BioSpine © Helge Leiberg, 2012 th International Congress Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery PROGRAMME April 8–11 2015 BioSpine Table of Contents Organisation and Imprint . .......................................................................................... 4 Welcome Note of the Congress Chair ........................................................................ 5 Committees ............................................................................................................... 6 Invited Speakers......................................................................................................... 7 Programme Overview Wednesday and Thursday, April 8 and 9, 2015 ............................ Friday and Saturday, April 10 and 11, 2015 . ................................ 8 9 Scientific Programme Wednesday, April 8, 2015............................................................. Thursday, April 9, 2015 . .............................................................. Friday, April 10, 2015.................................................................... Saturday, April 11, 2015 .............................................................. 10 11 16 22 Poster Exhibition ........................................................................................................ 24 Sponsors, Exhibitors and Media Cooperation.............................................................. 26 Social Programme ..................................................................................................... 29 General Information.................................................................................................... 30 General Hints for Authors and Presenters . ................................................................. 33 Index of Authors and Chairs . ..................................................................................... 34 City Map . ............................................................................................................... 35 3 Organisation and Imprint Venue Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Luisenstrasse 58/59 10117 Berlin (DE) Date April 8–11, 2015 Organiser Regenerate Europe e. V. Congress Chair Prof. h. c. Dr. med. Hans Jörg Meisel BG Clinic Bergmannstrost Department of Neurosurgery Merseburger Strasse 165 06112 Halle a. d. Saale (DE) Congress Secretaries Claudia Hoßbach Yvonne Minkus Congress Organisation Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH Nadia Al-Hamadi/Roxelane Görls Carl-Pulfrich-Strasse 1 07745 Jena (DE) Phone +49 3641 31 16-315/-312 Fax +49 3641 31 16-243 Design/Layout Layout www.krea.tif– Print N.N. Circulation N.N. Editorial DeadlineFebruary 19, 2015 4 Welcome Note of the Congress Chair Dear colleagues and friends, On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Advisory Board, I am pleased to welcome you in Berlin from April 8–11, 2015 to participate in our 5th Biospine congress. BioSpine has set itself the task to act as a catalyst between clinicians, scientists and industrial partners, to support doctors’ curiosity and demand for new information, and at the same time to request that industrial partners elucidate product information with appropriate scientific scrutiny. Biomaterials in spine surgery have moved far beyond the role of “bone void fillers” like it used to be 10 years ago. That evolution has resulted in products that are now characterized as growth factors, cell products and combined products; each of which might follow various regulations to meet clinical use approval. BioSpine was initiated to give insights into technology development, has the aim to impart understanding and acceptance, but also wants to sharpen a critical view. Nevertheless there are still noticeable differences regarding both the quality of academic support and the efficiency of introducing new products to the market. In particular, the clinical knowledge contribution from the medical point of view remains limited and will require ongoing support from the academics as well as from industry to sustain progress and improve therapeutic options. BioSpine not only shows openness to the end-consumer, the surgeon, but further recognizes the importance of incorporating the scientist into a common dialogue in order to provide parallel direction for future industrial research. Science subsists from the lively exchange of information. Join us for this fantastic opportunity, for fruitful conversations, for vigorous discussions and the mutual exchange of knowledge. I cordially welcome you all to attend the BioSpine congress in Berlin. Yours Hans Jörg Meisel 5 Committees Organizing Committee