Spring 2013 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Sardis Soto’s Story By: Sardis Soto, learner Story: Norielit Lara 2 Story: Vicente Olguin 3 Story: Nieves Bello 3 Volunteer Appreciation 4 Article: Sarah Ramirez 5 Activity: Reading and 5 Discussion Disney on Ice 6 Activity: Dictation 6 Activity: Crossword 7 Puzzle Music is something very important to me. Every cell of my body is full of music. changed throughout. There was no more music. I started to work, to take care of my thinking about music. Fortunately, my daughter is grown, she is in the Air Force and I’m trying to improve my English. At the same time, I’m studying cello, and I am working in a factory. It is really hard, but it is possible. I can say that music is a worthwhile gift. My father loves music too. He helped me to study music when I was young. For a long time I studied music, theory, violin, and voice. I played and sang in my country for many years. Sardis and her tutor, Leigh Eicke, have been working together since June 2012. For many reasons, I came to the USA 11 years ago. It was a hard time for me. My life daughter, and to try to learn English too, but always I was I’m so happy I found the Literacy Center. I want to say thank you so much to all tutors. They are working together with the Literacy Center. They give their time to help others. That is so marvelous. Thanks, thanks, a thousand times thanks. Recipe for Shrimp Ceviche By: Mirna Lopez, learner Ingredients needed: Do you have a friend, neighbor, or family member who would like help with their reading and/or English skills? Encourage him/her to contact the Literacy Center for tutoring or English classes. The Literacy Center has New Learner Orientations monthly and anyone interested in improving their literacy skills is invited to attend. Please call 616459-5151 to sign up for an orientation. 1 Pound of uncooked shrimp (no shells) 5 Limes 1 Avocado 3 tomatoes 1 onion (medium) 1 bunch of cilantro 2 cans of V8 juice (5.5 oz cans) (163ml total) ½ tsp salt or to taste First wash the shrimp. Cut the shrimp in pieces, about 1 inch size. Put the shrimp in a plastic or glass bowl. Then squeeze 2 or 3 limes over the shrimp. Leave them for 15 to 20 minutes. Mirna and her tutor, John MacKeigan, have been working together since May 2011. Cut tomatoes into little pieces. Place the diced tomatoes in another bowl. Cut the onion in small pieces and add to the tomatoes. Chop the cilantro in small pieces adding ½ cup to the bowl and mix with tomatoes and onions. Add the shrimp to the mixture. Add salt to taste, approximately ½ tsp. Squeeze 2 limes in the mixture. Pour V8 juice into mixture and combine. Cut the avocado in small squares and add. Slowly mix together. Serve with crackers or tortilla chips. Serves 5-6 people. Spring 2013 Page 2 A Trip I Took to Mexico By: Norielit Lara, learner I’m Norielit from Mexico. I came here awhile ago. I went to visit my family 3 years ago. It was really fun. We had to take three flights. The first was Grand Rapids to Detroit. My kids were so excited. It was the first flight they ever had. We arrived to Grand Rapids Airport around 5:00 am. My friend dropped me and my two boys, Christian was only two years old and Jotran seven. I was carrying my four suitcases and my little one. Fortunately someone who work there helped me with all my suitcases while I check in with my passport and my flights tickets. After then they weighed my suitcases and I was over. But I had one suitcase with not much in, so I changed things. After then, we went to the security gate and went to the waiting room. We were there for over an hour. I asked my kids if they wanted something to eat, and they said no. After waiting we board the plane, and I had to check my carry-on, because the plane didn't have much space for luggage. We flew for about half hour to get Detroit. When we got Detroit we had to wait for my suitcase in the tunnel, and it was really cold in there. We have to wait about 20 minutes and we only have 45 minutes to board the next flight. I was worried, because I two coats and one little boy, I was so tired. After then, I found the gate and waited a little for my flight. When we board the plane, we waited a long time before taking off, because they had to wash the snow off the plane. After that, the Norielit and her tutor, Jennifer Griffith, have been working together since August 2012. Jennifer, Norielit, and her daughter, Yaretziat the Literacy Center’s Disney on Ice event. thought I would miss my connection to Monterrey. When I finally got my suitcase, my boys and I had to run. We went down stairs to a tunnel, through the tunnel and then up the stairs. And I walked long carrying my suitcase, plane took off. We were very excited to go after a long wait. My kids slept for a while, I didn't. When they woke up, they were very hungry, I didn't have any snacks. A lady sitting in front us had lunch for her kids. My kids just watched the others kids eating, and my boys said, "we want