214 Parklands Boulevard, Meridan Plains QLD 4551 Website: http://meridansc.eq.edu.au/ Email: enquiry@meridansc.eq.edu.au Phone: (07) 5490 2666 Fax: (07) 5490 2600 Subscribe to Online Newsletter! http://meridansc.schoolzinenewsletters.com/subscribe 19 February 2015 College Report A MESSAGE FROM THE COLLEGE DIRECTOR & PRINCIPALS Dear Parents and Carers Dear Meridan College Community, in Julie’s absence until Monday the 23 February, I will continue as Acting College Director. Mark Seijbel will continue as Acting Junior Secondary Principal and Barry Wallett Acting Deputy Principal. It is a pleasure to experience College life from a different perspective and see what it is like to lead the diversity of a Prep – Year 12 context. PARENT PARTNERSHIP AFTERNOONS AND NIGHT Thank you to all of our wonderful parents who were able to attend our Parent Partnership afternoons in the Primary school and the night time event on the Secondary campus. Please continue to keep in touch with your children’s teachers throughout the year and share in the joy of learning. normal on Wednesday mornings at 9.00am and the evening meetings will be on Wednesday evenings at 7.00pm, also in the Rainforest Retreat. These meetings are informative, enjoyable and short (usually not much more than an hour) so please come along, learn the latest of what’s happening at your children’s school and meet other parents. We are hoping many parents are able to attend and look forward to welcoming new families to the school. ANNUAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (AIP) Our AIP for 2015 will be submitted before the end of the month and subsequently up loaded onto or website. In summary our four goals include: 1. Improve student learning outcomes 2. Enhance parent, engagement. community partnerships and 3. Alignment of curriculum Prep – Year 12. 4. Enact pedagogical framework to enhance quality of teaching. Regards Fiona & the Exec Team COLLEGE TOURS We would love to show you around our awesome campus and showcase the facilities your children enjoy every day. If you would like to book a College Tour please contact our Executive Office staff. Tours are conducted once a month on a Wednesday at 10.00am. SWIMMING CARNIVALS Each year our talented Health and Physical Education staff and our dedicated classroom teacher’s work together to run fantastic swimming carnivals for our students. Well done to all involved. February is an exciting month for our swimming stars at Meridan! P&C MEETING As Julie mentioned in the last newsletter, this year we are trialling a new schedule and while the P&C meetings will still be held on the second Wednesday of each month, we will alternate morning and evening meetings to allow all parents the opportunity to attend. The morning meetings will be held as Sue Esposito Julie Kornmann Principal – Primary College School Director Fiona Free Principal – Junior Secondary School 214 Parklands Boulevard Meridan Plains Qld 4551 Postal: PO Box 3908 Caloundra DC Qld 4551 Ph.: 07 5490 2666 Fax: 07 5490 2600 Junior Secondary School Fax: 5490 2667 Leasa Smith Principal – Senior Secondary School Senior Secondary School Fax: 5490 2788 Client Services Fax: 5490 2602 Email: admin@meridansc.eq.edu.au Website: www.meridansc.eq.edu.au pm Tuesday Year 4 – Year 6 Week 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 (Term 1) 2.00 pm Friday Year 7 – 9 (Mentor – Junior Secondary School) 8:45 am College Director: Julie Kornmann Primary School Principal: Susan Esposito Junior Secondary School Principal: Fiona Free Senior Secondary School Principal: Leasa Smith Primary School Deputy Principal: Lisa Cutter, Amanda White, Charmaine Cowling & Jenny Fietz (Acting Deputy) Junior Secondary/Senior Secondary School Deputy Principal: Glenn McIntosh, Mark Seijbel & Natasha Wicks Business Service Managers: Shannan Gniel & Di Hurst STUDENT ABSENCE LINES P&C ASSOCIATION I trust you’ve settled into the rhythm of school life well. It is certainly a busy College. President: Tim Burns Vice President: Rebecca Young Secretary: Kendall Morton Treasurer: Alex Cottrell The P&C meets the second Wednesday of each month at 9.00am in the Rainforest Retreat. EXECUTIVE CENTRE OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 8.00am – 3.30pm CLIENT SERVICES Primary School Prep – Year 6 5490 2660 Junior & Senior Secondary School Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 5490 2799 Primary, Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary – Absences via text message 0427 177 067 (Note that this number is capable of texts only, you are unable to phone in absences on this number.) P&C NEWS Thanks so much to all the parents who turned up for last night’s P&C meeting. It was great having your voices as part of the process. I look forward to more of that this year. One area that we are working on getting organised is that of the school festival. The twilight festival will be held on Friday 4 September. We think it will be a great night. BUT we need as much support and help as possible to make it so. Please seriously consider how you can be involved in what promises to be a great event. Monday to Friday 8.00am – 3.15pm Lastly, please remember that the AGM for our P&C will be held on Wednesday 11 March at 7.00pm in the Rainforest Retreat. JUNIOR SECONDARY AND SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS You can contact the pandc@meridansc.eq.edu.au Monday to Friday 8.15am – 3.15pm CASHIER OFFICE HOURS P&C anytime on Who we are and how we act and react is what will continue to make Meridan great. Thanks for playing your part. Monday – Friday 8.00am –12.00pm Please Note: The minimum amount for a credit card transaction is $10.00 UNIFORM SHOP HOURS Monday, Wednesday & Friday 8.00am – 10.30am PRE-LOVED UNIFORM SHOP Thursday: 2.00pm – 3.30pm Friday: 8.30am – 10.00am Situated in the Old Tuckshop in the large primary undercover area Tim Burns P&C President Meridan State College WHOLE COLLEGE NEWS FINANCE NEWS RAINFOREST