Aldemar A. Hegewald (Mannheim/DE) Christoph Josten (Leipzig/DE) Jean-Charles Le Huec (Bordeaux/FR) Michael Piccirillo (Zurich/CH) Michael Rauschmann (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Advisory Board Kenneth Cheung (Hong Kong/CN) Finn Bjarke Christensen (Aarhus/DK) Lisa Ferrara (Atlanta, GA/US) Jörg Franke (Dortmund/DE) Timothy Ganey (Atlanta, GA/US) Robert Gunzburg (Antwerp/BE) Marco N. Helder (Amsterdam/NL) Frank Kandziora (Frankfurt a. M./DE) H. Michael Mayer (Munich/DE) Björn P. Meij (Utrecht/NL) Michael Ogon (Vienna/AT) Jong-Beom Park (Uijeongbu/KR) Theodoor H. Smit (Amsterdam/NL) Petr Suchomel (Liberec/CZ) Marek Szpalski (Brussels/BE) Gianluca Vadalà (Rome/IT) Péter P. Varga (Budapest/HU) Jeffrey Wang (Los Angeles, CA/US) Hans-Joachim Wilke (Ulm/DE) Michael Winking (Osnabrück/DE) 6 Invited Speakers Mauro Alini (Davos/CH) Lorin Michael Benneker (Bern/CH)* Ulrich Berlemann (Thun/CH) Marike Broekman (Utrecht/NL) Finn Bjarke Christensen (Copenhagen/DK) Vincenzo Denaro (Rome/IT) Jörg Franke (Dortmund/DE) Timothy Ganey (Atlanta, GA/US) Roger Härtl (New York, NY/US) Aldemar A. Hegewald (Mannheim/DE) Paul Heini (Bern/CH) Marco N. Helder (Amsterdam/NL) Christoph Josten (Leipzig/DE) Jean-Charles Le Huec (Bordeaux/FR) H. Michael Mayer (Munich/DE) Björn P. Meij (Utrecht/NL) Felix Michnacs (Reutlingen/DE) Susanne Miettinen (Tampere/FI) Susanne Müller (Leipzig/DE) Michael Ogon (Vienna/AT) Wilco C. Peul (Leiden/NL) Kai Pinkernell (Bergisch Gladbach/DE) Michael Rauschmann (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Jens Reinhardt (Frankfurt a. M./DE)* Rui L. Reis (Braga/PT) Dino Samartzis (Hong Kong/CN) Dariusz Śladowski (Warsaw/PL) Claudius Thomé (Innsbruck/AT) Marianna A. Tryfonidou (Utrecht/NL) Gianluca Vadalà (Rome/IT) Hans-Joachim Wilke (Ulm/DE) * inquired 7 Programme Overview Wednesday, April 8, 2015 Lecture Hall Thursday, April 9, 2015 Rudolf Virchow Rudolf Virchow Lecture Hall 17:00–17:30 08:30–09:30 08:30–09:30 Congress Opening Quick Fire Session 1 Quick Fire Session 2 17:30–19:00 Surgeons and Scientists: A Symbiosis in Spine Research p. 11 p. 11 10:00–10:30 p. 10 Special Lecture p. 12 19:00–20:00 10:30–11:30 10:30–11:30 Welcome Reception Best Strategies for the Ageing Spine The most important Bone Grafts & Biologics: New Approaches to Spinal p. 29 p. 12 Fusion: Part 1 p. 13 12:00–13:30 12:00–13:30 Personalized Medicine: Integrating Patients Biology into Surgical Planning The most important Bone Grafts & Biologics: New Approaches to Spinal Fusion: Part 2 p. 13 p. 13 Poster Exhibition p. 24 14:30–16:15 14:30–16:15 Animal Models for IVDD Programme by International Study Groups for Bone and Disc Regeneration: Part 1 p. 14 p. 15 16:30–17:45 16:30–17:45 Reducing Operative Programme by International Trauma: New Strategies in Study Groups for Bone and minimal invasive Spine Disc Regeneration: Part 2 Surgery p. 15 8 p. 15 Programme Overview Friday, April 10, 2015 Saturday, April 11, 2015 Lecture Hall Rudolf Virchow Lecture Hall 08:30–09:30 08:30–09:30 08:30–09:30 Quick Fire Session 3 Quick Fire Session 4 Quick Fire Session 5 p. 16 p. 16 p. 22 10:00–11:00 10:00–11:00 10:00–11:00 Available Bone Cements: the Surgeons Expertise Recent Cell Therapies for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration: Part 1 Nucleus Pulposus Implants p. 18 p. 17 p. 22 11:15–12:30 11:30–13:00 11:30–13:00 Fusion and Non-Fusion Techniques Recent Cell Therapies for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration: Part 2 Treatment of Anulus Fibrosus Defects p. 23 p. 18 p. 18 12:30–13:00 Summary & Farewell Poster Exhibition p. 24 14:30–16:00 14:30–16:00 Key Imitating Nature: Innovative Biomaterials and Implants: Part 1 Regulatory Aspects of Biological Therapeutics Panel Discussion Keynote BioSpine Spine Session Special Lecture p. 20 p. 19 Workshop BioSpine Session International Study Groups 16:30–17:30 16:30–17:45 Quick Fire Session Imitating Nature: Innovative Biomaterials and Implants: Part 2 What the patient should know: Chances & Risks associated with Biological Therapeutics Poster Exhibition Social Programme p. 20 p. 21 from 19:30 Social Evening p. 29 9 Scientific Programme • Wednesday, April 8, 2015 17:00–17:30 Lecture Hall Congress Opening Vincenzo Denaro (Rome/IT), Hans Jörg Meisel (Halle a. d. Saale/DE) 17:30–19:00 Lecture Hall Moderators Panel Discussion Surgeons and Scientists: A Symbiosis in Spine Research Dino Samartzis (Hong Kong/CN), Jean-Charles Le Huec (Bordeaux/FR) Roger Härtl (New York, NY/US) Björn P. Meij (Utrecht/NL) Wilco C. Peul (Leiden/NL) Rui L. Reis (Braga/PT) 19:00–20:00 Foyer Welcome Reception (see p. 29) 10 Scientific Programme • Thursday, April 