The Weekly Pines 4 (pdf 330 KB)

Manly Selective Campus
Northern Beaches Secondary College
Academic Excellence  Personal Best  Giving Back to the Community
Principal : Mr Tony Rudd
Deputy Principals:
Ms Cath Whalan
Ms Barbara Bannister
20 February 2015 – Newsletter No. 4
From the Principal Constitutional Convention The Convention is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training as part of its ongoing commitment to civics and citizenship education. School Captain, Alice Hawkins is one of 120 Year 11 and 12 students from across Australia selected to investigate the need for an Australian Bill of Rights at the 20th National Schools Constitutional Convention, being held at Old Parliament House in Canberra from 24 ‐ 26 March 2015. In becoming a national delegate, Alice was selected from around 4,000 students from government, independent and Catholic schools, most of whom took part in feeder conventions in their home state or territory. This is a fantastic opportunity for Alice to go to Canberra and debate current constitutional reform issues at Old Parliament House. We look forward to hearing more about the convention from Alice upon her return. Open Day The National Schools Constitutional Convention program provides senior students with an opportunity to become better informed about how Australia's constitution provides a democratic framework and encourages them to take an active interest in the operation of government. The topic of the 2015 Convention is ‘Checks and balances: do we need an Australian Bill of Rights?’ Discussion at the Convention will include a focus on the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. Facilitated by Emeritus Professor John Warhurst AO, Professor of Political Science at the Australian National University, the students will explore the need for Australia to have a Bill of Rights. This will include input from a panel of experts, group discussions on the issues and the opportunity to persuade other delegates of particular approaches. Students will participate in a mock plebiscite to determine the outcome of their deliberations. On Thursday of next week we will be holding our annual Open Day. On this day, we welcome all in our community to visit us to see the school in operation on a ‘normal’ school day. To address some of the issues associated with having so many people in attendance, we will again be hosting two sessions each consisting of a showcase in the hall and a tour of the school. While the vast majority of visitors will come from prospective students and their parents, anybody is welcome to attend to witness the wonderful performances, work and displays of our students and staff. Robotics It was very heartening to see around 25 Year 7 and 8 students attend the initial meeting of the Manly Selective Campus Robotics group on Tuesday at lunchtime. There was a wonderful mix of first time participants with those who competed so successfully at National level in 2014. Once again, our students will compete in the First Lego League with expert guidance and support from parent, Mr Carlo Manfredini. Through this group, students not only get to construct and program their robots, but the vital aspect is the challenges presented in problem ___________________________________________________________________________________
Manly Selective Campus 138 Abbott Road, North Curl Curl NSW 2099 Phone: 9905 3982 / Fax: 9905 7772 Email: nbscmanlys‐ P&C website: solving and teamwork to ensure that robots can successfully complete the challenges set in the competition. I am confident that our students will continue in their successful vein once competitions begin later this term. Surfers in Newcastle Swimming Carnival Our school swimming carnival was an extremely successful event held last Friday at the Boy Charlton Pool in Manly. The participation rates of students competing at the carnival was yet another significant improvement on previous years. Much of the credit for this high rate can be attributed to our wonderful House Captains who, from the initial House meetings to the final event of the day, were working hard with their teams encouraging student involvement. However, our carnival is more than just a competition. Added to the day was the wonderful colour and spirit exhibited by all students and staff. This created an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment where the MSC spirit shone through, as well as the cooperation and commitment of every student whether they be competitors, time keepers, runners, marshals, computer operators or House supporters. Three of our students were selected into the Northern Beaches Secondary College Surfing team to compete in Newcastle over the last two days. Year 12 student Tiana Reid, Year 11 student Lucy Coleman and Tessa Berkeley of Year 9 all travelled as part of a 25 strong NBSC team to compete in the schools division of the annual ‘Surfest’ competition. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to compete in a world ranked event with some of the top judges and scouts from around the world present. NBSC has won this event for the past three years and, in speaking with the students as they left on Thursday evening, are confident in defending their title yet again. Equestrian Best wishes to Amelia Warde who this weekend will compete for our school in the Central Coast Grammar School Equestrian Expo. This will be the first occasion in a number of years that our school has been represented in equestrian events. Upon acknowledging Amelia’s participation in this, we have had another two students indicate that they will compete for the school in future events. Special thanks go to our organizing teachers Ms Walker, Ms Cowan and Ms Deane all of whom put in an enormous amount of work to ensure the success of the carnival. This is yet another opportunity for our students to participate in curriculum enrichment activities of interest to them and where they can represent our school at the highest level. ‐ Tony Rudd, Principal From The Deputy Principals Excitement is building amongst the Year 8 cohort as the disco date approaches. The evening of March 5 will see spectacular exhibitions of dancing in the Hall and if the skills demonstrated during PDHPE lessons so far this year are anything to go by, we are all in for a treat. Year Advisor, Ms Issozimova has thrown down the gauntlet for “ best dancer in the house” as apparently she earned this title at the Year 7 disco last year. Office Runner duty is completed each year by a roster of Year 8 students and this week we offer a huge thank you to the Runners that have been and the ones that will perform this duty later in the year. Runners are an essential part of whole school communication system and we are grateful for their contribution. Year 10 have initiated their Independent Learning Projects (ILP). We look forward to the creativity and skill that will be on display later in the year as the students follow their individual passion for 3 hours each fortnight, to build, play, sing, design and research their chosen field. Catering for the learning needs of gifted and talented students is a feature of our school and ILP is a strong part of this. Ms Shannon, Mr Martin and Ms Rixon for providing valuable advice about the support programs and strategies available for Year 11 students at Manly Selective Campus. Year 11 students will be at camp in Jindabyne next week. We wish them and their teachers an enjoyable week as they participate in a range of activities and Crossroads programs to assist the students as they get to know each other very well and build a sense of year identity. Year 9 students are encouraged to attend the Years 8 & 9 Disco on Thursday March 5. This is always a fun event for students with great music and a most impressive light show on the night. The entry cost includes a drink and sausage sandwich. Year 7 students are mostly thriving at Manly Selective Campus. They are coping well with following their timetables, finding their classrooms and meeting new friends. The Year 7 Disco on Wednesday 4 March and the Year 7 Camp from 9‐
11 March provide further opportunities for students to socialise and get to know each other better. Cath Whalan (Deputy Principal Years 7, 9, 11) Year 10 are also reminded to return their BOSTES entry forms at their very earliest convenience. Interested students in Year 12 have started attending a yoga class offered before school on Friday morning. Thanks are extended to Year Advisor Mrs Barbara Harrison and parent volunteer Ms Saliann Vine for their efforts in providing this opportunity. Mindfulness and stillness is sometimes the best antidote to the effort required in Year 12, especially when so many of our students are not only academically gifted but are also musically and athletically capable as well. If students cannot attend the before school session they may be able to make use of the Mindfulness app available from Headspace. Barbara Bannister (Deputy Principal Years 8, 10, 12) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Thank you to parents and students who attended the Year 11 Information evening on Tuesday. The Preliminary HSC Assessment Policies and Schedules 2015 booklet given to students is a valuable guide to the BOSTES and school requirements for Stage 6 students. Please refer to this booklet throughout the year to assist with planning and preparation for assessment tasks and examinations. Thank you to Open Morning Thursday 26 February Parents and prospective students are warmly invited to attend our open morning on Thursday 26 February from 9.30am ‐ 11.30am. Parking will be available on the field opposite the school in Abbott Road and entry is via the front or side gates. Come and see the school in action on a guided tour. Information packages will be available and there will be an opportunity to watch performances by our talented bands, vocal ensembles and dancers during the welcoming ceremony in the hall. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion. Year 8 parent volunteers are needed for the New Parent Welcome Night Date: 4 March 2015 Year 7 Disco & Welcome to Parents New to the School Wednesday 4 March 2015 Please contact Jessica or Natalie if you can assist. 0414 770 245 0401 633 653 6.15pm ‐ 9.00pm Year 8 & 9 Disco Thursday 5 March 2015 6.15‐9.00pm Girls Waterpolo Open College Team trials will be held this Monday 23rd February 7:00‐8:00am at the Warringah Aquatic Centre. 2015 Swimming Age Champions Age 12 years 13 Years 14 Years 15 Years 16 Years 17+ Years COLLEGE SPORT
Female Heather Trett Jessamine Janic Bronte Nicholls June Liang Claudia Harris Tessa Houston Male
Fergus Clarkson
Girls Netball Open College Team trials will be held Monday 223rd February 4:00‐5:00pm at Freshwater Senior Campus Gymnasium. For more information contact your PDHPE department or Vicki Busse, Relieving College Sports Coordinator on 0421 979 613 BANDS OF MANLY SELECTIVE CAMPUS Hamish Cranney
Dillon Qian
Adam Busselmann Rylan Blanch
333.5 Bligh
286 Hunter
263 Macquarie
194.5 Phillip
Congratulations to all competitors
Big Band Bash # 1‐ All ensembles‐ Thursday 2 April @ Freshwater Gym 6:30 pm The traditional end of Term One, all‐ensemble, all‐
student concert is scheduled on the last day of Term; the only available date in an extremely full fortnight for halls, Year 12 students and members on the upcoming band tour. Informal and fun, it is a great night of music. All band members are needed. Further details via email. Chamber Orchestra: Rehearsals start Monday 23 February. They are in the Performance Space, commencing at 7.20. List is being circulated by email. make their annual bulk order soon. Lead‐time for blazers is 8‐12 weeks from that order. If you wish to purchase a new blazer, please order from Pickles shop, on‐line or by phone by Monday 23 March. Band Meeting Monday 23 February 8pm Reminder: The first band meeting is on next Monday night in the Band Room (near the canteen in the music corridor). All band families are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings held on Monday in Week 5 each term. The band program is run completely by parent volunteers and we would love new parents to come along, meet the committee members and each other and get an insight into how the program is run. The parents who actively support the Bands of MSC, even if only in a very small way, find that it is truly a most rewarding way to participate in and support the school. European Band Tour Information evening Thursday 12 March, 7:30pm Geoff Hayes to brief the touring students and parents in the MSC common room, one month prior to tour departure. Band Diary Dates CB/SwB Photos‐ Friday 27 February Band Committee meeting – Monday 23 February 8.00pm in the band room. All welcome MSC Open Day‐ Thursday 26 February‐ BB/WE SE/CO/SWO/WE/JO/BB/SB photos‐ Thurday 5 March Europe Band Tour parents/students info night‐ MSC Common Room‐ Thursday 12 March On Show‐ 17‐18 March‐ Balgowlah Boys – JO/SE Big Band Bash 1 – Freshwater Campus gym – All ensembles‐ Thursday 2 April Senior and intermediate band camp‐ WE/BB/SWO/JO/SE‐ Meroo Conference Centre/Kurrajong‐ Monday 20‐Thursday 23 April NSW Band Festival – CB/WE/SWO/SwB/SB/BB‐ Saturday 18‐Sunday 19 July (times TBC) 2015 Band Fees 2015 Band Fees ‐ Invoices for Semester 1 were emailed with the audition timetables and are due by 20 February. Payments received by this date will receive a $15 discount. Your prompt payment is much appreciated. If you have mislaid the invoice or are unable to pay by this date please email our Treasurer Maggi Bennett on Band Photos: Instruments and uniforms needed Friday 27 February for CB and SwB‐ after lunch Thursday 5 March throughout the day for WE/SB/BB/SWO/JO/SE/CO All members to bring instruments on the day. CB/SwB and SB to wear blue band shirts with black pants (black skirt & stockings option for girls.) All others to wear full formal band uniform (blazers/ties/white shirt/ long pants/winter skirts). Band web site For current information go to the band website at Band Names Wind Stream: SWO~Symphonic Wind