PERSPECTIVES The trader’s view Ralph Sebastian and Thomas Roesner comment on the market development in interest rates so far this year and how they see the current mix of central bank expectations, fundamental economic releases, credit spread movements, Emerging Market jitters and their geopolitical repercussions unfolding. RALPH SEBASTIAN HEAD OF INTEREST RATES TRADING THOMAS ROESNER HEAD OF RATES FLOW TRADING The year 2013, in our opinion, was a good step forward on the path to recovery from the crisis in Europe. Equities in developed markets showed an unexpectedly positive performance, credit spreads generally tightened substantially, European peripheral government spreads stabilised and started a tightening trend, and long-end yields in EUR, USD and GBP increased more than had 32 EUROPEAN EXPERTISE 33 PERSPECTIVES been anticipated by many market participants at the beginning of the year. 2013 ended with the impression that the Fed managed the exit from its asset purchasing programme exceptionally well and that yields could go orderly higher from here. There seemed to be one market consensus trade emerging: Short Duration and Long Credit. It is obvious that one half of that trade, Long Credit, worked so far this year and looks like it will stay the course, while the other half, Short Duration, did not. The opposite of the expected happened and the offer in bond prices proved to be the weak side of the market almost every day. The question now is whether we see this as a setback and the trend in long end interest rates broken, or whether the recent rally in government bonds is a retarding moment to be followed by a resumption of a slowly moving bond bear market. When we asked one analyst early in the year who had been in line with the consensus view whether he was still comfortable with his assessment from late 2013, he stated yes, but that there was something bothering him, namely that it was all too obvious and easy. From a trader’s perspective, we shared that slight discomfort, because we had quite often seen that when a majority of the market shares the same expectation, the opposite then happens and unwinding of speculative risk positions causes the market moves to overshoot. So where was the blind spot, what spoiled the party? From our perspective, the driving forces for the move lower in yields were: A mixed bag in US economic figures, especially some bad headline Non-Farm Payrolls, possibly explained by the harsh weather conditions in parts of the US Low euro zone inflation readings, sparking expectations for the ECB to cut rates again, this time into negative territory in the deposit rate. Emerging Market jitters, albeit not widespread but centered on idiosyncratic cases such as Turkey, Venezuela and Ukraine, where the latter came into the spotlight lately even as a geopolitical issue And finally, we cannot help the feeling that dealers had been running light books at the end of 2013, but then positioned more aggressively on the short bond side in early 2014, continuously having to stop out again, which then resulted in bond futures ratcheting higher and higher. • • • • 34 At times this year, there was a deja-vu in risk-off market reactions showing the well-known correlations from the height of the crisis: swap spread widening, credit spread widening, volatility spiking, JPY crosses lower, equities lower and bonds higher. These correlated moves had not been seen in quite some time. One thing didn’t fit in, though. The EUR peripheral government spreads showed remarkable resilience, even benefiting from Emerging Markets’ weakness, being dubbed as ‘safe pick-up havens’. And this is where we see the starting point for the outlook on the remainder of 2014. It really looks like the situation in Europe is improving fundamentally. There are encouraging early indicators of improvements in Greece and Spain. EUROPEAN EXPERTISE “It really looks like the situation in Europe is improving fundamentally. There are encouraging early indicators of improvements in Greece and Spain.” And what is more, the negative spiral in which the weaker EUR sovereigns were caught, ratings downgrades followed by spread widening followed by downgrades and so on, is now turning around into a positive spiral. Ireland received a rating upgrade as did Spain, even with positive outlook. Given the continuing trend in tighter spreads in those countries, ratings agencies see lower and lower systemic risks. Against that backdrop, end investors who could not invest in these countries anymore are now back in the game and supporting the move. This should eventually also filter through to an economic recovery in these countries with stronger growth and inflation picking up. As far as the drivers of the recent move are concerned, the US bond market may stay supported as compared to Europe on the back of a general EM slowdown. The European inflation reading – still on the low side in March, should head back up to above 1% in the coming months due to basis effects, putting the ECB rate cut discussion to bed once and for all. The situation in Ukraine may get resolved, or not give so much cause for geopolitical worries. And trading positions in the market are now more balanced. The recent bond rally made the pendulum swing back. Now the risks we are seeing are clearly on the upside for rates, acceleration of economic recovery, inflation discussions shifting towards higher inflation again and central banks falling behind the curve. Timing is always the difficult part, but we would not be surprised if this comes into play towards the second half of 2014. RS, TR 35 PERSPECTIVES Disclaimer This document has been created and published by the Corporates & Markets division of Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt/Main or the group companies mentioned in the document (“Commerzbank”). Commerzbank Corporates & Markets is the investment banking division of Commerzbank, integrating research, debt, equities, interest rates and foreign exchange. This is a financial promotion/marketing communication (together “communication”). It is not “investment research” or “financial analysis” as these terms are defined in applicable regulations. Material contributed by research analysts is not issuer specific nor intended to be presented as independent financial analysis. 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