EDUCATION The MoHRD has two Departments i.e. Department of School Education & Literacy (DoSE&L) and Department of Higher Education (DoHE). Vision for DoSE&L is to ensure education of equitable quality for all to fully harness the nation’s human potential Vision for DoHE is to realize India’s human resources potential to its fullest in the education sector, with equity and excellence. A good quality human resource base is extremely important in today’s highly competitive environment. This has evolved from income to income distribution to human resource development; this is the very reason for the marked shift from the welfare approach of education to the right based approach, providing the foundation for thr right to dignified living through its transformative potential to development. RTE (Right to Education) o To Achieve “Education for All” with an inclusive approach, so to strengthen the foundation and to achieve the goal of universal access to quality education for all, RTE Act 2009 became operative in April 2010. o Art 21-A of the Indian Constitution. MDM (Mid Day Meal) o To Enhance enrolment, retention and attendance and simultaneously improving nutritional levels among children, includes Centrally Sponsored Scheme “National Programme of Nutritional Supprt to Primary Education (NP-NSPE)” to cover upper and primary class and changed to “National Programme of Mid-Day Meal (MDM) in schools”. o All primary and upper primary Govt., Govt. aided Local body Schools, National Child Labour Projects (NCLP) Schools, the centre run under Education Guaratntee Scheme (EGS)/ Alternative & Innovation Education (AIE); Madarsas and Maqtabs supported under SSA also covered under MDM (*) o Objective of MDM are – Improving Nutritional status of children from 1-8 in * Encouraging poor children, belonging to disadvantaged section to attend regularly and help them concentrate on classroom Providing nutritional support to children of elementary stage in droughtaffected areas during summer vacation Scheme for Providing Quality Education for Madaraas (SPQEM) o Salient features are as follows- o o o o o o o Strengthen capacities in Madarsas for teaching of the formal curriculum subjects like Science, Mathematics, language, Social Studies etc. through enhanced payment of teacher honorarium Training of such teachers every 2 years in new pedagogical practices Providing science labs, computer labs with annual maintenance costs in secondary and higher secondary stage madarsas Provision of science/mathematics kits in primary/upper primary level madarsas Strengthening of libraries/book banks and providing teaching learning materials at all levels of madarsas. Encourage links with NIOS which will enable children studying to get certificate for class 5,8,10 and 12 which enable transit to higher studies and quality standards; Registration and exam fees to NIOS covered under scheme NIOS linkage will be extended under this scheme for Vocational Education at the secondary and higher secondary stage of madarsas. SSA (Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) o Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) to achieve the goals of universal access and retention, bridging the gender and social gaps in enrolment levels and enhancement of learning levels of all children. o SSA attempts to reach out to girls and children belonging to SC, ST and minority communities plus urban deprived children, children affected by periodic migration and living in remote and scattered habitations. o Identified Special Focus Districts on basis of adverse performance on indicators of girl’s enrolment. o RTE-SSA focus on girls, children of disadvantaged groups and weaker sections; availability of primary and upper primary schools with RTE Rules, uniform, textbooks etc Mahila Samakhya Programme (1989) o o Emphasis on girls, Mahila Samakhya (MS), special focus on the Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs) is a unique, process-oriented programme which has demonstrated ways of empowering rural poor and marginalized women. Objective in which education can serve the objectives of women’s equality and where women can seek knowledge and information and empower them. Scheme for Secondary Education are as followso Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) (2009) Objective to enhance access to secondary education and improve its quality. Enhance the enrolment at secondary stage, by providing secondary school, with reasonable distance of habitation, with aim to ensure GER of 100% by 2017 and universal retention by 2020. Improving quality of education imparted at secondary level through making all secondary schools conform to prescribed norms, removing gender, socioeconomic and disability barriers. At Secondary level RMSA is supporting open schooling system to enhance access, equity, quality and management mainly in deprived part and in large underprivileged and give opportunity to move ahead towards equity and social justice. Setting up of Model Schools Setting up Girls Hostels in Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools National scheme of incentive to Girls for secondary Education (NSIGSE) (2008) Objective to establish an enabling environment to reduce the dropouts and to promote the enrolment of girl children, belonging to SC/ST communities in secondary schools. It covers, all girls belonging to SC/ST communities, who pass 8th; All girls who pass 8th from Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas and enroll in class 9th in Govt., Govt. aided and local body schools. Inclusive Education for the Disabled at the Secondary Stage (IEDSS) National Merit-cum-means- Scholarship Scheme (NMMS) (2008) Objective- Award scholarships to meritorious students of economically weaker sections to arrest their drop out at class 8th and encourage them to continue study at secondary and higher secondary stage upto class 12th in Govt., Govt. aided and local body schools. Scheme of ICT in School Vocationalisation of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Revised approved by Cabinet Committee on Skill Development, continued during 12th FYP. Objectives to enhance the employability of youth through demand driven competency based, modular vocational courses; to maintain their competitiveness through provisions of multi-entry, multi-exit learning opportunities and vertical mobility/interchange ability in qualification