CAFÉ STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME Open Monday – Friday Overseen by the P&C Executive Committee Thank you to all parents who have made payment or instalment payments towards the Student Resource Scheme in 2015. Ph: 5490 2668 Fax: 5490 2669 By now parents will have made the second instalment payment for the Student Resource Scheme for students in Years Prep to 12. Subject user pays fees for Year 9 to 12 are being invoiced this week with the due date for payment being Friday 20 March. ASSEMBLY Monday Year 7 – 9 (Community – Junior Secondary) 8.45 am Monday Year 10 - 12 (Senior Secondary School) 8.45 am Tuesday Prep – Year 3 Week 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 (Term 1) 2.00 2 The final instalment due date for the Student Resource Scheme for students in Prep to Year 12 is Friday 1 May. Families in financial difficulty can negotiate an Individual Payment Plan in writing with the College, with final payment due by the end of Term 3 2015. Taylor on Fridays also in the Senior Music Centre. Mrs Taylor will also continue to teach all Secondary string students on Thursdays. For new students enrolling during the school year, payment is required upon enrolment. All lessons for Term 1 started last week and rehearsals will commence next week for all performance groups. RECEIPTS String Rehearsal Times for 2015 are as follows – Students and parents paying fees at the Cashier window are issued with a receipt at the time of payment. • Corelli Strings (Senior School students) Thursday 26/ 2/2015 7.30am For those parents paying via online bank deposit or credit card over the phone, if a receipt is required please email our cashier at accountsreceivable@meridansc.eq.edu.au with details of the payment you have just made. • Vivaldi Strings (Junior School students) Friday 27/2/ 2015 7.50am 2015 PARENT PARTNERSHIPS EVENING Thank you to all parents and guardians who attended the Parent Partnerships Evening on Tuesday 10 February. It was a great success. From a Community Leaders perspective it was great to meet so many parents and have the opportunity to discuss individual students. 2015 will be even more successful knowing that relationships between parents, community leaders, teachers and students are that much stronger after the event. It really is positive to have so many supportive parents and guardians show their interest in their student’s education. As we all share a common goal for your child’s success I know that 2015 will be a great year. If you have any queries please feel free to contact your child’s teacher at the school by phone or email Mrs Kate Taylor ktayl196@eq.edu.au or Mr Scullett-Dean sscul2@eq.edu.au . If you are new to our College and your child already plays a stringed instrument, please let us know and we will be happy to include them in the program. Kate Taylor Senior Music Teacher – Strings PRIMARY SCHOOL NEWS MESSAGE FROM THE PRIMARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Dear Parents and Carers Hayley Sinclair Rafter Community Leader CROSSING SAFETY Since the new lights have been installed at the corner of Sunset and Parklands Boulevards, the Crossing Supervisors have been concerned with the number of school parents who are cueing over the crossing. To assist with the safety of our students, please read the attached documents. To ensure the safety of our students, the College expectation is that students walk their bikes/scooters across all crossings. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC - STRINGS It has been a very busy start so far for the College with approximately 90 students now participating in the string program in 2015, which is fabulous! We welcome new string teacher Mr Stuart Scullett–Dean to the College, he will be teaching all this year and last year’s Primary beginners. First and second year students will have their lessons on Fridays in the Senior Music Centre. All other Primary string students will continue their lessons with Mrs Kate SWIMMING CARNIVAL The Year 4-6 students had a brilliant successful Swimming Carnival. The students’ sportsmanship and behaviour was magnificent. Thank you to Shane Will and his team for a smoothly run event. It is so nice to have parent’s feedback and it was very positive. On assembly last week students were presented with ribbons and medals for the different age events. This Tuesday 17 February we had several Meridan students representing the College at the District competition. They came back with plenty of stories and memories. PARENT PARTNERSHIP AFTERNOON These have been run over the last two weeks and have been extremely well attended. The information that was imparted was to assist you in helping you to support your child at home with Literacy and Numeracy. It also provided an overview of the concepts teachers will cover with your child from the Australian curriculum this term. A power point that covers these points will be available soon on the College website. A handout was provided to all students regardless whether parents attended or not. 3 STUDENT RESOURCE SCHEME (SRS) Stars of the Week Please contact Client Services Finance department if you still have to set up a plan for the SRS. If this hasn’t been finalised it will affect your child’s access to Reading Eggs and Mathletics online programs, Athletic and Cross Country Carnivals as well as home readers. You will also be required to purchase a number of items from a list they can access via the website or by requesting the list from the Finance department. Another wonderful week of students demonstrating amazing skills, whether it is academically, socially or physically. As teachers, it is always difficult to pick just one…. CONGRATULATIONS!! HEALTH If your child is anaphylactic, diabetic or has severe epilepsy they will require a health plan that outlines for staff what to do in case of emergency. If you haven’t provided a plan, medication or Epipen to Client Services please contact