here - First Baptist Church 108 S. Vanderveer, Burnet Texas 78611

February 25, 2015
PO Box 310
Burnet, Texas 78611
Phone: 512.756.4481
Pastor’s Page
Inside this issue:
There are so many things coming up this Spring and Summer
Children’s Corner
that I am excited about. The thing I am most excited about is “The
Easter Journey”. That is what we are calling our Easter drama in
Youth & Recreation
Main Street Bethlehem. On Friday, April 3 (Good Friday) from
7:00-9:00 p.m. there will be an opportunity to walk the path that JeSeasoned Citizen Calling
sus walked as He carried the cross to Golgotha. Along the way we
will hear conversation between Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, Seasoned Citizen Continued 6
Pilate and his wife, and Barabbas and a companion. We will then
Church News
witness some of the events that took place at the cross and see as Je- Sympathy
March Birthdays
sus pays the ultimate price for our sins through His death on the
cross. We will then have the opportunity to celebrate communion
Love is patient
within the walls of Main Street Bethlehem served by a very special
Love is kind
guest. Then on Easter Sunday morning (April 5 ) from 7:30-10:30
Love never fails
a.m. there will be an opportunity to walk back through Main Street
Bethlehem and get a close-up view of the empty tomb and hear the
wonderful news of Jesus’ Resurrection announced by another very
special guest. You won’t want to miss either of these incredible
events. It will be an experience you will never forget.
Please make note of our schedule for Easter and the Bluebonnet Festival. On Easter (April 5th) we will have two Worship Services, no Sunday School, and no Evening Service. The Service times Staff
will be 9:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. On Sunday, April 12th (the Sunday Pastor
Doug Lindley
of the Bluebonnet Festival) we will have a church-wide breakfast at Music/Mission
Dennis Lofton
8:30 a.m. and then our regular schedule with Sunday School at 9:30
Youth & Recreation
p.m. and worship at 10:45 and 6:00 p.m. Please make note of all
Peyton Porterfield
these dates and times on your calendar and plan to take part. I love
Senior Adult/Education
George Harrivel
y’all and am so honored to be your pastor. See you Sunday if not beChildren’s Program
Ruby May
Church Secretary Bettie Taber
Leslie Walzel
Silvia Nistor
John Nistor
Page 2
Children’s Corner
by Ruby May
Knowing Jesus
Learning God’s Word
Understanding how to follow Jesus
Believing God
Sunday KidzKlub
Grades Kinder—6th
Kid Zone News
Meets each Sunday morning from 9:30—10:30
On the First Sunday of every month we have a
Sunday KidzKlub Breakfast in the KlubHouse.
3rd through 6th graders will be visiting
the Nursing Home on March 1st.
The 5th & 6th grade boys and girls are enjoying
Archery with James Halbert, Bob Quisenberry, Mike
Walzel, and Walt Washburn. Thank you guys!!
We are so proud of the kids memorizing scripture
every week! “I have hidden Your Word in my heart
that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11
GA & RA News
GA’s are looking for that special lady that has a heart for Jesus and for His work.
We are looking for women who want to share their experiences and be mentors to
young girls every Sunday 6p.m. to 7p.m. If you feel Jesus exciting your heart over this
opportunity, please talk to Ruby May or Stacy Horner.
March 21
RA & GA Day Trip to Camp Buckner
July 28—August 1
RA & GA Summer Camp at Latham Springs
1st — 6th graders
Cost $175 per camper
Scholarships are appreciated
Child Protection Training
Required for ALL Children Workers
(Nursery through Youth)
March 28 from 9-11:30 a.m.
Because all workers should be attending there will be
NO childcare during this training.
Vacation Bible School ~ June 8-12
“Journey Off the Map”
Items needed:
 Paper Egg Cartons (not Styrofoam)
 Pool Noodles
 Reg. or Broken Umbrellas (all sizes)
Be praying about
where Jeus is
leading you to
I am so excited that God has chosen me to work with your kids. I feel so honored and take this responsibility
very serious. I am constantly looking for ways that we can reach our kids and help them to have (and grow) in
their relationship with Jesus. I would love to hear any ideas you might have. I love the kids and the great FBC
Family!!! Thank You Lord Jesus!!!!
