HOME BULLETIN - Oostburg Christian School

Oostburg Christian School
February 25, 2015
The mission of
Christian School
is to provide a
Christian quality
education which
will equip God’s
children to
function as
Christians in
society, church,
and home.
Please remember that we have a 12:20 p.m. early dismissal this Friday. The
teachers will spend the afternoon in meetings. Vans and the bus will run at that
time. Please remember, aftercare if offered Friday afternoon. Please make sure
that you sign up if you would like to take advantage of this service.
Please continue to keep Oostburg Christian School in your prayers. The board is
working hard as it prepares the budget for the 2015-2016 school year. The board
is also working on finding new staff members to replace those who are retiring or
changing jobs. Please also pray for the children and their families. Pray God
keeps guard over every one of us.
We praise God for our excellent staff and how God has used teachers for many
years to teach our children and bring Him praise. This year we will have numerous staff members retiring or changing their employment. Mr. Bob Adams, our
administrator, will be retiring after working at OCS for 38 years. Mrs. Kris Hancock, our current seventh grade math teacher and middle school language arts
teacher for many years, is also retiring. Mrs. Georgia Smies, our 3rd/4th grade
teacher will step away from Oostburg Christian as God is calling her to serve Him
elsewhere. Mrs. Judy VerVelde, our current 3rd/4th grade teacher assistant and
long time 3rd grade teacher will also be retiring. Finally, Mr. Rich Williams, our
band teacher, will retire after serving God
for fifty years in Christian education.
Please pray that God blesses each of
these staff members as they begin a new
phase in their lives. Please pray also for
OCS as God replaces each with a new
person. God has great plans for OCS,
and His plans always bring Him glory. It
is exciting to see God working at our
school and using each of us, through
prayer, to continue to make our school a
bright shining light in our community.
22 S. 6th St. P.O. Box 700319
Like us on Facebook
Oostburg, WI 53070
Phone 920.564.2664 Fax 920.564.3166
Oostburg Christian School is pleased to announce a two-morning-a-week 3K program!
This will start at the beginning of the 2015-16 school year for children who are three by
Sept 1, 2015. The class will be limited to 12. Sign up soon!
We are also taking applications for a teacher for this program. Please send or drop off your
cover letter and a resume to the school office.
With the staff changes mentioned earlier, Oostburg Christian School will be searching for new teachers to replace
those leaving. OCS is currently in need of a full time teacher for our incoming 3rd/4th grade class. The teacher will
work with either grade 3 or 4 in the morning and then continue in the afternoon teaching the 3rd and 4th grades together (currently 20 total students). We are also looking for a 50% teacher to teach either grade 3 or 4 in the morning. OCS is also beginning its search for an administrator who will also teach several classes each day. Finally,
OCS is looking for a band instructor for grades 5—8, and our school is beginning a search for a 3K teacher for our
new 3K program. If you or someone you know is interested in any of these positions, please send a resume and
cover letter to the Oostburg Christian School office in care of the Education Committee.
Parents of current fourth and fifth grade students are invited to a meeting this coming Monday, March 2nd at 7 p.m.
Next years schedule will be explained. Next year the fifth and sixth grade will be taught separately in the morning. In
the afternoon the two classes will be brought together. Any questions you may have will be answered.
In your youngest OCS child’s backpack last week was an envelope with next school year’s pre-registration form.
This is a very important communication tool for you to let the school board know of your intentions for enrollment at
OCS next school year. The school board needs this information to make accurate budgeting decisions. Please
make every effort to return this form to the school office by March 15th.
Order forms for this year’s school yearbook were distributed to each family. If you have not seen it yet, look in your
youngest OCS child’s backpack!! The yearbook is a wonderful memory book of all the things that have taken place
at our school throughout the year as well as a full class by class pictorial list. This is something that each family/
student will want to keep in their keepsake box to look at for many years to come.
Each yearbook costs $16.00. Please have all forms/money into the school office by the deadline of March 6th. If
you need a new form ask in the office—we have extra’s! Checks can be made payable to OCS.
GRANDPARENTS….you are welcome to buy yearbooks as well!! Just contact the office for a form/payment envelope!
Progress reports were sent home last Friday. If you have children in grades 4k—2 or 5th grade you should have receiving a hard copy, please sign it and send it back as soon as possible. Middle school and grades 3 and 4 progress
reports were sent home electronically. Please call your child’s teacher if you have any questions. Thank you.
The lost and found bin is once again overflowing. If your child is missing a coat, sweatshirt, hat, mittens, sweatpants
or even a ripstick you might want to look the bin over. Come to the school office and we will show you the stash!
Join us for Cabin Fever Reliever in the gym next week Thursday, March 5 between 8:30 and10:00, for our only opportunity in the month of March. April 16 and 30 are the last two events this year! See you next week!
The last soup supper is scheduled for April 15th (yes, tax day—might as well have something to look forward to that
day!). The last three have raised a great deal of money for the TAP fund and we hope to end our year with one last
event that exceeds our expectations. Following is a list of items that we could use if you are willing to make a donation:
9 lbs. ready cut spaghetti
5 boxes quick barley
5 lbs. onions
7 bunches of celery
5 lbs. potatoes
15 26 oz. tomato soup
4 28oz. V-8 juice
8 46oz. Tomato juice
3 jars chicken base (Orrington farms)
5 bags of croutons
8 lbs. split peas
8 lbs. carrots
15 15 oz. bush chili beans
3 jars beef base (Orrington farms)
10 15 oz. stewed diced Italian tomatoes
If you are willing to help us purchase some of these items, please call/text Brenda at (920) 254-5876. Gift cards to
Piggly Wiggly are always appreciated as well. There is a lot of meat to purchase and this helps to defray the cost of
that purchase.