them as a matter of urgency. Students who are identified as asthmatic will receive a letter soon that requests they gain a signed form from their doctor to allow their child to use a puffer at school. It will also ask you to identify whether you wish your child to still be on our chronic, complex asthmatic list. We are trying to update our records and ensure they have only current chronic, complex asthma. Week 3 – Tuesday 10 February 2015 Year 4 – Year 6 Year 5 – Connor W. 5N, Briarnn F. 5N, Madison L. 5P, Haylee J. 5B, Jack H. 5MC, Jacob C. 5S, Ella S. 5MK, Anna N. 5MK, Varsh S. 5P, Max M. 5B, Carly O. 5MC, Caitlyn W. 5S, Jaitely J. 5MK Year 6 – Alivia R. 6SB, Clayton V. 6SB, Emma R. 6MK, Callan C. 6B, Harrison G. 6MK, Tye J. 6M, Caitlin R. 6C, Lilliana F. 6B, Chloe-Tyler. G, 6W, Fletcher Q. 6L, Lateisha A. 6MC, Patrick S. 6MC, Katia R. 6L Week 4 – Tuesday 17 February 2015 LATE ARRIVALS Prep – Year 3 There are students who are arriving at Client services without a parent or a note explaining why they are late. Prep – Chloe W. PC, Bailey J. PC, Chayse M. PF, Paige B. PF, Flynn S. PB, Sophia L. PB, Ethan T. PA, Clayton S. PA, Jasper E. PH, Kyannah C. PH, Jack M. PS, Hannah S. PS Could you please provide a reason face to face to Sandy Carr at Client Services or via a note or email to scarr121@eq.edu.au . Thank you for supporting us in our drive to promote “Everyday Counts”. If a student is regularly late for school (15 mins daily) this could add up to nearly two weeks of important learning time lost over the year. BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL Students who are meeting their siblings from the Secondary campus need to walk over the rainforest boardwalk and wait at the end of the boardwalk near the toilet block at the front of the Secondary Campus. All Primary students who catch a bus must do this from the Primary campus. There should be no Primary students catching buses from the Secondary campus. Please support us in giving your child this message. Also it has concerned me on the number of Primary students at the skate park in the morning around 7am and in the evening at 6pm unsupervised. It is so important to know where your child is as we also had reports of very young students playing in the drains at the new development recently before school. This could be extremely dangerous if we have extreme rainfall. Year 1 – Leo B. 1MJ, Kecua H. 1M, Indigo H. 1R, Zafirah B. 1KP, Khan N. 1KP, Lilly-Anne C. 1P, Chase B. 1P, Austin E. 1PG, Lily R. 1PG Year 2 – Summer M. 2HL, Kane B. 2HL, Sammy B. 2LM, Luca G. 2LM, Charli G. 2G, Ella M. 2G, Maya C. 2LS, Kaiden W. 2HR, Isable T. 2HK, Connor J. 2LS, Evie R. 2B, Harrison M, 2B Year 3 – Emily M. 3NJ, Sophie B. 3N, Tommy B. 3B, Akynlah B. 3B, Mia J. 3P, Charlotte B. 3C, Aidan S. 3G, Elle C. 3H, Daniel S. 3H, Lachlan A. 3L, Jasmine M. 3L SCHOOL BANKING A representative from the Commonwealth Bank will be coming to the College for a sign on outside Client Services on Thursday 26 February and Friday 27 February from 8.00am to 9.15am. By signing on and joining school banking, you also help raise money for the school. Rewards are given for every 10th bank (you can choose from 2 or 3 options). Your child will also receive a certificate once 10 bank deposits have been made. WONDERING ABOUT WEES AND PONDERING POOS - FREE PARENT INFORMATION WORKSHOPS These community-based information workshops are aimed at parents or carers with children aged 5 or over who are having bowel or bladder difficulties. Sue Esposito Principal – Primary School 4 JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL NEWS MESSAGE FROM THE JUNIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Dear Parents and Carers PARENT PARTNERSHIP EVENING It was wonderful to see so many parents in attendance at our Junior Secondary Parent Partnership Evening last Tuesday 10 February. This event gave parents of our Year 7, 8 and 9 students the opportunity to meet our Heads of Department and to learn a little more about the subjects students will study this year. Our Community Leaders were also introduced and they discussed our organisational structure and outlined the support provided to student within the Junior Secondary School. Class teachers were also introduced and in most cases were on hand to meet parents and answer questions about our curriculum. If you were unable to attend the Parent Partnership Evening I encourage you to make contact with your child’s Community Leader and/or Core Teachers as soon as possible to introduce yourself and discuss how your child has settled for the year. SECONDARY SCHOOL SWIMMING CARNIVAL Congratulations to all students who attended and participated in our 2015 Swimming Carnival. Junior (and Senior) Secondary students were extremely well represented! It was wonderful to see so many students joining in and showing Community Spirit through their participation in competitive and novelty events on the day. Congratulations to our winning Community O’Neill. We proudly awarded our Age Champions at a Secondary Campus Assembly this week. SECONDARY CAMPUS SCHOOL PHOTOS Our Secondary Campus School Photos for 2014 were held on Monday 9 February. All students had an individual photo taken which will be used for the ID Cards and to generate a class composite photo, which is available for purchase. Any students who were absent on this day will be able to have their photos taken on our Catch-Up Day which is scheduled for Wednesday 18 February. Once students have received their ID Cards they are expected to keep these with them while at school to assist with signing in and out should they arrive late or depart early during the school day. This year we are trailing an ID Card that will also act as a Photocopy and Printing card on our college photocopiers. Only participants in the SRS will receive ID Cards, as they are provided as part of this scheme. Please see Claudia in Client Services if you would like to join the SRS. ASSESSMENT SCHEDULES