Hazleton Area Board of Education Regular Monthly Board Meeting Hazleton Area School District Administration Building 6:15 P.M., Thursday, February 26, 2015 A - Call to Order by Board President B - Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence C - Attendance Roll Call D - Announcement of Executive Sessions held as follows: February 10, 2015 - Personnel February 26, 2015 - Personnel & Negotiations E - Public Announcements and Recognition F - Public Comment Directed to the Board on Agenda Items Only G - Approve Board Mtg. Minutes: Regular Board Meeting, January 22, 2015 Special Board Meeting, February 17, 2015 H - Treasurer Report for January, 2015 Check Presentation for Marsilio Family Fundraiser Brief Presentation on Graduation Requirements by Mr. Rocco Petrone Curriculum and Instruction Approve Items 1-12 With One Motion 1. Recommend Board approve the following college students to do observations: Kevin Kesselring Molly Maloney Marissa Pac Jennifer Elias Brianna Corra Katlyn Berry Desiree Grey Angela Gucu Bethany Murray Christina Merrick Bloomsburg PSU-Hazleton PSU-Hazleton Grand Canyon Univ. PSU-Hazleton PSU-Hazleton LCCC LCCC Bloomsburg Kutztown University 40 Hours 40 Hours 40 Hours 20 Hours 40 Hours 40 Hours 150 Hours 40 Hours 20 Hours 10 hours 2. Recommend Board approve the renewal of the annual agreement with Follett Software and Destiny Solution to be used in the district school libraries, at the cost of $17,737.73. 3. Recommend Board approve the formation of a curriculum writing team to revise the Chemistry curriculum (9-12). The team will be no larger than six members, paid at the HAEA contracted rate of $31.00 per hour. Page 1 of 10 Regular Monthly Board Meeting February 26, 2015 REVISED 2-26-2015 4. Recommend Board approve a black light dance for the 7th and 8th grade students at McAdoo-Kelayres Elementary/Middle School. It will be held in the cafeteria. There will be a DJ sponsored by student council. Tickets will cost $3.00 to cover the cost of the DJ. The dance will be held Friday, March 13, 2015. * 5. Recommend Board approve Pre-K Summer Program to be paid from Ready to Learn Grant. 6. Recommend Board approve revisions to the 2014-15 school calendar, as presented. 7. Recommend Board approve the 2015-2016 school calendar, as presented. 8. Recommend Board approve HASD students (K-12th) to wear Teen Suicide Prevention T-shirts to school on Friday, May 1, 2015. T-shirts to be sold for $10.00 by HAHS SADD Club and students may purchase T-shirts during the month of April. Proceeds will benefit the “Help STOP the Silence Suicide Prevention & Support” program offered through Catholic Social Services. 9. Recommend Board approve Maple Manor Elementary/ Middle School to hold a “Movie at the Manor” fundraiser for its students on Friday, March 13, 2015, 6:008:30 PM, at a cost of $2.00 per student. This event will defray the costs for Fun Day. 10. Recommend Board approve an agreement between Lackawanna College and Hazleton Area Career Center, pending Attorney Slusser’s approval. 11. Recommend Board approve two teams from HAAS to compete at the Kane Competition, held on April 15, 2015, at the University of Scranton. Registration fee is $50 per team. 12. Recommend Board approve the 3rd annual Michael Balliet Foul Shot Shoot-Out for its students at Drums Elementary/Middle School on March 6, 2015 @ 6:00 PM, at a cost of $5.00 per student to participate. Bake sale, pizza, and prizes will be available. The event will be sponsored by the PTA and all proceeds will benefit Pediatric Brain Cancer Research. The day of the benefit, Drums students are able to wear red t-shirts in remembrance of Michael who would have been in the current 8th grade class. Special Education, ESL, Alternative Education Approve Items 13-21 With One Motion 13. Recommend Board approve middle school gifted students to visit Hydroponics Plant Berwick/PPL Wetlands on March 17, 2015. 