The Showbox gopher Dairy Club 2009 Edition I Meet the 2009-2010 Executive Team in this issue Meet the Executive Team Gopher Dairy Camp Recap State Fair Dairy Bar Review GDC Hosts FFA Students for Fall Invitational Gopher Dairy Judging Update GDC Hosts Annual Alumni Reunion 2009-2010 Roster Member and Alumni Recognition (L-R) Jessie Ingvalson, Staci Sexton, Courtney Heuer, Erica Seitzer, Charlie Schiller, Jessica Achen President, Charlie Schiller is a senior in Animal Science, Industry Emphasis with a minor in Applied Economics. He grew up on a 100 cow Holstein dairy farm in Freeport, MN. Charlie is the son of Michael and Karen. On campus he is involved in Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity, Minnesota Royal Executive Committee, Block and Bridle and is a member of the Gopher Dairy Judging Team. Vice President, Jessica Achen is a senior in Animal Science Dairy Production Emphasis. Jessica is the daughter of Craig and Cindy of Sauk Centre, MN. Her family milks 68 cows including Holstein, Brown Swiss, and Milking Shorthorn. Jessica is actively involved in Lambda Delta Phi Sorority and enjoys to travel. Treasurer, Staci Sexton a senior in Animal Science. She grew up on 90 cow Holstein Dairy farm in Millville, MN and is the daughter of Vince and Sheri. On campus Staci is involved in Beta of Clovia sorority and is a member of the Minnesota Royal Executive Committee. Secretary, Courtney Heuer is a junior in Animal Science, and co-manager of the Gopher Dairy Bar. She grew up on a five generation family farm in Howard Lake, MN and is the daughter of Roger and Cindy. Courtney is also the assistant overall chair of Minnesota Royal and serves on the Animal Science curriculum committee. Reporter, Erica Seitzer, is a senior in Applied Economics, and co-editor of the GDC yearbook. She was raised on a family dairy farm in St. Peter, MN and is the daughter of Jerry and Carol. Throughout her college career she has been a member of Beta of Clovia sorority, CFANS Student Board, the Agriculture Future of America organization and National Agri-Marketing Association. Student Board Representative, Jessie Ingvalson is a junior in Animal Science. Jessie works for the Center of Outdoor Adventure as a climbing wall assistant. Next Semester, Jessie will be studying abroad in Ecuador. She grew up on a dairy farm in souther Minnesota, where her father and brother, Don and Eric Ingvalson, currently milk 120 Holsteins on 383 acres. Contact Info: 612.624.2277 1 Gopher Dairy Camp 2009 is a Success! -Karen Anderson The Gopher Dairy Camp was held at the St. Paul Campus of the University of Minnesota on June 11-13, 2009. Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota and Wisconsin were represented with fifty- two campers participating in the 6th annual camp. The camp highlights included ‘buying’ a calf from auctioneer Jeff Balcom and learning how to fit and properly show the calf. Educational sessions were also given about sire selection, dairy nutrition, dairy judging and understanding how to positively promote the dairy industry. Campers also had time to relax and meet new friends at the Grand Rios Water Park. Furthermore, the campers were recognized for their accomplishments at a pancake breakfast awards banquet. The Gopher Dairy Camp could not have been a success without the wealth of industry representatives, University of Minnesota alumni, students and faculty who contributed to the camp’s activities. Thank you to our sponsors and everyone who pitched in to make this Minnesota camp a success! Gopher Dairy Camp provides a unique opportuntity for kids to learn and enhance their daiy cattle knowledge. It was organized by Zach Sawall and Karen Anderson (Co-Chairs) with help from Missy Mussman and Jenn Becker, the alumni chairs. The camp was successful with the help of nine current Gopher Dairy Club members. Chilly Weather still brings customers to the dairy bar -Staci Sexton and Brett Boyum The cold didn’t hold back the Gopher Dairy Bar this year. Even with days of rainy weather at the Minnesota State Fair, the Gopher Dairy Bar was able to bring in over $197,000. This year’s senior managers were Brett Boyum and Staci Sexton, and the junior managers were Courtney Heuer and Stacey Butler. The Dairy Bar is vital to the club’s success as it is the only fundraisrer. The profits earned from the Dairy Bar are used for club activities throughout the year including the annual banquet, senior trip and ADSA meetings. Additionally these earnings provide scholarships for incoming students, as well as