Our Junior Secondary Assessment Schedule are being finalised and will be emailed to parents this week. Students can access their Assessment Schedules anytime (once active) from OneSchool at: https://oslp.eq.edu.au/OSLP/ welcome.aspx . Please contact our main office at the Executive Centre to update your email address if required. These Assessment Schedules show when the Summative pieces of assessment are due and should be used to help students plan their study timetable. UNIFORM Increasingly, most of the Junior Secondary uniform items are now in stock. Boy’s formal shirts for Junior Secondary are still out of stock in size 14 and an interim solution has been established for boy’s formal shorts. Please check with the Uniform Shop for details. We have also purchased some more uniform items ourselves, including black leather shoes, to assist students in meeting the agreed College Dress Code. Remember that if a Junior Secondary student is unable to wear the correct uniform to school they need to go to ML04 Teacher Aide Office before school to borrow the necessary items and change into these clothes to meet our code. Please provide your child with a note outlining the circumstances when in this situation. CURRICULUM NEWS – DATA: PREVENTION, INTERVENTION AND EXTENSION Since the first day back this year class teachers and leaders have been busy analysing student and class data. Never before have educators had so much data available to them, about each of their students learning needs. At Meridan State College we have chosen to arrange our students in community classes, rather than ability groups, as this model has proven to be the best way to address students’ social and emotional wellbeing, in our educational setting. This year we are using differentiation, flexi learning, learning enhancement and master classes to address the different learning needs and abilities of our students. We have significantly restructured and refined our Steps to Success (STS) Program, and are gradually bringing in a strong focus of the General Capabilities from the National Curriculum across subjects that are centred on developing higher order thinking skills, as well as creating opportunities to extend our students literacy and numeracy understandings. Some key initiatives and programs that sit alongside our core curriculum subjects are identified below: • Turbo Days – These days (two per term - identified on the College calendar throughout the year) focus on helping students target specific literacy and numeracy weaknesses they have previously demonstrated. Previous NAPLAN, PAT-M and PAT-R are typically used to identify these weaknesses. Students will be attending their normal timetable, with their usual teachers and the only difference is that they will be participating in specialised, targeted learning activities. • Test Wiseness – Junior Secondary students will be honing their test taking skills by undertaking NAPLAN practice testing which will help better prepare students not only for NAPLAN, but other formal testing routines they will experience as they move toward Senior Secondary. This year the Test Wiseness program will run from Tuesday 28 April – Thursday 30 April. • PAT R (reading) and PAT M (maths) – Students will also be using these test materials to help teachers identify students learning needs, gaps and extension opportunities. 5 • FLEXI learning and learning enhancement – Flexi learning has developed into one of our “Signature Pedagogies” at Meridan. This process typically occurs in Maths, English and Science (at the moment) and varies in frequency and volume throughout the year. Flexi means students are grouped in different flexible arrangement based on a variety of needs. Needs used to design activities and groups include learning goal and skill weaknesses, learning styles and interest areas. Typically a flexi block might go for several weeks, where students go to these flexi sessions for one of their lessons in that subject each week. Varicella – (chickenpox) • ASOT – The Art and Science of Teaching. At Meridan State College our teachers are undertaking professional development around ASOT which we refer to as our Pedagogical Framework. Currently we are re-visiting our focus on classroom routines and learning goals as well as examining ‘introducing new knowledge’s’. Teachers will be using reflective scales to hone their teaching practices and improve outcomes for students. Teachers are also consistently asking students to reflect on their own reflective scales and rubrics, how they are achieving in relation to their learning goals. Ask your child to explain and show you an example. Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (whooping cough) • Tutoring and Additional Support - Each of our core faculties will be commencing their tutorial programs for the year over the coming fortnight. Typically these occur one morning or afternoon per week, often with several different staff working together to meet students’ needs. These sessions are available for any student who want to get some extra support in that subject. Please email your child’s class teacher or the subject area’s Head of Department to check tutorial options for this year. • Monday 2 November 2015 (HPV dose 3 + VZV) Students are eligible to receive one dose of varicella (chickenpox) vaccine if they have not previously had varicella (chickenpox) or been vaccinated against it. If you do not have a reliable history of your child having had varicella (chickenpox) or you are unsure, then it is advisable to have the vaccination. If you child is aged 14 years and in Year 8, please read the consent form for further information. If you are uncertain if you child has had chickenpox or has been vaccinated previously, we would recommend you consent to vaccination for this disease. Year 8 students are being offered a free booster dose of adult/ adolescent diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough). It is important