Living As God’s People St. Mark Lutheran Church March 2015 Lent Continues to Inspire St. Mark Inside this issue: Lenten Disciplines p. 2-3 Council Officers p. 4 The Book Marks p. 4 WELCA p. 5 Renter Search Update p. 5 Walk for Water p. 6 Elementary Youth p. 7 Passion/Palm Sunday p. 8 The season of Lent is off to a wonderful start, as we of St. Mark pray for the renewal of God’s Spirit and align ourselves with the needs of a hungry world. Our midweek worship and soup suppers feature stories from both the ELCA Hunger Appeal and from local ministries. Join us each Wednesday in March at 5:30 for soup and at 6:15 for worship around the tables in the Social Hall. Our daily Lenten disciplines (pages 2-3) correspond to each week’s theme. WATER FOR LIFE (March 4) 1 in 4 people do not have access to clean water and many children continue to die of water borne illness. Discover what the church is doing to address this need in Jesus’ name, hear stories from our Walk for Water, and pray for the Water that does not run dry. SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE (March 11) Learn how Christ’s people are helping communities to develop sustainable farming techniques so that they can raise food for themselves and their neighbors. Area residents, Chuck and Pat Stiers, spent years in Africa and will share their stories as part of our worship. A COMMUNITY MEAL (March 18) Each Wednesday in Lent, we share a delicious soup supper as a way of enjoying fellowship and remembering those who are hungry and would be glad for a simple bowl of soup. As we have learned at St. Mark, helping those who are homeless or poor can build community that is a blessing to all. Jim Bjorgo will speak on the monthly breakfast ministry of Grace Lutheran as we worship our God who unites us in Christ. Members are asked to sign up in the Narthex to bring a crock pot of soup to one or more of our soup suppers. (Please bring a list of your ingredients for those with food allergies and/ or copies of your recipe to share.) Separate signups will be posted for cleanup volunteers. WELCOMING THE STRANGER (March 25) Soup is served beginning at 5:30, but come when you can. Soups are left out until just before worship at 6:15. Starting life over in a new country after escaping the horrors of war and oppression is made easier because of the work we do through Lutheran Services Florida and the ELCA Hunger Appeal. Hear engaging refugee stories and join in prayer that we may always welcome those God brings into our lives. It’s not too late to donate soup or to volunteer for cleanup for one of our Soup Suppers! Please help if you can! Details are to the left. Page 2 Living As God’s People Lenten Disciplines for March The following Lenten discipline ideas follow the themes of our Lenten midweek services. Try one discipline each day as you deepen your walk with Jesus by remembering his brothers and sisters in need. Adjust the schedule as needed. Week 3, March 4-10: Water for Life Every day: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Continue using your Feed the World coin box. Attend the Soup Supper and midweek worship. Tape your Cross Card near your shower, kitchen, laundry or bathroom sink and pray for God to cleanse you by the Holy Spirit. Pray for those without easy access to water. (If you do not have a cross card, pick one up in the Narthex or simply draw your own.) Think of how water is used, misused and wasted in our lives. Be mindful of the gift of water from God. Choose one way to be a better steward of this gift (e.g., turn off the sprinklers when it has just rained). Sit or walk beside a creek, lake, ocean or any body of water — thank God for the beauty and notice the peacefulness. Attend Sunday worship; let water from the baptismal font remind you of God’s blessings. Stop by the Memorial Garden at church and notice the fountain. Pray for the families of those who are remembered there and for all who grieve. Mindfully drink a glass of water and, as you quench your thirst, remember that God provides what we need to quench our thirst for life in Christ. Week 4, March 11-17: Sustainable Agriculture Every day: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Continue using your Feed the World coin box. Attend the Soup Supper and midweek worship. Tape