Page 3
Youth & Recreation
by Peyton Porterfield
A lovely Spring is just around the corner and that means our students are as busy as ever at
school. To support them, we have two upcoming events you'll want to be aware of.
On Sunday, April 12, our youth group will have their annual Sausage Wrap Fundraiser. Proceeds
will be pooled and given as a scholarship to our graduating high school seniors on behalf of our
church. This is a great way to show our students how much we've been blessed by raising them up
here at FBC.
On a similar note, Senior Recognition Sunday will be May 17. We'll recognize our graduating
students during the AM service and, after, you will be invited to the FLC to see their personally
decorated tables, congratulate them, and leave a gift if you wish. I'll be mailing information to the
families of our graduating students soon. So, be on the lookout for that!
Looking backward, our Seven Project at BMS and BHS was a huge blessing. We talked to
every student in the 6-12 grades in two assemblies during the day. That evening, 450 people returned to hear the Gospel and 150 students responded by talking to spiritual counselors afterward. I
don't know the nature of every conversation, but I do know that many students made Jesus Christ
the Lord of their lives and for that I am humbled and honored to have been a part. THANK YOU to
the members of FBC who volunteered as counselors for Seven Project. You've made a big impact
in the eternal lives of many students! Also, I would like to say thank you to our church as a whole for
giving me the freedom to work with other churches in the area. That's not altogether usual, and I am
proud to have worked beside Hunter Simmons of HCF and CJ Weisinger of Epicenter to make our
Project a reality. We can do so much more together!
Lastly, but not least-ly, 326 Hoops finished with a bang on Feb. 28 (I'm writing this five days
before, so pardon my vague description of our end of season tournament!). For two months, we
welcomed approximately 140 families to our FLC for three nights of practice and Saturday games
weekly. Yet again, THANK YOU SO MUCH to our volunteers who watched our gym during practices and led "devotions" at the halftimes of every game. I think my favorite part of the season was
watching different church members share their faith in so many different and creative ways with our
players and their families. It has added to my already long list of why I'm proud to be a part of FBC
Burnet. I'd like to give a special shout out to Luke "Sensei" Bailey, who helped set up the gym and
run our scoreboard for every game this season. He is a huge help and I'm proud to work beside
him. Please thank him for his help the next time you see him! Also, Shawn Mullen at HCF is the
creative genius behind the formation of 326 Hoops this year. I had no experience in directing a
youth sports league, but his wisdom and passion led to smooth sailing for us. Directing this league
is not an easy task, and I'm thankful for Shawn's leadership and heart to guide all of our players to
Christ. If you know Shawn, please give him a big Thank You for his hard work in keeping the basketball league between our churches strong.
There will be much more to come as Spring moves forward. Summer camp in Glorieta, NM is
a GO! for June 25-30. 7 of the 10 spots I've reserved have been claimed. The cost is a $50 nonrefundable deposit ASAP and another $100 later in the Spring. If you want to take part, please reserve your spot! The camp will fill up and I'm not guaranteed the ability to add more campers.
As always, I'm so thankful for the opportunity to serve you at FBC. You asked me to join you
one year ago, on March 2. There truly aren't adequate words to express my gratefulness to you and
to Jesus for calling me to Burnet. You were "home" from my first visit. You took me in, supported
me, gave so much to Natalie and me and continue to encourage us daily. Fellowships like FBC Burnet are unfortunately rare. I am proud to be one of your own!
With a thankful heart,
Page 4
Music / Missions
by Dennis Lofton
Welcome springtime or "fericit prima zi de primavara" as they say in Romania. Mărțișor
is an annual celebration of springtime - the coming of new life after winter and I'm glad it's
here. It looks as if we'll have a busy spring here at FBC! Many of the events are listed elsewhere, so I'll bring you up-to-date on just a few.
March 7th is a workday at The Birth of Hope Baptist Church in Cottonwood Shores. The
slab has been poured and the metal building is complete, so we're going to help get the interior
walls stood up and finished. We'll leave our parking lot at 8 am so come ready to work. It's a
great blessing to be able to help get a new church up and running, so don't miss out.
