BETHLEHEM CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Dave Knight, Principal Mrs. Jacqueline Ackerman, Asst. Principal Mr. Andrè Poisson, Asst. Principal February 2015 Telephone: 659-7900 Fax: 659-2203 Attendance Desk: 659-7906 Website: PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE We have arrived at the end of Semester One and student report cards for this term are included in this package of information. Congratulations to all who have found increased success this year. For those students still seeking further improvement, we encourage you to take advantage of the supports at school and at home and commit yourself to being the best student that you can be. To those students who have completed their studies or are moving to other schools or programs, we wish you well. Semester Two is just beginning and we are already planning for next year. We will be starting the Course Selection process for next year on February 26th. The majority of the process is online and your child will be bringing information home to share with you. We will also be welcoming Grade 8 students and their parents to Bethlehem. Grade 8 students from our neighbourhood schools will be touring Bethlehem on the afternoon of February 5th. Our Grade 8 Parent Information Night is on Thursday, February 12 @ 7:00 pm. The evening will include a tour of the school and an introduction to all we offer at Bethlehem. Please share this date with friends and neighbours that have students in Grade 8 this year. School Fee Invoices have been included with this newsletter and report card. This is of particular importance to Grade 12 students wishing to graduate as their accounts must be settled before processing their Application to Graduate on Feb th th 26 . There will be a grad parent meeting on February 25 at 7:00 pm. We are very grateful to those who have paid or made arrangements to pay their fees and thank everyone for ensuring that their account is up-to-date as soon as possible. CHAPLAIN’S MESSAGE One of the first things our family did when we moved out to our acreage was to build a firepit: permanent wooden seating surrounded by brickwork which housed the circular opening for fires. Gathering family and friends around a fire is one of our favorite activities. There is something powerful about that experience – it draws people together and builds bonds. After the fire has gone out, the bonds and memories remain; all that is physically left is ashes. Interestingly, we think of ashes as the end result to a fire; in Lent, which will begin with Ash Wednesday on February 18, ashes mark the beginning of our journey. Lent is a time when we use ashes to remind us of those areas in our lives where the fire has burned out – where the power of the fire within has weakened. The fires that we need to rekindle in our lives are as many and as diverse as we are. These might include: The fire of prayer – now is a good time to refresh our communication with God. The fire of relationships – why not work on rebuilding a damaged or fractured relationship. The fire of justice – perhaps the attention we paid to justice and charity before Christmas needs to be rekindled now. The fire of service – start to volunteer to better the state of our world. Whatever fires you need to rekindle in your life, may you be reborn from the ashes that existed before. May a new passion and zeal burn within you as you journey through this Lenten time toward the joy of Easter. Holy Family, pray for us. Mrs. Stookey AROUND OUR SCHOOL Library News Bethlehem Catholic High School ‘LIBGUIDE’ is here and on the ‘web’ to serve as our student learning hub: To access our new school ‘Learning Hub’ for students go to and click on Bethlehem Catholic High School; or just google search ”Bethlehem Catholic High School Libguide” There are many links to helpful webpages, videos, and tools to help when you are in need; also you can now search our library resources from home by accessing ‘”Destinyweb” on our ‘Libguide’ Click on our “Language Arts” tab to access No Fear Shakespeare resources, or view the “Great Teen Reads” widget to see the top sellers in Teen Fiction; as well as links to “Creative Writing Contests” Click on our “Social Science” tab to access videos for Canadian / Aboriginal / World History, or check out the research organizers to help with that troublesome research project or essay All tabs are works in progress that will be updated weekly, so check out the Bethlehem Catholic Libguide early and often Library Notes for Grade 12 students: All grade 12s need to be sure that they have nothing owing from last semester or previous years. Any book owing to the library from previous semesters will be added to your student fees at the end