Orchestra; WE~Wind Ensemble; CB~Concert Band; SE~String Ensemble; CO~Chamber Orchestra Jazz Stream: JO~Jazz Orchestra; BB~Big Band; SB~Stage Band; SwB‐ Swing Band Jazz Improvisation: Impro ~Impro Workshop JC ~ Jazz Combo For Term One: T‐WO ~ Touring Wind Orchestra T‐JO ~ Touring Jazz Orchestra Second Hand Band Blazers and new blue band shirts New blue band shirts are available from Sandra Salmon. Large sizes only for blazers at present. We need two size 12s for new students if anyone wants to sell a 12. Please contact Sandra Salmon ( New Blazers Blazers will be required for all band members by Band Festival, start of Term 3. New blazers are available from Pickles, Brookvale ph 9905 2711. Pickles have advised that they must CALENDAR – TERM 1 Please note that these dates may change. You are advised to check closer to the time. 23/02/2015 23/02/2015 23/02/2015 23/02/2015 23/02/2015 23/02/2015 24/02/2015 24/02/2015 25/02/2015 25/02/2015 26/02/2015 26/02/2015 27/02/2015 27/02/2015 2/03/2015 2/03/2015 2/03/2015 2/03/2015 2/03/2015 3/03/2015 4/03/2015 4/03/2015 4/03/2015 4/03/2015 5/03/2015 5/03/2015 6/03/2015 6/03/2015 9/03/2015 9/03/2015 9/03/2015 9/03/2015 9/03/2015 10/03/2015 11/03/2015 11/03/2015 11/03/2015 12/03/2015 12/03/2015 12/03/2015 13/03/2015 13/03/2015 13/03/2015 13/03/2015 16/03/2015 WEEK 5 Year 11 Camp Year 9 Scripture P2 Peer Support EAM Line Year 7 and PS leaders Electronic Use Survey Continues Year 9 ANZAC Incursion P3&4 Parent Band Meeting Year 11 Camp Year 12 Tripod Survey Session 3 Year 11 Camp SES Base visit for Sport Year 11 Camp OPEN DAY Year 11 Camp School Photos WEEK 6 Nominations open for Year 7 SRC Year 9 Scripture P1 All years Cricket knockout Electronic Use Survey Continues Year 12 Tripod Survey Session 4 Carnation Day Year 7 Disco Welcome Evening for parents new to our school RFS HQ for Sport Careers Ex UTS Technology Day Years 9‐12 All Day School Photo Catch up Day Years 8 & 9 Disco Year 12 Tripod survey Session 5 Bandaged Bear Day WEEK 7 Year 7 Camp Year 9 Scripture P1 Years 9 – 12 Visual Arts and Photography to Art Express (2 venues) Electronic Use Survey Continues Italy History tour parent information evening Year 7 Camp Year 7 Camp Shave for a Cure Year 12 Tripod Survey Selective Schools Placement Test Zone Swimming Year 11 Seminar Brent Saunders 11 Engineering to Bluescope Steel Wollongong Year 12 PDHPE HSC Study day tbc Year 7 SRC nomination forms returned On Show Tech Check at BBC WEEK 8 Year 12 Music Half Yearly examinations 16/03/2015 16/03/2015 16/03/2015 17/03/2015 17/03/2015 17/03/2015 18/03/2015 18/03/2015 19/03/2015 19/03/2015 20/03/2015 23/03/2015 23/03/2015 23/03/2015 23/03/2015 24/03/2015 24/03/2015 25/03/2015 26/03/2015 26/03/2015 27/03/2015 27/03/2015 27/03/2015 28/03/2015 29/03/2015 30/03/2015 30/03/2015 30/03/2015 31/03/2015 Year 9 Scripture P2 Year 12 Tripod Session 7 Year 11 Music performance evening Regional Swimming Year 10 Music performance rehearsal & assessment OnShow P & C Meeting 7pm School Library OnShow Year 7 SRC Elections Year meeting Common room Year 12 Tripod Survey Post Intervention Cross Country Carnival WEEK 9 Year 12 Half Yearly Examinations Year 8 High Resolves Day 1 Year 9 Scripture P1 EAM Line Year 7 +Year 10 PSL P1 Year 12 Half Yearly Examinations Year 7 Vaccinations and some Year 8 catch‐up Year 12 Half Yearly Examinations Year 12 Half Yearly Examinations Bandaged Bear Day – Selling Merchandise at Manly Corso CHS Swimming Year 12 Half Yearly Examinations Earth Hour Schools Day CHS Swimming WEEK 10 CHS Swimming Year 12 Half Yearly Examinations Year 7 Edmodo Registration Period 1 Year 9 Scripture P2 Year 12 Half Yearly Examinations OnShow is the Northern Beaches Secondary College annual performance extravaganza, showcasing the talents of students from each of the five campuses of the College. The show brings together students from Years 7‐12 at Balgowlah Boys, Cromer, Freshwater Senior, Mackellar Girls and Manly Selective Campuses in the artistic pursuits of dance, music and drama. It is a spectacular event built around the high quality talent enrolled at the College. On Show is a co‐curricular activity that is offered to all students, Years 7‐12. It generally takes place in Term 1 with all acts being auditioned by our dynamic Production Management Team, consisting of teachers from Creative Arts faculties at each of the campuses.  Date: Tuesday 17th and Wednesday 18th March 2015  Time: 7:00pm each night  VENUE: NBSC Balgowlah Boys Campus Auditorium, Maretimo Street, Balgowlah, NSW 2093  Ticket on sale NOW!  Adults $12, Concession $8 and Family $30 (2 Adults & 2 Children) Credit Card Ticket purchases Online at:  CONTACT DETAILS: Mr H Shanal 02 9949 4200 nbscbalgb‐