#CHAScholar A quick reference guide of resources available to CHA RESIDENTS currently attending college PRODUCED MARCH 2015 CASSIE BROOKS, CHA EDUCATION SPECIALIST, CBROOKS@THECHA.ORG CHA Scholarship (Applications due May 20th 2015) The Chicago Housing Authority will award over 200 scholarships between $1,000-$2,500 to residents enrolled in college for Fall 2015. Visit www.thecha.org/scholarship to apply. A 2.5 GPA is recommended for applicants. Residency will be verified. Applications due May 20th 2015. CCC Summer Courses for FREE (Register starting April 13th 2015) CHA’s partnership with the City Colleges of Chicago covers the costs of books, fees and tuition year-round—even if you are currently enrolled in another institution. Work with your current institution’s academic advisor to ensure courses will transfer and then attend a CHA/CCC info session to enroll. Call 312.553.2830 and visit http://bit.ly/CHA-CCC for more information. Summer Youth Employment Program (Apply starting April 1st 2015) CHA engages 6,000 youth in summer programs, including students ages 16-24 through the Summer Youth Employment program. Stipends range from $600 for participants, to $1,000 for job coaches. To be considered for CHA jobs, register on two websites starting April 1st. www.onesummerchicago.org and http://youth.thecha.org Work for Summer Advantage (Apply today!) Summer Advantage hires CHA residents, including college students, to serve in the Learn & Earn program, a summer program focused on academic enrichment and career exploration for 13-15 year olds. Summer hiring is on-going. Learn more about positions at http://bit.ly/CHA2015SA Section 3 Jobs (On-going opportunities) CHA residents can apply for employment with the CHA and its contractors through the Section 3 Job Portal at https://section3jobs.thecha.org/ To apply for a position listed in the system, residents must log on and complete an applicant profile. New job announcements are sent via email and complete applications will be provided to their hiring contractors. FamilyWorks Offices (On-going opportunities) For Public Housing families, your FamilyWorks provider may have additional resources available visit www.thecha.org/residents/services/ to identify your local provider. Stay in touch with CHA! USE #CHASCHOLAR & FOR The latest news FOLLOW /CHAonFB /theCHAtweets /chicagohousingauthority /chihousingauthority
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