that you read the information in the consent forms. The vaccinations will be conducted by a team of specially trained registered nurses and/or a medical practitioner. The vaccination team will be visiting the school to give the free vaccinations on the following date/s: • Monday 30 March 2015 (HPV dose 1) • Tuesday 9 June 2015 (HPV dose 2 + dTpa) Only students who have a completed and signed consent form/s will be vaccinated. If you would like your child to be vaccinated, please fill in the consent form/s and return the form/s to the Secondary Campus Office by Wednesday 18 February 2015. If you do not wish your child to be vaccinated, or your child has already been vaccinated with the offered vaccines, you do not need to return the consent form. Parents are encouraged to ensure their children have breakfast on the morning of vaccination. Further information is available on the Queensland Health’s Immunisation website: www.health.qld.gov.au/immunisation SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL NEWS Mark Seijbel Acting Principal – Junior Secondary School MESSAGE FROM THE SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL IMMUNISATION PROGRAM 2015 FOR YEAR 8 STUDENTS Dear Parents and Carers Our school is participating in the Queensland Health’s annual School Based Immunisation Program. Students will be offered free human papillomavirus (HPV), varicella (chickenpox) and diphtheria- tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough) vaccinations. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) All students are being offered free vaccination against HPV. This involves three doses of vaccine given over six months. 6 PARENT PARTNERSHIP NIGHT Thank-you to all parents/carers who were able to attend our Parent Partnership Meeting last week. This was a wonderful opportunity for parents/carers to find out more about the curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular programs offered to our Senior School students, as well as meet class teachers, Community Leaders, Year Level Mentors, Heads of Department and Administration Staff. It was wonderful to see so many of our new families in attendance and to have the opportunity to share more about the flexible learning opportunities and flexible pathways that are on offer to our students. For those of you who were unable to attend, some information from the night is attached. This includes information about key staff contacts, as well as the different curriculum options for Senior students. This year we were able to have representatives from Careers Australia on board to discuss the certificate programs they are providing for some of our students. One of the great strengths of our Senior School is the breadth and depth of our curriculum offerings. We have a vast array of students who are not only undertaking school studies, but are engaged in alternate pathways. These options include traineeships, apprenticeships, certificate courses, TAFE courses, Sunshine Coast Trade Training Centre studies and University studies. Accessing these outside providers such as Careers Australia has allowed us to extend the range of subject offerings for students and allowed us flexibility in the timing and delivery of programs. Having access to external trained staff with extensive industry experience able to come into our College to deliver programs to our students has proven to be engaging and rewarding for our students and we look forward to exploring similar partnerships to continue to expand the vocational and training options for our students. The individualised nature of the educational opportunities offered to students in the senior phase of learning reflects a significant commitment by our school to engaging each student. STUDENT LEADERSHIP AND STUDENT VOICE The past two weeks have been an important time of recognition and celebration for our Senior School students. Our Senior School and College Leaders were acknowledged as part of our Student Leaders Investiture in Week 2, and our Year 12 students have also been recognised with the presentation of their Senior Badges at this week’s Secondary Campus Assembly. These young people will play a vital role in continuing to grow the positive culture of our college and respond to the voice of our students. While our recognised leaders are seen as the face of our student body and College, it is important that all Senior School students acknowledge and respond to the high expectations that come with being the natural leaders of our College. This involves role modelling commitment to the consistent, high standards of performance, attendance, engagement, behaviour and dress at all times when participating in all aspects of school life. It is a pleasure to see so many of our students rising to meet these standards, and recognising that school is an important part of preparation for work and life. Congratulations to all of our recognised leaders and the many students who I know will play a key role in continuing to build our college culture and reputation. Our current Senior School student leadership team have identified three key projects for 2015 as well as a range of school and community fundraisers. This year’s key projects include supporting the RSPCA (community support), redesigning the Senior Learning Precinct for Year 12 students focusing on positive, mature, independent learning (legacy/ school project) and providing a range of programs to support student mental health and wellbeing (student project). We look forward to seeing how these projects develop across the year. In the next few weeks, many of our elected and prospective student leaders will participate in a range of leadership development and challenge activities to support their work across 2015. Congratulations to the following students: • Adam, Lottie, Ryan and Briannan who will represent Meridan at the Regional Schools Constitutional Convention on 20 February 2015. • Lucy, Adam, Portia and Owen who