something." I was expecting the airplane to have lunch and they didn't have any. After another long wait, we had some little snack. It wasn't enough for a long time. After 3 1/2 hours we landed in Monterrey, Mexico, I was very happy to be back in my country. When we arrived, we were very hungry so we had to find something to eat, but the problem was we didn't have Mexican money. We had to find a place to exchange the money. Finally we found it. And we found sandwiches to eat. Then, we had to wait 2 hours for the next flight. After two hours we took our last flight Monterrey to Guadalajara. We were finally there. Then we had to find our suitcases. My mom and my sister were waiting for us, we were very happy to see them. After much waiting, we traveled another 3 hours by car to get my mom's house. On the way home, Jotran and my mom made jokes. After a day of grand adventure, we were in Mexico for six weeks. Tutoring Tip: Language Experience Stories A good way to find reading materials that are relevant to your learner's life is to have him/her dictate stories to you. This is known as the language experience approach. The story can be factual or fiction. It can be one line or pages long. What is important is that the person recording the story writes exactly what is said. By writing what is said, the student can see and hear the words. This sight/sound relationship is basic to effective reading. After the dictation, the story can be read and re-read by both the learner and the tutor. Words and sentences can be extracted for more concentrated practice. These stories can be collected in a portfolio and/or as part of a book. Extracted from http://www.floridaliteracy.org/teacher/LanguageExperienceStories.asp The Reader Page 3 My Thanksgiving Vacation By: Vicente Olguin, learner This is my favorite time of year. Thanksgiving starts off a wonderful time of family and friends coming together. I got off of work on Wednesday and had the next two days off. My wife purchased a 16 lb turkey. It was a big turkey for our family of three, but we thought maybe some friends or family may come over for dinner. My wife asked me to take the turkey out of the freezer Wednesday morning to defrost. We awoke early Thursday morning, we washed and added spices to the turkey, waiting about four Vicente and his tutor, Sue Gladstone, have been working together since October 2011. hours and stuffed the inside of the turkey with vegetables, small red potatoes and carrots. We put the turkey in the oven by 10:00 AM. It was done by 1:00 pm, it was very moist and good. My wife also made green bean casserole, rolls, mashed potatoes and gravy and we also had cranberry sauce. We bought three deserts at the store. We had cheesecake, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. At dinnertime we gathered together and gave thanks to God for the many blessings he has given to use and loved ones. After eating I played with my 10 year old son Joel and relaxed the rest of weekend. I had a great Thanksgiving vacation. My Biography By: Nieves Bello, learner My name is Nieves, I am 34 years old, born on July 15, 1978 in Altotonga, Veracruz, Mexico. My parents are Desiderio and Guillermina. I have two brothers Enrique and Berenice, they are now living in Veracruz. I studied 12 years in Altotonga and then continued my studies in a small ranch, where there was not electricity, cars and enough water. The climate was hot and there is coffee, lemons, oranges, mangos, avocados, peppers, tomatoes, corn, papaya, banana, guava, peach, blackberry, beans, etc. It was very difficult for me and my family to adapt to the place and climate. The means of transport were horses or walking for 3-4 hours to reach the school to continue my studies, but, I could not continue studying because of lack of money. Nieves and her tutor, Susan Stefanski, have been working together since May 2012. nearest town to buy basics or to go to the doctor. In 1990-1992 I went back to In 1998 I returned to high school to graduate, but it was difficult to learn Eng- lish. When I was 23 I had my first child, Diego. In 2004, I decided to come to Michigan to work. In 2007, my second child was born, Brayan then in 2008, my third child was born, Gerard. Brayan is now 6 years, and Gerard is 5 years old they are studying in school. Now I am learning English with my tutor Susan from the Literacy Center. To me it’s very, very difficult to speak and understand English, because the vocabulary and sounds are different. I am very grateful and happy to have someone who is interested in my learning and I want to thank you for your patience, teacher Susan, for your time and support In my English class. I learned a lot with you. Idiom Practice: What does “In a pickle” mean? Daniel is in a pickle. His car won’t start and he has to be to work in 15 minutes. The Reader Page 4 National Volunteer Week April 21-27 The Adult Tutoring Program would like to thank all of our tutors for improving our community through literacy and