your Cross Card to your pantry or food cupboard. Think about where your food came from and who had a part in nourishing you. Be mindful of the food you are eating...slow down and feel the texture; taste the experience and give thanks for those who grow and deliver your food. Prepare a meal using food that has been raised locally (local fish, Ruskin tomatoes, Plant City strawberries). Attend Sunday worship; buy a chick picture from the Sunday School kids for $1, which provides a real chick to small farmers in a developing country. Pray for the migrant workers in our area and learn more about their needs / concerns. Learn more about Fair Trade coffee, chocolate and tea. David Lose has a good article about Fair Trade chocolate from a faith perspective on his blog with links to Lutheran World Relief videos. ( March 2015 Page 3 Lenten Disciplines for March (continued) Week 5, March 18-24: A Community Meal Every day: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Continue using your Feed the World coin box by putting in an offering each day of Lent toward a special offering to be received on Easter Sunday. Attend the Soup Supper and Midweek Service. Tape your Cross Card to your refrigerator door and pray for those in our community who are hungry or homeless. Remember the homeless in prayer before each meal you eat. Invite someone to join you for a meal. Attend Sunday worship; as you receive Holy Communion, remember that Christ unites us through this meal with all those he loves. Learn about Pinellas Hope or other local homeless ministries ( Prepare a donation for Grace’s homeless ministry which we will collect at our midweek worship on March 25. (Suggestions: hygiene item, men’s or women’s socks). Week 6, March 25-31: Welcoming the Stranger Every day: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Continue using your Feed the World coin box by putting in an offering each day of Lent toward a special offering to be received on Easter Sunday. Attend the Soup Supper and midweek worship. Tape your Cross Card to your bathroom mirror. Remember that, though you did not deserve it, Christ gave himself for you in death and has promised you an eternal home with him. Mindfully seek to understand someone different than yourself. Read a book or article about another culture. (An example is our last book club book, Where the Wind Leads, described on page 4 of this newsletter) Attend Sunday worship; greet someone you don’t know; introduce yourself and learn something about the person. Pray for them when you get home. Demonstrate a random act of kindness toward a stranger. Learn more about the LSF Refugee program by following this link ( Services/Pages/Refugee-Resettlement.aspx). For the remainder of Holy Week (April 1-4), read the story of Jesus’ Passion according to Mark, chapters 14 and 15; continue filling your Coin Box; pray that the power of Christ’s death and resurrection will lead you to a new life of faithful service and love in Jesus’ name. Page 4 Living As God’s People Council Officers and Ministry At the February 10 Congregation Council Meeting, Council / Congregation officers were elected and Ministry Team assignments made. Richard Dahmer Robin Bower-Miller Pete Horvath Dieter Dirks Richard Dahmer, president and Generosity Team Pete Horvath, vice-president and Property Team Robin Bower-Miller, secretary and Fellowship Team Dieter Dirks, treasurer and Strategic Planning Team Connie Feig, WELCA and Congregation Care Team Jennifer Grumbling, Generosity Team Helen Henwood, Strategic Planning and Property Team Susie Peterson, Strategic Planning and Fellowship Team Jerry Rude, Property Team We thank God for the talent, faith and dedication of these leaders. Please keep them and our pastors in your daily prayers. Speak to them if you’d like to serve on a Ministry Team or if you have ideas for the mission and ministry of St. Mark. The Book Marks “My name is Vinh Chung. This is a story that spans two continents, ten decades, and eleven thousand miles. When I was three and a half years old, my family was forced to flee Vietnam in June 1979, to a place we had never heard of somewhere in the heartland of America. Several weeks later my family lay half-dead from dehydration in a derelict fishing boat jammed with ninety-three refugees