9, 2015 08:30–09:30 Lecture Hall Moderator Quick Fire Session 1 08:30 12 Biomaterials: a good alternative to bone grafts for spine fusion Giovanni Barbanti Brodano (Bologna/IT) 08:40 62 Histological analysis of bone regeneration with different doses of rhBMP-2 in an ovine lumbar interbody fusion model Katharina Siegrist (Leipzig/DE) 08:50 23 Implant surface design regulates mesenchymal stem cell fate and production of an osteogenic environment Barbara Boyan (Richmond, VA/US) 09:00 45 Is osteogenic differentiation of human intervertebral disc cells a possibility for spinal fusion? Sarah Turner (Oswestry/GB) 09:10 53 The impact of surface geometry at the bone interface for improving screw fixation: a biomechanical evaluation of a novel screw design Bradley Segebarth (Charlotte, NC/US) 09:20 61 Using the RealSpine system: surgical simulation for training and usability testing Werner Korb (Leipzig/DE) 08:30–09:30 Rudolf Virchow Moderator Quick Fire Session 2 08:30 21 An in vitro investigation into bone inhibition in non-unions caused by intervertebral disc cells Benjamin Gantenbein (Bern/CH) 08:40 40 Intradiscal injection of BMP-7 does not have regenerative effects in a canine spontaneous disc degeneration model Marianna A. Tryfonidou (Utrecht/NL) Giovanni Barbanti Brodano (Bologna/IT) Benjamin Gantenbein (Bern/CH) 11 Scientific Programme • Thursday, April 9, 2015 08:50 2 Regeneration of impaired intervertebral discs by a newly designed hydrogel system in combination with AMSC in the ovine model Andrea Friedmann (Leipzig/DE) 09:00 36 Human umbilical cord blood cell administration reduces behavioral deficit after severe spinal cord injury Sergey I. Ryabov (Moscow/RU) 09:10 7 Biomimetic polyurethane scaffold for nucleus pulposus replacement Zhen Li (Davos/CH) 09:20 65 WNT signal pathway analysis in human adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells – Is gender important? Alexandra Stolzing (Loughborough/GB) 09:30–10:00 Coffee break 10:00–10:30 Lecture Hall Ethics of Innovation in Regenerative Medicine and Spinal Surgery Marike Broekman (Utrecht/NL) 10:30–11:30 Lecture Hall Moderator Best Strategies for the Ageing Spine 10:30 Role and relevance of the disc in fractures of the elder people Christoph Josten (Leipzig/DE) 11:00 41 Preclinical intradiscal application of celecoxib loaded hydrogels in a canine spontaneous intervertebral disc degeneration model Marianna A. Tryfonidou (Utrecht/NL) 11:15 20 Range of motion in segmental versus nonsegmental UHWMPE sublaminar wire growth guidance type constructs for early onset scoliosis correction Alex Roth (Maastricht/NL) 12 Christoph Josten (Leipzig/DE) Scientific Programme • Thursday, April 9, 2015 10:30–11:30 Rudolf Virchow Moderator The most important Bone Grafts & Biologics: New Approaches to Spinal Fusion – Part 1 Jean-Charles Le Huec (Bordeaux/FR) 10:30 64 Augmentation of pedicle screws with a self-curing elastomeric material Werner Schmölz (Innsbruck/AT) 10:50 The most important Bone Grafts & Biologics – New Approaches to Spinal Fusion* Lorin Michael Benneker (Bern/CH) 11:10 From autologous iliac crest to last bone substitutes materials: what is proven today for daily practice Jean-Charles Le Huec (Bordeaux/FR) 11:30–12:00 Coffee break 12:00–13:30 Rudolf Virchow Moderator The most important Bone Grafts & Biologics: New Approaches to Spinal Fusion – Part 2 Jean-Charles Le Huec (Bordeaux/FR) 12:00 Interbody cage biomechanics and its impact on biology Finn Bjarke Christensen (Aarhus/DK) 12:30 TM – a special metal in a specific shape for cages without the need of additional biologics or bone Jörg Franke (Dortmund/DE) 13:00 Bone reconstruction in tumor surgery Giovanni Barbanti Brodano (Bologna/IT) 12:00–13:30 Lecture Hall Moderator Personalized Medicine – Integrating Patients Biology into Surgical Planning Dino Samartzis (Hong Kong/CN) 12:00 Personalized Medicine – Integrating Patients Biology into Surgical Planning* Aldemar A. Hegewald (Mannheim/DE) *title tbd 13 Scientific Programme • Thursday, April 9, 2015 12:15 Novel diagnostic and prognostic methods for disc degeneration and low back pain Dino Samartzis (Hong Kong/CN) 12:45 19 The effect of scoliosis implant design parameters on whole spine mechanical behavior Jacobus Arts (Maastricht/NL) 13:00 15 Biomechanical assessment of different surgical procedures in the lumbar spine by computer simulation Karin Gruber (Koblenz/DE) 13:15 14 Computer simulation and navigation in a novel concept for individualized dynamic stabilization of the spine Michael Kosterhon (Koblenz/DE) 13:30–14:30 Lunch break and poster exhibition (see p. 24) 14:30–16:15 Lecture Hall Moderator Animal Models for IVDD 14:30 