March 8th, One Voice from UMHB will be in our morning worship service. They will be
leading us in worship and then stay and have lunch with us at the potluck. So, bring lots of food,
we're talking college students here!
March 29th sees the return of our 5th Sunday Singing. The evening service will be a time
of celebrating the 'good ole gospel music'. Several churches in our association have indicated
they're coming and bringing groups to sing. We may even close with a combined choir special. There's a pot luck supper afterward, so plan on staying and visiting with folks you may not
be familiar with.
If you have not connected to a Sunday School class or Adult Bible Fellowship, please
consider attending one. It's one of the best ways to prepare for the storms that come in life. By
developing close relationships with other Christians, we have a support base to pray for and assist us in times of need. See me or George Harrivel and we'll help you find one just right for
Also, now is the time to decide about the mission trip to Romania in July. If the Spirit has
been prompting you to go, answer the call! We've about 11 that are pretty committed and would
like to add a few more. See me and let me bring you up to speed.
"Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on
things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse." Philippians 4:8
Jesus loves me this I know......
Get Ready to Spring Forward
Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour
before going to bed on Saturday, March 7
Page 5
Seasoned Citizen Calling
by George Harrivel
Where do I start? Maybe the beginning would be the best place? Last August when the church
voted to call me as director of senior adult activities, Elane said she would like to see us have an anniversary party of all senior adults to honor the spouses, some are still here while others have gone on
ahead. A party that would remember and honor our weddings. She suggested each person bring their
wedding photos and tell about the funniest thing that happened concerning the wedding or honeymoon.
So, we started planning by setting the date and getting some ideas. I asked Larry and Martha Firestone, Bob and Merle Quisenberry, and Joe and Juadeen Howard to help me by serving as an advisory
council to help keep me out of trouble. The Lord had to be telling me who to ask. I cannot thank these
folks and my wife enough for what they did. So, on Saturday evening, February 14, (Valentine’s Day)
we had ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION for adults 55+. Sherlyn Brooks did the decorating of the
room and as usual it was beautiful. I have had a lot of folks tell me how much they enjoyed the party,
the thanks goes to these I mentioned and to all who attended. We had 48 signed up but ended up with
54 present. And we had such a wonderful time. All I can say is, “THANKS!”
At our last LLL Game day, Thursday, February 12, we had 26 present, which I believe is a new
record for attendance. I want to thank Berdena Sloan for taking care of what we eat each month. Remember it is the second Thursday of each month at 11:00 AM in the old Fellowship Hall. The March
12, Game Day we will “Brown Bag.” Each one brings what they want to eat.
I am writing this before our trip to the Bob Bullock Museum in Austin. That trip is scheduled for
Tuesday, March 3. The bus is scheduled to leave the church at 8:30 AM.
Thursday, March 26, we will travel to Highland Lake Campground to the “Springtime 55+ Day
of Celebration. Jeff Gore, Christian cowboy singer evangelist, and Cory DeVino, chalk artist will be
the featured entertainment. We will enjoy a great BBQ meal at noon. The bus will leave the church at
9:30 and return about 4:00. The price on this trip is $20.00. Sign up will begin on Sunday, March 1 at
the Welcome Center.
April 13-16, Spring Adult Bible Conference, Alto Frio Baptist Camp. Registration begins at
4:00PM Monday, the conference will close after breakfast on Thursday. There will be no church furnished transportation. The speakers will be Dr. D.L. Lowrie and Dr. David Mahfouz with Cliff Harden
will be the Worship Leader. Reservations for this event are made at: or by
calling (830) 232-5271. More information is available at the Welcome Center.