organizational donations. As in previous years the club donated 1,500 coupons to the Milk Run participants, of which 1,254 coupons were redeemed this year for free shakes. The club also donated coupons to dairy judging practice hosts. This year there were over 60 members that worked at the Gopher Dairy Bar. The GDC members help everything run smoothly. They are excited and motivated to work at the State Fair and without their contribution, the Gopher Dairy Bar would not have been a success. A great thanks goes out to all the people who support the Gopher Dairy Bar and also those who came and visited us during the days of the great Minnesota get together. Come visit us at the 2010 Minnesota State Fair. We will happily serve you with a milkshake and a smile! 2 Gopher Dairy Judging Team Takes Top Three in all National Contests -Jessica Achen Once again Minnesota was a top contender in all the National Contests, placing in the top three at all four national contests. Placing 3rd Overall and 1st in Reasons at the Accelerated Genetics Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest in Viroqua, WI on September 20th. The junior team consisted of Caitlin Kasper, Megan Herberg, Abby Udermann, and Robert Westman. The team was 1st in Brown Swiss, 2nd in Jersey, 3rd in Guernsey, and 4th in Ayrshire and Holstein. Individually Caitlin was 2nd Overall, 3rd in Reasons, 1st in Brown Swiss and Holstein; Megan was 9th Overall, 4th in Reasons, 1st in Ayrshire, and 2nd in Brown Swiss; Abby was 16th Overall, 7th in Reasons, and 3rd in Jersey. The Senior Team composed of Jessica Achen, Staci Sexton, Mike Donnelly, and Brandon Theising made the long trek to the All-American Dairy Show Intercollegiate Contest in Harrisburg, PA on September 21st. The team was 2nd Overall and Reasons. In the different breeds they were 1st in Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, and Jersey Breeds, 4th in Holstein, and 6th in Guernsey. Individually Brandon was 3rd Overall and Reasons, 2nd in Brown Swiss and Jersey, 5th in Ayrshire, and 7th in Holstein; Mike was 4th Overall, 14th in Reasons, 1st in Brown Swiss (winning the Swiss Bell!) and 7th in Ayrshire; Jessica was 7th Overall, 8th in Reasons, 3rd in Brown Swiss, 4th in Guernsey, and 8th in Ayrshire. Junior Dairy Judging Team (L-R): Dr. Les Hansen; coach, Alicia Thurk; coach, Robert Westman, Caitlin Kasper, Kevin Borst, Abby Udermann, Megan Herberg, Mikayla Krause and coach Scott Ellinghuysen Senior Dairy Judging Team (L-R): Dr. Les Hansen; coach, Alicia Thurk; coach, Staci Sexton, Charlie Schiller, Brandon Theising, Jessica Achen, Mike Donnelly, Jeff Pagel and coach Scott Ellinghuysen The same team competed at the National Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Judging Contest at World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI on September 29th. The Team was 3rd Overall, 4th in Reasons, 3rd in Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, and Red & White, and 5th in Milking Shorthorn. The team also did well individually, Brandon was 11th Overall, 6th in Reasons, 2nd Milking Shorthorn, and 8th in Brown Swiss; Jessica was 12th Overall, 2nd Red & White, 6th in Guernsey, 9th in Jersey; Staci was 21st Overall, 3rd in Ayrshire, 5th in Brown Swiss, and 9th in Holsteins. The final contest of the year took place at the North American International Livestock Exposition Center in Louisville, KY on November 8th. The team was composed of senior Charlie Schiller and juniors Catlin Kasper, Megan Herberg, and Abby Udderman. The team was 3rd Overall, 2nd in Holstein, 3rd in Guernsey, 4th in Ayrshire, 5th in Jersey, and 7th in Brown Swiss. Individually Megan was 4th Overall, 6th in Reasons, 2nd in Brown Swiss, and 4th in Holstein; Abby was 9th Overall and 2nd in Jersey; and Caitlin was 12th Overall, 6th in Ayrshire, 7th in Brown Swiss. All of this success wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated coaches of the judging teams: Dr. Les Hansen, Scott Ellinghuysen and Alicia Thurk; also assisting were Barry Visser, and Kim DeFrang. Thank you for your time, advice, and expertise you provided in helping the teams succeed. We would also like to extend a special thank you to all of the farms that let us come practice! 