The dog as animal model for translating new regenerative treatments for intervertebral disc degeneration Björn P. Meij (Utrecht/NL) 15:00 51 Animal Model 2.0: the loaded disc culture system Kaj Emanuel (Amsterdam/NL) 15:15 28 A reproducible disc degeneration scale in a large animal model Gianluca Vadalà (Rome/IT) 15:30 66 The ovine mechanical far lateral disc herniation model Felix Göhre (Halle a. d. Saale/DE) 15:45 67 In vivo models for the spine: the VUmc goat models Pieter-Paul A. Vergroesen (Amsterdam/NL) 16:00 68 Why using bioreactors for whole organ cultures of intervertebral discs? Marianna Peroglio (Davos/CH) 14 Björn P. Meij (Utrecht/NL) Scientific Programme • Thursday, April 9, 2015 14:30–16:15 Rudolf Virchow Moderator Programme by International Study Groups for Bone and Disc Regeneration – Part 1 Dino Samartzis (Hong Kong/CN) Consortium Marianna A. Tryfonidou (Utrecht/NL) Consortium Mauro Alini (Davos/CH) Consortium Timothey Ganey (Atlanta, GA/US) Consortium Susanne Miettinen (Tampere/FI) 16:15–16:30 Coffee break 16:30–17:45 Rudolf Virchow Moderator Programme by International Study Groups for Bone and Disc Regeneration – Part 2 Dino Samartzis (Hong Kong/CN) Consortium Marco N. Helder (Amsterdam/NL) Consortium Gianluca Vadalà (Rome/IT) 16:30–17:45 Lecture Hall Moderator Reducing Operative Trauma: New Strategies in minimal invasive Spine Surgery H. Michael Mayer (Munich/DE) 16:30 Reducing Operative Trauma: New Strategies in minimal invasive Spine Surgery* Wilco C. Peul (Leiden/NL) 17:00 18 Neuromonitorisation in prevention of motor-deficit during pediatric spine surgeries Mirza Biscevic (Sarajevo/BH) 17:15 Minimally invasive treatment strategies in degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis H. Michael Mayer (Munich/DE) 17:30 Minimally invasive tubular decompression avoids fusion surgery in patients with lumbar stenosis and spondylolisthesis Roger Härtl (New York, NY/US) *title tbd 15 Scientific Programme • Friday, April 10, 2015 08:30–09:30 Lecture Hall Moderator Quick Fire Session 3 08:30 63 Trabecular metal – How does it support bone ingrowth? Claude Rieker (Winterthur/CH) 08:40 24 Repair of anulus fibrosus repair with genipin-enhanced fibrin hydrogel and silk membrane-fleece Daniela A. Frauchiger (Bern/CH) 08:50 29 A new alternative to expandable screws: expandable peek shell Teyfik Demir (Ankara/TR) 09:00 32 In-situ photopolymerized composite-hydrogel for minimally-invasive nucleus pulposus replacement Andreas Schmocker (Lausanne/CH) 09:10 43 A biodegradable glue for annulus repair: evaluation of strength and endurance Pieter-Paul A. Vergroesen (Amsterdam/NL) 09:20 52 Titanium truss structures as conduits for bone healing through multiplanar stress distribution Lisa Ferrara (Southport, NC/US) 08:30–09:30 Rudolf Virchow Moderator Quick Fire Session 4 08:30 6 Influence of disc degeneration on the efficacy of stem cell treatment: an ex-vivo study Marianna Peroglio (Davos/CH) 08:40 25 Intervertebral disc regeneration: the role of MSCs recruitment by hyaluronan-based delivery of stromal cell-derived factor-1 in matrix production improvement Catarina Leite Pereira (Porto/PT) 16 Lisa Ferrara (Southport, NC/US) Cornelia Neidlinger-Wilke (Ulm/DE) Scientific Programme • Friday, April 10, 2015 08:50 27 Does mesenchymal stem cell therapy have the potential to control inflammation in a pro-inflammatory intervertebral disc organ culture system? Cornelia Neidlinger-Wilke (Ulm/DE) 09:00 16 Local treatment of inflammation and degeneration of intervertebral Disc – ex vivo study of anti-inflammatory drug delivery system based on Chitosan/Poly-(γ-Glutamic acid) nanoparticles Graciosa Q. Teixeira (Porto/PT) 09:10 22 Bovine coccygeal intervertebral discs contain multipotent Tie2+ cells which can differentiate into osteogenic and adipogenic lineages Adel Tekari (Bern/CH) 09:20 50 Riboflavin cross-linked collagen gel for the repair of annular defects in intervertebral discs: an in vivo study Peter Grunert (Vienna/AT) 09:30–10:00 Coffee break 10:00–11:00 Lecture Hall Moderator Available Bone Cements – the Surgeons Expertise 10:00 70 Bone cement in spinal surgery – A lost decade? Paul Heini (Bern/CH) 10:30 13 Is hyperosmosis a better environment to maintain Nucleus Pulposus Progenitor Cells (NPPC)? Benjamin Gantenbein (Bern/CH) 10:45 Bone void fillers in vertebro- and kyphoplasties – a survey Michael Rauschmann (Frankfurt a. M./DE) Paul Heini (Bern/CH) 17 Scientific Programme • Friday, April 10, 2015 10:00–11:00 Rudolf Virchow Moderator Recent Cell Therapies for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration – Part 1 10:00 The evolution of cell based therapies for the treatment of