of February; keep in mind that we would much rather have the book than collect fees. Please come see us if there are any issues or concerns ASAP; as well, we at the library wish you the best as your final high school semester begins. School Fees: All school fees are now overdue. If your child has outstanding fees please make arrangements for payment. Reminder to our graduating students – you will not receive your cap and gown or your banquet tickets until all outstanding school fees are paid. To arrange payment options call Mrs. Stromberg or Mr. Knight. Lifetouch School Photos: It’s not too late to order pictures! If you haven’t ordered your 2014-15 school photos….it’s not too late. Order online at or phone 1-866-457-8212. POM: Junior and Senior Pom Teams will be competing at the Tommy Douglas Toe Touch competition February 25th. Attendance: We Need Your Help! Attendance at school is necessary! In order to achieve success in your high school career you must attend. Education is the key to success, achievement, and career opportunities. This includes being on time for school in the morning. We have too many students arriving late and missing key teaching information. Make school a priority for you and your children! It is your responsibility as a parent to contact the school if your child is going to be absent. Inform the school of the reason for the absence as well. Please phone 659-7906 and leave a message 24 hours a day. We appreciate your help in this matter. “Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire!” Klassen Driving School: Parents, if your child is sick or absent at school, please inform the attendance desk when you report their absence. Driver instructors must be made aware of the absence. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Klassen Driving School office at 382-2742. More information is on our blog at COMMUNITY NEWS Screen Time or Mean Time: Understanding Teen Sexuality and the Influence of the Digital Age: Parents are invited to join health educator Deb Levine in Saskatoon on February 24, 2015 for a free presentation. This will take place at the Cliff Wright Library Auditorium (1635 McKercher Drive) from 7:00pm – 8:00pm. Learn how to find the most age appropriate, medically accurate sexual and reproductive health resources for your teen. Get tips on how to protect and guide your adolescents through the virtual (and real) turbulence as they grow to become sexually healthy and responsible young adults. For more information please contact Jackie Eaton, Sexual and Reproductive Health Program Coordinator by email at or call 306.651.4300. IMPORTANT DATES February 2015 Thursday, February 5 Wednesday, February 11 Thursday, February 12 Friday, February 13 Monday, February 16 Tuesday, February 17-20 Monday, February 23 Wednesday, February 25 Staff PD Schedule - Students dismissed at 12:45pm Report Card Distribution Student Wellness Day - Regular Schedule 360 Event Schedule - 360 Tug-o-war. Students dismissed at 3:25 PINK Basketball Game Last Day of Classes Before Mid Winter Break Family Day - School Closed Mid Winter Break- School Closed Classes Resume After Mid Winter Break Grade 12 Grad Photos - Feb. 23 thru till March 3 Grad Parent Meeting 7:00 pm Thursday, February 26 360 Event Schedule Registration Information for Grade 9, 10 & 11. Grad Information for Grade 12's. Students dismissed at 3:25 Wednesday, March 4 Last Day of Grad Photos Thursday, March 5 Staff PD Schedule - Students dismissed at 12:45pm Distribution of Parent Teacher Interview Forms March 2015 Tuesday, March 10 Wednesday, March 11 Wednesday, March 18 360 Event Schedule - Pep Rally. Students dismissed at 3:25 Last day to return Parent Teacher Interview Forms Lenten Reconciliation – 360 Event Schedule Thursday, March 19 REGULAR SCHEDULE Parent Teacher Interview Times 6:30-9:00pm Friday March 20 No School for Students Parent Teacher Interview Time - 1:00-3:30pm Thursday, March 26 Thursday March 26 - 28 360 Event Schedule - Cake Auction. Students dismissed at 3:25 Hoopla - Hosted at Bethlehem April 2015 Wednesday, April 1 Thursday, April 2 Friday, April 3 Monday, April 6-10 Thursday, April 16 Thursday, April 23 Thursday, April 30 Mass Schedule-Lenten Liturgy Staff PD Schedule - Students dismissed at 12:45pm Good Friday - School Closed Easter Break - April 6 thru till April 10 - NO SCHOOL 360 Event Schedule - Pep Rally. Students dismissed at 3:25 Staff PD Schedule - Students dismissed at 12:45pm Report Card Distribution 360 Event Schedule - Battle of the Grades. Students dismissed at 3:25 Please access this newsletter and other information regarding the events around the school at our website: - Twitter: @BethlehemStars
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