2015 Waksman Student Scholars Program (WSSP) High School Endorsement of the Academic Year Participation in the WSSP by Master Teachers who have participated in the WSSP Research Project for Three or More Years NAME ____________________________________________________DATE __________________________ SCHOOL NAME___________________________________________________________________________ SCHOOL ADDRESS________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE_____________________________________________________ZIP______________________ SCHOOL PHONE_________________________________E-MAIL (school)__________________________ PRINCIPAL’S NAME_______________________________________________________________________ SCIENCE SUPERVISOR’S NAME ___________________________________________________________ REQUIREMENTS: • schools agree to provide teachers with facilities and a secure work area so that your students can conduct the research during the academic year. • schools agree to support the research by providing direct, ready access to computers and communications technology, including communications software and Internet access. • schools agree to support your work and that of your students by offering a research course or an official club in conjunction with the project during the 2015 – 2016 academic year. Preference for involvement in academic year laboratory activities will be given to those schools that provide this support. • your participation with your students in after school, academic year follow up meetings (a minimum of six meetings, which are scheduled in advance) at the Waksman Institute. ENDORSEMENT OF YOUR SCHOOL’S CONTINUED PARTICIPATION IN THE 2015 WSSP DURING THE 2015-2016 ACADEMIC YEAR: Please have your school principal and/or science supervisor support your school's continued participation in the 20152016 WSSP during the academic year by signing below: I acknowledge and support our school ___________________________________________________________ High School Name (please print) continued participation in the Waksman Student Scholars Program (WSSP) during the 2015-2016 academic year. I understand that if selected our school will participate in all academic year activities. _____________________________________________________________ TEACHER SIGNATURE ____________________________ DATE _____________________________________________________________ SCIENCE SUPERVISOR/PRINCIPAL SIGNATURE ____________________________ DATE Page 2 TEACHER NAME _________________________________________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE_____________________________________________________ZIP______________________ HOME PHONE___________________________________E-MAIL (personal) ________________________ To help us prepare for the 2015-2016 academic year project, we are asking each Master Teacher to provide us with some information about how they plan to conduct the research back at their high school beginning in September, 2015. This will help us when ordering materials and supplies, and to accommodate, as best we can, your requests to borrow equipment from the Biology Equipment Lending Library (BELL). Please approximate at this time and provide the following information: 1. (circle) Format of the 2015 WSSP academic year program: Class Club Other_______________ 2. Approximate number of students:_______________________ 3. (circle) When will you be conducting the wet laboratory experiments that are part of the 2015 WSSP academic year program? Fall, 2015 Spring, 2016 4. (circle) If needed, when will you need to borrow equipment from the BELL during the 2015 WSSP academic year program? Fall, 2015 Spring, 2016 5. Do you anticipate any changes in your request to borrow equipment from previous years (i.e., your school has purchased equipment for you to use with the project or you have acquired donated equipment that you will use, so you will not need to borrow this/these items)? _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. (circle) When will your students be conducting the bioinformatic analyses on DSAP that is part of the 2015 WSSP academic year program? Fall, 2015 Spring, 2016 7. Other comments, questions or concerns? Please return this to Sue Coletta by Friday, March 13, 2015 (electronically, fax, or USPS). Your students will be notified of their selection in the 2015 summer Institute and/or you will be notified of our intention to work with you and your school during the 2015-2016 WSSP academic year after we receive this completed, signed form. Sue Coletta Rutgers Waksman Institute 190 Frelinghuysen Road Piscataway, NJ 08854 coletta@waksman.rutgers.edu FAX: (732) 445 - 5735
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