MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL HOME OF THE OLD ABES 2225 Keith Street Eau Claire, WI 54701 General Number: (715) 852-6300 Attendance Office: (715) 852-6302 Partnership Coordinator: (715) 852-6307 Thursday, February 26, 2015 --------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s a great day to be an Old Abe! d by the a special year! Join 17th your student. MHS Orches You are invited to ev ent occurring only once a the MHS Orchestra for their Annual ITALIAN DINNER! Get tickets now from an orchestra Buy now to be sure to get a Dress up for FFA Thursday is Class color: ~ Freshmen: Yellow ~ Sophomores: Green ~ Juniors: Orange ~ Seniors: Blue ~ Staff: Red FFA Week is fun-fun-FUN! We are in the midst of FFA Week. FFA is an Dress up for FFA Friday is Spirit day ~Let your Old Abe Spirit shine! American youth organization, specifically a career and technical student organization, based on middle and high school classes that promote and support agricultural education. We have an active FFA Club that is a combined Memorial-North Chapter. The advisor is teacher Jan Hildebrandt. Already looking forward to next year’s FFA Week! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------Vision of the Eau Claire Area School District: “All children in the district are prepared for post-secondary success!” ------------------------------------------------- This Week’s Events To view the coming week’s athletic schedules, click here. Friday, February 27, 2015 ~FFA dress up day=Spirit Day! ~2015 NHS Applications due by 3:00pm ~U-Ghana Rock, 7:00-10:00pm Saturday, February 28, 2015 ~College Goal at CVTC, 2:00pm (This is to fill out your FAFSA Information) Sunday, March 1, 2015 ~Youth Options Application Deadlines is TODAY, March 1, for the Fall 2015 Semester. All applications should be submitted to Student Services. Questions? Contact your school counselor. ~Scintilla Logo Contest due date (hand in on Monday, March 2) Monday, March 2, 2015 ~Scintilla Logo Contest entries due today ~Last day to order your 2015 yearbook to guarantee delivery Tuesday, March 3, 2015 ~ACT for all Memorial 11th graders, 7:55am-12:40pm ~Classes start at 1:15pm Wednesday, March 4, 2015 ~ACT Work Keys for all 11th graders, 7:55am-11:20pm ~Classes start at 11:30pm ~No early out PD Wednesday! School release is 2:51pm Thursday, March 5, 2015 ~Manufacturing Show at CVTC, 3:00-7:00 pm Friday, March 6, 2015 ~U of M-Mankato rep in Student Services @ 10:30 am Saturday, March 7, 2015 ~ Sunday, March 8, 2015 ~ ~Thought for the Day~ “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” ~Mother Teresa Good News from Memorial Congratulations to the MHS Mock Trial team--Front row (L to R): Diane Hu, Rachel Bachhuber, Angela Arnholt, Anna Nick, Chloe Lam, Christiana Nelson, Monica Hart, Grace Johnson. Back row (L to R): Gage Ryder, Andrew Smith, Sagar Brahmbhatt--on a successful season! The team had their regional competition at the Eau Claire County Courthouse on Saturday, February 14. Finishing with a record of 3-1, the team won their first three rounds and narrowly lost the last round. The team scored more points than any other team at the competition? The team advisor is teacher Emilee McHorney. Great job, Legal Eagles! Congratulations to the National Honor Society Polar Plungers who raised $677 for Special Olympics! MHS students participated in the UWEC Math Meet held at Hibbard Hall at UW-Eau Claire. The 'Electric Flux' team of Kata Tana, Kenny Tana, Billy Jang, Diane Hu, Josh Gilberstadt, and Adam Nijhawan took 1st place in the large school division! Josh Gilberstadt won the competition, taking 1st place in that division, and Diane Hu took 5th place!! Congratulations!! Other participating students were: Alex Whitis, Brie Jol, Katrina Kitzmann, Raymond Higgins, Hannah Detlaff, Nick Hoff, Eli Wojahn, Emma Lauer, Sam Weber, Will Orser, Chase Hanson, and Jaxi Alegria. Way to go! Bright Ideas Suggest these Note Taking Tips to your child-- When taking notes: • Have a positive attitude (OK-This sounds too simple, but it works!) • Intend to learn from your notes • Keep notes in a binder • Underline any emphasized information on handouts • Circle unclear information • Leave blank spaces between lines so you can add information • Paraphrase information • Listen more than you write News and Announcements To View the Bell Schedule, click here. School Breakfast and Lunch Menu, click here. District Calendar, click here. MHS Daily Announcements, click here Purple Wings, Student-News, click here Order your transcripts by clicking here. Questions? Contact the registrar at 715-852-6314. U-Ghana Rock is this Friday, February 27! Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased at the door. The concert will go 7-10pm in the commons and there will be bake sale goods available ($1 each), as well as 2015 t-shirts ($10) and “throwback” t-shirts ($3). 10 bands and a lot of fun! Bring an old suitcase or bag to support Operation Dignity in Ghana, participate in letter-writing for Amnesty International, and rock out with ten different bands! Safety is the prime concern Students need to leave the MHS campus by 3:30pm unless scheduled in after school activities. No exceptions! Please see an administrator with questions. Grade 9, 10 and 12 On March 3rd and 4th, all juniors will be taking the ACT and WorkKeys. All other students are not required to report to school until testing is completed for the day. However, if any student, grades 9, 10, and 12, chooses to come to school during testing, the following options will be available to them until the schedule day begins at 12:30 on March 3rd and 11:30 on March 4th. Students will need to be in one of these area-- Family Consumer Science Lab, Gym and Weight Room, Art classroom, Tech Ed areas, Computer Lab in the English Wing, Rm 1955 Social Studies Resource Room, Rm 1965 English Resource Room, Rm 1970 Math Resource Room, Rm 1980 Science Resource Room, Rm 1985 Foreign Language Room. Lunch will be provided both days. Access to the building can be gained through Doors 4, 9, 15, 18. Super way to help the Old Abe Booster Club and get a great meal! Buffalo Wild Wings is supporting all local high school booster clubs by donating back 10% of all sales made during the school year as long as this print out card or a picture of the card is shown at time of ordering or payment. (Click here for the card.) Anyone can show this – students, staff, parents, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Once Upon a Prom is cash free! It is only February but before you know it, Prom season will be here. It is already time for the Once Upon a Prom event. This will take place on March 14 & 15 at The Salon Professional Academy (3408 Mall Drive,) but you must sign up at This is a service that allows students in need to receive a prom dress, shoes, purse and jewelry without any money! The cost is simply to give back to the community with six hours of community service. Have a prom dress you want to donate? Please drop off in the Memorial Attendance Office. Be part of the award winning Memorial Dance Team! Tryouts for the 2015 Summer Dance Team will be held March 9-13. Tryout packets are available in the athletic office. Chamber Accepting Applications for Youth Leadership Program Would your child benefit from leadership training? Do you want to expose your son/daughter to different career opportunities right here in the Chippewa Valley? Would you like your child to discover the benefits of volunteering for an area non-profit? Youth Leadership Eau Claire is the answer! Accepting applications from current sophomores for its Youth Leadership Eau Claire (YLEC) program. The goal of YLEC is to enhance the knowledge and develop leadership skills in a diverse group of area high school students to empower and motivate them to become involved and committed to their community. The YLEC program will include an overnight opening retreat July 30-31 in Trego, WI. Then, the class will meet one school day each month from September through May (except December) to discuss community issues, explore career opportunities and enhance their leadership skills. All program days are excused school absences. Tuition for the program is only $100 and Scholarships are available for students needing financial assistance. Candidates can download an application by clicking here or calling the Chamber at 715-834-1204. The deadline to submit an application is April 10, 2015. Old Abe fans: Please be reminded that the WIAA tournaments are right around the corner. All spectators will need to purchase a ticket for all WIAA sponsored tournament games. District/BRC passes and Student ID’s are not accepted for tournament games. Thank you for supporting the Old Abe in the tournament series. GO ABES!! Yearbook Reminder--March 2 is the last day to guarantee the purchase of a yearbook. A limited number of extra copies will be available for $55 after this date, but getting a copy cannot be guaranteed. Click here to order yours today. Any girl planning on competing in track and field this spring that missed the meeting on Monday, February 16th should drop by Coach Johnson’s room (2106) before or after school someday this week. Public School Open Enrollment: February 2 – April 30, 2015. For information on Open Enrollment, click here. Final call for