14. Recommend Board approve 7th grade gifted students to attend Box of Light Film Animation Workshop in Bloomsburg on April 1, 2015. Page 2 of 10 Regular Monthly Board Meeting February 26, 2015 REVISED 2-26-2015 15. Recommend Board approve 6th grade gifted students to attend Wilkes University Adventures in Science 2015 Program at the Wilkes University Stark Learning Center Wilkes-Barre on April 24, 2015. 16. Recommend Board approve a team of 8 middle school gifted students to attend the KNEX STEM Design Challenge at the LIU 18 in Kingston on February 23, 2015. 17. Recommend Board approve contract for an independent functional behavioral assessment to be conducted by Student Assistance Services at a cost $525.00 per day. Per settlement agreement. Pending Attorney Slusser’s approval. 18. Recommend Board approve 11th and 12th grade gifted students to compete in the 67th Annual Luzerne County Council Teachers of Mathematics Contest hosted by the Mathematics Department of Wilkes University at Wilkes University on March 2, 2015. 19. Recommend Board approve the following increase in related services fees for billing back other districts for extra year Early Intervention students: Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy $75.00/hr. and Vision Therapy $90.00/hr. 20. Recommend Board approve the purchase of the monthly 2-page advertisement in El Mansajero, the local Spanish newspaper, at a cost of $3,000.00 to be paid from Title III funds. 21. Recommend Board approve the posting and hiring of two ESL teachers to serve Maple Manor Elementary/ Middle School grades 7 and 8 for the 2015-16 school year. Nutrition 22. Recommend Board approve the cafeteria transfers- new hires as listed below. These are all open positions and rate is based on the HAESPA contract. A - Carolyn Perhonitch B - Misty Leitner C - Theresa Sturm D - Diane Gregoire E - Stephanie Murphy HACC ASE FEMS DEMS MMEMS 3.50 Hours 3.75 Hours 6.50 Hours 3.50 Hours 4.75 Hours Transportation 23. Recommend Board approve school bus route changes. (See Attached) Page 3 of 10 Regular Monthly Board Meeting February 26, 2015 REVISED 2-26-2015 Technology 24. Recommend Board approve the purchase of Skyward Student Information System to be implemented beginning the 2015/2016 school year. The cost for the system is as follows: 2014/2015 (due March 2015) 2015/2016 (due July 2015) 2016/2017 and beyond $ 43,119.00 $176,713.00 $ 73,269.00 (estimated) Additionally, yearly server hosting costs (by ISCorp) beginning 7/2015 not to exceed $33,000 per year. Approve Items 25-26 With One Motion 25. Recommend Board approve the Product Evaluation Agreement with ePlus Technology. 26. Recommend Board approve the Hewlett Packard lease purchase of 45 laptop computers associated with lease #101247000025 at a total cost of $1,386.65 (This is the final end of lease buyout payment). These computers are being used for HAVA. Pricing is as per COSTARS state contract, pending approval by Attorney Slusser. Student Activities, Athletics and Extra Curricular 27. Recommend Board appoint the following Athletic Coaches: A - Justine Maggio Head Coach Jr. High Softball Salary $2,586 B - Briana Huff Assistant Coach Jr. High Softball Salary $1,498 C - Charles Jurewicz Volunteer Assistant Softball Coach D - Daniel Rebarchak Volunteer Assistant Softball Coach Facilities & Capital Projects Approve Items 28-30 With One Motion 28. Recommend Board approve Michael Cera’s, Alfred Benesch & Company Engineers, recommendation of quoting out the remainder of the Boiler Repair Project to the most competitive of three quotes. The repairs are required by The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry. 29. Recommend Board approve bid transfer of Laura Ellis, Custodian from Drums Elementary/Middle School to West Hazleton Elementary/Middle School. 