To fill gap between educated and employable and to reduce the dropout rate at the secondary level and decrease the pressure on academic higher education o o o o o o o HIGHER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION o The National Policy on Education-1986 revised in 1992 states that in Higher Education in general and Technical Education in particular, steps will be taken to facilitate inter-regional mobility by providing equal access to every Indian of requisite merit, regardless of their origins. REFORMS IN HIGHER EDUCATION SOME IMPORTANT BODIES Universities Grants Commission (UGC) o Statutory Organisation established by an Act of Parliament in 1956 for the promotion and coordination of university education and for the determination of teaching, examination, research and extension in Universities and maintenance of standards Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) o Established by Govt. of India in 1972 as an autonomous body to encourage objective and scientific research in various aspects of History. o Objective- to give a proper direction to historical research, encourage ad foster objective and scientific writing of history, not only form the point of view of national integration but also to inculcate respect for our cultural heritage without encouraging a blind acceptance of obscurantism and revivalism in historical writings. o Mandate are as follows INDIAN COUNCIL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH (ICSSR) (1969) Set up by the Govt. of India Objectives are to promote research in Social Sciences and to facilitate its utilization by the concerned stakeholder, the State Govt., coordinate and develop skills to undertake research in social development. Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA) Objective of the scheme was to setup one model Degree College in each of the identified 374 Districts with Gross Enrolment Ratio lesser than National Average. Funding shared on 50-50 for Special Category states, all N-E states, Sikkim, J&K, HP, Uttarkhand and 65:35 for other states, centre bearing 65% of the capital cost. National Literacy Mission Authority (NLMA) Independent and autonomous wing of the Dept. to promote Literacy and adult education and to achieve the goals spelt out in the National Policy on Education. It is operating and implementing organization at national level for all the activities envisaged in National Literacy Mission and has to undertake such other activities for adult education. Policy and Planning of adult education, implementation of literacy and adult education programme, Monitoring, Research and Evaluation, Advocacy and Environment Building, technology Infusion, Capacity Building, International Cooperation and publications. National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (ICT) It Is Centrally Sponsored scheme to leverage the potential of ICT, in teaching and learning process for the benefit of all learning in Higher Education Institutions in anytime anywhere mode. Seeks to bridge the digital divide i.e. the gap in the skills to use computing devices for the purpose of teaching and learning among urban and rural teachers/learners in Higher Education domain and empower those, who have remained untouched by the digital revolution and have not been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy. Focus on e-learning, providing facility of performing experiments through virtual laboratories, on-line testing and certification, online availability of teachers to guide and mentor learners, utilization of available Education Satellite (EduSAT) and Direct to Home (DTH) platforms, training and empowerment of teachers to effectively use the new method of teaching learning etc. Education of SC/ST and Minorites (Similar given in FR and DPSP and Constitution) PROGRAMMES/ SCHEMES FOR SC/STs Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowships for SC/ST Funded by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment and Ministry of Tribal Affairs and implemented by the UGC. Objective is to provide fellowships in the form of financial assistance to unemployed students belonging to SC/ST to pursue higher studies leading to M.Phil and Ph.D Degrees full time. PG Scholarships for Students belonging to SC/ST Provide financial assistance to 1000 SC/ST candidate to pursue PG level studies PD Fellowships for SC/ST Undertake advanced studies and Post Doctoral Research. Remedial Coaching for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy) & Minorities Coaching to come up to the level necessary for pursuing higher studies efficiently and to reduce their failure and dropout rate, UGC provides financial assistance for conducting special classes outside the regular time table. Coaching for NET/SET for SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy) & Minorities Preparing for appearing in NET/SET so that sufficient number of candidates becomes available for selection of Lecturers in the University system from these groups. Establishment of Residential Coaching Academics of SC/ST/Minorities & Women To get gainful employment in Group A,B,C Central services, State services or equivalent positions in the private sector. Establishment of Equal Opportunity Cells (EOC) for SC/ST/OBC & Minorities To make colleges and universities more responsive to the needs an constraints of the disadvantaged social groups, the UGC established EOC to oversee the effective implementation of policies and programmes of these groups. Opening of centers for Studies in Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy Centers including conceptualizing discrimination, exclusion and inclusion based on caste/ethnicity and religion; developing understanding of nature and dynamics of discrimination and exclusion; developing understanding of discrimination at an empirical level; formulation policy for protecting the rights of these groups and eradicating the problems of exclusion and discrimination. National Monitoring Committee for Minorities Education (NMCME) Monitor related schemes and programmes being implemented by the MHRD Suggest modifications in these schemes with a view to cater to the needs of the minority communities After going previous reports, recommend to Govt. suitable monitoring mechanism for minority related programmes being run by the MoHRD. International Cooperation
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