will participate in the QUT Young Ambassadors Program on 5 March 2015. • Lexi and Rhiannan who will represent Meridan at the Annual International Women’s Day Leadership Forum on 5 March 2015. • Our Senior School leadership team will participate in the “Grip Leadership” Conference held in Brisbane on 6 March 2015. • Sam and Sarah will attend the Rotary Youth Challenge Camp on 7-8 March 2015. FOCUS ON HIGH PERFORMANCE As part of our commitment to supporting all students to achieve to their potential, we will begin our first round of individual interviews with senior school students next week. To begin, interviews were conducted by members of our administration team with our Year 12 students across Wednesday and Thursday this week. These interviews focused on each student’s current performance, engagement and achievement level based on Year 11 data. Students who were not meeting performance goals had the opportunity to review their options and pathways to ensure they are best placed to attain the QCE and be prepared for their pathway beyond school. This aligns with the current work students are undertaking as part of the Pathways to Success (PTS) program. We encourage all parents to have conversations with their students after these interviews and to continue to support each young person to be responsible and engaged learners. Interviews with our Year 11 students will occur in the final week of this term. An essential element of students achieving high levels of performance involves consistent attendance at school. Our Community Leaders and Year Level Mentors are constantly tracking and supporting students to ensure their attendance is maximised with our target being 95% attendance for all students. Our Attendance Club program has proved very valuable to encouraging students to meet the attendance standard and ensure they have completed the relevant hours of student required to achieve credit for their subjects. For families wishing to take their student out of school for an extended length of time (in excess of 10 school days), an application for an Exemption from Schooling must be completed and approved by the Principal. The disruptive nature of time away from school can impact directly on student achievement levels and therefore it is not recommended that parents plan vacations or extended times away during the school term. In particular Year 11 and 12 students must ensure that they can still meet the assessment expectations across all of their subjects to ensure they can achieve credit for each by meeting and negotiating with their teachers to ensure a plan is in place for all learning requirements to be met prior to the absences. 7 OP PREPARATION COURSE Our Year 12 OP eligible students participated in a one day intensive workshop coordinated by College staff as well as staff from the Mighty Minds organisation. The program was developed in response to the students’ performance in the QCS Practice Test conducted at the end of 2014, and was tailored specifically to extend student knowledge around the core curriculum elements that extend across the Senior curriculum. These elements encompass the processes and skills which students use to demonstrate their thinking including analysing, synthesising, creating, judging and justifying. These elements are taught explicitly and implicitly across the curriculum and form the basis of the skills and processes examined through the QCS test. Students in Year 12 also participate in weekly Test Wiseness and test preparation lessons and are currently working through analysis their data from the practice test. If you would like more information about the QCS test or our preparation program please contact our Deputy Principal Mr McIntosh, our Year 12 Senior School HOD Ms Weber or our QCS Test Coordinator Ms Acres. Some general parent information is also attached. CURRICULUM A number of our subjects require students to engage in learning outside of the school environment. Examples include field studies, industry experiences and practical learning experiences. Should students miss any classes as a result of their involvement in these programs, it is their responsibility to ensure that they see their teachers and arrange to catch up on the work that has been missed. As responsible, independent learners, our Senior Secondary student needs to ensure they are organised and have met their learning expectations. COMMUNICATION As we continue to move into the digital age, much of our communication between home and schools now takes an electronic form. You may have received text messages or emails from the schools about your student’s attendance, progress or school events. Recently introductory letters from each of our year level Heads of Department and Mentors were emailed to your student and your email addresses. Please remember to check your email for these and other correspondence from the school and if you did not receive these, please contact the school office to ensure we have your correct details. And please do not hesitate to contact our staff should you wish to discuss any issue relating to your student. SENIOR SCHOOL FOCUS – BOOK WORK POLICY Bookwork refers to the record of the daily learning activities/ class work whether it is paper or electronic (e.g. OneNote). It provides a reference for ongoing study and review. Well-presented and organised notes and diagrams allow for effective review of material and personal study. The intention of structured bookwork is to assist students to reach their potential by encouraging them to take pride in their work, develop the skills for effective presentation of learning tasks and by obtaining the skills to organise and present information in a useable and efficient manner that allows reflection and personal study as required. The key purposes of bookwork set for students in Senior Secondary School include: • Recording and consolidating studies conducted in class. • Providing examples and scaffolding to