3 FFA Fall Invitational Moves to Miracle of Birth Center -Stacey Butler As fall comes around the Gopher Dairy Club gets ready to host the FFA Fall Invitational on the St. Paul Campus. One large change for the members was moving the location of the contest to the Miracle of Birth Center on the Minnesota State Fair grounds. With the larger facilities the contestants were able to stay dry and have room to view the cattle. The contest was held October 8th, 2009. This year there were 288 FFA participants and 54 teams that participated. There were two rings going simultaneously to give the contestants time to view each animal and to make the contest stay on time. GDC members went between the two rings to help with any confusion. All FFA members did a great job and scored high. The top three teams were Brillion, Randolph #2, and Forest Lake. The top individuals were Mary Liebenstein from Randolph #2 (402), Andrew Miron from Forest Lake (400), and Paul Johnson from Winona (398). GDC Hosts Annual Aumni Reunion -Krsity Mussman The Golden Gopher Dairy Club traveled across rival borders to Madison, Wisconsin for the annual Alumni Reunion. The reunion was held on October 2nd 2009, in conjuction with World Dairy Expo. Charlie Schiller- club president, extended a big maroon and gold welcome to nearly 60 past and present Gopher Dairy Club memebers. Both young and old shared their proud memories of being involved in our organization and how we have been able to expand our horizons through the dairy industry. The club takes pride in putting on a great contest. There were over 35 members who helped with the clipping, washing, leading, hauling and taking reasons during the contest. This was a very successful year and the contest chairs, Darin Davis and Stacey Butler, would like to thank all GDC members and participants for a great contest. See you in the spring! 4 Each year, the Gopher Dairy Club is proud to host this event for our alumni and this night always proves our passion for our University and the dairy industry! 2009-2010 Gopher Dairy Club Roster Emily Achen Jessica Achen Jacob Achen Jacob Albrecht Jannelle Andersen Karen Anderson Kevin Anderson Steph Backhaus Lindsey Beckendorf Jane Bergquist Kevin Borst Brett Boyum Kelsey Brandt Laura Bunke Stacy Butler Willie Coyne Chris Dahlke Luke Daninger Darin Davis Kevin Davis Mike Donnelly Caity Durow Kirstin Durow Keith Engle Taylor Engquist John Ertl Tyler Evink Erika Fernholz Emily Fox Kerri Haider David Hanson Jesse Heitke Scott Helgeson Matt Herberg Megan Herberg Courtney Heuer Meg Hintzen Alex Hintz Kyle Hoen Kelsey Hoen Jessie Ingvalson Jason Kaare Ryan Kappers Caitlin Kasper Danielle Kiefer Mikayla Krause Emily Krekelberg Andy Kryzer Katie Kubacki Erin Laboda Chris Love Morgan MacDonald Kyle Mathews Lucien McBeth Shance McFadden Lee Michels Josh Miller Theresa Miniscalco Kristy Mussman Molly Neil Elizabeth Olson Ellie Opitz Jeff Pagel Jessica Rauba Megan Reeck Brenda Reiter Michelle Reitsma Cory Riewe Mitch Rosenfeld Abby Rudenick Isaac Salfer Zach Sawall Abby Sawatzke Charlie Schiller Erica Seitzer Staci Sexton Randi Staudinger Ashley Swenson Ryan Tentis Brandon Thesing Laura Thompson Theresa Twohey Abby Udermann Megan Udermann Pamela VonRuden Brandon Walter Brian Walters Laura Weisz Robert Westman Becca Wiley Patricia Zentner Amanda Zwieg 5 Gopher Dairy Club 1364 Eckles Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55108 Cograts to these current and Alumni GDC members! Weddings: • Kristen Heitke and Alex Jankila were united on January 10, 2009 • Justin Reeck married Lisa Thompson on February 7, 2009 • Amanda Eppen married Derrik Sommers on April 14, 2009 • Jennifer Borash and Ryan Burggaff were married May 23, 2009 • Lucas Sjostrom and Alise Jennissen were married on June 6, 2009 • Carlina Sloan and Pat Gallagher wed on June 13, 2009 • Kia Vander Kooi and Aaron Nystrom were united on September 12, 2009 • Adam Dicke and Melisa Huneke were married September 12, 2009 • Casey Rickemen and Brian Walters were married Octoer 17, 2009 6 Engagements: • Megan Reeck is engaged to be married to Dan Roberts on May 29, 2010 • Ashely Bents and Josh Hein are engaged and planning a June 12, 2010 wedding • Amanda Alberg and Luke Zwilling are engaged to be married July 10, 2010 • Chris Dahlke and Amy Esselman are engaged to be married August 14, 2010 • Ahnna Olson and Kyle Compart are engaged and planning a September 11, 2010 wedding • Janelle Kuechle is engaged to be married to Andy Daberkow on September 18, 2010 • Kristy Mussman and Paul Miron are engaged and planning a November 20, 2010 wedding Dates to Remember February 7th: Annual Gopher Dairy Club Banquet February 26th27th: Midwest Regional ADSA-SAD April 12-17th: Minnesota Royal April 17th: Annual Minnesota Royal Alumni BBQ and showmanship contest
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