lost in the middle of the South China Sea. We arrived in the United States with nothing but the clothes on our backs and unable to speak a single word of English. Today my family holds twenty-one university degrees. How we got from there to here is quite a story.” Where the Wind Leads is the remarkable account of Vinh Chung and his refugee family’s daring escape from communist oppression for the chance of a better life in America. It’s a story of personal sacrifice, redemption, endurance against almost insurmountable odds, and what it truly means to be American. Join the Book Marks, St. Mark’s book club, on Thursday, March 19 to discuss this fascinating true story. The book can be ordered through Amazon by following this link. An audio version is also available. March 2015 Page 5 WELCA The WELCA monthly meeting will be Tuesday, March 3 at 10:00 AM. Sue Zenk will present “A View of China” and share pictures from the trip that she and Darrell recently took. Everyone is welcome to attend. “World Day of Prayer” will be held Friday, March 6 at the St. Mark Village Chapel. Registration begins at 10:00 AM with the program beginning at 10:30 AM. The Suncoast Conference Spring Gathering is Saturday, March 21 from 9:00 AM-1:30 PM at Prince of Peace Lutheran in Largo. See Connie Feig for details. Regular WELCA meetings are the first Tuesday of the month, Women’s Bible Study is the second Tuesday and Christian Service is the fourth Tuesday of the month. All meeting times are at 10:00 AM. Renter Search Update St. Mark’s search for new renters was dealt a setback when the school that had made an offer was denied a charter revision which would have allowed them to relocate. Our Strategic Planning Team continues to work with our realtor to explore every option. Keep St. Mark in your prayers in these uncertain times, that God would guide us with wisdom, strengthen our trust, and keep us rooted in the mission of Jesus Christ. Feed the World Many of us are already using our special Feed the World Coin Boxes, making a daily offering to help feed the world as part of our Lenten discipline. Remember to pray for the hungry as you drop your change into the box. This daily act of generosity and prayer can motivate us to live in ways that are generous and compassionate. Coin Box Offerings will be collected on Easter Sunday, April 5 or may be brought to the church office. (Boxes have all been distributed, so if you didn’t get one, just use a jar or some other small container.) Remember that all our midweek offerings during Lent are designated for the ELCA Hunger Appeal. We are exploring the work we do together through the ELCA at our midweek services. We learn, give and serve in Jesus’ name! Page 6 Living As God’s People Water Walk The global water crisis doesn’t always make headlines, but the truth is that it claims more lives each year than war. ELCA Youth throughout the country have made water a priority this year. On Sunday, February 22, 14 members of St. Mark, led by our high school and middle school youth, walked three miles on the Pinellas Trail to raise donations and awareness about the need for clean water throughout the world. By toting up to five gallons each (40 pounds) on the return trip, they simulated the journey taken daily by women and children in Africa who need to gather water for their families. Even with that journey, the water is often unsafe. Our youth will speak about their experience and we will learn more about the hope and help we bring as a church at our March 4 midweek service. Thanks to all who donated (~$400) in support of this project. March 2015 Page 7 Elementary Party at Future Flipz 13 children and 21 members of their families had a blast at Future Flipz gym in Clearwater last month! It’s so exciting to have so many children and young families active at St. Mark. Your faith, your joy, your questions, and your love mean so much to all of us! Watch for details (coming soon) on our Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt on Saturday, April 4. Like St. Mark on Facebook St. Mark is on Facebook. To find us, please visit, do a search for “St. Mark Lutheran Church ELCA” or scan this QR code with your smart phone. Let us know that you “LIKE” St. Mark. St. Mark Lutheran Church 1120 Curlew Road Dunedin, Florida 