support the completion of assessment tasks/assignments. • Recording research for use in completing assessment tasks/assignments. • Practising and extending learning through completion of activities and examples. • Magnifying the communicable link between home and school; and • Providing a resource to support students in personal study and reflection. Complete and accurately presented bookwork is an expected requirement of all students at Meridan State College. Bookwork will form a regular part of classes and lessons on a daily basis. The use of this Handbook is part of the Senior Secondary School Bookwork Policy and will be checked regularly by class and mentor teachers. Please note that pen and paper resources must still be bought to all classes for all students even those who have taken up the lap top program. FISH PHILOSOPHY FOCUS This week’s FISH focus is Be There; Be Prepared. For students this means: • Ensuring they have their handbook for each class. • Completing homework and assignment work by due dates and bringing these to class as required; and • Bringing all required equipment to the classroom for each lesson. Please ensure you support your student to meet these expectations. 8 Leasa Smith Principal – Senior Secondary School CONNICO PHILLIPS SCIENCE EXPERIENCE The world is a place that remains never fully discovered. The knowledge we contain is only the tip of the iceberg when in reality, much more waits. To this day, science is used to determine what once was and what can be with a variety of categories ranging from Palaeontology or future medical miracles created from Biology to Chemistry. In the 2015, January school holidays a group of students (Lucy K, Kyra, Josh, Tyson and Jake) were given the opportunity to attend the ConocoPhillips Science Experience to learn just what was yet to be accomplished and how to execute it to the best, with the resources on hand, as well as an array of workshops which incorporated such techniques. This experience included 3 days in fully equipped university labs and workplaces alongside qualified instructors, participating in a range of interactive activities varying from group challenges to individual thinking. A fourth day was used as an innovation day, handing the reigns over to the student participants in order for them to create an invention that would be of use to today’s society. This also provided the experience on how to run a successful business, involving hiring employees, material and factory place purchases and the advertisement of such. Highlights for this event included the end of celebration disco known as the ‘Super Nova’, an insight to solving Forensic Cases, a chemistry course working on copper poisoned sports drinks and the astrophysicist lecture. Combined with stupid yet fun and entertaining games, dances and songs provided and taught by the staff, this science experience was not one that is easily going to be forgotten nor regretted. Lucy K Secondary Student Year 12 OP-eligible Mentor Groups will assemble in the Senior Precinct Theatre by 9.00am for a brief introduction by our Senior Secondary Guidance Officer, Joe Hannan, whilst Showcase representatives set up their market booths in the Senior Precinct Courtyard nearby. Students will then participate in a 30 minute presentation in the theatre, about all aspects of going to university, including entry pathways, costs, applying; accommodation, lifestyle and transition. They will then move into the Courtyard for about half-an-hour of engagement with reps in a careers market/expo environment. Joe Hannan Guidance Officer (Senior Secondary) IMMUNISATION PROGRAM 2015 FOR YEAR 10 STUDENTS Our school is participating in the Queensland Health’s annual School Immunisation Program. The program provides a free booster dose of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine for Year 10 students. The vaccinations will be conducted by a team of specially trained registered nurses and /or a medical practitioner. The vaccination team will be visiting the school to give the free vaccination on the following date: • Monday 30 March 2015 (dTpa) It is important that you read the information in the consent form. SUNSHINE COAST UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE (FOR YEAR 12 TERTIARY-BOUND STUDENTS) Each year, the University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) coordinates the “University Showcase” for the Sunshine Coast Region. It is a travelling roadshow of representatives from Queensland universities, TAFE and the Defence Force, who visit schools to deliver course information, answer student questions and provide a career market experience. At Meridan SC, the event will be held in the SP Precinct on Monday, 2 March, from 9.00am till 10.20am, using Mentor Session and Session One. Only students who have a completed and signed consent form will be vaccinated. If you would like your child to be vaccinated, please fill in the consent form and return the form to the Secondary Campus Office by Friday 13 February 2015. Parents are encouraged to ensure their children have breakfast on the morning of vaccination. Further information is available on the Queensland Health’s Immunisation website: www.health.qld.gov.au/immunisation SCU CHEMISTRY IN ACTION The Year 11 Chemistry class were lucky enough to have a guest Chemistry guru Sarah from the Sunshine Coast University visit in the last two weeks. The students conducted two experiments: an apple juice titration and boiling a variety of alcohols. Sarah collected their data and will analyse it for a University report. Our Chemistry students learnt lots during the two lessons. 