those You Love 339 Electric Avenue Lunenburg, MA 01462 www.Leominster Monument.com 978-342-5326 978.345.8263 342-4350 Five Generations of Quality Workmanship MITCHELL VITELLI, PRES. www.vitellimonument.com Lawrence P. Brandon - Director 305 Wanoosnoc Rd. Short & Long Term Care • Rehab, Alzheimer’s and Adult Day Health Services LARGE PARKING AREA FULL HANDICAP ACCESSIBILITY M. A. COTE INC. Custom building and remodeling CSL #005522 • HIC Reg. #l65879 In Loving Memory of Wedding Receptions Bridal & Baby Showers Bar & Bat Mitzvahs Corporate Meetings & Events 120 Studio-style Suites Free Wifi, Plush Bedding Complimentary Breakfast 27 Andrews Pkwy., Devens, MA 01434 353 Clarendon St., Fitchburg, MA 01420 MARK COTE Lorinn Couture Callwood 35+ Years Experience 978-618-3414 (978) 772-3030 Where the little things mean everything.™ • Weddings • Anniversaries • Bereavement Luncheons • Meetings 99 Erdman Way, Leominster, MA 01453 T 978-534-9000 www.Leominster.DoubleTree.com Builder@inbox.com Isabelle & Anderson Funeral Home Brian T. Anderson Jeffrey J. Frisch Michael D. Masciarelli Pre Arranged Trusts 316 Clarendon Street 978-343-4407 DeBonis & Davin Florist, Inc. www.isabellefuneral.com This Space Available For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative Joe Buchonis at 800-888-4574 x3414 or Email: jbuchonis@4LPi.com 900 Main Street Fitchburg, MA 01420-3047 TEL: 978.345.4327 888.609.2800 ) Fax: 978.345.2562 www.debonisflowers.com Aubuchon-Moorcroft Funeral Home Stephen R. Moorcroft Funeral Director and Embalmer 132 Woodland Street Fitchburg, Massachusetts 01420 978-342-2355 www.aubuchon-moorcroftfuneralhome.com Serving the community since 1914 STELLA’S COFFEE SHOP 978-343-6918 466 Electric Ave. ~ Lunenburg Breakfast 7 Days A Week Lunch Monday - Friday Come visit us after Mass for a Great Breakfast! FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 In Loving Memory of J & R Glass Service Inc. Golden Living Center - Fitchburg 860 Water Street Fitchburg, MA 01420 1199 John Fitch Highway, Fitchburg, MA 01420 THIS SPACE IS Paul and Sue Leger © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. 978-345-0177 Fax 978-345-6965 Toll-Free 800-698-0177 DECEMBER 23, 2014 4:41 PM Specializing in short-term rehab and skilled nursing care. 978-345-0146 www.GoldenLivingCenters.com/Fitchburg Equal opportunity provider of healthcare services, GLS-10407-13 ST JOESPH, FITCHBURG, MA 03-0622
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