Minister’s Address The future belongs to India-the largest vibrant democracy in the world, teeming with opportunities. With hope in their eyes and a yearning to learn, the youth of this great nation awaits a new paradigm of education that fosters knowledge with analytical skills, logical reasoning and the ability to imagine beyond the given; that aims at transforming lives by instilling 21st century skills and stimulating lifelong learning. Our commitment for the future and our steps, so far, are in this direction. Smriti Zubin Irani Minister of Human Resource Development of Government of India The foundations of structured knowledge are laid in school. All children in this nation will have the opportunity to attain world – class education in a dynamic and inspiring educational environment to drive a new era of development, growth, and productivity. Each student should achieve academic and personal excellence. Good quality education is the foundation of new discoveries, new knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship that trigger growth and prosperity of the individual as well as that of a nation. For this, we need to make our curriculum and pedagogy relevant to the needs of our society and economy and nurture qualities of problem solving and creative thinking, learning-by-doing, greater engagement with the live- context, and confident self-expression from a young age. Let us build an education system with the highest educational and ethical standards that encourages young people to be productive and socially responsible citizens within a caring, collaborative learning community.
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