the Math Day at UWEC on March 7 The Second Annual Sonia Kovalevsky High School and Middle School Mathematics Day. Students of all abilities and interest are encouraged to attend! Please click here to register. Eau Claire Area School District Summer Programs 2015 The deadline for all registrations is April 10, 2015. If you have any questions, please call the Summer Program office at 715-852-3114. Longfellow Alumni Ever wonder what's been going on in your old elementary school since you left? Former Longfellow students, here's your chance to find out! There's going to be an open house from 4:00-5:15 on Tuesday, March 10th where past Longfellow Elementary students can take a tour, enjoy some snacks and reconnect with childhood friends! All past Longfellow students who are in high school and adults of any age are welcome to attend. There will be tables set up with information on what the school has been up to and they want to hear from you. Current Longfellow students will be there to show alumni around the school. Any questions or concerns please email Holly Larson at for more information. We hope to see you there! As parents, we all want our children to have a safe and memorable graduation and this parentsponsored activity is the answer. However, we can't do it without your help! ALL parents, no matter what grade your student(s) are in, are needed to help make this a successful and memorable party for our graduates. We will be looking for people to help set up and decorate before the party, people to work during the party and people to help put away the decorations when the party is over. Click here to see how you can volunteer. Postsecondary Readiness Visit with college/armed forces representatives right here at MHS! -Monday, March 9: Army & Army Reserve @ 10:30 am -National Guard (rescheduled from March 3) Tuesday, March 10 at 10:30 am -Tuesday, March 10: McNally Smith College of Music-St. Paul @ 10:30 am -Tuesday, March 17: Army ROTC @ 9:30 am -Wednesday, March 18: St. Thomas @ 10:30 am AP (Advanced Placement) Test Form due with payment by March 18. Click here Manufacturing Show: Thursday, March 5, 3:00-7:00 pm. Explore career options at Chippewa Valley Technical College Gateway Campus Manufacturing Ed Center, 2320 Alpine Road, Eau Claire. Juniors: All Juniors will be taking the ACT on March 3rd at Memorial. Get plenty of rest in preparation. Don’t miss the College Goal Wisconsin (Formerly College Goal Sunday) on February 28 Seniors who are planning to continue their education after high school and need assistance in completing their FAFSA for financial aid purposes are encouraged to attend this meeting with their parents/guardians. Time: 2:00 PM 4:00 PM; Location: Chippewa Valley Technical College Business Education Center Room 30A and 30B Are you looking for help preparing for the ACT? Wiscareers/Career Locker offers FREE test prep and timed practice tests online. ECASD Students can log into Wiscareers/Career Locker with their school ID and last name anywhere internet is available. Click here to go to Wiscareers/Career Locker. The test prep can be found on the main page in the blue box labeled “academic test prep”. Click on the blue box and then click on the first link labeled “On line course for the ACT”. Click “continue” until you are connected to the Peterson online course. CVTC Career Tours: Career tour is offered for students interested in hands-on, high paying careers. Program information and tours last from 9:15 am – 12:30 pm, Tuesday, April 14. Registration is required and space is limited so early registration is recommended. If you have questions about Career tour or would like to register contact Chelsea at 715-831-7243 or e-mail New Scholarships are posted all the time. Check the available scholarships by clicking here. New ones are added all the time so check often! Blugold Beginnings Study Hall Mentoring and After-School program is up and running. Students who are interested in homework help, ACT prep, scholarship and FAFSA help and information on higher education are encouraged to fill out an application. For information on Blugold Beginnings or After-School program, contact Shannon Waterhouse at or 715-836-3456. Mark Your Calendar for the Month Ahead March 9, Band Florida Trip Meeting, 7:00pm March 9-12, DECA State Conference in Lake Geneva March 9-13, 2015 Summer Dance Team tryouts March 13, MHS Special Angel’s Show, 9:30am March 13-14, Choir Freshmen Trip to Orpheum March 14-15, Once Upon a Prom event at Salon Professional Academy March 18, AP Test Forms due March 23-27, Spring Break-All Schools Closed March 21-26, Band Spring Break Florida Trip March 31, Parent/Teacher Conferences at MHS, 3:15-6:45pm April 1, NHS induction April 3, No School April 6, Parent/Teacher Conferences at MHS, 3:15-6:45pm April 10, deadline to submit Chamber Youth Leadership Program application April 10, deadline for Eau Claire Area School District Summer Programs 2015 registration Words of the Week (W.O.W.) Brought to you by Annis Williams (Reading Specialist) Root: kine: motion,division Kinesthetic [Kin-is-ˈthet-ic] Adjective. 