intervertebral disc degeneration Marianna A. Tryfonidou (Utrecht/NL) 10:20 72 Cellular therapies for the intervertebral disc – Do we know enough? Marco N. Helder (Amsterdam/NL) 10:40 New approaches for stem cell mediated intervertebral disc regeneration Gianluca Vadalà (Rome/IT) 11:00–11:30 Coffee break 11:30–13:00 Rudolf Virchow Moderator Recent Cell Therapies for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration – Part 2 11:30 Intervertebral disc innovation; biologic and biogenic insights Timothy Ganey (Atlanta, GA/US) 12:00 73 Endogenous cell homing for intervertebral disc regeneration Mauro Alini (Davos/CH) 12:30 A combined phase I/II prospective randomized clinical trial using an in-situ polymerizable hydrogel seeded with autologous disc cells for IVD regeneration – study design – and first safety results Felix Michnacs (Reutlingen/DE) 11:30–13:00 Lecture Hall Moderator Fusion and Non-Fusion Techniques 11:30 Fusion and non-fusion technologies – literature review and personal experience Michael Ogon (Vienna/AT) 18 Marianna A. Tryfonidou (Utrecht/NL) Marianna A. Tryfonidou (Utrecht/NL) Michael Ogon (Vienna/AT) Scientific Programme • Friday, April 10, 2015 12:00 34 Efficacy of different grafts in anterior cervical discectomy and fusion surgery (comparison regarding the rate of fusion, bone ingrowth and fusion speed) Matjaz Vorsic (Maribor/SI) 12:15 54 Four-year clinical and radiographic results of a semi-constrained total disc replacement Lubomir Jurák (Liberec/CZ) 12:30 46 Pedicle screw concept with shape memory components for improved bone anchorage Mario Leimert (Dresden/DE) 12:45 58 Biomechanical analysis and histological evaluation of a new PEEK-silver zeolite composite biomaterial in spine Dan C. George (New Milford, CT/US) 13:00–14:30 Lunch break and poster exhibition (see p. 24) 14:30–16:00 Rudolf Virchow Moderator Regulatory Aspects of Biological Therapeutics 14:30 ATMP the European perspective Dariusz Śladowski (Warsaw/PL) 15:00 Key regulatory aspects for commercialization of cellular therapeutics Kai Pinkernell (Bergisch Gladbach/DE) 15:15 71 TETEC AG – ATMP manufacturing in a regulated market Felix Michnacs (Reutlingen/DE) 15:30 Regulatory Aspects of Biological Therapeutics* Jens Reinhardt (Frankfurt a. M./DE) 15:45 The Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine as an organism: development of an ATMP at the academic facility Susanne Müller (Leipzig/DE) Kai Pinkernell (Bergisch Gladbach/DE) *title tbd 19 Scientific Programme • Friday, April 10, 2015 14:30–16:00 Lecture Hall Moderator Imitating Nature – Innovative Biomaterials and Implants – Part 1 14:30 Observations of mechanical transduction and a biologic induction Lisa Ferrara (South Port, NC/US) 14:45 Prescriptive topology as a mimetic material enhancement Timothy Ganey (Atlanta, GA/US) 15:00 Imitating Nature – Innovative Biomaterials and Implants* Rui L. Reis (Braga/PT) 15:30 59 Bimolecular based heparin and self-assembling hydrogel for cartilage tissue engineering applications Carlos E. Semino (Barcelona/ES) 16:00–16:30 Coffee break 16:30–17:30 Lecture Hall Moderator Imitating Nature – Innovative Biomaterials and Implants – Part 2 16:30 Imitating Nature – Innovative Biomaterials and Implants* Wilco C. Peul (Leiden/NL) 16:50 74 Philosophy of cementaugmentated pedicle screws – Indications, technique, pearls and pitfalls Michael Rauschmann (Frankfurt a. M./DE) 17:10 75 Correction of adult scoliosis deformity using carbon fiber composite rod instrumentation in spinal fusion. Preliminary prospective results of an 84 patient series Paul Fayada (Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise/FR) *title tbd 20 Hans-Joachim Wilke (Ulm/DE) Hans-Joachim Wilke (Ulm/DE) Scientific Programme • Friday, April 10, 2015 16:30–17:45 Rudolf Virchow Moderator What the patient should know – Chances & Risks associated with Biological Therapeutics Claudius Thomé (Innsbruck/AT) 16:30 Informed consent for novel spinal therapies Claudius Thomé (Innsbruck/AT) 17:00 48 Balancing bone resorption and overzealous bone growth in Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF) with RhBMP-2 in the sheep model: A question of dose and/or concentration? Gerlinde S. Heil (Halle a. d. Saale/DE) 17:15 56 Long time follow up after posterior lumbar interbody fusion with bone morphogenetic protein-2 Christian Hohaus (Halle a. d. Saale/DE) 17:30 What the patient should know – Chances & Risks associated with Biological Therapeutics* Johannes Seeger (Leipzig/DE) from 19:30 Social Evenig (see p. 29) *title tbd 21 Scientific Programme • Saturday, April 11, 2015 08:30–09:30 Lecture Hall Moderator Quick Fire Session 5 08:30 26 Bupivacaine