There are many ways we senior adults can impact our community. One would be to invite
unchurched senior adults to attend our game day and other functions. Another would be to bring food
items for LaCare to game days. And, yet another means to help impact and help our community would
be to save the “Box Tops for Education,” (BT for E) found on many products, and Campbell Soup
labels and bring them to the box at the Welcome Center or the church office. This past month we delivered $30.10 worth of ‘BT for E’ to Burnet Elementary School. Last school year Burnet Elementary received $3000.00 from these box tops. They used the money for playground equipment, to help children
Page 6
Seasoned Citizen Calling Continued
by George Harrivel
with field trips, and for teacher supplies. They were so thankful for the box tops. Please let’s help our
city and our schools. If you are not already saving these box tops and Campbell Soup labels please
A multi-generation Adult Bible Fellowship has been started for any and all adults not now attending Sunday School. They will be studying the book, “The 4:8 Principle” written my Tommy Newberry.
This book studies, in-depth Philippians 4:8. The subtitle of the book is,” the secret to a joy-filled life.”
The class meets upstairs in the RA room Sunday mornings. Deb Guinn is teaching this class.
We have a need for at least one more new class for an age group for which we have no outreach at
this time. If God is speaking to your heart that He wants you teaching others His Word please contact
me, or Dennis Lofton. We are praying God will lead us to whom He wants.
Senior adults often feel that “Sunday School” is for children, they no longer have the need. We are
never too old to study God’s Word. Also, we never outgrow the need for meaningful relationships with
others. The number one reason given by adults for attending a Bible study is the need for relationships.
We offer to all ages small groups that study the Bible in a caring fellowship. God uses these groups for
healing, comfort, guidance, caring, transparency and relationships.
Our Sunday School has an enrollment of over 800 people. Our attendance each Sunday is approximately 200, leaving 600 people are unaccounted for. You receive your enrollment record each Sunday.
This is now your Ministry List. Every person on that list that does not regularly attend is a ministry
prospect. We challenge each class to organize to contact each person on this ministry list. They are
prospects for your class or for a new class. IF they no longer live in the area; IF they have died; IF
they now are attending another church on a regular basis … they may be dropped from your ministry
list. OTHERWISE, they are your prospects; they need the ministry of this church and your class and a
revitalized relationship with Jesus. IF just 20% of these 600 people will be reached and returned to a
vital relationship with Jesus WOW! This is not a challenge to the teachers, this is a challenge to all the
members of all the classes.
Thank you and God Bless,
FBC Goal
Prayer Guides and envelopes will be mailed out soon. Be watching for them!
Page 7
Church News
All of FBC! My husband, Ralph, wishes to say a special thanks for all the prayers you spoken and thoughts
you sent. “I look and feel better and you lifted my spirits… I won’t give up.”
Ralph & Sharon Gamble
No better way to start off Daylight Savings Time, March 8th, than with a "Daylight Savings Time" Pot Luck Fellowship after the morning service. Please bring
your favorite "Pot Luck" dish and be sure to add a little extra for the singing
group, One Voice, (approximately 40 people) from UMHB who will be singing
that morning. The Hostess Committee will provide the usual, i.e., drinks, plates,
napkins, and utensils.
May God console you at this time and bless you from above; may you find new
strength and hope in His unfailing love … to Teresa Blindert in the recent loss of her
mom, Polly Gentry … and to Brian & Cathy Whitfield in the recent loss of Cathy’s
mom, Marie Huggins..
“These things I have spoken to you, that
in me you might have peace.
In the world you shall have tribulation;
but be of good cheer;
I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
If your birthday is wrong or not
listed, please contact the Church
Office, 756-4481.
O Lord, there is none like you, neither is there any God beside you…
Deloras Bennight
Bob Sane
Mandi McMulin
Billie Marie Drake
Ruth Warwick
Cody Murders
Don Lutz
Jerry Hildabridle
Dixie Halliburton
Blake Walker
George Staller
Faith Manning
Brian Mull
Emerson Floyd
Bill L. McCoy
Donna Hall
Sue Walker
Chuck Friedman
Nathan Turner
Geneva Parker
Psalms 27:1
Dennis Lofton
Pat Peavy
Matthew Reed
Payton Halbert
Alex Proctor
Kenzie Curby
Juadeen Howard
Will Johnson
Irma Pfleiderer
Linda Birkhead
Cathy Whitfield
Phyllis Howard
Jodi Wagner
Jason Ross
Skyla Hazelwood
Addis E. Haines
Katherine Wallace
James Worrell
Dennis Sloan