Peak Performer’s and Friends Weekly Email February 27, 2015 Good luck to all at the Frostbite Footrace and The Outhouse Race - this year should be super fast because there is no snow to slow you down! Also, mark your calendars for the Running of the Reindeer on March 7th - always cool. Still no word on the paper version of the Runner's Calendar. Will post in the newsletter as soon as we know where they can be picked up. This week's menu: **SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28th** GROUP RUNS Postmark – Anchorage Meet at the Postmark parking lot (Postmark & Northern Lights) at 8:00 am. 7.2 miles out and back on the road. Coffee afterwards - at Rustic Goat. This will be the new plan for Saturday coffee. There have been requests to alternate shops but it gets confusing. Hope this works for everyone - see you at the Goat! Happy Fun Group - Anchorage The Happy Fun Group will meet each Saturday during February 2015 at 9:00 AM in the parking lot at the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium located on the corner of Elmore Road and Ambassador Drive, which is one block north of the Tudor Road/Elmore Road. We go out for a half-hour then turn around and run/walk back. We usually go to breakfast afterward for those interested. Happy Fun Group is a diverse group so you usually can find someone that runs or walks at the same pace you do. If you have any questions email Rich Wenrich at or phone him at 223-8337. RACES/EVENTS Frostbite Footrace & Costume Fun Run – Anchorage Race time 9:30 am – Glacier BrewHouse Entry fee: $27/$10 youth/$150 team Feb 2 thru Feb 26 $25 Feb 2 thru Feb 28 if adult runner in 2014 $30/$15/$175 race day, registration 7:30 – 9 am 2.5 & 5K – Downtown Parade Route Contact: Fur Rondy Headquarters 274-1177; Sponsored by: Fur Rondy & Glacier BrewHouse Timing & registration supported by Skinny Raven Sports Register on-line @ T-shirts to first 700 runners to pick up bibs Cash prizes ($25-$100) for the costume contest A Healthy Futures Series Event – Fur Rondy Outhouse Race – Anchorage Meet 3 pm – Downtown, 4th Avenue between E & F 100’ - down & back pushing an outhouse on skis Entry fee: $100/team – 10 person teams, 5 at time on course Contact:; Sponsored by: AE Club at UAA Double elimination tournament brackets with 3 races guaranteed, trophies for top finishers **MONDAY, MARCH 2nd** The Monday Mile Series – Anchorage Meet 6:00-7:30 pm – The Dome Youth 14-17 yrs, Adult 18-35 yrs, Masters 36-50, Senior 51 yrs +, male & female categories Contact: Dino Sutherland 770-3663 Sponsored by: The Alaska Dome Weekly prizes & series prizes **THURSDAY, MARCH 5th** Full Moon Run – Fairbanks Time 5:45 pm, Location – UAF Patty Center Distance: 4 miles Contact: George Berry 687-8769 Sponsored by: RCN Regardless of temperature **EVERY TUESDAY** Weekly PUB RUN – Anchorage Location: Skinny Raven - 800 H Street. This event is every Tuesday. Free registration for new participants starts at 5:15 pm. Walkers start at 5:30 pm and runners start at 6:00 pm. Many prizes to give away with a different vendor every week – another way to kick the mid-work week blues! **EVERY WEDNESDAY** Run or Walk with Friends” – Anchorage Meet 6pm – Westchester Lagoon – Meet Wednesdays throughout the year. Walk or run with friends for 1 hour on the Coastal Trail. OR 6 to 7 pm- The Dome – Every Wednesday through March. Walk or run at the Dome each Wednesday for an hour. There is no fee with membership to the Anchorage Running Club. Contact Anchorage Running Club Sponsored by ARC. Anyone interested in having a group run or other running-related message listed in the PP&F Weekender can submit the particulars by email to Or you can contact Margaret Stroble at or Pat Shipley at *** Running coach Chester Franz’s winter workouts .
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