30. Recommend Board approve change order for 3B Services, Inc. in the amount of $542.50 for labor and material to correct lost power to the domestic water heater at Freeland Elementary/Middle School. Page 4 of 10 Regular Monthly Board Meeting February 26, 2015 REVISED 2-26-2015 Finance 31. Recommend Board adopt the attached Resolution authorizing and securing approximately $10,000,000 of the School District's General Obligation Bonds, Series A of 2015, as presented by Bond Counsel. (New money) 32. Recommend Board adopt the attached Resolution authorizing and securing approximately $11,610,000 of the School District's General Obligation Bonds, Series B of 2015, as presented by Bond Counsel. (Refunding) 33. Recommend Board approve the attached Resolutions for the sale of Hazleton Area School District Delinquent Real Estate Tax Liens with Commonwealth Tax Strategies, LLC as the Serving Agent, pending approval from Attorney Slusser. 34. Recommend Board approve the Resolution regarding the withdrawl of the appeal on the Gun Range in Hazle Township. Approve Items 35-45 With One Motion 35. Recommend Board approve the Property Tax Refunds. 36. Recommend Board approve the following bids, request for qualifications and/or request for proposals (RFP’s) (Due Date 11:00 A.M., Thursday, February 19, 2015) for the following: (See Bid/RFP/RFQ Tabulations) A - Contracted Student Transportation Routes (Bid) B - Demand Response Services (RFP) (REJECTED TO BE RE-ADVERTISED) C - ERATE Internal Network Cabling (Bid) D - ERATE Network Hardware Upgrade (Bid) E - Request for Qualifications for Architectural Services (TABLED) 37. Recommend Board accept the following commission checks and grants: A - West Hazleton El./Middle School from National Energy Foundation - $250.00 B - West Hazleton El./Middle School from Terracycle US, LLC - $520.20 C – Heights-Terrace After School Program from PPL - $1,500.00 D - HAHS from Target - $37.06 38. Recommend Board approve the IMR Scan Pro 2000 Maintenance Agreement for service on the Microfiche Machine located in the HAHS Guidance Office at a cost of $995.00 per year for a one year period with IMR Limited, pending approval by Attorney Slusser. 39. Recommend Board approve the purchase of the K12 Enterprise Software Upgrade in the amount of $97,380.00. (This motion for the upgrade will retract last month’s agenda item of $15,351.94 for the K12 Enterprise Software Maintenance Renewal) 40. Recommend Board approve the renewal of SchoolDude.com thru 2/29/2016 in the amount of $13,569.37. Page 5 of 10 Regular Monthly Board Meeting February 26, 2015 REVISED 2-26-2015 41. Recommend Board approve inviting the following community members to serve on the initial Board of Directors for the Hazleton Area Education Foundation. (To be discussed in Executive Session) 42. Recommend Board approve as per procedure #29 of the rental policy to waive all fees for The African Missions Project to use the Gymnasiums at the Hazleton Area High School, Hazleton El./Middle School or Maple Manor El./Middle School on Saturday, March 21, 2015 & Sunday, March 22, 2015 for a Basketball Tournament Fundraiser. 43. Recommend Board approve the purchase of two (2) Meter Cert Kits in the total amount of $12,178.32 from Snap-On Industrial. (Lowest of 3 quotes solicited) 44. Recommend Board approve the purchase of the following weight room equipment for the HAHS weight room from the Fitness Headquarters: Paramount Strength Equipment Cable Cross Jungle Modular System 2-170 lb. Lat Pull Down 2-310 lb. Low Row 2-210 lb. Bicep Curls Tricep Extension Pin Select Leg Extension Leg Curl Model # Qty. Unit Cost TOTAL MS-8000 MS-1500 MS-1600 MS-1100 MS-1200 1 $5,995.00 2 $2,195.00 2 $1,995.00 1 $1,395.00 1 $1,450.00 $5,995.00 $4,390.00 $3,990.00 $1,395.00 $1,450.00 FS-60 FS-61 1 1 $2,445.00 $2,545.00 $2,445.00 $2,545.00 Equipment Cost Freight Install Delivery $22,210.00 $ Total Cost 600.00 $22,810.00 45. Bills A - Andrews & Beard - Attorney Carl Beard - Legal Services - Invoice No. 328991 - $4,500.00 - Invoice No. 329249 - $45.00 - Invoice No. 329250 $60.00 (re-submit from last month) B - Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams LLP - Legal Services - Atty. A. Evans - Invoice No. 92582 - $518.00 Invoice No. 92583 - $532.82 - Invoice No. 92910 - $296.00 - Invoice No. 92911 - $129.50 C - Barry Isett & Associates, Inc. - HASD - HACC Classroom Fit-Out - 12/1/2014 to 12/31/2014 - GOB 2014 - Invoice No. 0096329 - $807.50 - HAHS Pool Water Testing 12/1/2014 to 12/31/2014 - General Fund - $1,432.50 D - Valley Testing and Balancing, Inc. – Maple Manor El./Middle School - Invoice No. 2421 GOB 2014 - $2,590.00 E - Jay R. Reynolds, Inc. - Maple Manor El./Middle School - GOB 2014 - Payment Application No. 17 - $75,539.00 Page 6 of 10 Regular Monthly Board Meeting February 26, 2015 REVISED 2-26-2015 F - School Specialty Furniture & Equipment - Maple Manor El./Middle School - GOB 2014 - Invoice No. 608100017098 - $78,860.53 - Invoice No. 608100017098A - $3,890.00 G - Alfred Benesch Engineers - McAdoo-Kelayres El./Middle School Waterline Investigation - General Fund - Invoice No. 79210 - $1,665.00 - HASD Boiler Repair Project - Valley, West Hazleton, 9th Grade Center (HTELC) and Freeland - 12/22/2014 to 1/18/2015 - General Fund - Invoice No. 79088 - $212.00 H - 3B Services, Inc. – HASD Boiler Repair Project – Valley, West Hazleton, 9th Grade Center (HTELC) and Freeland - General Fund - Payment Application No. 1 - $23,641.70 I - James M. Darby, Esquire – Arbitrator & Mediator – HAEA Case 2013-0605 - 10-17-14 - $700.00 J - Wright Specialty Insurance - Claim No. CND-PA-2014-7826-9926 - Invoice No. 48934 - Deductible Amount - $1,063.50 K - Follett Library Resources - Hazleton Area School District - Library Trust Fund - $164.67 $540.90 L - Alfred Benesch Engineers - Heights-Terrace El./Middle School - General Fund Reimbursed By Safe Route To Schools Grant - 10/27/2014 to 11/23/2014 - $2,934.41 Invoice No. 78305 - 11/24/2014 to 12/21/2014 - $5,868.82 - Invoice No. 79087 - $5,868.82 M - General Fund - Monthly - $574,245.90 - Weekly - $1,534,661.58 - Activities - $33,403.56 Athletics - $31,160.03 - Cafeteria - $218,296.18 - Tax Refunds - $1,668.35 FYI Treasurer Report Investment Report Budget Report Rental Requests Student Activities Superintendent’s Agenda Approve Items 46-52 With One Motion 46. Recommend Board approve the attached conference request list. 47. Recommend Board approve the attached substitute list. 48. Recommend Board approve the attached school functions list. 49. Recommend Board rescind 1/22/15 motion to appoint Mayra Castro, 6.5 hr. Bilingual Paraprofessional, WHEMS, at a salary of $11.05 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA contract, pending receipt of clearances. 50. Recommend Board approve Lydia Latella, 4.5 hr. General Secretary, HAHS, at a salary of $10.98 in accordance with the HAESPA, pending receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. 51. Recommend Board approve Frank Stish, 4.5 hr. Special Education Paraprofessional, HAHS, at a salary of $10.81 per hour in accordance with the HAESPA Agreement, pending receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. 52. Recommend Board approve _______________ as Elementary Teacher at a salary of $______________ in accordance with the HAEA Agreement, pending receipt of clearances and Act 168 disclosure form. Page 7 of 10 Regular Monthly Board Meeting February 26, 2015 REVISED 2-26-2015 Approve Items 53-67 With One Motion 53. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for BRI004, Teacher, HTEMS, effective approximately 1/30/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 54. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for MIL012, Teacher, HACC, effective approximately 1/6/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 55. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for SCA010, Teacher, VEMS, effective approximately 2/5/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 56. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for SAN007, Teacher, WHEMS, effective 1/5/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 57. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for BAN003, Psychologist, effective approximately 3/25/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 58. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for MAS003, Custodian, HTELC, effective approximately 1/30/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 59. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for ROS022, Secretary, MKEMS, effective 3/4/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 60. Recommend Board approve a medical leave for SCA011, Nursing Assistant, HACC, effective 2/24/2015 in accordance with the Family Medical Leave Act. 61. Recommend Board approve an unpaid medical leave extension for KLI003, Paraprofessional, ASES, effective approximately 3/1/2015. 62. Recommend Board approve the retirement of Paula Bodnar, Teacher, MKEMS, effective the last day of the 2014-2015 school year. 63. Recommend Board approve the retirement of David Billet, Teacher, HACC, effective the last day of the 2014-2015 school year. 64. Recommend Board approve the retirement of Johanna Milot, Teacher, HTELC, effective the last day of the 2014-2015 school year. 65. Recommend Board approve the retirement of Mary Ann Molendini, Teacher, HAHS, effective the last day of the 2014-2015 school year. 66. Recommend Board approve the retirement of Linda Sabia, Teacher, DEMS, effective the last day of the 2014-2015 school year. 67. Recommend Board approve the retirement of Marie Shulenski, Teacher, MKEMS, effective the last day of the 2014-2015 school year. Page 8 of 10 Regular Monthly Board Meeting February 26, 2015 REVISED 2-26-2015 Approve Items 68-78 With One Motion 68. Recommend Board approve the retirement of Patricia Cannon, Teacher, HACC, effective the last day of the 2014-2015 school year. 69. Recommend Board approve the retirement of Dawn Pangrazzi, Teacher, WHEMS, effective 2/5/2015. 70. Recommend Board approve the retirement of Angie Black, Teacher, HACC, effective the last day of the 2014-2015 school year. 71. Recommend Board approve the retirement of Irene Wilner, Teacher, MKEMS, effective the last day of the 2014-2015 school year. 72. Recommend Board approve the resignation of Patricia Wisemiller, Paraprofessional, HTEMS, effective February 17, 2015. 73. Recommend Board approve retirement of Paul Lieb, Maintenance, HAHS, effective March 13, 2015. 74. Recommend Board approve the WVIA Agreement for a one year term for 2015-2016 in the amount of $5,000.00/year. (Because it a one year agreement the fee was increased by $250.00) * 75. Recommend Board approve the expulsion for student No. 15-15. * 76. Recommend Board approve the expulsion with contract for student No. 15-16. * 77. Recommend Board approve Teachers, Administration, and Staff of the Hazleton Area Career Center, Hazleton Area High School, and Hazleton Area Academy of Sciences that would like to donate one (1) sick day each to Donald Smith, Teacher, Hazleton Area Career Center, whose son is in critical condition at Lehigh Valley Hospital, Allentown. * 78. Recommend Board approve the following Adult Education Spring Classes: Below is a schedule with the dates and teachers names for the adult vocational evening programs. The rate for teaching the programs is $31.00 an hour. HAZLETON AREA CAREER CENTER ADULT EDUCATION SPRING 2015 Courses Day Teacher Dates PA SAFETY INSPECTION WELDING Monday Larry DeBello Monday & Wednesday Rich Tihansky 2/23/15 TO 3/23/15 3/9/15 TO 4/29/15 Page 9 of 10 Regular Monthly Board Meeting February 26, 2015 REVISED 2-26-2015 CULINARY Tuesday Anthony Yurek KNITTING Tuesday Karen Malt/Colleen Bognet MICROSOFT EXCEL PRECISION MACHINE Tuesday Pat Cannon Wednesday Joe Chicalese 2/17/15 TO 4/21/15 2/24/15 TO 5/5/15 2/17/15 TO 4/28/15 2/18/15 TO 4/29/15 *Not on Previous Agenda Regular Monthly Board Meeting February 26, 2015 Page 10 of 10 REVISED 2-26-2015
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