Cakes will be served that night so if you like baking we would love to hear from you!
Thanks for always coming through for OCS!
OCS mugs are going fast—don’t wait to get yours because you might be too late. This would
make a great Easter basket gift for anyone who loves OCS. $5 is a deal for this treasure!
GARAGE SALE—April 11, 2015
Think spring cleaning? You can donate your “stuff” to school and we will sell it as a fund raiser OR you can reserve a
table (banquet size) and sell your own things. No need to pay a table fee or handle money. We have one check out
and OCS will keep 25% of what you sell. Contact Angela Reindl (564-4279 or areindl@wi.rr.com) to reserve your table.
NIGHT OF PRAISE—April 18, 2015
Put this on your calendar for a great evening of praise and fellowship. Mr. Rick Geertsma will be our speaker. Our
special music will be provided by “For Praise”. We will also be taking an offering for the new floor covering for the
gymnasium. If you would like to attend or would like to host a table, please contact the school office.
This exciting event is the only one that we ask our students to help raise funds. We are planning a kick-off and will
keep you updated on the plans.
Plan to stay after the Run Jog Walkathon and eat delicious, freshly grilled burgers and brats.
UNITY RIDE—June 6, 2015
New this year—we are adding a 1 mile, 5K and 10K run to the Unity Bike Ride. Come with your whole family for a
morning of exercise. More details to follow. See you at OCS on June 6, 2015. Put it on your calendars!
(February 2, 2015 – April 20, 2015)
Apply now at http://sms.dpi.wi.gov/wpcp-statewide
Oostburg Christian School has applied with the State of Wisconsin to be considered
for the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program (WPCP) for the 2015-16 school year. We need your help in getting
the word out. Do you know families interested in Christian education for their children but need to ease the burden of tuition? It is critical that we contact as many people as possible to maximize the number of applications to increase our chances of being accepted into the program! Students entering 5K – 8th grades qualify at
For the 2015-16 school year, the family income of a student applying to the WPCP must be at or below the amount
listed in the table below. Family size includes parents/legal guardians and their children by birth, marriage or adoption that resides in the same household as the student applicant.
Income at or below 185% federal poverty level
Family Size
Married Credit
*add $7631 for each additional family member.
Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) on the federal income tax return for the prior calendar year (2014 for the 2015-16
school year.
Once completing the online application, families will need to provide residency and income documentation to the
school office. Students will be chosen using a random lottery selection administered by DPI.
Please contact the school office for assistance with your application process or for further information.
Are you planning to go away for Spring Break? Don’t forget to first look over the list of vendors that we can get gift
cards from. All kinds of gas stations, restaurants, hotels, even some airlines—make sure you take a moment to first
look through this list before you leave on your trip. You might as well make a little money while you are spending it!
A full list of vendors is available in the school office.
See page 6 for important information about the upcoming 4k-5 Musical, “Rescue in the Night.”
The Parent/Teacher conference schedule for March 9 & 10 is attached. Please call the school office if the time slot
your kids are scheduled for does not work. If you are unable to attend these nights we need to hear from you so adjustments can be made.
Please check your calendars and save Saturday, April 18, 2015 for our annual Night of Praise (hostess-supper
style) event. Mr. Rick Geertsma, former administrator will be our speaker, and this special night will also include the
Friend of Christian Education award, offering, special music and fellowship celebrating Christian education. Call the
school office if you would like to be part of this enjoyable evening.
Attached is the March hot lunch order form. All orders are due by February 25.
February 25
February 27
March 4
March 5
March 9-10
March 11
March 13
March 18
March 19
March 25
March 30—April 3
Sub Sandwich Hot Lunch
12:20 Dismissal
Pizza Hot Lunch
Cabin Fever Reliever 8:30—10 a.m.
Parent/Teacher Conference
12:20 Dismissal
No School—Teacher Work Day
Sloppy Joe Hot Lunch
4K-5 Musical
Ham & Cheesy Potato Hot Lunch
Spring Break
April 20
8th Grade tip night @ Pizza Ranch
Rescue in the Night
As many parents of 4K-5 students already know, the spring musical is on its way! The
students have been working hard on learning quite a few songs in order to get the
show ready for the performance. This letter is being sent along with the Blue Note to
give parents/guests some details of when this wonderful show is happening, as well as
how to get ready for it.
The show is being performed on March 19, at 6:30 PM. This means that students need
to be in their classrooms by 6:10, ready to walk to the stage. The students should be
wearing dark pants (dark jeans or the like), and a yellow or brown shirt. Preferably the
shirt should not have a logo or design on the front.
If you have any questions, or need any more information about the show, feel free to
contact the Music teacher, Willie Gesch, at either his email (wgesch@scchs.com), or
his cell phone number: (920) 627-9773.
Come one and come all to enjoy this wonderful show about Daniel and the lions’ den,
as presented by the 4K-5th Grades at OCS! Hope to see you all there!