helping adult learners achieve their dreams. Adrienne Alexander Sharon Cole Karla Heuker William McKee Joe Schmidt Linda Alkire Peter Conrad Joseph Hogan Jamie McQuaid Nancy Scudder Charlotte Amberger Auri Cooper Robert Hollins Brenda Merizon Mark Sheeres Theodore Andrews Lindsey Corso Nancy Hollowell CyntheAnne Meseke Mary Sherman Alice Apol Catherine Curtis Roberta Horton Jennifer Meyer Sheri Shimmel Susan Arnold Mary DeGroot David Howard Grace Miller Abigayle Sloan Russell Baker Linda DeKock Stephanie Hurst Sue Miller Julianne Smith Marla Baldwin Jeannine DeVries Anmarie James Kelly Mix Ron Smith Linda Barar Jessica DeVries William Karpowicz Jennifer Molyneaux Anthony Spyker Peggy Barding Tom Dooley Ed Kavalhuna Amatullah Moria Julie Squillante Nora Barkey Michelle Downer Mary Kennedy Ellen Mork Susan Stefanski Ruth Baron Jerry Duba Tracy Kenney Dan Morris Diana Stevers Pat Bartlett Jill Dubridge Muneeba Khan Gosia Morris Jan Stone Alice Beery Nancy Duiven Susan Kieda Scott Morton Joan Stover Patricia Belanger E. Diane Eddy Martha Kissell Bonnie Negen Ronald Strauss Gina Bivins Leigh Eicke Susan Klco Kathy Nelson John Sullivan Denise Blumberg Janis Ellis Linda Koivisto Dave Newton Dale Svihl Viola Bogard Bill Essling Jack Kok Joseph Oettinger Natalie Tassell Faith Bogdanik Beth Evans Kathleen Kovach Roberta Oettinger Gregory Terry Karin Bogush Matthew Evans Matthew Kraker Mike O'Mara Marilyn Titche Christine Bonnema Evelyn Fitch Doris Kuipers Michaela Paparella Monica Tomaszewski Linda Booth Laura Folske Cindy Laforest Jim Peterson Jennifer Tompkins Cynthia Boots Wayne Fowler Virginia LaGrand Jennifer Petryk Amy Tran Sherrie Bothee Karen Francois Linda Lake Mary Pitsch Penny Urbanski Candace Bourzac Charles Gallmeyer Kay Landrum Ed Potterack Julie Walwyn-Tross Susan Brems Jeri Galloway JJ Lindke Jessica Rabideau Mark Wharton Mary Brillhart Lou George Don Lobelle Jeffery Rees Cynthia Will Deb Brink James Gillard Eric Luckenbaugh Roberta Rice Don Williams Marcia Brinks Marilyn Gillem John MacKeigan Mary Richardson Barbara Wismer Lynn Brooks Susan Gladstone Nicholas Macksood Valerie Richardson Kay Wobma Duane Brummel Gail Glocheski Carol Mallow Elaine Rietema Nelson Wood Dwight Burch Jane Gray Gail Mancewicz Abby Riske Luanne Wybenga Shirley Burnham Jennifer Griffith John Marston Mary Rodenburg Ana Yonkers Mary Jo Burpee David Hannah Ann Matchinsky Gabriel Rodriguez Chris Young James Carpenter Duane Harriman Judy Mate' Marni Rose Robert Zeeff John Carruthers Mary Hartwick Lesley Mayer Myra Rudy Megan Zimmer Ernest Cascini Susan Hengstebeck Michael McCarty Susan Sandberg Thomas Zubel Terri Ciosek Christine Hernandez Susan McFarland Kathryn Saukas Tom Zyskowski Nancy Zywicki The Reader Page 5 Welcome Sarah Ramirez The Adult Tutoring Program is excited to introduce new Literacy Assistant, Sarah Ramirez! Sarah attended Caledonia high school, and is a graduate of Grand Valley State University, holding a bachelor’s degree in English Language and Literature. Her biggest passion is helping those who want to learn to achieve their goals. She has recently worked as a substitute teacher, teaching Spanish at the high school level. She enjoys helping people to learn a new language and get excited about expanding their world views. She is excited to help those who are seeking to improve their literacy skills to achieve success, because she believes that literacy helps promote self-efficacy and encourages participation in the community. In her free time, Sarah enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with her young son, Javier. Sarah is bilingual in Spanish and English and is available to assist tutors and learners with Spanish and English communication. Sarah can be contacted at (616) 459-5151x25. Sarah habla español y puede contactado en 459-5151x20. ser Activity: Reading and Discussion Below is the full text for reading and dictation. Read the story together and discuss. Next, go to page 6 for the dictation activity. People need exercise for good health. Walking is very good exercise. If you walk 10,000 steps every day, that is very good for your heart. 10,000 steps is about 5 miles. Some people walk a lot when they do their job. They exercise while they are working. Some people don’t walk at work. They sit at a desk, answer the telephone, and use a computer. They work hard, but they don’t walk. How many steps do you walk every day? You can wear a pedometer to count your steps. It is interesting to see the answer. But you don’t have to wear a pedometer to get healthy. You can try to walk more every day. If you walk 30 minutes every day, you will soon be healthier. Discussion 1. Do you walk at work? 2. Do you walk to school? 3. What can people do to walk more steps? 