1) To move or set in motion. 2) A learning style in which the student carries out a physical activity, rather than listens to a lecture or watches a demonstration. It is also referred to as tactile learning. Sentence –Writing notes while listening to a lecture is a kinesthetic method of learning because you use your hand muscles as well as your sense of hearing to remember. Kinetic [ki-ˈnet-ik] Adjective. 1) Pertaining to motion. 2) Caused by motion. 3) Characterized by movement: running and dancing. Sentence - The kinetic energy created by the rotating wheel of a bicycle can power a generator light so that the rider never has to worry about batteries. ********************************************************************************** Common Errors: Faze/Phase Faze- verb - when something doesn’t faze you it doesn’t bother you “The fact that the overhead projector bulb was burned out didn’t faze her teacher.” Phase- noun- a part or step in a process; one part in a series of related events or actions. The project will be done in three phases. Phase- verb – to adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition: The company is phasing out its line of typewriters. The fact that the her boss had a two phase plan to phase out her typewriter and replace it with a computer, didn’t faze June at all because she had been taking computer classes at the technical school for the past year. Eau Claire Community Spotlight B.R.A.I.N. Conference Thursday, April 16, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Florian Gardens (2340 Lorch Avenue.) Understanding how poverty, AODA, mental health, stress, trauma and other toxic environments affect our children, families and our community. For more information contact the B.R.A.I.N. Team at 715-833-1735 or Feed My People benefit Come Celebrate Music on Sunday, March 1, at 2:00pm or 7:00pm at Trinity Lutheran Church located at 1314 East Lexington Blvd. Tickets are $10.00 and available at Festival Foods, Gordys and Mega. All proceeds go to Feed My People Food Bank! For information on upcoming shows and auditions at ECCT and Chippewa Valley Theatre Guild, go to and Eau Claire Fastpitch League Registration/Clinic is Sunday, March 8th at the Eau Claire Sport Warehouse 14u & High School 11 am-12:30 pm; 8u 12:45-2 pm; 10u 2:15-3:30 pm; 12u 3:45-5 pm. Flyer and other information for both these events can be found at Please contact Kris Chapman (715-828-1409) with any questions. Eau Claire Fury Summer Tournament Team Registration/Try-outs are Sunday, March 15th at the Eau Claire Sport Warehouse 14u, 16u, 18u 11 am-12:30 pm; 10u 12:45-2 pm; 12u 2:15-3:30 pm. Flyer and other information for both these events can be found at Please contact Kris Chapman (715-828-1409) with any questions. Seymour Ball Club Registration Dates are February 28 and March 3 Seymour Ball Club invites girls and boys ages 5 through 18 to sign up for T-ball, baseball or softball. Dates for sign-up are Saturday, February 28, from 8 am-noon and Tuesday, March 3, from 5-8 pm at the Seymour Town Hall at 6500 Tower Drive in Eau Claire. Learn more at Touched Twice Clinic is Saturday, April 18 Join Longfellow for the 9th Annual Jeanne Richie Memorial Puddle Jump, April 18, 2015! Longfellow’s Jeanne Richie Memorial Puddle Jump is a not-for-profit event. In 2014 it granted over $7000 to student scholarships for community programs and to Longfellow’s after-school 21st Century Community Learning Center! Click here to learn more and to register. (Team & Advanced Registration deadline is March 19th) Disclaimer of the Eau Claire Area School District. The Eau Claire Area School District from time to time permits the distribution of information about appropriate non-commercial activities sponsored by nonprofit organizations. The fact that this information is distributed through the Eau Claire School System does not mean or imply sponsorship of, or support of, the activity by the school system. Any problems related to the operation of the activity will be strictly between the participant and the sponsoring organization. Request for further information about the activity should be directed to the sponsoring organization.
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