34698 Phone: 727-733-0474 Fax: 727-736-2357 email: Rev. Alan Wolkenhauer Rev. Phyllis Wolkenhauer Cheryl Burton, Cantor Willie Hobbs, Office Administrator Jim Boyter & Beverly Entwisle, Property Stewards Worship Times: Sundays at 9:30 AM Wednesdays at 6:15 PM (preceded by soup at 5:30) Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9:00 AM—4:00 The Mission of St. Mark Gathered around Word and water, bread and wine, we spread God’s Word by living our faith daily and welcoming all with open hearts and minds. Our Statement of Welcome St. Mark is a spiritual community that celebrates the gifts of God that empower us to engage in the struggles of life, to care for each other, and to serve Christ where we work and live. We welcome the participation of people of all ages, faiths, ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender identities, educational backgrounds, and economic conditions – all who want to join in community to honor God and be of service to people. We recognize that each person is a unique creation of God and by the grace of God is called a “child of God.” Passion / Palm Sunday March 29 Wave your palms and shout Hosanna! as we celebrate Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem. (We have invited Chica the Donkey to join us again.) Then experience the dramatic reading of Jesus’ passion through the moving participatory drama, Worship for the Way of the Cross. This is one of the most beautiful services of the year, so invite your family and friends to join us on Sunday, March 29 at 9:30 AM. Holy Week details will be included in the April newsletter, but plan now for worship on Maundy Thursday, April 2 at 6:30 PM, Good Friday, April 3 at 1:00 PM and 6:30 PM, and Easter Sunday, April 5 at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM with Easter breakfast offered between worship services. Living as God’s People In Your Prayers FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK OR IN NEED OF SUPPORT: Cheryl Burton Jack Travis FOR THOSE WHO GRIEVE: (Family and friends of) Ron Hormes Kathy Robbins (friend of Arnie Dano) Bert Piatt Rita Paltoo FOR THOSE WHO SERVE: Amy Switalski Andrew Amstutz (friend of the Langenbacks - US Navy) John Shaw (brother of Charlotte Nizer) Andy Bloch (son-in-law of the Polaks in Border Patrol) Bill Martin (husband of Dorothy) Joel Elliott (stepson of Carolyn Elliott - in Germany) Jim Gorman (friend of the Reeds) Tierney Froelich Bill and Jeanne Huntington (friends of the Plasketts) Steven Klein (USCG) Marcy (niece of Allen and Mary VanHaute) Bobby Ryan (godfather of Kaeden Delerme - in Ethiopia) Steven Plaskett (grandson of Jeanne and Jerry Plaskett) Tricia (niece of the Zenks) Sinjon & Manning Pagley (friends of the Grumbling-Delerme Mitch Shellenberger family) Enid Giesow (friend of Laurie Reed) Cathy Raisbeck (sister of Claudia Travis) Connie Romano and Rose (friends of Suzanne Bryant) Norm Knaack (stepfather of Connie Bonner) Elizabeth Randolph (friend of Carol Bernstein) Missy Martin (sister-in-law of Suzanne Bryant) David Miller II (son of David Bower Miller) Carrie Leone (niece of the Walthours) Anita Hans (friend of Sue Nelson) Heather Booth (daughter of the Plasketts) Worship Servers March 2015 March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 Ushers: Acolyte: Offering Bearers: Lector: Communion Assistants: Ushers: Acolyte: Offering Bearers: Lector: Communion Assistants: Ushers: Acolyte: Offering Bearers: Lector: Communion Assistants: Ushers: Acolytes: Offering Bearers: Lector: Communion Assistants: Ushers: Acolyte: Offering Bearers: Lector: Communion Assistants: March Altar Guild Set up: Clean up: Tracy and Bill Scott Milla Grumbling Kaeden Delerme and Max Mitzlaff Gay Lynn Horvath Lisa Rude and Arnie Dano Janice Froelich and Carol Kitchen Ryan Cain Ella and Ainsley Horvath Cory Cromarti Wayne Morris and Steve Miller Kathie and Ken Chernes Breana Bryant Aubrey Grassick and Hannah Williams Wendy Dahmer Linda Peterman and Helen Henwood Wendy and Richard Dahmer Connor Jensen Ava and Olivia Catlin Sue Zenk Delaine Roberts and Sue Zenk Laurie and Jay Reed Stephanie Anderson Max Mitzlaff and Madison Seiter N/A Ruth Titus and Darrell Zenk Janice Froelich Kathie Chernes and Claudia Travis
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