induces death of rabbit intervertebral disc cells via ROS-mediated lysosomal membrane permeabilization Xian-Yi Cai (Wuhan/CN) 08:40 31 Synthetic phytoestrogens and the native flax plant extract from Linum usitatissimum effect human bone cells in vitro Victor Bügel (Rostock/DE) 08:50 33 Cost effectiveness of doubling the estimated sample size for medical products/ devices in spine Clinical Investigation (CI) generates lower incremental costs Jacques Tshiang (Freiburg/DE) 09:00 37 Is bacterial infection connected to degenerative disc disease? Tomaz Velnar (Maribor/SI) 09:10 11 Non-viral gene delivery of Growth and Differentiation Factor 6 (GDF6) to whole bovine intervertebral disc Rahel D. May (Bern/CH) 09:20 Amniotic tissue in regenerative medical applications Thomas J. Koob (Atlanta, GA/US) 09:30–10:00 Coffee break 10:00–11:00 Lecture Hall Moderator Nucleus Pulposus Implants 10:00 60 Nucleus augmentation with NuCore® Injectable Nucleus – previous experience and long-term follow-up Ulrich Berlemann (Bern/CH) 10:20 Biological approaches for nucleus repair and regeneration Roger Härtl (New York, NY/US) 10:40 Ideas and mechanical requirements of nucleus implants Hans-Joachim Wilke (Ulm/DE) 11:00–11:15 Coffee break 22 Rahel D. May (Bern/CH) Roger Härtl (New York, NY/US) Scientific Programme • Saturday, April 11, 2015 11:15–12:30 Lecture Hall Moderator Treatment of Anulus Fibrosus Defects 11:15 Current and possible future options for anular closure Claudius Thomé (Innsbruck/AT) 11:45 Principles and biomechanical challenges of anulus sealing Hans-Joachim Wilke (Ulm/DE) 12:00 57 Autologous disc chondrocyte transplantation in lumbar spine disc degeneration disease – a prospective, controlled, randomized study Florian Didrigkeit (Halle a. d. Saale/DE) 12:15 49 Tissue-engineered intervertebral discs – In vivo outcome in the rodent spine Peter Grunert (Vienna/AT) 12:30–13:00 Lecture Hall Summary and Farewell Dino Samartzis (Hong Kong/CN) Hans Jörg Meisel (Halle a. d. Saale/DE) Claudius Thomé (Innsbruck/AT) 23 Poster Exhibition The poster session will not be chaired. However, the presenting author gets the chance to present his poster to an interested audience during the lunch breaks on Thursday, April 9 and Friday, April 10, 2015. 5 Outcome of posterior spinal fixation with pedicle screws and rods system in thoracolumbar spinal fractures Khan Kashif Mahmood (Karachi/PK) 9 An in vivo model for Intervertebral Disc Regeneration Carla Cunha, Sofia Lamas, Mário A. Barbosa (Porto/PT) 10 ACRON cage: A novel cage design and implantation technique for lumbar spinal fusion. Ronald J. Sabitzer (Vienna/AT) 30 Minimally Invasive Oblique Lumbar Interbody Fusion at L25: Benefits and Complications Jin Sung Kim, Kyeong Sik Ryu, Jung Woo Hur, Won Suh Choi (Seoul/KR) 39 The amount of organic phosphates (like DPG) existing in blood is determining factor of mammal’s bulk Ramin Amirmardfar (Tabriz/IR) 42 Could heavy degradable sutures replace metal wires in fixating unstable injuries of the cervical spine in the young pediatric population? Kamal Hamoud, Janan Abbas (Tiberias/IL) 76 Spinal fusion and a conflict of needs ovret time: carbon composite compared to traditional review. Robert Lange, Vittoria Brighenti (Zurich/CH), Paul Fayada (Saint-Pol-sur-Ternoise/FR) Steve Hansen (Fontaine lès-Dijon/FR) 24 FUSION IN Bone in-growth through the Trabecular Metal Material (Artistic Representation) 3-D TM Ardis® Interbody System TM-S Cervical Fusion Device Trabecular Metal Material ™ Helps 3-D bone in-growth throughout the device as a result of its interconnected porous structure. Traditional Material Traditional Material Trabecular Metal Material No bone on-growth or in-growth No bone in-growth and boney on-growth on textured surface only Bone in-growth through the device with textured surface Three-dimensional fusion Trabecular Metal Material is designed for bone in-growth and three-dimensional fusion. Zimmer Spine +33 5 56 00 18 20 © 2015 Zimmer Spine SAS Lit. N° 06.02726.012 - Ed. 01/2015 (Ref: ZS-SA0871) Sponsors, Exhibitors and Media Cooperation Bronze Sponsors Biomet Europe/LANX s.r.l. (Medolla/IT) Depuy Synthes (Norderstedt/DE) DiFusionTechnologies, Inc. (Georgetown, TX/US) Zimmer Spine (Bordeaux/FR) Sponsor of Congress Bags Ziehm Imaging GmbH (Nuremberg/DE) Sponsor of Name Badges and Lanyards Biomet Europe/LANX s.r.l. (Medolla/IT) Sponsor of Poster Exhibition Fehling Instruments GmbH & Co. KG (Karlstein/DE) Exhibitors Aureus Medical GmbH (Munich/DE) Biomet Europe/LANX s.r.l. (Medolla/IT) Depuy Synthes (Norderstedt/DE) DiFUSION Technologies, Inc. (Georgetown, TX/US) Intrinsic Therapeutics (Woburn, MA/US) Königsee Implantate GmbH (Allendorf/DE) Medtronic GmbH (Meerbusch/DE) Ranier Technology Ltd. (Cambridge/GB) RTI Surgical/Tutogen Medical GmbH (Neukirchen a. Brand/DE) Titan Spine Europe (Laichingen/DE) Zimmer Spine (Bordeaux/FR) Media Cooperation BIBA Medicals LDT (London/GB) • “Spinal News” Biermann Verlag (Cologne/DE) • “Orthopädische Nachrichten” Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag GmbH (Cologne/DE) “OUP - Zeitschrift für die orthopädische und unfallchirurgische Praxis” Reflex Verlag GmbH (Berlin/DE) • “Wirbelsäule & Rücken” Thieme Publishers (New York, NY/US) • “Global Spine Journal“ Trillium GmbH (Grafrath/DE) • “Trillium Diagnostik” 26 State at printing 27 28 Social Programme Welcome Reception Right after the exciting panel discussion we would like to invite you to our Welcome Reception with some drinks and snacks within the industrial exhibition. Chatting, relaxing, amusing – Enjoy a networking evening in a relaxed atmosphere! Date Time Location Fee Wednesday, April 8, 2015 from 19:00 hrs © CandyBox Images Fotolia Industrial exhibition (venue) included for participants, accompanying person 15 EUR Social Evening The social evening will take place in the Soho House Berlin that has a long and versatile history. Join us for a memorable evening in the former Politisches Büro, where the GDR Central Committee used to meet. Follow the tracks from former GDR presidents Wilhelm Pieck and Walter Ulbricht and savour delicious meals, have a drink at the circular bar and enjoy the view from the balcony over the Berlin Mitte district. Date Time Location Fee © Soho House Berlin Friday, April 10, 2015 from 19:30 hrs Soho House Berlin Torstrasse 1 10119 Berlin (DE) 75 EUR 29 General Information Registration Registration for the congress is required. Please register online at Registration can also be made via fax or mail. Registration Fees Regular Postgraduate Student* Undergraduate Student* from January 5, 2015 600 EUR 450 EUR 250 EUR Welcome Reception, April 8, 2015 Participant Accompanying Person included 15 EUR Social Evening, April 10, 2015 75 EUR * Please send a confirmation of your status either to, Fax +49 3641 31 16-244 or by mail to Conventus GmbH indicating the keyword: BioSpine 2015 • Carl-Pulfrich-Strasse 1 • 07745 Jena (DE). Payment and Confirmation of Payment An invoice or confirmation of registration will be sent to you via postal or electronic mail within 14 days. This invoice is a valid invoice which may be submitted to the local tax and revenue office. All fees are due upon receipt of invoice/registration confirmation. Payment transfers must include participant’s name and invoice number. Payment is also accepted by credit card (Master-/Eurocard, American Express, VISA). General Terms and Conditions Please find our General Terms and Conditions at Accommodation We reserved a contingent of rooms at special rates in different categories. Further information on accommodation is provided at 30 General Information Travel to Berlin Lufthansa Group Ticket Partner Airlines offer a comprehensive global route network linking major cities around the world. We offer special prices and conditions to participants, visitors, exhibitors, invited guests as well as employees of the contracting partner and their travel companions. To make a reservation, please go to and enter the access code DEZEMGD in the “Access to Your Special Lufthansa Offer” area. This will open an online booking platform that will automatically calculate the discount offered or provide you with an even better offer if another promotional fare is available. NOTE: Pop-ups must be enabled otherwise the booking platform window will not open. These promotional fares are also available through your IATA/ARC travel agent. Travel agents can obtain ticketing instructions by sending an email to and providing the access code as a reference. DB German Rail Event Ticket In cooperation with DB German Rail and Conventus you travel safely and conveniently to the BioSpine 2015. The price for your event ticket of a return trip* to Berlin is: 2nd class 99 EUR (for a defined train connection) 1st class159 EUR (for a defined train connection) 2nd class139 EUR (for all trains) 1st class199 EUR (for all trains) * Changes and reimbursement before the first day of validity are 15 EUR excluded from the first day of validity onwards. Passengers restrict themselves to a particular train and travel times. Please find more detailed information on conditions and booking at 31 General Information Certification The 5th International Congress on Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery (BioSpine) is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME). The congress is being granted with 15 European CME credits (ECMEC). Additionally an application has been made to the Medical Chamber of Berlin. Please remember to sign the list of attendants (with barcode, if required or applicable) at the Check-In. Internet Corner & WIFI Access Vouchers for WIFI can be purchased at the Check-In for 4,95 EUR/24 hrs. Congress Language The congress language is English. 