9 If students are not able to attend the camp, an alternate program will be arranged at school to ensure student attendance levels at school are maintained. Dan Ward Lorraine Lehmann (Chemistry teacher) (Head of Science) Alison Cox HOD – Senior Student Support Services COMMUNITY LEADERS/YEAR LEVEL MENTORS ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCES Attendance Rate: Students will be expected to attend school and/or school approved activities (School based traineeships, Headstart, Trade Training Centre, TAFE) at a rate of 90%. All absences must be explained by a medical certificate or notification by a parent/caregiver. PLANNING FOR CAMP The planning for the Year 11 Challenge Camp is well underway. The camp will be held at Maroon Outdoor Education Centre near Boonah and Beaudesert. The deposit for this week long camp was due in November. There are still a few places for new students and people who would still like to attend. There will be a waiting list established when the positions are filled. Students have received a follow up letter this week with parental information, packing list, medical and consent forms from Maroon OEC this week. These forms need to be fully completed and returned to school promptly. We are encouraging all our Year 11 students to attend this camp and choose a level of challenge that will encourage them to strive and work as an effective team. Effective teams will develop trust, respect, participation and cooperation. As the team succeeds, students will feel a strong sense of accomplishment in their personal growth. During the camp, students will experience a wide range of outdoor activities including rock climbing, abseiling, high and low ropes courses, team challenges and canoeing as well as going on a 3 day and 2 night hike. This camp and the activities included every day and evening will encourage students to develop their own their leadership skills including good communication, responsibility, self-confidence and resourcefulness. These lifelong skills will enhance the remainder of their formal education at Meridan State College as well as their life beyond school. 10 95%+ Attendance Club: The calculations to monitor our student’s attendance will be done in early March. Rewards for students who achieve 95%+ attendance and conversations with students with low attendance rates will take place in the following fortnight. School starts at 9.00am each day: If students are late they need to sign in at the office. If students sign in at the office without a note to explain why they are late they will be issued with a lunch time detention. If a student arrives late to school, ID Attend (the attendance software) records it as a half day absence and so it is important that students arrive before the 9.00am commencement time. Students who need to leave school early: If students need to leave school early, the student needs to bring a note with them in the morning and take it to the Secondary Office prior to 8.55am. They will be issued a printed slip from ID Attend. When it is the time to leave, the student shows the slip to their teacher and then proceeds to the Secondary Office to sign out. In most cases, ID Attend records it as a half day absence. DRIVING TO SCHOOL AND GETTING LIFTS The Community placings are as follows: When a student has a provisional licence and is driving to school, they are able to park in the car park at the front of the Secondary campus. Students who decide to drive to school must complete a Student Driver Agreement and hand the paperwork in to their YLM. As a part of that agreement, students are not to drive any other student to/from school until parents of the driver and passenger have given approval. 1st : Freeman 2nd : Rafter 3rd: Bradman 4th: O’Neil The Age Champions are as follows: 9 Years Boys: Trae L, runner up Harrison L 9 Years Girls: Amber T, runner up Chloe B 10 Years Boys: Ben E, runner up Charlie J 10 Years Girls: Katie H, runner up Kelsey B 11 Years Boys: Jae B, runner up Jacob C 11 Years Girls: Hannah C, runner up Mia V Coralie Williamson Community Leaders & Year 12 Mentors JUNIOR SECONDARY FISH AWARDS Each and every day we are acknowledging the hard work and dedication of our students based on their use of the FISH philosophy. Although it is only week four Community Leaders have been inundated with students handing in their community FISH Merit cards. These cards then go into a lucky draw for the chance to win a $5 Rainforest Café voucher presented on the Secondary assembly. This assembly we saw eight very deserving students received their vouchers. Rafter: Kara H and Grace G O’Neill: Ciel S and Ethan C Bradman: Amelia T and Kyra-Lacey F Freeman: Beth B and Kailah R Congratulations Junior Secondary Students it’s your shout at the café. Hayley Sinclair Rafter Community Leader 12 Years Boys: Angus H and Darcy H 12 Years Girls: Erin T, runner up Keanie W and Abby Y Sixteen of our students represented Meridan State College at the Coastal District Swimming Carnival at Cotton Tree Pool on Tuesday 17 February. Congratulations to these children on their efforts at the titles. COMMUNITY NEWS 4TH SUNSHINE COAST GIRLS’ BRIGADE COMPANY Girls’ Brigade is part of an international Christian youth organisation. We meet at the Uniting Church hall on Tuesday evenings from 6.15pm to 8.00pm (6.00pm to 7.30pm for Cadets) for a nightly program of singing, games and activities. The girls work towards awards (badges) including craft, camping, bush walking, canoeing, health, community service, cooking, swimming and lots more. Activities are all presented in an enjoyable hands-on learning environment suited to their age groups: CADETS JUNIORS SENIORS PIONEERS Prep – Year 2 Year 3 – Year Year 6 – Year Year 9 – Year 5 8 12 For enrolment enquires phone Helen Hilton (Captain) on 54927179. SPORT ACROSS THE COLLEGE YEAR 4- 6 SWIMMING CARNIVAL On Thursday 5 February, the Year 4 - 6 Junior Swimming Carnival was undertaken. The weather was not kind to us at the start, but as the day went along the weather became pleasant. The children competed in a number of events across the day. The children need to be applauded for their efforts over the day and thank-you to the teachers who performed their roles well. 11
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