4. Do you like to walk outside? Why or why not? 5. Where can people go to walk in your neighborhood? This activity was extracted from Hands-on English, Vol. 16, No. 5 pg 10 Publish your work in The Reader We are now accepting learner submissions including, but not limited to personal stories, fictional writing, and recipes. Tutors are welcome to share success stories as well. Submit your writing to Valerie or your Literacy Coordinator by June 12, 2013 vemmenecker@literacycenterwm.org This activity was extracted from Hands-on English, Vol. x, No. x pg x The Reader Page 6 The Adult Tutoring Program would like to thank Feld Entertainment and Disney on Ice for sponsoring Family Fun Night and donating 100 tickets for Disney on Ice to Literacy Center learner and tutor families. Activity: Dictation Directions: Once you have read the text on page 5 together, try the dictation activity below. Tutors, read the story on page 5 at a fairly natural speed while your learner fills in the paragraph below. You can pause as long as you like between sentences while your learner writes. You can repeat the whole sentence if necessary. People need exercise for _______________health. _______________ is very good exercise. If you walk _______________ steps every _______________, that is very ________________ for your heart. 10,000 steps is about _______________ miles. Some people _______________ a lot when they do their _______________. They exercise while they are _______________. Some people don’t walk at _______________. They sit at a desk, answer the _______________, and use a computer. They work hard, but they don’t _______________. How many _______________ do you walk every _______________? You can wear a pedometer to count your ______________. It is interesting to see the _______________. But you _______________ have to wear a pedometer to get healthy. You can try to _______________ more every _______________. If you walk _______________ minutes every day, you will soon be healthier. This activity was extracted from Hands-on English, Vol. 16, No. 5 pg 11 The Reader Page 7 Activity: Crossword Puzzle Word list: after couldn’t day every exercise good home many minutes more pounds school sit walk walking watch week work Down clues 1. Two months ago I _____ walk very far. So I started walking a little bit every day. Now I can walk for a long time without getting tired. I’m getting fit! 2. If you exercise _____ day, you will feel better and get healthier. Some people say you will live longer, too. 3. “Do you get any exercise at work?” “No, I have to _____ all day. But when I go to lunch, I take the stairs instead of the elevator.” 4. If you exercise _____, you will burn more calories. This helps you to lose weight. 5. “My nephew plays sports at _____ and on the weekends he goes running in the park.” “Oh, he must be very fit!” “Yes, he is.” 10. I like to go for a walk _____ dinner with my husband. We do this every evening, if the weather is okay. 11. “Where do you go to exercise?” “I like to exercise at _____.” “You don’t go outside?” “No, I do my exercise inside.” 12. I would like to exercise more, but I’m too busy. I have to _____ and take care of my family. 13. “What kind of exercise do you do?” “I don’t exercise. Usually I feel too tired.” “Why don’t you walk with me in the morning?” “Okay, that’s a _____ idea.” Across clues 2. Some people like to lift weights for _____. It’s hard to work but it helps you get stronger muscles. 4. People should exercise at least 30 _____ daily. That is good for your health. 6. “Do you exercise every _____?” “No, but I play soccer with some friends on the weekend.” 7. My teacher told me she’s taking a yoga class. She goes two days a _____. She enjoys it. 8. “My cousin is a little bit overweight. She would like to lose about 10 _____.” “She should exercise more!” 9. “Do you want to go to the gym with me for some exercise?” “No, thanks. I’ll stay here and _____ TV. I’m feeling lazy today.” 12. Jogging is faster than _____ but slower than running. Some people like to do this for exercise. 14. “How _____ steps do you walk every day?” “I don’t know. I don’t have a pedometer.” 15. Some people _____ to school every day instead of driving or taking the bus. That’s good exercise. This activity was extracted from Hands-on English, Vol. 16, No. 5 pg 6 NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 1243 Grand Rapids, MI Literacy Center of West Michigan 1120 Monroe Ave. NW, Ste. 240 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 Upcoming Tutor Orientations for prospective tutors Susan Ledy President/CEO Angela Steele Adult Tutoring Program Director Chris Belding Literacy Coordinator Valerie Emmenecker Literacy Coordinator Colleen Blaszak Family Literacy Coordinator Nancy VanIngen Program Assistant Sarah Ramirez Literacy Assistant 616.459.5151 info@literacycenterwm.org We are always in need of new tutors! Please invite your friends and family to our one hour information session to learn about becoming a tutor. All orientations are 6:30pm-7:30pm at the Literacy Center of West Michigan. Call 459-5151 to RSVP. Thursday, April 4 Wednesday, April 10 Monday, May 6 Tuesday, May 14 Thursday, June 6 Wednesday, June 12
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