32 General Hints for Authors and Presenters Submitting your Presentation/Technical Information Please prepare your presentation in 4:3 aspect ratio. A presentation notebook with a PDF reader and MS Office PowerPoint 2007 will be provided. The use of personal notebooks is possible upon agreement. However, it may interrupt the flow of the programme in the lecture hall. Please provide an adapter for VGA if necessary. A notebook, presenter and laser pointer are available at the speaker’s podium in the lecture hall. A technical supervisor will help you. Speakers’ Preparation Please submit your presentation to our technical staff in the room where you will have you talk, no later than 90 minutes before the presentation begins. You may view and/or edit your presentation. For submission, please use a USB flash drive. Poster Exhibition Posters should be no larger than DIN A0 portrait format (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm). Poster boards are 120 cm x 150 cm (portrait format). They are only to be used with the designated pins. Poster boards will be numbered. All posters have to be mounted on Thursday, April 9, 2015 until 13:00 hrs and have to be removed by Friday, April 10, 2015 until 17:00 hrs. © 9. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomechanik (DGfB) Biomechanik biologischer Gewebe (Knochen, Knorpel, Bänder, Meniskus, Organe) Biomaterialien, Implantate, Prothesen Tribologie (Prothetik, Knorpel, Meniskus) Biomechanik des Bewegungsapparates und weitere 6.–8. Mai 2015 • Bonn Informationen, Anmeldung und Programm: 33 Index of Authors and Chairs A Abbas, J. Alini, M. Amirmardfar, R. Arts, J. 24 15, 18 24 14 B Barbanti Brodano, G. 11, 13 Barbosa, M. 24 Benneker, L. M. 13 Berlemann, U. 22 Biscevic, M. 15 Bjarke, F. 13 Boyan, B. 11 Brighenti, V. 24 Broekman, M. 12 Bügel, V. 22 C Cai, X.-Y. Choi, W. S. Cunha, C. 22 24 24 D Demir, T. Denaro, V. Didrigkeit, F. 16 10 23 E Emanuel, K. 14 F Fayada, P. Ferrara, L. Franke, J. Frauchiger, D. A. Friedmann, A. G Ganey, T. Gantenbein, B. George, D. C. Göhre, F. Gruber, K. Grunert, P. 34 20, 24 16, 20 13 16 12 15, 18, 20 11, 17 19, 26 14 14 17, 23 H Hamoud, K. 24 Hansen, S. 24 Härtl, R. 10, 15, 22 Hegewald, A. A. 13 Heil, G. S. 21 Heini, P. 17 Helder, M. N. 15, 18 Hohaus, C. 21 Hur, J. W. 24 J Josten, C. Jurák, L. 12 19 K Khan, K. M. Kim, J. S. Koob, T. J. Korb, W. Kosterhon, M. 24 24 22 11 14 L Lamas, S. Lange, R. Le Huec, J.-C. Leimert, M. Leite Pereira, C. Li, Z. 24 24 10, 13 19 16 12 M Mayer, H. M. Meij, B. P. Meisel, H. J. Michnacs, F. Miettinen, S. Müller, S. 15 10, 14 10, 23 18, 19 15 19 P Peroglio, M. Peul, W. C. Pinkernell, K. R Rauschmann, M. Reinhardt, J. Reis, R. L. Rieker, C. Roth, A. Ryabov, S. I. Ryu, K. S. S Sabitzer, R. J. Samartzis, D. Schmocker, A. Schmölz, W. Seeger, J. Segebarth, B. Siegrist, K. Śladowski, D. Stolzing, A. T Teixeira, G. Q. Tekari, A. Thomé, C. Tryfonidou, M. A. Tshiang, J. Turner, S. 14, 16 10, 15, 20 19 17, 20 19 10, 20 16 12 12 24 24 10, 13, 14 15, 23 16 13 21 11 11 19 12 17 17 21, 23 11, 12 15, 18 22 11 N Neidlinger-Wilke, C. 16, 17 V Vadalà, G. 14, 15, 18 Velnar, T. 22 Vergroesen, P.-P. A. 14, 16 Vorsic, M. 19 O Ogon, M. W Wilke, H.-J. 17, 20, 22, 23 18 gh we er Str. platz -B ran dt- Hugo- PreußBrücke ufer e Ad Allee Marien str. Str. theen- Ziegel- Johannis- str. ustAu g Universitäts- Ha m bu rg str. Oranienburger Str. Kl . str. der h rö Sc Nördl. M onbijoub Hegel- str. Platz der März-Festu revol. gra Am tr. Bauhofs . str Airport Schönefeld platz Friedrichstr. DorotheaSchlegel-Pl. Georgen- Neustädtische D str. Oranienburger Tor rge r str. Platz str. BertoltEbertsbrücke . r Br Brecht-Platz mm me Weidendamm Am am da idend Am We er uf us rschallbrücke Re i chs Ma tagFriedrichEbert- str. Am str. eClair ff-Str. o Wald LinienOra nien bu Plan ck- Allee A.-Schreiber-Krieger-Str. Str. str. ck- str. Oranien- TorStr. burger Tor Tie lge hle Sc Naturkundemuseum LangenbeckVirchow-Haus r. pst ilip Ph Z choll-Str. 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Wilhelm Heinrich-vonGagern-Str. . © Bezirksamt Mitte von Berlin, Stadtentwicklungsamt – Kataster und Vermessung 35 BioSpine International Congress Biotechnologies for Spinal Surgery © Sergey Novikov •
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