Primary School NEWSLETTER 27th February 2015 Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of the College. We have had an exciting start to the term with our Parent/Teacher Information Evening, our Worship Service, School Photos, Choir and Bible Bunch starting, Reading Café and the Year 6.1 Assembly. The Year 3 and 4 students are busy with preparations for their item for our College Sunday Service to be held on Sunday, 22nd March at 9.30am. Continuing with our goal to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens we need to look at what resilience is. Resilience is the ability to steer through serious life challenges and to find ways to bounce back and to thrive. Resilience is not something we have or don’t have. We work on it throughout our lives, and the sooner we start to work on it the better. Parents are the most important people to help build their children’s resilience. Children learn a lot by watching their parents. When parents cope well with everyday stress, they are showing their children how to do the same. We need both outside and inside supports to build our resilience. Outside supports include caring relationships and positive role models and inside supports include selfcontrol, thinking skills, confidence, responsibility and participation. Encourage your child to keep on trying, show your child that “mistakes are ok,” build up their strengths and let then “have a go” on their own. Encourage them to take responsibility for their actions. “ Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn . . . If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight . . . If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive . . . If a child lives with pity, he learns to feel sorry for himself . . . If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy . . . If a child lives with jealousy, he learns to feel guilt . . . BUT If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient . . . If a child lives with encouragement, he learns to be confident . . . If a child lives with praise, he learns to be appreciative . . . If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love . . If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.. If a child lives with honesty, he learns what truth is . . . If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice . . . If children live with recognition, they learn to have a goal. If children live with sharing, they learn to be generous. If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself and those about him . . . If a child lives with friendliness, he learns the world is a nice place in which to live . . . “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Psalms 22:6 soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not Maryann Malzer Primary Principal be faint.” Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) Term 1, Issue 2 TERM CALENDAR OUR ONLINE CANTEEN primarystudents College Events Calendar of Events: Weeks 5 - 6 Monday 2nd March Wednesday 4th March Thursday 5th March Friday 6th March Tuesday 10th March Wednesday 11th March Thursday 12th March LABOUR DAY Public Holiday KG.1 - Meet the Teacher Tea Yr.6 - Constitutional Challenge Eagles Rock My School Incursion - High School Auditorium (8.30am) PP - Meet and Greet Yr.1 - Excursion to Kings Park Yr.5 - Northern WALLA Tag Tournament - Ridgewood Reserve KG.2 - Meet the Teacher Tea Assembly - Hosted by Yr.6.2 Rock my School Northern Walla Tag Tournament Year 5 students Thursday, 5th March We will be welcoming the West Coast Eagles and Rick ’The Rock” Eagle to a special school assembly on Thursday, 5th March at 8.30am. The presentation will focus on healthy lifestyles, goal setting, sportsmanship, resilience and inclusivity. Parents, you’re more than welcome to join us! Photographs of the event may be published on the Eagles’ website, Facebook and Twitter. Please contact Student Services if you have any objections. Date: Time: Venue: Tuesday, 10th March 9.00am - 12.00pm Ridgewood Reserve Six teams of Yr.5 students will be competing in the Northern Walla Tag Tournament, organised by Rugby WA and Quinns Baptist College. They will be competing against other schools in the northern suburbs area in a modified game of rugby. Notices Term 1 Monday, 2nd February - Thursday, 2nd April Term 2 Tuesday, 21st April - Thursday, 2nd July Term 3 Tuesday, 21st July - Thursday, 24th September Term 4 Tuesday, 13th October - Thursday, 10th December Opening Hours inter Uniforms New students who have not had a winter uniform fitting will receive a letter in the mail. If you do not receive a letter please contact me at the Uniform Shop. Students who started in Term 4 of 2014, please contact me by ringing the school office or email Current students - it is now time to try on your winter uniforms. Winter uniforms will be available to purchase from 26th March 2015 provided our winter stock has arrived. Our sincere apologies if some stock is not available. Many Thanks TUESDAYS 8.00am - 12.00pm (All Students & Parents) 12.00pm - 12.30pm (High School Students only) 1.30pm - 3.30pm (All Students & Parents) THURSDAYS 8.00am - 12.00pm Uniform Co-ordinator (All Students & Parents) IMPORTANT Please be advised that there may be some price changes as from 1 st March 2015. Whilst some uniform items may still reflect the old pricing, the computer will charge at the new price. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. (Uniform Coordinator) School Community ORDINARY our learning adventures Community Parent-Child Connection Dad’s Raising Girls Find out how to build a rewarding fatherdaughter relationship. As the primary male role model in a young girl’s life, Dads play an important role in the development of their self-concept and self esteem. This can often affect how they relate to others as they get older, particularly to boys and men. Joondalup - Wednesday, 22nd April 6.30pm - 9.00pm / $25 per person Raising children is one of life’s greatest, but most rewarding challenges. People with children under ten are invited to this fourweek course to learn new skills, feel better about their parenting and gain confidence. West Leederville Thursdays, 12, 19, 26 March, 2 April 6.30pm - 9.00pm $50 per person / $75 per couple Dad’s raising Teenage Boys Fathering After Separation Raising teenage boys can be challenging but there can also be exceptional times of fun and closeness. This workshop is designed to assist fathers and father figures navigate their way through the teen years to help build positive relationships and strong, positive young men for the future. It’s important for fathers to distinguish between their parenting role and their relationship break-up. This seminar, held in a malefriendly environment, suggests West Leederville - Monday, 30th March West Leederville - Thursday, 26th March 6.30pm - 9.00pm / $25 per person 6.30pm - 9.00pm / $25 per person helpful ways to keep in touch with your child to build skills and to recognise strengths and weaknesses. Community Sundays - 9.30am QBC Primary Auditorium Pastors: Andrew & Danelle Hamilton Phone: 0400 044 236 For all Year 4 – Year 6 kids Friday nights: 6.00pm – 7.30pm QBC Primary Auditorium Foyer Bring $2 & change for tuck shop & your water bottle. Quinns Youth GOD STUFF, FUN STUFF, All high school students welcome GAMES, MESS & MORE . 7.30pm to 9.30pm In the Primary Auditorium* (*unless otherwise notified) Register online: QUINNS BAPTIST COLLEGE Cnr. Anchorage Drive & Salerno Drive, Mindarie (Postal: PO Box 72 Quinns Rocks WA 6030)
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